Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Rules Committee 92415 20150925

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As a teacher i have been quite honest that we have been looking on in horror how our city has been completely decimated of the workingclass people by certain members of city hall and i hold you responsible some of you not all of you and in particular our mayor, i have to say quite honestly. We have been completely horrorfied about that. Is that any time . Stop the luxury development. Stop the building of the luxury developments. Prop a with 650 units makes us compete with the rest of the community for very few housing opportunities. This is not a solution. Im really concerned that google is mentioned as part of the solution as a partner in the solution. Thank you. You can finish your sentence. Okay. Just so we understand im the last person on my block not to be evicted. I pay 45 income in rent. These assistance plans were geting are never going to be effective for me. 1 million homes are out of reach. Thank you. Good afternoon supervisors and commissioners. Like graham, i want to put a human face to what is going on. My name is Susan Kitchell and i have been a renter in district 1 since 1982. I have been a nurse for 40 years. I have been employed by the sfusd has a school nurse since january of 1997. I have lived in my current apartment since february of 2000. The building recently changed hands and the new landlords have begun the process ousting the tenants. I am a single mother since my childs birth. I spend my salary in the city and shop along geary boulevard and clement street. I know where to buy the best bagels in the city, in district 1. I see many students as i travel throughout the city. My neighbors know me. I know my neighbors. While two of the three tenants in the buildion i live in are members of the socalled protected class, myself being one of them. Many Legal Resources that we have reached out to have already told us that protected in the current environment means next to nothing. For many years i a[tefrpbts ]ed attempted to enter the Homeownership Program through the below market rate program with the lottery ticket. We received a modest salary increase. That increase placed me outside of the program. What happens when i am ousted from my apartment . Where does someone like me go when they thought we already arrived . In all likelihood, i probably wont be able to remain here. When i look at apartments outside of the city, the time and expense raises the feasibility of remaining in the city. Thank you. We need to accelerate the rate of educator Housing Assistance and we need to do that today. Thank you, ms. Kitchell. Thank you so much [ applause ]. My name is hello . My name is sandra mack, currently a member of union educators retiredpt when we say teachers, we use that as a generic term. We mean nurses and psychologists, frontline people with frontline relationships with students. That is why teacher affordability, the affordability of living in San Francisco for teachers is everybodys issue. If you remember one of the examples that was given in the last presentation about child homelessness, one of the speakers said everybody is a source of information about referring people for help, the cafeteria worker is a source and everybody can be a source, but the no. 1 source of information for referring familis to hamilton and others was the parent liaison and the parent liaison ladies and gentlemen is a paraprofessional. These people who work in the city, who work in the School District, who commute some of them an hourandahalf to get to work, and have the option if they are teachers, of getting 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 somewhere else and buying a house somewhere else and have the luxury wherever they go, they are needed. You may love teaching in San Francisco and teaching San Francisco school, but if you go to sequoia, you will also teach students who need you. We need to prioritize educator housing and its notice a matter of teachers against anyone else. Like the previous speakers the first thingte they will su put on your on oxygen mask because if you dont have it you cant help a kid. Thank you. Im from brightline defense project. Were a Public Policy advocacy nonprofit in San Francisco, devoted to ensuring Economic Diversity in the city. Ill keep my comments very brief. We have heard a lot of proposals talking about ways to enjoy affordable teacher housing from brickandmortar to rental assistance to down payment assistance and think they are concrete and realizable goals in the process of making housing affordable to teachers in San Francisco. And we support all of these goals and would like to thank supervisor kim for spearheading this task force. Thanks. Thank you. I should clarify, i didnt spearhead the task force. That was done with the Mayors Office of housing, but i called for this hearing to learn results of that. But thank you for that credit. Im matt bela, teacher and union rep. We have had teachers sleeping in cars that have been homeless. I think all of the other teachers have already eloquently talked about the housing crisis and i want to talk about the affordability of San Francisco for educators and i hope its not too much of a distraction, but its constantly on my mind and haunts me the cost of health care for teachers in San Francisco. The buck really stops with the district here. In my opinion, maybe you could find a creative way to help fund this. I know multiple teachers, the basis plan in the city costs 2 plus plan and anybody can go on the website and cost teachers 700 a month. Now god forbid your Family Member has a particular medical condition you need a ppo where its going cost 1100 a month. Paraprofessionals, its half of their paycheck. When we want to talk about an affordable city, housing im really, really happy of the movement that we see developing aroundhousing. Though i have to say i agree with mr. David campos quite a bit. Lets make Health Care Affordable as well. If you subsidize 700 per person, it would be 4 million for the district a year; right . And the relief that would have on the members that i know how much they suffer every month paying that ridiculous payment for health care, and the ability to maybe keep families in the city, educators with families in the city . It would be an incredible benefit for educators. So i hope that is not too much of a distraction, but i really its really close to my heart. Im sure everyone who has Family Members about Health Conditions understands where im coming from where that. Thank you, mr. Bela. Thank you. [ applause ] good evening, commissioners. My name is gail peters and im a School Counselor at balboa in the excelsior district. I attended middle school in the richmond district. Unfortunately my family left San Francisco in the 1980s, but i returned to the city i so deeply love. I have worked for sfusd as substitute teacher and now School Counselor. Im incredibly proud to work for the bright and beautiful students and pavls families of San Francisco. I know within the next two years i will be forcinged to leave the bay area because of the outrageous housing costs that were now experiencing. I believe that students deserve to see their teachers, et cetera walking the streets they walk and living in the communities that they live. This is becoming increasingly less possible. How shameful that our leadership, the young people that we want to educate with authenticity and equity. We were alerted to the fact for vacancies and asking for our assistance for recruiting teachers to San Francisco . Can you imagine the numbers to see in july of 2017 or 2018 or 2019 . The creative spirit of San Francisco not seen in its leadership. The city and the School District hold parcels of land that could be and should be converted into affordable educator housing. Its my housing opportunity, using opportunity, partnerships, and engagement that the progressiv spirit will be revised in new and revolutionly and needed ways to address this affordability crisis. Thank you at this time see nothing further comments were going to close Public Comment on this item. Commissioner haney . Well, i want to thank everybody who came out. After a long day at school to come here and just to speak to powerfully on this, i appreciate you and your leadership. I would echo which were made by supervisor campos and supervisor wynn thats been for some time a total and complete crisis. We have a situation that we know from the numbers that our educators cannot afford to live in the city in which they work. What i would like to see are solutions that are as big as the challenge that we face . We should have solutions that are as big and as urgent as the situation that we just heard from our educators tonight. You know, i think one of the things that has been challenging and i think commissioner wynns alluded to this there are general solutions that address the affordability crisis and move us forward in some way in providing more access to housing. But what does that mean for educators . How do we develop solutions that actually get us to a point that we dont have as many folks as we do now being pushed out of the city . Spending 50 of their income on housing . What i would like to see and i think supervisor campos spoke to this, is we know the problem. We know the scale of it. What would it look like to put together a real plan to address that . So that we could say that none of our newhires in San Francisco, none of our teachers who have been here 20 years are in a situation where we know from the numbers we just know straightoff they are going to be in a situation that is basically impossible for them to afford housing in the city . So could we get to a point we could say, we know that based on the numbers, none of our employees are going to be spending more than 30 of their income on housing . And we know that from looking at what is in front of us. If we dont if we know that how far we are from that now, then we should consider this a crisis and we should act as though its a crisis. I think the sustainability of the entire Public Education enterprise and the idea of great Public Schools for all our students is at stake in whether or not we are able to actually address this issue . So a couple of things that i would love to see the educator Housing Task Force consider, and hopefully moving forward when we continue this conversation and thank you, supervisor kim, for bringing this forward. We can hear about some of these different ideas. We know that other cities and other School Districts are building housing. We have a tremendous amount of land that principal sanchez brought up. Where are those sites . What are other School Districts and cities doing . How can we replicate some of those approaches here in San Francisco . We also know that there are different sorts of rent subsidy support programs that the city can consider. And other types of direct support that we can maybe find creative funding mechanisms for to, actually address the fact that no educator should be spending a more than a certain percentage on housing . How do we create a formula that were able to get much closer to what is a livable situation for our educators and to be creative how we think about that . The other thing we heard that many educators are facing eviction and need Emergency Support. We talked about a very innovative a[prorb ] that we have around this when it come those homeless families. Why cant our teachers have similar types of support if they are facing eviction . They shouldnt feel alone and not supported by their district or city . [ applause ] what type of Emergency Support should they have in evictionprevention, in defense n funding to get them, so they are not just able to stay in their housing, but if they need to find other houses and what role is the district going to play in that in coordination with the city . I think the School District needs to view ourselves in an entirely new way when it comes to supporting educator housing and the counseling and support that we provide. What is exciting maybe about this opportunity that is different than in past years when this has been part of the conversation is that were all at the table now, and were actually trying to come up with constructive solutions. We have uesf, and we have the city and we have the School District and we have built this task force. Lets use this task force to consider all of these different options. And many more as a way to actually develop the solutions that are big enough to the challenge that we face and that we heard about tonight. I think that we do have mored at our disposal now in terms of resources. Resources should not be a barrier as this city we know is exploding with resources. If we cannot meet this foundational expectation that our educators should make enough and be supported enough though live and live in the city that they work. I think its just a basic foundational thing that we should be able to put together a plan that we should meet. I look forward to further work from the task force and think there is a lot of potential to meet these needs and solve this problem. Thank you, commissioner haney. Well take a motion to continue this item. I do want to say that im glad that the district and the Mayors Office of housing is working together. Because the only way we can solve this crisis is for the city to partner with the School District. And i want to acknowledge that while some work has been done, its really hard to hear when you know that the fruition of that work wont happen for years. Even with the 1950s mission and with the giant negotiations and getting an unprecedented number of middleincome 90150 ami and close to 30 will be for middleclass housing. We have never seen a Development Like that before, but we know that project will not be will not have teachers walking through that door for many years and they still have to go through the approval process and there is a real need today. I look forward to the conversation and many of the options mentioned and im familiar with the School Districts Surplus Property and worked on the Surplus Property resolution when i was on the board. So if its the principle center or other large sites to examine building teachers housing where there is no cost to the land of the district. Its difficult when you accept federal and state dollars you cant discriminate based on profession and to get private dollars for teacher housing. One the barriers we need federal and state to change their laws to allow us to prioritize or just build housing for educators which we cant do with those dollars. I also think we should look at the flexibility of rental subsidis in the meantime, because it doesnt require brickandmortar and that can happen immediately with funding that exists. So i want to thank commissioner fewer asked us to hear this item today. Thank you for bringing this item. Im glad to hear that were making some headway, but i think there is urgency in this work and we want to get some actual outcomes in next year for this. I want to thank the members. I am going to take a motion to continue this to the call of chair. We have that motion and well do that without any opposition. [ gavel ] we will hear this item again. Madame clerk, are there any other items . We have item no. 3. Oh, thank you. We do have item no. 3. I did ask sfmta to come back to the october meeting to present first, because we have run out of time. But medal clerk can you call item 3. Well take Public Comment on that item. Item 3 is update from the free muni Youth Program and requesting the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to report. Sfmta i did release them so they didnt have to sit for two hours. That being said well take public on comment on this item. Any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I want to acknowledge supervisor campos without whom this program would not exist. So thank you. But well be discussing this in october and certainly have the opportunity at that item. Well continue to oct meeting. Madame clerk, any other item . S no further business. Meeting is adjourned [ gavel ] just a few steps away from union square is a quiet corner stone of San Franciscos our community to the meridian gallery has a 20year history of supporting visual arts. Experimental music concert, and also readings. Give us this day our daily bread at least three times a day. And lead us not into temptation to often on weekdays. [laughter] meridians stands apart from the commercial galleries around union square, and it is because of their core mission, to increase social, philosophical, and spiritual change my isolated individuals and communities. It gives a statement, the idea that a significant art of any kind, in any discipline, creates change. It is philosophy that attracted david linger to mount a show at meridian. You want to feel like your work this summer that it can do some good. I felt like at meridian, it could do some good. We did not even talk about price until the day before the show. Of course, meridian needs to support itself and support the community. But that was not the first consideration, so that made me very happy. His work is printed porcelain. He transfers images onto and spoils the surface a fragile shes of clay. Each one, only onetenth of an inch thick. It took about two years to get it down. I would say i lose 30 of the pieces that i made. Something happens to them. They cracked, the break during the process. It is very complex. They fall apart. But it is worth it to me. There are photographs i took 1 hours 99 the former soviet union. These are blown up to a gigantic images. They lose resolution. I do not mind that, because my images are about the images, but theyre also about the idea, which is why there is text all over the entire surface. Marie in moved into the mansion on powell street just five years ago. Its galleries are housed in one of the very rare Single Family residences around union square. For the 100th anniversary of the mansion, meridian hosted a series of special events, including a World Premiere reading by lawrence ferlinghetti. The birth of an american corporate fascism, the next to last free states radio, the nexttolast independent newspaper raising hell, the nexttolast independent bookstore with a mind of its own, the next to last leftie looking for obama nirvana. [laughter] the first day of the wall street occupation set forth upon this continent a new revolutionary nation. [applause] in addition to its own programming as of artist talks, meridian has been a downtown host for San Francisco states wellknown port trees center. Recent luminaries have included david meltzer, steve dixon, and jack hirsch man. You can black as out of the press, blog and arrest us, tear gas, mace, and shoot us, as we know very well, you will, but this time were not turning back. We know you are finished. Desperate, near the end. Hysterical in your flabbergastlyness. Amen. After the readings, the crowd headed to a reception upstairs by wandering through the other gallery rooms in the historic home. The third floor is not usually reserved for just parties, however. It is the stage for live performances. Under the guidance of musical curators, these three, meridian has maintained a strong commitment to new music, compositions that are innovative, experimental, and sometimes challenging. Sound art is an artistic and event that usually receives short shrift from most galleries because San Francisco is musicians have responded by showing strong support for the programming. Looking into meridians future, she says she wants to keep doing the same thing that she has been doing since 1989. To enlighten and disturbed. I really believe that all the arts have a serious function and that it helps us find out who we are in a much wider sense than we were before we experienced that work of art. Good morning today is september 24th, i am john avalos, i have with me supervisor supervisor Cohen Malia Cohen supervisor katy tang. Please turn off an electronic devices. Any documents can be submitted to the clerk. Supervisor avalos item number one. Consider the mayors appointment to the children youth and families oversight Advisory Committee. Please come forward and welcome. Thank you for your interest in the oversight committee, we want to talk about your interest in your experience in working with children from families. Im linda martin jordan, currently employed by unintelligible been in the district since 2005, began in the Elementary School working at diablo and malcom x. I have been at unintelligible high school since 2007. Decreasing the truancy rate. It was extremely high. Since 2009 i have been appointed to special project working with africanamerican families and in that capacity i have been able to develop ways for families to be involved and participating in voicing their opinions about what is going on in the School District and in particular in mission. I work with various Community Based organizations to provide services to their students and families. I am a choice that needs to be made for seat number 6, i just want to be clear about it. laughter . One thing that is in the forefront of my mind is how to develop a means to reach out into the community to find out their needs that we can address and retrieving the data. Once would retrieve the data whatever it looks like we need to have courageous conversations about what really needs to happen with the data that is what a kind of bring to the table. Supervisor avalos what is it data tell you in terms of how does the city need to focus on retention and students of color . Have been some how can i say this there has been a lot of headway addressing two issues of various ethnic groups in the city and outward migration and address that issue with the mayors staff unintelligible hired by superintendent carranza and those committees that are working that happen and i have been a part of those committees and i will continue to because it is needed but i work with all students but my focus is africanamericans now. Supervisor avalos how do you see the city advancing the efforts of the city . And also support your work and School District as well . I work across all School Platforms and desires, quality living, quality jobs, quality training, working with the other 10 members of the committee we can sit down and look strategically at what has occurred, what has worked and come up with a plan for how we can address these to make them better. Supervisor avalos are you a parent of a child in the city . Or have you been the parent of a child in the city . I am a grandmother. I know i look younger. laughter unintelligible i was a foster mom but they call me a mom because i claim all the kids at admission. Supervisor avalos thank you for your service and for wanting to be in the committee. I have some people that have come in to speak. Will open it up for Public Comment, no need for speaker cards. Any additional questions . Its good to see you. Many people whom i respect have called me a written me a letter with high recommendations for your candidacy. I want to acknowledge your leadership around my brothers keeper. It had a whole panel and the commitment of president obama is unprecedented and in a direction that we need to be moving in and we are delighted to implemented here in San Francisco at the local level, looking critically at education and the Mental Health aspect to ensure that we are creating and supporting these in mensa they will be successful so i appreciate your advocacy and being involved in that level and again like i said i dont know you personally but the recommendations speak for themselves and i will be happy to support you today. To make a comment, this past saturday our committee came together and vision was to have a black family day from cradle to career. We had 800 families present, students were accepted onsite, they received scholarship money and had workshops on everything from unintelligible and also we had giveaways and the mayor came, families were so pleased, they were so excited to be in the space with all of this going on. I heard the catering was interesting as well. One of my favorites. Also prior to this Committee Meeting speaking about the event last saturday, and that it was successful the mayor speaking unintelligible and make sure that this is come to fruition. Any questions . Supervisor avalos this is a hearing. The right choice has already been made by the mayor. The morning. My name is unintelligible i am the Program Manager of unintelligible in San Francisco speaking in support miss jordan. unintelligible linda jordans appointment to this would be very needed. Her effect in the community that answer is farreaching and she is active and visible. I support her appointment. If you have any other questions of me i will be here for another minute and ten. Supervisor avalos thank you very much. Next speaker please. Good morning my news craig peters, i am with a San Francisco coalition of unintelligible . In the context of the work of our organization, we are charged with how schools transform unintelligible , related to the work that i believe this committee set up to oversee. It is with excitement that i support her nomination, not just because miss jordan comes with experience about the workings in the city, presenting many families that are invisible and not heard enoughand our work with miss jordan has been a bridge, is our Community Experiences gaps of opportunity. Miss jordans skill to build bridges and allow work to happen in support of those reached, has been a tremendous addition to the committee so i support the nomination tremendously. Supervisor avalos thank you very much. If they are no other commenters we can close this. And i want to thank miss jordan for coming in today. Do i have a motion to file this meeting . So moved and approved without objection. Next item. Considering one term for the citizens Advisory Board, one seat and one applicant. Supervisor avalos just so we know beforehand the supervisor for the district is also unintelligible for applicants to come in, and have their decision based in applicants can begin. I have a motion to continue on her request. Have three minutes or two according for this . Supervisor avalos three is fine for me. Thank you to the chairman and the members of the committee for hearing me today. In terms of my applicable experience i have been responsible for developing a pedestrian friendly vision. That is something i feel very strongly about. This opportunity i think is really exciting because it is in affect creating a brandnew neighborhood for the city of San Francisco that has so many complex elements and it. I have been through the comprehensive plan for the island. It is extensive and one of my qualifications is that i understand the vision and where it is headed. I applaud that and i know how much time it takes to put it together and it is been many years in the making. There is a critical junction here when planning is turning into the physical development of the island, beginning in the next couple of months when demolition starts taking place. I have been in that place before, with thousands of acres turning into a thriving community, overseeing the construction of transportation networks, trail and parks facilities, public facilities, sites for homes that were at various levels of affordability. Supervisor avalos where was this . A Community Called dupont landing in washington, one of the hallmarks of community planning, designed by unintelligible in berkley. Looking at the comprehensive plan. Im excited at the opportunities it can be seen as a brandnew community, looking at the use of the wetlands as part of the Water Treatment plant there. For the last five years i have been involved in the company that creates a new stores wetlands across the United States so i value that deeply. This is a grander use i would say of those wetlands; im particularly eager to see how that plays out. The other parallel is that in the course of the unintelligible project there was a huge environmental issue there, covering over 600 acres. It was an old black powder plant, much like hercules was here. When that use and it there was a substantial arsenic and lead contamination that we have to clean up. I dont think that things are quite severe in Treasure Island is that. Radioactive waste. There is that. Im enthused by using my experiences to create unintelligible and restore wetland and bring them to Treasure Island. One of the most satisfying things in the past project has seen a transform unintelligible talking to new residents and employees who come they are to see the enthusiasm on their faces that we achieved what we set out to achieve in a like to do the same thing at Treasure Island. Supervisor avalos thank you. Supervisor tang thank you for your interest in your appearance today. Im curious if you have gone to the advisory Committee Meetings and what you have seen. And what you have perceived as some of the issues that face Treasure Island. I have attended one of the citizens Advisory Board meetings in june. At that meeting there was no discussion about the transition plan but i am aware that they are existing residents on the island. There is a transition plan in order to carry it forward so they are not displaced from the island as it takes these others transformative steps. I know that there has been considered and i was able to speak briefly with one of the residents on the board and asked her specifically how the concision plan appeared to her and what i heard was a positive response, that it did accommodate the residents of the island and plans and expects good things there. That is extent of my experience with that. Supervisor avalos thank you and will open up for comment; i will ask for a motion to continue so that we can review other applications as well but your name will still be in the mix. Very well. Supervisor avalos Public Comment is now open. Hi, im becky unintelligible , for seven or eight years. I have been chatting with him today, i think he would be a positive addition to the committee and we have lost a lot of good people so we need new people. Supervisor avalos did you have a quorum . We had a quorum but we have lost people. unintelligible . Things are starting to happen and we are meeting monthly. Some people have left and we need to bring in new people. Supervisor avalos as chairman we need to make sure that unintelligible finalizing our position. We will close Public Comments. And we will continue this item hopefully within a month we can get this settled. Thank you for being here. Approved without objection. Item number three is a hearing to consider to appoint one member for determining february first, 2017. How are you all doing today. Last month i worked on the resolution to have the Planning Department and unintelligible and part of it a Strategic Plan for district 6 and district 10 for how to get more parkland in those areas. Is something that is needed and it is very important and we need to make sure that it is done properly. The if it is the last thing i did im happy to go out on that. I want to make sure that our parks in the district that i have represented in the past and have taking care of and in other districts is something really important to me making sure that other districts that dont have parks like i have had in my life are represented in park land. Supervisor avalos thank you. Supervisor tang i think mister unintelligible even though he lives in another district but he has done a lot of work bridging the different communities in the neighborhood and eating with issues that arise in the community, large events that are taking place unintelligible so we had unintelligible interested in serving in this capacity for the two district 4 seats. Currently is on unintelligible and love to see him continue as well in another seat. Supervisor avalos that was my question actually. Supervisor cohen . Go right ahead. Supervisor cohen it is good to see you again. I would like to unintelligible thats truly about open spaces and parks for the entire city of San Francisco. I worked on the project dealing with the committee that he is sitting on he was very helpful and i would be very happy to support you today. Supervisor avalos i will chime in as well chime in as well the district has a need for more open space. Excuse me for interrupting district 6 unintelligible i talked to the commissioners about it, trying to get some go back money get it fundded as well. Supervisor avalos great, thank you. Well open it up for Public Comment. Say none we will close Public Comment. Thank you for your interest in for serving already on prosec sounds like . I like to make a motion to appoint nicholas balomey sounds like to seat 5. Approved without objection. Item number four is to hear and consider appointing three members, term ending march 28, 207, to the Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee, there are three seats and three applicants. Supervisor avalos come forward. Welcome again. My name is rebecca unintelligible , everybody calls me becky. I have been on the Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee for two years and served as the bylaws chair, and i served as the chair of the resolutions committee, which we did a resolution on the bicycle supervisor avalos off mic in support of that as far as pedestrians go and i am currently the cochair of the committee. unintelligible for seniors and people with disabilities we have to shorten that and have been on that quite a while and i am also disabled and i was raised by a single mother who was also disabled. I lived in San Francisco since i was five years old. I lived in presidio. unintelligible my Community Involvement started in high school, and the first project was unintelligible , goes back quite a ways. I am on the citizens Advisory Committee for Treasure Island. off mic ive learned a lot since i have been here, and i hope i continue to see unintelligible . Supervisor avalos thank you very much and for all the different ways that you have served the city of San Francisco. I would like to have a recommendation and the resolution unintelligible it was unexpectedly expected if i could say that. It was helpful, and it was a real opening to consider what many people dont see as real measure to improve Pedestrian Safety and the recommendations and resolution are ones that i would like to come board with amendments, there was more clarity and specificity unintelligible . That is what we thought we would put those in. Supervisor avalos thank you. I dont have any question so we well go on to the next applicant. Morgan fitzsimmons was not able to come unexpectedly, the next applicant is sonia unintelligible . unintelligible , and also the citys coalition and a person that lives in district 6, we want to experience the whole city at the pedestrian and we have a lot of work to do for Pedestrian Safety. Im looking at that of the eyes of an urban planner which is my trade. A lot has been done but the system still needs to be working at it. Im available for questions of anybody has any. Supervisor avalos how do you see that the Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee and vizion zero, what are your contributions to both . When i worked i worked for unintelligible , Development Corporation and we developed Affordable Housing in i worked with vision zero to give information about Pedestrian Safety, unintelligible , all that together helped the work that i do in my 9to5 job. Vision zero is an Excellent Program if you will, zero deaths by 2024 would be perfect, always something to strive for. Supervisor avalos there is some crossover between the two. Definitely. One of my charges was Pedestrian Safety im bringing that to the residents of our buildings. Supervisor avalos looking at the data, district 6 unintelligible has definitely unintelligible . Thank you. Supervisor avalos no other questions here. Mr. Will not be here today. So now we will open it up for Public Comment. I have three cards. John mobile. Please come forward. You will be speaking and half of each of the applicants, the appointees. Thank you supervisors for having this hearing, for the renewal of these three individuals, these outstanding members of the Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee and served with. I serve on seat number 4, parallel to the seat that becky hogue sounds like is applying for, seat 3, representing disability organizations. unintelligible i served in the supervisors cohen and tang were present unintelligible she is engaged with the activity she held on pezac sounds like two resoltions that she chaired and examined were developed by morgan fitzgivings sounds like . A yeld and stop sign for bicylcists and daylight to encourage for the use in vision zero campaign. She chaired our committee for almost four years, and has been effective, especially in district 6 where she lives and works, and i encourage you to approve all three. Rebecca hgue and Morgan Fitzsimmons sounds like . Supervisor avalos i also got communication from john unintelligible as well expressing support. We have other people want to speak as well. unintelligible . Hello my name is edward unintelligible , speaking and half of becky, she has been leadership in the committee with cognitive and behavioral issues. I would like to support her. Thank you. Supervisor avalos thank you very much. Hello my name is unintelligible and im here and half of supervisor unintelligible office and myself, in support of Rebecca Hogue for seat 3. Supervisor avalos thank you and have another person wants to come forward. Two members. My name is unintelligible and a member of pezac representing district 4. Mister fitzgibbon has been a very good mentor and a fantastic activist bringing together communities unintelligible , a big part of the Pedestrian Safety conversation. I strongly recommend everyone for reappointment. Thank you so much. Supervisor avalos looks like she concurs as well. See no other members coming forward we will close Public Comments. Supervisor tang i will like to make a motion to point Rebecca Hogue to seat 3, Morris Fitzgibbons to seat 5 and unintelligible to seat 9. Next item please. Number five is hearing to consider appointing the members terms ending september 3, 2018, to the assessment appeals board. Good morning supervisors. My name is joseph tang sounds like , ive been on the assessment appeals board no. 2, from 2010 to 2012, and no. 1 for the last three years and previously i worked with a San Francisco Public Utilities commission as a Real Estate Properties officer. I am also certified general appraiser since 1985 i believe, so its been a while. So in that capacity i do appraisal work and also i was Bank Supervisor reviewing other peoples appraisals. At sfpc i was a member of local 21 and i was adelegate for them for 4 years and i volunteer at the ymca and do various other chinatown related volunteer opportunities. Thank you very much and thank you to the seven applicants that are here for board no. 1 and no. 2. We are in interesting Economic Times and we know that most of you are reappointments. If you could shed light on how it is that you unintelligible fairness is important but what are some of the things that you look for. This will be a question for all the applicants that come up. Supervisor avalos ill give you my questions as well; the philosophies that drive your decisionmaking. I along with the other Commission Members we have worked for many years together on the commission so we are all professionals. When someone appears before the board we look at the appeals objectively and go through their presentations and analyze and ask questions in regards to their methodology and how they arrived at their value. When we meet behind closed doors with primarily stick with the facts of the case and look at different aspects of the reports and to make sure also that there is equity involved. Once we decide the value of the property we also try to meet not only the spirit of the letter of the law but also the spirit of the law sometimes because in many instances as you may know assessment property rules are very complicated and cumbersome even sometimes to myself. We see guidance of the Legal Counsel on the board and try to make an equitable decision when it comes to sometimes the case does not meet the letter of the law but it does meet the spirit of the law and we try to have equity for the taxpayer. Supervisor avalos thank you. Well go on to the next reappointing. The get my notes before me. Mark watts. I apologize for the confusion. Good morning i am mark watts, currently serving on board number one. This will be my third term. I really enjoy it. I enjoy that over the past four or five years the quality of work that the assessors doing has dramatically improved in terms of their presentations. They had unified their presentation style which has helped us and are working better with the applicants in terms of reaching equitable decisions. unintelligible i think we have actively worked with the assessor and with applicants to try to bring them together to bridge that gap. As far as my experience, 25 years of commercial real estate appraisal, i enjoy the cases, i enjoy looking at and talking about real estate. That is what these cases are about. I see absolutely no with our group of 10 people, i may be interact with five or six people and i have never seen anyone having a bias toward the applicant or the assessor. We look at the facts and make a decision based the facts presented before us; we cannot go back home and do homework. This is what people present. We will continue this case and you need to come back with more information or sometimes i have to tell the assessor, look, the approach it took was not the proper approach for a real estate appraisal. Supervisor avalos how long have you served now . I served four and a half years. Supervisor avalos so you have been a part of the appeals, and the large backlog. How has this affected the work of the board . It is made the applicants angry but we try to be efficient and listen to what the people have to say. Right now the backlog is down quite a bit. Supervisor avalos good to hear. Next up is mister spitzell sounds like . Good morning i am scott spitzell, certified accountant and a certified fraud examiner for 25 years. Ive been a board member for the past six years. My philosophy or approach to the board is that a decision has to be made on the facts presented by the parties in front of us. I think that typically each case comes down to two or three differences of opinion and it is important to question parties and understand the basis for why they base their opinions on those two or three fax and get an understanding of their belief in his support for that belief and from that a reasonable decision can be made based on that information. Supervisor avalos thank you. Any questions . Thank you. I think i would do this one on its own, well open up deciding for Public Comment. Any member that would like to comment . Seeing none i will close Public Comment. Supervisor tang i like to make a motion of joseph tang to seat 2, mark watt to unintelligible and unintelligible . Supervisor avalos i would like to thank everyone for their service, long hours on the assessment appeals board. And thank you for the service to our city. Without objection. gavel . Item number six. Here to consider appointing four members, terms ending september 3, 2018, to the assessment appeals board number two. Supervisor avalos miss mendoza. My name is louise mendoza. I have been on the board 2, seeking reappointment for seat one. I have been with the assessments this will be my fourth term in the board im looking forward to it. I have been arrested broker for 17 correction i have been a Real Estate Broker for 17 years. I started 20 years ago. I graduated to commercial and still do a lot of Property Management, residential and commercial and got my Insurance Brokers license. Went on to mortgage brokering. Had the opportunity unintelligible . I own and operate my own Small Business where i do mortgage brokerage. unintelligible i do some residential. I thoroughly enjoy the assessment appeals board. For me it bridges and understanding between unintelligible and the assessors office. unintelligible is like an ongoing process as you work with each case individually and then you see what is needed and recommendations are made unintelligible . For me, with a lot of information i have gathered unintelligible i can then pass that knowledge along to the public. It is really intimidating the public when they do come before the board as to what should be provided, and how we should go about it. It is mission to provide information for the committee unintelligible we are here and the city is here, not an intimate dating cr1 correction intimidating it is not an intimidating process. Supervisor avalos is there a difference between appeals boards 1 2 and 3 in terms of the types of appeals . unintelligible with board 2 its under 50 million and board 3 does a lot of hearings on residential. I remember the days we started oh my goodness, so many cases over and over, after a while you see it and you know it because for me i work basically in the streets seeing it, looking at the facts when it comes before you. unintelligible . Supervisor avalos great, thank you. Supervisor tang. Supervisor tang i will repeat the question that both supervisor avalos and i asked, how do you view the cases, what are the values that you take with you as you approach these cases. Well, i approach the case, or each case, as new and different. Its like a blank paper when it comes before you as you look at the facts on both sidess. And you try to determine the points before you on the cases, bearing in mind though there will be at the end one part that will not be too happy with the results. The objective is to make understand each unintelligible position. At the beginning what i tried to do and see is explain to the taxpayer why do you believe that the value is x, y or z. And not feel intimidated before they start. Supervisor avalos mr. unintelligible is not available. Next up is angela unintelligible . Transferring from board 3. Good morning supervisors, thank you for having me here. My name is Angela Cheung sounds like . When i graduated in 1992, i obtained unintelligible license, i have been lucky to work in San Francisco since then. Between 1992 and 1996 i took further education real estate including appraisal, loan underwriting and processing. I obtain a broker license in 1996. In the 23 years i have been doing numerous transitions including condos, multi family commercials and now im lucky to be in redevelopment an project as well. unintelligible ive opened up my own business, a Brokerage Firm and i do Property Management and more development projects. The reason why i can devote more time to the committee right now is because i have unintelligible because as a lot of people know being a salesperson or broker your work seven days. Or in the management work, i can have more stable schedules to serve the committee. Ive been sitting in board 3 for two years, since 2013, not only as a hearing officer but unintelligible and also substitute in board 2. I have experiences unintelligible . And also because i been so long in industry, i went through at least three cycles and also the economy cycles, and i have seen a lot of ups and downs in property values. Basically my business is people business so i talk to people and a lot of times unintelligible cases i understand that as a commissioner or board member, we have to be neutral. In order to deliver a fair and reasonable judgment. Otherwise it is not going to be good for both bodies. unintelligible emotional, sentimental value on the property. A lot of times there are different stories that they try to tell us but sometimes it is off track as well. Were talking lets say 2010 tax appeal, and sometimes they give us 2010, or back to 1990, a lot of times honestly, everybody is a human being, i have to bring myself back to the facts and what is being presented. Said to be a commissioner or member of any board we have to be neutral. Honestly, not only because of the efforts of the commissioners. unintelligible and the assessment appeals office, the whole team. I enjoy working with them and serving the community as well. Supervisor avalos could you say why you would like to move from 3 to 2 . What is your interest behind that . I want to do more with the full board honestly. I think my knowledge in the real estate business, i can serve more under board 2, from singlefamily housing to multifamily investment properties. Also the hearing officer is good and has very good experience as well. The other reason is because right now people are more into unintelligible . The hearing officer has less; im almost holding unintelligible as a full board. So i said if there is an opening in board 2 unintelligible . And also as a team, all the commissioners, if anyone needs a substitute i am available to do that. Supervisor avalos thank you. Seeing no other questions well go on to the next applicant. Joyce lewis. Good morning. My name is joyce lewis, and i am seeking reappointment to board 2 as an alternate. In 2011 i was appointed to fill a vacancy that became available midterm. In 2013 i was appointed officially to board 2 as an alternate. In terms of my qualifications i am a licensed attorney in the state of california. Ive been licensed for 20 years. I wanted to make a couple of points about your question supervisor tang. Philosophically i want to make two points. I believe when citizens come before the assessment appeals board, it is important that they feel that they have been heard, that they have been given the opportunity to make their case, and that they have been treated respectfully and unintelligible the space of correction the face of the county, and i want to say that everyone has been very respectful towards members of the public. I ask probing and careful questions; it is important for me to figure out where the dispute lies between the parties, is it the Square Footage . Is it the condition . Is it the market . I spend extra time asking probing questions because of the time the hearing is over i am hoping that the parties are surprised or shocked by the decision. There is a segment of the population struggling to hold on to the residence here in San Francisco. It is an opportunity for me to get some education about the process. They dont know what type of evidence to bring in. Frankly before i got involved with the board i do not know much about the appeals process. In terms of educating residents and taxpayers about what their rights are. Supervisor avalos great, thank you, i appreciate your answer. We have another applicant. Well opened this for Public Comment. Any member of the public would like to make comments come forward seeing none i close the Public Comment. Supervisor tang i would like to reappoint each member as well and make it motion to appoint unintelligible . Supervisor avalos thank you and i appreciate the motion. And we will take that without objection. Okay, thank you so much and everyone has been recommended to the full board for reappointment and thank you for your service and look forward to your work. Next item. Item number seven is a hearing to appoint six members for terms ending april tenth, 2017, to the griffin Advisory Board. We have a list. Good afternoon. Thank you for having me here. I seek reappointment for seat 12, prior to working San Francisco i worked for the university of vermont to reassess unintelligible , currently i work with the garden project as a director of education and i work with youth all over the city with the idea of employment, it gives me the ability to bring them to the front and bring them around for the clean sweep opportunity. In my spare time i am on the board of trustees unintelligible , and im a tae kwon do instructor for rec and park, and i teach at the Hamilton Rec Center and unintelligible a couple of times a week. Graffiti plight is very extensive over there. Supervisor tang sometimes its not just abaiting graffiti unintelligible . I have been working where i live educating students, it can be an art form in murals. And opening up responsibility for students who go from school to School Creating projects in trying to create education. Also creating unintelligible this upcoming year and citizens can come and have say about graffiti around the city. And for my group personally we also work with gpw to do unintelligible through the clean sweep initiatives. Supervisor avalos great, thank you. Next applicant is ms. Darcy brown sounds like . Please come forward. Welcome. Good afternoon supervisors my name is darcy brown, the interim executive director of San Francisco beautiful. I will be brief. San francisco beautiful as you may or may not know is dedicated to the preservation of our neighborhoods and was instrumental in the creation of the graffiti Advisory Board in 2005 as well as in 2012, the First International conference to address graffiti, and best practices and cleanup. I personally have worked for or work with the county of San Francisco for the last 15 years and i am a native san franciscan. I am proud to be the interim executive director of San Francisco beautiful that is been around since 1947. Supervisor avalos thank you for your work. I dont have any questions. So happy to go on to the next person. I will be right back. Good afternoon supervisors unintelligible , the Vice President of Public Policy for the San Francisco chamber of commerce, asking for my second term in the graffiti Advisory Board. In my capacity of the chamber, i feel like its a very appropriate selection to be serving in this particular seat acting as a bridge between our business members and the city in trying to help abate the pervasive, not ending issues that we have with graffiti, helping to get the word out about the resources and be an intervention point to connect folks with resources. I am the former executive director of San Francisco beautiful, i was there for 11 years and in that capacity we worked a lot and graffiti abatement work through our Grant Program to augment are virtually nonexistent resources. To help neighborhood groups and individuals combat graffiti. I have enjoyed my first year there and im hoping to be appointment. Supervisor tang thank you very much, yes, it is important to have the perspective of the various communities. And try to figure out what to do other than holding buckets of paint on site. Living on to mr. Daniel kling sounds like . Thank you for having me. Im applying for seat 15, a business seat. Im a Property Owner in the city of San Francisco. I work in the citywide unintelligible for ecology, recycling compost more. I own a home in the upper unintelligible , with two Young Children about to enter in the San Francisco unified School District. We have a large stake in the community. Working on the graffiti Advisory Board is something i can do, i feel my contributions to the graffiti Advisory Board have been useful. Ive been the situations that are unintelligible from mailboxes to garbage containers, things of that nature. One of the other things that ive been able to contribute to is working on unintelligible on her antigraffiti legislation as well. I like to be approved for a second term and i hope that you will consider my application. Thank you very much. Supervisor avalos thank you for your service. Next up is Rebecca Delgado robin, welcome. Good afternoon members of the rules committee, supervisor avalos, supervisor tang, supervisor cohen. Im here asking for your support in my reappointment to the graffiti Advisory Board, seat number 16, representing unintelligible operating in San Francisco. I have been with the graffiti Advisory Board for the last seven and a half years. I really, really enjoy and love and take my responsibilities at the visor he board very, very seriously. The graffiti Advisory Board mod whole lot of people Pay Attention to it because San Francisco is about art and new culture and graffiti is a form of art, but we are concerned when that art becomes and listen and so there is a difference between graffiti art and then to listen and we have an elderly home whose home has been terrorized, they are a bunch of gangs unintelligible disrespect. They cost the Property Owner a lot of money; utilize a board has three different committees, in education committee, abatement and enforcement. We are tasked with it challenge issue in the city. The three different committees have to put our hands together and figure out how to control the problem and i have the best interest of the city. I have been living in San Francisco for 30 some years, a single mother and educated in here from kindergarten through college. I have also worked in San Francisco the whole time and lived in San Francisco the whole time, taking Public Transportation and i am now a homeowner in the marina district. Theres not one cure in terms of eradicating graffiti in the city and again that is why we have accommodation of different people and different approaches. There is not one cure. I have done a lot. The graffiti Advisory Board is not a plum, we do not get invited to the giants game. We are asked to plant trees and pull out weeds. Clean streets in San Francisco and abate graffiti in places where some of you have never been; i have been under the freeway painting graffiti with feces at your feet. It is important to all of us particularly to youth because it helps them grow and care. When they are out they learn about themselves and their city, the learn about social issues and the environment picnic so what we do in the graffiti Advisory Committee, we are teaching people to be responsible and we want to create a safe, healthy city because we love our city and this is my home. Admitted my home and i am working hard and i am passionate about what im doing at the graffiti Advisory Board because i want others to call San Francisco their home as well. Supervisor avalos thank you for your service and your thorough response as well. Thank you very much, i love what i do. Supervisor avalos last person is jamie lord sounds like , i dont know she is coming. Theres a question about her eligibility as well. We were not able to contact ms. Lord. Supervisor avalos i have four cards. Come in the order that you are called. Good afternoon supervisors. This is my first time being at the civic center for endorsing Rebecca Doug Otto correction Rebecca Delgado for seat 16. She has been my mentor. She has inspired me to get into community work. Her work since 2007 with the board has proved more than what i can say right now but i know rebecca as a person who deserve passionate and an educator who is able to inspire people like myself to go out beyond our comfort zone and get back to the community as much as we can, and have a positive impact in our community as someone who has the privilege to go to a lot of different schools. Im here to endorse Rebecca Delgado for seat 16 for the next term. Thanks so much for listening. Good afternoon supervisors my name is unintelligible for the National Federation of filipino americans, im here to support Rebecca Delgado. Ive known rebecca for quite some time; not Everybody Knows that unintelligible one of her strengths is to mentor kids, and turn those pentup emotions of the kids into something beautiful because of her position in the arts community. It is very commendable. I urge you to approve her recommendation. Thank you very much. The next speaker please. My name is unintelligible speaking in support of Rebecca Delgado. I have known rebecca for about five years now. She is one who cares with her whole heart. When an issue comes up to her attention to does not hesitate to take action. She knows how to take action and make things happen. In an efficient way. She knows how to value the truth. I experienced her unintelligible and ability to get support. unintelligible and was rescued by unintelligible in 2009. Rebecca, i was amazed at how much unintelligible until we came home, she did not even know us. That shows how she cares about people. I can assure you that you one someone like rebecca who brings passion and love for community. Thank you. Supervisor avalos thank you very much. Mr. Ada sounds like . Good afternoon supervisors. I currently serve on the board of appeals is cochair and i have known rebecca for close to 20 years. As you can tell by her Statement Today she is passionate, she is driven, she is community, she is a wonderful person to work for and with, i wholeheartedly and supporting her for reappointing her. Supervisor avalos thank you. One more speaker coming forward. Good afternoon, im here to speak him half of Rebecca Delgado. I have been working with rebecca for a couple of years through the unintelligible school community, im the ptg president of the school. unintelligible and the needs of the children regarding church use and also enhancing the school and unintelligible of the kids, and we reached out to rebecca. To the academy of arts we were able to facilitate open the church for unintelligible , monumental task, been at it for 20 years. Rebecca worked with the administration and the staff and the children to put together event in that space. unintelligible over a period of three months, with the students of the academy of art, and changed the place. She is a woman of integrity and passion and will go head over heels to make it happen. Supervisor avalos first off thanks everyone for your service so far. It is not a plum job but clearly theres a lot of passion that people have for doing this work. It is well regarded, thank you. Supervisor tang thank you so much, what a great group of people serving on the board. I know it is not glamorous at all. Today will move forward with all of the applicants who were present today i know there was one outstanding question for seat 17, at this demo like to point unintelligible appointments as proposed . Supervisor avalos aye from supervisor cohen, we will take that without objection. Congratulations. Any other items before us . That concludes the agenda. Supervisor avalos we are adjourned. gavel . clapping. no, but id like to recognize the members of board here im representing can you stand up when i introduce you carol reed our Vice President clapping. phillip stone our treasurer the man with the money clapping. and is andrea here i guess not okay this woman has come through with stuff tara clapping. stephanie ta my stephanie thank you and clapping. Environmental Impact south africa fir my man how could i lee leave you out and adams golds beggar didnt make that where is he adam go you join us up here please clapping. again, you over dressed. laughter and the last person id like to introduce would be somebody im sorry im sorry she snuck in hes new darcy convincing darcy im so sorry im sorry to introduce the board member that put this together your liaison to the committee that is sheryl will i broadway for the record billion clapping. thank you shelly that would be eject it is my i get to introduce jack from john stuttering company please come up thank you clapping. if i got the email those guys are a tough take to follow im jack president of the John Stewart Company all to adds my heart and soul felt congratulations to pat and all the partners with the booker t to the team and the funders and investors were so pleased to be let the record reflect the groundbreaking for this Community Center and Affordable Housing complex john stuttering is the largest manager of Affordable Housing in california at fifth largest in the United States with over 33 units under management statewide while i wish that met the intense need for Affordable Housing it didnt come close so were also an i active developer of Affordable Housing here in San Francisco and around the state we take that as a you are or i guess month partner such booker t to help them achieve their goals its a real pleasure to contributor our expertise and track record with that worthy endeavor for a bringing 50 critical units of Affordable Housing for the communities as youve heard from pat there were many, many challenges in getting to it point that legal and Construction Costs it took a dedicated and determined Development Team group of consultant and funders to do so ill simply and brief add may to the guilty builders and construction who came through when our original contractor backed up at the last manipulate for the dont you have dine to be youve the brochure in conclusion and express our gratitude to the protected officials for their vision and support and the Development Team the public and private developers would the that the booker t serve and jonah complex wouldnt have become a reality thank you very much clapping. Small Business did we forgot to mention before which is one of United States u you are you biggest partners is the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development apologize to blame that one on pat the mayor will be here to speak to that later welds to have a round of applause for olsen lee clapping. dan ray merry here oh, there she thank you folks much can i susan riggs are you here susan there you are hi good morning my name is susan riggs aim the activity director the Housing Community Development Im proud to represent this entirely groundbreaking were real proud partner with all the many farther than these if it project the type of housing provided here is so important to the future of the hows here and ac d pridesist on not just bag a partner but providing the support and tools in the communities that is necessary for folks living in the development this really this project exemplifies the type of support that is needed in order for the form foster youth to create Bright Futures were proud to be participating in that we are providing weve provided 4. 4 million from the in fill infrastructure Grant Program id like to say that what jack garden mentions the difficult in the development is here was a unique situation but the reality a providing Affordable Housing in the communities is always a challenge with an reason because of infrastructure that exists and in of the upper community so the infrastructure Grant Program is an integral piles of providing underlying structure to for the or supports the facilities we provided 3. 9 million from the minority housing fund to powder for the port for the housing for its foster youth were really proud to do that as i mentioned this housing really does absolutely change the lives the folksism here and give them a future they wouldnt otherwise have were a proud partner thank you for having me today congratulations it the Board Members and the to the staff and all the partners thank you. clapping . There was one other board member he forgot to mention unfortunately not here u just tom unfortunately cannot be here shes in class in medical school with u. S. Davis but quite involved with the board and worked at the center for a long time i want to give her a shout out hes is a special person especially here aunt is here next la quench one the Staff Members i can only tell you the board is extremely, extremely proud of staff and one of the special ones. clapping. good morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is lakisha housing the Youth Program cooperate and youth director its my honor to share that special occasion since 1920 the center pass has a supports and maintain a healthy and vibrant Community Offering services and program wow. The original purpose the center to provide support to the africanamerican communities the mission has grown to include many other communities and individuals over the years thousands of lives have been impacted by the work and the dedication of the communities members, volunteers and Staff Members on this occasion im reminded of a Booker T Washington success is to be measured by the the as the obstacles that have been overcome in my 14 years as booker t ive come to realize how true those words are im from frisco i grew up in bayview Hunters Point and rectified e received my education in San Francisco Public Schools and i joined this i attended cc s f and decided i didnt like school i worked joined the organization and found my way to booker t in many ways i grew up here i start working as broot as a reservation corridor and development subordinate pie my current role he took my first plain flight there is training i attend and booker t im a model for young people that broot has served young people need could you remember and guidance and care to be successful transbay adults in San Francisco our new building represents this im packing brown about working with kids and passionate about my community that is important the communities has a place like booker t that supports cpr children to the worlds around them today is a tremendous accomplishment when the building is erected it will represent offer 90 years of replenishment and commitment for the Community Viability will be a shining bacteria of booker t example lastly id like to recognize a few people that led along the way my parents, terry james had who was my supervisor when i first arrived and booker t and ms. Hillary a staff person as well, many sheila and dr. Dix and mr. Jerry trotters the Program Director hes over there recording special thanks to him clapping. and the Board Members and lastly ms. Pats scott thank you all for being here today and supporting booker t clapping. she might not have liked school but got her degree last spring clapping there or are a couple of other people to acknowledge shawn the treasurer the local the Firefighters Union gave a nice contribution to this project and recognize Supervisor Scott Wiener he got the name right that is a running joke we have and next id like to introduce bryan barking from citibank is bryan here great. clapping. thank you brian. Thank you. Good morning my name is bryan barker i run the city capital and one the lessons for the john burton housing complex you know obviously were a lenders i have to tell you that is my absolute part of my job seeing on the harrods come to fruition you know as you may know its been a long road i dont know how many years we came in the tail end it is tremendous you see the financing and the construction starting shortly i think there are 5 Different Levels of the subordinate something says is private and public cant get along that is an example how it works bus that 18 months it will, 50 units of Affordable Housing in the city it is the highest across the country where the housing is desperately needed congratulation we look forward to coming back and seeing this project and thank you very much for having us clapping. sam cob it is director the first place for you that will supply support services for emancipated youth living here clapping. hello all as pat said allison park sam the dpoe ceo all to congratulate the board of Booker T Washington and the parents of the state of boat washington and the students on this amazing accomplishment to get us to this point first place an organization that works with young people trifrlths out of foster care weve grown to be the largest erections serve this population in the state we provide services from for for the bay area choice im sorry 5 bay area and the mission of la. laughter what we try to do with those young people there tangible things to help them to upstairs other than stabld we try to help them develop job skills and continue their education less than 3 percent of young people that transition out u out of foster enroll or enroll if post secondary education and get them market skills being here today theres another piece we try to i think still those are the characteristics or the traits that it has taken mr. Pat scott to get us outline here those characteristics and trades are pines how does you keep going which everyone else tells you that the road your traveling is not the road you should be on reliance to get up every single day ive been here for the first 10 years the first extraordinarily conversation with pat she said pat were going to build that building the resilience to get up and targeted towards that goal that was a goal not a dream because pat had deadlines on it the other thing the ability when everyone tells us you it cant be done you say to yourself yes those are the things we believe those intangible will help our young people be successful adults if our society contributing adults thats why pat we have we expect more the young people and expect more the community and expect more of ourselves thank you pat for pushing the envelope and everybody that said no and turning the nos into yeses and be part of this great celebration thank you el lap and john come up please our other partners. Hi i worked with ellen for years at the start that was how many years ellen. Many i want to say the same could you remember that pat give of gave myself and others not just could you remember but hoops to make things happen last week money and other covets support the same support to start this shes going it is an honoree for us we want to thank everyone here that youth radio has been looking for a home in San Francisco this is the objective place and were so excited about working with all of you to insure that the young people of San Francisco have a voice in whats happening in this city and around the nation and world so were committed together with you to insuring the young people hereafter sam and first place are giving this tremendous port and young people are facing so many obstacles theyre ready to be creatively and speak their minds and ready to invent new Technology Well be giving them the skills to do all those things while the city exploded in weight the young people are part of it and in front of it and leading what San Francisco will be tomorrow this organization is speaking to all of that were just so proud to be part of it thank you clapping. john. So good morning, everybody. Thank you im the executive directors of j. C. Y c hearing representing our fabulous preschool and she didnt want to come up here but please give a round of applause to her shes in the back responsible for providing the best caregiver o childcare in ergs navigation to the shortage of housing and the tremendous needs for folks in foster car a shortage the childcare at j. C. One the our core values is collaboration can we trial do what needs to be done for the families in San Francisco and quay pleased to partner with Booker T Washington to provides the services that are available at the center and add them to the partnerships to congratulation we lard to a tremendous partnership for many, many years to come thank you clapping. fwroekz i introduce the next person there is one person that we quite a few heard he name mentioned but none has reached out and thing at the woman for the incredible job that is pat scott this would not have happened if pat hadnt held this together there through thick and thin. Shall we use to have more hair than she has now clapping. laughter . Well, the next person im going to introduce this project may have stalled without this persons help ive known this person since i came up to his knees and he swore like he swears now that is john burton john you want to come up and join us. clapping. john and my farther were good friends. Thank you, sir. Shame on you im probably the only person that every played basketball at least at my age played with the before me men brothers and kc genes when the the center had great athletics and probably many people never heard of jim, i just want to pay a tribute to the whole booker t operation they fought against all odds to make that thing happen i mean they were with we walked in they were in trouble when we got here they were still in trouble and finally ata out of the trouble in building id like to thank very much as a capture of the Board Members nathan and rick who spent hours clapping. trying you know make sure that this thing is the developers and our executive director diane matt sudden and one other member of the board of directors my daughter cam technique it is nice to see the people from the scombrapz e Japanese Community you use to call is at the japanese why on buchanan and booker t the athletics exploded and the war came and the American Government came and then our japanese friends and neighborhoods went away then cob came back five or six years and came back with a develop grievance to rebuild the neighborhoods we are proud theyre part of the operations so also we want to thank first place i get confused is it first place or last place first your we stole one of their top policy persons they named who is the worlds leeds expert on how to fix foster things she was almost singlehandly the person that was responsible for the federal law being congressmans chafrngd that changed the age from 15 to 1 r 21 to stay in the fosters care were grateful we stole her from friend so clapping. im killing time until john gets here he gets k p a bad name. laughter you dont think so laughter you dont think so you know so make sure im going to turn it over to larry who is fathers and i spend a lot of time together and he was one of the great labor leaders this city hfa had seen and gave me and my brother a start in politics so clapping. katherine we have a special treat here from all the way from washington, d. C. And no not Dianne Feinstein it looks like Dianne Feinstein this is senator feinsteins daughters katherine who husband rick from the john Burton Society shes shell read a special catherine republican will read a special operation application. Thank you it is a true honor to be here we do know from 35 my husband rick has been an active member of the johns board and we all love you john with all our heart what a feat this has been a great contraction collaboration an on behalf of the definition elements and seventh ero sect and pushes and pulls that make San Francisco a great but challenging city i Zoning Administrator do have a certificate of accumulation from the United States senates bear with me it is quite beautiful it is the smallest font ive ever seen im really going to do my best but my mother obviously is in washington and im going to do my best to fill in for her it is a certificate of accomodation from the United States senator hereby presented by Dianne Feinstein the United States senator if california to the Booker T Washington Community Service center and it reads in recognition and prediction of Booker T Washington Community Civic Center Opening on service to the city and county of San Francisco california congratulations on the groundbreaking of the new Booker T Washington communities civic center and John Burton Foundation housing complex john turns into mayor ed lee. Oh, laughter hello mayor ed lee. Established in 1919 booker t has been embedded in the lives of africanamericans and San Francisco with a unique collaboration with the japaneseamerican communities at the opening the current facility in 1952 dr. Howard dlardz it a center for all raze this new facility expands the Critical Services with an emphasis open Affordable Housing, education and Health Services as the United States senator representing the people of california i salute the Booker T Washington Community Civic and the John Burton Foundation housing complex and thank all you, you for our hard work and Excellent Services i extend my best wishes on a successful groundbreaking can you remember signed Dianne Feinstein United States senator washington, d. C. Congratulation clapping. thank you on behalf of all san franciscans for the work that has gone into this. Folks next id like to to introduce phil stone who bolgart it is phil stone the treasurer of our board and also i guess the senior statesman yeah, he was on the board before a lot of you guess were born laughter . My friend laughter overwhelming to cut my talk down from an hour to a couple of minutes the mayor is here i want to thank you all for helping us get through that someone that was with us not mentioned before it was with us 10 years ago a he was probably the are first funder and the first fundraiser the ahead masters sam clapping. when the doors fell off 10 years ago he was there, when our heating just went down i was there, and when it came time to organize the gym i was there, i want to gave you shout out to him and thank you, again for everyone that has participated i have to give a shout out 0 really to pat for 10 years for 10 years good and bad days and the first bad day when we introduced this project to the community and they said we were two ambition that was too big and knock the building down and make a park so they could walk their dogs but nevertheless, more or less or nonetheless he every time we hit a wall it wasnt just 10 years ago but up to this year something to stop us but it looked like maybe that park is a good idea because theyre getting ready to stop us but pat took off and fixed the problem she chanted all the way you down build a damn park im not doing it shed came back with a solution pat had plan b in our back pocket and sometimes plan c but clapping. shes been indelible in starting 10 years ago and every year every month and day since then so i cant do the rest of my is thank you clapping. folks phil has been involved with his heart and souls like pat has two i want to shout out it is my honor to introduce somebody that is very involved project through his office with Community Development and his own sincere pledge to deal with more Affordable Housing in San Francisco plus when im not here hes my boss so id like to introduce mayor ed lee clapping. mayor. Thank you thank you very much good morning, everyone its my player to be here today and certainly when the name Johnny Burton shows up there is a big heart in what he does thats a gay part of the reason and willie brown and pat and larry and those associated with this great name of booker t ive been associated with for many years i want to put in context were not just building housing when we all come together to understand the implicate of youth in your city and this park of the larger group of people seeking a stabilized way to live in the city we cant abandon their hopes we know that there are youth that are coming out of shelters and foster care and may be fleeing discriminates and inastronomers our values in the city are such our youth we look to them and want them to say a stable situation to certainly the services have been there but more and more importantly you know you will all of you know how urgent the housing swaeks it in San Francisco for everyone 24ks i pledged not only the youth seniors, families and working folks whether they were teachers or hospital workers we have to do more and quickly pat and those soernd here and iuoe we cant wait 8 years to build Affordable Housing with weve got to do it quickly im taking advantage and you should know that advantage of a city right now that is strong financing and that, yes you can see wealth in the very high buildings downtown in selma im going to take that wealth im going to make sure that our government is sharing that prosperity with everyone we can possibly and this is where our communities leaders come into play i a lot of that which our africanamerican and j communities come together we no longer share stories of past struggles and challenges weve got to share more stories of successes for our folks and people so they know the city is for everyone im a deliberate mission john you know that as well in our breakfasts that right after this right after we break ground olsen will be talking about hayes valley is the next contributional sites those sites all after the city weve already opened like the wrrn and the edward the second we had 11 hundred ocean a chance to open were ago a deliberate venue or direction because we were told several years ago we better get to the 4 hundred of euphorias of housing for the youth in order to make a dramatic difference those numbers are for the unreaming real but accomplishable so is thirty thousand units of housing guaranteeing over temple thousands of that prments affordable to lowerincome and mitchel were to steady that given the people get do work with both in the nonprofit around and but take advantage to thank the members of the board of supervisors like scott wiener who is here today and others lennar urban and others coupe with Initiative Ideas to accelerate the housing not to be comfortable with a site here and there 5 are 10 years tab he will their interesting in making sure we accelerate the opportunities were providing for local developers when were redoing Public Housing and all the sites it is exist it is exciting because wear accomplishing stuff were not just talking about that that youll see me existed as a han handing keys over to the families and youth as we build and turn the dirt and very, very dedicated to those geelz in maneuvering as long as im the mayor and ive got this administration and the wealth of the city turn that wealth into helping people its thats the housing and support services and the faith of people coming together in collaboration and its about the jobs i never give up about jobs while were waiting for the housing people can earn a decendents living were high Blood Pressure them up to health care and hospitality and he meant that which the youth said overwhelm inviting the youth to the salesforce but also sdpith and all the companies that are here they are on board to make sure that we hire our youth and pay themal descent salary and learn or earn the power in the city while were building the housing this is an incredible part of our time and booker t youre never loan which the city is involved were partner with you once we start this if there is any other site youve got control or any others site that anyone has carol of well make the play this is what sdmooepd and supervisor wiener and mark farrell it their identifying the sites and surrounding them with the strefth of the economic and he financing and getting nature ideas to accelerate every partner in the city has got to be about accelerating this particular even our labor unions that are under theyre not just building for someone else but for the workforce we want to be here in the city firefighters, teachers, Police Officers so i can have a bomb squad it doesnt have to be in ann i dont know before a bomb scare shatters ridiculous but working alongside our challenges youth it is all to say thank you to everyone that is involved in this particular project keep working together weve got for answers and solutions we dont have to articulate the problem 4 times but 5 more solutions if question Work Together thats what wear interested and dedicated to and use the resources for this credible 9 billion corporation for the city of San Francisco thank you for being here lets got get on to the building thank you very much clapping. before we get to the dirty wanted to recognize Valerie Brown who was here representing supervisor london breeds this is supervisor london breed district. All right. clapping. its been doneeasier. Do you know know your greg giving hurts from your wifi you may think that computers are kufz but when you know what you need it gets easier. A computer is made up of many different parts and each part as a specific job the k public works u is the brains of the compute. Its where all the work is done. Current computers have multiple coarse it means it has multiple k public works ushthss working together as one. It hold all the information in the ram or hard or hard drive. Its the short time working memory for the computer interest it Stores Information while the computer is on the k f u is banning information backyard between the ram and the faster your programs are going to be run. If the hard drive can be cared the longterm america and you, store documents and movies the internal hard drives allow you to expand the hard drives. Once you get on line with your expenditure it rewards or requires wifi and it allows you to connect without wiser the internet you have to have wiersz. The touch pad is how you send messages to the computer. The part of the computer is the o s is the operating systems. There are multiple operating systems available bus the most importantly is making astonish and windows. The major dividends can be boiled down to purchase. And making astonish is the programs youll notice when you go do into the story e store theyre more expensive they have you Video Editing and pucs towards office use and gaming things like that all those exponent are what you said into 3 general models the desktop the laptop and the tablet. The desktop is the home computer that you are desktops are good because their lower costs the downside once set up they cant go anywhere its not something youre going to move around the other consideration is the screen side are you can have a larger laptop. A laptop is a potential computer and all the exponents are combined in a smaller passage. The laptop you can take to school and its mobile. The laptop can travel with you but you should carefully consider how much travel youre going to do. The laptop are heavy they can have higher revolution if you want something small and a light hallway the table is new thank you its lighter and has longer battery life. Tablets are powerful but their abilities are more limited than the laptop and their nor for the internet or watching videos and laptops over word progressing and typing documents and using spreadsheets things like that. To figure out what expenditure is a good fit for you, you need to plan on what you want to do. Theres a lot of things like email and skype and being on facebook in fact, by you see seniors who are creating websites and doing graft design and having photograph. What programs will you be using or are you a casual suffer would you like to take it with you around town. Its great typing short emails by nothing extensive on a be tabltd. I need to be able to buy a good all around desk for 400 but if you very specific he needs the cost can go up. You want 2 gig hurts and at least 4 gigs of ram. Those store your videos and documents. If youre looking for a laptop try them out in the store as they have any touch pads there are different types of of mouses and theres voice activation. Once you have an idea of what you need be sure to shop aaron and compare on line and look at the mustards website for refurnished computers that come with a warrant. And they offer computers for much, much less. Purchasing a computer should not be securey you can slejtd select a system that can get you when you show up to vote auto our local polling place everything is running smoothly but a lot of details involved in running a polling place your may have a few workers with appear to be our or on their own what happens if if the polling place is not open on time are a machinery doesnt function who can they your honor, to for help those poll workers have a large support structure managed plths the department of elections let looking at behind the screens and running hundreds of polling place is made and smooth and seam also as possible. Before a polling place opens on 7 handsomely on election day did needs support supplies the delivery trucks garnet and Vice President s warehouses to load of the equipment and supplies before we set up to vote there be that a scanner once again you scan it will tell you okay. Oogs trucks deliver deny 3 hundred and 80 and 5 hundred 86 polling place depending on the nature of the elections and right now, were loading the delivery trucks those trucks contain all the equipment that pat polling place needs for voters open election day voter booth and election materials and most important voting equipment those pause contain the presync pacific their scanned and verified as their loaded into the trucks. The scanner that theyre using will be used before that comes on the lift date gate. Because those Voting Machines handle powell equipment it is important they go on the correct truck. Once again do push the benefits get the gate back down this driver knows thats the order that expects it that way we we cant deliver those machines to the wrong place theyve not work on to ballot and hell have to pull from his right thats as the the optical scanning and system. 7604. 76 a 4. Every time we move a vetting components is tracks its location and handling system. A week before election day 7 to 10 trucks roll out to deliver the powell packaged to the polls around the city. Hello department the elections dropping off the powell equipment and. Using the scanning manager an employee checks off to make sure they have theyre voting equipment and supplies on election day what happens in a powell worker delivers the door locked at the polling place . On election day the rather sedata city hall cafe is a beehive of the activity teams work to settle issues that may arise in the field. This is the Election Center and wall the Election Center essentially a bank we i put together and on election day the poll workers call in on a procedure or parolee issues and the calls or the polling place is locked often enough the polling place are late. The poll dispatch team comprised of 60 to 80 employers are ready to be snatched to any polling place with missing or possible sick workers and there are procedural issues how to complete the roster or a machine jammed it said interand it will reject it; right . You call them and a representative on the other ends whats the issue take down our issue and get people to help you with the issues they resolve and one of the issue is recognized into the database it routes the issue to the phone bank and list on the jeep in the category. The phone bank swings into the action and the steps to deal with the issue until its resolved. It is a transparent process the public looked at the issues were dealing with throughout the day starting at 6 oclock in the morning what. What happens in an edge print wouldnt work or a machine malfunction the Colorado Base Company Applies the materials runs a phone bank at the Election Center and trains and stages 20 to thirty technicians throughout the city on election day the fielder support team tackles the issue they help the poll worker over the phone. Oh, yeah. Or they get a field election deputy or fed to retaining respond out not field. Before each election the field election deputies learn the skills to support 7 to 10 powell placed in the field. This is a copy of the material in the fed binder those are coworkers do have. They receive special training to trouble shot. People on election day theres also a big support team for every single one of you. Then the fed checks in to their mar make sure theyre available to deal with issues. I want to confirm that is locked which it is and our edge is fully set up. Some questions we resolve easily over the phone and some with the deputies each field deputy has his or her on coordinator in the Election Center if correspondent gives the advice and informs home sharer of theyre specific polling place that needs assistance. The fields election deputies with the extension of the people in the field and on the grounds with Infrastructure Research and ballots. Your ballots a 5 part ballot. Their taking care of the final details we cant while were in the Election Center. The the fields deputy or feds are issued a cell phone and check list to follow. Theyll get a list of tasks to complete throughout the day. One example of the task between 7 00 a. M. And 9 00 a. M. The feds should make sure the polls are open and drop off the supplemental ballets and over completed the fed indicates by checking the box. And as the feds check each polling place with that smart phone applications the relatives are track work back at the Election Center there is realtime account of polling place. The correspondent is able to access the fed court tool it lists the feds team and all the tasks the fte is in favor of completing as the fed checks off picking up theyre bags and dropping off ballets and transfers the feds quotient seize in realtime as the tasks are checked off by the feds and this allows the fed correspondent to track in realtime all the feds work in the field. Perhaps things are going smoothly out at your polling place. Those are the blaults. The feds checked in and a all is well. This is the precinct. There the city more contract with the department of the election back and city hall proactively checking in with the polling place throughout election day. The voters turn out call serve that group of 10 coworkers is calling outline polling place to see how many voters. My name is joshua josh is this 33718 percent im calling to get the numbers on the front of our machine. Navigation to the overall turn out we are concerned with how many ballots into the sight machine. The last time as a member. That information is into a database it is visual at the Election Center that the voter turnout hits a 24rer8dz showing sight think outside the box that full they notify the deputy then the field election deputy and a Deputy Sheriff go to the polling place for a transfer from the sight think outside the box so voting can continue when the polls close poll workers account for the ballots the roster of voters the memory pack from the inside machine and others edge printer with the report those are the results of the polling place and need to be transferred r transported safety to the election they can count on the parole officer to take custody of the ballots and roster and edge printer and finally they confirm their polling place are secured after a long day in the days following the trucks that deliver the machines will once again be dispatched all over San Francisco picking up the machines and packaged for deliver to the warehouse for unpca and storage the next time your that he appealing palace look at the poll workers you may actually see the teams of people and systems and technology that stand behind the poll workers to make youre voting experience as smooth as possible

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