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Welcome at this time november 15th 2022 regular meeting of the stan fran board of supervisors. Madam clerk call the roll. Thank you, mr. President. Supervisor chan. Present. Supervisor dorsey. Present. Supervisor mandelman. Present. Supervisor mar. Not present. Supervisor melgar. Present. Supervisor peskin. Present. Supervisor preston. Present. Supervisor ronen. Present. Supervisor safai. Present. Supervisor self neil. Present. Supervisor walton. Present. And supervisor mar. Present mr. President all members are present. Thank you an fran board of supervisorsax knowledges we are on the unceded ancestral home land of the Ramaytush Ohlone. Who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco pel anyone slam as original steward sxsz with traditions they are never corgoaten responsibilities of care takeers. We recognize we benefit from living and working on their Traditional Home land. We wish to pay respects acknowledging the Ramaytush Ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. Stand with mow to recite the pledge. [pledge of allegiance] on behalf of the board i would like to acknowledge the staff at sfgovtv today we have comcoleena mendoza who make transcripts available online. Do want to let everyone know for item 23 the committee of the whole on the draft Housing Element we will keep Public Comment to 1 minute to prevent risk of losing a quorum. Are there any other communications . Thank you, mr. President the board of supervisors away the general public to listen to the proceedings in person or remote low. The board will prioritize the participation from those in person after from those remote. The meet suggest airing live on sfgovtv award wing channel 26 or may view the computer stream at sfgov. Org. If you intend on participating remote low the telephone number is on the agenda and streaming on your screen. After entering the information, press the pound symbol twice you will have joined the meeting and heart discussion but line will be muted. Once you are ready to provide comment you should press story 3 to add yourself to the queue. The system will prompt that you have been unmuted and speak your comments. There is one special orders wonlts hear suggest called your testimony will be invieded item 23 the hearing on the update on the 22 draft Housing Element. Other content eligible for your comment is under 28. Once called you may speak to the items on the 4 adoption without Committee Reference items 2934 and general matters not on todays agenda within the boards jurisdiction. All other content will have been reported out to the board by an appropriate committee where the Public Comment requirement has already occurred. Communication with the board is still possible. If you send written by u. S. Mail to the San Francisco board of supervisors the 1 dr. Carlton b. Goodlett place. Room city hall room 244, San Francisco, california 94102 inform a Great Partnership with office of Civic Engagement and interpreters will be beginning at 3 p. M. If you have any questions assisting or need assistance to get in remote, we have a clerk standing by, dial in. And members and mr. President that concludes my communication. Thank you, colleagues just a reminder before we start to mute your microphones when you are not speak. To to scene items 14. Items 14 on consent they are considered to being reteen if a member of item removed and considered separate low. Thank you, madam clerk. Call the roll 14, supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor chan. Aye. Supervisor dorsey. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor melgar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. And supervisor ronen. Aye. There were 11 awes thank you without objection they are finally passed unanimously. Madam clerk call regular agenda new business item 5. Item five an ordinance to amend the business and tax regulation code to suspend the cannabis business tax through december 31st of 25. Thank you. Supervisor peskin. Thank you. President walton. I have supported this suspension in the past and support it today. But would suggest that we do we have done in the past which is to act on this on an annual bases so we suspended it every year the last 2 years. This proposed to suspend it the next 3 years. I would propose this we do what we have been doing and monitor the situation and extend it boy an additional year i have spoken to one long time friend and Cannabis Community about that. And i think it was nots the subject of an objection. Was nots the subject of objection and mention today yesterday to the author supervisor mandelman. Im open to negotiating going for a sweeping 3 years is in the the appropriate thing to do. I can start i start by at line 19 strike 24 and 2025 and keeping 2023. Thank you, supervisor peskin is that a motion to amend. That it is a motion seconded by supervisor chan. Supervisor chan. Thank you. Colleagues and i havey expressed a similar concern and concur with when supervisor has about this text that i have asked if we account consider including supervisor mandelmans thinking about year to year this body have collective low unanimously voted in support of this. I want to put thing in context it is projected 10 Million Dollars in tax collection and with the 3 years of exemption or suspension it is about 30 Million Dollars. Total. And this is a sum of tax revenue for the city especially in a volatile economic times. I urge for your consideration i also. Want to let you then and there through the conversation with the Controllers Office the Controllers Office has when i seek for advice there is another way to do this is this we increase the threshold to from currently the Tax Exemption for mall business from a million to 2. 5 million. It would exempt a numberful small are establishments from the tax. And significant low reduce the loss it would be roughly instead of total 10 Million Dollars per year will be about 2 Million Dollars per year. That is another way to look. My conversation with the City Attorney i have to be transparent with this exemption. Amendment to from 1 million to 2 penalty 5 Million Dollars of gross receipts will probably require time and that inside it will be a notion sends become for w to be done. Im in support of supervisor peskins motion to just roll back 3 dwroers a year and revalue and have a conversation and talk about this now i doment to acknowledge supervisor mandelmans concerns. It is also it is reason why im in support of this suspension. Because as we as i have learned the state tax imposing on cannabis has been actually rather and kind of burden some. Sprighters tax and the sales tax 30 already. They have been operating during pandemic their impact is different. With had said i want to explain myself and where i was at Budget Committee and i didnt will be in support of this motion to roll back to only wherever to year and reevaluate the citys economy and our budget to make better decision moving forward saturday of all the way through 2025 approximate 26. Thank you. Supervisor mandelman. Thank you. I want to thank supervisor chan special peskin for not sends thanksgiving become to committee for further work on splitting off different tiers of taxation. We can extend this year by year and i expect i will be back in i year asking us to further delay it. The burdens on the Legal Cannabis industry are significant and still the Legal Cannabis sector in San Francisco is smaller. Than illegal by 2 thirds to a third that is the estimate. In i believe in the controllers report. So, i am lori of i was leary of this text back in 2018 when supervisor cohen put it on the ballot. And i have continued to neil is an industry that we need to bring out of the shadows. We need to surely collect ref now and are but you know the rates of taxation we are subjecting cannabis to are reamericaable. A joint is taxes over a bottle of wine, 9 higher than a soda. Folks are familiar with the burdens people are trying to operate legally. The access to the fed and irs Tax Exemptions you can use if you are in other types of noncannabis businesses the inability to access conventional bank happening. There is a bunch of things they are facing not to cry for them this is the addition. A new tax on an industry over burdened to the negative of the Public Policy goals to e eliminate the ilLegal Cannabis industry. I dont think that will help in a year. I would be surprise in the 3 but happy. The thinking of put thanksgiving off to 2025 was with the state granted relief recognizing the same problems they are tax at a significant can level and pulled back to facilitate the growth of Legal Industry and decided to take a look at 2025 in made sense to me as well. If it is not the will of the body i will not be bent exit will coming back each year to try to renew it. Thank you. Supervisor dorse. Thank you. Am so i am unlike low to support move thanksgiving to year by year. Although i understand the Good Government implication bunkham reliable vote to extend the to suspend the cannabis business tax, i think this is an economic sector we ask a lot of. I foal my 14 years in the City Attorneys office seen the things we ask law abiding accids businesses it do this is a sector facing competition this deserves our support the benefit of i 3 year rather than one year suspension is certainty over the next 3 years that i think is an asset this businesses can benefit from. I want to do everything we can to support the legal marking of cannabis businesses in San Francisco. Thats where i will be and asked to be a cosponsor of the under lying ordinance. Thank you. Supervisor dorse. Supervisor ronen. Thank you, i, too am supportive of the original legislation of 3 years. I understand supervisor chan approximate peskins concerns and my when i first read the legislation and had meant same thoughts but after turning from supervisor mandelman and i did ask many questions to the office of cannabis, and one of the main sort of facts that the tipped the balance for me was the fact that still 2 thirds. It is an estimate but they think realistic but 2 thirds of cannabis is under ground illegally. And unregulated. So i do think that and the also the office of cannabis is spending, legality of time doing enforcement against the actors. So, giving the time for the department to do its person enforce. Work. Given that the time for Business Owners that are following the laws in the rules to legitimize and grow businesses and compete against the under lying market it is correct to give them had they need to survive with robust under ground market under cutting their efforts. I will support the original legislation. Thank you. Supervisor ronen. Supervisor safai. Thank you, addon one point to supervisor ronen i agree 100 . The other thing that we are facing can s many of the cannabis businesses have been struggling in this economy. We spent time and effort and energy helping to establish them as the competition under cutting their legitimate business covid had a devastating impact on many of them. And allowing them the time and appropriate time to recover and extend for the next couple years makes most sense and use supervisor peskins phrase, if we dont get right we can come back and amend. Something were to change overnight next couple years we have the ability to amend this and adjust it before the 3 year period. Thank you. Thank you supervisor safai. Supervisor preston i would add thank you, and i support the legislation as is. Many of the reasons that have been articulated i will not repeat. I will say like i think there are some taxes or fees that were waiving on an annual bases they are i dont think we have an issue with the under lying tax and burden but we are being responsive to a moment in coming back from our businesses rebounds from covid and that scene i support this year by year. If we learned in the last 3 years a year can make a huge difference. I think this is different. There is a number of us i share some of the under lying occurrence how this tax burden plus the states actually operates and impacts the industry. I would photography see a longer time 2 or 3 years to plot out the next steps and think about where are we going with this tax instead of each year out. Thats my upon preference. Supervisor peskin. Thank you i wanted to point out that the way prop d was written in 2018 and some of us were and voted put it on the ballot. Thinking that it was going to be charge special basically is suspended. But it actually contemplated the legislative branch avenue ability to adjust boy a 2 thirds super majority of this body. The amount between zero and 7 . We have stuck with zero. Right . And thats what suspension is paramount to. I think exception with what supervisor safai said we have the 8 to tinker. This is in the like prop b where we went become to the bell on the and said, we didnt get it right and asking the voters to vote again this is not like the one year suspension of the commercial vacancy tax we said, we week up and it was you know cop i haved and this is the wrong time we will delay it a year. We are not even having the conversation that this contemplated we represented to the voters which was that 2 thirds vote we could deal with it within a range of zero to 7 . This is a good place to start that for 3 years additional 3 years tell remain at zero it means that the chances of having this conversation are diminished. That it is the wrong policy step. I will be voting for in and encourage you who have not yet spoken or minds can be changed by these words to vote with me. Thank you so much supervisor peskin. I do believe that extending this for a year is appropriate. Because we have the flexibility to make changes each year and the conversation does need to be have in terms behalf we want to do and come up with a plan rather than giving the extension for 3 years and the climate changes over night. I think we tie our hands as a body if we grant the extension for this long when we can come back each year and have this conversation again. I will supporting the amendment. I dont see anyone else on the roster so match dam clerk on the motion to amend item 5. On the motion to amend item 5 and striking 2025 and replace with 23. Supervisor safai. No. Supervisor self neil. No. Supervisor walton. Aye supervisor chan. Aye. Supervisor dorsey. No. Supervisor mandelman. No. Supervisor mar. Aye. Melgar. No. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. No. And supervisor ronen. No. There are 4 ayes and 7 nos. With supervisors safai, self neil, dorsey, mandelman, melgar and robe then decent. 4 to 7 the motion fails. Police call the roll on item 5. Item 5 supervisor safai. Aye supervisor self neil. Aye supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor chan no. Supervisor dorsey. Aye supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor melgar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. No. Supervisor preston. Aye. And supervisor ronen. Aye. 9 ayes 2 no with chan and peskin in decent. Thank you and by a vote of 9 to 2 this is passod first reading. Call item sick. This is a resolution to authorize the d. Public healing toern into an emergency contract with Health Management associates for 3 opinion 7 million 13 month term through june 20 of 23 and first maam to the agreement for special Consulting Services and to increase the agreement by 2 million for an amount of 5. 8 million with no change to the term from june of 23 and authorize the department of public healing it enter in amendments or modifications to the contract necessary or advisable to affect the purpose of the contract or resolution. Item 6 supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye walton. Aye supervisor chan. Aye. Supervisor dorsey. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor melgar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. And supervisor ronen. Aye. There are 11 ayes. This is adopted unanimously. We have over flow room in room 263. Just wanted to provide that information. Call item 79 together. Comprise 3 resolutions regarding contract amendments from the office of contract administration. Item 7 authorizes the office of contract add vagz to execute modification number stone contract with the city and msc Industrial Supply to pursupplies increase the amount by 900,000 not to exceed 15. 1 million with no change to the total conduration. For a new total not to exceed 20. 9 million and extend by a year through december 31 of 23. The doca execute the sixth modification to a contract with the city and buckle Smith Electric Company for the purchase of supplies and fixtures for City Department to increase by 3 million a new total of 16. 9 million with no change to the duration through june 30 of 23. We will take this same house same call without objection they are adopted unanimously. Madam clerk call item 10 resolution to approve and authorize the general manager of the San Francisco public utilitys commission to self fee and easement enter interest in Real Property along state route 84 in the city of fremont and in the unincorporated almeida to the state of california. Acting through its California Department of transportation to approve and authorize an agreement for sale of real estate temporary construction ease am and utility ease am. For the sale of this property. To caltrans and the manager of the puc or director property to execute the Sale Agreement make modifications and take other actions in the resolution and the Sale Agreement and to adopt the appropriate findings. Thank you. I dont see anyone on the roster so well take this item same house same call this resolution is adopted unanimously. Were at 2 30 please, announce the recognition of commendation. The recognition is for service and contributions to the city and county of San Francisco for American Indian heritage month. Thank you, madam clerk. Today we are celebrating native American Heritage month. We will start with supervisor robe sxen go and roll call order and a remindser to make sure that we try to accommodate this long meeting today. Thank you. Thank you president walton. I wanted make a few introductions remarks in gratitude for this first ever. Special commendation for the native American Heritage month in San Francisco. A moment us occasion. We are happy to see a Beautiful Group of first peoples in the board chambers. And with so many other cultural upon communities that are in alliship with the beautiful community. Last year the board passed a resolution recognizing november as native American Heritage month we can honor native leaders in our community. Todays commendations events through the month are opportunity to recognize the contributions of native americans and their long standing histories as first peoples of sudden and the United States. Almost 53 years ago today that the historic occupation offal catraz began november 20 of 69. The longest protest in history lasting 19 months and the occupation served as an International Platform to bring visibility to indian determination policies unare the nile treaties and exposing the genocide and ectraction of resources by state and federal governments sudden front was a catalyst city to many American Indian actions across the country and much due to efforts of our local native american activists and leaders in district 9 the community had an on going and critical presentlies in the community. The first American Indian Center Republican from 1940 to 1969 between mission and valencia. After thousands American Indians displaced in the 1900 men arrive in the cities like San Francisco. American Indian Cultural centers became the foundation for native americans in urban communities resulting california the highest population of relocated intertribal nations. Despite funding and resource the center maintain aid strong presentlies in the mission and in 2019 the Cultural Center was recognized as a virtual Cultural Center in 2020 supervisor mandelman and i worked with several of the native american leaders and organizations here today to establish the first in the county American Indian cultural district. The American Indian district encompasses land holds concentration to historical events resources and mirndzian base immediate organizations Friendship House and the native American Health center. District held several successful activation events on the Mission Corridor and im excited todays events will bring more visibility to the work. Thank you to all the honorees for joining us today. And now im very excited to introduce district 9s honoree debbie santiago. [applause]. Debbie has been an Incredible Community leader throughout her life. And i am so proud that i can honor her and the remarkable work she accomplished today. Debbie and enrolled member of the wa shoe tribe was born in San Francisco. Grew up in the 1960s and 70s she faced discrimination as a young and proud native american woman. Her family was active supporters for the occupation in 1969 during which debbie remembers gathering supplies blankets, food and clothes for the prosecute testers and community. She and her family helped establish the Indian Education program for sfusd supporting the unique cultural academic needs earn indian student in San Francisco public schools. Debbie like her mother has been a tutor in sanchez elementary school. Deb set owner of debbies hair place and more at 22nd and cat street we believe the longest rung native business in San Francisco. It is up and running for 42 years and debbie has been a hair dress and barber for 55 years. Known it give free haircuts to natives in need and hair native american barbers. An active lead in creation of American Indian cultural district a member of the San Francisco native American Community committee since the 1990s and colead a push for the district in recent year. Responsible for gathering and documenting much of the history of native americans in San Francisco which lead to the creation of american inldzian cultural district today. During the pandemic debbie worked with other lead torse distribute toed to Community Elders and effort she continues today. She is a mentor to Young Leaders and organizers in the bay area and native American Community and the list goos and on. Thank you for your dedication to the native American Community in San Francisco yoush your work permeates through everything we celebrate today. Congratulations. [applause]. Debbie we love if you will say a few words if you want to. Everybody greeting in this entire room. I thank you so much. For all you have done here for our native people. It has been a Long Time Coming and we are stepping out more and merchandise as an act vichl i learned so much not only through other pierce but through my own parent and grandfather. Who is also anim grant from the islands that came here in the 20s and grand mother who was relocated here. During the relocation time she had come in the 20s. And if not for them and my parents i dont think i would be here today. And many other meantors in my life. And i continue to do this to strife in everything i do and everybody here that is come with me today as i said earlier, they keep me humble and honest. And work that we do. And i will continue to do this and be the voice of our elders and this way and without the history we cant it would not be said when we are today. So i thank everybody here that is come with me today and my mother i share is this day with her alberta. Thank you, mom i love her so much. I thank you. [applause] congratulations again, debbie. Supervisor safai. Thank you. President walton i have theed honor im happy to be providing honor to morning star. Morning star here . [applause]. Great. Morning star is u. S. Vet republican known for her Long Time Service and work in the native American Community. Born on the u. S. Military base in the philippines andim gritted to the United States in 1984. Raised boy her grant mother taught to be her best responsive do everything out of kindness. And so then moved San Francisco in the late 1980s and served her community. Morning star is i member of the Lgbt Committee of an front Human Rights Commission and founding members American Indian 2 spirits she is also served an officer. In addition to her activism morning story is an artist. In 2010, she made the film, wild strawberries. Where she told the storyave cherokee elder showing love through wild strawberries the film screened queer women of color festival and captioned for hearing impaired as she is. An inspect project separate from the qwocm ap. Then went to show the American Indian Film Festival the following year. Morning star helped native American Community for her entire professional career. Has ensured to pass on the compassion that her grand mother instill in the her and she is truly, truly showing nothing but love to the native American Community. Like to say words. Thank you, morning star. [applause]. Thank you. I didnt expect to be honored today i did it out of love. During the aid epidemiobeing my brother and cyst are suffering from aids. They did not have no insurance i used to come and help them out in the morning. And before they go to bed at night i was working in between at the homeless shelter. I am grateful that i am an act viv and the rein i am an act viv ancestor were not given a voice. Being an act viv it all help me to think about the 7 generations and without the 7 generations that follows me, then if i could touch one person, then i did my job. Thank you. [applause] are congratulations again morning star. [applause]. Supervisor stefani. Thank you president walton and supervisor ronen for kick us off and incredible opening remarks. I want to thank you for this. This is kind to present this to the board of supervisors i dont think we ever had one of these months where we have been given something. I think it is kind and of course, true of what we are doing today which is honoring you and everything that you know we should have been doing a language time ago. It is my great honor to commend cheri suza in the cultural hub which is located long our fortmason art and Cultural Center the cultural hub in district 2 is known a first of the kind coworking space for mirndian organizations and associations who otherwise would be displaced. To date the hub is home to 6 organizations hub staff the association of Ramaytush Ohlone the American Indian Film Institute had their 47th Film Festival november 412 with dozens of films all tribe in demonstration for the rights of American Indians and k poo voices of the native in additions archives and nonxhshl rostation featuring American Indian sdmus interviews and the International Ind yen Treaty Council Indigenous Peoples from nerth central south america. Caribbean and pacific working for the Self Determination of Indigenous Peoples recognition and protection of indigenous rights, treatys, culture and sacred lands the american ind yen cultural district establishes projects in district 2 honor the devirs American Indian and community of San Francisco. Including know american ind yen Garden Program the black point which is beautiful i have been out there and able to participate in the gardening. And the American Indian themed furious at the presidio. I know a tremendous amount of work gone in stake the cultural district. Hub and land acknowledgments acrossor organizations and want to rescue noise the American Indian community for all that will has been done to actualize the efforts. To reckon with the lands past and promote community heeling. It is our responsibility to elevate and listen to native voices and teach future generations to not repeat our same mistakes. Im deeply honored commend the cultural hub for efforts to be a center for American Indian, heritage, culture rights and more. Im proud district 2 is home to the district cultural hub and im grateful for all they have done it credit a vibrant community. Lastly, i would like to leave everyone with words from the Ramaytush Ohlone land trust that stuck with me through global untreft we are responsible for caring for all of nature and for the people who reside in our home land in the way mother earth cared for us. That responsibility extends to all of our work including holding land, accessing land for uses and comanaging land. If you like to come up and say words on behalf of the aicd . [applause] actually thank you, an honor. We would not be here if noted for everybody i like to open this moment out of tradition if she will come up my board tradition, for a few words if she would like . She is hiding there. Would not be anywhere without the advice of our elders and the women when came before us. Thank you. Good afternoon. Honors to everyone here. And to my relatives. And to the board of supervisors that have known many. You in many roles over the years. We are proud to be here. And for us we celebrate every day of life. In our traditions honorings our ways, and we recognize the strength of Community Coming together. That gives us the ability to live and honor. We dont own this land. We respect this land. [applause]. So thank you, and to the heard work of these 2 young women. You will be here a long time. So keep up that fight. And to all my relatives. Thank you. Thank you for this honoree. [applause]. Chair, thank you mary travis i would not be here every day without her and everybody in this audience the intention was to honor the fact thank you supervisor stefani negotiating the legacy organizations for 50 years 3 of them would not have a space in the stele they would have been priced out had we not had the support to open the hub. As much as for the district and hub for everybody we will keep out to make sure there are native organizations can aford to stay in San Francisco. Thank you to my director Community Development florez we could not do it without the staff, team and community. I wanted honor them. Thank you. [applause]. Congratulations again to the American Indian cultural district hub. Supervisor chan. Thank you president walton and clothes im dloited recognize josh james who has contributed so much to activate the community and created a sense of place and space Building Community through his unique Mission Driven Small Business at ocean beach cafe in the richmond. Joshua james belong to the palalatribe and took a journey to recovery. Before the pandemic. Part of his journey check in the Friendship House. Recovery program for the native americans in the city. It provides a holistic prop to allow emersion to American Indian Cultural Practice and western approaches. 11 months later and 10 months into the pandemic he launched ocean peach cafe. On ocean beach and great highway. Opened the Community Arts cafe to build the largest nonalcoholic beverage selection keep ocean beach clean through Community Cleanups support the Sober Community and those who seek wellness the cafe became a destination a Community Hub and source of inspiration for building awareness and excitement around nonalcoholic options advancing a sense of community and community to health and wellness. Josh has been a part of the local american ind i cant understand Workforce Development wing group to create path ways for native employment in the city and lead in employ and supporting homeless workers in district one and all around our community. So it is someone that who has been on this journal and he i am fortunate to have met him at the beginning when he launched ocean beach cafe. Im fwrifl to have met him there because his spirit is very inspiring it is always welcome and welcoming all the communities with a smile. And he is a really gentle soul. Thank you, josh for your inspirational work and path and looking forward to supporting the ocean beach cafe and just grow. And continue to expand with the Richmond Community and hopeful San Francisco at large. He is online. Yes, he is. [applause]. Thank you for this introduction. Im joshua james and i opened ocean beach cafe. 10 months into the pandemic that was right after i moved out of the sewn are living house. That was right after i was at the Friendship House which is an amazing native american recovery program. That completely changed the rest of my life and also did so for 2 of my siblings who attended that program. Get to know the native american cullure in San Francisco and where im from the reservation on oregon california border 8 and a half hour north from here on the coast, and i opened ocean beach cafe to build the largest nonalcoholic beverage selection in the country that might sound funny because the have not been a lot of options and choices for nonalcoholic beverages. What i was seeing the trend of people drinking less. And people choosing not to drink at all. This happened during covid. And then now where people are check nothing on their rep with alcohol and that is subject im passionate about. Because i like to let people know that society as a whole is having a different perspective and hundreds of come out to give people a choice i like to say it like that i believe it helps people that choose to be sober there are millions of people that are changing their views and their in the way they may drink and it is really note to have a brick and morer space down by the beach nagets people coming in for amazing local coffee and sandwiches to leave knowing that all of those hundred bottles on the wall are all nonalcoholic a nonalcoholic bar and people are changing the way that we socialize. Im a career bar tener food is my passion i do all that for the public and the community. I wanted to do a bunch beach clean ups and got to do this. I got the give jobs to the houseless on the block spill had a lot of people in sewn are living houses i used to live in get to work with me as well including a lot of other native americans, which is exciting for me. They goat see what is going on in this space. And how it is not anymore. So it is much more then and there a cafe it reminds me of nannies cafe hes got coop things going on and just i like to have neat Community Organizations that have to do with community. Hospitality and wellness that is 3 tenants of that business and that all started because of the journey i story today take throughout Friendship House. And i appreciate supervisor chan for including me and the amazing introduction, thank you. [applause] thank you and congratulations again josh watch supervisor dorsey . Thank you president walton. Clothes my privilege to participate in this years native American History month and honor Celeste Aguilar on behalf of district 6 for contributions to San Franciscos American Indian community. Selest is part of the navajo pueblo tribes from the south western United States specific low arizona. Her mother judi here to accept the commentation moved to San Francisco in the 1960s as part of the American Indian urban Relocation Program brought thousands of American Indians to the city. Celeste born and raise in the sudden front has 4 sons. And dedicated the past several years to giving back to the american inldz yen culture and heritage that helped shape her to the hard working woman she is today. Will show is a long standing parent for the american ibdian community in San Francisco and has been chair person of theuneified School Districts Education Program council for the last 5 years. A passion for Youth Leadership and advocating for american ind yen students throughout San Francisco and a proponent of creating opportunity for youth helping to strengthen their pride and promoting confidence and self efficiency. Whether local or cross the state she is also to look to secure resources and support for the American Indian students and family in San Francisco. In addition to her work with the School Districts Indian Education council. A tradition facilitates w shops for the inldzian Education Program the left 4 years as well as it is greater San Francisco American Indian community. She tout pine needle basket weavering at the conference native Youth Leadership program the past 3 years serving 100 american ind yen youth she advocates for American Indian youth a champion for am indz yen seniors during the pandemic she south out resources for Community Upon when there were so many unknowns and surnt in the nation. She is a leader in the community a dream and visionary and my privilege to recognize her contributions to San Francisco celeste is unable to be here id like to ask her mother to accept this on her behalf and say a few words. Judi . [applause]. Hello im judi aguilar and i wanted to say thank you so much and all the people who worked on the getting this honor for my daughter she works hard for everything and loves her family, loves the community in San Francisco. And her as her mother i pray for our community and San Francisco community and everybody the native American Health center and everybody this works with her and everybody who puts the events together and we have been through a lot doing that. I wanted thank the whole San Francisco supervisors for doing all this giving the award it my daughter she will loch it and cherish it all her life and did not expect this she was surprised. And im so proud of her as her mom and will have 4 grandsons she gave me. Thank you. Mruz mrauz. Congratulations again celeste. [applause] supervisor mandelman. We have rodney little bird here . Come up. Today im offering the district 8 commentation to rodney little bird for the native American History month. Lacoata from Standing Rock hsu a member of the lbgtq and speaks out for gay right. Last year rodney part of the quilt ceremony createed honor native and hawaiians lost to aids the purpose of the event to increase aware ness and encourage to get tested for hi vushgs and reduce the stigma around prevention and treatment. In addition to his work to the lbgtq community does heeling work and spiritual leader at the native American Health center this provides Health Services to the California Bay area native populations and other under served populations in the became theel Health Center is celebrating the 50th this year. Road no is life in the his community. Known for anything above and beyond to check in on the physical and Mental Health of others. Does wellness checks for members. And during the covid pandemic checked with isolated elders the am busy dover with the American Indian cultural district and spent covied looking at services to give to the community throughout cultural news letter. The point person for american upon upon indian food box delivery program. Delivers boxes to community eldand fells with limited access to transportation. As of now this program serves 35 families. Rodney speaks truth to power and gives all of himself to his communities thank you and welcome rodney little bird. [applause] thank you. Can you hear me now. Okay. Um i am im dakota, im dakota lacoata my family the one i remember well the language i peek is in dialect of d. So that separates me from my cousins the lack on thea speem think i have been in south dakota a lot i have been in north dakota my family from minnesota and removed i moved here when i was young and i gone through lots of transifications 3 pandemics. I had a personal thing happen to myself i recover friday that. I one of the my happy moment system is this morning when i got a call from people that i had gone out on my own to help people who were trapped in type of homelessness and despair and i funds, let in the people like when i talked to them i said are you kidding me . What are you doing out here . And this morning i got a call there were 6 when the pandemic hit i got them out of the way and was told i was doing an impossible job they will go in. They came and they went in. And this morning i got a call from the last one the 6 one who said im move nothing my unit today. [applause]. And as to my community i have gone through 2 or 3 Indian Centers im grateful for paloma. For the opportunity they offer in leading us forward. And im grateful im 68 years old i tell the young people you can stop and talk for a machine and i hear your voice but will you move ahead of me and thats okay. I will keep up as best i can. Thank you board of supervisors, thank you mr. Mandelman. And i want to thank my community. [applause]. Congratulations again rodney little bird. [applause]. Supervisor mar. Thank you president walton i will be doing a special dual commendation with my colleague supervisor preston and since our honoree is a district 5 resident and her work is connected to district 5 i will let supervisor preston go first and i will fill in. Is this okay if we go out of order. Works wonder. Thank you supervisor mar and president walten. I irrelevant want to thank supervisor ronen for her introduction and her leadership on the cultural district you put a lot of time and energy this is great low appreciated by the community. Thank you for your work. Colleagues, today i am honored to recognize someone who is familiar on you if you like me are a fan of k poo base in the western edition you know mary Gene Robertson producer of the radio show voices of native nations. For honor her for her years of service and dedication to the native American Communities and her commitment to raising awareness of sudden fronts original peoples. Mary gene is a member of Cherokee Nation and worn in new york. Mohawk nation territory. Her family lived across the United States until they arrive in the california and mary gene finished high school in san jose. Moved San Francisco in 1969 and lived here since. Mary jean tend sudden front state and take the first ethnic studies courses offered, she was asked to read Public Service announcements for the radio show this became the voices of the native nations on k poo. It is on divis defero. She learned play music to run boards. And produce a radio show. And she produced that show ever since often on her own dime examine this i dont remember is my understanding marks the 50th anniversary of her doing so. More mary jean radio became a method for elevating voice, perspectives and diversity native people in San Francisco and beyond. She shared the stories of those fight to preserve native culture and land. On voices of the native nations she interviewed the leaders of the historic 18 month occupation of alkatraz. Told the story of sailor i james protecting the list list Wildlife Reserve for oil companies. Shared the voices of thomas and david the messengers of the hopey prophecy warned the endless quest for material wealth will destroy the balance of the world. Show coverd and reported on the indian treaty counsel and indigenous sovereignty boy the United Nation and covered the protests at the dakota pipeline and the desecration of the shell mound site in west beshg low. Her story telling has had an impact in advancing the indian Child Welfare act gives native nations jurisdiction of child custody cases and ensures the nayive children are newscast severed. And Radio Program will preserve the stories of native people for history as archived. Advocacy extends beyond roas a story tell exert organizer tasked with map out the American Indian cultural district in San Francisco in 2020. And helped establish the American Indian Cultural Center and supported creation of the arts workshops. Taken efforts to help young native people remain connected with their heritage and a mentor to many native youth. Advocated for establishment of the Indian Education program at sfusd supports the educational and cultural needs of native students. Founds the nonprofit support for intertribal gatherings. Held a gathering at yerba buena for young native to responsibles the songs and dance of ancestral community for the first time. Mary jean your Community Service as a story teller, activist is inspiring and gives me great pleasure to represent you in district 5. And to represent your Radio Program in district 5 as your supervisor you are a model of Public Service. And for native people and all of San Francisco and im proud to honor you with this in recognition of naytive American Heritage month and thrilled turn the mic over to my colleague who has words to say. Thank you. Thank you. I am so honored join you to copresent the special commendation and nshgs mj is deserving of the double dose recognition and love buzz of her incredible work over 50 years giving voices to native peoples struggle. And mj can you step forward so we can recognize you. Thank you. Supervisor preston highlighted your amazing legacy of your work in San Francisco in the fillmore and i the rostation i like to add personnel points we have known each other and your biggest fans for 30 years now and in really just as a young person coming to San Francisco out of college many years ago at the suggestion of a friends i volunteered at the Radio Station with my brother for us was a way for us to learn about and become connected to the rich history of the political struggle in the steles black community and communities of color and loved the music so much and help College Radio it was fat nayed by the extreme low unique history as a True Community based controlled Radio Station. And noncommercial Radio Station and the history being born out of the urgent flit political struggles in the 60s and 70s social justice in our country. As i got my political foot nothing San Francisco as a young person the collective of. Radio producers and activists and whacky characters helped shape my perspective as an activist and organizer. And especially around the experience of building Progressive Coalition s and move ams centers in the communes of color and multiracial solidarity. Ive really learned so much from activists i met and i wanted mention joe rudolph and terry colin the amazing leaders no longer with us and lid the ground work and you were i key part of kpoo and upon really we connected right away and really i loved always loved your funef important and the deep knowledge about your community and the struggles. And just how humble and grounded you were then and continue to be over 50 years of doing the work. And so yes, thank you for your dedication and you know as supervisor preston mentioned your work novelty just at kpoo and voice of native nation speaks 50 years 2, 500 shows produced . [laughter]. It guess beyond this. In my closet im trying to get them out in in the cultural district. On cassette tapes. Anyway thank you so much you continue to be an inspiration for your dedication. And your optimism that you continue to shine in your work, thank you. [applause]. Wow. [laughter] you guys are amazing. I just because i do radio, because i know what is going on in a lot of different places, i wanted share the Supreme Court is right now listening to oral arguments about the indians welfare act. And when i first moved to San Francisco, when i was 21 i was 3 months pregnant. So i did not goat go out to the island when in november the occupiers took over i had a son may 13 issue 1970. Because i did in the know any other women when raised children on their own i did not know when to do so i wjt to the society and got counseling and i decided to give up my baby for adoption. It was a very hard choice and i did in the have the option to have my nation be a part of where my child could go. So amazeingly enough, the ind yen Child Welfare act was something i approximationately supported not only on the radio but also when i started working for the Supreme Court. The San Francisco superior court as a courtroom clerk. I also was able from the inside see how the indzians Child Welfare act was applied. That it was applied. That was mentioned every time we are indian children involved in the courtrooms. We were also inside the courthouse. Was wonderful in applying those to the point where San Franciscos social workers found that the Gold Standard was to try and grant fosterage and adoption to people within their childs culture. So it was a transformtive law. And i just wanted it say that it was not about a racial issue. When upon the government was taking the ind yen children away from their families to send them to boarding schools. 19hopi fathers said we dont want our children to be removed from us. So in order to get them removed they sent them to the island, there are pictures i went there yesterday and there is a picture of the 19hopi fathers thatmented to keep their children with them this is an on going issue there was an adoption sweep. Where people took children away. And so the indian Child Welfare act is so important. Ip want top say to all of you you know, your resolutions do make a difference. I want you to support the ind yen Child Welfare act it is in the about a race it is about sovereignty and nation hood and claiming our children from the removal the genocidal removal of our children. So far i want to thank you for this honor and i had to take this opportunity since i had a voice, to challenge you to keep on doing what you do so well and that is listen to me [laughter] [applause]om k poo. It it is poor peoples radio inc. If you are going to call it anything call it k po. 89. 5 f. M. Im on every wednesday except the first wednesday of every among 6 it 8 p. M. Thank you. What an honor you guys are great [applause]. Happy native American History month. Happy native American History also to my aid jennifer of the mohave nation whos grandfather of 10 away from his fell approximate sent it boarding school where he republican away. Today i am honored to recognize betty parent. Doctor parent. Is a beloved elder and educationad leader with a legacy in academia and Community Service of San Francisco and beyond. Doctor parent born in western list lapse in a blend of culture. She experienced hardship early in life with a death of her father and the 2 siplings before she reached school age. Developed a dope love of learning she cultivate in the others as well throughout her life. Excels at university of alaska in fair banks. Where she was a successful student. Early child advocate and served as director of head start. Before getting her graduate degrees doctor parent wrote for served on the board of the tund are times a newspaper that covered alaska native issues. I described her earlier as a trail blazer. Because she is. Professor, scholar, mentor, a fearings Community Leader. Doctor parent has had a remarkable career. She was the first professor in American Indian studies at San Francisco State University in district 7 and also was the first native american to be on the Editorial Board of the Harvard Educational review the first list lapse native woman to earn a phd the first to obtain tenure as a professor. Doctor parent earned masters in Education Administration for harvard in a year and moved to pursue masters in phd at stan ford. While at stan ford she was a native lectorurast university of california berkeley and then in American Indian studies for college of ethnic studies at San Francisco state offered an assistant professorship became the Department Share hosted reality broadcasting show on education native issues. Womens issues and a monthly radio show on Pasadena City College no one as the treaty lady. Among her many other accolades San Francisco state recognized her tireless work on behalf indigenous communities and mentorship of hundreds of Indigenous Students establish am of the bet parent Achievement Award provides Financial Support to exceptional students making steroids in academic process to service American Indian community. Commitment to community is limitless an active lead in American Indian community of San Francisco serving on aicd Elder Committee with black pointiardrd guarden president newest park that connects San Francisco the golden gate recreational area. Thank you, doctor betsy pinch for leading with commitment to the native American Community and the next generation for your on going contributions. Thank you. It it is my pleasure to be work and live in the bay area for a major of my life at this point. I of always believed in Public Education. The right to have an education to be able to function at the highest level this one can. But i found Public Education to be smut wanting. I had 19 graduate units at the University List lapse nobody would put them in i masters. And then harvard started an inian program i got a masters in a year. Since it to being me 18 years. When i got to San Francisco bay area, i done get funding at stan ford because i of over 25 when i entered. And. So i ended up teaching at beshg low for 3 years. I was met boy a student came to mote me at upon berkeley and said we are looking for indian we can tenure without looking at the Salary Schedule i volunteered. It had its moments i must say. I found that the people who occupied the island the people who had lived the history of the relocation it all came to a world attention i funds out this last week thattal it was ignored by u. S. Press until the interinitial press shame third degree in this. This is incredible. I find the bay area to be a very interesting place to be a normal person. I think this is really i just love being able to write a curriculum this reflected my life and the Life Experience of people i knew. It hen my pleasure to be come in this bell and find people my students. It is blows my mind when that happens. But i believe that education is the purview and the right and the power of everyone. And i welcome everybodys support that made it this way. When mary jean talks about the adoption of her child, i would have been that child except my father had 5 mean sisters. Who kept mow in. Indian people talk about adopted out children who dont know who they are where than i came from or who their people are. I always knew who i was if i didnt my aunties would tell mow in many interesting ways. So thank you for this honor. It it is a nice sum up of w i have been doing however i dont plan to stop at this upon point. The curriculum they developed in San Francisco state is going to be put online for women prisoners. [applause]. Congratulations again doctor parent. [applause]. Thank you supervisor melgar. Supervisor peskin. Thank you supervisor ronen and ms. Susa for organizing today. And allowing me to participate. About 32 or 3 years ago after i worked at trust Republic Land i received a phone call from the chair of the pyramid lake troib 250 miles from here. That lead to what has been a large part of my life in the next 32 years. There are many stores one story of that nation is that reservation was squatted on by nonindians and the tribes spent the better part of 100 years trying to get the lands back and interesting connection to San Francisco because some of the families that squatted on those lands not only came through San Francisco but still have fell that live in San Francisco and have cousins and when have you there and some of those people are still here there sill restaurant at the whar and reminds me they buckarooed in wads worth. One thing lead to another and i went to the tribal headquarters in nixon, nevada and met the tribal leadership and met a gentlemen we were in our 20s. Who were has been now played a phenomenonal leadership role at pyramid lake it is a remarkable. Spot a lake 33 miles long surrounded boy 2 mountain ranges. 3 towns within the nation. That is when i met mervyn write served rebeated low chairman and a counsel member and as the head of their Environmental Department today and as the head of their department of fisheries. Which is sacred to the tribe that has brought the cut threat trout and fish back from the brink of extinction. The lake has come back in many ways the water that the tribe and the land that the tribe acquired and i had the honor of working with them and for them for the last. 32 year has been a Success Story as the trout have recovered. Mervyn and i have become good friends long the way and at this first meeting of honoring native peoples i thought it fitting to honor mervyn write of nixon nevada if you are on the floor is yours, my friends. [applause]. Thank you. I will take that as a yes. I want to thank you and interesting thing hareligions when i met aaron in 1992 i done like him. And but you know the religions that the relationship grew into one of understanding. And you know [inaudible] the [inaudible] of course the a lot of the homes alcoholism, drugs, abuse and neglect, you name it. [inaudible] not an easy thing to have to experience but some of us this should to and [inaudible] told a story a couple weeks ago i was honored by the Environmental Protection agent in region 9 [inaudible] honoreded the [inaudible] [difficult to understand echo] and i started drinking when i was 12 years sxoeld quit when i was 24 and [inaudible] um and im happy to talk about sobriety for that long but life is not easy. And being sober brings things to light to the point of knowing you deal with problems in a [inaudible] our environment in our water appreciated help aaron put forth on behalf of our troib to require water rights and secure and get a lot of our landses transferred back to the reservation. It tendses to be now that represent our fishery i usually open the statements and comments and things [inaudible] in the [inaudible] human beings. And you know. [applause] thank you, mervyn. Thank you supervisor peskin and congratulations again mervyn this concludes our 2 30 special commendation. Thank you to supervisor ronen for make sure we connect third degree first American Indian heritage Month Celebration and congratulationses to all of them thank you. To do for your community and all of us here. Alof us here. To all thank you. To do for your community and to all of them thank you. To do for your community and alof us here. I want to say you electric amazing with candy around your neck. And at any point i trade you a 3 musktear for a sniker. Want to thank our Pacific Island are community for prosecute voiding us with this because of lai with candy. Lets go to item 18. Item 18 resolution to reflect the intent of the board of sproirzs to establish a Pacific Island are cultural district to commemorate historical cites preserve existing paces and plan for thriving and vibrant communities to celebrate Pacific Island are culture in visitation and sunnydale neighborhoods. Would you call the roll on item 18. Supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor chan. Aye. Supervisor dorsey. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye and add mow as a cosponsor. Noted. Supervisor melgar. Aye. And supervisor peskin. Aye supervisor preston. Aye. And supervisor ronen. Aye. [applause]. [crowd noise] [applause] thank you, thank you so much clothes and thank you so much to the community. And remember we have legislation this we are gota push through this is most personal evercurrently an amazing mile stone thank you for support thanksgiving. In dam clerk call our 3 p. M. Special order item 23. Yes. Item 23 the board of supervisors approved a motion to convocabulary a committee of the whole this motion was approved on october 18th of 2022. To hold a public hearing on the 2022 update to the draft Housing Element including goals and policy and actions and request the Planning Department to report. Thank you so much madam clerk. Clothes we have before us a committee of whole on the draft Housing Element 2022 update. Supervisor mar do you have opening remarks. Yes, thank you. Clothes i expect this to be a long hearing i will keep my remarks brief. I called for this long with supervisors megovern and stefani because i think it is critical for us to engage on the Housing Element update before this board is asked to vote it it up or down in january. I want to commend the Planning Department staff for work thus for in meeting the mandate of houseings needs allocation and im sure we have questions and comments about the different parts of the Housing Leadership i think we all share the goal of ensuring we adopt a compliant Housing Element. Not only to prevent the loss of million in Affordable Housing dollars or local control but because having a compliant leadership will mean we have the start of a real achievable plan to meet Housing Needs of our city and thats a necessary goal on his own merit. President im optimistic we will rise to the occasion. Working cross political differences and disagreements. This is a moment for us to come together as a city. We cant nibble around the edges of our housing crisis we need to think big and be poled bold the failure of prop d and e shows we cant meet the scale by fighting each other. And i hope we reach consensus through this element on a real plan to move forward. And that means saying yes to tool and strategies including changing zoning stream lining approvals. Expanding Affordable Housing fund and trying out new models. The models we have the policies and tools we tried have not met scale of the crisis i hope we take a yes prop to do it today we are hear from planning staff as well as brief comments from the counsel of Community Housing occasions and Planning Coalition. Thank you. Why thank you and at this time i want to invite former supervisor john alpha~ after lose the executive director of chew chew to present and the cofounder of people power media for the race and equity and he Planning Coalition. Mr. Avalos. Good afternoon supervisors. With the counsels of Community Housing organizations we consist of 21 Housing Organizations dealt dedicated to production, preservation and protection of Affordable Housing for working class black approximate indigenous working class people in San Francisco. Housing element am provides an opportunity to tackle affordable cries crisis. We north appropriated inclusionary housing as the Housing Element currently does we will fall short of our goals we will need an action plan for Affordable Housing with collaborative leadership at all levels of government in partnership with community housers. The steal need to dedicate resources to build the 46,000 units of Affordable Housing. And to avoted falling behind the city must start the next cycle with i massive early public upon investment. The city must recreate the Affordable Housing production. This will require building and strengthning Public Institutions not just toward meeting goals but e eliminating housing insecurity all together. Think about within00 years ago the puc established e lim nit water inskwurt when about a department for housing insecurity. Need to raise revenues to scale up and make funding predictable year over year. Sf need to set aside land for affordable how doing creating a lands Banking Program that reserves land for 100 affordable development. We need to ino have a new models for Housing Production and preservation. We have an incredible system in San Francisco with strong partnerships with nonprofits and organizations there is much to build upon. Approximate we will need to build capacity in the Community Within existing Nonprofit Developers and new Community Developers it build sustainable People Center happened organizations to scale. To meet our Affordable Housing goals the persian of the city budget for Affordable Housing goals will have to grow. This will require federal and state roej nal and especially local victims to prime the pump. The fiscal year 2023 24 budget be critical to setting San Francisco on the right path the city and board of supervisors can take action to ensure that San Francisco will make these early commitments at this primary teenage of the budget process start nothing december with mayor and department the departments february draft budget subhimself in missions and the adoption of the city budget in july. In a parallel process the board can direct planning to start the stake holder press out lined in the Housing Element as soon as possible and move to inform this years budget press. The 40 of wing class communities and will right to the stele is all of our hands. Looks forward to working with you and the citys future. I will turn it over to diane ruiz from the planning thanks, john apologies for technical difficulties with the slides. But im diane ruiz with race and equity and Planning Coalition. Organizations Bring Community plans for decadeless focused on racial, social and Economic Equity. Compiled the plan in the first peoples plan for equity competence land use including a set of action item for thes Housing Element. Communities enough must have a voice in the decisions that affect them. Civic participation is a fundsamential part of our democracy and communities determination. The conversation around stream lining has been all about removing public input so the city can shorten the press for approvals but it it is not an either or we can do both. New york city provides a model. All developments in rezoning go through a uniform land use review property. Key elements are every step and approval process is time limited. Over all process takes sick months. Community input happens at the beginning. A network of board convene meetings with the public and developer result nothing i all rightef recommendification it planning. Sudden front already as everhas a Similar Press for the Bernal Heights Design Review board for are special use district. Any plan that centers on racial and social equity must retain public input. We can do this and mutual projects through the entitlement process quickly. We are recommending the board and instruct planning retaining public input is i priority. While also resunrising the approval process to have a shorter predictable time line. It is important to protect tenants from disaccomplice am. Without the protections the Housing Element will cause more widespread displacement than redevelopment did. This is for households with low income and communities of color. This is because of the demolitions of the rezoning stream lining and other developer incentives. The proposal from planning to skip public hearings for demolitions will encourage land lords to get rid of tenants. Protection for tents will be described [inaudible] we recommend tht board instruct plan to protect attentive tenants. The sum row of revisioning to the Housing Element begin the stake hold are press for affordable resources soon as possible. Make recommendations for the 2023sf and state budget processes. Make retaining Community Input a priority updating and expediting the approval process. Protect 10ents from displacement from demolition. Requested board pass a resolution advise plan to make irrelevant visions i just out lined it is critical the board make them quickly so planning can work close we with hcd to incorporate the changes and in the delay the approval of the Housing Leadership. There are other details we look forward to working with planning and board on including millionaire recommendations from the city wide peoples plan. But it sift essential the revisions are made nouchl thank you and we are available for questions. Thank you so much and i dont see questions at this point i will go ahead and call up the team from planning and director hill us . I see you are here. Thank you for a luing mow to be here and the presentations we have been working in advance of the hearing you know im from planning and director of communal equity competence mia smallan in real rogers. James and from ocd we have director shaw and sheila as well as folks on the web ex. Thank you, we are here to provide an over vouft 22 update to the Housing Element and get your and the publics input we hope to get the Planning Commission and your approval on the Housing Element by january 31st we are looking for your input today and recognize that date shifted out result of interpretations by hcd and our time line we thank you for wing with us on this date. Red debts provided a vision Affordable Housing builders. Housing advocates. Developers and planners. City agency and community and city leaders add sunriseod how to achieve the Housing Elements vision. The plan is the result of thousands of hours and hundreds of people driving to find Common Ground in i path forward for our housing challenges. Doing this work during pandemic and the economic crisis had challenges especially regarding out reach. Our team did a tremendous amount of work to bridge that and it came with benefits focused on how the living situations for for sxhaen brought more to the table to collaborate. Made us reexamine the core values of the housing plan should be. We started with 4 key ideas. One, center the advancement of racial and social esq. Wit in the plan. And make this a plan that corrects past injustices. Commitment to e eliminating disaccomplice am. Housing affordable to people in all income levels. And prosecute void the infrastructure needed for healthy neighborhoods and resilient communities. How is this different from past Housing Leaderships . We believe a new frame w and cool i urge to you look at past Housing Elements the will draft element has a bold point of view driven by Community Voices we treat housingace a right. End homelessness not just mitt fwit it. Aim to stop Community Displacement not step it. Address the harms of past gament inactions and only new housing upon opportunity. Of this required us it rethink how we seat city n. Housing leadership we used mapsor job fees we will review. First priority equity geographies. Measure which was developed by our Health Department in gets updated boy our Health Department regularly the highest const. Tricians of people in need of quality housing and higher cans tragzs of people of color, seniors, youth, people with disabilities linguistically isolated households and poverty and unemployed. You see in the urban dismrasment map there is in the gent ritted by uc beshg low the equity geography over laps with blue and purple your neighborhoods where we are seeing the highest rates of displacement and gentification than i are in blue and purple. We are working with the map gent ritted bit state defined well resources neighborhoodses that lead to better out come. We are prioritizing future housing opportunity and rezoning actions in these neighborhoodses encouraged by state to further fair housing. These are dwlars areas that discluded people of color the map on the right is red lining map prowsed boy a federal agency in the 50s to evaluate lefthand laneding risks. Red and yellow were riskier more difficult to get lone and insurance then and there in blue and green the latter took the current well resourced neighborhoods. You see that were we propose specific actions related cultural districts on this next map. Where we are winnings examples. Community lead planning for resident this is have historically been at best ignore in the plan and the target of harmful policies and practices. This plan is all different buzz it calls on the city to support Community Lead planning that is happening. We need to support fillmore the tenderloin, bayview, mission, excelsior jeopardy an town to ensure Housing Systems are accountable to them in 2020 our commission issued a resolution apologizing for history of inequity planning policies. Acting on this commitment our engagement focus on reaching communities of color and most vulnerable to housing insecurity woochlty heard from the people to safe housing they want housing and want resources resdrnlted priorize the most vulnerable and people that have been harmed by past government actions. They want to see Housing Access increase promoting wealth building such as homeownership. People to see housing distributed more equal low. Some are passionate about stays newscast neighborhood they grew up in or Found Community in they want to see resources invest in the improving lives there othersment the freedom to find housing anywhere so they move to areas this is the kwultless they want. With this over view i will turn it over to feel mayorium our director of Community Equity for details on when the draft plan asks us all to do. Thank you. President walton, supervisors. Good afternoon. I would like to provide you a few highlights of the plan. The plan that has is driven by the 5 goals constructed based on Community Input and includes more than 300 actions. And it is a complex plan reflects complexity of the challenge. You see on the slide the goals and actions boy our Community Engagement and out reach. It also relies on assess am of the environment. Huto address housing taking in, counts our environment. There are 3 basic dimensions. Who has been served. How are we producing housing and where and what type . There is a special assess am when are the needs with a focus on equity. Facing addressing the Housing Needs. How is it working now . We know we have i complex press and can do better we have a detailed assessment of what we are dog now and specific proposals that can address a more efficient way to address our commune needs. Dp third, we have identified what kinds of space we have for housing. And what do we need in the future in order to meet our goals . First and foremost, our task again based on the planning that directors provided is to get people housed and keep people housed. We in San Francisco should not have people on the streets the policies and actions range from expanding services for novembergation. Financial counseling am all the way to increasing more efficient place inspect permanent Supportive Housing and expanding rental assistance. Anda you see in the slide, the communicates that have been most impacted by housing burden are over crowding and homelessness is the black and American Indian community we will heard from communities this house suggest in the just a building. Housing means homes that are connected to the communities. So the housing plan needs to address the wealth of the community the cultural resources, the service this is each community is asking and deserving. Meant policies and our plan is anchored in the cultural district in other communities strategies to again address Economic Opportunity to address commune benefit use programs and to invest in cultural anchors. And you can see that some of this communities have been at risk of displacement upon when we address the stability is not just rent but it is also services and businesses. And the black and well tino communities the most exposed displacement. Our challenge today is addressing the problems of day butt problem of yesterday. We start from an American Indian community when they went through and the Government Policies and the gentleman regulations that created harm for those communities. So this plan is proposing to address the harm and further fair house thanksgiving is a commitment for sudden fran but it is also at task the state has prioritized. When we look at population change, in the last 2 decades you can see this we have seen increase in many communities. But not in the American Indian and black community we have seen a decline we are propotion program this is assist not just in Affordable Housing. They ulcment access to homeownership. Want access to wealth building and they want top we want to prioritize low income american indz yen and black and others for housing serves and prioritize the investment in priority geographies that the director just mentioned. Now, how much housing . Do we need . We got approximate have shared with you that the state has increased when we call the regional Housing Needs allocation the responsibility for each city inform our case the goal the housing goal we need to reach is 3 times when we had in the prior cycle when we are showing what you we produced in the past cycle verse when you haves we need to pleasure in the new cycle. You see the orange embarrass much higher than what we have produced. You can see that for the moderate Income Housing we got beyond half of what we needed to produce. We need to produce. But for the low and low income and moderate income we need to increase that 4 times if a production of housing we need to increase 4 times to meet our goal this is is an annual average. Now, in terms of. How we assess the existing capacity, we do have space in our city. We have zone for housing. When we look when we need to accommodate 82,000 units that is the goal. Plus 15 buffer this the state is recommending it it is a substantial number 46,000 need to be if affordable. When we look at the pipeline and look at our existing zoning and our proposed projects; we can accommodate 60,000 units. We are short about am 35,000 units that we need to zone for. When we look at where the capacity is, you can see the jog de feo the dark blue is where we could build housing today. So in order to address our equity goals and also the vision and the type of housingor communities are asking, close to transit. Small and mid rise. We are proposing that we consider rezoning in the high Opportunity Areas the well resourced neighborhoods. And the orange and the yellow indicates the housing this could be considered long the corridors. The blue includes the small multifamily housing. And these are examples the plan provides guidance rezoning the start witness we initiate the implementation process. It it is in the just space in terms of the delivering the housing we need. We need to address the constraints we have in the city. And many of the constraints have to do with funding we need funding for Affordable Housing. We need to bring more certainty it the process so Affordable Housing developers are for Profit Developers have a clear picture whf they need to deliver and how they need to deliver and those presses need to be informed by Community Upon plans and at this point, our constraints are very high for very small and multifamily housing so this plan proposes ways to address that. And let me say one more thing with Affordable Housing sites and funding to stress the need to expand our position to meet our targets. We need to identify lands that is a sufficient for affordable goals. Identify what public cites and partnership. Housing is about construction and the industry and the Development Press and our partnerships with mounts to figure out when are the specific Housing Needs that we need to address. In terms of addressing funding. It is upon our local leadership to convene and identify what else we do locally but most importantly the state level and federal level. We have increased our budget and ask ourselves but address the scale we have to bring state and federal resources. Those are some highlights of the 1500 pages you have received last thursday and we wanted to energy the co components. This is the schedule of where we are going now. So, on thursday, we will be initiating the adoption of the Housing Element and doopth the eir at Planning Commission. We are hoping for letter but we have room to accommodate. The goal to adopt the Housing Element at Planning Commission on december 15th and work with you in january to get through the final adoption signature and completion of the Housing Element. In closing, supervisors, this housing. Is not new challenge to San Francisco the severity of the problem the scale of the pain. The impact on our low Income Community and communities of material is most severe. Weave of course supervisor mar indicated the beginning we have city leadership and Community Leadership and industry leadership and we hope this we take this opportunity to address house being challenges this we have not addressed in the pedestrian and we bring to our communities decent housing and bring our communities stability they deserve. Thank you. We appreciate your comments or questions. Thank you and want to thank mr. Avalos and diane and director hill us and the team from planning i see supervisor mar on the roster. And am the planning staff for your work on the Housing Element update and your presentation. I did have questions direct today the planning director, can you talk about the enengagement regarding compliance. I know you indicated that you are home to get a precertification or precompliance letter before december felonith. Talk about the key issue remaining in the conversations and also talk about your confidence in that the dpraft Housing Element that is the concern version will be compliant. Sure. Thank you for question. Hard to predict. They rejected many Housing Leaderships. Including los angeles. They gave us specific comments on our first deteriorate we responded to men of them. We near contact with hcd expecting comments from them by december first the thrust was around one, how much we participating how many units we anticipated from the pipe line. They thank you we were optimistic than i thought we were not going far enough on reducing governmental restraints andmented see us put in more measurable actions for our fair housingmented us to be accountable and not broad actions on those policies but have measurable out come to further fair housing expecting additional comments from them by december first. On that i had a question about the stroll lining discussions that are having with hcd and compliance. And actually and connecting it become at this time rep and they were recommending will a stream lined process this where there is predictability in a shorter time frame for permits to be issued. Including robust input and using new york as a model. Is this something you looked at and whether you think this would yea. Think than i would view that. We have not locked at the model they presented we could look at over the next week. Certainly than iment time certainty. So the new york city model gets us there we will look at this. The questions are who makes the decision when people disagree. Adjudicated the plan and board. We can look at that what they are looking for and you have seen state law that pushed us on process. They are looking for i think they amounted are bust engagement and process around rezoning. Once the rules are set than i want to see certainties to that process. And objective standards and design standards. One of the issues that came up around tenant displacement and i thank you is something i wanted address it was a question this come thumb we have policies i served on the commission as director for 8 years and rarely did we authorize a demolition of rent control housing unless you have a placement and agreement to down the street. The conserve torrey of music is one example. They were prosecute posing in the Housing Element follow that. There are enough cites gas stations the autocites Single Family not subject to rent control or smaller nonrent controlled buildings that could get us to the goals we have. There are policies in the element that steer away from existing housing and rent controlled housing. The on going compliant discussions focus on the requirement that our Housing Element furthers fair housing i had i question about this in relation to the resourced neighborhoods and noticed the Housing Element is planning the new housing created through rezoning in neighborhoods that could create a balance in the past cycle and what are we doing to ensure that the new housing being planned for and neighborhoods are fordable to low moderate insome households. Iel. A couple things one a goal to produce the afford annual housing we produced through the plan. This hen a debate where should not Affordable Housing be located. The state was funding some funding upon or preferencing high resourced neighborhoods. Ip wanted to clarify we are not upon and the 80,000 units to be built in the west side. We are rezone to get a level playing feld. Rezoning dont have artist limit in controls that fill fore more does in the have. Or have 11sia dont have or partings of Mission Street dont have. We participate development because of the existing zoning on the east side of the city. Through existing projects and new low entitled projects the state laws passed actually like a b 2011 tend to preference those neighborhoodless. We are going to continue to see i think the Uneven Development of housing on the eastern side of the city a lot of when we are doing in the Housing Element is trying to balance that and move that development to the western side of the city in what the state deems to be high resource neighborhoods. Thank you. One of the refrains when we discuss house suggest transit oriented makes sense it plan to build housing where we have existing transit exclusive to have Sustainable Transportation and one of the most pressing crisis the city face now the future of downtown. I know supervisor chan has a bla report on this subject and i commissioned aid report looking at the viability of converting Pipeline Projects to residential. It seems to me to make a deal of sense to see how we can match an over spright of offices now with under supply of housing and downtown we as well more infrastructure than anywhere and nothing in the Housing Element with about adapted resues of existing commercial belling or commercial buildingsmented to just ask you why is tht can is . I think we added an action in revisions to the Housing Element that says look at opportunity downtown. In you know understand when the constrain in limits are to converting existing vacant or under utilized building torrential use. Since the doing offer downtown plan in 1985, we allowed for residential downtown and downtown moved to the south transbay and mission bay rincon hill we put our finger on the scale to encourage more house to be build in those Neighborhoods Office was preferred was more economically financially viable. For experience. It is something we are looking at the zoning is there there are other levers that you could pull if you like or recommend to jump start and get those projects locked at. I will tell you to date no project owner or experience including those this entitled on whiches projects come and said we are interested in converting existing building on housing there is uncertainty how the there about the future of office. Thank you. Thank you president walton. Thank you, supervisor melgar. President walon and thank you supervisor mar for calling the hear and thank you for planning staff for wing with me and arounding my questions and incorporating the suggestions i had to district 7 and listen to the community and so responsive mirrium for the being in tune what people were saying and incorporate nothing a real way. With all of that said and the thank yous i dont think we are bold enough. And in several different categories i wanted to ask you about specific things. Before anybody collaborate its guess both ways. My i am looking at it the district 7 supervisor. And district 7 seen no new development of housing for i very long time. Either affordablor market rate housing. I think this we desperately need both the balboa reservoir will break ground next year took us 30 years to ilths 92 it due to the good work of my predecessor supervisor yee and the former mayor lee that we got to the point where 1780 acres of the asphalt could be thousand ans units of housingir heard from folks seniors who have 4 bathroom Single Family homes they could not move they had low tax base if than i want to stay in the community they love there is no accomplice to go. There are few department in district 7 where folks can go. Im sort of interested in when we are doing to add to the capacity. One thing i did in the see in the plan and i heard from mr. Avalos we rely on Affordable Housing to build housing there is in the a member who is active in district 7. I was a director of the Mission Leadership agency when we got the grant. It took 6 Million Dollars of federal machine tow hire the capacity to start that activity. When are we going to do to have this capacity . In San Francisco. If i dont are talking about Affordable Housing half being affordable and we are not going to rely on Inclusionary Zoning to make that happen, what are weave fwk it do to build that in our Nonprofit Sector that is my first question. Secondly, not just funding it come throughout Mayors Office of housing but they w thered is small. And it is under the Mayors Office. Where as i look at new york and the new york model that has a department of Housing Preservation and development. Thank you mr. Joan for talking mow through at this time other day. You know i saw the things we can thank in the Planning Department in terms of entitle am in the pipeline of units we have already it it is not just entitlement that keeps the projects from moving forward it is our other cyst are brother departments. Fire, it it is dbi a lot of the other departments and wander how we can be real about it in moving projects through the entirety affordable project this is need to move forward. And lastly, i want to talk about the project this is we have this have already been entitled and noted moving forward. I know that our pack is meeting now and talking about you know our current market i want to talk about the various regular burdens we have with not just inclusionary but fire and building and all of the other things that you know have projects not moving forward even though they have been entitled and got throughout battle the other thing i wanted ask you about is that you know i like the way that you nought through High Community areas and red lined in the past. When i sat on planning with you was committed to the preservation of communities the mission, choina town, communities this make update rich februaryric of our city. I just from the get go the way this we do it is not the only way we can do t. To preserve the mission in china town. Wont dont have to give the statement to the mirna. I think this we can brick away from this and make a commitment to communities real and have rules that apply to those that they have to apply to and not to everyone. Ping that the map is a good story but like to have the xhirment we make be real. And this we move forward in the 2 spirit of equity building the housing we need for preponder commission for our children. Because a lot of our housing that we are here debating weather whether or not is not energy fortunate. People dont want to live with tiny kitchens and there are reasons why we have Single Family homes all over district 7 that are empty because they are not lo tax base and no incentives to do anything for it. Im looking forward to this conversation and thank you for your work and answer a couple of my questions i appreciate it. If we should all ask and legality the starch answer or wait we continue in the sip way. Answer your questions. Thank you. Pay i turn haon for you . Thank you. In addressing your questions. To the the your first point about how we will get afford annual housing we have some basic strategies but need more capacity and more capacity and in the community to be able to artic lit and define the Housing Development options. We need more capacity in terms of ford annual housing when we are hearing is we need to broaden that who can produce it should have access to those resources and the ability to produce that. We have revise some of those policies and action its make sure we are covering your specific recommendation. We have been working with other City Departments. Working with ocd and dbi. Department of building inspection. Public works. But we will revisit to see if we are going far enough in terms of when the project is entitled the actual construction can get delayed the prushth of the other permits miin the number place or might not be in accomplice. In terms of the perspective of preserving neighborhood, thank you for making the distinction we worked hard with communities to understand the history andtivity this is require recognition we have been piss thanksgiving need that space what are the cultural anchors. What are the spaces of opportunity. And how can we accommodate the mall and medium size housing that district 7 and other districts have the capacity to absorb given the services and the infrastructure that you have. I dont know if you want to say anything. Quickly, thank you, we agree with met and can bolster the actions especially you mentioned post entitlement and issues around other agencies post entitle am. Da projects that may need some assistance we have a recommendation or an action item in there to look at funding for infrastructure and Public Infrastructure that help with the da your point is well taken on issues. You mentioned before and heard this we have to be bold on commitment to affordable how doing we heard about it. We will certainly take that and put in additional actions like Capacity Building if it is in the in there. There is reference to it in accomplices. To make that clear. We have to think different low and bold. We am make change in those areas. Triers eversupervisor preston thank you president walton and thank you sproo arias mar for calling for this it is important for planning staff to hear from the board as this is moving forward. Appreciate you creeing the space and thank the rep and the others for their advocacy and work. I think my concern is think bold and i document this force us to be bold. Those are upon different and seen the slides and 150 market housing rate goals. Very widely ignored and important report and thank you supervisor mar. 7 of Union Workers in San Francisco can afford market rate house nothing San Francisco. I think without edtory yellizing much it is not an opinion it is a fact the private market only builds for the wealthiest and does in the build for working people and the poor. We have to stop denying that. That should not be a point of dispute i welcome the 46,000 below market and we lump them together. I dont think this is inconsistent with when advocates pushing for we have to scale up to meet the crisis and but i just i have questions on like what happens what what happens if we dont need the Affordable Housing goalless. Say sitting here 8 years out and 150 of market rate and 50 of Affordable Housing goals what is the consequence of that. I think decertify housing. Right. To be frank they are focus has been on the broad are number and focused on getting to the affordable numbers you referenced. This document focuses more on this than others do. You and your colleagues on the board focus more on that than other jurisdictions do you see it in the numbers and the units we produced compared to other jurisdictions. We dont hit our goals. We do better than other jurisdictions. I think you as policy makers have a place to shape zoning and funding for Affordable Housing we tried to point the way to certain whether regional and the tax measure occurred the state we referenced prospect 13 and take away prop 13 controls for commercial property. The feds need to be a partner in this if we come near to achieving the goals. It is a huge challenge. This is an ofrgz i have another question. I think this it document reflects an impress itch, ray of fordable strategies of antidisplacement w and the alternative models and coops this is for those who have not read it it it is a great read when you put together around how we if we have the political will in sacramento and the federal government and locally, how we could actually crovied housing it is against the back drop where it does in the seem like anyone that serious about reaching those goalless. I think that i think we are on a path if we dont do dramatic to fail again on that. And i wonder you sketched out the strategies can this document be a strong are mandate or make it clearer that this board of supervisors the mayor need to rise and what im concern busy is so afternoon we talk about state and federal funding wont dont control this is an excuse. We said we argued about appropriations for Affordable Housing. And too much to spends on this is a key opportunity to for the planning professionals the ford annual housing professionals to tell people in city hall to grow xup get over their differences and use every last dollar we can or we will fail to meet the goalless. And no surprise, prop i. When i read this document at one part on page 8 of this Housing Element, it talks about identified prop i as anning Affordable Housing Funding Source when you go to page 53 and 90 and look at the actual identified Funding Source its is nowhere to be seen temperature is no mystery to anyone this board said we want to fulfill our Affordable Housing obligations by using 1 sfik Million Dollars a year of prospect i ref now for Affordable House and have to have a fight every year on that. My question is why is prop eye temperature is in the a special tax that is required if we are trying to satisfy the goals of Affordable Housing why does this document not just say recommend it or say that this is unrestricted money used and the board has said, should be used for Affordable Housing why is this not in there and can we amend it . K you can request this we did not put it in it is general tax. We put allocation of general fund dollars and recognize am the need increase that. But if you like us to call out prop i as one of those sources, i think in challenge of us to do this. We do it with other state machine thecame in that the board says use this for you know money the board says use this for housing that is in the report. I mean the reality we all know the prop i funding has been controversial with the branches of government we spend a lot of time fighting over our 64 Million Dollars allocation for acquisitions, land trust, the budget. Come up with the cops to get around this impass. Like you all can solve that impass. Or not. By dictating to reach this goal we have to use this money for affordable how doing. The mayor challenged the board to continue in what it said around the funds and no guarantee that holds forever. This is the accomplice where you can irrelevant drive policy on. If you dont if we cant agree that 176 Million Dollars coming in with the voters new for affordable the board of supervisors say system. If we are not willing to say that is for Affordable Housing, like we are there is in way we are producing 46,000 units we should accept, not accept it but i will leave it on that issue. I want to of the say this it is related one thing that pushing for city hall to do is a serious transgender about acquisitions the discussion the last in the foreclosure crisis. Commune said the same. Priceers dropping buy it up. May seem expensive today whether you can build it, Land Bank Buy it. They have been screaming tells us the housing stability over site board recommended this and again. Weave have to fight for each i noticed in the element when you tuck about each of the programs under acquisitions says the program it is not applicable there is no program this our city. We do and all have this talk to hsh and talk about ocd. We got the opportunity to have one with the project home key and the state and federal money but i guess that is another request and to be explicit one thing to state the strategy. It is another to sound an alarm you have the structure as a city structure things different low. We need a formal, real robust Acquisitions Program and need it like yesterday or a decade ago temperature is just frustrating the advocates telling this to us for years. That is not on plan to create this but there is an opportunity. I think witharc way suspicion with the market relatively low now and huge opportunity. I dont know if you there are ways you think there are ways to strengthen this in the house. Acquisition of existing the small siteace program and through that acquisition of vacant land, like you are doing with an existing project in land dedication and buildings under construction, so there are noilthed projects like 400. There are yours called out in there we is do that. Yea and i think it it is not just calling them out it is calling for a stj to be jumped up. We will not get to pricks,000 if they are one off. Beyond acquisition and funding and building. Small scale housing we agree. That was not coni haved that the message we wanted to convey. And a few things i wanted energies. I the dmv site a po serb great site to do Affordable Housing and hoping the state will work with us on that. Second is to take exception to of the presentation of plaza east and i dont think it is inaccurate the draft states what the proposal is. I think there needs to be something in there the board is w with residents around potential 100 affordable and rebuild of the lost Public Housing from the firefighter everfirst time redeveloped 20 years ago now as if it it is a begin that there will be 270 market rate housing replacement of public husbanding will in the include the additional 76 units sdried and never replaced. And then 2ful other things i want to say this is note instead conversation of affordable restrictions one thing this is in the clear how many are going to be preserved. That does in the show when how this comper seed to the over all expiring university. Is this Housing Leadership stating as i hope it does, the city has a commitment to 100 preservation of the expiring subsidized and the expiring foobl affordability restrictions. Or not. And then finally and feel fro to address anymore my office is received i know have received letters from jeopardy an town expressing concerns about the propose the up zoning and the level of Community Involved and so this is one where if i could explain for the public who out reach done and when process would occur. Somewhere mineized in the Housing Element which is in the the case. What would have to occur before rezoning would go in affect. We are looking forward it working with them on their plans and priorities. For the future of japantown thats not part of a proposed rezoning as the actions say we work with them to develop a plan for that district. Thanks and on that the point i raised on preservations are the numbers there and assumption that everything where there is an expiring use we will figure out how to preserve as a city or some smaller percentage of the over all expiring uses over the next 8 years . We did atomb 50 , unites need assistance but all development in need of renegotiation or incentives and assistance to remain affordability would receive that 100 not every development will necessarily will need preservation activity within the performed 50 of at risk units would receive need assistance to stay affordable. Not an assumption if you want that. It would be great dp to the extent i dont know if we are guessing i know Housing Rights Committee locked at what is coming up in the approximate years this would be expiring. I think that has to be a top priority to have this commitment otherwise we are taking steps back on fordable that is the most Cost Effective thank you firefighter time and i want to thank the director you and your team for all of your work meeting with our office and providing opportunity for inif you from the sprierdzs and hopefully from the community throughout this process. Thank you. You note this there was a vacancy tax called out as an action item we will put that on the done list. Thank you. We appreciate your enthusiasm if we could keep our happiness so we move forward with the hearing. Supervisor dorsey . Thank you i want to compliment you there is a lot that i appreciate about your department and the work you have done the last 6 mont its get me educateod this process i watch today from afire the fifth cycle Housing Element. I was aware television when it was going on, having the opportunity to dig in deeply is something i appreciated and i expect we will be inspect more in the years to come. Im impressed by this document the degree to which it endeavoured right the wrongs of generations past and identifying areas of opportunity to not identify but remedy the racial inequities. Of homeownership and inner gent riggal wealth dog the things worthyy of sudden front valueless. Temperature is understanding there would be scientist approximate federal funding opportunity for very low income and the below 50 of ami and low income 50 to 80 of ami even though there is a target of 13, 717 unists of housing in moderate income category there is no sort of approximate apparent source for this. So im asking, when to thes do we have yndz what upon has been discussed to generate the dollars needed to hit these bmr goals. You have identified the area that most complicated to address we have a combination of market rate this some can qualify like adus qualified modern income the affordable dollars are targeted for low income when we include strategies and design, what can we stroll line the design of housing profito prototypes and the Regional Fund thereupon is a substantial understanding at the regional level that is spectrum we need to address. The end of the day we dont middle middle Income Housing but they will occupy the housing this could go to other sectors of our population a comination strategy there is is no clear target funding the way we have it for other groups. It is that will be part of again the design and entitlement process and the working with the industry. I want to ask if i invite you to put yourgsz everyourself in the shoes of hcd for a mobile home. We are one of 491 jurisdictions that will be submitting Housing Elementless to the state. And the state i dont know if related department or Different Department am make decisions about who gets fund exclude when doesnt of the this is limited resource at the state level. Is there competitive advantage San Francisco would eni didnt if we were top do a better job than others not just in Housing Element but in the dem strited commitment we would make on moving forward and boldly and fulfill our promise removing constranlt and rezoning the city. Would this acrew to was favorable low to the city of San Francisco and how we would be looked at for you state funding. For sure. There are some reporter s we have to fulfill. In order to get an adopted Housing Element and certified Housing Element that includes the rezoning and includes analysis and the removal of government constraints. But there are gray areas the 50 buffer in identifying the site system a plus that will give us prior and accessing Affordable Housing dollars. Soda we are removing the requirements hcd credited for all our jurisdictions and we are also addressing some of the extra efforts they put at the tibl to be better positions to access some funding. And i think just foiblely i like it if you could help mow walk through nightmare scenario if we dont do right by the state dp lose fund for example transit and Affordable Housing. Im interested in how much of transit and Affordable Housing we could be disqualified from if we were to fail, what would it money to the downtown extension. Something this is really . We will give you the numbers we dont have it with us we are talking about hundreds. Millions. Any major project is can being impacted and dem pends also on the window we might be out of compliance. Thank you again i appreciate all the work you have done on this. Thank you supervisor dorsey. Supervisor stefani. Thank you president walton. Thank you for your presentation and the w you have done on the Housing Element. I have i few quick questions and xouz me if you said this before how many units in the pipe mroin now. I know that when i had a conversation with someone there is about 12,000 or more in the downtown soma area. How many in the pipeline now. Last report was 68,000 units. If we okay. If we build the housing in the pipeline will that the units count to the goals. Yes, than i will count. But in the last letter we received when we assessed how much of this pipeline we account build we went in a very conservative assessment, this expect happening we will build the entire pipeline within the window may not be feasible. So. 68,000 units in the pipeline. Various projects upon within those that number and have has anyone roached out to the developers the people and found out what is preventing them from building . We are in more contact with projects that have Development Agreements makeum am april half of that pipeline. We hear from sponsors Construction Costs are high. Rents low. They talk about city fees being higher than other jurisdictions. So those other general conscience are not you know not hospitalable at this point for constructing new housing. We see that and go through cycles where we hit bomand slow down to frakt everpractically zero that is where we are today where we are not seeing entitled projects move forward and not seeing too many come forward in [inaudible] entitlements. I understand Market Conditions now are not and even if market continuous were ideal our process is not hospitable to building. Here is where i here is where i get confused on the Housing Element. I entitled over a thouz around u nits in district 2 in the last 5 years more than both my prez seszors combined the housing is not yet build. Finance, permits whatever it is a slow roll as everybody understands. Looking at other projects trying to look at other buildings impediment here come there. And every time im talking to a dwerm beg your pardon using that 4 penalty 5 Million Dollars of inclusionary fees. I flub a barrier in terms of what building we might be able to use. It is for me i almost feel like the Housing Element is an exercise in futility if we dont figure out how to remove the barriers to building. And when you look at what it takes to build in San Francisco and i say these i will list things without judgment but i just know after talking to so many people why it is difficult. You have the transfer tax fees, open space and impact and inclusionary housing fees. Market conditions now Interest Rates are sky high. Neighbor notification. Cu. Ceqa and the vacancy tax you know on one hundreds continue is good and the other hand photocopy we have a Tall Building go up they are losing and the they are trying to lease but not renting but doing it they might be could be subject to the vacancy tax that is manage we determine but a concern for builders. And what i where im getting hung up is the fact that we can put forward this Housing Element you can rezone my district proposed to rezone my district as in all scenario but no housing will get build. You cannot force people to build house figure they cant afford to build house and that is where i end up with thinking we can pass this Housing Element but is the housing going to get built i locked through the element it spokes about stroll lining but in the how. Talk in general terms removing subjective standards but does in the suggest when might replace it. Mentioned impacts fee a barrier but no others idea and this is in the to i money this is not on the Planning Department there are levers we could pull here at the board of supervisors that are difficult we have to have Difficult Conversations why people cant build housing in San Francisco. If we dont focus the barriers to building will not get built there is 68,000 in the pipe line i have a thousand in my district or more. Until we figure this out and deep dive on why it is in the getting build. To change that the Housing Element will not do it. It is for me i look and i was woth Housing Element before i worked here and i know the people at cal hallow association have their same feelings about the Housing Element back in 2001. But the same time, rezoning all the suggestions med in the Housing Leadership i think again it feels like it guess nowhere if we cant build the housing. It was a statement. Those are areas that are address in the the Housing Element in the just about the zoning. You know we are not seeing housing built and we gotta get to the causes of that and we look at both gentlemanal constraints. Process. Compliance with our city regulations and funding. There is w to be done but it is a portion of the Housing Element we are focused on and we were, too. In addressing ways we can zone but produce constraints. Post entitle am we have issues after projects are entitled in figuring out how to get through the city process to get to construction. Supervisor ronen. Thank you i want to thank all of my colleagues for the discussion and the Planning Department for i think doing a solid job on the attempting to put forward something that hcd will, prove. Which is necessary and reflect you know the values of the city. I want to make a few comments. Feel free to respondent. I want it on the record. You know my rio grande said that we dont do right by the state i feel the state has in the done right by San Francisco i feel the opposite and they have done so wrong by us there are no consequences nor benefits for the fact that San Francisco builds more Affordable Housing than any count that he we do so by constudent low tacking ourselves get little help and punished by the state when it come to funding fordable housing despite our wellingness. Every member of the board would stroll line fordable housing in 2 seconds. Woeful take away our process and say, yes. Build it anywhere every where dense high whatever. And because we truly believe this board truly, truly wants to build the close to 50 then and there units of Affordable Housing all lefrn of us. The problem is we dont have close to the amount of money to do t. We would bend or backwards to do it if we could. It is true. The state does in the care if we build a single unit as long as we show a path to building 82,000 and zoning appropriately which supervisor stefani points out a process if we dont build the housing i want to just say thank you, San Francisco am for being so willing to fund and build Affordable Housing stream line it, tax ourselves to build more include detail in our Housing Element. That they are novelty required they anthemed care less know huwe try and want to make building fordable housing meaningful. Shameow state of california for not requiring any of that. For not helping us funds it not awarding us. I just we dont talk about this enough. The feds and the state have got to start giving us machine and he we will happy low build the housing employs yell. Supervisor melgar true, we need nonprofit husbanding developer and more staff and plan and ho hd to do it. We will could in the scream loud enough our willingness to do all those things. Billions of dollars are not going to fall from the sky unless the government and state gives that yous money. I think small other thans everbfrns ever difference system because we are stuck in iinglyingly blths of mineute differences we have a raging homeless crisis in the street. We are never going to solve unless the feds get off their high horse and enengage fordable Housing Production again and the state could step it up. Too. And step it up by make happening the state and all the Housing Elements realistic plans for building fordable housing and then having const. Against everkwenss if they dont. Im sorry. Im frustrated by the state the state is on the wrong electronic here. I want them it give us moncompetence hold us accountable to building the 50,000 units im ready to stream line the heck out of them and do anything to bring down the price but it is impossible without this money. I have to put this on the record. Feel free to spond or not. Thank you. Supervisor chan. We agree with your statement. Thank you president walt only. I share supervisor stefani and supervisor ronen sentiments i want top make sure i understand the question asked and the answer i understand when supervisor stefani asked 68,000s of how doing units and 68,000 units in the pipeline that can be over the next 8 years time. We cant. Can you condition firm this 68,000 counts for 82,000 or does not. Jot way the state requires an analysis of any principle in the pipeline it can be built within the 8 year cycle. So not all 68,000 units can count. We count a portion of that and then we assess the capacity that is visible within our existing zoning. Out of that 68,000 how many . Have we identify that qualified count. This is a projection conduction after 8 years in may not move forward we had to make an xhat of that. Thank you. We assess the pipeline including Large Development grem and thes agreement system where in discrepancy is between the total in our pipe line and when we were able to count. It is things like candlestick point. Treasure island. Parkmerced that will take decades to build out and could not count them in the 8 year period and in addition assessed the remaining exclusive and prosecute jection all of that adds up to 60 then and there units. 60. Yes. That is where you get the insure fall we need to rezone for. And all of the 60 thousand the increased affordable the maked income and other type of housing project. Out of the 60,000 can you give mow a category are they majority of them are mixed income. Not including 100 ford annual we may or may not have in. The 60,000 units does include thousands of ford annual units gent ritted through mitts 100 affordable in our pipeline planned through ocii, commune develop and want through inclusionary housing. And but the parjt of it is going to be mixed Income Private low funded development. Thank you. Then when we are saying is out of our plans with the 60,000 and we are still have about 20 something to go. 35,000 the 15 buffer. I didnt see. And i want to express on the record that when i sill i share with supervisor ronen. I think this this also on they record that i since took office join thanksgiving body this i have not seen my colleagues nor myself. I think this entire all 11 of us have been 100 supported of 100 afford annual housing. All the projects that came to this body 100 affordable we go for we continue is when San Francisco needs. Should be on the record this body supports building housing we are prohousing. That is when we are. I agree with supervisor ronen the nuance how do we get there. And all that is when todays conversation is b. I shared everthe same the state has this responsibility and in fact, i would say the state controller out of their own audit understands that they said the electric of comprehensive plan allow one agency on mismanage and lose bond resources that is the state controllers audit of its own agency talking about how to provide Affordable Housing. They do share that responsibility about the mismisdemeanorings of their state bond dollars impacts San Francisco and the electric of support the state provide or not prosecute voiding is put us in the dilemma i dont understand why we dont get to really push back and so i think the question is in the conversations this we have been having more moshtss have there been a situation where the stele says at this time state, your mandate i think we have been trying and trying to around lives. Anything in the pipeline that they share responsibility. Have they pressed how they can provide support to help us meet the man bait and goal. We have had specific conversations on Affordable Housing. But it is more on the process on the strategies that on the funding. We have conveyed this as muchs we tax ourselves and create our own pol of resources this is in the reachable. This cycle of the houseingly leadership we have the a term stiff fair housing and asking for a met tricks and strategies to troesz how we can build afford annual housing we can include specific transgenders except for the scale of funding we need to deliver the units. I will say i am not a plan and with any expert ease. Any project and us like the alexander theatre hoping it could be Affordable Housing project in our district. How heard is to identify location and cites to build a time of house and funding i thank you i agree we can approve all we want of the Housing Element but im not looking at press but im looking at the ability to identify sites and funning. Thats really key elements. We can talk about any project and zoning but we dont have a site or funding we are just play with paperless. And so i think that is my sentiment become to the state is this lets put on money where our mouth is. This does not make sense this will be am my centament toward the state at this mobile home and then. Yea. I think thats probably where i landing on this. Why on the stateside. We should add there are some state law advantages for Affordable Housing on process. Approval of the project on irving or 8 and stanion they benefit from state laws as far as process and taking advantage. And i think you raised questions about funding. I think one of the poses we include side eli having this conversation to a higher tlefl goes beyond one department went city. And enengage alucity lead and state readers to engage dp figure out i think the edge of this recession or get negligent recession but i think we have i window of tunnel for alpha~ indicating state resource. I think in my opinion again, you know this mroik threats it feels like threats you will lose funding. You will have builder rem dose, i will say if we have 68,000 units in the pipe cline special we fail to meet the Housing Elements goal then the builders remedy is forced upon us what does this money for the 68,000 units it happen . It doesnt, right even with this builders remedy. Those projects are entitled they get they will not get advantage from the builder remedy projects theory seeking entitle ams. Sure. With that. Right. You know president beryled rem see threats. Yet to tested seek approval in Southern California through builder remedy provision of the housing act none is entitled there are for you,000 seeking entitlement to sure. So i think that perhaps this is me being the truly like i just im proud to be in San Francisco and think this it is how i learned my politics and also my policies growing up here and working through the rankses of City Government to Different Departments. I would say you know i think that San Francisco has this is the part i think this major. Us on the board share. I do thank you this board not just this board but previous boards have always been mindsful about when we build housing and who we build for. I think if you look at inclusionary percentage being a form are star and aaccept belief in san mateo the inclusionary percentage is high and thoughtful and think about how to preserve our existing community. Dedicating funding preserving attentive and protecting tenants and you know we know this we try to build affordable we are losing Housing Units and i want top give an am example that will breaks my heart this weekend i went to 159, fourth avenue, 6 unit building in my district and was empty. 2 years ago i anybodyingod doors and went inspect with committee and trying to support those attentives there they got bought out and than i were Senior Living there for decade in this building now i went in it was empty. Complete low. And so all im saying that while we consider meeting the Housing Element and building new housing. We are also losing people, we are pricing people out. So how do we balance between yes the condominium to the state to build more housing and really also accommodate next generation or the older generation and the same time we have to balance it out with preserving the existing housing and protecting the existing attentives that is trying to surviv in San Francisco. And we want to be collaborative and try to meet demands. But can we also push back and have boundary and protect San Francisco . Thank you. Sthsh supervisor dhan. Mandelman. I think you are trying to take our temperature on the Housing Leadership and figure out what the members of board are like low to do or not do in january. Near me i feel like as often happens with the housing conversations people spoke in general wragzs and talk past each other. I bristol against the notion San Francisco does in the Produce Market rate housing. Because San Francisco has produced on average 2700 units a year of market rate housing. Ive bristol against the motion keep dont need to do more there are it is a state wide housing crisis and need to produce more market rate and below market rate housing. I think it it is easier and i think them document reflects the fact it is easier to close the gap from 2700 unists to 4400 unists. Difficult it close this gap challenging, you laid out a path way to do that. Seems persuasive to me and variety of principles to stream line the approval process. Im concerned seat department prosecute posing in the documents that set our bad planning pol. Im perplexed but believe you are getting directed feedback from hcd huto close this gentleman from 2700 to 44 hundred and understands your need to respond and impressed as my colleagues are. You are getting this details directed feet back how to close the gap. And you are not getting near that level of direction or feedback on generate 1 penalty 5 billion dollars a year in funding for Affordable Housing. To fund the foordzable that might. Problems. Given the bredth and depth whf we are propose to do to allow market arrest we should come up with the plan to tax and raise 1. 5 billion dollars in ref now to pay for Affordable Housing. There it is it is very clear this document and the state are much more concerned about market rate housing i believe in filtering theory at some point. Artists and teachers. And folks will be able to move in a unist that once was built luxury. Men that has happen instead past. But if we are interested in the artists and teachers and others who are not able to compete being able to live in San Francisco that would mote the other stuff this they are not caring about that is all the other regulated bmr you know housing that is short shift in the this and team not [inaudible] team Affordable Housing like are both concerned that there is no pachlth i think that is you know wore note telling. Those are my thoughts. I want to thank you will of you for doing the heard work and look forward it receive this evolve i will continue to shirr my concerns if it merits. Thank you supervisor mandelman. Supervisor safai my question is comprayer everpair today previous Housing Leadership what would you pin it say, this is manage we made a strong move am in the direction this will generate more housing . From the left time you did it gent ritting the scientist. I dont mean say nothing your document used to focus the city that had most usable left lane allowable in existing zoning or light stressful and being convert it. We have been saying that for years not enough Development Focus on the commercial customer dovers what and my next answer this and i have i couple more what is the biggest boldest move in the housing i dont understand other then and there that. A big portion of looking at developing i guess the reason i say that is because i feel skepticism based on the cost of construction. The actual desire and demand to build housing the impediments in our post entitlement process referenced here if you get a project you are looking years down the road for different lay and review this has in the been consolidate. I den feel, electric at we what was it our City Attorney on the board when they negotiated parkmerced. The last plan you tried to get credit for this. Nothing is happening this it is the easiest your of the west side of town to build they have, let of open space. You are not dispolicing anybody and it is in the happening and per of that has to do with the return to investment. Pro forma and get investor tors come in. They are not investing there than i are investing where than i get a return on victim. I money this it is why i say that. Other than that. What is the boldest move the dpoument made you think is achievable . For one there is in Silver Bullet. There is a. Not a trick question. I truly i put on the record and having a conversation i thought i would ask. There are hundreds of action in here there is no Silver Bullet to jump start projects that may be in President Point line or to get new project in the pipeline. Certain, zone suggest a part. Looking at constraints. This th is a plan that as an action the actions have not been cook in the planning. The actions is the product of this conversation where i think agree with the upon funning this is needed at the table. But beyond the funding there has been substantial conversations with community folks. With folks we are not part of the conversation. Developer. With other city agencies to identify what is our work. Had would allow you to deliver how doing at the lest. We dont agree with the statements that you all are making about the funding. There is work we need to do that there th plan is articulating not just adding new unists but addressing retention of our housing affordable is connecting the housing to our communities. I mention third degree plan is bring to the table. I brought up asking more about the second first piece which was what you highway lights where off of the chart with process and the aint to slow projects dun i know there are ahot this try to minimize that it is a barrier for upon even investment. People understand when they are invest nothing San Francisco the time means that in terms of return on victim it is a different inclusion this is important poverty of the conversation. I do approximate take in consideration the affordability and conversations. It is an important piece you know there are can iing cant number of units in the left decade from the inclusionary press this were patriot investment dollars this relion the entitlement process. Ip want to under score what you said we are off of the charts regard to the process. Then there is the press within your own department. And within the Building Department. And that there is alegality of contradictary duplicative, cumbersome review. I think this my colleagues highlights that today. Is this incorporate immediate your recommendations in terms of how to even facilitate the process with your. I mean rescue noise, too. Not only we proposed process charges per of this do you mean. Of the state is still planning to do a process and policy review. O think we got much of what they will ultimate low recommend in this Housing Element. What would be a couple of them you said you think you got at the core of what to anticipate them. Why like cus or learning project authorizations or go to the commission to approve state density bonus projects the commission does in the have authority to reject or accept the projects. Is this an administrative or legislative decision. Local. Legislative or administrative. Legislative. The state it it is in our local code. State density. Um last consideration, i want to ask for your response. There is a significant can downturn in the economy. Is that factor in the the over all projections we can say we want to produce, x, number of units knowualy if the economy does not aluor investment does in the allow for this, is this factor in the this or just this was the target number chosen this is the number we achieve regard will of the economic continues. When hcd have the targets than i take into account in the demographic and economic changes and identified the average that could be achieved across economic cycles. Understanding that in a high point that would be able to prowse more and [inaudible]. In the do you remember does it talk about consequences not putting together a certified plan. Do you reference when consequences are locally. We have a letter from the stele attorney with the specifics and report from the regional agency. For the record, what are the biggest. I know we referenced them light low today but. There are 2 big issues one. The builder rem doe could kick in and obviously that has not been tested there are projects proposed under that provision of act. We could see projects. What is this . Lynching audience. The theory projecting can seek approval not compliant. Because we dont have a Housing Leadership. They would need to go through ceqa. But they would not need to comply with our zoning. In the Funding Sources are at risk transportation and housing Funding Sources where many are they are predicated on the fact we dont have i compliant Housing Element we could lose state funding. Great. Thank you. Thank you supervisor safai. Supervisor peskin. Thank you. And let mow say to all of my colleagues i appreciate the tone and tenor of the points and conversations. And i actually thank you the electorates in here this is what planning is electric for and why supervisor mar scheduled this we all have shared desires about protecting our existing tenants and population this if i can state t have learned lessons of redevelopment from decades ago and dont want to repoe while we seek more density there seems to be a shared desire and understanding that the need is need for affordable and extreme low affordable and moderate income. Y dont think there is anybody jumping up and down meeting the met boy 1 and a half times luxury housing need. And fauk a bit about how we got here. Which is many of the things this San Francisco has evolved over time inclusion or affordable have been aimed on the local level at addressing the need we all share. So ab7 and the voters put their money where their mug is many time in general Obligation Bonds which is amaze to think that people otherwise housed are willing to vote to tax themselves on pifor affordable how does nothing San Francisco. And thats happened repeatedly. So to the state of california you can come and threaten and mandate and when have you but mr. Newsome put your money where your mouth is, too that shared understanding here as well. With process i will make an observation, which is, yeaure our process is a pain in the butt. Havings said this, we got 2 thirds of the imposed need. Remember from the mir to this board on the same page the abag number are arbitrary and capricious and the board of sproirz in look step with the mir and supervisor mandelman and supervisor ronen htco posed the numbers buzz they targeted San Francisco. Having said this the 82,000 number we have 68 then and there in the pipe line there it is a lot of unists and people got through the process. When i proposed i Charter Amendment that i did not move forward with to mandate to have rent control housing in up zoning and a Charter Amendment and sat down with developers heavy developers. Real developer not you know the doing the 3 unit building. They did not care there the press they hated permanent low reason control as of right by charter law. Housing. I got this. But they did not give a rats behind about props d and e. This process we can make better but that is not impedament, it does in the all begin and ends at the Planning Department and Planning Commission. Because i will tell you i hear a plenty about things that are within the governments control. We dont control the interest in environment. Nothing we can do. We dont control the fact there were huge fires or supply chain issues and this labor and high demand and the cost of sticks and brick and gone thumb it is in the in our control. There are other elements of the press we can control exactly they are not all in the Planning Departments job. They are in the Building Department and this is an accomplice that is less exciting because whatever they are dont go fight about stream lining how the department it is building inspection works nor do they care president fact that projects get caught up and developers lose minds or the mapping and getting encroachment permits a lot of stuff goes to i do or wither. This is beyond the excitement everyone gets excited about the houseings element and Planning Commission and this way anded board prohouse and this bullshit the reality is there are other accomplice this is need fixings to do this. And i for one am willing to tinge weir inclusionary but will be straight, which it is i dont give a darn about 2 thousand dollars a square foot infinity towers i give i darn this thing this is make communities vibrant and liveable and a mix and diversity this make them real commune. Thats where i want to stick our money. Im happy to have the highest inclougszary and highest fees for luxury housing and i want to flu this thing in saving reason control tenant and housing statistic and building fordable and low Income Housing thats where this supervisor sits. Thank you supervisor peskin and thank you clothe andment to thank plan and our community per ins. I do have a couple questions the first thing is, the mcgonigles set for us here remember in the city are guaranteeing failure. I dont think it is in the only the permits and other concern this is have been discussed here today but the fact of the merit is we dont build in areas of the stele here in San Francisco. We are punished for being the county that does build. If you look at the surrounding counties this touch our county there is no come parrison how much we build in general. And these goals are a problem as colleagues stated. And we knew when we came to this point the goals were unrealistic and inequitable comper seed most of california and who build and does in the build in this area. I goes my first question i know clothes touchod this. How much finances is the roej yen or state guaranteeing the city of San Francisco to hit these goals . So you are asking this the resources we already have from the scientist. We have the commitment they made or not made. Again, we have been begin this arbitrary unreal i feltic goal by the state and the region and im course how much they are puffing money where their push is. We dont an a number for you now we can review our notes and bring you that it it is in the uptodate. Our assess am if this in order for us to fulfill our Affordable Housing will be in the range of 3 billion dollars a year. And thats very for from we are getting from state or federal we compiled resources from the past i dont know if this is i question the sdreshth wants to address from ocd. Is there he is. How are you, sir . Thank you for being here director shaw. Where is the money . Right here. The question so to our knowledge now and i will defer with you all that it is punitive. Right. If the Housing Element is not approved there are series of steps this will defer our ability to apply for future funding until. I dont i want it know from you what manuscript med commitment make sure you hit this arbitrary goal. There is no commitment. We apply for all projects apply for the funning for the scientist through competitive rounds we will not apply if we are not in compliance. Thank you. And i know open and slide talked about this houing element or droft the harms of government discrimination and talks about how to address homelessness what address the area. Address harm they are strategies to prioritize the American Indian and the black community for fordable housing. Based on assess am that ocd and planning clan ritted the communities many times limed access to the affordable how doing units we produce. Sppth the community in the process. And just quick. Not to interrupt you how do we do this. We are no long are having the let real system we will say black person hay native american we give you housing . We have identified say our Sister Agency have done specific studies what are the constraints in many Case Financial records sometimes education about how to apply for those units. Sometimes it is getting the notices on time. A list of a requirement this were including in our actions this is also informed by specific input from the committee and access to affordability and also a very targeted effort to identify support for you down payment for Home Ownership an your that that black community identified. How are we going to guarantee that black people, native americans, people ever color are going to be able to access the affordable how doing in the pipe line and gets created with the Current System. Weville a new system . Because we are aware of things that wham people a play and sit down and go through the process to get their unit but how are we going to be able to really come up with a strategy that says this percentage ever demographics will stay. With the same system we have. Are we going to have a new system. I this afternooning these are worked out in implementation i tell you we have been working in space of understanding existing bear everbarriers in the program you and i share and previous testimony to you all around the fact we dont have a High Percentage of cop up tick and leaseum they have priority for the spaces. We try to understand the barriers to exercising the existing preferences that happen now and i think we are continuing to affirm of the mayors commitment about ensuring we have neighborhood preference exercised. I one space we need to look at is that were hearing from africanamericans and native community we need to identify pipe line protects in communities they want to live we are guesting feed become on those accomplices as well. Gi want people to understand how this works. You have a level of income. A part of a certain demographic and you may be the smallest percentage in that population. There are 700 units and 4,000 apply. Out of that 4,000 a couple hundred may be black and a couple handled may be native because there is 4,000 people that have applied the chances with the Current System in accomplice of those going to the demographic that described plans the chances of them get thanksgiving spot are very slim to none. I guess you answered the question nothing new about when we doll we are talking about approving this and praying tell help more black folks remain come more native americans remain in the city. I think that a lot of components of the plan are arbitrary as well unless we will have effective strategies to achieve our goal exactlies we have not been able to the do that this plan does in the do anything. And the constraints are not the fault of the people doing work doing the plan willing is state luthat prevennes us. We have to come up with manage this will, luus to roach the demographic we want or say we want to prioritize. We have not been able to do that and this will allow for us to do that differently even with the best intentions nog concrow that the upon garnt this. We hope a bunch of people work hard and hope the luck of the draw hahns but nothing concrete not this it could be with the limit anticipations we have. I want the public to know and understand that. And will ims you were talking about how this is going to w to address homelessness. We have been with hsh the xapgsz of services. The state funding that we have received to secure a higher number of Supportive Housing and the expansion of the navigation services. The d. Public health involved in targeting neighborhoods where we need a more specific intervention. We have been working if the tenderloin to understand when our beyond when we have been doing it allow to go from the move in either shelters or Supportive Housing. And sometimes when we get criticized as a city. In areas criticized. You are fighting disaccomplice am. Making sure how we build is equal. Most certainly we build on the southeast sector of San Francisco. We are building in that sector. When i say we dont want policy this is just blanket and make sure it is easier to build in the southeast. I get Second Degree you look at the number its is b. S. But this is the narrative and when we have to fight and i look at the plan ask of course, there is a rezoning strategy than i guess we think will get us to people building and i knowledge the terminology is areas with high quality amenities. But director hill i heard you say that and this is an uneven plan and we are going to build more in areas where we have been building. So what are we doing here. The southeast cannot accommodate 82,000 more homes. And you know so i heard it from your mouth this it is what you said we can go back and look at it. Why will we want to approve an uneven Housing Element and approve something. We have not been able to build in your not because of per misting not because we make it hard to build the reality some people dont want minister housing and we have to that this will make people not want hougz have to build. There are reasons why people dont upon build in areas of the city and per mist suggest not temperature what are we going to do about this. That is a fundamental policy direction the Housing Leadership sets we dont propose changes in zoning. For the eastern portion of the city we focus on high resource neighborhoods. And electric to that zoning which is uneven. There are most commercial corridors on the eastern side of the city have higher heights. Dont have density krelless. And similar commercial corridors on the western side of the city. That it is a prince nel the Housing Element we want to even that Playing Field and we see the results we have done had planoth eastern side of the city. And like you said, we are seeing the rus of that. Most of the housing produced in district 6 and 10. We rezoned there. This Housing Elements looks at resource neighborhoods on the western side of the city. Later part of the 70s and last century, there was an effort to down zone those combrirs look at that zoning. To make it consistent with zoning we see on the eastern side of the city. I may add when we say we are still building in the eastern side of the city because the pipeline is there. Intent we open you in possibility in areas down in the pedestrian and not allowed for new houseings and that will now create [inaudible]. Going back to the fact that we am need a land source of public funding. I think to supervisor prestons point prop i was useful and we have to use the resources for are what they were intended for. And everybody says we want to build in San Francisco. And until it it is time to build in their community if we dont share responsibility this plan shoots and the number of units we are putting in here is going to be difficult for so many other reasons but most certainly if we are not building or having a true attempt to build we will not reach the goals i thank you for your wong and thank you colleagues for your focus and w on this. Public comment on this item and i do want to reminds everyone that Public Comment will be 1 minute per speaker. Ace announced the beginning of the meeting. The board of supervisors convocabularied a committee of the whole for publish hearing welcomes your testimony it is airing live on channel 26 or view the computer live stream. The way we prioritize in the chamber and offer on the remote system. Would you state your names ready to provide your comment you should press star 3 to add to the speakers queue. We are joined by partners from office of Civic Engagement and lando and associates i ask each interpret or to introduce themes in the language how to connect to the remote system to assist those. Starred with raymond for filipino. Pam which are choin ease and marti dickerson for spanish. Welcome. Thank you. So the first, speak come forward we are setting the time are for a machine. We adjust the microphone there is a settle bragz down stirs and we want to hear when you are saying. Hi. [inaudible] [inaudible] [speak very fast] important there is no recognition of planning irrelevant in enforcing racism and the urgency to address harm and equity centering and priorizing the needs of porand wing class communities. Unless there is a plan to preserve and build housing there will be no Racial Equity. The complete e raceure of the Diverse People of color of community we celebrate. Cannot rely those building for profit. Thousands are out of reach. Market rate buildings 94 san empty with 13 of within thing sold and plan and some of you approve the highen condos spur speculation and disaccomplice am of community until now soma in sycamore. It is still happening. Thank you. Welcome. Good evening im sandra, im a leader in faith and action bay area and Saint James Church in rich upon monday district. We are in the a formal member of the Race Coalition we support efforts their goals, line with our vision of housing for all especially Affordable Housing. Im here to spoke in favor of the of city wide peoples plan enhanceim to the Housing Leadership presented today. Planning has a commitment to racial and socialing equity. The process is used to go against the same values like low result nothing devastating impacts on vulnerable communities of historic prosecute portions. Faith and action joins and demands for compliant Housing Leadership that honors the determination and empower am of low income, American Indian, black and lettin and other community of color, seniors and people with disabilities thank you. Thank you. Welcome. Thank you. Im mitch here on behalf the San Francisco housing cooperation Affordable Housing builder. The stakes are high i den need to say that. Funning that hangs in the balance is chris cal for w we do. One issue fund no Income Housing above the level where it is. Move on to two, pursuing a lan banking strategy now open opportunity for affordable how does nothing area rezone in the the future dom this for the land values rise. And third make sure the Housing Element includes the plan to accelerate the approval process that the primary points in august and i cannot seat state approving without it. I want to say thank you to plan and the board for this hearing we appreciate the focus the Housing Element. Thank you. Welcome. Good afternoon am supervisors im florala hearn diz a resident the d4 and a member of rep s footwork. Im a second grid teacher. One of my personal days to be here i dont think i needed. My mind on students and if they take anything away i have it be unwaivering belief in the power of their voice and change communities for better we spent vaughn evervaluable teaching hours to abive right and create issues of students raise. When i return to school tirm want to tell them sf puts rit of of all people before the interests of a few. Community voice and austhennic democracy and value human life. Dont take community apart thank you. Welcome. Good evening im charles comprehend and birch speak i like to thank the district one supervisor 5 and 9 and 7 for make good pointis appreciate third degree long talk. Im with how doing rights of san fan a member of the race and equity in Planning Coalition and wanted to stand here and demand that the plaza east develop the am they want to include 272 market rate unit in this development and we want to ensure this is in the included in the current Housing Leadership plan and the 73 experienced influx in wealth in citizens not benefited the residents of plaza east the biggest victims of neglect Land Developers try to subvert the residents of city. None of the residents there agree with the planneen though thats hai proposed the proposals plan to uproot thank you charles. Hello im Gilbert Williams a member of the [inaudible] and the district 11 housing rights coalithe. [comments in subpoenaish best of your recollection [ i work at district 11. And im here to request accessible housing although i want to pin out this accessible is not attainable. I have a family but den have a husband. There is no chance to have dignified housing even fiearn 70 thousand dollars a year because im single i will not qualify. Im here to remind you to make it lower. To decrease the amount that we have to pay. Im here representing a group of mothers and fathers that are allifieding for 4 units that are available at this moment but will not get a chance because again they are not attainable to us you call them accessible but in the attainable to our budget. Thank you. Im gauda lupe im from district 11 and im here requesting that you bell a planner rbi corp rit a flan is for accessible housing for the his bannic people. When we can earn 35 thundz a year still we ken kwulifiy. Because even with this aim of money there is in way for us to have decent housing. I live in district 11 and me as well as my neighbors have the situation right now is sad you can put your application in and you have been working your entire life when you put your number down you simple low will not kwulifiy. Please. Think about temperature try to build houseings that is feasible for us. Thank you. Why shoe push the plan to prioritize dopely Affordable House nothing this Housing Leadership if you are not building the roach of the Community Number you cannot stable hiez the housing crisis. We are in need of neighborhood ami we cant talk about this during a one minute Public Comment. So many serving the community demanding to be at the table it give input community so they enjoy it. The race and equity city wight peoples plan invisions sudden finish for all San Francisco residents. Better neighborhoods same neighbor i encurrentlying to you push plaintiffs exhibit tologist adopt the plan and w to uplift the voice. I live in district 10 and w in sdrishth 11. Thank you. Thank you firefighter your comments this evening. Hi. My name is marisol and born in San Francisco. I was trying to find a house for my no, maam nile family can rbi voted i meeting my brother and my mom. We is we can all of us can live there. And i can bring the hole family and have a puppyy. Thank you for your comments. Welcome. Im al teleo here with the race and equity. May i ask to you spoke in the microphone. Why like this. Why okay. Good overing im al teleo with race and equity Planning Coalition community u noticed for health and justice and fresh 99 in district 11. Hi a question i have been thinking about the question is should the city elevate expertise and vision of wing Class Community of color and the answer is yes we play there, pray there, stay there and go to school there and we know what victims we need in our community. How you are the expert in your own home i believe adopt the peoples plan and w with community to develop the Housing Leadership. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Were welcome. My name is gloria rev. Anyone im with and im here representing the poor people whom i work. Not being able to afford a living area that is qualified as low rbi come is rep henceable. Please help the peoples plan. Because we may seem like few but we really are many in the community. It is sad to see this community bundled up in small space a Large Community in a rich society, San Francisco is a very rich city and that richness has in the come from nowhere. We have helped build this community as a Rich Community we are asking you we are in the thousand dollar shoutingly we are asking you to help us with the peoples plan. Thank you. Welcome. Good evening. Vehicle for host thanksgiving discussion as a pill penalo born ask raise the the lack of deemly foordzable houseings. We appreciate planning state thanksgiving Housing Element is the first focused on Racial Equity competence want to see it is made real the way to put Affordable Houseings first the mandate from the state it build 57 affordable. This Means Community identifying and prioritize cites affordable and wing with ocd and sacramento on a plan to purchase cites. Committing a new level of move them quickly. We have lark let to do and will take community bazed developer in the stele it get there. We update to be per of the solution andment it meet the goals lets use our community and peoples floon get there. Thank you for sharing your comments. Good even a. M. Worn and raised in the city. Im here deputying the Community United for health and justice. Im urging to you listen it our people and community. Our young people there is in way they will be able to come and stay in their city. Im a single mom exit cannot live here in the city i of the raised born in we urge to you impelement our peoples complan listen tote community and the people affected and most impacted take into account ash count all the inequities a part of the system it make the changesor communities need. Thank you. Good evening im jose here with coal plan advocates and healing injustice. I hope we count on your support to support the peoples plan this conversation heeb dishartning it say the least. Also machine father have 2 kids going it school in district 11 agreeing up here and i had it move out myself. Currently coming from have lay hoe and trying to figure out a way to get become to the city to nile neighborhood where my life and kids and community is at. And where a lot of nieces are growing. We need your commitment and there are numbers these are our live and kids and tias and growing up and trying to stay her and be a part of this fabric we hope we can get this commitment to get not just to 150. Thank you jose. Welcome. Will good evening im norma garcia. A member of the Equity Council for planning. Ip want to thank planning for the w you have done reflect in the this draft and want it make comments. We want it make surety draft includes ways the stele can w with residence dens and to create clearer funds and principles to meet the 47,000 units of housing required bithis plan. Like to see the provisions in the document strengthen and ensure there is in the disaccomplice am. It it is a very important it understand this ab2011 will over ride what exists and plan figure that. Be sure you are ready to act on that. That will be necessary to make sure bipoc are not further displaced by ab2011 or the majority of market rate housing put in the thank you. Ef thank you for your testimony. Welcome. Im Jesse Fernandez with community u night the for health inj. And the rep coalition im dishartened boy the conversation it is injury to hear the way we will help residence den system posting more wship this is is unacceptable. In district 11 there are 100 fordable housing 10 yers in the making build on commune planning initiatives there are own 50 units low income residence denials are shut out buzz of the income rirment this is is unacceptable. If we had money paired with the development we want to see like we did during redevelopment with the without the intervention in place the we will see the same results reeking havoc on communities of color. David wu. The sty required talking about building 82 thousand units 46,000 more then and there half must be affordable. In the current Housing Leadership looks a robust affordable plan when this should be the focus of the plan. And instead it focuses on producing market rate housing. The afford at must be put front and center in the peoples plan does this and offers a framework and strategy that center racial and social equity competence successful on the ground strategies can be adopted without missing the dead listen and ask the support in urging plan to adopt peoples plan. 40 sick merin the mission where the owners is willing to sell and have in the been able with the city on,a kwoir this property. Thank you supervisor mar im char tehas been buff to see 2 coalitioning represents. The Housing Element forces our city to reckon with the imbillions in the housing product. We know past efforts fail today achieve the housing needed to house wars approximate protect bipeculiar communities against disaccomplice am and keep the next generation in the city. This Housing Element provides the opportunity to tackle this crisis. We are novelty prepared. If we do what we have also done we will get what we always got we urge actual ensure the plan we adopted for units over 8 year system becomed by the leadership to succeed. Tell will require tremendous leadership one to builted build the resource and revenue strolls resource affordable production. Thank you for your testimony this evening. Anyone now in the chamber i apologize if you cut you off we are seth the timer for one minute. Will as an agency in the mission has seen the greatest impacts of displacement gained when city hall listen and per ins with us. To the pandemic rental relief with mayor and supervisor ronen jumping 3 sites to 7 in the mission with support of breed and supervisor ronen we know San Francisco is rapidly losing families and seeing homelessness expect urge the city to work with Affordable Housing community to close our housing gap. And meet Ambitious Goals the successful strategy system land banking and suggest this to be incorporate in the the mission and eastern neighborhood plans thank you. Thank you for sharing your comments. Danielle greg senior organizer local 22. The sudden front Housing Element summit of concern it our union not because of housing shortage but the unavailability of Construction Labor to builted 82,000 units mandated. San francisco will in the be able it produce them without improve ams to the dr process under state investigation. And will increase in the if Residential Construction workforce lagging due to unsafe conscience lack of benefit and pay. Encourage the board of proirz bunkham planning adopt a commroinl Housing Element affirm strategy labor stoornsd local hire. Wage requirements on all units larger then 10. Man datd health care and projects over 40 units approve goals with prospect e not just it undermine a voter becomed initiative and maintaining control on Housing Production and use the element to show they care about the residence denial and workers in the city. Good evening. Jake process on behalf of Housing Action coalition. We are excited at the student the Housing Element provides our city and the men mum goal of the Housing Element is for the city to hit targets for each income level exactly it do so it is e terrible the stele follows on the plan to remove constraints identified by plan and rezone to allow for more housing in out loyaling neighborhoods. Removing the constraints are in the possible due to props d and e, we must remove identified barriers this prevent housing at all income levels and in addition, it is essential include Circuit Breakers in the efrnts sprukz not on pits with mcgonigles if we are not on pace what the plan to get us become on track. I believe the mechanisms must go in affect. My time is rung out Downtown Revitalization is per of this plan. Thank you. Good evening im weapon sfdmv a direct one resident. San franciscoments more housing. As the election last week earlier rus indicate hanear low 3 quarters of the city said over 75 of San Francisco voters voted yes on prop d oh , e the Affordable Housing ballot measures. You have a mandate from the voters of San Francisco and we need a bold visionary and specific Housing Element will that demonstrates we are serious about adjusting the housing crisis. We cant risk losing the Affordable Housing funding producing a plan the state will reject. And thats manage we are alined on thank you. Why thank you. Welcome. Good evening im flerys here with [inaudible] and residence denial of district 10. I deputy move from district 11 to. If the other way around in that process of moving it wasful give difficult urge the burden to approve the city peoples plan a lot dont have access who have the ability to access the resources. They are being able to maneuver the housing crisis. The crisis impacts low Income Community color the most they provide the become ben to the labor force and cultural leadership of the city. Take care of them and to investing the resources to peep San Francisco residence denials and locals here. Im here to ask the fword consider adopting the city plan. Im know organizer with cuhj and rem im here to support peoples plan to be addition to the Housing Element. This plan has been crafted with deep intentional Community Engagement it create a plan for San Francisco and get more than a minute to talk the environmental racism by planning created the gentrification that kicked out thousands of families that helped build the city. When woeful talk about vulnerable poor communities that is us everybody here and everybody i know, teachers. Firefighters thats you know everybody in my community they know. And so as we see 40,000 empty luxury condos i dont understand how wont want to build more. I think when we say we want to build houseings wement housing we havearc sesz to and of course the word affordable has been coopted not mean that. Welcome. Of my snail Giovanni Hernandez i live in district 11. And i am here asking accessible housing on behalf of myself and my community. Some people here mentioned that they are earn 35 thundz an i dont know. Of but in honesty most of us earn less those retired and cant make that much machine that he would be a lot less money if you talk about affordable for you thousand dollars would be a loyal that is not feasible for us. So that is in the affordable and nais not accessible. Thank you. Good afternoon board of supervisors im here to let you know what are needs are depending when wean likewised and that is that we need more housing. Better house thanksgiving we can pay. That is affordable and is accessible. But accessible to poor people when say it is fared automobilure trying it sweeten our hearts you say is forwardable is not accessible to the poor people not afford okay arable to my case or familys case you have been elected by the people of San Francisco to doiorion and help us. Thank you. Welcome. Im with the housing Risk Community of San Francisco. The rep coalition appreciated planning for the Housing Element we need your support there are significant, we maining one issue the imconclusion of 270 units are market rate housing of plaza east to the unit count the redevelopment in the early teenages. Put Affordable Housing first. San francisco fail today meet the goals for the past 8 years. We have another chance to do it right lets build fordable how doing now. There are 2 sfik,000 millionaires. Welcome. Good evening. Joseph with west side communities coalition. You heard in your more from members asking the burden to support and adopt peoples plan. The organizations detailed ambitious plans for communities. Plans created through participation and developing skills and knowledge. Residence denial its understand land use, plan and housing. The plans reveals the expertise and vision in communities. Rep engagement and press to vision together action items provide a path for centering racial, social and Economic Equity and furthering fair housing the board can pass a resolution directing left lane to develop key elements of peoples plan. So the Housing Element can after hope for our communities. Thank you for support of true racial and social equity and he Self Determination of our communities. Thank you. Thank you. Welcome. Good afternoon im brianna so many a district 6 element new Housing Element must serve low income and the people when live there must define affordable not profit driven developers peoples plan serve the housing policy with this said, we need planning support incorporating racial and social equity in future development. Live nothing a building went filipino heritage district my neighborers families of 5 it not sustainable to live in high Rice Building the solution for the commune input and participation of the development and land use decisionless we will solve issues of displace and want inequality i ask you consider when is at stick it is detrimental to the survival of our to diverse communities. Thank you. To help. Me. And i hope this the supervisors will new improve the husbanding conditions we need fordable housing. Thank you. Welcome. Thank you. Good evening supervisors over many years we found Community Lead solutions to the problems we fits for fudding for affordable how doing to strategies this prevent eviction and keep people housed we written Community Plans with broad participation and deep Community Education and engage am. And we are developing new Community Plans including the reports for everyone of our cultural district. Conduct a survey to understand the Health Impacts of disaccomplice am. Issues among pill penalys in San Francisco and recommendation for Housing Conditions for low income people. We must be able to defend reports approximate hold Developers Accountable to vision for our communities develop. Is this means attempts for creating sustain ability districts planning prosecute poseed use to silence our community. Thank you. Welcome. Good evening supervisor. Tj with member of race and equity competence Planning Coalition. Envisions and works for planning put our community at the forefront and prioritize truly fordable house and Development Without displace am. Fordable house suggest too expensive the below market rate housing that Market Rate Developers boulevard working class families when makes the city are displaced every day they cant ford to be here. Low income american inyen and black should say what is affordable to meet the needs of each community. It is frust ritting our Community Voices out when we need and the city refuse to listen. We hope you will support our peoples plan to meet state affordable how doing and protect communities from disaccomplice am. Thank you. Thank you. Hello priors im ramone with [inaudible] a district 6 resident. Wing on healing jenl restriction support we collected 300 from across the city. Il read a few statements that come from tenants who filled out our survey. As a person when works 2 j. W. S i bir low survive with basic needs let, lone to ford to stay here i was able to get a new job. I think my experience is in the unique but common with renters i hope that change make it affordable for wars it live here. Another says i hope i can be able to fill despite a full time job and side huff teleis heard to live here knowing income bir low cover basic nev. Eds i hope it gets better. Thats temperature thank you for your comments. I have more if you need more. Welcome. Why good evening im raymond with [inaudible] and time again we are congress being kicked out, forced out from our own home and neighborhood and our city. All for the sake of profit. From high hotel to now. We do need will housing. But when good are this housing when San Francisco cant forward to live in them. When are the buildings for if we cant stay. Who are we building for . So when you vote tone or talk about this plan, who are we building for. The people of San Francisco or profit . We think about it i hope you support our city wide peoples plan to meet the Affordable Housing protect our community. Protect all of us from displace am keep us in San Francisco and families in San Francisco. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your comments. Welcome. Good evening please challenge the mcgonigles accepted bit mirs the goals are based on inflitted numbers and fail to consider water, construction, labor, construction materials. Funding and considered ginning a lawsuit on the numbers if you kent get other traction. Poison pill in the numbers will kick in after am 40,000 units have not been built in 4 years and then the role industry will be free to do what it wants. I ask you seek revisions to the state legislation b828. To again Keep Community voice in this. We are the people of San Francisco. Not somebody else. We want to Keep Community voice and working class jobs the First Priority has to be land banking in the construction of 100 fordable housing. Thank you. Good evening. Core of xhith the Housing Action coashgz ligz. Thank you. Want it zoom out and remind everything every city in california is required to to this. Major are oust compliance and santa monica had introduced and to go through ceqa and processes i had a conversation with the builder this proposed the u firsts and said i have to wait it out 10 years thats the plan on this. The conversations this have been here are consistent with when we have been hear nothing cities across the state most are unhappy the state is push to build more housing the reason the state is pushing is simple. San francisco and the entire state california has not built enough housing. Im concerned about displacement do you to demolition and seen this i was at the international holing in 1977 i fitsed displacement when is needed is a strong and clear process against displacement part of the Housing Element. The city peoples plan addresses that issue and different issues and i urge you to support it it is inclusive and will support dopely fordable house nothing san fan. Thank you. Thank you for your testimony. Mr. Buffy district chairman. Peoples Housing Element number 3 is witness again ahead of production quarter. What happens when our Government Asks you to do something that is and total low insane and all the other fall in line with the rbi sanity. I dont think you will like the outcome of that. Thank you for your testimony. Are there other members of who have in the yet spoken we will look at the remote system. Before we hear from our next speaker mr. Lamb i will state to those on the remote system we have about 29 listening. And looks like another 20 who are in the kwu if you are one of the upon 29 and would lect to provide comments press story 3. All right mr. Lamb hear from our first call are setting the time are for one minute. Welcome. Hi im Hernando Martin a form are director of the Housing Organization on the [inaudible] Oversight Committee im calling to express support for the peoples plan. Specifically the comments made about the amount of funding needed boat the 12s hcd put on San Francisco. Close to 5,000 units per year Affordable Housing need to be built. Over a billion dollars needs to be dedicated boy the city if another paper plan with no reality. We have funds in place approximate that can start to get us there one of those the prop i funding. That was passed by voters overwhelmingly and think it is important to see a plan within the Housing Element that out lining out of the funding how we will get had in accomplice to meet. Thank you. Christopher roach im here speaking tonight as a sum row of the written statements we submitted today on the Housing Element. First we appreciate the Planning Department and staff on their efforts. And support the men mcgonigle and policies it contains. We broad low support Housing Elements vision for zoning in high opportunity wrirs it create capacity for additional housing we need to meet goals and credit a successful city for current [inaudible] however Housing Element condition trains analysis states we need more it remove the layers of press the dr plague the Production Systems and otherwise zoning will be [inaudible] delivered housing we need. Critical the board adopt this is Housing Element not add additional condition strains. Thank you. My apol joes for cutting you you have we are cesting the time are for bhont. Im lips montano yoendz yet city builds market is 250 of the 2022 goal. It is expecting a miracle in the 70 for affordable how doing goal. Most in the city i cannot afford the apartment or house my family needs im grateful to be housed but call me selfish i will love to be comfortable, too much i think supervisors are insulting our intel jenls stop making excuses and vote yes for the peoples plan get you have your ivory tower and put yeln the peoples shauls the policy you pass are out of touch with our need. Thank you. I think met people in agreement it great to hear. Thank you for many supervisors and many peopleup zoning the west side t. Hen a talking pinlt for years you are not there yet. Supervisor ronen was hey. I vote toup zone the stele now and stroll line it. Guess what you can do it why dont you do temperature take action to show you are serious. And thank you supervisor mandelman for pointing out that you be where do a lot of low income people live. You guess it market rate the market rate homes built 30 yearsing on we need the different types of homes. Im a residents of district 5. Im apartments presentation this is a plan has to be approved by state the planning heads left out from the presentation the de feoed back which the state has asked San Francisco to implement and sudden fran declined to implement it in the final draft. This is air gant. California is investigating San Francisco 4 types over. The august review of the Housing Element there are indications of violations of state laws the permit act and housing crisis and state density bonus law this it is a plan has no safe guards. No garnts this it is the Housing Leadership deteriorate is right for subversion tell allow the board to say we did in the money that there is no rule saying we have to do this. Ef good afternoon this it is your local real agent i want to order to you pass a compliant Housing Leadership we need 82,000 and more. More homes for everyone when live nothing sudden fran and anyone whenments to live in San Francisco in the future. Good eviling im alex and im representing jeopardy an town area approximate serve as a board member the Japantown Task force and Land Use Committee we have been tasked with getting the word oust to the businesses about the Housing Element. Our concern now is the height of the buildings that have been changed around. At first it stated would be 50 feet and now up to 240 feet. Our community is limited to the size of our footprint. We are only five to 6 block in ridius and have businesses and seniors and we dent want towering buildings there. Please, consider w with us and w with us and bring Affordable Housing to all of San Francisco. Especially to the japantown area thank you. Next 8 years the Housing Element does not retire priorize affordable and meetingly the goals for Affordable Housing. Relying on a market rate for Housing Production when further displaced an fran residents disregard people to racial and social equity farm the bases of the Housing Element 2022. I seriously urge the board to recommendations since the support of Affordable House and racial and associating equity for all community in a resolution and i encouraged plan to designate and budget for tw new positions one a full time lobbyist to work with the scientist and feds to get the funding needed for affordable how doing and a lobbyist it advocate for reform and repeal of cost. Thank you. How we use or commune expertise and the peoples machine to meet the mandate and protect our community and please, keep fordable Housing First thank you for sharing your comments. Lets hear from our next caller. Welcome caller. Hi. This is im sorry this is jessica with senior and disability action and the rep can aligz and im here buzz we need San Francisco to prioritize dope low Affordable Housing. We have so many senior and people with disabilities that cannot afford housing we call affordable we need to expand senior operating subsiies and extend home and Community Base the service its allow disabled people to live in the home in their community and redefine affordable. Does not work on Social Security or sfi at low wages. Change the definition make it affordable. Listen at this time community. Consider the city ouied peoples plan. Thank you for listening. Will next speaker, please. This is loraine petty fordable how doing advocate for seniors inform over a thussand page the Housing Element has nothing it guarantee a full irrelevant for community nishgd and cultural groupless in the development eliminating public review presses planning maintains developers in the community will come together in hrm neil a few litigations are Community Benefits are offered. The Housing Element says a lot about listen and including it has no pens for developers who will not listen or even sit dun in the same room with Community Members. Never mind agree to mitigations communities must be full and equal per ins and i hope in this Development Press i home that the supervisors can ensour this. Thank you. Thank you loraine for your testimony. Hear from our next caller please. If good evening supervisors im Kenneth Russell i live in district 7. I dont need a cop pliant Housing Element and not lose funds for transit and Affordable Housing. A claim get 60,000 homes over 8 years is optimistic. This is saying we double our historic pace of the building without changing anything time of Construction Costs are increase and Interest Rates rising giving the assumptions asked sudden front it put in i back up plan. Planning declined in i presentation to planning we have to put in a solid become up plan rather than studying temperature i thifrng stipulate and encourage everyone to dress the issues it get to a compliant Housing Element. Thank you. Next caller. Mooim legal frankel d3 resident and volunteer [inaudible] in the Housing Element sf planning and the board need to be bold. In making sure sudden fran addresses our housing crisis. Sf planning projecting before changing policies the cities will produce 60 then and there units over 8 years double the production rates in the crashing housing Product Market they know they are assumptions and asked it develop i become up plan. Sf planning declinted it do so saying they are steadying the yet. Planning cannot delivery for for you if we want chink we need to make change that means a Housing Element more productive then and there the current proposals create. Good evening sproirzs jack with [inaudible] in d 10 and organization of [inaudible] the Housing Element forces tupps mace the reality there is impregnancy in Housing Production. As a steel we must move to credit the tool and funding necessary it develop frisk,000 u mitts over 8 scombroers additional 10,000 we need to make up. From 2010 it 2020 biview grew over 7,000 people. The district with the highest const. Trician residents. This highlights the [speaking too fast]. We cant afford the concern housing people with disabilities afrid they will lose their housing. Many families live in small rooms and wish we are hearing us to support Housing Element. Thank you. Thank you. Cano we hear from the next caller please. Hi good evening im a district 7 residentful the state set i goal for San Francisco of 82,000 new homes im not convinced the members are serious about meeting this 12 and passing compliant Housing Leadership if they dont could open up to losing state funding i urge the burden to pass the Housing Leaderships for husbanding through a specific plan and policies like stream lining the approval processes. Thank you for your testimony this evening. Hear from our next caller please. Hi supervisors imar mondso [inaudible]. I wanted to comment to say that i strategy low urge [inaudible] i think there are 2 realities the market conscience [inaudible] incoming rate collapsed everyone here w in housing knows this. So we need to increase [inaudible] when approvals are going down dont make sense. On the question of funding fix,000 units need to be made affordable through the Housing Element all i heard from members [inaudible] this will be 51. 25 billion dollars we need w on Affordable Housing the idea the scientist ofical cal fill a [inaudible] just misleading the public we need a role plan. Thank you for your testimony this evening. Before the next caller there are there listening press story 3 to get in the queue there are 16 listened up to provide comments. Remember next caller. Hello thank you for letting me speak. The general and Peoples Congress on the rep coalition i will story by reminding folks we have over 60,000 vacant units of housing in the city. And we have 10 thousand on the street and thousands of workers migritting in the city and commune they cant ford to live here. Gee with an affordability cross. Any housing is in the going to change that. The problem with this housing is it has no plan for prioritizing or identifying or a plan for building the required number and we will never make that there is no plan for this im asking to you w to build a better plan can lets prioritize Affordable Housing first. Why thank you. Good evening im sues an and im here to urge you to speak in spchlt peoples plan. We are requires to build 46 thousand units those units are desperate low needs for being homeless daily to preserve our communities of color and the only way to plan and fund for them. This reason the peoples plan. Im here to urge you to incorporate strong safe guards against demolition and exempt from up zoning the communities identified by the urban displace am project. Thank you. People seen their kids move buzz they cant ford it live newscast city. Im asking for to you do is make a plan to keep more peoples children in San Francisco. We cant have communities to be torn apart they cant afford the housing the way to do that is built more we need a compliant project and Housing Element that can build 82,000 homes and get approximate prioritize house and transits im notoriety circumstance line that should be able to build much more density there. We can have more Environmental Justice androus our carbon e missions and keep more families and stay in neighborhoods on the Community Leader and south side forward. Thank you for your testimony. Mr. Lamb. Next caller please. The current need trying to upgrade her mall property in sudden fran in supervisor peskins district. Our projects spokes to have a small addition and legalize an existing unit taken 2 envelope years and still in the planning process. In addition weep spent 70 thousand dollars in fee and permits with nothing to show for it. I urge you to understand and think about the implications of the bowero you have to go through today. I here i understand everyones concerns the steles policies the boards policies have resulted in the only way for people to build housing is to be i large and rich developer. Ien how any small Property Owner could min tain this process which is theup zoning of the west side. Remove dc press and approvals. Thank you for your testimony. Next caller, please. Hello caller, are you there. Why good evening im with comcast. The board hosting the hearing about the Housing Element. I was better than in San Francisco and fortunate im still here. Im a full time student and humanity affected by housing crisis. Low income bipoc communities must define affordable. New Affordable Housing successful meets the social equity needs for each community the housing crisis impacts the bay area. The beginning of covid19 pandemic should have the policies and unaffordant take advantage of the land expect when affords millions in cash. I can in longer ford to live here if nothing chinks my gent raping ends and future generation will never experience. Thank you for your testimony this evening. Never experience. Thank you for your testimony this evening. My generation in a cycle of being renters if he ever in the 70s run the stele bipeculiar disaccomplice am because of down zoning. Dispolicing people of color. Get the current scientist and pass a compliant Housing Element. Stop playing with low income renters. Especially for huszing the leadership will defind your legacy whether you like it or not. Get real. Thank you. Thank you for your testimony. Next call are please. Greetings this is amy fair white founder and director of the saint inferenceis homelessness and low income in exile who hopes to return. How do sudden fran meet the goals including affordable. The path has been before us since sb35 and stroll lining for 50 ford affordable and also 100 affordable. Focussed on the 50 affordable projects we could make them pencil out u noticing to rise the within billion dollars a year low low and at the state and extra credit for i public bank low interest loans there needs compromise a concession about the stream lining for the 50 affordable we have it with sb35. Be happy with this and otherfects get together and w on raising that funding. Thank you. Good evening this donna. I live in the sunset. I of glad to hear supervisor mar say you could rise to the occasion for this problem. If but i had it agree that you have not yet done so. We have a system here for Decision Making on housing that has taken a long time. It should be easy wherever it get a good project approve immediate San Francisco. I want to encourage supervisors to care about all levels of housing because each level will affect the other. And i would discourage supervisors for thinking some extra money from the state is needed to solve our own problem. Specific low please avoid high inclusionary demands. Thank you. Upon 23 are listening otherwise we will take the last group to the end. Next caller. Good evening this is united [inaudible] it is disstressing to read it and hear the artech ligz well is in actual plan in the Housing Element it address permanent housing. Shelters are in the housing neither are service the city wide peoples plan should be adopted in the element it does address steps to prioritize our most vulnerable from the street in the car and in Living Conditions for permanent does address how to avert the type of disaccomplice am of rent control attentives lead to 55 increase in homelessness in lettin x. It does address strategies to retin rent control Housing Stock and execute those strategies. And it does address ways to include Community Input in shaping and improving projects in a set, thank you. Next caller, please. Im dana a volunteer with sudden fran watchdog group. Delighted to hear sending a message to be bolder especially constraintos development so feasible to build in the city and planning [inaudible] same message to reduce constraints im concerned ignored the boards feedback and instructions and does in the address the board of supervisors concerns about how fickle would issue to build even under the existing element. I hope planning heard the voices. Make a plan that spares no [inaudible] and meets our obligations. Everyone in San Francisco agreeos planning, go further. Thank you. Thank you for your testimony. Mr. Lamb, next caller y. Im marie. The city the city if theatreo build baby build does in the work. 6,000 empty unit and 45 and the Millennium Tower planning needs to do better then and there rubber stamping any project. W with the. Coalition on future housing policy and adopt the peoples plan. Thank you very much. Thank you for your testimony. Next caller, please. Good evening im jonathan and im a resident of district 2. I would love to have more neighboring able to take advantage of the resource in my wealthy neighborhood im am excited about the rezoning of my neighborhood. Having followed the husbanding element in detail and read feedback im concerned the Housing Element in current foam is unlikely cert foil today does in the address critical elements does not include a backup plan that would kick in if the strategies dont produce the necessary housing. Second there is in analysis of gentleman constraints sf planning sills they are so complex. Howful they accept this excise proves the constraints make development difficult am thank you. [inaudible] member of all Planning Coalition adopt the peoples plan. It is based on w boy our communities and storying pinlt for Land Use Plan it is routed in social equity. We talk about sudden fran people without homes andim guarantee families Small Businessmen and women weighed dun by debt. These people [inaudible] false promise not going on say we will give you input here it is and here is the peoples plan. Dignity and he liberty may be ours. Thank you. Next caller. The projects like uc demolition despite filling a wall. Was of the building inspection. Residents like an earthquake and decibel levels pass. Safe fored lers. Sounding like you were tuck burglar santa compliants made. Popping up with ease loyals on normal limits with per misting despoit make life i living hell they allows 7 day, aweek of dust and noise no rest for neighbors many forced flee. Wander outside all day like the homeless. During the shelter in place order including 85 year olds. Thank you for your testimony. Draft Housing Element 2022 update. Welcome. Supervisors, if you do in the want it hear the people comments then you are disrespecting the people. Said that, i will state to you clear, this it is Ramaytush Ohlone land this stele have in intention to help the poor people and shame on the person who mandated the public get just one minute. Shame on that person. And the supervisors who are having a side bar better sit down in their seat or get out of the chamber. Thank you very much. Thank you mr. Decosta. Do we have another caller in the queue. Hello this is lee levitt i joined choo choo and the rep coalition to support the peoples plan. You heard from residents of race and equity groups when they went it city college i heard stories from students families facing e vision you heard the prud of husbanding i saw that 15 people in know apartment. We need to focus on building Affordable Housing when you heard from the voices well, our city needs to be accountable for war andim guarantees and we should focus on make easier to building house this is is affordable. Thank you. Next caller, please. Hi. This is keith measure. D2 residents. Sudden front will not build housing over 8 years. The builder is in the there we will not fwhald in good times the money is not there. [inaudible] but in ways that is in the the point the question before you the control whether you deliver a build and planning process that could build housing [inaudible]. And so for you are failing. Approval press this takes a year to study up zoning a valley ping lot is of interest. Planning has been sures coasting hour angry htd is how much they like to see real reform im worried if the board and planning dont get their act together we will lose when housing we do have. Please. Embrace. Thank you. Low Income Housing market rate will shake itself out. There are 60,000 empty units. This is immoral. Knowing this people need housing. To take care of their families, work. And the fact like mr. Decan have thea said you all are in the listening you are talking with each other i think you for get you are on television. It shows that you lack empathy to care about the people you are representing. For the people plan if we dont do it what happened 20 years ago with gentification will happen worse in the next 10 years, thank you for your testimony. Another caller, please. Hello this is michael patrellis, i wish it reminds the supervisors 100,000 voters cast no bell on thes on prop e. Last week. May i puz your time for a mobile home. This is a public hearing on the draft Housing Element for the 2022 update. Is this the item you are calling in about . It is wrong for the clerk to interrupt Public Comment. I was making a pin tht supervisors are not representing the people in how they are approaching the Housing Element and building Affordable House nothing San Francisco. And it is time for the board of supervisors to get their act together about this. No more interruptions angela, let the people speak during Public Comment without interruption. Thank you. Why agreed. Thank you for your comments. Mr. Lamb do we have another caller in the queue, please. We have no more in the queue. Thank you and the team who assisted with remote system are there members in the chamber who have in the addressed the board on this issue. Thank you. Mr. President. Oh. Okay. Please. Thank you Public Comment call in closed. You are welcome it speak we are returning to in person. Hi. Im liz with the Housing Rights Committee reading a statement for laura gomez. She say it is the redevelopment boy landlord will take down 193 affordable unit and turn them to a high rise complex with 277 market rate take away affordable unists but price out the remaining low income residents over time we need to guarantee they restore the 273 units at plaza east increase below market rate unists instead of market rate and address the safety issues. Housing policy power to build when they want and preserve and min tain when they built is recipe for disaccomplice am the peoples plan was created by housing expert its address racial and socialing inquality others in the am chamber who have in the spoken. Back to you mr. President. Thank you madam clerk. Public comment is closed. I want to thank whoefrn took the time to come in or to call in for this hearing. I will remind folks it is our job to make sure that during Public Comment we stay on the topic at handled and there are tunt for Public Comment later on at the end of this meeting. With this said. Supervisor preston thank you president walton and thank all the Community Members who spoke. I wanted to make ape final comment around the state, local dynamic and funding here i think is a part of comments huon how we will fund this. We need to meet our goals no one is disagreeing with that. But i do feel like this conversation in my opinion misses the state, local dynamic driving this problem. And i think we seen it on display in the discussion of the Housing Leadership. I want top draw your attention to think about the level of detail that hcdments around the 68,000 units in the pipe line. They want to dig in and know the irrelevant get creative in the next 8 year, fair question, right . Thats about 77 market rate. They want to make sure it is built. With the 46,000 affordable unists they dont give a dm damn if they will get built. The state regime set up here is deregulation regime. The goal is with hold the Affordable Housing money for when the locality does in the mote the goals. And so you know i just i think where i make per from clothes i general low vow Affordable Housing similarly is 1520 years ago when i did w in sacramento i might have thought the state would step up and come in and funds the afford okay ouzing need there is is no chance that is happening with todays sacramento the set up here the entire set up here is to deregulate market rate housing the state does not have to spends its money on Affordable Housing and rely on the private sector and the crumbs through inclusionary or developer fees out that. This is why when we have the state stearn whop represents San Francisco whop champions the bills all the advocates say why dont you do this stroll lining bill. Lets stick it to the subbushes and do a bill about this. Bloom and others put forward bills like that. Those dont make it through samantha . Thats not the goal the Real Estate Interests captured sacramento and our state senator is happy to legislate for, with the colleagues and with the real estate industry. The goal is it deregulate market rate housing. The idea, what do you think will help when you dont fund upon Affordable Housing. You can all get stroll lining and move quick through this process but dont do funding for affordable. Who will have built. Right. Does in the matter you deregulate you you did in the fund it. This statute same thing we have a plant 46,000 it is so clear from the discussion look at the charts and the chart page 53 of the Housing Element. We are projecting a few years out projecting 119 Million Dollars in funding. The prospect i money is not in there 119 million. We have Hay Police Department with 700 million. Within 19 Million Dollars is our Affordable Housing projected revenue. We are not projecting anything from the state this. Is a joke. Lets not loyal to people and say in our Housing Element we are serious about like they are serious the planning folks are serious mapping out the strajs you use to get there but this it is a set up the frisk,000 number is window dressing to go ahead and derevving light and do when we did in the last time mirror goals and exceed them and severely under perform. I like this is not just happening. In the a mistake the stuff about the state caring about Affordable House suggest garbage they had 1 billion surplus the state that pace approximately tigz its get them lected does in the give i damn about building fordable in San Francisco. We have to be real

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