Clerk, any announcements . Yes. During the proceedings. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the october 25th board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you, thank you very much call number one an ordinance amending at police code for the director of Entertainment Commission to extend the hours for Live Performance at locals in the union street commissioner melara supervisor wiener we have from his office to present go ahead and take a away from the legislative aide to supervisor farrell the item before you supervisor farrells legislative to allow a live permit hours in the union Street Commercial district to receive Live Performance permits in the Entertainment Commission theyre often issued for restaurants and bars for live music known e nope and llp they allow a business to offer the performances enemy 10 00 p. M. Having an llp they can extend their hours to 11 00 p. M. Equip for union street and a ncd the Entertainment Commission can grant a permit this ordinance would allow the llp holders not union street ncd to extend from 10 to 11 00 p. M. In the corridors there is currently one llp holder in the ncd the bus stop that received no complaints since having their llp issued a year ago we ask you support in the union street has a chance to extend their performance hours thank you for having me. That concludes my presentation. And some of the supporters have submitted comment cards opening up for Public Comment ladies and gentlemen, if you want to comment youll have two minutes to comment youll hear a soft chime indicates that you have 30 seconds remaining on your two minute allotment welcome. Good afternoon, supervisors im robert i was the president of the Golden Gate Bridge Valencia Association when the limited Live Performance legislation was passed at a time it seemed like to good idea we asked commissioner farrell to cast the union street hours to 10 selfhas a history of noise, drunkenness and down right stupid drinking behavior unlike more neighborhood with maturity drinkers we attract a good crowd ive observed the bus stops and union is trouble free one of the disappointing things the band are getting going at 10 oclock and people are saying oh, live music on union street and has to constituted shut down i want to point out the San Francisco Entertainment Commission as discretion to set the hours or not grant them this is possible to say at the 11 oclock on friday and saturday 10 30 other nights of week this is an open question that mentioned to protect the neighbors are legitimate concerns if they have liability concerns i urge you to approve that thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Come on up. Good afternoon supervisor peskin and supervisor Wiener Leslie the executive director of the union Street Association we brought this up to our membership they were not opposed were supportive the office received no negative reports that any neighbor or merchant wishing to say no, it to this situation id like to urge you to support and pass 24 change in our code allowing the bus stop to operate theyre limited entertainment license until 11 oclock in the evening thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Steve mooirps own the black top another hour would be great a lot of the band have other jobs and they get their usual about 8 after theyve set up they get going everything is cool and people come in 8 30 or 9 30 weve been responsible with the permit and live in the neighborhood 0 above the bar we understand everything this is happening were asking for one more hour to just you know so people can come in and enjoy the music after dinner and the band can start at 8 or 8 30 thats it presenter our time and thank you. Anyone wish to comment on item number okay not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues do you have any comments if not ill take a motion. Motion. Move the item with a positive recommendation without objection that motion passes. Call item 2. Item 2 an ordinance amending the Green Building code for new Building Construction fascist the Renewable Energy and roofs. Supervisor wiener is the author. Thank you very much madam chair, i forgot to distribute a technical amendments i have copies for the clerk as well. Thank you very much madam chair thank you for keld this item and colleagues today green roof ordinance build off of legislation i authored this year and the board passed unanimously that required solar panel on 50 percent of any new rooftop in San Francisco between one and 10 stories that legislation passed earlier this year made us the first city in the United States to require solar rooftops it really reflect the strong interests in our country and in San Francisco to move towards more solar power and it drew Significant Interest around the country it was a step forward in making our city a cleaner and substantial placed todays legislation is the followup second piece of rooftop ordinance what were collectively calling better roofs we initially wanted to move the two pieces of that legislation together as one but the portion before us took more time in terms of outreach we did a traim also i want to thank you for your unanimous support for this legislation the legislation before us will expand the solar roof mandate for green roofs an, an alternative method of compliance at a excuse me a ratio of two square feet of roof this calculation strike that what the legislation will do is right now to comply with the solar roof ordinance 15 percent of square feet of the rooftop has to be covered with solar legislation today will allow that in lui of solar you can cover thirty percent of the rooftop with a living roof twice the Square Footage of course, you can do a combination of the two there are circumstances where solar panels doesnt make sense for a variety of reasons that is an alternative way even if utilizing our rooftops and making this at the sunnyvale green roofs with are a Health Benefit reducing the stormwater run off and improving the quality of that and reducing the heat island effect and increasing the building efficiency and will air quality and reducing the needs and improving the bio diversity and extending the life of the roof there are a great amenity for many residents in the Office Buildings that makes us a more substantial city i ask for your support and distribute minor technical amendments ill move those amendments after Public Comment and want to thank ann and jocelyn from the mr. Vice president and berry from the department of the environment for their help in working to prepare this ordinance with that, i want to invite mr. Graft to provide a brief presentation and note that mr. Hooper from the department of the environment is here to answer any questions thank you. Thank you, welcome. Thank you, supervisor wiener good afternoon, supervisors ann Planning Department staff supervisor wiener mentioned the way it was prior to the solar ordinance only the california state legislation required 15 percent of rooftop space was solar ready meaning free and clear to install solar in the future since the ordinance a few months ago now there 15 percent is required to actually small the solar the item before you will allow for an alternative roof and the living says that a 2 to one ratio the thirty percent of the rooftops or more commonly perhaps a combination of both thirty percent of your roof as solar at the Planning Department staff is at that a while 3 years ago we cohosted the green roof with the Public Utilities commission and spur organized a task force that created the map with recommendations with manual your team lead the cause to research what other cities have done and San Francisco what lagging behind in the rooftops and have our programs that a lot of the programs mention the living roof but none delved into that we did our research and put this information on the wednesday night and looking at the existing greater city that the public can learn more and invited roofs in the city and understood their motivation and talked about what worked and did work and then created culminated that there are benefits in the process and to have it give the living roof in San Francisco as well as recommended guidelines from plant recommendations to water reuse and green water harvesting eric did a cost benefit analysis over 25 years living was more Cost Effective with stormwater reductions as well as Energy Reduction and real estate in the future well continue to collaborate with our colleagues to balance those rooftops spaces and im available for any questions. Thank you supervisor peskin. Thank you, madam chair i have a number of questions i dont know if i should ill make them to the author and was the ratio of to two to one determined was that a function of environmental benefit how did you come up with that. And ill ask maybe the department of the environment to compromise in as well so the solar mandate came from status of women that has you mean 15 percent to be solar ready and they have to not have actual solar i think the thinking was overall solar is a strong preference if were going to do a green roof we still want people to do plenty of solar but ill ask the department of the environment to chime in with their step back work i ask mr. Hooper to respond as well. Barry hoop we are the department of the environment it boils down to the costs of green roof on the orders of two times as much as solar that was because you could if you schizophrenia asking ask 10 different people xarngz of the solar and benefits youll get different answers. I think you meant to say that solar is twice as expensive is so therefore the same costs if you double the living roof and, of course, the living roof i can go highend but in terms of a basic living roof. Definitely a variation in the costs depend on the choices and presuming the cost for maintaining one is more expensive than the cost of solar. It depends on what kind of living roof there are some knowledge roofs that are easier to maintain than others yes im sorry. There are quite detailed Cost Effective that are provided and they roughly speaking the benefits from the solar is accrued over the life of the system and to avoid the energy costs and a lot of the living roof benefits comes from the transferring money otherwise from the Stormwater Management and longterm Energy Benefits the durability of the roof and savings because less sunlight on the roof and details from there the top levels that drive the long term issues. And relative when you hook up a solar array that is instant electrical as compared to a living roof one of the things this gave me cause for concern where somebody installed otherwise the permanent benefits stormwater how do we know theyll continue to maintain that asset. Maintenance of an asset is probably not the primary focus of any agency involved in the permitting most is up to the point of issuance a certificate of occupancy but with regards to the living roof that ordinance was written to only count towards compliance for Stormwater Maintenance that carries with that an existing burden to maintain the systems indefinitely for the purpose of compliance with the regional permits and other agencies a question how do you address maintenance with as little additional staff or bureaucracy and the puc is in the role of insuring the Stormwater Management requirements were complied with in and that didnt translate to inspection that is a puc and a broader question how the requirements will be enforced. Was there any analysis of additional water resource requirement for the living roof . No however, the nonrestricted use water is applicable as the landscape ordinance so there are existing significant existing limits on how much water can be applied. I noticed that supervisor wiener and one of his amendments on page 7 said that the Planning Department after consulting with the puc and the department of the environment may adopt the rules to implement those provisions and coordinate with the Stormwater Management i think that given there are no real Design Guidelines ive looked at the manual maybe that should be a shall. Okay. Is supervisor wiener i have no problem the intent to do that so i think that shall would be perfectly fine. Okay oh. Youre done. I was going to suggest we move to Public Comment very well presentation done. Okay folks were done with the presentation open up for Public Comment anyone that wants to comment on item 2 please do so right here at the podium. Good afternoon. Im with a landscaper we design and install the green roof at 50 plaza id like to commend supervisor wiener for pushing this ordnance for San Francisco especially on the green roof knowing how eco friendly San Francisco is to start to implement it in the bayview that was disappointing to see how far we are from the other cities we work hard on pushing this forward this will definitely put San Francisco on the same Playing Field as the major cities and definitely be beneficial for the city i think the biggest benefit for me that green roofs can provide for the city help to mitigate did stormwater thats a huge issue for San Francisco itself so im definitely in favor of this ordinance and the mandate and i really hope that will push through thank you very much. Thank you very much anyone else. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors my name is eli i work at spur an Agricultural Policy and here to express our support green roofs provide benefits to the city at large and building couldnt and owners and help to improve air quality and can prolong the life of the roof spur put together a task force to develop a greener policy and today weve with the work of Planning Department and the puc have developed a number of green roof manual that will help people install it option should they choose to take it we firmly believe that the conclusion compliment the roofs solar mandate is a leading policy and delighted to support the ordinance and delight that spur innovations with the architects will meet those and put San Francisco at the leading edge thank you very much. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Anyone else that wants to parking control officer on this item all right. Seeing none, none Public Comment is closed. Supervisor wiener. Thank you, madam chair and for the supportive of Public Comment and thank you spur for its work and so many other issues is madam chair first, id like to the amendments ive distributed with one change specifically on page 7 line 8 changing should to shall i move adoption of those amendments all right. Without objection. Okay. And move that we forward item 2 as amended move that we forward as amended to the full board of supervisors with a positive recommendation. Thank you, supervisor wiener. Call item 3 please. Item 3 the resolution extending for an additional 6 months interim controls in the rhd1 and rh2 and rh3 Zoning District by the conditional use authorization for large developments that are new or existing. All right. Thank you supervisor wiener also the author. Thank you, madam chair i believe that last year although i lose track of times we adopted the interim controls that i offered for the Corona Heights neighborhood to place are temporary controls in place for smaller homes duo into larger homes not to band but require conditional use authorization this is a 6 month extension of those controls i will say that the controls i think have had some success i dont think that there is of a Silver Bullet but had several projects through the conditional use we were able to mitigate and avoid an appeal at this board ill note point Planning Department is currently working on controls to address this issue citywide and it is also been my hope that those citywide controls coming out of Planning Department low supercede and move out the interim controls for this particular neighborhood the plan is not there yet were asking for a six months extension. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor wiener how about we go to Public Comment you good. Ladies and gentlemen, if you like to comment on item 3 come up and do so youll have 3 minutes thank you. Gilbert i live in district 8 and where this intern interim controls im glad to hear that supervisor wiener said hes not banning anything but im on a different opinion and owe oppose the interim controls that hes offering thank you. U had you is there any additional Public Comment . That wants to share their comment seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor wiener none in the queue supervisor wiener any last remarks. Thank you, madam chair i move with forward to the full board of supervisors with a positive recommendation. Madam clerk. Item 4 raw yes item 4 please. Item 4 a hearing on the subway master plan and requesting the Transportation Authority to report. All right. Ladies and gentlemen, once again supervisor wieners office is this is his item. Thank you, madam chair, madam chair colleagues this an, an existing day the public gets to see an advanced draft of the subway master plan required under the legislation that i offered last year so colleagues as you may know our city is growing San Francisco has 200 thousand more people than 19 the bay area has almost 2 Million People than 19 the growth is not going to stop the bay area will grow by 2 million more people in 25 years and easily will break one Million People we have were far behind on Public Transportation here in San Francisco and the bay area in the 19 sfos we did two visionary things built the bart early in the san jose and the Market Street subway which we opened in the late 19 san jose 70s the problem is that once we open up the Market Street subway we stopped that is 40 years weve not opened up one inch in San Francisco of course, the integral subway about open in a few years terrific a good advance but once the central subway opens well stop and pat ourselves on the back and stop for another 40 years and then the congestion on the streets will get worse and our buses will get slower and slower we indefinite have to move more of our Public Transportation underground so similar i authorized legislation requiring the preparation of a subway master plan and requiring variance departments including the mta, the Planning Department, and your Transportation Authority to go through a process and interdepartmental process to solicit Public Feedback and it requires its on planning and, of course, the amazing of funding to deliver the project it is good to have a master plan we know what are the priorities and once we finish the international subway thats i chases next the departments did significant analysis last month, a website was launched so the public can literally draw the subway lines to get a sense of belonging what members of the public think and create a heat map for what people want and before us today is a advanced draft of the subway master plan that reflects the interdepartmental work as well as the initial valuable Public Feedback after today, there will be one more opportunity for Public Feedback relating to this advanced draft and by the end of the year the final plan will be in place the plan today is advanced and will give you the public a good sense of belonging what the departments comes up with and what the members of the public who participated thought and so this is a very, very exciting can i im really 24r50ir8d were here and want to thank each the departments and the staff that participated and the all the members of the public that took the time to go on the webbed and giver their recommendation so if there are no initial comments madam chair id like to ask sarah jones we want to say from the Planning Department but the director planning from the mta to kickoff the staffs presentation and shows you some really amazing maps come on up. Good afternoon, supervisors and thank you for the introduction supervisor wiener as i mentioned sarah jones the sfmta planning director and here to present one vision for piece of San Francisco Transportation Future and thats subways this vision was development as a joint vision of the mta and the Planning Department and the Transportation Authority joining me here today have some of the people that working hard michael and george and lucas from the staff to the mta and audrey from the Planning Department and others that put a lot of time graham that manages that and others planning and peter agreeing albert with the Planning Department we had a swap the 2016 vision provides the policies on subways what they do well and trade offs and how the fit into the eco system subways it takes time to develop and such a big investment and effort done in a way that makes them a piece of a whole system this vision meshes with the comprehensive efforts on long term connect sf it is helping us to sort out and make the decisions of what kinds of systems to pursue and where sorry. Whoops. Excuse me technical difficulty. Sorry about that. Subways are a great by the way, to move people around fast one reason theyre not interacting with everyone that is trying to get around because this means there are fewer factors that hold them up with the reliability a lot of travel time saved to in addition to handle a lot of passengers subways get them fast it is important to look at them and upstairs what they can do within the system so pulling this vision we had prior plans and outreach and analysis first, the planned the four corridors was developments in the middle 90s this vision for thinking about what is coming next. Now lets talk about h talk about the outreach this is a cool part even weve been riling on work from years paved we wanted to hear from the public what they preserve and asked folks to develop their vision through an online portal can add a station or really dream big and tells you what a comprehensive subway in San Francisco looks like we complimented the activities with 3 in person bayview and the tenderloin to intercept people who might have limit assess to the subtract or might not understand this we found out the online interact experience was extremely successful over 26 unique submissions. To a single line to a comprehensive stations that integrated with the subways the most consistent drawn lines reflective the corridors found in many of the plans we reviewed but also interesting to see some other areas being opened up and talked about and some needs recognized for moving around parts like the west side and better assess to the southern and southeast parts of the city one thing we can take where people can look around getting around better than they can now the pop uptown the booths experienced was fun and positive people were pleased we came out to talk with them we had in person Transmission Services there that was key to a quarter of a third of the correspondents doesnt talk english so we had lines to talk to the interpreters this heat map the location of the pop ups geary is a major stand out and interesting better and better connections in potrero and extensions between the shore and balboa park we got one and thirty submissions from the pop you want. Talked with a lot of people ill talk about two of the inputs from the outreach and pass to michael the pa that will talk about the outreach results to our vision. Thanks sarah and good afternoon michael principle planner at the Transportation Authority he looked at this outreach and thought that was important to look at a few different types of analysis to form the building of a subway is works this is the type of land use and the density we look at existing and future transit ridership but look at perhaps untapped areas where there is a lot of travel and people trying to get around to and from and convert it like the Subway Network so we took all the pieces together and a few types of corridors came up that rose to the top one of 3 categories a crosstown particular to the outer areas and connectors areas where people are trying to get from one area to the trunk of our transit intercore and some major travel patterns people use the system all kinds of modes what we did with all the information we built two sxherpts the first in the northeast looking at the travel demand patterns and as you can see different types of improvements of this corridor concept each of those involve tripling the existing Subways Network and again their concerts and rough ideas as you can see the extension to the lombard corridor a northsouth on the van ness the geary corridor that cuts across Golden Gate Bridge and n judah underground and to the soma area as opposed to to the main subway and we decided to try to contrast that we looked at both differences continue the corridor and fill in gaps from the other one didnt fit to cover the graphic areas of the city as possible that one has a key central to Fishermans Wharf and for the van ness more towards the fillmore and cutting across to the Hunters Point shipyard and geary to the beach addressed n judah line into mission bay as opposed to the m line down past the existing Subway Network and with respect and gaven their representative not approving one or the other but a way to test the effects will be of different types of networks we found that when you build this type of concerts i get robust finding like the areas of travel time it is significant we found with the subways transit riders will save 25 thousand hours of travel time a day this is 50 to 70 percent off routes travel time and more important to capture the reliability improvements bart is 90 percent on time performance when you close the system and keep the trains from being on the surface youve improve the muni systems to reach that on time reliability in addition increase ridership up to one and 50 thousand new transit riders per day but can dda today in two 40 with each the networks 80 percent and 90 percent of jobs will be walkable from a subway station and modest congestion and delay and did an analysis to look at how the low income riders and the population as a whole those benefits are distributed evenly between the lower income and the population. On this particular map in terms of travel what is so the blueer it is the more improvements well see in terms of travel time towards Hunters Point like parts of pier 70 and also through the sunset and through the richmond so so when you talk for example, in the dark blue this is more than one hundred hours is this per person per year. Thank you. This is taking the travel time savings and multiplying that by or basically the total for that zone that is shown there this is per day what the total amount of travel savings this is one the concerts that will defer when you build out and the concept b if you remember that that the line that went both Hunters Point shipyard so more savings to this zone this is showing there is dale benefits that are accruing with some areas having more of that maybe by population in the denser areas youre thinking but extending the network further out into the outlying areas more travel time because of the salesforce savings. So one imagines taking a subway to Hunters Point from downtown is a dramatic timesaver it is a nightmare you might as well bring a picnic it takes forever so i think that as dramatic change the same with to the richmond i cant imagine for his or her experience. Thats exactly right the 25 thousand hours per day breakdown to somewhere about 15 minutes round trip by hit the nail on the head distributed differently from people out certainly their traveling much farther versus around a shorter transit ride and, of course, the other variables help with the subway design youre not getting into and avoiding the problems with the Market Street survey with the in terms of unnecessary mergers lynn like van ness a thorn in the side of muni riders or have lines merging so you end up with congestion and unnecessary delay as well as just problems with the train controls and i know that is not in the purview of a master plan but a welldesigned subway plan better than 1 on Market Street. Thats exactly right a perfect segue hand it to sarah and well look at this. A question. Yes. Will the issue of switch backs be addressed a switch part part stops the t line from running efficiently how will that be addressed. Thats a great question the System Integration piece the fairs concept a that look at what will happen if we turn the t line into a subway the idea youll have more Reliable Services to reduce the number of switch backs but mta can address that all the reliability and being able to get service evenly spaced not caught up in traffic that is the goal of what the new subways will be. Does that answer your question. No but a good answer ill followup with mta thank you. It seems to me in a subway model switch backs are not going to more complicated to do a switch back ii mean on the Market Street we used to have a shuttle that would operate between castro and embarcadero but the switch back is easier to do a switch back on the surface than the underground. Thank you. I agree thank you very much. Ms. Jones. Yes. Thank you and we can followup further about the specific issues of switch back a but ill talk about the most many other things that need to be talked about focusing on which corridors really make sense to talk about and think about those are hard decisions we have great ideas that have been generate had a citywide subway system my look like but as michael described a lot of considerations had youre going from thinking about that piece to really making those hard decisions in investing time and money into the transportation improvements that will be a part of planning process about subways even beginning to define the criteria we should be considering as we evaluate and prioritize and make commitments to investment the metrics that are representative but those are the kinds of things to think about you know what kind of bang for the buck any corridor in terms of travel time or potential use of system and we do need to been an sgrathsdz system not from the stand point of having those bottle necks of where everything comes together but f what if one piece of the system is not working and a big piece making sure our commitment is consistent with mta and the as to his commitments to have the communities most in need of access thank you that will take a lot of pieces to develop the subway and he question about switch backs one that falls into a lot of those larger pieces and the work that is ahead of us those are engineering questions how to make the system work best and need to think about funding, about what kinds of land uses make sense to serve by the subway a big outreach and needs to be a big engineering process and really thinking about how we would get those subways into the ground in a efficient manner this initial planning conversation about a future San Francisco with a more robust system needs to be paired with the focus and effort on all the fronts. So were going to be delivering the final subway vision that first step around the end of this year and previously mention the vision is not a standalone but will inform and be refined by the connect 70 program were excited about the engagement that happened through this vision process it is great to see people thinking about what it will look like to get around in San Francisco and hope that people stay involved connect sf will help people to provide input and bring together industries to identify a mold of transportation for San Francisco and this is going to include an understanding how subways fit into the eco system and environmenty of the modes of transportation success sf will be launching this online and in person meeting in the coming weeks. That concludes my presentation. And looking forward to questions or comments from you and everyone here. Thank you, supervisor wiener. Yeah. Again i know there will be more feedback and analysis in terms of the actual corridors, in terms of members of the outreach that we got from members of the public can we go back on the online outreach results and the pop up outreach results this is a heat map. Uhhuh. First of all, in terms of the olivers pop ups or olivers no nononline im assuming higher. We had 26 yield submissions online some were suggesting subways doesnt china or brazil but focused on connections to regional bart and caltrain and the pop up was one and thirty submissions so about yeah. Thank you for doing the pop ups making sure were giving people access to the internet so for feedback and but this is incredible almost 3 thousand responses so first of all, great for the outreach for the department and to the passion that people have i announced this legislation that was called San Francisco should also have a subway under construction it hit and never been he didnt expect to hit in terms of peoples pentup frustration why not more transportation in but housing to match the subway creation having the support of subways so looking at the online outreach results the geary line was a popular one people talked about that one a lot didnt not appear that the heat map is a strong down to the bayview and i think part of that is because we will be building an enormous millennium of housing in southeast San Francisco but not there yet and i dont know if it reflects in terms of the internet assess or other barriers but it seems to me that, you know, that ultimately we need to improve the transit to the southeast neighborhood and it popular to do a 19th avenue subway so in 19th avenue one will connect to the m and maybe to bart in detail city can you comment on that with the utility in the 19th avenue line. Yes. Well, first of all, on our first point about people talking more about where they go now it is harder to been where you want to go in 25 years and how long is took you to get in on the end or the 38 today certainly the results here are expected not stopping us from thinking about the future the analysis did i assume that all of the expected improvements that will be in place by 2025 were in place on geary and the central subway opened in terms of 19th avenue specifically that western part of city is one of the corridors that emerge and looked at it and is reflected in concept a particularly through the two concerts really are not mutually exclusive the my name is forecast in study partially because the land use approved around that but certainly better you know Better Service on the west side is something that we felt felt was needed before this process and certainly emerged through the process. I want to add quickly i agree with what sarah said the Online Survey saying people need Better Service and travel whether or not the subway needs to be uncord in the future certain corridors will benefit from a slightly Different Service but the other thing between the two concerts we executed 19th avenueish concerts one through the park and across from geary and closer to the m line she showed performance in different areas and wanted to deeper dive in the next iteration through connect sf to maximum this. And the other you know im going to ask with the line map people rile on the 38 i imagine are extremely motivated getting to the Outer Richmond on the downtown is a gung hay fat choy the baby a run for its money but one also the emphasis on northsouth connections an ongoing problem for muni at the east west connections are better than the north south connections the interval helped thats why it is important to extend it north but having a better northsouth connections is quite important and also the idea not continuingly merging more and more into the subway which has congestion challenges at times, i think that will the congestion and the Market Street a subway will improve it will be easier to have longer trains well 0 not have to have a series of one and two car trains it is more efficient to move through the system. Yeah. And both of the concerts ended up looking at essentially bringing you know what will be the n judah line rather than introduce the Market Street system farther south the analysis found the performance in terms of pulling some ridership on to a new corridor was better the farther south and existing mission bay people wouldnt think that was worth it to change trains in the subway is fulsome rather than Market Street were not looking specific streets but it seems to me look the parallel service would be available. Thank you, thank you 1932 jones nice to see you go to Public Comment. Ladies and gentlemen, youve heard the hearing for item 4 if you want to speak come and do so utensil have 2 minutes at the podium. Please begin. speaking foreign language. dear board of supervisors. speaking foreign language. im the General Council of world federations from vietnam and cambodia. speaking foreign language. today, im adding in more petition forms signed by hundreds of Chinese Community leaders and the respected ones in chinatown. speaking foreign language. the majority of Chinese Community leaders in chinatown have warmly supported the subway chinatown spags station after the founding father. speaking foreign language. doctor is gunshot of china only his name is qualified for the chinatown subway station that name proposal represents the wishes from all the Chinese Community worldwide. speaking foreign language. within a short period of two weeks in proposal received enormous support if people in chinatown and collected several hundred signatures from people in chinatown two days ago almost every audience member signed the petition yesterday a group of friend gashtd for diner to grab a piece of notebook and signed their name on the piece of paper please take a look. speaking foreign language. as a unique uniting leader hes record as morgan china including chinese on both sides of 81 with an street. speaking foreign language. dr song lived in San Francisco chinatown and beginning of the 80 came to is to raise Financial Support for the morgan china. speaking foreign language. november 12th the one and 50th birthday of dr chang. speaking foreign language. chineseamerican living in chinatown generation by generation have made significant contributions to the United States therefore the name the subway station is extremely important. Thank you next speaker, please. Next speaker, please. Are you speaking please. speaking foreign language. my name is shirley lee im the city the asian director for civil Action Center foundation. Can you pull the mike to your mouth im shirley the asian director for Civil Action Foundation i came here today. speaking foreign language. im here representing the taxpayer of Silicon Valley for the foundation to support naming chinatown subway station after dr asian. speaking foreign language. in history dr. Visits chinatown many times. speaking foreign language. hes the first person supporting building the railroad in china. speaking foreign language. he proposed the famous 3 principles of people their nationalism and the livelihood of the people. speaking foreign language. dr sun desolated his work to prosperity and the unification of chinese property. speaking foreign language. thats why hes replied and this year is one and 50 birthday of dr sun. speaking foreign language. many chinese firmly support this naming proposal. speaking foreign language. and Chinese People around the world support this proposal we think that helps us you know to unify together and achieve higher prosperity. speaking foreign language. our Foundation Care k chairperson is d suns great grandson. speaking foreign language. he has a huge group of followers around the world. Thank you, everyone. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors bryan with the friends of t t x first to commend supervisor wiener for the subway vision plan and the board for passing it and staff presenting today theres its very exciting to see lines on a map but firstly to finance it but sometimes those lines on the map give us inspiration to help to finance it the main thing i want to constrain we have the international subway under construction but the next priorities the caltrain d t x and plan for the future moved on the d t x plan and lastly San Francisco has other transit i mentioned caltrain and bart and we need to make sure that all 3 of these Work Together well and have other buses and sam transand were not an island sometimes we might think we are but with water on both sides we need to work with bart and the core capacity study and caltrain and high speed rail to make sure we dont design a subway system for San Francisco that didnt necessarily interact with the rest of the region and base thank you very much. Thank you good afternoon im sorry peter straus in the transit riders first of all, thank you to 73 for launching this effort i was surprised to hear this is a a draft final report it seems to me were at the start much more than the end and we need to be k34789d committed to for the next several years in terms of of project that is launching it seems like supervisor wiener said this touched a nerve i think that did it seems like like San Francisco is skittish about high cost rail projects to having a thirty to 40 billionaires appetite includes the attributing crossing with that said, this is extremely important as we guard and ms. Jones referred to this to prioritize our projects you know the vision of projects that we see might be 500 million a year and need to identify a revenue strategy so that we know how we can precede i was surprised there was not more outreach i dont know if it is really for this is intensive outreach to the community as this process proceeded and lastly i like to underscore with bryan said we also feel the downtown extension was agreed to as San Francisco next major subway and that commitment needs to be reaffirmed as part of this discussion that we go from the central subway to the downtown extension and into future projects from there thank you very much. Next speaker good afternoon, supervisors howard im pleased that we started this study but more pleased that planning mta planning way talking about how to develop a system how to evaluate those lines where we dig in the past someone wanted a line and not making a transparent comparison we built bart to the airport and put factors into destroy caltrain we built the central subway and not using the eir analysis to bart to the airport we picked stuff to make it come out to the way politicians want this is big businesses billions and billions bart is a service thing gets held up for years people dont want density they want parking and i wont be around in 20 years to see how you evaluate it but consider a System People are not going to be owning cars maybe youll not have to fight but operating on a surface alls things have to be dealt with if you cant look at just subways subways solution are great density your moving cars and lots of people every minute moving a one or two cars many minutes apart this is it is a subway we have to dig in on this stuff i dont think well get this done in a year and have to have our criteria will we have high density on behalf of the subways and supervisors come to fight the neighbors oh, that station you might have to walk too far but subways youll have to walk further and in essence pit transit first. Hi gilbert a be transit riders ive been thinking about expanding the subway system since the 80s i dont know this is dancing so long and id like to see the expansion to Fishermans Wharf and to north beach, and i dont know from this diagram if you want to do a tunnel to Treasure Island and run the subway underneath the bay to Treasure Island but i think that something that needs to be thought of since there will be so much housing on Treasure Island and Treasure Island is cut off from the rest of the city we need to incorporate them into the subway system and we want to speak about funding because it seems the funding will be on the backs of the citizens of the city of San Francisco and it seems like our elected leasees are weak and inefficient in expanding the subway system and getting funding for the subway system it takes leadership from our elected officeholders to expand the subway system and not having leaders at the 11th hour coming up with plans that it must be has not had complete input on i will continue to follow this thank you. Anyone wish to comment on item number is closed. Im sorry tom gilberty. Tom gilberty the foifrmz expansion yes, the total miles of subway at the end of the two plans the cost of the subways versus under the circumstances to the buses the bus lanes and ultimate bus systems like to see that a little bit more flushed out what communities now need transit aid can we identify bottle necks now and can we spur impose the building plans like the eastern neighborhoods over that. Finally im kind of concerned with final ive heard that the final plan the vision it will be presented at the end of this year and to me that is almost like were just beginning and id like to i dont want to say final final and then theres he wonder if there is a subway that could go underground from the north part of northwest to the southeast part of city and again, the cost i dont know again how well pay for all of it but congratulations and good luck with the feds not paying for housing anymore he presume the feds will reduce the amount of money for almost all programs thank you and again, im not in a rush to make a final bye. Thank you, mr. Gilbert anyone else that wants to speak seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Scott wiener your name still on the cue no, but ill make closing remarks. So madam chair thank you for scheduling this hearing today, i want to thank everyone it come out to express their views and support to be clear i dont think i ever have said to leap frog ahead of downtown were committed to the light rail and money set side i want as much money not as much as i hope owe convened the meeting 5 years ago to forgive a memorandum of understanding committing San Francisco to downtown or committing the region to the downtown extension with talk regionally that fourth and king qualified downtown a few people have been as committed to downtown extensions as i have and nothing in the master plan changes that but we have weve got a lot more work to do going behind downtown extension and he also agree with the gentleman that talks about the need for regional work as part of my roll on the mtc i working closely with caltrain and bart and worked with the mayor to moor that the San Francisco unlike in the past is for engaged with the region partners and bart and combats are value studio San Francisco and one of my hopes well have a second transbay crossing to support bart and allow bart to run twentyfour hours and also to connect caltrain with the capital corridor and have a true rail and ultimately to get high speed rail over to east bay and up north so it is definitely a regional gave her but today, we have before us i think a solid set of maps and analysis and feedback from the public and im really just grateful to the department for having done this work and the public participating with that, madam chair, i move to file this hearing. Thank you very much. And without objection it passes. Thank you mr. Clerk madam clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body . That completes the agendas for today. Thank you very much the meeting is adjourned

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