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A moment to thank jesse larson and phil jackson if sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting today mr. Clerk announcements . Electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the may 24, 2016 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. All right. Thank you so much well colleagues supervisor farrell supported this item hes here im turn the rest of the meeting over to him. Thank you, madam chair call item one. Ordinance amending the police code to prohibit anyone from keeping a firearm unless it is disabled with the trigger lock. Thank you, madam chair so colleagues gun violence a large irk across the country and here in San Francisco one the leading factors continues to be the unsafe storage of firearms during last year the shooting in San Francisco did a significant amount of work this is followup legislation because call the roll under San Francisco law only handguns and rifles and shotgun are to locked i want to thank supervisor cohen and supervisor campos that did a past amount of legislation in the arraign this closes the loophole mandated occupy filers not just handguns have proper trigger locks on the department of justice list a recent study over 1. 6 million childrens were living with loaded and unlocated firearms and 73 under the age of 10 were in homes with no location felt parents firearms according to the department of justice status a program in the doj posted 90 thousand firearms are arrested in burglars and 15 percent are used in other crimes while this legislation selfwas not an incident in the streets of San Francisco thankfully i personally dont believe in waiting for a disaster this was a glaring will that we governed last year im proud to have it come to committee i want to thank quickly both alison and julie from the law center to protect folks from gun violence over the past years i want to thank and jessie from my office and katherine from previously my office for all but work they put 2, 3, 4 and i look forward to having the fame to be aggressive around gun storage laws colleagues he hope to have your support and ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you supervisor farrell and colleagues anyone in the cue lets go ahead and take Public Comment any member of the public please be advised hi, im al sob an attorney at the law center to prevent gun violence thank you for thereby ordinance to save storage orientals those amendments will require guns in not only the residence of the owner to be safely stored all firearms only handguns and require lost containers to be listed on the california roster of Firearm Safety devices this legislation is very important accidental shootings is a significant problem in the country territorial were responsible for one shooting that year on may 1st the post recorded in 2016 the piece of shootings by toddlers accelerated thinking lost cabins in the homes are substantial to gun stoelgz the u. S. Department of justice reports 90 thousand firearms are stolen every year during burglaries and unlost guns in home are for people that want to do harm the sandy hook massacre used guns from his mothers arrest natural that makes firearms less likely to get to toddlers and cancel teens and closes the leadership such as a bayview of a woman to leave them around and theal shooting by children are undocumented and the safe storage law on the roster to insure sympathizer reasonably secure forbes in 2012 recorded a 3yearold can open guns those amendments lake the safe storage have consistent with the Second Amendment gun people can carry a loaded gun and assess it in the matter of seconds thank you supervisor mark farrells and the rest of the board for your consideration for this legislation. inaudible . At this time thank you colleagues is there a motion or discussion im sorry. Apologizes towards the City Attorney one clerical error. John gibner, deputy City Attorney on page 3 line 6 the word handgun is missing so after the committee sought this out well submit a clean version with error corrected its deleted basic in the wrong spot. Thank you, mr. Accept City Attorney motion supervisor peskin this is anonymous thank you okay mr. Clerk, call item 2. Item two resolution for an option agreement for the sale of block the northern one thirds by fulsome by the Successor Agency to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency to f four transbay partner, llc for 45 million thank you. I i believe that scott or ms. Sally from the occ to present on this item. Good afternoon, supervisors i have some copies of presentation for the supervisor as well as copies for the public thank you. Today to seek approval with the f four, llc for transbay block 4 for a sales privacy eve 45 millions and my that agenda for today is ill combgd on block 4 and parcel f another within the transbay project area that is related to the matter before you provides some of the terms of the option agreement and discuss the determination before the board a fair Market Analysis of the sales price of 45 million other considerations we look at during the staff analysis and finally some steps heres the map of the Transbay Development project area divided two zone one of the state owned parcels part of development of transbay the portion and block 4 as you can see right kiblgdz other than the righthand side if youre unanimous familiar with that neighborhood on the Transit Center bus terminal till taken up blocks 2, 3, 4 parcel f is adjacent to the trans center ill give you a little bit of background and block 4 in zone one of the project area under the occ land use jurisdiction with the temporary terminal zoned for a tower up to 4 hundred and 50 feet with adjacent midrise buildings that the townhomes and skoendz for residential use with the parking and will need to be a mixed income part of the requirements under the transbay project area the desire project area must insure that 35 percent are available for protecting and moderate based on the projects were working on now and upcoming pipeline within the district we estimate that 454 percent or approximately half of block 4 will need to be available in order to keep us on track with the 45 percent goal heres an example of massing not a project proposal ill go into we dont have the specifics were at option agreement stage based on the mapping residential Design Guidelines this is the favor what youll see in the tower with the rise building on the townhomes facing the transbay park this is our block 3 weve developed by at a future date as i mentioned parcel f is a t. J. Tjpa adjacent to the Transit Center and zoned for seven hundred and 50 feet zone two has land jurisdiction designated to the Planning Department through the designation as you are familiar with an option process with the tjpa undertook for parcel f for the procedures for the Transit Center ultimately 9 process was not held but United States tjpa continued to have negotiations with the prequalified birds one of the birds was urban pacific they brought on Hines Development upward with the salesfroce tower and Goldman Sachs fifth avenue for the tjpa financing so theyre familiar with the transbay area in the project they submitted angle over offer to the tjpa parcel f and block 4 sierra club seeing the two projects Work Together right now we know about project f as mixed use has has a hotel in the middle and residential at the top the tjpa board approved the purpose agreement with the developer for parcel if for 160 million for march the condition was there was an approval of the option on block 4 from occ so we negotiated that option agreement and which was approved by our commission the Purchase Price was 45 million it could be load through the negotiation in the wrong direction or if thats the case lower well come back for a fair market determination as i mentioned the site is on the location of the temporary Transit Center if for some reason the delays it is k9d for but the purpose must be equal or greater than fair market thats why were here before you the developer whether deposit 5 hundred thousand with occ with the approval that covers the costs with an option for another 100 percent thousands if we need the costs and most importantly the developer agreed to provide for 4 percent Affordable Housing in the project with no occ subsidy thats a significant friction our Commission Approved it on april 19th of this year, the other considerations that lasts until 2018 it gives over two years thats the average timeframe for any of the transbay blocks to move to the discipline process and oats new york city around the development and around that time well work to define the project the mass design and the fee and concerns something that includes approval over parcel f residential component assistance not within our purview of zone two goes to the Planning Department because of the amount of residential units it is important to understand how we meet the 45 requirement we have approve rights over that to know exactly how many units and what kind of housing one thing we anticipate both block four and parcel f they continue to refine to look at whether that makes sense or make sense to offsite any of the avenue to block 4 we know challenges and including Affordable Housing at the top of these tower so see if 0 block four is a better site we do know i want to flag about the possibility analyze it that is a proposal made well come back to the board with separate approval so youll be able to make your detectors at this time were requiring the developer bring on an Affordable Housing developer with experience and providing Affordable Housing of 45 percent Affordable Housing project is a significant amount we want to make sure youll see expertise we need one thing that was important for us to flag this is the beginning an option agreement we want to signal we have a couple of Community Benefit goals to work on this right now to incorporate the best practices and doing everything we can for the certificate of see corporations and the developers agreed that part of 500,000 deposit communitybased organization toward certificate of preference holders to make sure were learning what we can and providing the service for the housing but were seeking to develop a robust plan that includes moma the contracting opportunities for Small Businesses and economically disadvantaged San Francisco residents and businesses to make sure the empowering space there is ground floor retail and other xhernld used to make sure those are focused on the communities local nonprofits or Small Businesses, that would be provided belowmarketrate rates or other terms to help us improve the neighborhood that we can. So, now to the meat the fair market determination and so were required to have a determination made under state law under the health and safety code the property must be the considerations for the property must consist of fair market so we provided to you in our file what we call a section 443 report that includes the option agreement and an analysis in any cost the disprobation officer of lands does this disposition help to eliminate light yes and what the estimated value again since we dont have a specific project before you at this point we used perimeters to come up what we think a Hypothetical Development somewhere and did massing and estimate that around 5 hundred and 80 utilities plus for the tower and look at the 100 percent rental scenario all the units are offered at scenario a confined on other transbay blocks the top of the tower might include for sale marketrate homes and we looked at those are described go amongst the tower any subsidy it will be zero and what the revenues for each type of units and came up within an adjusted value and on the fair market of the lot and in the remedy scenario with an estimate of 18 want 6 million and on a reversal and centennial that was higher which assured us the offer of 45 million did in fact, meet the requirement of the marketrate with a strong requirement from the developer and staff feels confident we are achieving the sate mandate fair market so another consideration is this does facilitate the sale of parcel f that is critical of providing 47 percent of units at their costs which the highest on the transbay this is a significant Community Benefit, of course, all the other terms of the project with highway, traffic and safety will be worked in the disposition that goes back and forth who the developer and what their Design Concept and the Community Benefits and standard d da terms based on that staffs recommendation the option be approved i wanted to highlight we have reached out to the community this item was heard at the april transbay cac meeting and supportive and endorsed this with a couple of comments to ask us as and move forward with the Affordable Housing throughout the project there be consideration how transbay block 3 or the park will be programmed that includes high quality chrjz programs and the project there be high quality with exterior and for the unit designs for the residents and so for the next steps the estimated timing from the board approves the option agreement with the tjpa and developer will close on parcel f in june and well spends the remainder of 2016 working with the Development Team to have their dispensary join the team with the concept and framing and get into the meat with the negotiations in 2017 and as an as i mentioned the terminal needs to be removed by the 2018 scheduled to open early 2018 that concludes my presentation. I have representatives of both the Development Team and the tjpa are here if you have my questions as well as myself. We have a couple of questions in the kind supervisor peskin. So relative to the 3 million from the 45, 52 million with the temporary terminal not abandoned by thirty june 2018 what is the timeline for the completion of transbay and the abandonment and demolition of temporary terminal. We anticipate the tear terminal will be off by that point, we have as i mentioned occ blocks on three and four and other timeframes you know for next steps other than to continue to work with to your knowledge but at this point we dont anticipate past that point is a caveat should it in the be a mechanism built into the agreement. Right i did descents on the vote this body loaned tjpa a quarter of a billion dollars to the extent the project continues to come in late and over budget it just gives me a heart burn to on intersections that might cost us an additional 3 million from 45 to 42 million i mean is there any arrangement arrangement if they fail that tjpa will reimbursement the city that 30 million. Well, ill turn to representatives the tjpa that are here to answer that question supervisor. Good afternoon, commissioners im mark intern executive director with the transbay joint powers authority. Whats your name. Mark. Mark. Youre the new executive director. Intern. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you as well your currently schedule to open the Transit Center in 2017 we saw no reason youll not dedicate the parcel before 2018 were confident that land block 4 and 3 as well with the adjusted block that be available by 2018 for you have a 6 month cushion your telling us. Yes. If you fail inform perform. I will not fail to perform. Perfect thats a good answer, of course, your only the intern director. Not up to me. Thank you, supervisor wiener. Thank you, thank you for the presentation i thank you for this and it is exciting the project will go move forward and i on intersections the 4 percent affordable is terrific one thing i want to just get to classification, of course, nothing is free and so there is a you stated and also stated in the yeah in the presentation that theres no public subsidy to get to that 45 percent and so the 45 million Purchase Price that valuation that led to the purpose price was that 45 percent the or of the units will be belowmarketrate. Thats where we know the pipeline of projects in transbay we know that block 4 has to be 45 percent. Right in to make that fair market salutation the 45 percent affordability number was baked into that evaluation. Yeah. The communitybased allows for that consideration they call fair reuse a shorthand the fair market to take into account any restrictions. Im going to happy hazard a guess not 45 percent but to the esteem none of us want sold for marketrate with no or loans 12 percent whatever the minimum under the San Francisco law point evaluation of the property will be less than 45 percent. Yes. It has an impact. 42 or 45 percent is a higher evaluation he know that is how you phase it even though it is correct is occ is not cutting a check youre the public subsidy you can build more Affordable Housing but occ is certainly going to receive less of a lower Purchase Price because of the higher affordability number than would have received if a lower affordability unable thats correct. All the transbay properties well state with a minimum requirements will be and you know will be based those requirements. Im not chriss that 45 percent is awesome but im saying i dont think really necessarily accurate to say no public subsidy there is a public induce in get to the higher inclusionary number of occ and the city is receiving a lower Purchase Price just like one 60 fulsome the occ basically gave the lands in challenge for the higher affordability there is always there is a public subsidy here occ is receiving less money than lower inclusionary percentage. Yes. Tjpa will be the one receiving the landfill and like i said the government public entities it is important not accurate to say no subsidys but a government subsidy in a reduced Purchase Price pushing the affordability up to 45 percent and some people that like to pretend were just forcing the developer to do some High Percentage and beating up the developer and squeezing it act out of the developer that might be true for a portion of inclusionary but a portion of the inclusion were i totally support inclusionary housing but help to increase the percentage that is important to be transparent that there is an actual public subsidy. Thank you. Thank you. All right. Thank you lets if youre done with our presentation go ahead and take Public Comment open for item 2 come to the podium if you have questions well. Thank you, dean with local 2 the hotel and Restaurant Workers Union i appreciate if supervisor peskin and supervisor wiener on the subject focusing on the questions of Affordable Housing and what were paying for them obviously a close nexus in many that highlights between Hotels Development and the needs in the city more Affordable Housing the question of in circumstances when workers will be able to organize a union and to live in the city is obviously a huge focus of ours i was assured in the hallway prior to the meeting the project sponsors intends to negotiate with the union prior to entitlements and were looking forward to work working towards that end obviously this is a huge importance as the city decided whether that is appropriate to have a hotel and parcel the question of the quality of jobs and the impact that those jobs will have on the need more Affordable Housing is skairl in the jurisdiction of the city and at Planning Commission and ultimately the board of supervisors under section 303 and so it i look forward to future dialogue. Thank you for raising the questions. Thank you. Any other member of the public to speak at this time. Anyone on behalf of the preserve purchase that wants to confirm the comments by the speaker. Afternoon im cameron with times i ask confirm weve. Speak into the my case or speak up. The tjpa we have an agreement to follow the labor recommendation policy of the tjpa so i this were covered there with an agreement that any projects that we have applied for parcel we intend to be a mixed use project with a Hotel Component and that is the plan we havent submitted yet and this is including a hotel or restaurant with the labor representation policy that are so forth we comply that includes that check neutrality we agreed from the psa to take that. Thank you for your very important comment anyone else Public Comment is closed. At this time. Colleagues if you note this item is agendize as the Committee Report the motion will need to specify that is there another motion supervisor peskin . So moved without objection. A motion by supervisor wiener and without objection that item passes and the motion to move this out of committee as a Committee Report. Yes. Supervisor made the motion. Supervisor wiener made the motion. Sorry supervisor wiener made the motion to recommend this matter as a Committee Report to the tomorrows board of supervisors meeting. Thats correct mr. Clerk item 3. Item number 3 ordinance designating 35 through 45 avenue a. K. A. Emergency Health Center for blocks as the landmark under the planning code article 10. Excellent supervisor avalos is the author of this item hes right here and supervisor alavos were ready. Great, thank you supervisor cowen and thank you for scheduling that landmark designation ordinance i appreciate the discussion well have today on this is granting the historic landmark designations the brick building. Was a former Emergency Hospital in 1933 part of San Francisco Emergency Hospital that was in existence until 1978 after that the Emergency Hospital was used for other purposes Adult Health Care was one of the last resources that was used in through the mid 2000s the odds was the Health Center on over and over dog an example of that Charles Sawyers project with two significant murals by bernard that had painted murals in first come in coit tower one called Community Spirit we have in district 11 and because those are significant murals and time for the work for the coit tower we want to make sure we provide landmark designation for this sight as well as theyre significant because of the architecture and the aesthetic value of the earth and have a Huge Community interest in making sure we can landmark those buildings in particular, the Mission Paris Improvements Association has filed an application that was done by alicia for moving forward with that application the landmark designation commission has voted unanimously i on intersections that was unanimous to grant the designation of two buildings it is really carrying forward with the Community Spirit to make sure we make that designation from the board of supervisors and we have a gentleman from the Planning Commission who is here to talk more about the project thank you good afternoon chair cohen and im tim frye from the Planning Department i wanted to add a couple of comments to supervisor avalos presentation at the may of last year the Historic Preservation commission added 35 to 45 to the land program bans the Community Application filed with the department in february of this year the commission reviewed that historic landmark designation and this year it was unanimously approved a recommendation to the board of supervisors for local landmark designation and as supervisor avalos mentions the building is significant not only as part of the Citywide Health system of Emergency Hospitals that became one of the most comprehensive public Health Centers in the United States it was constructed in 193 that it was a final piece of the system supervisor avalos also mentioned the building was designed by city architect Charles Sawyer that includes murals by designers and youll see the interior characteristic dedefining features and communities members are in support of this and supervisor avalos is in support the department Planning Department supports the designation as it meets the eligibility reminder ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. That you may have rewarding the hpc comments that concludes my remarks. Thats okay. If i may add another thing i like about the this designation which is not related to the building itself again i am excited there is a part of San Francisco that is named after the likes of new york calling names theyre all in this general region of the district 11 and that has a significant high School Designation for you for our country that it is a designation a founder body for the constitution based on the packs at the coordination to form their confederacy want to throw that in there. Supervisor peskin. Thank you, madam chair i want to thank supervisor avalos for supporting this and the Planning Department and Historic Preservation commission for their work it is a great case report to read i enjoyed residential design this this weekend and happy to be a cosponsor this ordinance. Any members of the public that want to speak on this item please come up and speak, sir. Overhead please. My name is Richard Rothman and i sort of rediscovered those those were really lost in the city whatever was listed in 1950 when the Arts Commission did a survey was forgotten about i found out about that when the real estate was going to sell a building and happened to be talking with barry in regards daughter that told me about those those are the two murals this one on the bottom well, first bernard at this point was burn if poland and came to the United States and studied under Diego Riveras the most famous was the one on coit tower and the other famous was with the usf and if youve not seen those you should this one here see if you can see the two growth in communities spirit this one was painted over white washed who knows why and this one is the Community Spirit and these are really you beautiful murals and they should be opened to the public so the public can enjoy them and heres another mural here im showing those beautiful murals and well hope that making that a landmark will keep it in the city ownership so the Arts Commission will have ownership of mural and that will be attentively and be enjoyed by everyone thank you. Thank you, mr. Rothman anyone wish to comment on this item. Supervisors id like to my name is david hooper get to serve the president of the new Mission Terrace that the jewel and the crown 6 excelsior thank you to supervisor avalos and Richard Rothman for having supported in effort richard because of his enthusiasm initially for the mural another members of the public have precedent his interests the potential for these buildings and terms of serving the communities in the future as they have in the past sits about the idea of Communities Health from the emergency Health System that was opportunity and voted on before the Great Depression and this is a significant effort the last major use those buildings was for Senior Health services both services are necessary all the more necessary in the communities this gives the neighborhood and community a chance to focus on improving Mission Street and the adjacent areas im not going to take the two full minutes this is a great idea thank you for teresa for leading the effort. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker. Good afternoon, supervisors im linda i live in Mission Terrace and represent face a Group Called Friends and advocates in the excelsior we celebrate an advocate for the rich currently heritage and rich cultures of our neighborhood that is a good work our communities is rich with artists for us to discover unknown murals and be able to say the Historic Building is particularly sixth our community will rally around Restoration Community projects to make the buildings all they can be thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. All right. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. At this time supervisor avalos is there anything else you want to share. Thank you. The members of the public for coming out and mr. Roth marijuana for our great work to preserve the murals and the Community Spirit murals was accidently found they were doing work on the walls and removed paint and saw the work blow the surface spent a couple of months pelosi that off so it is just great we can actually weigh in and provide the landmark designations. Supervisor cohens. Bernards daughter ruth alive and well and sons and grandson of california contacted me last week to say they are very pleased and excited about the landmarking of this edifice and bernards work inside of it so good thing all around. This is a great thing on that ground supervisor avalos my claimants to you and agree with the Public Commenter that described i believe this project is a jewel in the crown if no further comments from my colleagues Public Comment is closed. And ill entertain a motion. So moved. By supervisor peskin and without objection that that item passes unanimously that most with a workers yes. Okay

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