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Begin. Good morning today is tuesday, september 22, 2015. This is the this is the regularly scheduled meeting of the abatement appeals board id like to reminder everyone to turn off Electronic Devices the first item roll call commissioner president melgar commissioner mccarthy commissioner mar pr committee commissioner walker commissioner mccray is expected and the next item the oath will all parties infesting testimony please stand your right hand do you solemnly swear or affirm the testimony youre about to give will be the whole truth and nothing but the truth . To the best of youre showing acknowledge okay. You maybe seated. The next item is item c approval of the draft minutes discussion and possible action to adopt the minutes for september 23, 2015, move to approve. Second. There is a motion and a second all commissioners. All in favor, say i. I. Any opposed any Public Comment on the minutes seeing none, the minutes are approved unanimously item d new order of abatement owner of record and appellant calling names 1938, 24 after the appellant claims that no violation exists. Well hear in staff. Good morning. Good morning john from the department the address 3826 norway we go street the violation leads to unpermitted use of portion of the lot notice of violation of annie easement the permit was filed in 2013 at the document of easement of two endanger storage sheds at the private rear yard without impeding the status of easement if that permit were issued it will abate the violation the staff asked for a order of abatement. Commissioner walker. So you have a color photograph or black and white the black fwae white is not clear. Ill leave that. Thats okay. The shortage shed. Yes. This is what i want to see. Thats better. Commissioner mar did you have a question. Not at this point. You said the permit is filed but not issued because of timing or theres some issues that need some more investigation some more and i on the appellant can speak maybe a change in that. Okay. Thank you. Okay. Thank you have the appellant come forward i wanted to state that the way that the procedures occur the department has 7 minutes and the appellant has 7 minutes to present and each has 3 minutes of rebuttal and Public Comment 3 minutes. Good morning. Hi. Okay this is my bakery i live in the sunset, 4 kids love the sunset lived there 20 years invested heavy in it i opened the barky i wanted it a breakfast place in the sunset two years ago we were awarded the mayors chosen Small Business of the year 10 thousands to the school and many of my employees in the sunset im heavily invested not a corporation and no where to keep thigh trash having said that, it is an issue i dont have a power point this is where the bakery is the driveway behind that the concern i violated the easement by putting a shed one of the sheds is the other one is not mine. Okay. Okay thank you. This is mine so the definition of easement the right to cross someones land. Sorry. So you cant have and then easement over our land easement is in the dictionary the right to cross someones remand this easement is in the easement document the only purpose of the easement for people to get in and out of theyre Building People are abatements over their land only getting to front doors this the easement over a asa back driveway in c an easement over everyone else but no one needs to go here and assess their yard and my understanding youre allowed to erect a structure in our rear yard with no permit thats what weve done it does say in the easement documents the commercial to use the driveway i have something signed i do do that. Also in the easement documents that everyone is talking about at the last hearing the hearing officer kind of said this the timely i dont know if i have a copy document d the desire driveway is labeled easements the hearing officer concluded oh, check it out oh, cool in the hearing officer at the last hearing dbi the whole thing didnt need a definition of an easement if it is a picture of a cow it has to be description indeed we are violating the nonexisting easement section 3 of the easement document i have it says that we cant erect any questions inconsistent that is for the people in the buildings for not blocking doors there was not an easement were still violating thats pretty much it i cant be in violation of something that didnt exist and cant to the status of permit to make everybody happen we started to get a permit and it fell apart yes, sir. Yes. Commissioner mar. So i guess this is a portion more directed at the staff it is my understanding is that to erect as the appellant was saying a shed less than one hundred square feet you dont need a permit i believe the shed see meets that requirement not that large. So so the main question i just want to get clarification under the San Francisco aging Adult Services commission the main question the question of the easement whether it blocks any doors is that why. The Planning Commission planning code it is clear you cant build. Commissioner mccarthy. So who owns the second shed. It a 4 a Story Building and the other units share the other shed they dough that put it up. You can make the argument 4 units the planning code says one shed per had been building unit. I see commissioner lee this is to the staff i believe the covenant and refresh my recollection agreement that is not what the violation is both were not trying to enforce the covenant and restriction agreement on the document correct the shed shouldnt not have been put up without an agreement. The vision of the easement a im sorry are you done with youre showing presentation. I am. So we can go there. Thats correct in the easement the easement was incorporated into a permit this was issued back in 1999 and the restrictions were concluded that that so that permit backing was issued on the condition that this easement agreement would be included as port ever documents and that could be abated by your right were not saying is there are sheds being built but more focused on the breaching the easement that was part of an original part. Commissioner walker. So just to clarify the definition of the easement does the easement conclude the backend of all 3 properties or two is there one easement theres one easement agreement im trying to see from the easement incorporates the property that were dealing with or just if were being asked to look at a violation of two properties next door. In the declaration it refers to lot 53, 54 and 45 the appellants property is lot 45 at the bottom of that item 3 it says agrees not to use in any manner that will obstruct or interfere with either is relates all 3 equally and it is binding on all 3. Commissioner mccarthy. John could you help me with this here this one shed to each lot im seeing 3 different lots in block 6. The two sheds are entirely located on one lot. So the other shed is as much in violation as well; right . Definition mentioned with the planning code you allow one shed not to exceed the one square feet. 3 different. I want you to focus on the 3 dependent lots. This is only one parcel where the yeah, the sheds is one parcel. So if we for the record. Commissioner president melgar. If you look at the overhead the additional is down here this is lot 43, the alleyway tends is going through 43, 44 and 45 the two sheds are at the time rear of lot 45 commissioner walker yes. A clarification i think. And i do want to clarify are you saying that we knew about the first one and so were going after the second one or are we assuming and just going after one of them im curious how we designated. One shed was installed there that shed was in breach of the agreement and the second shed installed that further kicked in the breach of the planning code where you only are allowed one shed. Okay. Okay commissioner mar. So im still a little bit confused about the complaint so its not the actual building of the shed because when i looked at the sheds they dont look like theyre built something you bought at a box store someone police said that adopt on the site so in and of itself those structures are not in violation because of violation the nov was that is violating even though easement id like to focus id like to focus on the easement on that because what parts of easement is a in violation in terms of the passageway what theyre saying blockade of the egress you usually have those kind of argument when someone complains are the one upstairs complaining i understand commissioner Walkers Point one shed weve gotten in with that why not give me an nov and them not thats not my part this is another question i think what ill bothered with also the question of who is complaining you cant get past. It appeared to me who sent in the complaint all complaints are received and were obliged to investigate and any breach we say so commissioner lee has a question. These agreements were part of approvals of a permit 9927327 solidity easement document was included with that permit because that permit couldnt be issued for those 3 buildings to be constructed without the rear garages able to exit though the easement area so outline 3 agreed. Okay. If power enforcing the easement when will we be able to find the documents that says what the easement is. Its recorded. It refers to h137459. Were not actual he will you shown what a an is. It does from the document is put on the overhead there it is the appellant includes, included the easement document the easement document was recorded on march 29, of 2002 so this is the record easement document and if we go through to page to item 3 it as i read earlier these are the restrictions and equally bind on all you all 3 that easement document was issued in 1999 so if that document as excluded custody those 3 buildings wouldnt have been built no way to get out of the garages at the rear end. Commissioner mccarthy so you have is questions or comments. Unless you want commissioner walker i do still i mean so i understand what were saying here what the Department Position is my question is how did you determine this building was the second one as opposed to the first one why not look at both of them if we are looking at the one of them you hear any question do you understand what im saying how did we determine to issue a notice of violation on the one on the right verse the left. On the overhead if you look at this picture this is the building closest to noriega that is lot 53 this one is lot 54 this is lot 45 these sheds are at the rear of 55 the lot im not talking about those buildings but the sheds there is 2 sheds. Yep. The owner of one shed wheres the owner the on the shed. Im not going to get into who owns the sheds one is on lot 55 at the rear of the 4 story condo building with a restaurant into noriega i dont know who owns the sheds if theyre on one property 33 and thats the only property being site it only that sheds located on it. Now if another owner put one of the sheds on that property its between that the owner and the appellant commissioner mccarthy. You know john, dont you think that is the responsibility of the property to write things up we have a strong opinion this is a fact of the matter and to be honest what is the right to have one and not the other. One Property Owner was written up. Was it a phone call. The complaint the two sheds were constructed at the rear of a property our inspector went out saw two sheds at the rear of a particular property one individual property and wrote it up. This year are sheds on one of the 3 property. Due understand you come in front of this commission with a violation this is just mixing up and send it up without any concern to the persons involved you seem so taken a position i dont know why we took a position without research i understand we have nov we dont write them for the sake of writing them. I read the context of the notice of violation and youll know there are a lot of Research Done a complaint with that department the use of rear portion of the lots two shortage shed installed at the rear driveway and and the easement crossing to the declaration of easement theyll have gotten into the Records Office and reviewed that and covenants and restrictions are part of a 9927327 easement confusing for the egress including the emergency lifts and for the premises. Okay. Im sorry. Thats right there and shows that there was a lot of the guy explicit write this up seeing the conditions and reached and verified the easement was attached to that easement and studied it. I think commissioner walker and supervisor wiener and move on. Can you tell me with the process would be for issuing this permit i mean is this something that goes to planning or something that dbi gets to look at and says yes. You can add a second one. It is possible you know youll have to go to the review process but sorry go ahead. I am this is not in planning because you have two sheds and youre also changing the easement the easement has to be changed thats done in planning not the building inspection. Commissioner lee i think commissioner mccarthy is saying one thing and im trying to explain what commissioner mccarthy is saying the lot where the two sheds are more than one unit on that block the condos which meant why did you issue an nov for one condo owner and not the other if you didnt know who owns the property were not talking about who owns the parcels next to. If we wished what we could have done was issue the notice of violation to all condo owners and make that matter worse i guarantee you the writer to the inspection was not happy because it is an unusual case i acknowledge that. I followup and im still confused on why our department is enforcing an easement violation is this something we normally do even if it is i would expect an easement to be recorded on a map somewhere it will definitely begin with the easements are instead of by test. If there was only one shed and the second shed was not added it would have been more difficult for us but once the second shed was installed that kicked a planning requirement. Commissioner mar. So this is why im having a problem with that case sorry to drag it on but what are we asking the appellant to do in terms of abating this violation and to me the planning for a second shed is death im not willing to do that so to me is you know are we telling me them to fight amongst themselves and have one so fight it out and one shed will that abate the problem. First place the appellant and would do everything to encourage the individual two installed the second shed i ca would ask them to remove that shed then the Planning Department will not be involved and left with an issue. Commissioner walker. So, i mean to the point of needing sort of a map of thuls where the easement is up against the wall not part of egress situations for the other two buildings so this puts in a hard place because if you look at the few look at it once it comes to us we have to look at the facts of the case but you know this seems to be a situation everybody is okay thats it around there and trying to protect garbage from being strewn out a good thing for everything so this is one of those conundrums of what we have trying to figure out how to interpret this in a fairway it is death to go to the Planning Department on these types of things so i feel like without having information about the second unit were dealing with one half of the situation it is where im at right now. Let me ask anyone else in the audience that wants to speak to this perhaps perfect. Before we call up Public Comment i would ask i have one question for the appellant in that, yes this is i thought when you made youre showing presentation you said you had gotten support from everyone in my building and the other buildings no. I the question about who is is that can plan is anyone can make a complaint a exert of our barky that makes an different for the quality of life that used that easement but it is. It is my eastbound neighbors and several of them are here. I dont know but that was the map i showed you this is on see reported easement document it actually to be clear commissioner mccarthy didnt get the copy for the planning to review it the is easement document hes showing you has myself handwritten notes but the easement documents that i showed you it was scratched up u up i gave it to the building inspection but this is the map the recorded map of the easement if you were asking for the shed is back here my comment although it is in the map the reported area as being the easement just because they call it an easement didnt make it so and didnt meet the Legal Definition of an agreement inaudible and the discussion is mute because none has the right to cross our lands and dont need it for inregress or egress the point to get to their door sorry. Thank you. So the easements are actually sorry. Its okay. Go ahead commissioner walker. So the map the easements are actually on buildings ab property not c. The definition of an easement i copied it the right to cross someone elses property nor okay. Thank you. Okay. Sorry. Thank you. So sonya do we have followup comment. Do you have a comment. I want to point out commissioners on the first page photograph e the easement is reciprocal rights to the easement thats the way it is written. I see i think thats why the map it drawn that but. Public comment each person has 3 minutes for Public Comment. Good morning. Good morning. I develop those properties. Could you please speak into the thank you. Im stevie developed those properties i got the entitlements and worked with the 0 both the planning and the department of building inspection and youve been mislead maybe not intentionally but give you a little bit of background and documents. Yes. I need to keep one would you give me one of those and here theres 4 of these those are colored pictures then. Go ahead you have 3 minutes. So you need to see the pictures what im referring to can we get them on the screen it shows the property itself and the point it we begin with the rear yard go ahead and if you turn that next page that shows the buildings if you turn the next page that okay. Can i turn them. Yes. You can. Ill work from that. You dont have a lot of time. Ill move through those i too two points a health and safety issue and also youve been mislead about the development and the easements the easements were reported before the the declaration of department of building inspection demanded the declaration with the city and the City Attorney or the rear yard use of residential units, the commercial units they didnt want them there but planning wanted them there it is because in their small not enough commercial in the commercial district thats why there is commercial units they were upset about the driveways being used so the plan we do needs egress and in regress but the backyard this was the residential backyards only no door no exit through the garage for the commercial unit this is totally separate but the architect theres a door so the commercial unit can assess its its water heart or blocked off from the front yard the declaration makes a point the commercial units are excluded in this area period so those cant be changed without the head of the department of building inspection and all 12 owners of each of all the others units thats the declaration so has to do with with backyards space not easements weve recorded the deed of easement way before the declaration was demanded and the department of building inspection want to insure that was backyard open space for the residential units only moving on the health and safety issues this shows slikt this is shortly after they installed them if i notice the rear portions easterly and west low building that you saw on the for the west actually things are leaking out gradually it gets dirtier and dirtier this is still relating early relatively early so the complaint was against health and safety garbage being used for commercial unit not supposed to use the yard space unsanctuary that was into play little children that cant use this rear yard all gradually you see it gets dirtier and dirtier and animals come and interests possibility of rodent and less kids being bitten this is for kids to play off the streets without traffic okay. This is the picture where the lady. Okay. Thank you very much youre showing 3 minutes are up thank you. The commissions can review the documents. Thank you very much. We appreciate it. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning. Good morning, commissioners andy im a resident anothers norway we go in the end unit yellow building my wife and son will lived there for the past 11 years prior to the people coming in im here to request we deny any appeal those sheds are for commercial units as opposed to the benefit of residents their encroaching on the use of overall barngd the second unit in the building moving in right after the building had been built i raised any son who is a sophomore at washington taught him how to play catch if that backyard before the sheds were present regardless of definition of an easement this is our backyard we literally live at norway we go and articles about the noriega street our neighborhood is growing one small space the kids can play weve thrown birthday parties now from the photographs that were submitted trash leaking down and commercial people walking back and forth in our backyard literally have to reason to be there the ingress and egress is there one shed serves the benefit of the residents and the she can for the commercial units not included in the easement i want to have may backyard back and have friends over it is changed with trash leaking out it is different we need to go back to the way it was. Thank you. Any questions. Yes. Commissioner walker. Maybe you can clarify the for the benefit the People Living in the building first. They puncture at the same time well pretty much exactly at the same time the truck unloaded o sheds and pretty much installed one hours of each other are. Were the owners of the units and those buildings notified about this year did it just happy. It was a collaboration between the residents as well as hillarys business hillary is part of the that Condo Association they have a vote i think they divided to violate the easements im not the only one petitioning but everyone in the building is petitioning and always others 9 residential units 6 of us are against those sheds an easy one to me. Any other questions . Thank you. Have a great day. Next speaker, please. 340r7k everyone im andys neighbor on the Center Building im the la jolla did care one ill echo most of his thoughts we purchased our property in 2011, 2012 timeframe and it was a nice you know backyard and no liquid trash residue leaking the sheds were not there when we bought the place we read the cc rs it was great a back space assess no traffic you know walk outside and at this point those sheds arrived off loaded we discovered i wasnt aware theyre for commercial you saw in the photos large stacks of trash bags sitting out of garbage receptive always to match the pickup date down the street there is an organic produce store with their trash picked up routinely but it is sort of stored i dont know some kind of safety terrible idea it just sits there that is a health and safety issue id like to echo from andys comments and the second thing the commercial unit was not intended to have thats what they told us we understood interest the cc r my wife and i that the commercial unit has to backyard assess yet the employees daily and evenings and night time back and forth or trash bags that break and things fall off the binds and their loitering the backyard all to see you know the backyard cleaner and go back to the way it was that would be novice and also the idea of as you mentioned sir, the access to the back of the building thats great for the residents why are the employees walk past are we to give them assess it this place im not sure youll decide thank you. Any questions for me. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please oh, okay. Is that it for Public Comment. Any is there any additional Public Comment. Run were in the middle building i have to times ones we used to play but now a trail of trash who want my daughter if she should fall diseases and other things this is nuisance at one amy hear garbage dragging down the driveway and they are hanging out we have employees eat their lunch in our backyard who knows who what other kind of people are hahn out if you come out homeless person or someone you know trying to go into our garage to steal something safety is a huge issue for any kids do you have any questions. Thank you. Thank you. Just we still are in Public Comment thank you. Im laurie represent a couple of the homeownerships norway we go homeownerships association ill a resident of the city and county of San Francisco not in that building i was sort of asked to come here to address. Few of the more technical arguments that ms. Hillary is making you know youve heard from the residents no one is attacking her business not to close her down but responsible dispose of her trash not in violation of their easement this was their rear yard fully but itself city thats why youre involved the parking garage commissioner walker why are you getting involved in this issue because that issue happens to have a lot of significance to the recipe and they made a complaint what will it take getting bit by a rat when youre out back for the city to take action when a Public Health and safety issue thats part of the 5 a requires you to act on the risks to Public Welfare we ask i take some action now i really dont have much to add other than that hillary stated no easement her legal conclusion holes as much water as anger a strainer for me i have read that document and i believe this is a legal easements in section 2 specifically grants the cross easements to 53, 54 and 45 section 3 clearly limits her use and section 11 expressly prohibits the units from legal assess does anyone have any questions for me. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment before we close Public Comment . Rebuttal. Rebuttal. Commissioner mccarthy has a question. John, please. The violation you read out to me. What part of that garbage and Health Issues. What part . As a violation. That you read. It you clearly read out to me why you wrote this. The violation well, the storage of sheds being installed in the easement area. The whole testimony were hearing about garbage and Health Issues you know the impact on the easement of the open yard those people are residential im asking what part of dbis violation talks to that . As it didnt talk to it because we can only kites the structure. 90 now there is testimony that even as more weight to the concerns because the testimony is saying what is put into that structure which is trash i wasnt aware of if you look at on one of the photographs her you can see that this particular structure is directly underneath the balcony now if there is trash inside of it and it is flammable and on fire and kids near that railing i wouldnt want to be that kid. Whats in the other. When we saw in. Yeah. But what is in the one not discussed. I dont know but we saw earlier trash stored in one of them. Do you know if there is trash in the other one. I dont know im commenting on one of the neighbors provides on it photo we dont get into that in the violation. But thats my points john, i really feel were being this seems like is a Homeowners Association were dealing with that as a violation you know. Well, we get a complaint and act like any other complaint this is a difficult case id like to be in our position we did our job and anger. Well, i would make the argument we didnt do our job i would be interested to find out if under those endanger in the other if this is about madam president then both of these are the same issue. Supervisor mar. laughter . You kn you know fast forward. I feel like this is a health issue or has to do with with garbage this should be the Health Department there is a lot of restaurants and eateries that have violations of health code and id like City Attorney if you have a chance to look at the easement is it true that the commercial tenant should have not access to that easement it is what one of the residential tenants said that is unifying believable how could you have a commercial space lets say it was not a bakery but how about a tech place would the tenants be opposed to tech people texting and parking their bicycles so why is it okay for one commercial type of i want to get clarification their equal condo owner is it true that the commercial tenants have no access to that area commissioners. I would refer to you to easement document in section 11. Okay. Which specifically states that any commercial structure erected on the ground floor will be excluded in the easement contained. Commissioner walker did you have a future question. Were at Public Comment were in discussion now; right . Dont we have 3 minutes of rebuttal time. Lets do rebuttal and then. Thank you come on up. The issues i think that was commissioner mar theyve complained to the Health Department said it is clean it is rod dent and fire or flame retenant or whatever the pictures they show of any employee cleaning their throwing away garbage that is not how it looks anyone said it was messy the Health Department said youre good not an issue also i have this signed by all of the owners in any condo im an amnesty he to their easement space that is allowed in the restrictions yes. The commercial condos yes, they canned use it, it is a residential unit in writing. Okay commissioner walker. So were in deliberation i appreciate this came to us so we can look at this issue its a a extracted issue that begs the question of why there werent garbage areas built both this building first place so that the easement and backyard could be used as required or hoped for by the People Living in it i feel like there is a violation ive seen a lot of circumstances where commercial entities dont anticipate the needs for garbage storage and impose on the sidewalk and others instances this being one i feel like there has to be a solution im concerned we dont have both of these sheds represented here per say i think in order for us to make a decision we need to do none or both so im reluctant to deal with that. Commissioner mccarthy. Commissioner walker i have no problem seeing the violation were talking to the actually violation this is a health and garbage thats where why i asked the member of the dbi to read back the violation im glad to concur to continue this i dont have the answer i would be also in a position that this stage to continue this. Commissioner lee. I was hoping that someone in the audience what come up and own it theyre the owner of the second shed but im with my fellow commissioners that is hard to make a decision without knowing who the other owner is. Any future comments. Coming in late i want to apologize for being late i hear two discussions going on one discussion of easement on or about and the second discussion which on the cover sheet there are two sheds supposed to be one shed the revolution one shed has to go. It is clear to me who owns it in that building theyve worked out the easement responsibilities and sharing they had to work that out one has to go. Okay. Commissioner walker. Yeah. I think that ultimate will will be a great solution without having everyone hear we can continue it with a encouragement there is a resolution worked out trying to be supportive of the business as well as the people trying to enjoy the area and come to us with a solution. Commissioner mar did you have a comment. Ill concur with the fellow commissioners that we cant deal with that right now and questions it is a building issue the other things especially with the last testimony im a guy that comes out of restaurant work and all the mechanics and motorcycles Everyone Wants to use it this guy used to own a bar he was worse this was a big problem for certain types of businesses Everyone Wants to live on top of an accountant or bank everyone of everything closes at 5 but know what we want Diverse Businesses we have to some people have to live on top of restaurants and on top of banks thats the way it is so, yeah i do not want adjudicate it. You feel like this is a classic urban planning issue that you know multiple uses, and you know this is exactly why the Planning Department gets involved in those issues the neighbors are going through the process you know in the process is working the way it is spotted to you actually think that you know, i would vote to have this go to planning that is to me an issue where the developer purposely didnt give the commercial space and in the urging of those documents to the commercial spaces it is become an issue and to me a planning on or about the relationship that exists between the commercial space and the residential uses so i am not i feel like im the only one that feels this way i see why the Department Took this position perhaps written better i do so it so thats for what it is it is worth. In responding to you i dont disagree any question us taking an action would it be better to have them account and propose Something Different or go to planning. Im okay if we give them thirty days to try to resolve this and you know. I think take an action at the next appeals meeting but i see the logic from a planning prospective. I do, too. If anyone ready to make a motion. I move to continue for thirty days. Second. Okay. There is a motion and a second to continue the item for thirty days is that is there any other encourage the all parties to come forward with a solution. Uhhuh. Both parties one solution yeah. Okay. Ill take a roll call vote on the motion. Commissioner president melgar commissioner mccarthy commissioner mar commissioner lee commissioner mccray commissioner walker that motion carries unanimously. Very good. Okay case owner of residents of appellant living trust action by appellant to allow more time for the notice of violation. Good morning. I think mine is shorter im the owner of 2246 greenwich and we need to hear if the staff first sorry. If there is a staff multiple voices . Sorry about that we will have you up in a moment. Thank you. The address greenwich street two be residential buildings it is a violation really two a roof deck structure without permit. The order of abatement was issued as a result of the hearing may have 2014. A permit was issued to remove the urban permitted roof deck and this permit is valid it hadnt been inspected and signed off from the work was completed and the sign off it would clear the violation 19 it has not happened we propose you uphold the order of abatement that concludes my report. Thank you now thank you. Actually, the deck has been removed. State your name. Ray even though crawl the owner the condo we did get the permit in last march and the you need to see the permit . Weve removed the deck he brought the pictures to show that before that to we spent over 3 years trying to legalize this deck and thousands of dollars i had bob as a consultant and an architect should the building inspection multiple rearbitrations trying to approve and comply with the requests it became so onerous and so cost will i we feinstein decided to demolish we put a up a firewall from the top of the deck roof all the way down to the bottom unit i own the top unit and an owner in the bottom unit the entire stall was enclosed by the firewall i couldnt request the other owner to have this ugly thing put up we decided to demolish it we have a final inspection monday to should the deck was removed do i need to see the pictures the deck is completely gone another brief comment there had been one of the drying decks on the roof when i bought the building so when we put up the deck we felt he remember with approving it we waited 19 years i needed to check the roof anyone in the neighborhood complained this the end of the story its been a nightmare trying to get to comply but it is gone so my request that the order of abatement not be recorded im willing to pay some fees ive been paying thousands ofs fees over the last years to comply. Okay. Thank you. So the inspection is when. Monday. Okay. Okay thank you very much is there a rebuttal . If the permit was signed off with the inspection that totally clears the violation i dont know would you be continuing it and we could take direction regarding the fees. Commissioner walker. If we uphold the order of abatement and low a week for the inspection it essential collects the fees so if it is upheld and the work is done then it is closed we dont file it we only collect the fees. Commissioner mar did you have a question. Whats the fees right now george. The fees right now are one thousand 314 it is initial fee. That was for the violation when they filed the permit through planning he assume to legalize that which took 3 years and couldnt get legal we put our work in the nov in abeyance the fees were not didnt continue to occur while it was 2, 3, 4 planning did it. Is condition fee is the cost up to the order of abatement issued. Okay. So it was put in abeyance when they put filed. When they filed the appeal everything stopped. Okay. Thank you. Any Public Comment . Regarding this item . Okay future commissioners comments. Do you have rebuttal. Anything to add . Yeah. About the fees you know because i am willing to pay a fee not sure since i spent so much money on trying to legalize that is that a reasonable fee 500 seems reasonable but over 7 thousand so thats my only question. Do you have a question commissioner walker. No id like to make a motion. Please i move to uphold the order of abatement and cut the fees in half. A second. Second. Okay. That motion to uphold the order of abatement and to reduce the fees by half. And just a brief amendment were allowing thirty days for the inspection to take place; correct . The justification for the reduction of fees is the x bandit amount of time the complainant tried to fix this held up in the planning code. Yeah. Were going to go ahead. Go ahead. Roll call vote. Commissioner president melgar commissioner mccarthy commissioner mar commissioner lee commissioner walker that motion carries carries unanimously any general Public Comment for items not on the agenda a motion to adjourn. Move to adjourn. Second. Second. All commissioners in favor s were adjourned it is 1017 Action Committee for women in prison well take im sorry 10 minutes. 5 minutes well have 5 minutes recess between the meetings and we will come back as at department of Building Inspection Commission thank you. Is the monitor not on . Good morning today is tuesday, september 22, 2015. This is the welcome to the regularly scheduled meeting of the Building Inspection Commission id like to remind people to turn off the Electronic Devices roll call. Commissioner president mccarthy commissioner mar commissioner lee commissioner melgar commissioner mccray and commissioner walker commissioner clinch commissioner clinch is excused president s amazements. Good morning and welcome to wednesday, november 18, 2015, bic committee i have annunciates special thanks to the Fire Department and the dbi staff that responded to a 3 alarm fire in the mission at 16 for the entire shop burned down and damaged a adjacent Apartment Building 20 residents per the engineering recommendations for that director huey signed a permit for the immediate parapet that is eminent to Public Safety and the demolition order applies to the remainder the building the apartment has Code Violations was redtagged as unsafe for occupancy due to the fir damage and posted with a notice of violation for unsafe seriously dry rotten rear stares with the demolition on the way this past monday staff admonished the Building Owner with the order and the possibility of a serious Public Safety reflex especially last sundays high winds big thank you to dbi staff along with the other city family representatives how volunteered their time on a saturday to help educate people in Chinatown Community fair in 2015 the gratitude we saying i really appreciated everyone to help another effort to help the dbi customers the public in jean when louis and overview lane forgive me attend the city update kudos to our planning review services that received a letter mr. Howard is a level of expertise has truly helped to us complete our project if a timely manner that we had helped to meet the growing demand for housing congratulations inform commissioner walker in the San Francisco examiner she urged supervisor wiener ordinance requiring tenant notification aimed to those in illegal units of an permit to remove that the boards supported this ordinance which is expect to take legal effect by the first upcoming new year the director stan designated bring to your attention on the Cannabis Legalization Task force theyll be covert and overseeing the district 2 we will have 19 members in total and make finding and recommendation to the local implementation ones the state acted a ballot measure is expedited many thanks to commissioner mccarthy and thing thank to the Fire Department and the sfpuc who had the final merging the board ordered Interagency Task force on and on over the next month theyll finalize their recommendations and get back to the board with the fire and life safety in multiunit buildings that are at risk for serious injuries and finally to the staff to have the blow quarter 3, 2015 please send in our nomination to william at sfgov. Org as soon as possible to allow the Recommendation Committee to have the december meeting mr. Secretary that concludes any announcements. Any quo on the president announcements. The bic will take Public Comment within the jurisdiction not part of agenda. Seeing none, on to item 4 discussion and possible action to approve a member of the code and 5150s for the engineer fee appointment recommended by the nomination subcommittee is bryan expiring august 2016. Commissioner. Commissioner lee or commissioner melgar. The nominations the committee met 10 days ago i suppose we drilled bryan sandra on his desire and willingness and knowledge about the fir protection seat on the Code Advisory Committee and found out him knowledgeable about the Fire Engineering and protection engineering and hes also a resident of San Francisco so we would like to unanimously recommend that he be postponed to this seat today. Commissioners any comments also on one hand if he is here. Like to address the commission or you, you dont have to. I am bryan ive been a practicing engineer in the city for 5 years and ive this was passed on to me there a colleague i reached out to so on a i cant ill be interested in serving on the committee. Thank you. Thank you. So i will there that i am on this item id like to take a motion on that item. Okay. Ill make a motion to accept his nomination through the Nomination Committee and appoint him to the commission. Second. There is a motion and a second. Second. Okay. Roll call vote commissioner president mccarthy commissioner mar commissioner lee commissioner melgar commissioner mccray and commissioner walker pursue okay. The that motion carries unanimously congratulations and have you come up one more time clapping. thank you for volunteering so, please repeat after me i. Do solemnly swear. repeated. repeated. the constitution of the United States. repeated. and the constitution of the state of california. repeated. repeated. foreign and domestic. And that i will bear true faith and allegiance. repeated. to the constitution of the United States. repeated. and to the constitution of the state of california. Dooildz. repeated. without any mental reservation. repeated. or purpose of evasion. That i will well and faithfully discharge the duties. repeated. and during such time as i hold office. Code Advisor Committee of the San Francisco ethics commission. repeated. okay thats it congratulations thank you clapping. thank you. On to agenda 5 discussion an is tracking system. Now were good morning, commissioners director huey im henry with the department find Technology Project manager for the prelims at beginning. Im john working on the limitations for dbi. Were represent the current status the Third Party Assessment which we spoke about at last months meeting of revenue went on, on november 3rd at the time of in front of 16 the dew dates as of the 12 when we prepared this since then hearing back if the marketplace vendors weve stated that to the november Response Time due date and just to reiterate during this project rewith not actually engaged with the dollar resources at this time we continuing to do activities on the project team dbi staff and shawn will give you an update on those. With regards to the project progress we are still working on testing to the some of the fixes incorporated we still have in terms of configuration and reporting there are still a total of one hundred 41 critical outstanding issues were testing in the status of waiting the users tests and finding for defects their increasing over time there are still 70 important migration issues open and the statistic the reports worked on by excel and 60 total 14 have been accepted and the internal dbi there are 71, 11 accepted on the next slide as you can see the status this is the number of defects weve found youll see their increasing their increasing because no vendor activity the defects are not fixed it is up slightly as expected as we continue to test and find more issues. We had been asked for at the prior meeting for more detailed list of the total project expenses to dates it is what is provided here a total of 4 contracts signed and the four contracts are numbered here the initial project and permit tracking system agreement that was provided at the last meeting theres a software and license agreement 4 major agreements that are signed within between the city and excel 21 tech the initial project for the implementation of the software has 6 amendments to date all of the contract with the x sell 21 Tech Partners an unpaid balance for where we are through amendment 6 and balance set for held for unmet deliverables and future dlieblz activities this is a more complete accounting we need more time to compile the fingers this is what was asked for. Ill be happy to answer any questions. I think youre off the hook commissioner mar. First of all, thank you for i want to thank the Deputy Director madison for the projected budget but i have some followup questions maybe not for this meeting but a followup meeting about the budget which is again youre right last meeting we got the full agreement project tracking system number one i would like the agreement for the amendments because it is important for the commission to know what were getting for the dollars that would put out for each amendment theres been a little bit find a back and forth about whether they were a change of scope of work verse the defects things like that it is important for us to said and also there seems to be blank dollars amounts on the filipinoamerican and the other all the time. The First Amendment i have to do this from memory the First Amendment and the 6th amendment was a push anti loan no dollars amounts when we get you the detail you can read that. Okay. Commissioner walker please. Yes, so. We have now spent as much as we initially budgeted in the last 3 years. For amendments so i just want to point out that to the commissioners that is double. Yes. And thats just in the last 3 years so i know that last meeting we spent a lot of time putting blame on the beginning of this or whatever we still have problems that have not been solved in spite of the budget being doubled i wanted to point out that we now have a reset as opposed to a pause im hopeful that reflects the fact that commission has no more patience with the details on this project im concerned that the vendors is not involved in helping us identify the defects flo undergo this process that doesnt make sense i wanted to understand why this is the case. The vendor is not involved because were not occurring more vendor costs. Are we identifying our problems internally. Were identifying problems with the software that was implemented. Are we identifying the problems internally. Yes. Were pointed out not appropriate data gathered at the beginning so were focusing on this right now . As we are. Were going to come out of the reset with our ducks in order. Yes. Yes, so the foundational reason to have done the reset this was a large topic of the last discussion was the very large gap in the operational dbi verse the requirement that were documented during the firefighter of this that gap remains thats what we are trying to fill whoever does the assessment it is so obvious that gap needs to be addressed were mobile listing and starting to work on that this is fundamentally the issue that is bringing think this project when you look at the vendor and say what theyre looking to those requirements are incomplete and the department has to be fulfilled before we have any vendor build this dbi business use. What is the projection of what this side to the timeline when we anticipate getting the vendor to finish this project. We havent received until we have responses on the rfp for the assessment we dont know how long any of them might bid to do that work we dont want to see that go out months and months and months we expect it assessment on one of the criteria it is done efficiently. We need to put a timeline it is our job to say we want an ascertainment back in the timeframe were handing out i mean, im not sitting here defenders the vendors we have a vendor that is committed to us and han this project up i think because of our own lack of progress so i would like to put a timeframe on the process of reset. And we do we purchasing didnt set a timeframe because we want the folks responding to give us their honest assessment of what it will take we definitely are not accepting an assessment that says oh, 6 extinguisher 8 or 12 months and id like to see the commission put a set time in the morning 60 days for an initial report and a report a month later to get going i mean, im just looking at ive been in all of the meetings ive heard the same thing over and over and over again, i cant give a timeframe without that definition were here 4 years later saying it is not even clear how bad it is. So i have no more patience im not going to if you say 6 months brown for a report this not acceptable i have no more, more patience. Commissioner melgar. Im not going to repeat commissioner walker i think i was clear at the last Commission Meeting about my position on this i dont think we should have taken a pause but unfortunately couldnt make it to the meeting but i want to get a commitment if you director because at the last meeting we heard from the gentleman from the formally grand jury who remind us of the fundamental problem that the scope of work was not developed properly to begin with that is not an it issue per say an issue of our staff you know focusing in on what they need out of this process and making that codifying and finalizing it so to what you know commissioner walker was asking about i want to make sure that were not just putting it off on a Third Party Assessor what will look at a defect e. R. Whatever you want to call it we will if were going to the tremendous risk is a g big risk not engaging with the vendor for 3 or 6 not telling us long i want to make sure i have youre showing commitment well end up with a proper scope of work with a commitment that on a he does to be involved in the by his side to do what their populated to do in addition to the it issues we need to resolve. Commissioners morning tom. I have you know hear youre showing concerns regarding the scope of work that the way before any time, however, they divide that one thing for this is to here on behalf of the appellant because we didnt move forward advertised not only the timeframe we turn it on and thats it you have the customer suffer you know because right now you know the how to begin the scope our business as mentioned we need to have a calculation up to now how many months were talking about how to fix the fee calculation initially they proposed to do a hand calculation and my staff did a hand calculation no way to do that the customer calls for 5 hours to get it is unacceptable just only want to do a time turn it on we need to look at right now i dont want a good quarter and the department of technology controller and everyone jumping in to help me, you know, february if i can turn it on tomorrow i would but unfortunately, i turn it on the whole system messed up and the system in the city then it will be worse. Let me clarify director im not asking you go turn it on right now this is completely unreasonable and clearly not working i want youre showing commitment to addressing the mental issues not it issues it is at the root of problem a management on or about of making sure that the scope of work is where this it supposed to be. The minute i take over the directorship i instead of being closed i had my order end yours to commit to work and begin the scope unfortunately, the contract with the consultant we are fighting back and forth i have brought on 14 months and cant resolve the contract issue you know the scope of work the scope or defect thats what the argument and then thats why the dollars amount goes up you know trying to hopefully finish that and can go out and fix it every time the quality of work not satisfy us not fix the amount and come back and again, if you want and we can give all presentation regarding those items. Can i ask commissioner mar will be up next i dont want to hick hick commissioner mar. I want to address commissioner melgar im category vices this as miss findings its been documented i think the issue we are facing all of us currently today is the genesis of that those Business Pros processed we are familiar with and documented it way back so im talking about a number of years; right . We do have those and all of our subject Matter Experts do come to the table with the requirements already prepared and they use that assembling to do the yours test for old and legacy data weve done that and theyre also looking at trying to create brand new ones you know just like a psych tuesday business the contractor cant get on the website and use the access portal and create a permit and were finding the problems are inherent in the ability to do that we know what is required it is just it is the inability to marry all the requirement to the software itself i want to make sure this very clear commission our staff is dedicated, a theyve put in their time to go in much to their consternation you see the circle it goes around and around it goes with the 8 point zero interface the vendor is quite knowledgeable about the deficiency because as captured in the community and expressed you think online and i know we have unique situations for us in terms of of an agency and yet there is theyre not so unique that the agencies may not face the same problem so please, be of the understanding our staff really dont understand the business process and work diligently to convey to both henry and shawn during those testing sections what their finding is issues i dont want to can go grizzly and characterize as defects theyre not able to conform to our Business Needs thats where. In fact, i said at the last Commission Meeting he was total clear. Knew what you were doing when what we heard from the grand jury representative the original scope of work was not where there should have been there were disagreements i was referring to not in any way to youre showing ability to know what is going on you know, i know you got it but i want a commitment that fundamental issue will be addressed i dont see how it had been addressed without our input and the input of our staff if it is not i dont want to leave it to the Third Party Vendors you know to have a say that is about staff i think. I fully expect when the third party is selected embedded in the process is sitting down with the staff individually the subject Matter Experts made up of permit issuance and inspection, etc. So also the incorporation of other agencies as well in the process so i would be shocked if we dont sit down and go over that and then put all the cards on the table thats probably the only way to get to see the lights at the end of the tunnel a reengage of staff and you know the whole process itself again, im not here in purpose to achieve to stand here and point fingers the process itself we will be fully engaged thats my exception with the support of senior staff and also the director. Thank you commissioner mar and commissioner walker. I want to concur with a lot of the comments commissioner mar said but not repeat like herself not repeat anything shes said commissioner walker said the problem with this whole reset or whatever is not the bic is not engaged i feel like regarding the scope of work is not just the staff that should be engaged it showcase bic i feel like the City Attorney when i asked about this made the decision within the directors purview to do the reset boom it was done now i think the beck is less engaged id like to ask for something they next meeting we have the third party going to be higher i believe the rfp be written for the thirsted party person coming in we dont know what the rfp says ; right . So i got a Business Card in front of me miguel junior of the city Information Officer as opposed to be on top of this; right . Id like him and asked had i met him could he come to the bic lets see know what is going on and maybe the City Attorney says he didnt have to well, if thats the position then at least send us a message saying i dont have to tell you what is going on im asking pubically id like to the officers who is going to put out the rfp and hiring the Third Party Consultant to come before us and answer some of the things that commissioner walker said what is in the rfp how much are we paying them and how long will they take the rfp should say but with that, and he might come back and say i dont have to tell you im pubically asking. May i respond from the department of technology. Yes. And the followup points as long as no reason i cant well send you a copy of revenue that was issued to the technology and marketplace i thought that was a public venue but happy to provide it not including a dollar amount heres our proposed timeline and the exception of the deliverables their this is the Third Party Assessment not result in the full set of requirements we expect that obviously will be one of the finding that vendor dbi you guys need a full set of requirement to complete this project thats the step we are starting with the dbi stakeholders to start doing that work we know it will be asked for not and so i know miguel will be happy to present here beyond the scope you dont know if it was formally asked of him to attend ill be more than happy to do that i want to respond to one clarification on the requirements in general any Software Project is not unlike building a house you as the customer know what you want you higher the engineers and people knowledgeable in building in this case the Software Implementation partners to do that work the dbi Business Owners own the requirements they know what they need it is the responsibility of the Software Vendor and implementation partner to get those requirement out and documented and numbered so that this is what you develop and test against that is what you accept the system yes sittings its satisfied the requirements thats the piece missing until that is complete my recommendation we dont continue to spend the rate marries money building something without a firm definition. Thank you commissioner president mccarthy. My issue about the rfp that was spoken. Commissioner walker please. So i also want to see the rfp i think we need to see that and talk to this guy where the commission and our job to oversee this department and whether or not we are actually, the ones that issue it didnt matter i also wanted to know what the timeline that was put in the rfp can you answer that right now. Yes. I mentioned earlier there is not a proposed timeline we want the folks responding to the rfp to propose what we on the timeline is. Thats a huge mistake im sorry what we have here is drift and weve had drift from the beginning i think that when we maybe the only person on the commission when this start there was a set e e set of best practices whether or not this get translated or our staff was engaged i have not been this involved but certainly since 2012 since 2011, 2012 when we had you took over i believe in 2012 we have been involved people have been engaged on this project and none of this was identified so at this stage of the game that is a management problem and in my mind is it a crisis well condominium instead of 3 million now 8 million, 4 years later and no closer to this is a managed problem not a staff problem i think the staff probably would like this to be revolved on one hand but it is not going away the system will be put in and so i would like to see a timeline from the commission no more than one month to get a report back about it taking at vendors being able to do it in 60 days to get a report back and 90 days to reengage our vendor and move forward and give us a timeline shortly thereafter, i mean this is insane i mean, i expect to be if 24 place if we didnt spend 7 million i could have gotten us in this mess. If i could quibble refer. Im going to the meeting with commissioner mar and commissioner mccarthy represented from Miguel Miguel the state his timeframes the two to three timeframe but we minded the respondents to the rfp to give us their timeline and commissioner melgar and ill talk. I pointed out to the point of spending the rate payers money having a pause and not engage the consultants while we resolve those issues is actually not fruitful you know it is the short time verse Long Term Strategy thats my problem with the pause everyday the consultant is not engaged the day youre losing this brain capacity thats been built up over 3 wheres years with that vendor and staff that is moved on to other projects i think this is a cross benefit analysis; right . Of you know okay. Well pause and paws for two or three weeks or a month is very different in terms of the cost benefit analysis of 3 and 6 months it makes me very uncomfortable were not putting a timeline in this instance we 50 dont have a say at the least to get the staff to commit were not spending the rate payers money is not correct weve already invested 3 million through the contract in building up the capacity with that the staff and that vendors and everyday that it goes but were losing that investment. Commissioner lee and i if i may. Please dont accept my silence on this issue to be in agreement with the staff im more in line with the commissioners here with my colleagues here it is frustrating very frustrating what you need to do is rebuild our confidence in you okay henry youve bun with us for 14 months thats a long time and it took you over a year to get to this point to tell us this big problem . If you told us maybe 2 months into our time with us yeah. Maybe i understand youre doing this correctly and know what is wrong but a year later asianamerican were starting to lose confidence thats the issue until we redeath and injury that confidence well be asking tough questions. So if i may i really want to communicate with the notice this is important i agree with pretty much everything commissioners is saying the commissioners that dealt with that for many years on the other hand, i felt commissioner mar was there and an open debate but where i was on that meeting a lot of people at the table invested to get this done coming to the conclusion we deal with our demons now were talking about money commissioner walker were sensitive from the taxpayers point of view but this could be a lot more money later on if we dont we deal with that now and face our pain right now it is going to be a lot more expensive later on and wanders to miguel i came away with strong confidence and he pointed out in the meeting not his first rodeo but dna to let the process happen and at last 8 or 6 months and letting people do their job to get to the point and come to the conclusion too many red flags to continue the path with regards to the timeframe commissioner mccray and commissioner mar and others by the end of the day it is the fundamental big issues along with the tack to commissioner melgars point not lose out on to because a lot of people engaged my understanding from that that meeting once the vendor is selected to henrys pointed image in the next the dependent vendors will be done in the next week or so theyll give us a comprehensive timeframe now if that timeframe is a month thats great we dont know well have to get a better point but my understanding this is no problem but want to point out one thing the idea of bringing this independent person to have the transparency at a dependent both sides are represented we have to be cafeteria of our demands of the dependence and be sure theyre fair and equal in their analysis of what is going on what necessary come back were guaranteed that is not clear when they had their ducks in a row well have any time to sit down and communicate with them what our a past experience the commission and concerns theyll take that and do with a report but the timeframe on what you i think we need to figure out but we rodent e wont have the honest answer yet that to be hopeful in the next two weeks were going n but were helicopter maybe a couple of others weeks. Commissioner walker. Yeah. I see our vendor i wonder if we could hear from our vendor about our vendors i dont want to get into pointing fingers but about our process im nervous the vendor is not involved in a reset because there are partners 0 whatever this is happening right here im glad and happy that we are looking our house and putting it in order we have a lot of problems in house i want to make sure our vendors commented to us and whatever this independent thing is going on theyll figure out the details of anything can we hear from the vendors simon someone want to to weigh in. The assessment includes all stakeholders. Thats fine i want to hear from the vendors. No one is excluded their sitting down would everyone. Were talking about not a engaging them in problems that effect them. Well. Inspect the work. To the is he set the independent person well be talking to. You have questions or when a want me to im concerned were double into our budget and 3 times the amount of time it took and im not laying blame i think there is a lot to go around but what are youre showing feels about the steps our process is taking right now. What what is happening with the pause youre showing vendor Team Obviously not engaged. Speak spot microphone. Sorry so obviously be the vendor team is not engaged and the test is Going Forward without them their continually finding defects so historically when we look at the log we see a variety of categories so there gambles in requirements when they see and feel it is missing or a title not what we want or functionality things like that so gallops in the requirement and two things that something has been coded not working as designed and that seems 20 percent of less what is logged so when we are in the situation like this where each time a user groups comes in to do testing at a layer of requirements basically so layer after layer after layer of requirements adding tour our configuration this is unstable requirement based and therefore the configuration becomes unstable so we need to affirm solid requirement before you will see that firm solid configuration so some of the concerns that are brought up by henry and shawn about the defects that will stabilize and those numbers will come down when we have those final so we can look at the report for instance, and take with an specific work and look at the history and show you the history and how many times it cycles it is kind of in a motorcycle micro coming and cos getting. We test it and fix the bugs and move on those are r were gathered and tested not what we want we need dweekz to make that work and test it not quit it were not cycling with this pause; right . We would like to see rather than future testing i believe that shawn alluded to this and ron talked about the large gaps then testing without the vendor partner it would be anymore beneficial for the teams to colonel together and really solidarity not a pause but include the vendor partner and getting the requirement to back to have a normal cost implementation to work and work well with the requirements and do the testing fix the bugs it come out and have a stable environment thats what i feel right now and the second thing i want to talk about the third page they talked about the all the times i dont know if you want me to go into that nower other questions on the topic of where we are now. Deal with the questions that kind of have been asked. Just want to add im with the chapter two 1 tech without having wanting to doing any blaming my take on this i speak for the Vendors Group i wish we could sit down with dbi and say which requirements work and which ones dont what do we need to do with the documents and get the commission to sign off and go forward it doesnt seem to be something that warrant this growing bigger and bigger and bigger and much more expensive i mean it will cost so many to get anyone in for an ascertainment and getting into worrying about things and fingerpointing and starting the process from scratch we are 80 and 90 percent of the way there less than a year ago we sit down and said when we finish testing this functionality is in phase two we want it in phase one give us everyone they came up with 25 items and difficult requirements and got sign off this is delivered theyre testing we need to go live it was very, very urgent we did that is seems like we have those requirement what seems like the issue the normal 25 items earlier those requirements have live holes in them lets go back and clean that up i think the effort in doing the requirement with the right peep from the room from dbi is not very long weve got a lot of that done it seems like the whole things seems overblown and much more expensive. Thank you yards to the we can youll have a chance to do Public Comment on so im trying to keep it to youll have a chance for Public Comment. Okay. Go ahead. Whats the question and i wanted to get from our vendor their assessment of the process were going we have a lot of concerns about them not being involved. So thats yourself Public Comment. You can use this other microphone. Im leann the Senior Vice President of the company ive been involved in this project in the beginning there were requirement as part of revenue in fact i think another study before we started this project i concur with the experience described by my colleagues and understand the frustration of dbi president to get the system right so do we so i believe this is going to take us youll working together we do this everyday we know how to document things and configure them it works all over the countrys so strongly recommend we get back on track but we remain committed if so the point were here were not letting go but see this through to the end. Thank you. Appreciate that. Commissioner walker. Yeah. Having heard that i have a strong preference to include our vendors in our current process to help us with coming forward with a list of qualifications or requirements i think that is not a senate thing to include them i agree that testing during the process is mute until we have our requirements agreed on and put in writing to it doesnt make sense to test something. Shawn please. Shawn. You know i just wanted to respond to whats been said for the last few minutes and respond for directly to some of the commissioners concerns that were raised actually that was good to hear from the vendors they agree will be layers upon layers and we need to begin the set of requirements the problem is if we keep doing exactly what it is were not seeing amendments well see amendment 7 and 8 and 9 up until 2, 3, 4 moment building to the old set of blue chips that were wrong; right . The whole purpose to get a proper set of blupdz and whats what is needed thats why the reset is needed if we keep on with the same people following the same methodology ill guarantee youll see amendments 7, 8, 9 with the whole the point of this reset to stop and do is it correct once do it it properly once we had a problem throughout this process to follow a methodology how you gather and develop and design the system and this process is what you hire a vendor to do you follow their methodology thats why you hire them theyve done it before this is if the working to date they own the documents and analyzed building equivalent to building the set of blue chips they were mirandize to be the architect with blue prints. We still dont are a blue chip and without the project pause and reset whatever word were using we keep on doing what weve been doing and bleeding Million Dollars we dont want to do that. Again one second. Commissioner walker yeah. I mean i think this would be helpful to see the original requirement submitted as part of this project. If you want that had been we can easily provide pate e whats been document. Our part to figure out what is added to and missing still i dont know i mean at this point im not certain where theyre not complete it seems more our bad than their bad a person drawing the blue prints will only draw them to the specifics like the person the history of how it happened at the last meeting we explained that the truth was the truth was the shareholders and people that own the businesses were not involved in the first accept 19 set of requirements the vendors said 3 waves of requirements first one i dont want to get into naming the names the first two if you go back and watch what was recorded last months the first two didnt involve the shareholders the blue prints were drawn up without the proper people being involved the blue prints are wrong it is no minor thing; right . The assessment is important to help us fit and begin what needs to be done what the proper next steps having a third party clearly two major forces of disagreement here having a third and partial body is important here the phrase use somebodys. Org not in the fight thats what we need and the Third Party Assessment is needed trust me if you think we can keep on doing what weve done and coming up with a firm dates thats wrong. I did not mean to suggest go along with what we do. To the point better to be safe than sorry we as commissioners need to get to the bottom but keep on digging and dont want to do this as commissioners we agree armor control i think it is fair play what i find amazing about it debate were arguing the same point i know i joo just dont want this to be a vesting session i know were up set and really every hat is in the right place lets get this fixed and im kind of surprised were going director bordens i thought we needed to agree to get this down loud and clear when we have that person in place well answer those questions and hopefully, a list of over demands that are acceptable and i really feel at this point we can really keep control of that Going Forward be involved in youll see issues that let us down in the past commissioner mar. I want to speak to commissioner mccarthys point were talking about and passport each other one issue that is touchy ive raised it and i feel that it is a very touchy issue i appreciate commissioner lee raising it the grew up left out right now and the bic and staff the bic and dbi are not the same entity sometimes, we greeting get treated the same but the bucks is supposed to oversee dbi sometimes the City Attorney says we cant oversee that part but the thing about permit tracking is because the grand jury and some of the citizens in this city says we dont know how the heck you guys give out permits some people get it and some dont some have a harder time this is about is how transparent do we want to make the permit tracking system i think when i say people dont have a dog in the fight come on we have been hats has a dog in the fight the people at the it department through who the Mayors Office hired has a dog youre showing friends get the permit the people that contribute to certain campaigns get the permit and others dont what is did permit tracking system actually going to show the citizens and to me we should be involved when you talk about the requirements we should be involved in that discussion how do you find out and track a permit how do you track who touches that permit from the minute the guy walks in the door whether a Design Professional to every plan checker and clerk that touches it and signed out of how the public looks like that i feel that this being taken over by the it department the bic we dont get to say and look at what is going on right now so its my little thing. I concur i think that were going to guess what all the requests commissioner mar im clear as President Commission we have particularly to the stave building youre showing rep our ratios as the city i respect that and know there is something there this is really why im more im sitting on the fenced of the reset but convinced now i appreciate youre making our argument here i know you believe shawn and henry and your committed to getting this right housing and urban development did you want to say something. Quickly on what is visible online well demonstrate if i want any of the commissioned wanting to see what is online for the sentences to see in terms of the approval process on various stops this is all demonstrated now so we can certainly provide you that and answer those questions. I think a healthy conversation needs to be done and commissioner walker with two tight sorry dr. Mccray this is most stimulating ive heard one thing that troubles me and this is i want to raise the question often the Management Level who is going to take responsibility for the staff reengagement that needs to happen . Whos taking responsibility to make sure that the vendors are reengaged or engaged throughout how have this process is going on while theyre sitting or not sitting . Who is going to take responsibility that it has got what it needs to get from us who is doing that because whats been raised a management problem and that troubles me a management problem who is taking responsibility for managing this thats my question. If were not in terms of of our governance role who is . Yeah. Please henry maybe the director maybe henry. The fundamentally the types of items youve listed belong to the project team and management that works under the direction of the dbi director so were we definitely feel greatest owner 100 percent ownership this is that responsibility given to us by director huey so were responsible. Okay director huey. Besides i ask henry and shawn and my assistant director weve ordered the documentation from the last few years you know engagement with all the you know supporter and user e. R. The documents we send to the consultant document what we require and then you know, i took the full probability for the whole young thats all i dont feel comfortable with the way it is going so i want the reset. Thank you. So at this stage open up for Public Comment if no more commissioners. I have a comment. Okay. Madam secretary. Been promoted. Good morning. Im jerry i would last week to make a few comments on the department of building inspection preemption of the sell last year system and the building inspection oversight of this important project dbi has spent 8 million in 5 years implementing the system and on the bic meeting last week director huey said the building inspection wants to terminate or kill the accelerator project the best results are sdounl due to the miss managing by dbi and the lack of oversight by the bic im encouraged in the last 14 months dbi has secured professional management to manage the project and the bic has taken an active roll in the oversight project suspending the prelims by dbi needs to be fully explained and understood is this the first step in terminating the project or the suspension of reset in the invitation of the project what we learned in last months bic meeting the Planning Department of the city has successfully implemented the system it is an Important Initiative and killing the project has implementations beyond the department of building inspection the ceo thought the company testified many counties like alameda he building that dbi has accurate funds to complete the system he also said that the company will do what is necessary for insure a successful implementation of the system. Talking about the current activities during the reset and not specifically providing clarity around the adequacy of backdoor requirement and the specific plans for addressing Business System problems is a continuation of the bad prior behavior that created did current mess i couldnt emphasis that more at the risk of being overdramatic ill character that type of behavior like reretaining the beck deck chairs on titanic what is the plan how is it going to get fixed i can understand the need for dbi to reset to develop a plan for the system, however, i suggest the bic require a written statement of intentions from dbi that includes the purpose and observation of the project a list of specific activities that are planned during the suspension period and completion gates dates for each scheduled activities the existing systems sorry ill have to ask you to wrap up. Its been acknowledged theyre not adequate and mentioned that dbi is working on them so it is unclear what the scope of the consulted the new consultant is are they going to accompany and do a gap analysis or complete the requirements thats totally unclear. Thank you your time is up. Is there any additional Public Comment . Thank you linda 21 tech id like to look at the third page of the budget i have a question about amendment 7 which is not documented here so the project team used the funds through amendment 6 on the around the 12 of union since that time weve been working on amendment 7 in conjunction with dbi and i find it concerning the work on june 12th go forward is in no way where he remembered working on the project june 12th there october 5th with full this go be knowledge dbi has signed amendment a 7 so i find it concerning and want to understand the logic not being represented. Can i ask how much money. Through the chair. Were still doing Public Comment. That was the ideas of through the chair. So you have a question commissioner walker. Amendment 7. Amendment 7 is 1 mount you will Million Dollars, 4 hundred thousand is allocated to the Planning Department for future enhancements primarily amendment 7 was the result of february 2015 look at some of the larger caps requirements and additional functionality that dbi required to go live originally they were plans for phase two and around february it was determined restraining orders are important for the speed of the clerk and how they do their work and grandfathering needs to be in place this is kind of their orients of that amendment 7 to take care of the 25 items which were supposed to and the intent this is this is what we need to go live my hats off thats amendment 7 the project team worked on that through the summer with the go live so im concerned and id like to understand why amendment 7 is not represented here. Is there any additional Public Comment. Hi 21 tech i have one commit for the appearance of complete nonconflict of interest if this third partys Assessment Company is coming in i thought it should be done to the Mayors Office or is Controllers Office to do an agreement dbi has been managing it for them to hire someone to side did ascertainment there is a red herring so our suggestion that this should be handed by someone with no conflict of interest thank you. Commissioner walker yeah, so is Public Comment is closed. Is there any additional Public Comment Public Comment is closed. So commissioner walker then henry and id like to know about the amendment 7 i tenderloin to agree the Controllers Office would be a period of time third party so no conflict of interest it didnt matter structurally but the Controllers Office is historically been good at coming in at least managing it make sense. I dont have the answer. Not our ferry recognize it seems to be a. It is not killing the project and naomis office is not killing the office not the intent to the but a pause to see a assessment compared to the timeline and spend a small amount of money the reset and pause it temporary i want to make sure that is on the Public Record the plan of addressing the requirements thats one the dliebldz when i get the rfp this is one of the dlieblz to provide a road map where the gaps needs to be filled thats one of the dliebldz from the rfp. Sxhaushgs through the chair. Do you have a comment about bring in the controller to oversee this as an independent third party you work under the Mayors Office or the administrators office. Yes. Dbi reports to the office. And naomi is the vendor. The rfp is coming back to d t. One of the parties; right . Thats what im saying if were going to do a third partys assessment it should be. T stepped in and managed the project on behalf of the manage d t responsibility is at the city level responsibility as they get the system implemented. I mean where im sitting if we bring in someone independent theyll be independent so, i mean from what the department. The controller is dependent thats a good idea. Each year but the person off the list is someone that you have on the list a few people that can step forward and do this. Otherwise well have to glottis im not talking about the vendors but who manages the process as for selecting the vendors. Yeah yes, if it is asking for reassurance celebrating the vendor to have the Controllers Office involved. Yeah. I dont know if it is appropriate or not. Personally i i mean, i dont have a problem commissioner walker but not sure what triggers off some efficiently if we go two the nationwide search it could take longer i know you dont want that. Im not saying it should be changed but who makes the call of out of appearance of independence. Why not offline ill report back you i understand what youre saying. Commissioner melgar and do you mind in the director goes first. I dont want to drag this on the controller didnt know about it the vendors. They know what is going on. I think my problem to begin with having a third party come up on the project and then well putting it farther out to someone after expertise may not be that it makes it more complicated and director and then shawn. Commissioner walker the controllers we have meeting with him and then also, we also may and you with the Mayors Office this project i presented to them we have you know we were doing before you know have ordered the meeting with shawn to explain the situation you know it is very transparent Everybody Knows about is and were trying to make sure we all do the right job the dbi and others and tech and accelerate needs to be on top of that. Ill report back on this. Thank you. I wanted to two responses to items that have been brought up amendment 7 amendment 7 dbi had asked for the vendors to provide one final date one final estimates what it takes to achieve goal live what was proposed amendment 7 a 1. 8 percent 5 million close to 9 million you can see the piece of paper and it is not fully and executed in the process of being executed we were informed it was insufficient it it was built on assumptions that no further defects or issues were found basically, not enough were still looking for one final estimate one final project plan that seize us through go live and permanent another 9 million of anticipation thats amendment 7 one note i said to address commissioner melgar were seeking and looking for professionals who can come on board the methodology and dlieblz and look at it their state of efficient not Building Code and dbi experts we should find that and ramp up to peed were looking for the project materials themselves to be audited and assessed and gaps and recommendations for how to improve and go forward ill not worried about them getting up to speed dbi were looking for management and methodology expertise. Im skeptical im worried about the learning about the dbi but learning about the project and whereas you know even skeptical to begin with you could probably do that im sure someone in the Controllers Office to see that but lets just a clarify. I could talk for the next 3 hours of my assessment but to use the mother for someone whos dog is not in the fight all thank you for everyone comments and coupling come into so next steps and obviously commissioners this will be on the calendar next month and ill clear on some of the questions here that answers to be gotten back on and working closely with the staff at least a more detailed report on times timeframe and move that independent person is going to be and some of the questions can be answered how long this will take seeing no more questions madam secretary. Item 6 discussion and possible action for the proposed change to administrative bullet ordinance and Technology Provisions regarding the evaluation and also im sorry going to read item 7 as well because number six and seven are related discuss and possible agency to be the code change to the San Francisco Building Code structural observations for the case general to delete the reference and replied with an itemized applicable date may want can i ask are items six and seven urgent do we need to discuss those now. I was told not problematic. What was that. Staff said those are not. Can we continue to the next. Yes. Ill second. The commission likes to continue items six and seven. Any Public Comment for the individuals that were here for those items. . Seeing none, then item six and seven will be continued well do a vote commissioner president Mccarthy Well do a roll call vote to continue the two items nobody is objecting all in favor where we were at number 8 discussion and update on Code Enforcement. Good afternoon president mccarthy and commissioners thank you for the opportunity to present before you today today is presentation ill provide an overview Code Enforcement their Code Enforcement is section and hazard Inspection Services further process the dbi staff investigates complaint enforce the code regulations and receive complaint online permit tracking system im or in person which we receive seven hundred plus complaint a month it might be persevered we have backlog this is not case the open complaint that are currently going through the Code Enforcement process open complaints are cases actively in place for the Code Enforcement works for directors hearing and posting notices and scheduling on calendar and cost assessment on this slide with dbi Code Enforcement we generate a case as previously mentions for example, to include vacant buildings and mandatory soft story project weve received seven hundred complaints roughly three hundred and 50 to 4 hundred complaint for building and housing with the owners fail to comply on the afternoon an estimated two months before the it sent to the directors hearing as we needed to complete it and schedule overthecounter and prepare the case their conducted weekly with tuesday for implementing and wednesday for hazard 60 properties with rough will i 15 a week for housing 195033 properties processed on an average 0 monthly with 8 of them a week when we have exhausted the Administration Process we refer the cases to the Deliberation Committee for the City Attorney for litigation as you can see no slide 4 since 2000 we have over 15 hundred open complaints of the one thousand plus us Code Enforcement processed 37 percent with order of abatement order of abatements are cases out of the Code Enforcement process gets received to another competent but the board of supervisors every year era referred to the City Attorneys office their 12 percent within the directors hearing while 20 are one percent on those the vacant building list and for the last two years the numbers of open complaints are 4 hundred and 520099 or 70 percent are issued in order of abatements you see one hundred and 6 of 4 hundred and 5 or 26 percent are waiting directors hearing it is important probation officer note that the Code Enforcement is a dynamic process it changes daily matt haney at overwhelm numbers may and do change distancing an important point to remember those customers comply but the bad actors are providing what is required with the Administration Process we will work with the customers to dhuf compliance and try to provide sufficient time to account for the wide sidewalksal or personal family circumstances were committed to insuring the building safety is safe and the folks are the overwhelm majority or abatement roughly 95 percent of complaints with resolved without Code Enforcement some of the list are addressed by Property Owners when we refinanced usually a lion on the property when they dont good to refinance theyll have to get the necessary or pay the fees as you can see weve worked diligently to manage it by getting through the process that concludes my presentation. I can now take youre showing questions. I wanted to note that commissioner president mccarthy has been executed commissioners, any questions. I had a brief comment if no other comments first of all, i asked for in just to off the record discussion ill put on the record i had wideputy direcr lourey i appreciate clean power up that i want to echo agreeing with staff 95 percent of homeowners Property Owners probably do the right thing to get an nov to fix it it goes away what we have the problem is about 5 percent of bad actors or like the poor lady that went before us with the abatements appeals went to planning and found out 3 years and 7,000 later couldnt have the deck tore it down with one month we issued the first nov and saved 7 thousands with with the pain and unfortunately planning dont a long time and took her through the ringer and couldnt do it anyway, thats one of the things i wanted to for us to help a clear the backlog of novs one i discussions what the staff is suggesting we need more inspections sometimes yeah id like to spend more money for inspectors than continuing this on with that said, the 5 percent of bad actors we spend a lot of time on it and i was wondering and want some direction from the staff in a future meeting 0 could we have special inspectors focused on some of this longstanding novs so it is just not sending out the same inspectors paying attention to it clear the backlog and the other thing id like to do if it is in planning a notification that it is in planning and i think that the other thing we know that people use planning for two reasons one is the honest people go through planning because they obviously think they can fix the problem through planning and then other bad actors that they go through planning knowing it is a convenient tactic they dont center to readdress the problem and takes 3 years fine ill leave this sitting there for 3 years so we have to work with planning and maybe some other departments and is look we have to clear this up is this a remote possibility the owner will legalize this thing or this person is unpermit work using it as a installing tactic i think i feel like if we have to designate special staff more staff to do this i think that should be a serious discussion on the part of bic so i wanted to thank you to the department for clean power the mass and some of it is out of our hands so to speak so commissioner lee. Thats why it is very important for us to category grizzly those things commissioner mar said a planning for the purpose of delaying action how many do we get is it 90 percent of people doing this if so it we need to take this up with the Planning Commission thats one. Regarding our presentation i have a couple of questions i like to see you dont have to answer it dbi but the next meeting id like to see the reasons behind the awaiting directors order awaiting the directors hearing why are those one hundred and of waiting for a hearing because of resource problems on our end or people are asking to postpone their hearing why id like to see why and the other question i have the order of abatement issued we issued 200 and 99 do we followup to see from the person that received a completed abatement and this it removed to we check on that track those . Well, i mean if you need to wait until next month thats fine yeah. Do you want do you have any other comments or answer any of the things weve raised. We can respond next month we did do a period previously before the 2009 to 2013 we took the complaint and had that power presentations and end up with three hundred plus complaint and took the three hundred plus and broke down those for the 5 year period so it is a very small percentage. Okay. Commissioner walker i guess had a followup let i am pull up the power point. What was at question in the past a question after the power point presentation. Right. We did so from 2008 to 2013 we took those cases and look at every single one and had that okay. It is out of those cases okay. The open complaints from 2009 to 2013 were one thousand plus abated and closed complaint due to permit finalize and hazard abated is 6 hundred plus the total number of open cases 200 and 64 we took the open cases to see what they were were out of the 200 and 64 open cases the permits to clear the notice of violation they took one hundred and 46 permit to comply with the notice of violation and the restated were 10 from suspension of planning are under the bic filed for 36 theyre taking action and suspended for 10 and the first notice of violation were 4 they took a permit out and had 70 projects take a a long time we hold the notice of violation and trying to conform to the work the cases due to continuation is 29 that was a breakdown for year we could do this for the last 5 years. Great commissioner walker has a question. Deputy i want to thank you for bringing us through a better level of Code Enforcement all of us recognize the fact it is one time better than when we started talking about that the board of supervisors is looking an enter departmental enforcement coordination we deal a violations at dbi that rests on our records for 3 years while planning does something not fair to us or the public one of the hopes that as much as were getting our ducks in order well a lot of the departments are taking care of the vicinity well serve as an example thank you very much for doing the work. Thank you any Public Comment on this item . Good morning id like to talk about the building inspection of over this important dbi the management of complaints received by dbi is important, however, not all complaints in dbi are the result of an notice of violation and frequently dbi receives several embarrassments for the same day violation Code Enforcement begins when the building cod violation has been documented with an nov it is confusing and disingenuous notice of violation are potential Public Safety hazards as a current member of nov approximately 15 or 16 hundred does dbi have operating standards for resolving novs where no department operating standards no accountability the need for detailed report that address the problem of nov problems needs to be addressed without specific numbers the bic has no idea how small or large the problem is reporting in the establishment of departmental operating standard is where the bic needs to exercise its oversight responsibilities the failure of gi to provide meaningful Management Information of novas is a serious problem the bic needs to aid thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment. Thank you. Seeing none, item 9 directors report 9 a update on dbis finances. Good afternoon from the department of building inspection before you the october finance report ill take a moment to go over the highlights on the revenue our revenues have strong weve collected about this Million Dollars of july of this fiscal year that is 2. 8 million more than last fiscal jr. 20142015 and a Million Dollars more than this is our best on record the preliminary reason page 2 as you can see actually see the permit in the evaluation and so basically our permit zaegs is up by 48 percent and in the month of october with the permits valued awe at one hundred Million Dollars in four months i think in 20142015, of throughout the entire year and particularly in Electrical Permits and Building Permit and plan review those are primarily what you see a lot of the growth on the expenditure does it is a little bit more than before and if you look at a comparison to last year youll see 2 million left from last year that is primarily because services among the departments is work order is 12 million by now well receive higher billings so we expect it to go up in other areas were actually spending more than we were in the prior year im available to answer any questions i didnt make any revenue projecting projections a couple of things happening not a lot of time those few months october so make a separate line may skew should revenues well wait until december with a full 6 months of revenues and by then the after two full months of the new tiers and fees will be in place the other projections are Straight Line collections once again theyre only do it based on the two years ill be happy to answer any questions. Questions. Yes. Other services that we generally have received emphasize what is causing theyre not submitting. Off their services for example, the technology and controllers we have a lot of large work orders and decided maybe not to submitted a work order sometimes the departments wail for 6 months you have a Controllers Office report it is i am perfect to get those together and sometimes, it is off but not from outside outlet city departments that are providing the services. Okay Services Whats the projection over a quarter. A lot of it is not quarterly base it varies somethings did Controllers Office will pay for using and the users to be for special assistance on an audit or report thats nationally not a quarter not quarterly it varies so much some of the ones more consistent frnlgs we paid funding to d hr they handle the test this is more consistent but symmore is consistent. Okay. Thank you. Any other questions for the commissions thank you. Thank you. 9 b update or relevance enacted legislation. Good afternoon bill legislative Public Affairs first thing director hueys want to make sure youre aware that the department will have a holiday parties december 11th we hope youll be able to come and join us at don ramonas restaurant i think pubically known to a lot of people other social occasions for the department so on december 11th i believe other than 4 00 p. M. If you feel to help us kickoff the Holiday Season wed like to have you on the legislative side commissioner walker mentioned the code reform ordinance that is on the land use thirty day calendar 4 different items 3 of them if supervisor wiener including that one dbi has participated in a meeting with supervisor wiener staff and we have actually arrived at an agreement only some of the language and process there maybe a few refinements still to come weve been meeting with the Fire Department part of this reformed legislation would require the Fire Department to dwo do a process for similar to us and the novas and holding of hearing things that the Fire Department is not currently doing that aside there is also supervisor tangs ordinance to exempt from the vacated building ordinance properties that are in probate preceding those often average several months to get close out she would like anymore latitude and again, a thirty day calendar i dont expect those to come to the full lunld land use until after the holiday some may get pushed into the new year one by supervisor wiener on gray Water Systems we talked about before and that is one the chief pumping inspector is meeting with supervisor wieners staff to refine that language and make sure that works for everybody we did meet director huey and one of our Tech Services people met with supervisor campos this past week were looking at some code modifications in the coming new code cycle is it underway in january for gender neutrality bathrooms and trying to make that more available for Small Businesses with limited space so that is a matter that is under discussion and we will continue to cooperate with the supervisor on that were joining the supervisor at a Community Meeting thursday tomorrow offering 0 e evening on the 16th street and shop well recent fire as you may know about 20 Million People displaced in the adjacent Apartment Building to get an overview of whether or not the owner has been responding to the notice of violation as of my discussion with staff yesterday not had the order come into do that i will say the owner has an issue are tenant access to cover items and throughout the responsibility for the liability with his engineer to escort people into the safe areas where this is possible and there maybe areas of that building where it is not safe, of course, and you cant really be of much help there but we have encouraged the tenants and represents to try to speak directly with the owner weve been encouraging the owner to cooperate and assist the tenants with that issue one final thing on the actual demolition for the tire shop which our engineer to cut is it from 15 days requires to be immediate. We did have restored certain elements legislation bringing more appeals directly to the fwik and eliminating the abatement appeal board it is back to this process i feel like we are getting to a point where everybody will have success with that. Any other questions. Item 9c update on project. Good afternoon siding the major point this is few of the last boards meeting we roughly is have an increase percentage for the revenue of the construction that is why youll see the c p cars with the revenue come up to because into this in the admitted any questions. On the race election a couple of projects the voters approved on the Giants Stadium and side warriors has anything i know that will probably be a long process even though the voters approved that any projections come in in terms of work on this site. First of all, giants not coming in that much yet but the wirings warriors warriors we review it candle stick is coming in and trying to push it the major tinge that the r e d the rec Housing Project coming in. Is the rad program mostly upgrades their existing; is that correct. A combination of both because that is a new one and mostly the exit buildings with the schematic retrofit and the system. Thank you. Item 9 d update on Code Enforcement. Good afternoon, commissioners dan Deputy Director inspectors services a Code Enforcement and monthly dbi update for october b the containments are 3 willed and 57 complaints 72 hours were 200 plus the complaints of first notice of violation migrants received and abated without notice of violation were one and 42 Public School the abatement containments with notice of violations were 23 and exactly notice of violation we referred to the Code Enforcement were 1 the housing inspectors Services Performed were nine hundred and 12 complaints 4 hundred and 88 complaints between 2 henry adams were complaints of violation were one and 41, abatement excitements with notice of violation were three hundred plus number of cases september to the directors was 35 couldnt u Orange County inspectors three hundred plus the number of cases stent to the director were 45 and the number of order of abatement were 10 and number under advertised time were 10 and number of abateded number of cases to bic was that and this was the update and shows the activity. Any Public Comment on directors report 9 a there d. Item 10 pitifully of may 20th, 2015. Move the approval of the draft minutes may 2015. Location any. Seeing none, all commission in favor is. Opposed . Minutes are approved. Item 11 commissioners matter increase the staff at this time the commissioners any ask about the housing practices and procedure that are interestingly to the commission. I want to raise a question i see our City Attorney has departed but if we find the need for a closed session regarding the company how do we go about getting that done. That was asked before it cant be done. You can followup on it, it is did response theyre only a few items it what about discussed in closed session like the directors valuation and certain things in closed session and certain things public im not the expert on it you can defer to john. The only reason ive raised the team will make some manage yearly high decisions. Theirs to be a of committee with any of the commissions can participated do you know about that. I think that since is it so not our under our management we can only pier 70 put it on as an item to be discussed but we cant take any action i think that we can continue and we should to have it on our agenda the things we go into closed session are exceptional evacuations and litigation issues until it rises to that we can have a specific meeting about acelacela. Question, discuss it in public. Thank you. Id like to amend one of the requests to staff i want a clarification about osceola number 7 was it signed if not just tells you no and also the possible financial mramgz of amendment 7 what was in that i asked about the other amendments thats all. So osceola will be on the next agenda. Next the commission may discuss to set up a special meeting are thing on the agenda of the next meeting with the building inspection the this is the regularly scheduled meeting of the is on december 16th any Public Comment regarding items 11 ab . Okay. Seeing none item 12 adjournment may i have a motion. Second. Okay. All commissioners in favor with your adjourned 12 30 p. M. Thank leaders. Hi everyone im patrick the director of earthquake safety forever for the stoifbl and we have the ryan white fair to teach people about the made sure soft story ordinance and connect them with the services they need you can save thousands of lives and if those buildings are rooiftd people will be allowed to sleep in their own beds while the city is recovering. Were here at the earthquake Ryan White Center for people to comply with the ryan white or do a ryan white on their property to connect with the resources they need. I came here wondering what to do as a owner of an Apartment Building moderate to comply with the must rules that went into effect last year we dont want to go to 10 different Events People said so we advise people of the event. So we try to be incentive not everyone is going to be able to come 0 so this fans the afternoon and the einstein ive decided to be here its amazing to see all those peoples here its critical to be prepared and to recover from disasters as finishing as possible. Ive been to a lot of shows and this one was a trufk turnout a. Since the structure the building represents the super structure the lower part of this particle on the buildings on the corner they shack quite a bit. So for the floors above as shaking that top floor is fog gogo have no more mass and we saw in 1984 more structure destruction where were ryan white this by adding a steel frame typically you want to brass in both directions and see how strong the building is. Weve adapted a thirty year Implementation Program i worry about that was a retrofit requirement this is what we do to mitigate the shom and haves evacuation for the people and our partners. I had questions about what kind of professionals are involved in this i want to start to put together a team of people to help me get through this. Im a Structural Engineer and im thrilled at the quality of the contractors and engineers weve taken one civic awesome and put all the vendors in one place. You have financing and engineers and contractor and they come here and every were rebuilding are that the office of the city of administer and the depth thought i environment and other partners. All those things one little piece of a resilient piece of and i felt more positive about things i thought about how to pay for this. We didnt want to have one financing option it didnt work. We found information about financing they are different options for different types Property Owners. Weve seen them offering financially and a pool of styles for a complicated way of saying theyll be able to pay back their loans over the next two years. We have 3 options and secondly, to get a loan for the ryan white and the third becoming in the past Program Participants in that. It is encouraged along coastal easier where we have set time like sand and a high water table to a cause the sand to shake im going to get this visitation on the same bridge youll see the water come to the surface this knocks the foundation over and pushes out the ruptured pipeline it is intimidating im talking to people as a layman who needs help. This is a difficult process for people to navigate were only focused on outreach so weve got the informational and weve spoken to many different owner groups and Community Groups all across the city. Outreach is critical for the Retrofitting Program the city has to get out to the community and help people said what they have to do and do it and raise finances so this program is an advocate and resource for the community. So why not skip to the theme. Foremost and most to come weve been presenting Community Meetings and going face to face with Community Owners and helping people understand what to do you may be wanting to know about the sf green but this will allow you to have is a loan for the property so if you have the property the loan will be summoned by the new owner and this is pay back for your property taxes and the low rates this is a fantastic option. Im in favor of the program obviously were going to have a earthquake this is from an investment stewardship. After a few minutes with folks even if you dont agree you understand the concept. Weve talked about being able to do this now were going to be forced to do this its a good thing but to pay for it. Its not only protecting their property but every dollar is for mitigation it truly is protecting our investment overall the city. Its the right thing to do. You can look at the soft Story Building and theirs like the buildings that collapsed in the earthquake and your shufrtdz to see this people are getting caught to get this done and if people can find a place in our homes of shelter it will keep people in their homes. Together well work out of getting out of 0 disaster and making the community bringing back to what we love. As a level of folks weve talked about we make recommendations to make everyone mitigated their soft story problems no other jurisdiction has tried to tackle this ordinance and were set to have our Program Complete by 20 20. The quality of the people are here because of the leadership. Its a great conversation statewide how to do this and i can only stress this enough if we didnt have the community of the san franciscans that are concerned people, you know, talking about our financing is options and our engineering requirement if you altercated all our work its consensus driven to provide options we dont have one path but one relative for people to get there. Its been an excellent consumption of the services i think im going to need if i go through this yeah, im very all 2, 1 you innovation on or was on over 200 years they went through extensive innovations to the existing green new metal gates were installed our the perimeter 9 project is funded inform there are no 9 Community Opportunity and our Capital Improvement plan to the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood it allows the residents and park advocates like san franciscans to make the matching of the few minutes through the philanthropic dungeons and finished and finally able to pull on play on the number one green a celebration on october 7, 1901, a skoovlt for the st. Anthonys formed a club and john then the superintendent the Golden Gate Park laid out the Bowling Green are here sharing meditates a permanent green now and then was opened in 1902 during the course the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that citywide much the city the greens were left that with an ellen surface and not readers necessarily 1911 it had the blowing e bowling that was formed in 1912 the Parks Commission paid laying down down green number 2 the San Francisco lawn club was the first opened in the United States and the oldest on the west their registered as San Francisco lark one 101 and ti it is not all fierce competition food and good ole friend of mine drive it members les lecturely challenge the stories some may be true some not memories of past winners is reversed presbyterian on the wall of champions. Make sure you see the one in to the corner thats me and. No . Not bingo or scrabble but the pare of todays competition two doreen and christen and beginninger against robert and others easing our opponents for the stair down is a pregame strategy even in lawn bowling. Play ball. Yes. Almost. clapping . The size of tennis ball the object of the game our control to so when the players on both sides are bold at any rate the complete ends you do do scoring it is youll get within point lead for this bonus first of all, a jack can be moved and a or picked up to some other point or move the jack with i have a goal behind the just a second a lot of elements to the game. Were about a yard long. Aim a were not player ill play any weighed see on the inside in the goal is a minimum the latter side will make that arc in im righthand side i play my for hand and to my left if i wanted to acre my respect i extend so it is arced to the right have to be able to pray both hands. clapping. who one. Nice try and hi, im been play lawn bowling affair 10 years after he retired i needed something to do so i picked up this paper and in this paper i see in there play lawn bowling in San Francisco Golden Gate Park ever since then ive been trying to bowl i enjoy bowling a very good support and good experience most of you have of of all love the peoples and have a lot of have a lot of few minutes in mr. Mayor the San Francisco play lawn bowling is in Golden Gate Park were sharing meadow for more information about the club including free lessons log

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