Could with the fluid situation. We think the supervisor peskins limit to filling under the cantilever rooms should say as of july 11, 2016 also. I dont know if you heard but i read a amendment that i will offer tomorrow that specifically says as the spaces exist as of july 11, 2016. Thank you, supervisor peskin. Next speaker. Hello [inaudible] live in district 8 and here on behalf of the noe valley council. Beautiful Community Creates a Community San franciscan love. Watching the open spaces and gardens [inaudible] pieced for profit is disheartened for those thatd work hard to call noe our home. It is disservice to allow this to continue. I ask that the built envelope does not include unenclosed patios or decksism we ask you dont use Zoning Administrator bulletin number 4 and no waver granted. Further more, the possibility of no noteish given to neighbors when a adu is built out is criminal. We ask to be notified and ask that noe not sold away to the highest bidder. Thank you. Good afternoon supervisors. Cory smith on behalf of 300 business and individual members of the San Francisco Housing Action coalition. Thank you for giving the opportunity here today. As im sure all 3 know, the adus were a part of sf [inaudible] so we are very very excited to look at what appears to be a upcoming compromise and appreciate everybody working together in the legislative process. A lot of amendments have turned around today. In regard to what will be in the final compromise we want to encourage all you to come to a legislation that results in the maximum number of units built which are critical in the housing shortage. A couple items we had specific interest on looks like they were agreed to in regard to the size limits. We definitely encourage you to look at decreasing that or getting rid of it all together to maximize total number of units. Fundamental reform on permitting and application process, there has been a lot of unit in San Francisco built illegally and we want to make sure we are doing things the right way and that permitting and application process can help. Thank you so much. Next speaker. Good afternoon land use committee, rose hill son. I looked through had entire planic code and in section 102 definition thrz are no set definition for built envelope and therefore the revision for built envelope should say and i urge the committee the definition of built envelope include portions of a brilding existing as of july 11, 2016 excluding unenclosed patios and decks and raised this in particular to lots adjacent to rh 1 and in the smaller building lots because there will be uninteneded consequencess otherwise to the rh 1 lots and therefore, also the minimum unit size is important also. Please remove reference to [inaudible] amended from time to time and put any exemptions within the legislation itself instead in the bulletin subject to the internal departmental changes. Retain provision for smaller scale building when height is raised when construction appears in a space outside the building envelope 311, 312 notice. I think you added that as a amendment. That is all i have for today. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker. My name is [inaudible] from San Francisco bay area renters federation. We are the increase capacity arm nof ante displacement move. I remind not building displacing people. There are a lot of places we cant build and cant tear town existing residential to builds new residential. That is right. Maybe we shouldnt tear down existing xhrjs to build new residential. Existing commercial is very disruptive to tear down but still think it is wurkt it. There is opposition to building new residential on protection distribution repair. On parking lots and even as it turns out in peoples own backyardsm people should be able to build to the buildable envelope. I dont know what build b8 means if you cant build to it. I done see a downside at all besides the fact some neighbors may have to let their eyes pass over a new thing thatd looks different and unfrndly to them. We are talking about polices people live and dont think it is worth it to save the way a house looks to deny some place for someone to live. There are real effects to not building. Long commutes, disruptive [inaudible] high rents. These are very bad effects. Thank you very much. Thank you, next speaker. Hi. Laura clark, grow sf. Im glad to see there was a compromise in the legislation will move forwards. Im a little disappointed that as usual we treat private backyards like a sacred public park. Remember these are private backyards, not public open spaces. They are not accessible to the general public. While i understand people really like them, we are in a housing crisis. I dont need to remind you guys of that, but im happy you made a compromise and do want to say that smaller units are the future and hope that you sort that out and come up with a Square Footage that makes sense. Keep all this in mind that we need to maximize the total units possible and really try to take that level of urgency into everything you do and maybe next step is backyard cottages but im sure that would make people very unhappy, it is needed and the next step. Thanks. Thank you, next speaker. Good afternoon, my name is paul weber a north beach resident. Im a member of Telegraph Hill developers and delegate to coalition for San Francisco neighborhoods. When i arrived here today with others, we were planning on listing a number of objections but with the compromise i think there are two or three im unclear on or you havent reached conclusion so let me mention those and ill try do it within two minutes. The first issue that we felt was very important was that there be a absolute definition of a envelope. Not buildable but a envelope and looks like you accomplished that by talking about a envelope as built by a date certain. Secondly, we had concerns about the open ended nature of the expansion of the buildable sleeve in a number of ways. Number one, it was 12 feet outside the existing sleeve. In addition there will be hypothetical expansions under bulletin 4 and under bulletin 4 the Zoning Administrator can give wavers and had very strong reservations about that primarily because it looks without legislative input there can be major changes and finally, because there is a pending Assembly Bill which will require ad applications to be cleared in 90 days. Giving discretionthey have r suppose today have this as a matter of right. You cant make those descretionary changes. If i understood correctly what you have done, those are the two minor items we had left. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Georgia shootish district 8 resident. The collective midblock open space provides residents with light, air, visual relief and psychological comfort zone. The midblock open space can provide habitat for birds and animals and enrichen the cities bio devrshversity. Those are Planning Departments words. It is corrective open space, not just private open space. I dont think anyone here today said dont do adu rks they said do it in a smart way. It isnt clear to all of us because of the reference to zoning administrative bulletin number 4 that this is a squishyness involved and think that needs to be firmed up. I think if you clarify the definitions that will go a long way to meeking people happy. People dont mind if it is done, if it is done properly. That is the issue. Do it properly, dont do willynilly. You built more housing in the city in the last 5 years than you built previously. The problem is it isnt Affordable Housing. I get the idea adus can be Affordable Housing because of size. It is the inlaw. Think the typical San Francisco inlaw concept qu we are in good shape not 4 or 3 bedrooms with the adu. I guess that is it. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Good afternoon supervisors. Im anna staseia [inaudible] a renter in district 8. After studying the text of both accessory dwelling units legislations proposed, i support supervisor peskin adu number 160252 and amendments. I am glad you are coming closer to coming together and i urge you to reject the provision provided inproposed in wiener and farrells legislation because it is important to keep adus within the existing built envelope. Dblock open space needs to be preserved for our quite enjoyment. The language employed in the wiener, farrell legislation is highly sus spect and does the opposite. Buildable envelope isnt the same as built envelope. Allowing the Zoning Administrator unlimited discretion to wave rear yard requirements and amending zoning adsmin stater 4 shoulden be permits. Adus shouldnt expend in the rear yard. I feel strongly about the intent of the legislation. A durks u studios and 1 bedroom of a decent size are needed to address the attrition of rent controlled housing in San Francisco. Supervisor peskins adu legislation does this and wiener, farrell allows adus to be sold as condos. I belong to Noe Neighborhood Council known as protect noee charm. We support projects conforming to neighborhood character, size, height, scope, scale and the San Francisco hello. Moncumic faden and not only a 4th generation san franciscan but my kids are 5th generation back there and also 4t generation noe valley. I believe some of the points have been covered fairly well, but i like to address a couple of the things that a couple of the speakers said about our backyards as not a public space and should be built onthat is a birch of bs. We cant allow wurn persons greedy wants to overshodo the quality of life of many. What do we want the city to become, if we allow this build to be a segue to growth building farther back and up . Do we want to see the ends of backyard bbq, [inaudible] rea of light for elderly and house bound . This not manhattan. Sorry. I have seen mr. Wiener on 24th street many times, always keeping company with merchants and people trying to build these places in particular [inaudible] and carol [inaudible] trying to build monstrosities. Never have i seen them in a park speaking to the parent or average constituent. This is not made to be Affordable Housing. Do we want the future generation ozf the city to be couch potatoes stairing at screens not socializing with their fellow human beings . My name is ra gut loan and oppose today the adu on a personal level because i live in noe valley since 1976 and dont someone in a little structure in the back of my house and living there and with sewage and with fumes and i think it is very naive for for the supervisors to think they can enforce a situation of a small little unit not becoming a air bnb. I dont think it will create new housing for people. And so im opposed to the proposal and want the definition of the built envelope should be clarifyed include only enclosed portions of building existing as of july 11, 2016 and exclude unenclosed patios or decks. Good afternoon supervisors. Charley gauss with San Francisco apartment association. We want to thank you for all the work that has gone on on the issue and appreciate the collaborative nature your offices have had and all the work you and staff have done. We feel this is a good proposal and excited to get it passed and implemented and very appreciative so thank you very much. Good afternoon supervisor. Greg scott, Vice President of [inaudible] prior president of [inaudible] for all most 20 years. We are very strongly concern td about the accessory dwelling unit legislation. There are several points, we feel it has to be contained in the existing building envelope and should chbt go into the rear yard and expand the existing envelope. We feel the discretion allow ing the Zoning Administrator to wave the rear yard requirements shouldnt be part the legislation. We are opposed to that. [inaudible] has a long record of being involved in city land use issues, we are probably one of the highest pro portion of renters in Pacific Heights. People think Pacific Heights isnt diverse, we are diverse. [inaudible] we want them to not have discretion of the zoning adsmin strairt to allow them the go into rear yards. Thank you. Edward mason life long resident of noe valley. The build envelope need clarification and enclosed portions of it building should be as of july 11 and exclude unenclosed patios and decks and not use zoning 4. My main concerns really are, you have 40,000 yoont units in the pipeline and the cumulative effect they have pay no transportation [inaudible] we are phasing to pay another half percent sales tax for transportation to fund grouth. If you have 3 and 4 bedrooms, who will occupy that . Are these south bay workers . There is a report out by the Bay Area Council so we ought to put pressure on other cities to do their portion for housing, which evidently isnt being done. This is the legislation that is forced upon us now. Growth basically is not funding growth. Im concerned about neighborhoods should be notified and counted for Good Government and in the Public Interest that we should have. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon supervisors. Brook turning for coalition for better housing. I think each oof you, supervisor farrell, wiener and peskin for all wrour work on this issue. Supervisor peskin i dont know if it is 15 or 10 years when we first started talking about this and low and behold with your help this has come to fruition. Supervisor wiener for all your work establishing the original passage of the law, we appreciate that very much and supervisor farrell, thank you for working with the others to make this the best legislation that it can be. We really appreciate it, it is great effort that has been made on this and want to thank you all very much. Next speaker. I will use the overhead for the entire presentation. Eileen boken, district 4 resident. I have concerns about even the compromise. Particularly the Wiener Farrell legislation. Seems the rear yards and midblock open space is wasted space or under utilized space. I believe this is short sideage. Rear yards have value. Environmental Food Security and quality of life value t is sacred space. In terms of food insecurety the city has a urban Agriculture Policy with 12 participating city departments. On the ngo side there are San Francisco urban agricultureal alliance and food scape that promote Backyard Farming throughout the city. In supervisor tangs jm news letter there is announcement forer garden workshop, watering in a drought. There is announcement for presentation getting the most from your small space food garden. Supervisor tang also advocates for district 4 front yard ambassador program. One of the goals of the program is to and i quite, provide permeable surface to take pressure off combined sewer system and rechrj undergraud aquifer. The same is sds of rear yards. According to the state department of water resources, the entire land mass of San Francisco sits over a series of aquifers. The [inaudible] west side, south San Francisco marina and downtown aquifers. Urban agriculture in rear yards help with storm Water Management and rechrj the city aquifer. This is a baby squash from my rear yard garden. Thank you. Any additional Public Comment on item 4 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor farrell. Thank you chair wiener and thank you to supervisor peskin and thank you to those who came out for Public Comment for those that works on it and legislation as well. I think there is a lot of Common Ground here believe it or not. I will read a number of amendment synchronize to the had record and make the motion we accept them as a newly member of the committee for items 4 and 5. Ill make that motion and we can talk about procedure here on out. In terms of the backyard just as a comment, i think this is a bouncing act. We want to build more housing in the city, absolutely. I have 3 kids and need backyards so it is a balancing act and think we have gotten close to that with these amendments. I will read them into the record so make a motion for these amendments. First of all, on page 5, which essentially ill read [inaudible] it reads accessory developing unit is constructed within the built envelope of existing buildic or authorized structure on the same lot as a built envelope existing 3 years prior to had time the application filed for Building Permit to construct the adu. The last sentence we will strike, which states for purposes of the provision the built invole epiincludes all spaces in Zoning Administrator bulletin 4 amended from time to time as well as infilling under rear extingzs. We replace with the following and this is whaul supervisor peskin read. The built envelope include cantilever room or columns decks or decks required for rear yard [inaudible] attached on multilevel. [inaudible] not visible from offsite location as the spaces exist of july 11, twnt 16 and accept for spaces that encroach on the required rear yard. A du is build in any spaces notice is required for section 311 or 312. The Second Amendment is on page 6, same section, section c. We are going to repace the 6 with the following this is regarding the 25 percent reduction on commercial store fronts. Accessory dwelling units shall not be permitted in a building in a neighborhood xhrjs district in Chinatown Community business or Retail District if it elames retail or ground floor space. Number 3, we add a roman etnumber 7 under same section, c. This is regarding minimum size i think what well do here is insert a number and understand we will get Additional Information from the Planning Department this afternoon and will adjust accordingly tomorrow. Accessory dwelling units have minimum unit of 300 square feet for studio and 500 square feet for one bedroom units. There will be now for to page 7 before new section e we will add a new section e. And that isrestriction on subdivisions. I will read the following not with standing the provision of article 9 of subdivision code a lot authorized under 207 c 4 not subdivided that allows the adu to be sold or separately financed. Provided however that this prohibition on sale or finance shall not apply to a building in roam net one 3 years prior to july 11, 2016 with existing condominium with no rental unit. The admin code and no evictions pursuant to section 37. 9 a 8 through a 14 within 10 years prior to july 11, 2016. That refers to ellis act. Such requirement is recorded as notice of special pr vision or included as part the regulatory agreement. Maybe we should say, and or. Just a thought. And or, fair enough. In terms of the next item, page 8 we are going to be including relating to Seismic Program. What we will do is add a romanet 3 stating where lots are adu is added with building undergoing seismic ret row fitting in [inaudible] department of building inspection o 94, the building of the new adu maintain eligibility to enter the condo cunlversion lottery and only subdivided only if the entire property is selected on the conversion lottery. We will add on page 9, section g, a romanet6. Any regialfore agreement entered into under this this section 207 c 4 not preclude a lan lord establishing the initial rental rate pursuant to 1954. 53 at the [inaudible] rent al housing act. Colleagues, those are the amendments. That is i think subd. It is 1954. 53 d. Well take that and if that is wrong we can amend tomorrow. With that colleagues that is a motion to include the items and i will say i think there was one other in 307, the sentence saying nothing in the section is interpreting allowing for existing non confornling use to be deemed conforming. My apologies supervisor peskin that is correct. That starts on page 18 and goes to 19 and insertion is on page 19 at line 6. Correct. To clarify on page 19 this is section 307 l or i. The title exceptions from certain code standards for accessory dwelling units pursuant to 207 c 4 the code and add a last sentence saying nothing in the section is inturperateed as non conforming use. We are goingi like to have these amendments accepted today. We will forward this and like to make a motion to forward the under lying amendment to the full board as a Committee Report tomorrow. We are endeavoring lapd use staff at the City Attorneys Office out to get the aminded language in the red line to dh Clerks Office to send out before the Board Meeting tomorrow f. That doesnt happen we can do these amendments tomorrow at the Board Meeting itself but we would like to do the entire file if possible and then we can have that discussion. I think the take away i want to thank the Public Comment and colleague supervisor wiener for long standing efforts in this regard and pr visor peskin as well. During the first [inaudible] thank you for working together, i think this is a step in the right direction and something we can all be proud of. I make that motion to make those amendments. Thank you supervisor farrell. Two quick things, on the language you read and thank you for the language regarding the Seismic Program and subdivision. I know this will be drafted in a way that isnow the phrase, available may 31, 2016 is vague because on may 31, 2016 there was no lottery available because we were in a muatorium for another 6 year. I dont think the intent is whatever condo lottery is available to the building. There is no lottery available as of whatever date, 2022 there will be a lottery available. The way it was read available on may 31, 2016 islooking at City Attorney. I just want to clayify the building will participate in wlaurfb lottery is available to them at a given point in time and not frozen may 31, 2016 when the lottery doesnt exist. Deputy City Attorney john gibbener so instead of may 31, 2016 what you want is the date of reinstitution of the lottery when ever that is . Whatever condo lottery is available would otherwise be available to the building on that date so the lottery will come back to light on 2022. Future board of superizvisors could extend that or eliminate. We have no idea what the future holds. The intent and goal if you rin a 3 unit building and add the 4th unit it doesnt remove from the subdivision process that you otherwise would have had. Whatever the rules are or for other buildings are the rules that apply to you and that is the intent. We weed the words available on may 31, 2016 . That cupture what you are going for here . I think so. I dont know supervisor peskin has any feedback on that . Hold on, im looking for it. This is the amendment that says adding coordination with bailding undergoing. Maintain eligibility to end of the condo conversion lottery available may 31, 2016. There is no lottery available. I thinkthis is subject to the City Attorneys interpretation and written by your staff, mr. [inaudible] powers but i believe that once the moratorium is rescinded which was cont plated prior to may 31, 2016 they will be eligible but im not a attorney or your staff. I think the intent is that whatever the lottery rules are or not, the lottery may exist or not exist and may exist for certain size buildings but not other size building. When the moratorium end that can change. We expect the lottery will be restricted so my understanding is the intent is that whatever the rules are for if you go from 3 ta4 units, wlaurfb the rules are for other 4 unit buildings are the rules for you in term thofz lottery and not as of may 31, 2016 but any moment in time. It seems not having the language available on may 31, 16, striking out available will make sense. Maybe we should ask mr. Powers what his intention and meaning was. I dont knowim the supervisor. My intention and desire is whatever the rules are on a given day and time would be what would apply to these buildings. Nothing more, nothing less. Perhaps i can suggest understanding the comments and what i understand the intention. Why dont i adjust my motion to delete that and if we need to clarify additional language tomorrow we can do so. Will that work . That sounds great. The intent here to allow them to participate in the condo lottery in the future when the condo lottery comes back. That is the intention. Whatever form it is. So, qulaut what i will do for my motion to be clear is delete the words available may, 31, 2016. Enter the condo lottery [inaudible] yep. Great. The one last thing is thank you for reducing the minl mm Square Footage because i know we will see what the data is and make appropriate adjustments. I do want to say in terms of having one minimum for studios and one for one bedrooms is a fine line between a studio and one bedroom so for example, i live in a 490 square foot one bedroom and if under the 300 square foot or 500 square foot if they build my exact unit they have to knock down a wall and not have it as a one bedroom. Query whether there should be one standard or two . It becomes challenging but well work that out between now and tomorrow i guess. Does the unit have sufficient floor and ceiling height . It has just enough and dont have to hunch when i walk in. I was waiting for that comment. I wont make comments back. [laughter]. So, colleagues like to make that motion to make the amendments as we articulated to forward amended version as a Committee Report with positive recommendation. So we match the behavior of this body last week, do like for like and send without recommendation so well have two pieces of legislation sitting with the same recommendation tomorrow at the full board . Fair enough first well on the amendment well take the amendments without objection and then on the motion to forward to full board as a Committee Report without recommendation without objection. Okay, thank you everyone. Next, item number 5. Item number 5, ordinance amending the public works code to place additional limits on the duration of street space occupancy permits, and to limit the number of such permits including permit extensions that can be issued at the same address during a threeyear period in residential, urban mixeduse, and neighborhood commercial districts, and precluding the issuance of such permits at the same address for two years after that threeyear period; and affirming the Planning Departments determination under the California Environmental quality act. Okay. Supervisor farrell is the author of number 5. Thank you. Colleagues, our Construction Industry is obviously booming in the silty and also not a surprise the amount of construction work is having Significant Impact on the quality of life within our neighborhoods. I do hear complaints from resident every day frustrated by the volume of square neighborhood Parking Spaces taken by construction parking permits. This frustration mounts with permitted spaces sit empty for days at a time and multiple projects on the block. Given the frustrations in the problem site in my district under construction for over a decade i teamed up with dpw and dbi to reform the permitting system. The propolesh will do the following dictate duration of permit including permit extension cannot be longer than the Building Code allows for completion of work. Second, adds more review before blanket permit restriction and dweckts dpw to not grant extension of permit before confirming this is more work going on site. This will give more discorrection to treat requests like a new permit and the director may deny. In addition the propose will give direction to revoke permit if they feel Public Interest or convenience is served by revoking the permit. Residents will have the ability to appeal the decision of the drether to the board of permit appeals. This proposal is intended to help free up limited neighborhood Parking Spaces and not kurt ail Residential Construction so as the proposal only applies to residents urban mixed use or neighborhood commercial trazt corridors. The proposal will apply roteo actively to address project sites causing disturbance and quality of life issues in San Francisco. I do believe this is a very simple and straight forward legislation that will have positive impact on the neighborhoods and quality of life. I say and note to members of the public and mentioned to the full board this grew out of a parking permit neighbors had claimed and found to be true was reissued for over a decade in my district where construction site had been dormant for the better part of the prior 9 years so we want to stop the abuse and wont to allow residential use to continue but want to look out for quality of life. Thank you for your support. Any Public Comment on item number 5 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor farrell, could i have a motion to forward item 5 to full board with positive recommendation . So moved. Okay. Without objection that will be the order. Item number 6. Item number 6, hearing on bicycle theft and bicycle chopshops, including recent theft statistics, enforcement, best practices in preventative behavior and education, and potential budget and policy needs; and requesting the Police Department and Community Organizations to report. Okay, colleagues i called for this hearing on the explosion of bicycle thefts in San Francisco and proliferation of bike chop shops we see in the neighborhoods. We know biking is a key part of our transportation policy in San Francisco. We are working very hard to improve the bike infrastructure to make it safer to bike and want more people to bike. It is part of our transit first policy. We also know that bikes are being stolen left and right in San Francisco. They are being stolen from our streets when they are parked and stolen from peoples homes and garages. It is as youll hear, this is a quadrupling reports of bike threft in the last 5 years. This is a deturnant for people thinking about buying a bike or who are thinking about using their bike more and needing to park it in a public space. It is a growing problem and we need to address it. We also are people see and are extremely frustrated by seeing open air bike chop shops where you see a large number of bike dismantled bikes on the street. It is very clear what is going on and people wonder why is this not being addressed. Why is the city allowing this to happen. The hearing today will really focus on what is the scope of this issue. What are we as a city doing to respond to. You will laer the Police Department is very very focused on addressing bike threft and has done terrific work addressing an incredibly large problem. What should we do Going Forward to try to reduce the amount of bike threft in our city. We will hear from the San Francisco Police Department, sf safe, as well as San Francisco Bike Coalition. We have been working together and continue to Work Together to make the city as bikeable as possible so they can purchase a bike qu regularly use a bike without having it be stolen and continually having to spend money to replace their bikes. I want to note in the recentlyabout to be adopted budget, the budget that will appear before us tomorrow, i was able to secure additional 25,000 for bike threft prevision efforts. We need more resources but this is a good start. Looking forward to discussion today and if there are no other commentssupervisor peskin did you want to comment . No. Okay. Then begin by asking sergeant mat t fraedman from San Francisco police detarmt to come up[inaudible] good afternoon supervisors. I will speak for a brief minute. Greg [inaudible] cumanner of Department Investigation decision and Matt Freedman is here and a phenomenal resource in the Police Department that has done a jomons job working on the bike threft problem. He will give a few minutes presentation. Matt will talk about the statistics of threats we had for the last 4 or 5 years. A little about enforcement and what we are doing in San Francisco. Best practices in prevention and behavior and education and then ill speak after on potential policy changes we are looking at with staffing and so forth and here to answer questions. With that, i turn it over to Matt Freedman. Thank you sir. Good evening supervisor. Thank you very much for having me speak today. My name is Matt Freedman, a sergeant with San Francisco Police Department and assigned to richmond station. I started working on bicycle threfts in 2013 when i noticed a trend occurring within the Mission District and other parts of town too as well that was extraordinary. People come up to me on the street calling the station, calling my phone asking what can i do, my bike is ripped off and my on means of transportation. It is a problem in the city and the Police Department is responding in a number of different ways. From 2013 to 14 i got together with colleagues in my department and started to undertake Educational Campaign to talk about how to protect against threft. The numbers i put up here are only bike threfts off the street. This doesnt include burglarries which makes the number go much high er. This is street level threat. It is hard todo you have a handout by chance because we cant read it on the screen. You cant read it . We have a horrible our screens have been terrible for years. I sor e, i dont have a handout. Could you just read the numbers and sure. In 2012, there were 1704 bicycle threft incident. 2013, the number climbed to 2089. 2014, when the bike threft Provision Program was in full swing it dropped to 1935. In 2015, it is back up to 2034. We had a number of arrests the highest in 2014. We also had a number of arrests in 2014 for possession of stolen property and that is also when the San Francisco safe Registry Program was in full swing and still is i believe and the bike index which all officers use as a Registry Program as well was in full swing. You can see by the numbers, they are high and they will continue on this path as well. Burgries again are not included in this number so if i go into your garage and steal your bike it is coded as burgry not bike threft so the numbers are probably much higher when you consider the amount of burglaries that occurred in that time as wellism in the past what we tried to do is 3 fold in the department and that is educate, enforcement and utilizing the registry and work wg our partners like safe, and San Francisco Bike Coalition. Many of the partnerships have been very successful. The Educational Programs we have undertook have been everything from talks at google and twitter and businesses around town, the San Francisco [inaudible] sports [inaudible] a number of different places where we bring investigators together with bike mechanics together with the community and talk about these problems and talk about locking techniques as well as products we recommend that you use to stop bike threft and prevent street level threft. Again, the bike threft Prevention Program is about education, enforcement and the bike Registry Program. I think it has been very successful and continue to do that today. We had partners with the San Francisco poa where they brought 80 heavy duty u locks and we educate people thew use them correctly and what to stay away from. All these bikes, we talk about lock jobs these are poor lock jobs and how thrivs can get into bike quickly. People are amazed when i say this doesnt work or this doesnt work. Bike threft is about time and the more locks or better locking techniques will slow a threef town and move to the next bike. One that has a cable lock or lock the front wheel. These are examples of what not to do. These are some the tools of the trade we have comp skated. We have comfen skated including guns, power tools, thieves are very sophisticated and quick and can cut through locks quickly. It is education, education, education. Our locking technique that we suggest is called, the Shelden Brown locking technique and if you look at the diagram people like like im crazy when i say this is the locking technique i think you should use. This is approved San Francisco Police Department locking technique. This is your best defense in my opinion and a number of professionals around town against bike threft. We have a very large social media presence. We used to have a bike threft website but that i believe is coming back hopefully in the near future. We have marketing materials through safe and a lot of informational meetings that we go out and talk to the public constantly. I get invitation tooz talk and everywhere i get invitations to talk, bike threft is a big priority and will continue it do that as much as possible. We still have bait bikes. We use that as a way to prevent threft. Bait bikes have been deployed in every district in San Francisco. Well continue to do that. The way the program was set up specifically is so plain closed teens in each district can actually take out the equipment and deploy them where they need to or where there is a hot spot. Some of the stickers of the departments use and you can see at the very top we used, is this a bait bike sticker thank tooz the general allocation from San Francisco supervisors we made up 25,000 the stickers and spread them over town. We got the media involved and put out the bait bikes and in 2014 i like to think because of all our efforts you saw a dip in threft on street level threft. That is really it so if you have any questions from a police perspective, im happy to answer. I have just questions. The quadrupling of bike threft incident from 2010 to 2015 was 582 up to 2300 in 24 in 2015. That include from the street not homes or cars . That is correct. That is bikes reported stolen on sth street. Do we have data for non street threft . The unnorchinate think is that data is cap whichered under burglaries and it is items stol in the burgries and we cant parcel it out to know how many bikes are stolen because the title of the report isnt threft of bicycle. You have to go throughit is all coded in that way . It isnt coded in that manner. You havewe dont have it data, but i hear all the time people have their bikes stolen from their garages for example, or it could be they have their bike in the backyard or side yard and have it stolen from there. Do you have a sense that spiked as well . Absolutely. When you look at those numbers, we have been challenged with property crimes in San Francisco and it is a hot topic for a long time and those are just the reported numbers that you have in front of you and anecdotally the numbers are much greater than what is reported there whether it is backyard or tie today the a post in front of the westfield mall or any other location access toobl the public. Okay. And just in terms ofyou talked about strategies people use to be safe and know the department is very focused on it, but from the data we have in terms of bikes stolen from the street, that is a huge increase. I know over the same period of time we have seen significant increase in auto breakens and auto threfts and other property crimes. Do you think this increase is following the same trajectory or see it as part of the problem or having different factors driving what is an explosion . I think it is following the same pattern as the other property crime rise we are seeing. San francisco is a transit Public Transit using bikes and other means beside vehicles and increase about using bikes there are a lot more on sth streets and gives more of a opportunity for the thieves to grain access. We look to moving forward and addressing those. A lot of complaints we get are from the district station captains at certain locations a lot effect where you are where we will get email or other information about locations where we located what someone seem tooz be a bike chop shop whether it is on the street. Sometimes it is encampments that have been stacked up so the focus is address those concerns as immediate as we can with the staffing we have, but we are looking to come up with a more formalized response with dedicated personnel. Matt did a wonderful job and something the public cries out and need to address that. One initiative the mayor talked about, the neighborhoods crime unit and we dont want to take away resources from the district station squz know there are things quee do as a department to help those district station captains when these problems arise and think this issue that may crop up in a neighborhood is something the neighborhood crime unit can thep had district station captain address on a immediate level to get a response right away to abate and take enforcement when it is appropriate. In terms ofso, who right now who in the department is assigned to focus on bike threft . It is at discorrection oof district station captain so when they have concerned that arise within their district it is the responsibilities of on Duty Officers to respaupd and address it. That is a issue we are looking at is the most appropriate response to get what the Community Needs and that is what we are looking with the current Staffing Levels and moving forward about what is best practice for department and whether or not we as a Organization Need to look at a more dedicated specific unit than just at the district station level. Now it lies with district station. Not replace in terms of having a city wide coordinator . Right why was that decision made . That was staffing needs at the time but as the chief is looking at review oof the department from top to bottom and what is and isnt work ing that is part of it and realize this is a Community Concern the Department Needs to be more focused on as well. I understand the department had a lot of staffing challenges but clearly the station by station or in termoffs neighborhoods policing there is a significant role in terms of preventing and addressing bike threft. I want to encourage the department to reestablish a city wide coordinator because it is a city wide program and crosses district lines and to me it should be addressed at that level. It really does undermines the level of bike threft we are seeing undermines the transportation goals we all work so hard to get the infrastructure in place and bike parking in place and encourage people to bike, try to improve safety, push through vision zero forward and if people dont have confidence they can park and lock up their bikes and get a cup of coffee or go shopping it undermines everything we are trying to do so encourage the department to reinstate that position. I concur with you and will. Great. If we can say updated on that that would be terrific. Do you sense youin terms in the more organized threft rings do you since we are making progress in trying to [inaudible] i think it is up to the districts stations to address the problems as they come up so that is usually up to plain closed teens to deal with that whether it is call for service where officers deal with that y. Have a lot of knowledge about some of this because i have been working on it for a while. I like to think the plain closed teens in every district have knowledge the threft rings in their district and will continue to work on it. Going back to before which you said about some reasons that the explosion in threft is occurring it is obviously the population in San Francisco is turning to biking as a ever day form of transportation and thank s to San Francisco Bike Coalition more people are biking in the city and because of that you see more threft around this. Bikeerize more expensive and people invest in it as a daily need and because of that they are getting ripped off and sold and making their way to flea markets outside the city and back on line t. Is a curvy path the bikes are taking and definitely needs to be stopped. Going forward hopefully we reinstate this city wide coordination position, but what kinds of strategies can we pursue in the fuch toor reduce it . We are growing and there are more bikes so there will beif you have twice the number of bikes you probably have more threft, but quadrpling is really significant. What can we do Going Forward other than of course everyone doing everything we can as residents to protect bikes and other property, but what can the city do in terms of new or additional strategies . I think as we move forward and staffing allows within the San Francisco Police Department i like to see more cops on bike squz like to see Community Policing model but as a threft deturnant. We built this amazing infrastructure in San Francisco regarding biking and continue to do that. Have cops investigating the chop shops and riding the bike lanes and kicking out cars from bike lanes, having a overall comprehensive plan to deal with the safety of bike riders in the city and that is what i feel would put us forward or make progress on the threft related issue. It is big problem in the chop shops and continue to be a problem. I have written a operational lan to deal with the chop shops in the mission and Southern District and like to think that will happen soon. Lieutenants mike [inaudible] who isomeless liaison i work with him to get units out and deal with the chop shops that are specialized and homeless related serves rss to move homeless folks on the street and [inaudible] right now how is department deal wg chop shops . We want to help folks living on the street and do everything we can, but the specific issue of all these dismantled bikes in one location. It is frustrated to people when they see that. Frustrating to us too. How is the city dealing with that specifically . I know officers in every district probably have their own strategy or model, but as far as i know, officers go out to these places probably on a daily basis and run potential suspects for warrants and look at serial numbers looking at safe bike registry to see if anything is reported stolen. The problem has been a lot of people dont report these bikes stolen and so when they are stolen there is no way for us to match these back to their owners so it is just a guy with a lot of bike parts and bikes sitting on the sidewalk or sitting in a encampment. It is issue to deal with but we are getting creative in that sense. Number one, we are trying to move homeless encampments off the street and try to identify frames and parts to say that is stol squn here is why and compen skate it. Prop 47 had a issue with this because it changed the threshold what we can charge on a felony versus a misdemeanor. A lot of the stuff on the streets is less than 950 so it is a citation. We take the bike frame and walk away and doesnt mean key confen skate the other parts we caents identify. Taking the frame it requires there be something you can link as a stolen most Police Officers will do that. My experience though, i know some of the people i work with recollect if there is a serial number scratched off the frame that is a automatic misdemeanor. If we articulate in Police Reports why we think this is stolen and give a opportunity to investigate who the owner is, we will confen skate. If we identify the Rightful Owner we comfen skate. With what if one person there with dismantleed bike squz looks like 4, 5, 6 bikes, one person, you cant tell because of the dismantling who they belong to. How do you respond to that . It is so Crystal Clear, most dont walk with 6 bikes dismantled. It is Crystal Clear to us but may not be the law so it is hard to take property from one person and say we are taking this because we think it is stolen. We need some kind of proof to verify. The law as it stands today says dozen allow you to really address that type of situation even if it is one person with 4, 5, 6, dismantled bikes. Yes. I think a lot of people would be surprised. Thank you for your work. People think highly of you and were sad when you were reassigned but the fact you are here shows you are passionate about so we are all very appreciative about. Thank you, i appreciate it. Thank you. [inaudible] you dont have to [inaudible] you want to do it . I was going speak but ask if we take Public Comment . Lets take Public Comment. We have to hear from sf safe and Bike Coalition. Thank you for having us today and thank you for bringing this topic up. It is so important. Sari butern and executive drerther directser of San Francisco safe and run the safe bikes registry and bike threft Prevention Program. We mentioned what the registry is, but it is opportunity for bike owner tooz register bikes and put in the serial number z discrepgz and possibly paragraphs and receipts as a remindser to make sure they vaserial number so that is how they can prove it is their property. Many owners dopet realize they have to have that serial number to prove it is their bike. It is able to put it in a registry that the San Francisco Police Department can then access and determine whether or not it is stolen. Every bike registered gets a tag and hope that is prevention method. If it is registered and Police Department has access to that seral number and give it back to the owners someone may not target that bike quite as much. The second part to the safe Bikes Program is education. We provide hundreds of prevention education presentations and those are twitter and google but also go to many of the schools so university of San Francisco, San Francisco state, nob mob business and school dock you sign, air bnb and adobe so large employers are bike commuters and teach how to lock bikes appropriately and register the bikes and making sure they are parking in the right places and being safe about that. Because we know it is a huge issue burglary of bikes from garages and homes is becoming increasingly common, we are making sure it is apert of all the Neighborhood Watch programs as well as all the residents security surveys to make sure it bikes are locked properly at home or in a garage. Many people dont think about that. Just last week we had a volunteer of San Francisco Bike Coalition, his bike was stolen from his garage but he had it properly locked. The thief gave up and abandoned it on the streets. Citizen brought it to the bike shop and saw the safe tag, called us and within 3 hours he got the bike back. It isnt Just Partnership with San Francisco Police Department, bike shops and Community Members are starting to realize they aults have a opportunity to help get suspicious bikes. It is a Huge Community effort and it helps take a little pressure off the Police Department we hope and one of the things we need to be able to bring this to a larger scale or have faster recovery and returning of bikes is ways to make sure that our registry can communicate betper with the Police Department. Now they have to wait until they can call us, we are 10 to 6 organization but bikes are stolen on weekends and middle of the night and want to give that instantaneous response which we are not up to speed with. But, that is just a brief overview of the safe bikes. If you have any questions colleagues, any questions . Great. Thank you. Our final presentation [inaudible] San Francisco Bike Coalition. Thank you. Good afternoon supervisors and thank you for calling the hearing. As we heard from San Francisco Police Department bike sthreft a growing problem in the city. With we know the time and effort reporting threft can detur folks from filing a Police Report. Reported threfts only tell part of the story. Addressing bike threft is a important thing to do in the city especially with our goals of increasing bike mode share. We know having a bike stolen or the fear of having it stolen prevents more people from riding. We conducted our annual pleb survey this year and more scrur bike parking and less bike threft were among the most popular factor that deiter people from biking more. Anecdoteally i hear it someone is a victim of bike threft and prevent from continuing to ride. Bike threft is a property crime but encourage the supervisor tooz think as well business about the social and economic img pact of bike threft. Biking is a life line that allows to work [inaudible] when these individuals become victimoffs bike threft it threatens the ability to remain in the sate and maintain livelyhood. I want to talk about prevention and enforcement looking at prevention we talked to officer freedman about prevention. It is the most effective and least costly way to combat bike threft in San Francisco and while we partner with sf safe and sfpd and continue to teach thousands of people avenue every year and bike workshops that doesnt make sense if we dont have places to securely lock them. The sf planning code in twnt 13 madidated new stand rb for secure indoor bike parking in residential and commercial construction but those dont apply to existing residential and commercial structures. Small units we were talking about earlier, smaller units and rent controlled builds{sro struggle to find adequate Storage Space to secure bikes making biking a difficult choice for those folks. In addition, existing managers are reluctant to expand indoor bike parking. City owned parking garages are required to require more secure bike parking under the 2013 planning code and many are out of compliance. 5th and mission is in high bike threft area. Bike threfts acur in that area more than anywhere in the city and the effort to get secure bike parking in that garage is delayed and the garage is still out of compliance as a result. Looking at sidewalk rackz gav vuinized street rack jz bike parking option, sfmta may strides to expedite but can work faster. We would argue for more proactive outreach to commercial corridors within San Francisco to increase the number of requests. The sfpdophorouser freedman it is a champion and worked tirelessly to address the isue of bike threft. We commend the Bait Bike Program is a great tool deterring threft. As well to the partners at sf safe. The registry and safe Bikes Program is the best way san franciscans can insure if their bike is stolen sfpd can reunit them. We always argue for more and better funding of sf safe to address resource concern brought up earlier about the availability of staff to respond and coordinate. Chop shops attract attention because of the visibility on the streets but they are only the most visible and know many cases bike threft is a multijurisdictional issue with professionals steeling bikes in San Francisco and they end up for sail on line or flea markets in san jose and Alameda County and north bay. This is a huge challenge for enforcement of the police staffment we believe at the San Francisco Bike Coalition Real Solutions focus on prevention, registration. Addressing the challenges lead to more riding bikes on the streets and increasing biking and decreasing congestion on the streets. Great. Thank you very much. So, madam, chair we can move to Public Comment. I have a few Public Comment cards. Ada burkewits, [inaudible] randall jacobs. Aaron star. High name is nob i live in the south of market area and i had 5 bicycles stolen in the last 6 or 7 years two within the last 6 months. I can afford to replace my bikes but there are a lut who can not. I did everything the Police Department said. I bought the best lock jz did everything i was suppose today do and locked to a rack tight. Everything i did was right and still got two bikes stol in the last 6 months. At one time there was a bicycle threft unit and that is what the bait bikeerize about. They are not doing that anymore. Sarge want freedman is the only one. When my last bike was stolen outside of west field mall and had no idea it was a high threft area, there was a Security Camera over the bike remark. I called the Police Department, told them about it and wait frd a hour and a half no one showed up and couldnt way any longer. The only mechanism i was aware of is file a Police Report on line and by that time your bike is god knows where. I also registered my bike with bike safe. I have done everything right in the last 6 months i had 2 bikes stolen and they are not inexpensive bicycles. In the case of car threft we have a whole system arranged around the country for the threft of automobiles. I think it behoove tooz think about that for bikes and urge the supervisors to create a bike threft unit within the San Francisco Police Department and use it as a model for something around the country where we look at bike threft as more than just a threft of somebodys toy. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker. Dan [inaudible] thank you for calling this meeting supervisor wiener, thank you officer freedman for your work on this. I have been biking for some years in the sate e. Very careful about the way i lock moo hi bike. Yesterday my wheel was taken from the Grocery Store where there was a guard standing like two feet away. The person had sophisticated tools. There is no correct way to lock a bike in the city,. There is too much going on and cant bust up the chop shop. My business is disrupted and had to change my lifestyle. You cant drive a car unless you want all the windows broken every time you park. I hope there is action. It looks like you are doing good work on housing to help some the route cause i think as people on the streets forced to live in encampments for whatever reason and they seem to be growing and i noticed that is happening and there is a lot more brazen day time threfts, a lot more breaking into buildings. Condo buildings getting broken into and the bike room getting hit for all the bikes. It is justi havent seen anything like this. It is the last 6 months actually. But, thank you for calling attention to this and thank you for your work. Thank you very much. Randall [inaudible] robin levt, joe bar tell and [inaudible] good afternoon. Thank you for allowing me to speak. Luis murphy from ireland but we feel as a company we have the solution to bike threft. We have done research all over europe and the states and realize bike threft is a absolutely huge problem. 1 in 4 that have their bikes stolen discontinue cycling and [inaudible] we have 461 bikes stolen in ireland in population of 4 and a half million. We feel there needs to be better infrastructure and better bike parking. We created a individual locker system that is cloud based and they can be placed for public useage on a small footprint. 12 lockers as a part of the unit and people can park bikes through a app or on line safely and securely and there is a complete record who parked their bike where and when they vacated the locker and it is available to the next person. I think the issue with the systems on the market at the moment is there are bike lockers out there [inaudible] it is a access code or key system so that is Site Specific and user specific. With [inaudible] once they are placed overthe city a cyclist can move through the city parking at their destination and with their bike and belongings too. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. Aaron star, i am a resident of district 8 and work where for the Planning Department these comments are my own and im not paid making the comments. I lived in San Francisco twept years and biked since i moved here. I know 3 bikes stolen within a week. One was my coworkers bike stolen from a bike cage at work and second was my bike locked and stolen from the bike cage and third was my friends as she was getting star bucks. The bike was stolen with urfx lock and stolen in broad daylight. When i saw the Police Report the officers were professional. Two weeks later i got a call that they found my bike and left me with good perception oof sfpd. Thank you sfpd. My bike and friends bike were stolen is something the city needs to work on. My friend who locked up in front of star bucks had the reasonability expectation his bike would be there when he returned and coworker and i had the expension if we locked sth bikes the bikes would be there when we got off work. I dont know the solution, but it is a problem. These are not just toys we ride for recreation. We rely on bikes as primary mode of transportationism one thing i would like to see is clear cumments. Many employees done feel safe locking bikes in the bike cage. [inaudible] secure accommodating bike cages is that the basement in the garage . It is ground floor garage that is permeable on the streets. Are there cameras . There are cameras and recorded someone. Was it a lay person . No one said and didnt allow me to view footage. You havent determined if it was a coworker . It was a joke. It wasnt a coworker. It was outside of department oof planning . Someone was casing the buildic and came back and forth several time squz cut a hole in the chain link fence and opened the door and Real Estate Division notified employees someone had done that and locked our bikes there and two days later did the same thing. Has the Real Estate Department changed their policy when there is a compromise and say like the fence to notify people, you want to bring to your attention there is i dont know if they changed their policy. We asked for improvements to the bike cage and made some but haveen given a update. There is improvement tooz the bike cage . I believe the building manager makes the ultimate decision on that quhoo is the building manager . I would rather not call someone out. Thats okay. Hello. Reiskin [inaudible] i want to start with this like a contrast with where we are here and europe and our bike infrastructure. All our bikes we are going to always have to spend more money on them because we have to jump pot hole jz move into fast traffic because of double parked cars sowe will have more expensive bikes to get stolen. Enforcement is a hard deal with prop 47 we had 3 exclusions where there can be actual enforcement on these misdemeanor cases. Property 3 exclusions where there can be actual enforcement on these misdemeanor cases. Property 47 we had 3 exclusions where there can be actual enforcement on these misdemeanor cases. Property threft over 950 and individuals with vierants history and sexual offenses. As the Police Officers role on the chop shops they are places of business and they are unlike business places. In my mind looking at the boardf equalization and other business laws, that is the real way to apreach this. These are unpermitted places of business. If we are to enforce available permits for public bike operations for 3 bikes or Something Like that then we have potentially have enforcement. Beyond that i see abatement. A bike chop shop is here, there is a call and nothing will get done. We will never get full registration, any u lock can be broken in a minute or less with the right tools, so we really need enforcement and think that is where this discussion should go. Thank you everyone. Hi there, joel [inaudible] today is my day off and want to say thank you to counselor wiener for holding this. I work at [inaudible] that does social service work and the threft situation, another angle on the problem is it really makes it hard to do our business having a a Small Business in San Francisco is very challenging. Bike shop business is very challenging and the severe threft situation really makes it even harder for us, so anything that can be done will be great. Yeah, ill leave it at that. Thank you for touching on the important points, it is crucial to deal with this to make the city great for everyone. Next speaker. [inaudible] ill a security professional so have researched security for my career over twen years and had my first bike in 1989. I think i will start with recommendations. The first i feel we dont treat bikes the way we should. Chicago you can ride your bike into the building and park it at your desk which is a revolutionary way way of thinking. I think we do a vala attendance style it needs to be someone who pays attention. Bikes are there but we watch the cars because they have higher value. Another recommendation i find is that we need dedicated staff. I appreciate what sfpd is doing. It is different way oof thinking about ringe with bike threft you have to understand components make the bikes as much as the frame and need to look at those things differently and need to know when someone is hinky. If you see someone ride agsmarl girls bike and they are a male it may set you off they are steeling bikes. I see these on cameras i monitor. I will give examples of what i see, we see racks stoolen around the mission and report those so racks disappearing. Bike shops are getting windows smashed and get a clear view of someone steeling it and it is a young man in marine doing it for fun. Offices have garages broken into. I watched 3 hour threft the other night from 4 a. M. To 7 a. M. Watched individuals Cutting Fences and using larger tools over time and pedestrians walked by and did nothing. I think we need to rethink how we investigate and approach parking. Thank you. Good afternoon supervisor. Robin levt here, im a 25 year resident of San Francisco and biking all that time here. I have to say that used to be bike threft has always been a problem but in the past few years it has become a epidemic. It used to be common sense and lock your bike and it doesnt happen anymore. I think the police for everything they have done but it is a epidemic. I will just share some of my experiences with bike threft. I work in the hearse building at third and market, there is a the first garage. I bought a new seat for my bike, it was a very expensive seat and within two days it was stolen even though it was locked to the bike. There were video cameras in the garage and saw the person do it. I called the police, unfortunately the police didnt take a report. I offered to show them the video, they didnt bother seeing the video. About a year and a half ago my garage was broken into. I have 8 bikes in that garage, 4 of the bikes were stolen. Fortunately i heard the noise at 2 a. M. And wnt down stair squz saw the car driving off. Presumably with those bikesism. One of the bikes was locked in the garage, they cut the lock and stole that bike. Then what else . Then after [inaudible] in the ball park last year i and a friend were riding home from opera in the ball park on division street which is chop shop central. [inaudible] finish your last sentence. It doesnt make any sense because it is a story. We caught somebody in the act of steeling bike parts and followed him to the chop shop and called the police. The Police Showed up but wouldnt do anything even though we had seen this person drop the parts off at a chop shop and i told the police where to go, they were not interested, so im just saying that all these things add up to we need more enforcement, we need better bike racks and so on and so forth. Happy to share more experiences with you. Thank you. It is a epidemic. Perfect. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, randall daedal a bike mesenier in San Francisco and over the past 6 months recovered 3 stolen bikes as i saw them in the sate and row covered them because i was able to recognize them base odthen very public reporting and visibility of bike index. Org and while i appreciate what safe bikes does for everything, i hope that there is a way you can get your stolen bikes visible to the public. On my way here i saw a threev i confronted and recovered a bike from riding a bike down mcallister street see he is still out there. We need to empower the police to look at the chop shops because it takes away a curbancy people on the street use to perpetuate their lives of homelessness and when they do that they put as a San Francisco Bike Coalition mentioned, they put others at risk of homelessness by taking aware transportation to get to their job. Um, the sfpd needs to take the camera footage and put it together and tracking the individuals because it is the same people going into garages, and using power tools to cut a u lock in 10 seconds to staem steal a bike. I want to draw attention to location of the chop shop, i think it is called, it is third and cesar chauvvez. That area is occupied by temp rer structures larger than my studio apartment. The last individual i recovered from was a well meaning street person and he told me he bought it from this individual who has 50 bikes in his spot right there at [inaudible] can you finish what you were saying . So, there are thesewe see the chop shops on folsom street and stuf where cheap bikeerize chopped but there are stronger more dangerous area that are in existence for a longer amount of time that are ignoreed and need to be addressed. Where was the big one . [inaudible] creek park. Cesar chavez where it dead ends. On the north side there is a promenade or not sure what it is, there is a structure but it is completely encamped. There is a gate that some individuals have made that blocks access to underneath 280 at the end of that and believe that is where sthra there is a large amount of stolen bikes. It goes beyond bikes, they have parts of car squz parts of motorcycle and motorcycle helmets, bike helmets, anything that is not secured with a lock and anything that is secured with a lock if the person has the right tools they are out there taking it and we need to give San Francisco Police Department the resources and tools to make this stop. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Hello, my name is [inaudible] thank you supervisor wiener and Sergeant Freedman for the work you have done. Thank you for getting the conversation going once again. I want to Comment Share perspective of a bike shop manager. Im glad you are here today. I have the opportunity here [inaudible] wheniourbike is stolen you go to the bike shop to bike rr another bike and customers tell me im here because my bike was stolen and ask how was it stolen . 80 percent of the time it was stolen from a safe place, so garage, bike cage at work. The numbers we are looking ought from the Police Department they are really low. This is kind ofthe other 20 percent is people using usually a crappy low quality u lock or cable lock or locking the bike up improperly. This is a maybe bold or outrageous but if i were in charge i would ban crappy cheap lock jz make themi feel it unethical for bike shop tooz sell low quality locksism people buy a cheap lock and think it will protect the bike and someone comes with a hammer and steals the bike. The other thing is that craigs list there is pressure on craigs list to ask people to loud up the serial number and they are selling stolen bikes and dont think it has gotten traction but any bike on craigs list without a serial number should have a warning. The owner of the bike didnt put the serial number in, you may be buying a stolen bike. I dont know if there is something we can do as a city to do that but thank you for the conversation. Thank you very much. Any additional Public Comment . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. I want to thank everyone, this is a really thoughtful discussion both in department side and folks in the community. In terms of the sort of mega chop shop the gentlemen reference, [inaudible] creek park, are you familiar with that situation . Please come up to the microphone. Im sure they are. Im sure it is the Southern District soma area and being up in the Richmond District i cant leave the richmond to go to Southern District to do anything. I would think they are aware of it but think they run to the the same problems, they responds to call for service and look to see if anything is reported stolen and dont fine anything and leave or tell the guy to dismantle the chop shop and he goes a half mile down the road and sets up the next day so, if you haveif you come across someone who has 50 bikes either together or dismantled, if they dont match what is reported as stolen it is [inaudible] right and there is nothing more than i would thrike take the evident and book as evident and to see if can match owners but our hands are tied doing that. That is very helpful to know. I have a quick question. When you dismantle one of the larger chop Shop Operations or even the smaller ones and they move down the road, how does the word get out . How is the owner of the chop shop communicating to the larger customers . You know, ill give a example. There was a fairly large chop shop under the division 13th street corridor where you come off im very familiar with that. I have been out that no less than 40 times. The gentlemen that ran the place was arrested 50 times on varying offenses. Everybody in the city knows him and will find him. They all bring in whatever they steal and people find who he is. He has a reputation. Maybe you can walk through the life cycle. I find a bike, one or two and chop it up or bring to this particular person . It depends is there money exchanged . Sure. A high end bike is stolen off the street it is worth a lot of money and goes to the chop shop, money is exchanged. Those bikes usually go on trucks to flea markets in east bay or storage lockers and trucks to east bay for flea markets or south bay for flea markets where they are purchased from someone else all most for full price and go on line all most full price. Bikes that are chopped are lowerened bikes. It is broken down for parts and reassembled to try to disguise the way the bike looks and resold to someone saying i want to buy that or that or that. It is this vicious psychosqul usually for drug money. Thank you. I have know other questions. I appreciate your time. Thank you. So, this is a extraordinarily helpful hearing. I think it is elumeinating to us and also for the public. It is a issue that i stay focused on and look forward working with department and with the community to try to really address this very serious issue. With that, madam chair i like to move to file this hearing. Alright. Motion made by supervisor wiener to file the hearing. Is there a second . Without objection the motion will be filed. Thank you. Mr. Clerkering, anything else before the body . That completes the agenda. Thank you very much. Ladies and gentlemen, this committee is adjourned. [meeting adjourned] [gavel] welcome to the regular meeting of the San Francisco board of education for tuesday, june 28, 2016. Here. Pres. Haney. Here. Vice president walton. Here. Fewer. Here. Mcdonnell. Here. Norton. Here

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