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[gavel] good afternoon everyone. This meeting will come to order. Welcome to the april 12, 2016 regular meeting of the rules committee. I am supervisor ahsha safai chair of the committee. To my right is supervisor supervisor fewer and to my left will be norman yee but hes not here yet. Our clerk is derek evans. I would like to thank staff at sfgtv for staffing this meeting. Mr. Clerk do you have any announcements today. Yes thank you mr. Chair. Please silence all electronic dwiegs. Eating and drinking is not a permitted. Any copies and documents should be submitted to the clerk and items will be on the april 18, 2017 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you mr. Clerk. Please call item number 1. Item number 1 is a hearing considering 14 members to the park, recreation and open space Advisory Committee. There are 14 seats and 14 applicants. Thank you. Unless there are any initial comments from the committee lets hear from supervisor ronins aid and to serve elisa lairdmetke and reanna tong and both district 9 see thes. Thank you supervisor. I have someone here to speak on behalf of elisa and i will speak on behalf of much rihanna. Thank you. Thank you so much supervisors want. I want to speak on behalf of elisa who works in oakland and wasnt able to make todays meeting but excited about the opportunity to serve the city on the prosac committee. Shes a 17 year resident of San Francisco and her family and herself has been long engaged in the citys Parks Departments. Currently living in the portola shes a stanch advocate for greening and one of the founding members of the port tola urban Greening Committee which is a diverse stakeholder meeting that meets monthly to discuss ways that we can build upon green assets in the neighborhood and open spaces and has been a great connector between mc clairein park and other assets in the district 9 and its residents and as such shes really excited to be able to serve the city on a broader scale and is particularly committed to accessibility. She works as a let specific term of her career is a director at the Disability Resource Center at merit university so shes really well versed in how to bring disabled citizens of San Francisco into these public spaces and so thats something shes really excited about, not only for physically disabled but also those that might not have the economic or other ability to use our public spaces as much as we would hope so i really hope that you guys approve her nomination. Shes really excited to serve. Thank you. Thank you supervisors so on behalf of the supervisor ronin ms. Tong receives the highest recommendation and a native born to chinese immigrants from hong kong and a member of the School System and use are of the parks and part of the Portola Neighborhood Association and bring focus to low income and working class communities of color particularly immigrant communities who are often left out of the decision process so she is passion to making the area a place for people from multiple generations and different backgrounds can enjoy public open spaces, and facilities. She is also passionate about improving Pedestrian Safety and bicycle access and street design and will bring that focus and expertise to prosac. Shes a great candidate for seat number two and she will be honored to serve. Thank you. Colleagues any questions . Seeing none we will go to seeing no questions from the committee lets hear from the Third Applicant natalie dillon. Is natalie here . Yes, please come forward. This is for seat number 4. Hello. Im natalie dillon. I represent district 4. So thank you for having us here today. I think this chamber is almost as beautiful many of our parks in the city but a little bit of background on me. I was born and raise 234d San Francisco in the heart of the Mission District where i grew up in the parks. It was at Mission Playground and their partnership with arthur ashs nonprofit and where i discovered by love for tennis and grew up playing on the courts and it was a place where race, religion and gender was a place that didnt matter but who was able to get the ball across the court and the sense of community that parks brings to cities is something very important to me. So tennis and mesa college where i walked on to the stanford tennis team exceeding my childhood dreams. I majored in urban studies taking a focus in urban taking a focus in communities ifed design and capped off my under graduate with a thesis on spatial relationship between graffiti and crime taking a close look in San Francisco where just literature hasnt been dedicated to take without take without take without take taking a quantitative look and i will be excited to be on the committee and contribute. Great. Thank you colleagues. Any questions for natalie . Seeing none we will go to the next item. Thank you ms. Dillon. Thank you. Lets hear from our Fourth Applicant mr. Nicholas belloni. Thats for seat number 5. Close enough. Did i say that right . You. You are close. Hello supervisor. I am Nicholas Belloni as we just got through. I am going for i think its my last appointment now even though it didnt have a date on it when the seat five get out but i think this is my last appointment for prosac. I have been a member for god now a while, and a lot of things i have done. I helped work on the Acquisition Policy and in that time since i the Acquisition Policy subcommittee working group, whatever we called it back then we were able to buy parks in different areas of San Francisco that needed it badly. I am looking forward to what i was able to accomplish and getting parks to the city and i grew up in the Richmond District and born and raised 43 years yes, i am 43, in the Richmond District and i have had parks around me all my life, Golden Gate Park was my background. I had the luck of play soccer on the polo fields and took my parents that sat through the games in the fog and rain and take them to see paul mccartney, one of their favorites on the fields. You know those are the things that make parks special. We get to commute, we get to be there, and congregate and sees lots and lots of great cultural stuff, be there with our families, see kids grow up and play and have a great time and thats what it makes it special for me to be on the park board so i hope you guys reappoint me. Thank you. Have a great day. Thank you. Any questions . Seeing none we will proceed to the next applicant, our fifth applicant and the chair of prosac currently and Steffen Franz. Will you please come forward. Greetings supervisors. Thank you for having us today. My name is Steffen Franz and current one of the representatives for prosac in our district and currently the chair and have been for the last year. I was originally presented by supervisor alito pier and appointed twice by supervisor farrell and served as the chair and vice chair and sat on a view subcommittees and as well as working group. I own a Music Distribution and Parking Company that represents 7700 artists and labels. 700 artists and labels and the president of the friends of Lafayette Park board which i have been on for eight years including during that time the extensive renovation of the park. I also am the production manager for saturdays in the mark mc clooren which i have done for the past five years and about 28 shows in district 10. I very much am a dog advocate as well, and as such my love of parks stems from the amount of time i spend in our open space. I am a passionate about parks and open space and would like to continue my service on prosac for another term. Thank you. Colleagues any questions . Seeing none lets hear from the sixth applicant mr. Mark scheuer. Thank you. Please come forward. Hi. I am definitely what you would call a park freak. I have been in a San Francisco park literally almost every day of my life and in sunset district and park side square and when i discovered basketball i graduated to sunset gym. As an adult i have been involved with friends of those park for 17 years and was the president for ten years. I am i really believe that parks make a big difference in the quality of life for everybody and the thing i love about San Francisco parks that you can go for free and there are so many things to do in parks and recreation centers. While i was on prosac for four, five years i served on the failing Playgrounds Committee and i also helped shaped Strategic Plan. I would like to continue on prosac to ensure that san franciscans have a free place to go every day of their life. Thank you. Thank you. Colleagues any questions . Seeing none lets go to the seventh applicant, mr. Robert brust for seat number 8. Thank you supervisors. If you could pull the mic up. There you go. Yes, sir. So i am a resident of district 8 since 2008. I am founder of did lores park works, one of the several friends organizations for dolores park since 2009 and currently the chair. I am also a member of the San Francisco parks alliance, proud husband and a proud pug dog owner. I am coming up on about three and a half years. I am reappointed to prosac hopefully, and i am very proud of the work i have done, our committee has done over the past three and a half years and i would like to just highlight three. We helped with the writings and promotion of prop b which i am sure you know of. One of our primarily responsibilities on prosac is acquisitions as people have already touched on and our work on the Strategic Plan, rec and Park Department Strategic Plan. So in prop b i think youre bottom with but let me go over it quickly. I think the most important part of the legislation it recognized the department and our city parks need for a predictable level of funding so they could properly staff and plan as we went forward. Also one of the key things and this is something i think new for the department and not the city overall rec and park is required to have an equity component and their Strategic Plan as they go forward, and we were very, very happy to see that was included in the legislation and now as were working with the Parks Department theyre doing an excellent job. It was really easy for us to require them to do this, but the real job i think is now up to the department and us to watch as they implement this legislation. Acquisitions im going just it to touch on two. Both were a little hard because we were spending a lot of money. Francisco park which used to be the fracisco Water Reservoir i believe it is going to be one of the grand jewels of the city, and what is going to be very interesting about this its now its going to be community funded. The neighbors have gotten together. They have pledged 25 million for constructing the park into a reservoir, the reservoir into a park and 150,000 every year thereafter. They have also agreed to a cooperative relationship with the Parks Department where the Parks Department will agree and the Franciscan Park conservatory who is set up to manage the money will also agree agree on a funding and a maintenance plan. The other which i think is the 11th street natoma plot which i think you saw yesterday at the full board and hopefully agreed to purchase. Another large sum of money, almost 10 million, which we feel because of its location in a high need area and a growing urban core it is really worth the expenditure of money and finally the Strategic Plan which p ro sac is required to review and approve. We were able with this plan to oversee the equity components, things that we really care about like the maintenance of the trees and the park rangers which have been severely underfunded for many years, so we thank you for this opportunity. Thank you. Colleagues any questions . Seeing none we can hear from the eighth applicant mr. Anthony cuadro. For seat number 10. Please proceed. Thank you supervisor. Good morning afternoon supervisors. Supervisor yee. My name is anthony cuadro. I have been on the task on the prosac committee for six years and appointed by supervisor elsbernd and reappointed by supervisor yee and i grew up in San Francisco and district 7 in forest hill and pretty much played in the parks my entire life and grew up by jp murphy playground and in the summer and played in Little League baseball by park and rec and basketball at Sunset Rec Center all throughout my child and have been an advocate for parks ever since. I have enjoyed my five place years on the committee and going for the final appointment before i term out. To highlight i have worked on the failing playgrounds task force with my colleague mark. We worked with several groups from within the city, from the boys and girls club, to other stakeholders to design that program and really use bond fonds to funds to refurbish play structures not up to suitability for children and were very proud of the work with that. We used equity metrics that were used for the first time that we designed with within that group and applied to other projects and i am looking forward to continuing our work on that so thank you. Thank you. Any questions . Seeing none thank you. Well go on to the next applicant, our ninth applicant, ms. Maya rodgers for seat number 12. Thank you ms. Rogers. Please come forward. Hi everybody. Thank you for having me. My name is maya rodgers. Im a native of bay view Hunters Point in district 10, cofounder of parks 92104 and social worker at heart. Being a member of prosac and now second vice chair has been rewarding in many scbais positioned me to translate the often misunderstood governmental language for the people of district 10. I appreciate the opportunity. I am excited to continue this work if appointed. Thank you. Thank you. Any questions colleagues . Seeing none we will hear from our tenth applicant, ms. Wendy aragon for seat number 13. Please proceed. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is wendy aragon and i am applying for seat 13 for district 1. I am really happy to be nominated by supervisor sandra lee fewer as well as an Environmental Justice organization that advocates for immigrant families and low income families. I grew up low income and grew up in apartments and townhouses and no open spaces and we had green pristine lawns that were not child friendly and every day we would walk a mile to our local park and without that we havent have a place to be and be active and go to the y and play soft ball and essential for us growing up and i want all to have access to parks like that. To me equity is a huge issue. I am the chair for the Public Utilities Commission Citizens Advisory Committee where i have been working with the Southeast Community Facilities Commission and partners to ensure we build a new center for the Southeast Community that will have open space and be Family Friendly. I have been committed to Environmental Justice. I went to San Francisco state where i was an urban studies major and focused on open space and land use. So i am really excited to be part of this committee and i hope i can make a big difference and hope to work with my colleagues in neighborhoods where they have concerns about their parks. Thank you. Thank you. Colleagues any questions . Seeing none we will proceed to hear from our 11th applicant mr. Richard rothman for seat 14. Please proceed. Good afternoon supervisor. My name is Richard Rothman and i am asking to be reappointed to represent district 1 on prosac i am a Richmond District resident and grew up in the District Across the street from Cabrillo Playground and half a block from Golden Gate Park and i moved back into my childhood house about ten years ago. I feel my role on prosac is to act as a liaison between the supervisors office, rec and park and the residents. I want to help improve the dog parks and maybe have more dog parks to the Richmond District area, and i am also concerned about people getting access to the park, and i think rec and park and mta should set up a safe routes to park program. Its not only being safe in the park but its also walking safely to the park, and i currently serve as first fives chair helping set the agenda and i think our highlights of our input in prop b in working on the metrics to ensure that all areas of the city are equally treated, and input into the Strategic Plan. I really enjoy working because i feel that the rec and park staff while always not agreeing with us at least listens to our suggestions and the other thing thats important to me being on prosac and while most people think of rec and park as open space they also have a lot of Cultural Resources such as bridges and buildings and i am especially interested in the murals in coit tower and beach chalet and the one i have been working on, the building closed since 2000 is the building at the zoo and working with rec park and zoo and the Art Commission were moving ahead and the only way you can see what the murals are i have a photo show just starting on display in supervisor fewer and supervisor tangs office and one can see what the beautiful murals are and why this building needs to be opened again to the public, so i ask for your to be reappointed to prosac. Thank you. Thank you mr. Rothman. Colleagues any questions . Seeing none lets go to our 12th applicant, mr. Jorell corpus for seat number 16. Mr. Corpus please proceed. My name is jor rel and i would like to thank the district supervisors especially supervisor peskin for his nomination for me can you put the mic closer to your mouth because were having a hard time hearing. I would like to thank supervisor peskin for his appointment to be part of the prosac community. I was born and raised in chinatown north beach. I have previous experience restoring estuaries and the presidio, specifically kritionz chrissy field and part of the million man march and basically Youth Engagement with the neighborhood kids teaching basic seeds in propagation. Excuse me. But pretty much yeah, i look forward to this appointment bridging the gap between our community and visitors of our park. I work across the street from Washington Square and yeah thank you. Thank you mr. Corpus. Colleagues any questions . Seeing none lets move to the next applicant ms. Jame weil for seat number 18. Thank you supervisors. My name is jame weil and i have represented district 6 on prosac since 2014. Its been exciting to work with other open space advocates from all over the city and i am honored that supervisor kim has renominated me so we can continue working together for the existing green space and create some more whenever we can. I live in midmarket which is the densest and open space deprived part of the city and working closely with park and rec staff and supervisor kim to identify potential acquisition sites so we can create some green space before its all gone. Its been a long and arduous process but you will hear from us hopefully next week about our first acquisition on 11th street and hopefully one shortly thereafter. I represent several constituencies in the city and a homeowner and spanish speaker and kids that have used park and rec especially camp mather and working with park and rec staff i am impressed with the hard work and dedication and striving for program excellence. Senior staff closely collaborates with the citizen representatives of prosac seeking and heeding our advice on policy and program and i am proud of our contributions to the programs my other colleagues have mentioned, the Strategic Plan especially the equity metric, the failing playground renovation fund, the new deltas soccer team in kieser stadium which is fabulous if you havent been there already and fun working with people all over the city and visiting parks that exist in other districts that i didnt know existed and we try to visit each others parks and understand what is going on in the districts and my district has identified as the highest priority for acquisition and maintain the poor little pathetic parks that we have and my colleagues have been extremely supportive. I have lived all over the country and committed to spending the rest of my time in the city and the best it could be but one sentiment. Housing without open space is not healthy and we cannot build the high rise towers in midmarket with creating thousands of new units for families of all income without providing open space for them. Its really foley to let the developers create our open space as po, po, privately owned public space because they will put it where they want, on the roof, a dark corner and internal courtyards and its not really open to the public. We need our park and rec staff to decide where the parks and the commitment and unfortunately its expensive to acquire the open space in midmarket but we need the supervisors to back them and prosac and thank you for your time. Thank you. Any questions . Seeing none well go to the last and final applicant, 14th applicant, ms. Theresa factora for seat number 22. Hi. Good afternoon. My name is theresa factora. Im a 20 year resident of district 11 where my husband and i have raised our two children. My children have benefited greatly from the parks and not just the open space parks but the programs as well that park and recreation provided for our kids. I live near John Mclaren Park and crocker and in the middle of both parks as well as my kids benefit from the parks i see the challenges on a daily basis of the parks and i just love the opportunity to serve the families in our community so those kids can have the same benefits that my kids have enjoyed for the past 15 years. Thank you. Thank you. Any questions . Seeing none we can move to Public Comment if theres any members of the public that would like to testify on item number 1 please come forward. Speakers have two minutes and say your name and speak directly into the microphone. You may leave a copy of the documents with the clerk for the official file but line up to the right over there and if theres two people we can proceed. Hi. I am Program Director for urban habitat. I oversee the boards and commissions Leadership Institute which is a Program Designed to support and train people of color and low income folks to serve on regional and local commissions and boards, and wendy aragon is a fellow in our current cohort and so i am here to expression our enthusiastic bid for her. One thing about wendy i watched her enter into deep policy conversations and hold different opinions and perspectives togethers and also be move the group forward. Shes empathetic. Shes isnt afraid to identify commonalities and work using those as a foundation for moving forward. I am really excited about her bid and i believe that her commitment and service on the San Francisco puc, cac has demonstrated her dedication to the city, her dedication to equity, to being accountable and a coalition builder. Thank you. Thank you. Ms. Ferry mr. Fernandez. Good afternoon. I am a people oh nicer and demanding economic rights and San Francisco premier organization and we advocate for communities of color in San Francisco. Representation of different Decision Making processes. As chair of the sfpuc ms. Argon has been a fundamental part of our campaign and increase Affordable Housing at the balboa reservoir and were confident her commitment to making advisory spaces accessible, receptive, representative and equitable spaces will transfer right over to prosac so we fully support her nomination and ask that you move forward with her appointment with a recommendation of supervisor fewer. Thank you very much. Great thank you. Are there any members of the public wishing to testify on this item . Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. [gavel] any additional comments colleagues or since there wasnt any comments any comments . No. I would like to oh go go ahead supervisor yee. I want to thank each of you for serving on this committee. My involvement with this committee was in the peripheral many decades several decades ago connected with the chinatown park and Rec Committee there and i know the role that you can play for our communities especially the community of color because many of those areas the opportunity for open space is just not there, so again i want to appreciate each one of you and the public that came out to support you. Thank you. I will go ahead and make a motion. Do you want to make the motion . I just wanted to make one short comment. I wanted to say quickly i really appreciate all the people coming out today. Oftentimes people dont take seriously Advisory Committees but its great to see this level of commitment. I know you all play an Important Role as being the eyes and ears out on the ground for rec and park commission, rec and park staff working effectively as you said on acquisitions and identifying opportunities to expand. I would like to say the issue of equity is really important, not only for underserved communities but communities that have the highest concentration of children in the city. I think this is an Important Role that prosac plays in making San Francisco Family Friendly and selfishly i would like to see my appointment of ms. Fact torah and ms. Rogers and have the highest concentration of children and under the age of 18 and all the work and i appreciate you coming out today. Colleagues can i explain a motion . Yes, i would also like to say yes, please. Thank you for coming out today and volunteering for being on this committee, and i will just say from my two appointments wendy aragon and Richard Rothman i am looking for a lot of collaboration with our district because ive got a lot of big ideas for Golden Gate Park so roll up your sleeves and lets get to work and also you nick since you live in the neighborhood and its great. Sometimes on the committees we never meet personally so its nice that youre here today and to meet all of you and see old friends again. Great. So i think supervisor yee you wanted to make a motion. I will go ahead and make a motion to recommend or yeah, recommend. Recommend that all 14 applicants to their appropriate seats with a positive recommendation to the board. Second that. And just a friendly would be to the supervisorial nominations to the park, recreation and open space Advisory Committee with the full board positive recommendation. Yes. Great. Seeing no objections the item is moved. [gavel] congratulations everyone. Thank you for your service. [applause] thank you. Mr. Clerk please call item number 2. Item number 2 is a hearing consider appointing four members on the commission on the aging Advisory Council. There are four seats and four applicants. Great. Thank you mr. Clerk. Unless there are initial comments from the committee lets hear from the First Applicant ms. Juliet rothman. Is juliet here. Great thank you. Hi. Thank you for having me here today. My name is Juliet Rothman and i live in district 3. I have lived there for 19 years. Prior to that i lived in new york and maryland and the dc area and worked in those areas as well. I have worked as a social worker in the field of aging for 50 years, and ive had two different phases to my work. I worked in district practice direct practice and longs term care and counseling and consulting and multidisciplinary planning and intergenerational work as well. I served on ethics committees and Advisory Councils, worked for the melt pull Sclerosis Society and had experience with hospice and their ethical issues. Because of the ethical issues i encountered in longterm care and Decision Making and i went back to school as a mature student at 50 and got a ph. D in philosophy especiallying in ethical issues and life support Decision Making and after which i began teaching and taught at Catholic University in the National School of social service for eight years before moving here and my areas of particular interest have been practice, cultural competence, aging, disability and death and bereavement. I moved here thinking i would retire but ended up teaching in cal for 15 years and the school of social west and Public Health again similar courses. We also i was very involved in initiating a course in multidisciplinary coordination of services among various professional schools. I recently published a book on grandparenting and i am writing my Second Addition of a disability textbook now so now i am retired from teaching at cal and i am doing a lot of writing and painting and enjoying the city that i waited so many years to come to live in. I am very involved with aquatic park senior center. I serve on team lead which is their Advisory Council and i initiated their art gallery which has been very successful. I chair that also. I belong to San Francisco village and cochair a neighborhood circle there and mentor city arts and Technology High School Students as well. In thinking about the needs of San Franciscos aging i just wanted to recognize that 19 of the people that live in San Francisco are seniors, and that number is expected to rise, particularly the oldest seniors are expected to assume a larger portion of the population. Because that will be a large increase it is most likely that they will have more special needs. They will have chronic illness, dementia, mobility, and self care el limitations and 33 also on have disabilities and a lot have multiple disabilities and happens often in older age and 6. 4 of the population of San Francisco are non seniors disabled people as well which makes the work of the council extra important. In thinking about the work that i hope to be doing on the council i think that as an elder now myself i am very aware that elders and people with disabilities face many problems. One of them tends to be invisibility. Along with that is discrimination and bias. We are a very youth Oriented Society and older people are often on the side lines. There is a real need for meaningful and productive activity and social engagement and respect and creativity among the older population in San Francisco. Elders need to feel theyre a part of the world around them and that they are fully engaged in the city and all of its activities. I think this is kind of a two way street, elders feel a need to contribute but they also have a lot to offer. Elders have something that younger people dont have much of and that is time. They have time to do all kinds of projects and work with all kinds of people. They have wisdom. They have knowledge. They have experience and they have patience. All things that are a lot of value to the broader community. They can be great role models and they can be wonderful mentors as well, so i think its kind of a two way winwin situation. Elders need to take a more active role in the city and the city has much to gain from the added participation of elders so i would like to help integrate elders more completely into the life of our city. Im also of course interested in developing and exploring services for this population. I have three immediate goals if i am appointed to the council. First of all i would like to learn more thoroughly about the needs and services of the eldarely and disabled population in district 3. Secondly i am particularly interested in working with Senior Centers throughout the city and visiting the sites and helping them to coordinate services and develop programs to meet the needs of all seniors and people with disabilities all over the city, and thirdly i am particularly interested in looking exploring disability accommodations and services. I travel a lot and everywhere they go i look at urban planning and disability and how the city plans for accommodations for people with disabilities and would very much like to be involved with that with San Francisco. Thank you very much. Thank you ms. Rothman. Its wonderful. Its great to have someone with such tremendous experience to the table. Colleagues any questions . Supervisor yee. Just curious. You can answer it or somebody else, but in regards to the [inaudible] Advisory Committee that will go through a planning process is the cac involved in that at all . Im sorry. I didnt understand. Daas has received funding for the dignity fund and theyre going through a planning process so are the cac members involved with that . I have attended meetings but i havent served on the committee as well so far so im not aware of any involvement. I believe daas has its own Advisory Committee but i am certainly hoping there is a lot of coordination between the two. Thank you. And i hope so too because it seems like at least that you and ms. Rousseau who i know could offer many things to the group. Thank you very much. Thank you colleagues. Any other questions for ms. Rothman . I just have a comment and i want to say thank you. In my district the senior population is large and a growing population and actually some of the most Lowest Income Group in my district and so i am also looking to organize the senior population in my neighborhood with our Senior Centers and Senior Services to come up with a couple of Major Projects that would benefit the whole Senior Community in the Richmond District. Wonderful. Thats absolutely yeah, i think just a brief statistic that is 25 of the seniors in my district live 200 below the federal poverty guidelines so i think and with you know number 45 coming in and threatening to cut some of the Senior Services i am very concerned so i hope we can work together. Thanks. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you supervisor fewer. Colleagues any other questions . Seeing none lets proceed to our next applicant, second applicant, ms. Catherine rose russo. Good morning, good afternoon i say this. I am cathy ru sso. I live in district sunset, district 7. I have i am a senior, definitely a senior for some years. I started out life in california. Im a native californian in Monterey County area on a farm and Artichoke Center of the world and watsonville and you knew everyone around the area and what was going on in their home. I was an elementary teacher for years and then bake a social worker and i did. I did work in San Francisco with the Program Giving helping people having workers in their home, an aid to help them with things, and a nurse and i were in an office and again it was in sunset where i live, and we would evaluate the requests. Send an aid in and supervise and i learned one thing when you first meet youre talking to people it sounds like theyre really telling you what the situation is, but boy you better wait and find out. When you really get into it there can be some major changes in Something Like that. I also worked as a social worker in a acute Care Hospital in Alameda County with people of all ages but that meant no matter the age we had psyche, surgery, everything. We were the hospital for the area, and when you worked to find homes place to live, place to get care youre looking at their total situation and the family situation. When i got ready to kind of retire i was getting near 70s i wanted to keep working but not a 40 hour week and seemed to me i was interested working with seniors and its the senior programs that hire people who dont work a full 40 hour week. You can kind of adjust into it. Theyre more flexible than many other programs so i came back to the university here. Got my masters in greon tolg feeling that would get me a job. Now, i worked with Foster Program first a federal program and helping seniors who wanted to return to work who had been home for many years so we had to help them define what they want, look for a job, maybe get more training, make connections. Wow, it was a real experience with the Different Services for seniors, how people look at them, and how they themselves handle themselves. Then i worked at foster grandparent senior companions and worked with low income seniors from the city, foster grandparents. We put them with schools where they would work with a teacher with a class or senior companions. We worked with Senior Centers where they would go in and help with the teacher, so that was of course working with them and the Community Resources was interesting, and you always learn more, but i also working with them learned a lot about the Retirement Homes and places in the city, and how they vary in what they do for people. I worked lets see. When i retired i got involved in of course activities, but this Advisory Council is an important one for me because i care about what goes on in my area but when youre working with a group of peoplure our seniors, who gives them the services . Who is evaluating what is there . How are we judging and getting to them . These are the people working directly with the seniors and how do they do it . And we keep aware of what is available, what is on, what is going on, and we look at the rules coming down and how to do it, and what should we be involved in . Now, i am the advisory owns rep on coalition of agencies serving the elderly in this case. Case is made up of persons in charge of programs for seniors. They run the Senior Centers and other programs for seniors, and to hear what theyre concerned about, what they see is happening and their feeling is important, and i can take Something Back to case with it. I go to their meeting. Im not a Voting Member but i go to all their meetings and interact and theyre an excellent, Excellent Program but its so important to know what theyre doing and another program i work with is coalition of agency serving, you know, i work with the ms. Rousseau can you wrap up in one minute so we give everyone equal time. If you have a couple more minutes i am happy to hear it. They always wait seniors to be faster than we are but youre right. I dont want to be rude. Youre not being rude. You are just keeping the thing going. I really enjoy what were doing. Its challenging at times as we try to figure out what is happening and to make our recommendations to the different programs but we work at it and im the representative to tac and tac is the one we meet in you know as all of the reps from all of the associations in california and we meet quarterly. We are meeting in may, our next quarter. And we talk about what is going on. Our last meeting we were hearing that they were concerned about cuts to funding for seniors but they werent certain yet exactly where they were going to be and what they were going to be and you really cant find it and do something about it until you identify it so i am really interested going back next month and finding out what they decided is the area for this. Its a two day meeting every quarter. We stay at a motel there and i drive up to sacramento. The meetings are in sacramento so you got and a lot of the people have to fly in to go there, and its interesting to see how the different groups are. Sometimes its two or three counties get together and sometimes its just you know like us. Now, San Francisco is unique. We are the only city and county so we are admired. L. A. Is also unique. This county of los angeles has elder group but so does the city. The city has their own, not the county one. I have 20 seconds. Yes. So im really enthused to be on this. I really find it interesting. Keeps me going and i hope i will be reappointed for representing my county i mean my area of sunset. We are pretty neat there. Thank you. Thank you. And see i had a second left over. All right. Any questions colleagues . Actually her seat is for district 7 which is bigger than the ensunset and i am happy to support her nomination and i would love for i know that we have talked about it in the past expanding services in into district and i dont know if youre aware but when we only had one service in district 7 located by the ymca and since i have been on the board we expanded to West Portal Playground and park merced has a program or has to be put in and we have the costs champs restaurant on 19th avenue so if you have time please go visit it. Okay. Thank you supervisor yee. Any other questions or comments . Seeing none thank you. We will go to our next applicant, our Third Applicant, patricia spaniak. Thank you for listening to me. Yes thank you. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is patricia spaniak. Im from district 11 and currento on the department of aging board and the legislateiff council. Currently i am working in an aging and place mold ed which is a grass places effort called kay iewga Community Connectors. Because there are so many seniors without services in San Francisco its a pop up senior center. We rent a space and they meet to exercise and socialityize and receive education. I worked with third Street Senior Center bringing the program to our neighborhood. Our seniors wouldnt have an opportunity to have those programs without the connector program. We have quarterly pot lucks and we have healthy brain. Doctors come in from ucsf and theyre interested meeting seniors and bringing some of the new science they learned about the brain. We do everything from pot lucks but the most important thing is exercise, socialize and nutrition. Without this Community Connector program our seniors would never hear from the department of Adult Protective Services for example. We recently did the c tab program so the seniors are getting free telephone. This is a grassroots effort with the connectors and isolation leads to depression and depression leads to illness. We want to keep the seniors in their home as long as possible and thats what i am doing. I am from a large family from the east coast and grew up in a multigenerational household. I believe i understand the needs of seniors and respect what they have to offer our community. I actually come from a business background. My profession was mostly in the Business World so this aging in place model gives me an opportunity to see what the needs are on the ground in the neighborhoods and bring them to the department of aging Advisory Council and work with people with Greater Knowledge than myself. Great. Thank you. Thank you. Any questions . I want to say quickly we appreciate all the great work youre doing in district 11 working with the seniors. Thank you very much. We want to expand that. Thank you. Seeing no other comments or questions from colleagues go go to the final applicant, ms. Allegra fortunati. Im allegra fortunati, a boomer Senior Living within the district 5. Thank you supervisor safai, fewer and yee for hearing my application for reappointment to the aging Advisory Council. I have served on the council since 2016 and in the seat of a prior nominee and hopefully to serve on my own and i am secretary to the council and on the membership committee. I am semi retired from the uc system and working if are the oam buds man program. As a field ombudsman i have worked with areas with issues with seniors and with disabilities and several nonprofits so residents of the facilities can get the help available to live the best life they can and member of San Francisco village which focuses on keeping seniors in their homes as long as possible and hopefully avoiding institutionalization a goal which i am in great agreement. For a couple of terms i served on the San Francisco civil grand jury and thoroughly enjoyed the experience by serving to be civically engaged. I want to continue that experience by serving on the council. Since october i have attended every Council Meeting and have already completed four site visit reports on the city and countys congregate meal program. I am hoping to continue that level of service and contributions to the council so its a better advocate for seniors and adults with disabilities. I believe having an active participate from district 5 on the council is vital. Its the home of some of the lowest income seniors and adults with disabilities in the city and second largest amount of adults with disabilities generally. I am interested and hearing from all programs for the residents. I hope you support my application. Thank you. Thank you. Colleagues any questions . Seeing none lets go to Public Comment. Are there any members of the public to comment on item number 2 . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. [gavel] colleagues any further comments or questions . Okay. Seeing none can i entertain a motion . Yeah. Supervisor fewer. Yes, i move that we move the three applicants on to the full board with positive recommendation. Four. Four applicants. Sorry. Positive recommendation. For the Commission Commission on the aging Advisory Council. Sorry. Great. Without objection that order is so moved. [gavel] can we just take a one minute. There recess . There are three seats and three applicants. Thank you mr. Clerk. Unless there are comments from my colleagues lets hear from the 5eud legislative aide of malia cohen and here to speak for Keith Goldstein and irma lewis respectfully and couldnt be in attendance today because of personal matters. Please proceed. Thank you supervisors. I am here to speak on behalf of two applicants to the eastern neighborhood Citizens Advisory Committee, mr. Keith goldstein and ms. Irma lewis who under fortunately couldnt join us today. Mr. Goldstein is active resident of the city for years and vice chair of the [inaudible] and active member of that committee for seven years and resident in district 10 since 1974. Hes the president of the Potrero Hill Dogpatch association and the a festival and on the council for the Merchants Organization and. Ms. Lewis is a resident for 20 years and resident of district 6 and member of a task force and the dogpatch Neighborhood Association and her good is manifest in the impressive resume. On behalf of supervisor cohen i ask for the reappointment of Keith Goldstein and irma lewis to the eastern neighborhood Citizens Advisory Committee. Thank you. Thank you. Colleagues any questions for sophia . Seeing none we can move on to the next person. I think we were is there a Melanie Rodrigo here. Great. Melanie is going to speak on behalf of the next applicant roshann pressman. Good afternoon sprns. I am sorry that natalie had to go back to jury duty and i am melanie and speaking on behalf of supervisor ronin. Han shan a latino and jewish woman raised in San Francisco and unique perspective of the communities and grew up in Bernal Heights and potrero hill and passionate about the community and the spaces. She has a passion for helping others and works at the mission sro collaborative dolores Street Services mainly with Spanish Speaking families. A lot part of the work involves Community Organizer with sro ten tenants and education and issues and engages with citywide coalitions and works in our office to ensure that Community Voices are heard. She is a great candidate for the eastern neighborhood Citizens Advisory Committee because of her organizing work in the neighborhoods and because of her personal experience growing up in this neighborhoods. Thank you. Great. Thank you. Any questions . Any comments . Seeing none lets move to Public Comment. Are there any members of the public that would like to comment on item number 3 . Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. [gavel] colleagues can i entertain a motion on item number 3 please . Please . Supervisor yee. I will go ahead and make a motion to appoint recommend. Recommend appointing the three applicants to the three seats, Keith Goldstein seat one, irma lewis to seat two and roshann pressman to seat nine of the eastern neighborhood Citizens Advisory Committee. Second. Great. Without objection that item will be ordered. [gavel] thank you mr. Clerk please call item 4. Item 4 say hearing consider appointing five problems to the market and octavia community Advisory Committee. There are five seats and five applicants. Are there any of the applicants here . I dont think so. So thank you mr. Clerk. Unless there is any initial comments from the committee lets hear from ms. Andrea nelson from the Planning Department and staff for the committee and here to speak on behalf of all five applicants and all seeking to to be reappointed. Please proceed. Thank you supervisors. I am the manager for the market and octavia crackand we have cac and we have five members up and mohammed sorianobilal was raised in the western edition hayes valley neighborhood and worked for 25 years working with under represented communities in San Francisco and around the country and the executive director of the africanamerican art and culture complex one of San Francisco cultural centers. Paul olsen is has been a member of the market and octavia cac for many years. He also was greatly involved in the process that was better neighborhoods in 2000 and became the market and octavia plan. Hes been involved in nonprofit work for over two decades working with organizations that support low income families and emphasis on education and joshua marker is a member for the past two and a half years and a only owner within that portion of the market and octavia plan and a parent of two Young Children and the only member of the cac that lives in district 6 so he represents that community. Beyond that the membership in the cac hes active with the brady street neighbors and volunteered around the city and larkin Street Services and project homeless connect. Krute singa is in the market and octavia and her background has the skills and elevate sorry, e. D the market and octavia concepts and challenges and a native san franciscan and rented an apartment for the past 12 years and lastly Jason Henderson is serving as the chair of the cac and longterm renter and member of the hayes valley neighborhood soanchtz hes a professor of geography and research and teaching and land use and he has the knowledge of citywide issues in San Francisco neighborhood issues in the market and octavia cac and that concludes my great. So i have a couple of questions. How long you have been a staffer for this particular planned area. I have been managing the cac for the last year and a half and been with the department how long does the market and octavia plan have to go in terms of implementation . I know its been a long process. Yeah, its a great question. Its hard to evaluate it in terms of years i guess but we still have a significant how many more parcels . Oh how many more parcels no you said in terms of years but are there parcels that havent been sold or developed . What is the longterm goal of the planned area . Yeah unfortunately we have two Staff Members assigned to this so i manage the logist iblgs and and they get the staff they need for the projects but we have another member that is assigned to the epic that maybe matt can speak to. Hi. Matt snyder of Planning Department staff. I staff the eastern neighborhood Citizens Advisory Committee. I can tell you our area plans dont generally have a fixed number of sites we generally give them a 20 year time frame but its not if we have identified identify absolutely every parcel developed. We do the rezoning and land use policies and then development happens. Okay. Any questions colleagues . No. Okay. Seeing none lets move to Public Comment. Are there any members of the public wishing to comment on item 4 . Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. [gavel] any additional comments or questions . Great. So may i entertain a motion on this item . Yes, i move to appoint the five applicants to the market and octavia cac Market Community Advisory Committee. I think we need to call the names or no . No mr. Chair we dont need to call the name it is because theyre stated on the agenda. So its with full recommendation to the board. Without objection that item is moved. Thank you. [gavel] so on the last item, item 5 colleagues before we continue i have to excuse myself per the government code. I make a motion to excuse all right. I second. Supervisor safai. Thank you. Bye. Madam chair would you like to call the item. Okay. I call the item of appointing are so madam chair would you like me to call the item . Yeah, because i dont know what i am doing. That would be great. Item 5 is a hearing to consider appointing one member of the board of supervisors to the San Francisco International Airport community roundtable. Were in a receipt of a memo from the clerk of the board that supervisor safai would like to be appointed to this body . Okay. I make a motion oh is there any comment from the colleague . No. You might need to ask if there is about Public Comment . Is there any Public Comment . No Public Comment. Public comment is closed. Would you like to make a motion supervisor yee . Well, i have to consider this i know. Yeah. Well, okay, okay. I will make a motion to recommend that we appoint supervisor safai to the San Francisco International Airport community roundtable. And i think i will second that. Thanks so we send with a full recommendation positive recommendation to the full board. Thank you madam chair. And we have no more items. Thank you very much. We are adjourned at 62942 w together we can support your children. Its been my dream to start is a Valley School since i was a little girl. Im having a lot of fun with it clapping the biggest thing we really want the kids to have fun. A lot of times parents say that Valley Schools have a lot of problems but we want them to follow directions but we want them to have a wonderful time and be an affordable time so the kids will go to school here. We hold the classes to no longer 12 and theres 23 teachers. I go around and i watch each class and theres certain children i watched from babies and its exciting to see them after today. The children learn how to follow directions and it ends up helping them in their regular schooling. They get selfconfidents and today, we had a residual and a lot of time go on stage and i hope they get the bug and want to dance for the rest of their okay wednesday, march 20, 2016, everybody morning welcome to the admission giants sweep yeah. clapping. that is the third neighborhood that weve come in and done this program were a doing 6 along missions and van ness we do extensive a cleaning and outreach and the cans which ill talk about in a minute and also enforcement and so right now we have an enforcement as part of team and their all out doing outreach along this corridor as everybodys responsibilities and answering the questions and handing out a little newspaper with all the information in it as well but i really want to talk about yes, we can yes, we can is a Pilot Project that were swedish up we started taking cans off the street we were told that keeps the streets clean we have cans on every corner and pilot that and measure that and see how it works at this time though i want to introduce our mayor former public works director mayor ed lee. clapping. all right. Thank you eric. clapping. good morning, everybody. You know originally when i heard the phrase yes, we can i thought dpw was trying to cure cancer you know the men and women are dedicated dedicated to keeping our streets clean thank you finally and our Police Department, who is here as well keeping everybody safe and thing ecology and, of course, thank supervisor Hillary Ronen who right off the bat wants here streets clean that is worthy doing together so im really glad to be be her along phillip is about to explain our miracle mile along mission something we love in the Mission District we want to keep clean keeping the city clean cant be the responsibility of our Police Department public works only about while they pick up the trash and dont a job it really is again keeping the streets clean and not trashing that it that in the first place so they come up and coin the phrase yes, we can with the emphasis on can to add 38 more trash cans along Mission Street supervisor i know you will appreciate that but more importantly it is about the education we need to do because why does trash lets itself on the street it didnt it is human beings that are leaving the trashes on the streets we should prevent that from happening thats why dpw wants me as the mayor and recotton as our 235ishd contractor and people in the neighborhood with architect and designers designing better streets request the supervisors to wshthd to educate the public lets leave the trash in the cans in the on the streets lets respect our neighborhood line the missions and the miracle mile coordinator and our businesses lets respect each other by putting trash where that belongs that is what yes, we can does and also the existing part the giants want to keep our streets clean thats why they entered into the program called the giants sweep and started their season i hope they sweep everybody in the baseball field but you hunter who is our, of course, our proin leading the effort on the giants sweep and larry is joining the department of public works to make sure we educate our kids our businesses and adults and to keep the trash in the cans that sweep everything clean and citywide effort while were piloting the program the supervisors will love pilots in the mission will turn cleaner streets into everybodys responsibility thats why i love this organization when i was there 0 as spent hours picking up trash, of course, we wanted is better world by people doing what they should be doing with their own trash not on the responsibility to keep things clean but obviously issues individual responsibility so what we should be teaching our kids and adults and people on the streets 0 people 0 or are shopping and buying things put your trash in the cans and be responsible be respected full of everybody using our streets that is how our public works wanted us to on behalf of so, yes we can the giant sweep educate ourselves and the public but be exciting about the streets we should respect everyone use of our streets and not trash them to the disreplacement of Everything Else we have kicking off as a reminder it is going to a beautiful sum that is spring we want to walk down the beautiful corridors and enjoy everything we want on our streets but not enjoy trash on the streets thank you dpw for leading the way clapping. thank you supervisor ronen sophomore being a great leader right off the bat and cleaning up the neighborhood before doing all the politics that supervisors much. clapping. laughter thank you, mayor ive had the pleasure of knowing supervisor ronen so for a number of years which she was she was an aide for supervisor campos she cares deeply been the community and about the commercial corridors and she kind of helped this idea i want to take the time to say thanks for the idea but supervisor Hillary Ronen please come up and say and a few words. Good afternoon a gorgeous day to launch this in the mission i want to thank the mayor and phil and mohammed and the team for picking up the next area of our city to get a clean we need but talk about yes, we can the Pilot Project im excited about i dont know about you when im walking where i need to go i find myself holdings my apple courses for blue cross and being frustrated there was not a trash can so one of my first meetings are Mohammed Nuru and dpw i said can we get trash cans an Mission Street i said are you sure you want to do that the reason they were taken out bus trash cans is a magnet for dumping and additional trash i said well, thats already in the mission so we we try the trash cans that means if i have a trash can and education our community hopefully, people low throw the trash in the cans and well have a beautiful neighborhood you all deserve in the mission i want to thank Mohammed Nuru for the sketching for working with me and have this Pilot Project and use the mission as a beginning i didnt pig to see if the trash cans are making our neighborhoods cleaner so were going to try in the mission but as the mayor said we need everybodys help to use the trash cans with appropriately and when the acronym courses we have a place and thank you recoming down the pike and we can have even more incredible neighborhoods and hopefully a attract people thank you very much and looking forward to the pilot being a success we can take it to other parts of our city thank you very much. clapping. thank you, supervisor in other words, to try a keep the city clean doing pilots and trying Different Things that always a part of what public works does were hoping people will keep their fingers crossed and mission will be an example for the rest of the city at this time i want to bring up the accident of the admissions phil was responsible for the miracle mile while i he was the superintendent of street and Environmental Services that was the cleanest block on mission come up. clapping. friends thank you ever so much with the miracle maker and chief and the best mayor of the city and county of San Francisco how about a round of applause for mayor ed lee and now we have a Mission District supervisor ronen and a hand for her, please. clapping. so you see a beautiful asphalt Mission Street here it used to look like did moon ed lee said well go and change that and give us brand new asphalt thats why that looks like it does today, the Transit Association said well speed up up the lines in the city of San Francisco on 14 and mission that is absolutely environmental those are miracles and miracles are the only place in the bay area youre standing between two bart stations and neighborhood no neighborhood in the entire bay area that can be or is that this is a special place when real estate was free it was at one time the missionaries where it now the city of San Francisco they went where were standing youre in a special place we need to keep to special i want to say a clean ship is a happy ship well do it together thank you so much. clapping. i want to take the time to acknowledge Hunters Point families who were standing across the street in an hour youll see a pit stop for approximately year their joining us that morning all right. And. clapping. we partner what a lot one the closet it partners a theyll be dumping those garbage can and recotton ill ask to you as a a couple of words. Thank you, larry i wasnt expecting that recotton partners with the city family here if any of you have not found one and you want to keep it incredible get here at 3 30 and 4 00 a. M. Our trash trucks are emptying and by 5 00 a. M. Mission street looks incredible that happens every morning of week with that thats enough said thank you, everybody. clapping. okay. That concludes the press conference well do an installation of the cans this is the last of the 38 the rest have been insulate and thanks everybody for coming neighborhoods in San Francisco are as diverse and fascinating as the people who inhabit them. Today were in the sunset, where well join supervisor tang for the inspiration of this show, where we explore San Francisco, one neighborhood at a time. Hi im katy tang the district 4 supervisor in San Francisco, which is comprise of sunset and parkside neighborhoods. I think what makes district 4 unique is that we have so many different cultures here. We have so many different generations of people. Different experiences and that makes it a vibrant neighborhood. For example, which you go down urban street you can do to a japanese restaurant, chinese restaurant, american restaurant, and the Cultural Diversity is just what makes it so amazing my name is ching le, and im the owner of the kingdom of bounty. 17th San Francisco, 94116. We make the most authentic and different kinds of dumplings and dim sum. Recently more and more popular because they are vegetables and meats that we use fresh vegetables and meats in the business. Its really inspired to start discover your district series, because i wanted to find a way for neighbors to come and get to know our Small Businesses and our neighborhoods. Get to know each other, get know our office, and do so in a setting that was unintimidating and fun. So i launched this idea call the discover your district, where we go every month to one or two small businesss in district 4 and we have done things such as learning how to make dumplings that were learning today and there are so many different activities that we have exposed our residents to. Today is the very special day, because the city of San Francisco hosting this for San Francisco city. Learning how to make dumplings and knowledge of dumplings. They love to do it and all enjoy it. This is definitely not my first time making it, so i have definitely improved a lot. The first couple of time s i tried to make dumplelings they looks inedible. They have definitely improved. There is a special dumpling eating contest, which is amazing. Everyone those eat the dumplings that they made and see how many they can do. Im curious as to how many they going to be able to down today . Dont forget to write down what you are eating today. We make all different kinds of dumplings and enjoy what they made. So after that, well have contact how many pieces of dumplings they can eat and announce the winner today. Good morning and welcome to the transportation, board, april, 11, could you call the roll commissioner breed. Present. Cohen. Absent. Far ril chl absent. Kim . Absent. Fewer. Absent. Commissioner rohnen. Safai. Present. Tang is absent and we have a

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