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Thank you. Please call item 1 item number one is the first draft of the Charter Amendment [reading code] thank you very much. We have the author of this Charter Amendment here with us today supervisor campos. Is this working . Break. Thank you very much mdm. Chairman and thank you to my colleagues the members of the rules committee for listening hearing this item once again. As i noted at the last meeting of last week, we have a number of amendment that we would like to make but let me step back a little bit and talk about the point of this office. As i noted before, its an interesting time in terms of how the people of the city and county of San Francisco see government. Those of us who are in government i think oftentimes perhaps this the perception that out there because its a busy job and were doing a lot of Different Things. But the reality is, as you look at polling that has been done including polling done for this measure, there is a lot of lack of trust in government these days. One of the reasons i think that lack of trust is there is that theres many people who feel that government doesnt really speak for them and that, in fact, you have government speaking for the interests of big corporations and people who have the means to actually have a representative for them here. The point of the public advocate more than anything was when you really look at the heart of the matter is to have an advocate for the people of San Francisco and specifically, to have an advocate for that person when that person has an issue with government, where something has gone wrong government has not done with it needs to do. That is the point of having a public advocate. What weve seen is that cities that have large budgets new york being the prime example, that there has been an extra level of accountability, transparency that has been brought in by this office. Their specific examples where millions, tens of millions in fact over billions of dollars has been saved by the office of public advocate. We believe based on what happened in those cities that the same will happen here in San Francisco. Any time you bring in a new elected office to any buddy, especially the city and county of San Francisco there are challenges that come, issues that are raised, things that perhaps you did not intend to implicate but nonetheless are implicated whenever you create a new office. Over the last few weeks we have been having conversations on just about every area of operations in the city and county of San Francisco. And got tremendous and very helpful feedback from existing agencies in icr comptroller and we been having many conversations and discussions about how this creation of this office locates his office. Weve had conversations with advocates of Police Reform and civilian oversight who have shared with us their insight and identified issues that quite frankly we had not thought about and its great that we in the city have that kind of expertise to shed light on very complicated issues. We had conversations with labor leaders and talk about issues relating to workers and the role of the [inaudible] and then we talk to Big Government advocates about different aspects of this measure is what you have before you, colleagues, is a revised version of a Charter Amendment that essentially makes five key amendment and i want to talk about them and happy to take your questions and i would ask once we have read the amendment or incorporated them to, please, amend the Charter Amendment and i know the process is that assistant committee for another week 178 amendment is made so the be no vote today but i want to make sure that we have a good discussion about what we are changing. First, we been talking as i noted at length with the country Comptrollers Office about the issue of the Whistleblower Program. There has been, a legitimate concern raised about should that function be moved out of the Comptrollers Office. Both the comptroller and my office at the end of the day are interested in having the highest level of accountability around City Services and we do recognize the very Important Role a Whistle Blower Program place in making that happen. So, with the help of our comptroller and will rosenfield said some very helpful comments and suggestions, we have drafted amendment that actually set up a working relationship between the office of the comptroller and office of the public advocate. Doesnt actually take a function out of the Comptrollers Office, but it does provide some responsibility in appropriate cases for the public advocate. So essentially, what you have in the language that is before you is a Whistleblower Program the remains with the comptroller who continues under the charter to focus on the misuse of city funds, but recognizing the Important Role of public advocate can also play a whistleblower complaints, there is jurisdiction where the public advocate steps in when theres a whistleblower complaint focused on inefficient and inadequate City Services. We believe that that strikes the right balance in terms of responsibilities for the Whistleblower Program and i think thats a very significant because the first time i think there was a discussion about public advocate in San Francisco City Government withers actually specific proposala number of years agoat that point the comptroller ashley came out against that measure. Im very proud of the fact we have without specific concerns because again, the point here is not to recreate the wheel good its actually to make government as responsive as possible to it so i want to thank our country look for that. Second, we put on civilian oversight advocates about the importance of retaining oversight over the august at our offices of citizen complaint by the Police Commission. We understand that there is a reason why the current structure was put into place. We also believe and recognize what weve said all along is a need for checks and balances in terms of the appointment of the head of that office. Currently, the mayor also appoints the head of the Police Department and the head of the occ. The very agency that charged with providing oversight to the Police Department and what we have done with respect to the occ is we have amended the proposal so its no longer placing the office of citizen complaints under the public advocate but recognizing the importance and the benefits of having the occ remained within the Police Commission, what the amendment simply does it gives the public advocate through the oversight of the board of supervisors as well, the ability to appoint the head of occ. We believe that having that distinction between the mayor appointing or having responsibility over the chief of police but another elected having responsibility over the head of the occ strikes the right balance. It also allows us to continue to benefit from the fact that you have a Police Commission that is still overseeing both Police Department and occ and i want to thank john crew, who is dedicated his lifetime to the issue of civilian oversight for his very helpful expertise and insight in all of this. We also have talked to workers rights about being very Important Role the office of labor standards enforcement plays good right now, the mayor overseas departments [inaudible] essentially a public advocate for workers of San Francisco. The original original Charter Amendment move the office of labor standards enforcement under public advocate. We recognize theres benefits to the current structure and were striking a balance between those benefits and after providing more independence by actually changing the amendment via charter, so that the public advocate is the one that makes the appointment of the office of labor standards executive director. Again, as were doing with the occ we believe that strikes a balance in terms of responsibilities and independence of these offices. The third item is instead of having the public advocate salary this is always an interesting issue for any of us in terms of how salaries are set by elected officials and we want to have it as fair and transparent as possible,. Right now, in the current charter is the average of all salaries and elected officials in the city and county. We have decided to change that to simply do what happens with most of the offices which is to give the Civil Service commission the power and the ability to determine what an appropriate salary for public advocate is. Thats what they do with numbers members of the board of supervisors appeared thats what they do with other elected officials and they should do the same for public advocate. The fourth item is that one of the things thats we have learned from talking to other office, other public advocate offices throughout the country is that a big challenge to having an effective public advocate is how do you ensure that they get sufficient funds to ashley do the work . At the suggestion of people in new york and other cities we actually started out the charter proposal by actually specifying the funding to a formula. We understand that for some people that creates some challenges that there are people have drawn a line and said, we are not going to support any form of setaside and thats one of the reasons why some of the ballot measures are still a question mark in terms of whether or not theyll get on the ballot. So with those concerns in mind, weve actually changed theim sorry, the budgeting function to essentially make a general statement but not a requirement so its basically guidelines and policy recommendations based on the level of staffing that we believe is appropriate and as a general rule, the recommendation is that there be enough staffing to do the job which is described as one constituent Services Staff per District Supervisor. And one investigator per District Supervisor because again the focus of the public advocate is on how City Services are being provided directly to the citizens. So, in this case the staffing level in the budget would not be required. It still has to go through the process, theres a general guide and that is provided. Now, the final point in the final change, the fifth change, is something that deals with the election of a public advocate. As currently set, the Charter Amendment calls for an election for november 2017 a special election. Were actually removing it from the charter. We would actually simply say that the public advocate will be elected at the next general or special election. Whenever that happens so theres no additional cost thats connected to this proposal. Again those are the five amendment. I really believe that those amendment strengthen this measure. I want to thank all the people ive reached out to us to give us their feedback and their suggestions. Again, i want to thank all the people will last few weeks have contacted my office about this disposal. I especially want to thank my cosponsors of the Charter Amendment, Committee Vice chair eric mar supervisor jane kim Supervisor John Avalos and i respect the way as the committee once we take Public Comment to take incorporate and adopt these amendment. Thank you thank you for your amendment. Supervisor cohen considering you introduced thank you. Im looking for the amendment in the sunrise portion that of like your [inaudible] [inaudible] as a red line. I have summarized it myself here but [laughing]. Why do we go to Public Comment first alan item 1 and i have a few cards here but these con up up if i dont call you. [calling names] i am a longtime San Francisco residence and i have a lot of background on Police Oversight and occ in particular for many years, on the acl a you and also national joke i want to briefly say theres this saying that people dont see the sausage when it comes to lessons like it this is something that should be seen because i want to complement the supervisor is that because they took the time to listen to thoughtful comments and incorporate them. That is always take place. I really appreciate that. I want to speak in support of this measure and this amendment and particular giving the voters an opportunity to vote on this much. With respect to the amendment audio cd in particular, i was involved from the earliest days the many years in number by prior diet one of the structural Lessons Learned not just in San Francisco within the field of civilian oversight nationally now, is the need to make sure the body that is empowered to make sure the system works has direct control of the system. In San Francisco thats the Police Commission and then the power to advance policies and officers. So this power under the charter the Police Department fully cooperated with occ, thats not so executed. Import the Police Commission over a period use in decades past number policies to make a real. Lots of long struggles. Another thing is perfect now but its a lot better. So thats one of the Lessons Learned that is important to keep that structure their and again i think the supervisor and the staff are taking that as an and keeping a system in place. Weekly, with the specter the public advocate generally, very important proposal with respect to the Police Department will fill in important gap that is not being told right now to address systemic issue could give the task force reports and essays to stomach way to make sure those sorts of issues are dressed and acted upon. This public advocate with his or her powers will make that we dont have yet what reports gathering dust on a sharp watch the get action about it unless you question. Thank you very much. Thank you supervisor mar has a question for you. I do want to first thank supervisor campos really listening to the comments i do see some your suggestions. Did you get me some sense of what the Inspector General in the new york city Police Department does . This is out of curiosity because you gave that is one of the model type oversight right. As you all know supervisor theres different structures and different City Governments and the Inspector General model with specific Inspector General for the new york Police Department was put under the city bureau of investigations. Now, the Newark Police about also was a civilian view agency like the occ that adjudicate individual complaints civilian Complaint Review board, that was left in place while the Inspector General office was created relatively two recently very well respected Inspector General bill your has been doing wonderful things that actually many of those functions cannot be performed by the public advocate even though its not calledit what youre looking for somebody has the authority so this party will have the authority under law not only to issue subpoenas that access records. The da blue ribbon teslas try to do that. They were political problems but they didnt have any authority. What the ig has done and will continue to do in newark the public advocate can do even though theyre not a police specialist, by looking systemically at issues could be hiring, accountability, racial profiling, i got a stack of reports that have not been acted upon by sfpd which would be a good starting point and indeed, the power of this public advocate to actually then recommend the ministry of changes and as i understand introduce legislation that could then be able and public debate so things are just not lost. The dont with one way or another. Thank you. Supervisor cohen thank you. Ive not had a [inaudible] think your time and expertise. I want to make sure i understood what youre advocating for. You are advocating for the inclusion of a solicitor general in the occ . No. Supervisor let me thank you for all your work on these issues, too. Ive not had a chance here but what i think has happened here is this public advocate function can perform those response abilities under the independent authority which is helpful. Right now, the occ as you know is a policy analyst and indeed they make policy recommendations get off they come out of complaints and her policy expertise sometimes called upon specific projects by the Police Commission but that is one person right. The Police Commission in some cities has a broader staff in San Francisco it does not. So with this public advocate position will do would really perform those functions on the Police Obviously their broar responsibility for other departments but to perform Inspector General like functions, solicitor gen. Functions, what about a more systemic basis that is frankly physically but you totally possible for the Police Commission staff were the occ existing policy analyst. I think one of the things that concerns me is elected position right. Generally, someone whos Inspector General solicitor gen. Has some level expertise in Law Enforcement, in for the prosecution, in an understanding of policy. The public advocate who be in charge of occ doesnt have that expertise. What do they have the expertise to see oversee olse or a of the laboryou know, industries standards. So like for me, i think about little when im not really making the connection is the fact were talking about another elected official which is a jack of all trades. Your superhuman but youre not even people to be a specific expert in one or two areas. That is concerning and this is to Public Comment my part. Its probably not just by direct im happy to answer the questions you like why do we move on would you like the to answer or not . We can go to the rest of the be piloted unsure will continue to this debate. I one more comment card. Public comment is closed. Please, come on up. Good morning jelena stubb i think you knew all for your hard work and civic service. The men and women of the operating in the San Francisco have serious concerns about this office. We dont see the need for another layer of government but equally a citywide position that is essentially a shadow executive branch. We believe District Supervisors those position to advocate for their constituents. In addition, its very disturbing that the olse be under the purview of the new elected citywide office. The potential for the polarized nation Worker Rights protections is unacceptable and im sad [inaudible] men and women of San Francisco Building Trades. San Francisco Building trades lobbied for the creation of this office many years ago. The three directors today have all come from our ranks and we do not see the need for any changes in that and that pattern should contingent i appreciate your to serious consideration about these things. Thank you thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Hello supervisor mike and sean mcgarry. Im a resident and homeowner in district 1. Supervisor mar. Im here today im also a represented for carpenters local 22 here in San Francisco. God understood the serious concern the creation of the new elected position. The public advocate. We are concerned with the impact of this expanded bureaucracy including the increased budget diminished as far as much of the mayor but the board of supervisors and we are very concerned with the potential impact of thepotential impacts to the office of labor standards. With the standards should beshould not be politicized and we asked the olse be removed from this bozo. I respectfully ask this on behalf of the 3229 members of corridors local 22 with the trust in you to do the right thing. And i thank you for your time today. Thank you thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Eileenjust for resident here in support of the item. I would also urge supervisor campos to assure that enterprise departments also come under your purview and i appreciate that amendment. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello. My name is Sylvia Johnson and i think [inaudible] be arranged. I think [inaudible] Health Department that we have not any clarity it policies and patriots confusion. [inaudible] courthouse and they been telling me i have a Court Hearing and then there was nonothing. So, [inaudible] and then they tell me a bunch of crap about [inaudible] and i think this [inaudible] summons kristi will we have in our world and not put the policy in [inaudible]. Im telling you. This is [inaudible] is what is going behind bs [inaudible] our world is not set up to be [inaudible] i am telling you [inaudible] im not going to have any of this crap [inaudible] money. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning supervisors. First of all i do think supervisor mar and campos for doing work on this. Also, for making us part of the discussion at my name isim here representing the progressive workers alliance. A number of Worker Centers in our organizations working for enforcement of labor laws and to empower workers in our community and i can tell you, over last decade weve had a number of experiences working with olse in the daytoday function in making sure the important mechanisms are in place in making sure were really getting at the information out to workers which is one of most audible in the industry in the service sector. So, we do believe at this point the creation of a public advocate and to have the oversight over olse would be beneficial and would allow for olse to increase its capacity because we all know if capacity is not where it could be an theres a lot more that could be done that has not been done, under the Mayors Office right now, to increase the capacity for oh well as c and also strengthen its enforcement mechanisms, we also believe creation of this and oversight over olse would provide transparency and accountability and build a more effective olse in a stronger Worker Advocate agency. And allow us to work collectively with Community Groups to increase the enforcement as a city, we been at a forefront of a lot of progressive and innovative weight loss and will continue to do so. So, day to day as Worker Advocates out in the communities, were doing our part to ensure workers are being empowered in making sure workers understand how to navigate the system. We expect the city to do their part to up its game and provide that signs and enforcement for osc and we are here supporting olse under the lpa. Thank you. We did thank you very much. Next speaker, please. If any other members of the public was to comment on item 1, please come on up good morning supervisors. Im peter johnson. Im a [inaudible] here in San Francisco for local 300 and are present at the masons. I may San Francisco native. Ive been in the Building Trades for over 30 years here in San Francisco. Every much built the circuit i should work on this project, city hall. So, i do not support the expanded bureaucracy of this office the public advocate. In regards to this office having oversight over the olse. I live in this city could i went to school in the city. I work in the city. Local 300 masons like i said before helping the city. We take pride in the city. The overall as he with the strong support of the department that we heavily rely on. When it comes to the employees in the city, and their rights, wages and benefits,. This department is our protection and we dont need it to be overseen by any political agency. It is not fair to the citizens or the taxpayers of San Francisco. The Building Trades do not and will not support this idea of having this office the public advocacy having any jurisdiction over the olse. I want to thank you for your time and thank you for your support. Thank you limited any other members of the public that not yet spoken on item 1, please come on up. Seeing none, will close Public Comment. [gavel] supervisor campos im sorry you spoke during Public Comment so you will be able to take your comments. [inaudible] thank you. Pam, think. Supervisor campos just want to make a couple of clarifications but its on make sure our people are very clear on whats being proposed. With respect to olse weve actually heard a number of perspectives from folks in the Labor Movement. We actually have heard many people in labor who said they specifically want olse to be under the public advocate. Weve heard from some folks in the trades who said they dont want olse to be under the public advocate the proposal is actually as amended, is actually sort of a middle ground. Between the two. It doesnt move out as c under the public advocate. It simply gives the public advocate the ability to appoint, with a role for the board of supervisors as well. Thats very important decision. Because, what it does it allows the system to continue the way it is but to the extent there is a concern for more independence, which many folks have raised the concern within the Labor Movement and the advocates, this strikes that balance that middle ground. I just want to be very clear about that. It is simply a limited role with respect to the appointment. The second point on occ, and you know, glad to hear specifics from supervisor cohen because weve had a number of conversations i did not really understand what the concern has been. To the extent that the public advocate plays a role of the Inspector General, which mr. Crew talked about, and is actually a role the public advocate serves with respect to every government function. Thats the point. The public advocate. To examine effectiveness and in a systemic way. So that when it comes to the Police Department, the occ is charged with individual complaints of inappropriate behavior, misconduct by a police officer. The public advocate doesnt look it up to the public advocate doesnt have to have an expertise in the actual issue of police misconduct. Because thats not his or her responsibility. With the public advocate does do, is look at systems and larger policy issues and the way that happens with any elected official. We know the mayor, its not a expert in Police Oversight or accountability, but it doesnt mean he can hire people who are good is the same concept and the same idea for public advocate as a public official, he or she will be able to hire and we want to make sure they have resources needed to hire the right person with the right expertise to do that kind of analysis, looking at the systems of the Police Department the same way that the public advocate will be charged in terms of doing that for other agencies, whether the mta which is another area people have a lot of questions good so i want to be very clear about that. Then, the last thing is this. That, we in San Francisco have created a newly elected office in some time and because of that theres a growing pains and challenges that you have because every agency has certain responsibilities and the way that we have tried to approach this process is to make sure that we take into account all of the concerns and to the extent possible make sure that something that has become a best practice in the rest of the country in places like new york, can be incorporated into San Francisco recognizing the specific differences of San Francisco has. Thats who we have tried to do. I think that at the end of the day, i happens is that voters have a choice to decide for themselves whether or not this make sense. It is a new uropathy but its actually the only bureaucracy that has beenthat would be created in the city and county of San Francisco whose role is to actually provide transparency and accountability for the rest of the per your odyssey. There has been a number of department have already been created by the mayor and others with no oversight or accountability. It actually brings that and thats the point of it. Thank you thank you. One clarification on your amendment. On the occ so its no longer under the office of public advocate in the public advocate still a point ahead of the occ . Yes. Can you point to it intersection where that is spewing im sorry about that. Supervisor mar yes. I just want to thank people for testifying oh and on this measure. I do think supervisor campos and she looked taken from his office for listening to the input for many from the community could i also want to say that i think the balance that supervisor campos has found in the appointments to the occ and olse Department Directors but leaving in place a lot of the structures that are working is really important point. Thats not a set aside anymore. It leaves more open on adequate staffing soap i think that helps with some that had raise some of the concerns about the economic impacts. But his folks spell has s i think this really increases transparency and accountability for oversight to protect workers rights but also to create the system that the office of labor standards enforcement has developed largely with communitybased organizations and labor but also businesses at the table. My hope is that by having more independence on who selects the director that this is moving forward, Good Government as well, good on supervisor cohens question but too many Different Things going on. I think the two fugitives from new york city as public advocate juggles a lot of Different Things. The Whistleblower Programs to the savings of taxpayers of the newark city millions of dollars each year could supervisor campos. On that. Is about ecosystems and accountability and transparency and i think we need that in San Francisco thats why am supportive and appreciative of the medics, make a motion to move those amendment. Okay. Why dont wei dont know freeway to supervisor cohen comes back for that but i do have a couple of comments as well. I do want to thank supervisor campos but trying to strike the middle ground on some of these amendment. The Whistleblower Program come up go down the order of the medics proposedi am glad it doesnt take a function of the Comptrollers Office. However, i think will make people feel comfortable about submitting complaints to Whistleblower Program is the fact that its housed in a neutral office. In nonelected office. The Comptrollers Office. So, for that reason i dont know that even the medics i feel comfortable about that. In terms of the occ, i am glad that supervisor campos is no longer having this office housed under the officer public advocate. However, still with the appointment of the occ head by an elected official, another elected official, moving from the mayor to the public advocate, i dont think that addresses some of the concerns about dpoliticizing the Department Head of occ. In terms of olse, im also glad to help supervisor tempos is no longer putting this under the opposite public advocate but, again having the Department Head of olse be appointed by yet another elected official. I think also problematic good i think that for the language that i thought was no mention of even board of supervisors confirmation or the head of olse. I also want to speak to the issue of workers rights that was mentioned during Public Comment. I know doing a lease on a Budget Committee process this last budget season, weve been trying to get more resources to olse. I think theres concerns about not properly enforcing labor laws, we have here in San Francisco and so forth, we need to strengthen than our olse office i think all of us have committed to doing that. We will continue to do so as well. In terms of the salary of no problem with the medics and giving it Civil Service commission ability to determine a salary. I do think that the original formula was a little bit interesting. In rms of the staffing and the funding, glad to see you just a recommendation and not a mandate. The rep the recommendation is that the office have at least one staff member per supervisors district to perform constituent services in at least one staff member for super bowl or zero district to perform investigation. To me that sounds like a lot of board of Supervisors Offices. Then, in terms of the election im glad to see it would just be at the next election and not a special election. With all of that said, in terms of the individual amendment and i think theres some things are great. Some that i think are still make me feel uncomfortable. I think overall, it is the fact that we do have here 11 members of the board of supervisors. We are here to serve our constituents and we are here to advocate for all of you. If we are not doing that job then we should not be here. I dont believe that we need to create another elected position to do that job for us. I will just say that when we were when David Campos Eric Mar and norman yee have a lot of people trust us because we were not supervisor. Once we became the selected position no matter how heartfelt we are genuine we are about our jobs, the fact and the reality is people dont just trust elected officials. So i think no matter how neutral we would like this public advocate position to become the fact that they are citywide elected position just means they inherently cannot be that neutral body like say a Comptrollers Office could be. Like the olse department would be. So, i would just say on balance, although i see intent of what this proposal is in that were really trying to advocate for the public, i would say that there is something wrong. If our members of the board of supervisors and all legislative aides not doing our jobs to advocate for the public. So, those are my thoughts, but i will let my colleagues, and as legit supervisor yee thank you. I was actually sitting here waiting for the next item. Im sorry. No. Since im listening i do have an interest in this. I just want to thank supervisor campos for even bringing up this issue of how we can make the city better and accountable to our residents. Im happy that you are offering these amendment. I think its a strengthening your proposal. Theres a little concerned for me in regards to basically, what supervisor tang made a comment about in terms of having a staff member for each supervisor district. I know its very difficult for many of us depending which district you are trying to always meet the demands of your constituency in the district in terms of your issues and complaints or concerns. That we can never have enough staff to meet all the concerns. So, one of the things that i dont know if its possible for you take any further amendment but certainly my preference would have been each supervisor and exercise number to deal with some of these issues. We do do that supervisor yee. We used to have only two legislative aides. Anyway all i am saying is my office we get a lot of phone calls and at times. I wish i had another one besides the third. You can never have enough is one of those things but overall, id be very supportive of this particular piece of legislation. All right. Supervisor cohen thank you. Its interesting interesting supervisor yee the previous district only had to legislative aides in and we voted to have three he still remained only to because he argued that the work in district 7 only wanted for to. So i guess when the different again makes. When i hear you pushing for a fourth. So, ive many thoughts. Everyone, i appreciate your time and consideration. First of all, i want to support and affirm what my colleague supervisor tang has said about page 19 this line number three. Although this new amendment that supervisor campos has induces not technically a setaside, i am concerned about the setting minimal Staffing Levels that of which, near a Supervisors Office and public advocate position will also have the ability to introduce legislation. The one thing that i think also really concerns me is the public advocate he or she will have the authority to make appointments. Any kind of an appointment, whether large one or big one highprofile like the planning commission, board mta, or please commission or some of the smaller ones like cac, citizens advisory commission. It is always a very political process. So, it really does concern me that the public advocate will have a appointment power over the office of citizen complaints specifically the dir. , and that is really where i am uncomfortable with supporting a. Now, those of you do know know that i spend a considerable amount of time and energy working with the office of citizen complaints within the last three years before leaving popular before was politically popular. Ive been advocating and champagne the increase budget so we can get Staffing Levels to a certain point. Inmates also recall it was a proposition b was on about in june. Thank you for much for supporting it. 80 of the voters give me a mandate need accountability and transparency. When it comes to Law Enforcement magically when we are talking about officer involved shootings and im looking forward to bringing Something Special to voters in november there will also addressed use of force. So, the one thing ive heard loud and clear from conversations weve been having for over a year is that there is still a strong desire to bepoliticize the investigative powers and authorities of Law Enforcement. That has ruled that an incredible struggles to work within the structure that we have established today. Mr. Cruise, thank you for being there look for to continuing the conversation. Supervisor campos, im glad to see a least a come to understand that you are adding a solicitor general position. Is that correct . No. Nevermind get out would love to see it in there. It is in their . You are adding solicitor general. If i may supervisor campos is not a specific creation of a solicitor general but the solicitor general function is embedded in the public advocate for all departments. For all departments. I see. I was looking for something on weasley a much stronger quite frankly if you were to say were modeling after what the sin city of san jose has done with their program that was established by a wonderful credible nonpolitical person, judge with doris cordell, so, there are another concern i want to see if theres appetite for. I want to better understand the rationale for having the public advocate be both have the executive as was the legislative powers that would oversee departments and basically have the ability to reduce legislation did it would like meurer the mayors function. I want to know what bit more what youre thinking. I do. Position thats not the direct adversarial relationship where we will butt heads with the office we are to have created . Supervisor campos i think the model new york city enemy be clear here, San Francisco has a strong mayor system and that is numbers of the board of supervisors talk about all the power we actually have limited power as letters of the portis to pursue it isnt changed. It becomes that a counter and down some power of the mayors not specific to ed jamie. If you are happy with the way things are working in City Government, right now in San Francisco, you probably would not want this. Right because it is a change in trying to bring another office to bring accountability. The reason why the legislative power is thereenemy be clear, we do not go as far as new york has gone because a new york public advocate ashley has a seat on the city council. We dont believe we need other supervisor that was not the point. The reason why the power to introduce legislation is there is that right now in your the public advocate the window looking at the functions and performance of the department theres issues that are sometimes identified that required a legislative fix and because of that, it is important for her to have the power to lease introduce legislation with the understanding, by the way, that the board of Supervisors City Council new york still has the power to prove legislation. But one of the things became clear without the ability to legislate the public advocate theres a lot of issues that she identified but not the ability to do anything about them. Thats the other thing. They just one point about supervisor tang said. Im very mindful of this. Ive been on this job for eight years. Right. This is not about creating a 12 supervisor recruiting that function. There are limitations in a strong charter system, strong mayor charter of how far you can go and in factors of probation that the charter has in any supervisor micromanaging the functions of a city agency. So, ill give an example where i think i see limitations on the board of supervisors. Jp issue fires. The city and county in the mission right now. Weve been working on the issue fires for three years. We have legislated changes to the fire to the enforcement of fires how could enforcement work. But one of the challenges we have is that we have three separate agencies that are involved in the enforcement and prevention of fires in San Francisco. Give the department of building inspection, you have the Fire Department, then you have the department of Public Health. One of the challenges that was obvious was there was a lack of word nation. What we did is to address that we passed legislation that created a task force so that these departments the better coordinate with one another. That test was was created and very hopeful this limitations 12 far that would go because theyre still at this point not enough to clear understanding of who does what and who is making sure that compliance of specific code requirements that are there for safety that those are actually being followed. So public advocate, if you had a public advocate would actually do a review of how these departments ordinate with one another and how effective and efficient they are. Something that is a supervisor, i certainly cannot do. You cant do. We dont have the ability do that some in the Mayors Office could say it actually interfering with the functions of the department which by the way, sometimes has been said around some of things that happen at the board of supervisors. Thats an example. In the Police Department, the point about the Police Department when working on this on that i was on the Police Commission and other working on this for many many years. On the policy piece which is what mr. Cruise talked about, even though the occ plays a very Important Role, with an amazing policy analyst who works there and shes incredible that there are limitations as to how far that analysis goes. So, on the issue of use of force, the Inspector General function which well call Inspector General and the public advocate could actually weigh in. That office can weigh in on best practices around use of force. On the issue of teasers. What is sort of best practice nationwide on the use of tasers . The benefit is that you have someone outside that department saying it. Because theres a perspective that comes with being at occ working at the Police Department that in some respects limits your point of view. Thats what i would say. Thank you. Supervisor cohen thank you very much. I agree that you have been busy but also done a great job of thefunding the fired apartment which is systematically put it to the place where we are [inaudible] thats a lot. Thats the union. Ive actually voted against any effort to cut the Fire Department did i specifically have voted against that so given a, make those allegations make sure you have faxed because is important to be. Before you come to a Committee Meeting and make that accusation of a colleague. I think its outrageous they would make that accusation. Where are the facts gone lets bring back to the argument about this particular Charter Amendment sure, thank you. So, to stick with the item number one, another item that concerns me about there are no term limits of the public advocate. Are you open to introducing and eight amendment supervisor campos, that would put term limits on a public advocate position . I actually think theres a difference of opinion on that. This is the first time that you raise that issue to me. That is correct this is the first on. We did i actually believe the reason why theres no term limits is because the bureaucracy the public advocate is supposed to be a watchdog and oversight for this and have limits. Doesnt have tournaments and thats one of the challenges. We purposely did not include the term limits for that reason. All right to be directing my comments to [inaudible] theres real concern. I think what i would like to do is introduce a amendment that would consider putting term limits on a public advocate just at the board of supervisors has, with just the Mayors Office has term limits. I think the public advocate as an elected official position that should have term limits. Id also like to suggest 8 min. When not allow elected officials immediately what they committed their term they must allow for one term pretty consistent with what we have on the books already all deferred to the deputy City Attorney john gibner who can advise what we can place this particular amendment inside a measure. If im not mistaken, chair tang, the language that removed the special election component. Is that correct . As i read it, yes good. Because i was going to say we adjust that Language Line 19, 813. That election would occur at the next regular scheduled election. Not and not post a costly special election. Then, i also would like to make amendment to move out the entire section related to the office of citizen complaint for the public advocate better moving section 8 got 107 petes 13 line 1625. Also petes 14 through page 60. I also want to remove the section regarding funding to occ. I believe in terms of funding it has been changed already so it is just a staffing recommendations. Is that what you are referring to . Im specifically referring to [inaudible] 13from you i just get a copy of the legislation that i will double check that. Thank you why dont i have a supervisor campos i like you as we duplicate files we have two forms, two versions that we measure that go forward. One is the version that has supervisor cohens amendment and one that has my amendment. So that when the matter is voted on the board can decide which version to go forward. Okay get one on next supervisor mar i move to duplicate the file. Do we need a real cock . City attorney trevor just on the matter of procedure, the file can be duplicated by single member. When supervisor cohens amendment, we have not prepared those. A few other things you mention the we could do today and prepare after the meeting. One thing with some additional direction from the committee. One question just at the outset is proposing to amend on top of the amendment that supervisor campos has proposed . Because supervisor campos has proposed amendment remove most of the occ language from the original proposal. We can only reference allowing the public advocate to the point a person nominated by the Police Commission yes deputy City Attorney on looking to amend on top of what is already in terms the occ language. To because it has already been called out to amend that. In that version from supervisor campos second version. Just want to be clear okay. I term limits, term limits, raise a few issues. One, how many turns, two, how you wound up around down a term. If the person has served more than two years of the term does that count as a full term for the purpose of term limits or does the person have to serve a full four years . And the first term of the public advocate, under supervisor campos proposed amendment today, would not really clear how long that term would be. Maybe more than two years. It might be less depending on where the next citywide election is, when the public advocate will initially be up collected and so the question policy question for the committee, on your proposed amendment would also be had you treat that first term which could be more or less than two years in calculating the term limit . Could we mirror it off of what we have existing for state board of supervisors martinmilius yes. We have outline which already did the board of supervisors and the mayor vote up rounding up language essentially have to term counts as a full term for the purpose of the term limits. But neither of those deal with the transitional term so the initial term the public advocate could be in the public advocate could be elected in june 2018 under supervisor camposs proposed amendment today if theres a special election today, say, next november, the public advocate could be elected at that election. So come i think theres uncertainty about that very first term of the public advocate and any term limit should address that piece whether the first term counts as a fulltime. So just a moment clear and understand what youre saying is that the language that supervisor campos has put before us is unclear when the first term would start . Thats right. Because supervisor campos has been raised today is the public advocate will be elected as the next citywide special or general election and that will be in 2018, and less the board whether apartment of elections special election were older than a. Its possible to the early. Thank you. Are you finished other comments or questions . I guess click for more clarification on what you said, in terms of duplication of the file, love to see the amendment am proposing here today to be voted on in and in the duplicate of how the moves forward. Thats one option. The other option is that if there are other legislation that has been actuallynever mind. Lets just to see the amendment reflected inside the duplicated file. If im not mistaken i believe that the motion the needs to decrease before . You now have two versions before you after supervisor mar duplicated the file. I dont know whether you want to include supervisor camposs proposed amendment in your duplicate as well so that the committee could adopt supervisor campos or both and on top of those adopt your additional amendment regarding term limits, occ, and prohibition on running for elected officials. What im talking about the probation immediately get so once a person has served a term, and elected officials term, you know what you for the city and county of San Francisco theres a period of time before you can run for office again. I believe one on the board of supervisors elected to two consecutive terms, to consecutive fouryear terms enough to wait one term before you can run for another to run for a position on the board of supervisors again. I am looking to have some language that is similar to that for the public advocate position. So that is im sorry to keep jumping him. Thats the term limit provision the public advocate would say look advocate base of two successive fouryear terms with whatever rounding up within two years counts as a fulltime get this of two successive fouryear terms and cannot serve again as Public Advocates until at least four more years have passed. Supervisor peskin. But i think you also mentioned a separate amendment regarding after serving on other Political Office that yes, thats correct is your proposal their person was served in another Political Office may not run, may not serve as Public Advocates until a certain number of years the past after the person left the other elected office . That is a. Thats my proposal is the one term which is four years. Okay. So the substantive amendment . Any amendment the Charter Amendment requires a continuance would have to sit for a week until the next rules Committee Meeting. So supervisor campos amendment for continuance and so viewers okay. Supervisor campos just so i understand, ive not seen the language that supervisor cohen has is proposing. My understanding is that i mean the amendment doesnt happen until the language is actually presented, so, my expectation with my Charter Amendment is that we were very clear about being ready to make sure that it moves forward, that once the amendment passes that we would then be in committee and would move out of committee next week. Is that correct . My question is, given that supervisor cohens amendment are not ready i would imagine that those amendment would require that version of the charter postal six and next week in this committee is that correct . Its really no. Ive a question that is a possibility we do have several other items acted as it could be just the way this item until we take up the other items would you have those amendment ready then . Im not sure those amendment ready on a weekly basis i understand. It is, because supervisor cohen has given specific direction about exactly what the these sigma we could compare them this afternoon after the meeting understood them to the clerk and the committee could vote on them today. If it was more sweeping or take tinkering with language thats in the existing Charter Amendment in more detailed wacom i think we have a real we have more of a problem with that but its really a policy call for the committee whether you want to hold off until you have seen the amendment and i can do my best to do that during the meeting i dont know how long it lasts i can appreciate that but i want to remind [inaudible] supervisor campos yes but when i spoke to the chair of this committee i think that we had an understanding there will be no politics allowed into the look delaying this. I hope that is continues in terms terms of moving the version of the amendment i moved before. I think supervisor cohen want to introduce a version of around, thats fine. Thats your right. But compared to my have the language in advance so that people can actually see it and i think its actually disrespectful, not only to a colleague who has tried to meet with her and met with her get this the first time those changes are being proposed but also disrespectful to the people that been working on this for quite some time with whether its the workers right folks who been working on alessi and the number of meetings weve had, the occ and oversight folks have also been working on this for quite some time and not to say anything of some of the other agencies including the comptroller who have been engaged in this process for quite some time. So, it is fine but i just want to be sure that my version moves forward to the full board and i personally dont see how you can make amendment today to something that is so complicated and that its been raised on a number of points for the first time today. Thank you think. I mean, i would just say im in subtle difference between politicking and just having genuine concerns about the measure that is before us which is i think you try to express today publicly. Supervisor mar i made a motion that we accept the amendment proposed by supervisor campos and i moved to divide the file. I am guessing as this comes back to us next week we will overly make a decision on moving campos amended version forward and looking more carefully what the City Attorney will work on the supervisor campos with supervisor cohen get thats my inner centered awfully, we can keep the amendment that supervisor campos has brought to us that ive moved willing forward that week, but i definitely want to understand more about supervisor cohens concerns be drafted into the get our look at the City Attorney drafts as well. Okay. Supervisor cohen were supervisor campos i simply also want to note that in terms of sort of moving forward number as i understand it, with a proposal that i introduced if it came out of the committee next week then we would go to the full board of supervisors on the 19th mdm. Chairman, as i understand it the first vote on my version of the Charter Amendment would be visiting committee would be on the 19th. Is that correct . Hold on, one second. Im sorry. I just want to clarify that. So, on a normal schedule it would be the full board on july 19. However, again, i know that supervisor cohen has a amendment the parts of her amendment i would like to also consider as well. Again, not to create issues in terms of the timing of your item. Im just trying to see we can ashley get it through the meeting today. If we can just, even some of the other as we can sort it out i think there will be helpful. Again when i tried to delay it from this committee is trying to get some of the concerns addressed today. Well, i think he prepared, matters. I think these are confiscated issues and that devil is in the details. I think you can have amendment to something as complex and comforted as this they do your homework before you get here. Supervisor cohen thank you. This is i think a perfect representation as to why people are afraid to have another elected position at this level of discourse that clearly cannot be civil without being without it going personal but i also want to make sure and clear that the amendment i read into the record are very clear, very concise. I think even to understand of like to make a motion to adopt the minutes as described and the duplicate file and will continue to the next rules meeting get the same meeting that campos version is going to be the this is not rocket them its not difficult as actually the legislative process. Examinee make any kind of changes to the charter it something that needs a lot of thorough thought and analysis and thoughtfulness given. So supervisor tang, chairman tang 8 seconds for your desire to put this on the agenda and we can take up the amendment then. Okay. Deputy City Attorney, we are trying to make sure both versions are accepted amendment. Im sure our next rules committee in. We may have a special meeting or so forth so i just want to make sure that we can do that if we are able to sort through some of the amendment lang which with you during the meeting . We see what i can do during this meeting. If you want to hold off on the boat while i consider and consider the other items. I guess a warning always with Charter Amendment. When we are tracking them on the fly because it set in stone at own be changed by the voters that my office through multiple levels of review and if you adopt something today and then we catch some issue with it, we would ask you to then amended again next week which pushes up the schedule further. Supervisor campos just a legal question technically went in Committee Vote on Something Like this . Can adjust both on a general concept but doesnt need the actual lang which is beyond the committee cant vote on general concepts but the way that supervisor cohen has described the amendment have enough specificity the committee could vote on it and wed essentially reducing to writing. I dont think there are any policy questions at least not that i can think of right now but ill continue to work on over the course of this meeting there on the absurd that would need further correction on before i can put pen to paper but during this midnight put some language that you can then all look at the debate and determine whether you feel comfortable with it today. I think on that, i think the devil is in the detail so well have to wait and see. I think its a very good conversation especially to have that anytime you are talking up changing the status quo you can see there are people who are happy with the way things are and want to do everything they can to protect it and thats the point of this amendment that there are those of us to believe City Government can do and must do better than that the status quo is not serving every san franciscan thank you supervisor campos. I will also say for me personally at least its not about change that im afraid of. In fact, especially members of the Budget Committee were always trying to improve things in City Government through funding but are more funny to lse to more funding to occ and so forth. That is how i believe we can do things better here. And how we can also be collectively better advocates for all of you members of the public. So im certainly not afraid of change. I just feel that having another citywide elected position really does politicize things when theyre supposed to be a public advocate which we are actually supposed to be as well. Supervisor mar let me just say i hope is that supervisor cohen suggestion gets work through. I know that when supervisor campos approach me on this we will quit sheilato address different concerns the voter got up and challenging by newly often do this on the fly. So appreciative of supervisor cohens concerns be workgroup with the divided file. I just want to say that i think would supervisor campos has proposed, like in new york city when bill the bus to the former public advocate although dr. Mark greene i think years and years ago, is about making government more efficient and transparent and really the distrust of government that supervisor campos brought up is very deep. I know in my district. Having somebody look up for the little guy to be able to take a strong stance on issues to be intervenors in Different Bank issues with guns, but keisha james, finds finding millions of millions of dollars buying more efficiencies, its Good Government. Its a good measure and im hoping people dont take it to death because i do think as crafted and amended by supervisor campos and his staff its really good measure theyll benefit so many people in San Francisco. Thats why im excited about it want to move forward it along with the concerns that supervisor cohen has raised. I want to understand as drafted by the City Attorney as well thank you. Lastly, i think if theres agreement to just push this until just a little later in this meeting, again not to delay the process just a little later in the meeting. I will just say that supervisors just want to icon, do supervisor campos and others to really have you setting the board of Supervisors Office and really powerful way. You but the light a lot of really important issues championed a lot of policies that have done a lot to support whether its the labor community, the Workforce Community and so forth. So, i dont want you to lose sight of the fact that you actually have done quite a bit in your respective offices as Public Advocates as well. So, with that we will delay if theres no drive objection, with the latest item to move to item 2. Mr. Clerk item number two [reading code] thank you. Supervisor yee is the author of this Charter Amendment i really dont have anything to add to the discussion. We had a discussion on this item already and as you know youre thing that really changed in todays meeting is the spelling of november was changed. I hope that you just pass it out with a positive recommendation. Okay. Do we have a motion from this committee . Moved and seconded. Im sorry . Any members of the public wish to comment, please come forward. Good afternoon. I was not here last week. I was at the dentist. [inaudible] i have been interested in Public Transportation for a long time and i felt when a few years ago when we merged the muni and market and traffic, that would improve but it has not improved. I think this is a small step of getting the board of directorsi stopped going to the mta board meetings. Frankly, my opinion they dont listen. Its always a unanimous vote. I dont think theyve ever had meetings in the community. Ive seen ed reston and one of the Board Members at a Richmond District meeting and theyve never taken up the concern of customer service, which is, im can repeat myself to some members, you know they call them arrogant because they dont return phone calls. 311, they dont answer or even bother acknowledging that you sent the complaint in. There needs to be something done to you know to make mta more accountable and the people up there. They sustainable streets need to be reorganized so theres more representative of the districts. You know, i called there. I invited them out to the outer richmond. For coffee. They dont even knowledge my email. Its just it really needs changing. They want make funding and funding changes, but they need to be accountable to the residence of the city and i dont feel they are accountable. I mean, we should go to every extreme of having mta board elected by the residents or i read a proposal where there would be a Regional Transportation Agency and they would run everything. So, i support this Charter Amendment. Thank you i have a question. Supervisor cohen i have a question for you. Quick question. I simply tell me, why do you believe its a good appointment . How does that change anything . Its the board of supervisors and the Mayors Office has appointment of forget how do you see this as a boat going in the rightthis is the direction we should be going to . If there appointed by the board of a supervisor that might have a different perspective than the may. I mean, all the city seemed to me i forgot the number of appointments, all have the mayor seven, automator appointment it like the planning department, they have more broader perspectives on the agency. We did that with planning and maybe they would be more receptive to the needs of the residents of the city. I dont feel these, the way its composed. I mean something needs to change up there. This is a proposal which does that. Thank you thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Eileendistrict for resident. Here in support of this item. The mta has stated it has 19 billion with a b in unmet needs. This is in part because the mta frequently chooses the most expensive and some would say porkbarrel plan as preferred option prt has investment cost of 20 30 million [inaudible] over 300 known. When dir. Ruskin advised the mta board this propose charter next he described as quoteunquote, unexpected. This should indicate how insular and out of touch the mta really is. We need to restore some form of sanity to the mta. This Charter Amendment is meant an important for second thank you again supervisor yee for proposing this Charter Amendment and for your [inaudible] rapid price. Thank you thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is sally johnson. I think this Charter Amendment can learn a few things on the passage because we are not [inaudible] i already know has been already said before. This way of doing the bus schedule is always [inaudible] off time. Off time is not a good idea [inaudible] any human being. [inaudible] were africanamericans or somebody us or whatever kind they are have no limits because [inaudible] i think that we have [inaudible] this is where it all comes back to [inaudible] thank you. Any other members of the public wish to comment on item 2 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] i believe it was a motion. Motion to move without recommendation is that what was . Actually with recommendation i second that with a positive recommendation. When we do will on the call girl, supervisor mar aye cohen aye tang nay. We have to aye and one nay. This item will be sent to the full board of supervisors [gavel] item 3, please item 3, [reading code]. Thank you. Supervisor cohen colleagues, this author time with her this item. It was committee so i dont need to taketo repeat my past remarks. We have at this time myself and the coalition of no additional changes to make my understand weve got some comments that are speaking against this item today so we can go ed for open for Public Comment. Any members of the public that was to comment on item 3, please come on up. Even if you do not submit a comment card, please come on up. Thank you. My name is [inaudible]. I just want to review [inaudible] i do understand a lot of the things [inaudible] but i am thinking that the actual comment on the issue that we have never been in our lifetime or even talked about things that [inaudible] thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Hello. My name is Rachel Richmond on the political and policy director of professional and technical engineers, local 21 and i appreciate the opportunity to talk to you today. We share the concerns of supervisors tang peskin about the impact on the general fund. Our members are proud to work for and with programs that ensure that San Francisco older adults and residents with disabilities get the services that they deserve to live full and independent lives. We recognize that these programs are not fully funded to the extent that they should be. But, as were the of the goal of the dignity fund is, we are concerned the new set aside without a new set source of funding could get services for vulnerable populations against each other for an ever shrinking general fund pipe. What is affordable and i couldve oh now will be locked in but may not meet the test in the future. If this trend of setaside continues, eventually, we could see most of the General Fund Budget earmarked with little flexibility for the supervisors and the mayor who govern the city. So, we respectfully urge you to consider that 10 years from now the judgment that was used in establishing this setaside will be 10 years old. We are requesting that a new source of funding be identified for this measure. We want to thank you on behalf of local 21 for the opportunity to talk with you today. Thank you. Thank you very much. Are there any other members of the public wish to comment on item 3 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] supervisor cohen i like to make a motion we send this item for to the full board. With a positive recommendation. We have a second on that . Moved and seconded. Supervisor to not remarks . I do want to say to Rachel Richmond and local 21 i definitely understand the concern. In the early 90s would pass the first channels fun it was because a crisis the children and him was being pushed out of the city and the need to have a dedicated funding stream for really critical safety net support. And sandy more eight andhear from the Dignity Fund Coalition of educated many of us in our communities about the dire situation as the senior boom and the [inaudible] of San Francisco expands tremendously over good i think the dignity fund in 18 and friendly city we are all individuals age and the Committee Agent places important part of our diverse population with vibrant communities that so critical and the Affordable Housing needs to nutrition to all kinds of things are so critical. Each budget cycle we have not been able to achieve anywhere close to the need and thats why i think like a Childrens Fund before it, this is so important even though i do know and have concern about the impact on Public Health and hsa when youre too many setasides, but i feel its justified given the Huge Population boom and the huge need. If we dont plan for it now, with entity caught in a much worse situation thats why support the dignity fund and really appreciate supervisor cohens leadership when with others of us lucky sponsors of this. Its not creating San Francisco as an aging disability friendly city with Adequate Funding for our programs and senior. Its about dignity for people in our community as well. Thank you. I also want to thank the sponsors as well as our Wonderful Community members , sandy and the re, for working on this particular item. Ive spoken about this before get into my future spec for what youre trying to do with this. My opposition to it is simply about setasides. I just want to make sure thats very clear. So, we have a motion on the floor to send this forward with positive recommendation to forbid if we do a lookup please on emotion supervisor tang aye matsuda tang nay spin and spin. This item will move to the full board of supervisors [gavel] i apologize that the keep forgetting to ask Controllers Office for the costing letter so, do i have to resend order sorry can we resend the motion that we just made and the boat we took moved and seconded. [gavel] if we can go to our Comptrollers Office for the estimated cost of this . Controllers austin at the charter minute shows, in fiscal year 167, the funding will be 39 for the services rising 6 million in the next fiscal year. The nine subsequent fiscal years it would go to an additional 3 million for the by fiscal year 2627 the fighting would be 71 million for the next 10 years, the fund would be increased by the aggregate discretionary revenue applied to other baselines thank you very much it now if we can we do that motion to forgo the board with positive recommendation moved and seconded. Will call on the motion, supervisor mar aye cohen aye tang nay we have toone. This item will move forward to the full board. [gavel] item 4, please item number four, [reading code] supervisor cohen thank you. I will repeat everything i said last week and theyve heard me speak in prior sessions. We all know the importance of civilian oversight. Particularly, when you think about the recent officer involved shooting that happened two days ago in baton rouge louisiana. The ability to make changes right here at our as legislators. Changes that ive put before you will change the Charter Amendment. We have seen the problems that can occur within the Police Department both long period of time but also very short period of time. I want to recognize the how quickly the Police Department has responded to many of the suggested changes the Police Commission has brought about with a vested nine i want make sure we have the strongest civilian Oversight Department possible so that we can correct the course before we derail. So the Charter Amendment i believe addresses the changes we have not yet seen and not implemented. It takes position d from the june ballot, which again was 80 of voter mandate, that all officer involved shootings be investigated it takes a step further. A significant step further. This chart of amendment creates greater independence for the office of citizen complaints by doing three key things. First, it makes up its own standalone department. Second, it gives that apartment Auditing Authority over the Police Department and third, it brings Greater Transparency to the department and will also rename the department to the department of police accountability. So, these changes move the occ from a complaint based department to an independent Proactive Department with Auditing Authority. It is my hope this would be a department theyll be an example for all municipalities across this entire country. Colleagues, i do hope to have your support and i like to make a motion that we send this item out of committee to the full board with the highest possible recommendation. Thank you. Will do that after Public Comment. I will just say thank you so much for supervisor cohen for your leadership on this. I know were talking earlier about change and this is definitely one change am supportive of that thing will go along way to addressing the concerns we are facing with the Public Safety today. So, with that said, lets go to our Controllers Office will quick i dont know if there is atheres no dollar amount attached to it but maybe we can hear from you officially . Comptrollers office. The Charter Amendment as proposed as a minimal impact to government. If you know the baseline was taken up from the last version thank you. Now at this time we will go to Public Comment. Any members of the public was to speak on item for, please come on up. Hello. My name is Sylvia Johnson. I think [inaudible]. There are other things. [inaudible] other opportunities about how the police can [inaudible] doing things. They need a little more turnaround where [inaudible]. It has different categories and this is where you would imagineyou dont really imagine it [inaudible] when you see that start, you know exactly what is going to happen, and what time [inaudible] because this probably has a lot of things that are in that area. I havent explain it to you exactly how but i will [inaudible] radio, it feels thank you. Any members of the public who wish to comment on item force . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] colleagues if we can get a motion again highest possible recognition on this measure. Moved and seconded. Most exalted, but yes all right i would assume its with recommendation positive recommendation to the full board and would take that without objection [gavel] now, i believe we will go back to our first item and perhaps maybe at this time if we could take a couple minute recess. Maybe a little bithalfanhour how long do you need . A not totally sure how long we could i would think the word opposite of office of citizen might does not appear anywhere in this version of the Charter Amendment it will remain as is. Thank you for your work. I appreciate it. Actually quickly, i cannot recall whether supervisor cohen had also recommended removing the appointment power for osc as well. Is that something i think we had mentioned collectively we do not want deployment power in general for those two departments. My apologize Deputy Director if he if we do not articulate that. Okay. Im neither dr. Or Deputy Director. Deputy City Attorney. X disney. I dont know if thats a promotion or demotion. I dont know. So, i believe that involved simply deleting section 80104. I pray that to look through the entire measure to make sure there arent additional references to olse here. 8c. 1047 top of page 10 in the version that circulated. Right. When i read through supervisor camposs amended version that was the only place i saw it but ill defer to the experts here. Yes, my preference is to delete lines 6 and seven. The public advocate shall appoint a director of the office of labor standards enforcement who shall serve at the pleasure of the public advocate. That is essentially, the only thing that section does. It formally creates olse as a office in the charter and then it gives the appointment power to the public advocate but if you dont want to give the public advocate the appointment power, you could really just take out that entire subsection good im sorry, that entire section, 104. Then, leave olse as it is which is a office created by ordinance okay thank you for that clarification i mean, that would be my preference. Of course, we can take that motions on these amendment later. Supervisor cohen anything else . Yes. I want to emphasize just in case it was not clear when were previous session the amendment im proposing i like them to be in both versions of the legislation. We duplicated the file. Id like to make sure my amendment that i proposed are in both versions. Any questions . Yes. I am not sureso, we have you mean you would like a version of supervisor camposs Charter Amendment as it was on todays agenda and you would like to make the amendment i just circulated on that version and you would also like to make those amendment on a version that incorporates supervisor camposs amendment today thats correct a third version that would be at the board of the pending in this committee would be a version simply with supervisor camposs amendment and not yours . No. If up if im hearing correctly, actually, i think what might be best is just to see, first maybe we could see if these amendment pass or not out of this committee in terms of what supervisor campos has made already and proposed it supervisor cohens amendment layout top of that and i think if im correctly, supervisor cohen that duplicated version to have just you are amendment not supervisor tang proposes . Orgy one all of it in both . Thank you for your efforts to summarize everything. I would like oneideally i like to of one version that incorporates supervisor camposs amendment and supervised cohens amendment thats it. Why dont we just go introducing motions on these amendment and supervisor mar to mr. Gibner, when i divided the file, doesnt that create the campos amendment as a standalone and then the second one be supervisor cohens amended version . The committee can do what it wishes with both versions. My understanding at the beginning when we went to assess the intent was to one version that incorporates both supervisor campos amendment in the duplicate agenda without supervisor camposs class, supervisor cohens but its up to the committee how you want to go in the entered i think that was my motion was to do that. I think you said one member of the committee can divide the file. Yes that is correct. I would just say my intent would be to personally, i just some of the concerns accessed publicly earlier is due, yes, take supervisor campos is been expelled later in on top of that supervisor cohens amendment and send that to the full board. I mean continue it for a week and send it to the full board. Okay supervisor campos has joined us. Yes . My understanding mdm. Chairman, was that whatever amendment supervisor cohen is going to make a version she can go ahead and do that but that my version would be a measure would move forward to the full board. That was my and sending in that conversation you and i had, to in terms of making sure what we are proposing gets to be voted on at the board of supervisors the conversation i recall having on the could to bog down your item in committee. I do not talk about amendment. The amendment you propose i saw the first time today in committee. So, as a committee member, i think as all of you do for any item, i have legitimate concerns about what is here and would like to see certain types of amendment made. So, not trying to hold your item in committee whatsoever. If youre not letting my items come out as is, you are doing that. So, i would expectbut, ive seen many [inaudible] for watching with supervisor cohen is watching is the lowest ive seen. In my years on the board of supervisors. A supervisor has made a Charter Amendment proposal did i think that we should have the board of supervisors vote on a proposal. It supervisor cohen wants to make amendment to that proposal, she can go forward and make those amendment in her own version so that it can get out and then the board can decide based on what it prefers, which proposal goes for. Thats what i would ask good i think thats consistent with what we discussed and i think anything short of that shows how politics has really taken over this body. I hope we dont get that point i would just reinforce that when we talk i didnt know you would have these amendment. Supervisor campos good we only talked about procedure. Supervisor cohen yes, thank you i again i just want to make sure, chairwoman tang, there are currently two versions of this legislation because we duplicated the file. Supervisor campos introduce amendment. I would like to see supervisor campos amendment in both versions. I introducedi introduce minutes that i like to see amendment in my amendment in both versions so that the file is truly duplicated. I also would like to be but to the folks at home that this is the rules committee. I am a member of the was committee and you will is committee we see all things that are going before the ballot and its in this body that we have the Legal Function to amend legislation that is coming before voters. So we are actually doing exactly what this committee is charged to do. Okay. How aboutthe supervisor campos again, i am going to ask again my version, of my Charter Amendment 04. I deserve that it is the people i represent this or that. You can move forward whatever amendment you want in your version that have a decency and respect for the process to actually do that. If you dont do that, we have a six vote majority of the board and will do that at the board but i think that it is sad that the chairman is leading this member do this. You know, its like i have never been on a committee where the members person of the charter he proposes or she proposes, is not being allowed to go forward as they want it. Every time there is a change one alternative is been sent as a different version of that charter. But, the member is allowed to actually send the version they want so that there is at least an up or down vote on the. Okay. I would just say, any piece of legislation let me give an example, condo conversions, it version of legislation the sponsors no longer like an agitated domain socket certainly, we have had experience with this where are members of the board take other peoples legislation and amended when there are concerns. Im not letting a member of the committee do anything did they have the ability to amend if there are the votes to do so. So, in any case, but we could propose to do first at least is to take with supervisor campos has proposed in terms of amendment and put it into both files. When we start by doing that . Okay. Just a reminder Committee Members are here. So, supervisor cohen, i may be invisible to you but i am here. I would ask for some respect on your part. Okay so im suggesting a motion to adopt the recommended changes that supervisor campos read into the record earlier which actually abducted six him. One is regarding the Whistleblower Program did not removing that from the Controllers Office but still allowing the public advocate to have some sort of authority over certain types of issues under certain types of circumstances. Such as inadequate or inefficient City Services and misuse of city funds. Secondly, the occ is no longer placed under the office of public advocate but the public advocate can appoint the occ Department Head. Third, the olse is a department on its own as usual, but the public advocate can appoint the head of olse. The head of olse still is of the Club Pleasure of public advocate and to quit five it was a much of board of supervisors confirmation on that appointment. Fourth, saturday its a Civil Service commission the ability to determine the salad. That, in terms of staffing the was a recommendation of the office have at least one staff member per supervisor rube district and one investigator or someone to perform investigations as well per supervisor world district. Lastly, in terms of the election it was a removal of a provision for special election to the public advocate would be elected at the next election, whether special or regular city like it those are amendment that i heard from supervisor campos earlier, and so if thats accurate, id like to suggest we make a motion to adopt those into the version we have originally and then if you would like the duplicated file. Second okay sue will take that without objection [gavel]. Those amendment are in both versions. Now, Committee Members, i will let you take the lead as to what you like to do with supervisor cohens amendment. I like to make to make a motion the amendment that i propose to date be placed in both versions of the legislation. Is there a second . Okay. I will second that but we could do a local supervisor campos two members of the public that are watching, i just want to be very clear. But melia cohen has done is one of the worst things ive seen is a member of the board of supervisors. I have a proposed Charter Amendments that is trying to do the way Government Works in San Francisco. All i am asking is that this committee actually allowed one version of a Charter Amendment to go forward as i propose. With supervisor cohen is doing is trying to keep me from even getting that version over to the board of supervisors. Why is that . Is because they are afraid of actually having this measure into the voters. They dont even want the voters board of supervisors to vote on this version because they are so embedded and wedded to protect the status quo. We will make the minutes that is needed at the board of supervisors and i think its actually a pretty low think not only by supervisor cohen but also by the chair of the committee that is actually as chair walls and ive chaired rules get whatever differences people have in changes they want to make, ive always respected the right of that member to move forward with the version they want and if somebody else want a different version they can do it. So, this is unprecedented. It actually illustrates why a watchdog is needed in city hall so that these kinds of shenanigans can no longer happened thank you supervisor campos did i would just say we did adopt all supervisor camposs minutes. The only i would not say the only but the major differences in terms of amendment 101 the public advocate not serve more than two successive terms. Secondly, no person shall be eligible to serve as a public advocate who in the last four years of the office of mayor, member of the board, City Attorney, dist. Atty. , treasure, assessor or public defender and removing the appointment of power of olse director and occ director. So we are actually not trying to prevent or prohibit this measure from getting out to the voters did in fact, it will. I think there are just a few of the differences that we would be able towe would like to see in the measure that would i think give more individuals comfort to support. Mdm. Chair please call the boat i like to be recognized. Supervisor campos this is again an effort by melia cohen to protect the power of ed lee and at the end of the day it can be the voters of San Francisco who are going to decide if this corrupt act by someone who is clearly corrupted will go for. Okay. Thank you for the comments. Again, we as Committee Members are exercising that ability we are allowed to take and if we were correct unsure deputy City Attorney would cause out for what were doing here today in our actions. With that said, then why dont we just do it will call vote on a motion on the motion to amend both versions, as stated by supervisor cohen, mar nay cohen aye tang aye we have to aye with one nay supervisor martinmilius dissent so that both versions are amended [gavel] now we need a motion to continue good i would assume both items or one item whenever the motion is. To continue both items to our july 14th was Committee Meeting. Is that correct . Okay. We will do that without objection [gavel] mr. Crook any other items before us today no more items mdm. Chairman. Okay. This meeting is adjourned. [gavel] [adjournment] alright, good afternoon everyone. Welcome to the relural rules Committee Meeting of july 7, 2016. Im katy tang. To my left is malia cohen and to my non right is supposed to bhee supervisor mar who will not be here. Our clerk is derek evans and like to thank leo [inaudible] and jessie larsson. Do we have announcements . Please silnchs cell phones and complete speaker card submit today the clerk will appear on the july

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