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Supervisor stefani, not present. President walton. Present. Mr. President , you have a quorum. We are in a unseated home land of the original hab stands of the San Francisco peninsula we recognize we tpweupbt from little and working on their era digs al home land. We wish to pay our respects by acknowledge. pledge of allegiance on be half of the board of supervisors i would like to act ol the staff at sfgovtv. We have ms. Mendoza recording the meetings and making the transcripts available online. Madam clerk, the 2 00 oclock special order. The honorable mayor, the mayor may address the board for up to five minutes. We have her online. Thank you, madam clerk. Welcome to the meeting, madam, mayor. Thank you, president walton. Good afternoon, supervisors. Its election day. I know there is a lot of work to be done. I will be brief. I want to thank the director for running our elections department. So often in the city we talk about the problems we have. This is a opportunity to recognize that our elections run pretty smoothly with little drama. Thats credit to the process, the election staff doing the manning to get us here to the volunteer poll workers out there today making sure people can vote and have a good experience. I poe elections often heighten divisions. There are those of us that a free on different measures, candidates and those of us at that disagree. In San Francisco unlike other parts of the country we have faith in our elections and process. When the poles close and votes are counted we honor the results. Thats because of our fund phpt al belief in democracy and our elections are well ran. Whatever happens tonight we come back tomorrow and roll up our sleeves and get to work. I hope we work well together regardless of the results. The people of San Francisco truly count on us. Thank you so much. Thank you, madam mayor. Madam clerk, please call the first topic. Housing and services for the unhoused. Thank you so much. Todays question is from supervisor chan. Supervisor chan, please ask your opening question. Good afternoon. For some time now our constituents have shared frustration with city hall. The a butted apbs of correction found and rack of City Services delivered. I know our constituents have many questions and areeager to answers. I reach out to district one president s to let them know about the question process today and wanted to moe what question they wanted to foe the most from the mayor. We had many questions from public safety, raf safety to housing. The topic a receives the post responses was about housing and services for the unhoused. Our neighbors sheila, mar that, glenda, steven, marti and many more ask about homelessness. We found that james question represented the over all sentiment of the tabers. Here is james question im asking on his be half. Its worry some to see instabilities on the streets of our beautiful city. Do agree at that Mental Healthcare is a resource that should be expended . If so what actions do you believe that we, mayor, shute supervisor, citizen, and governor should insure that resources are targeted for those in need of Mental Healthcare this. Is a question from our neighbor, james living in richmond. Thank you, supervisor chan for the question and reaching out to your constituents forgetting feedback on our city. I wish it was simple to provide the services and making a level of difference for the challenges we experience. Especially those struggling with mental ill fess. I know these are very complex issues. My hope is that the con students give ace opportunity to work Better Together to focus on the issues that patter in our district and problematic throughout the city. We know this is pretty much the sentiment of most in San Francisco. Since june of 202 0 we have 50 encampments across the shute adding more housing than we have in 20 years. We have opened and increased shelter beds with placements for prevention and provided rental assessments. Further we expanded our Treatment Network with new programs for the capacity of almost 300 additional beds for people experiencing homelessness and Behavioral Health needs. Were on track to expand the numbers that we have. There are times when addressing these conditions require using the tools around enforcement to accept health. Its not easy. I wish we had stronger laws to force people into treatment. Its why i will continue to work with the state legislatures to strengthen the laws. My hope is to get some changes. We got conservator ship. Its not enough. Supervisor mandelman will tell you as a person advocating for changes to the conservator ship laws he understand the challenges. We cant change local laws. We need help state wide. This office, im hoping supervisors will join me in a push to make conservator ship laws to deal with the folks that we know your constituents want us to help. Until then the best we can do is make sure that the resources that we have available and were providing that support when someone agrees to accept will help. Sadly that can mean enforcement when necessary. It will take a lot of work and significant changed to the state laws. I think you and other Board Members can be helpful in the advocacy to do so. Thank you, mayor. Supervisor chan, you may ask a followup question related to the opening questions. Thank you, mayor, for your answers. Let me say from what i can tell from constituents we have many concerns. At least in the richmond that we would love to invite to you join us in the richmond to directly have dialogue with our constituents and hopefully consider having town hall at least in the richmond and perhaps across the city. I know our constituents are eager to have a dialogue that just like we just had and with you directly. It would be a definitely a plus, think for our constituents being able to spend some time with you. I appreciate your time today. I look forward to seeing you in the richmond. Mayor. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, mayor. Do you have a question for supervisor chan or any other supervisor pertaining to the same topic. Not now. Thank you. Happy election day. Madam clerk, this concludes our district one topic discussion and our mayoral discussion. Do we have any communications . Yes. Thank you, mr. President. The board of supervisors welcomes the public to join us in the chambers or watch remotely or view a live stream. You will hear the meeting discussions and muted to listening mode only. Once Public Comment is calderon the prompt indicates you have raised a hand. Wait to be unmuted and begin your comments. There are no 3 00 oclock special orders today. Public comment will be take not during item 31. Content eligible will be items 3235. The items for consideration on the floor adoption without Committee Reference calendar and general matters not on the agenda but on the subject matter of the board. All other content has been out for a committee where Public Comment was fulfilled. You may submit written correspondence. You can send an email to bos sfgov. Org. Sign off at 7 00 oclock today. I will invite them to provide instructions in language when item 31 is calderon. If you have issues for the meeting we have a clerk standing by to assist you. Members, mr. President , that kwon includes my communication. Thank you, so much madam clerk. Colleagues a reminder to mute your micro phones when are you not speaking. Lets go to our consent agenda. Items 212. Items 212 are on consent. Theyre considered routine. If theyre objected they maybe removed and considered separately. Thank you, madam clerk. Please call the roll. Items 212 supervisor ronen. I. Supervisor safai. I. Supervisor stefani. I. Supervisor walton. I. Chan. I. Supervisor dorsi. I. Supervisor mandelman. I. Supervisor mar. I. Supervisor melgar. I. Supervisor peskin. You i. Super surpriser preston. I. Please call item number 13. reading item 13 thank you, madam clerk. I dont see anyone on the roster to take this item. Same house same call. Without objection this ordinance is finally passed unanimously. Madam clerk please call new business items number 14, 15 together. Yes, item 14. reading item 14 reading item 15 thank you, madam clerk. I dont see anyone on the roster. We will take these items same house same call. Without objection this resolution is adopted and ordinance is passed on First Reading unanimously. Madam clerk please call item 16. reading item 1 thank you. I dont see anyone on the roster. So we will take this call the same house same call. Without objection this ordinance is passed on First Reading unanimously. Madam clerk please call item 17. reading item 17 thank you, madam clerk. Seeing no one on the roster we will take this item same house same call. Without objection this item is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call item 18. reading item 18 thank you. Seeing no one on the roster we will take this item same house same call. Without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk please call items 19 and 20 together. reading item 19. 19 reading item 20 thank you. Seeing no one on the roster we will take these items same house, same call. Without objection these resolutions are adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call items 21 and 22 together. Reading item 21 reading item 22 thank you, madam clerk. Seeing no one on the roster we will take these items same house same call. Without objection these items are adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call item 23. reading item 23 thank you. Seeing no one on the roster we will take this item same house same call. Without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. Mads am clerk, please call item 24. reading item 24 thank you. Seeing no one on the roster we will take this item same house same call. Without objection this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk please call item number 25. Yes. reading item 25 thank you, seeing no one on the roster we will take this item same house same call. Without objections this resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, please call item number 26. reading item 26 thank you. Seeing no one on the roster we will take this item same house same call. Without objection this ordinance is passed on First Reading unanimously. Madam clerk, please call item 27. reading item 27 thank you. Seeing no one on the roster we will take this item same house same call without objection this ordinance is passed on First Reading unanimously. Madam clerk, please call item 28. Yes, reading item 28 thank you. Colleagues before we vote on this can i have a motion to excuse supervisor mandelman from the vote. Made and seconded. Madam clerk on the motion to excuse. On the motion to excuse supervisor ronen. I. Supervisor safai. I. Supervisor stefani. I. Supervisor walton. I. Supervisor chan. I. Supervisor dorsi. I. Supervisor mar. I. Supervisor melgar. I. Supervisor peskin. I. Supervisor preston. Madam clerk please call the roll on item 28. Supervisor ronen. I. Supervisor safai. I. Supervisor stefani. I. Supervisor walton. I. Supervisor chan. I. Supervisor dorsi. I. Supervisor mar. I. Supervisor melgar. I. Supervisor peskin. I. Supervisor preston. I. Preston i. There are ten is. Thank you without objection this motion is approved unanimously. Welcome back supervisor mandelman. Madam clerk, lets go to roll call for introductions. We will come back to item 28. First up for roll call on introductions is supervisor supervisor ronen. I. Supervisor safai. I. Supervisor stefani. Today i will ask to close todays meeting in memory of Lorraine Marie she died on saturday at 81. She is the mother of our lieu continue ant governor. Born march 16th 1940 elaine was a proud greek american. She held deeply the values of persistence, kindness and patriot i am and instilled those values in her children. Elaine was a teacher. Above all else she was a mother. Loved to watch her family grow and cherished spending time with her grand children. In the days up to her passing she was surrounded by the people she loved most. Her children, grand children, great grand children, nieces, nephews and cat toto. I would like to extend my condolences to the Lieutenant Governor as she and her family mourn this great loss. Thank you, supervisor. President walton. Submit. Supervisor chan. Thank you. Supervisor dorsey. Thank you. Supervisor mandelman. I will submit my legislation. Thank you. Supervisor mar. Thank you. Supervisor melgar. I will submit. Supervisor peskin. One piece of legislation. Supervisor welcome back. We will go to our 2 30 special order. We have three accommodations. We will start with supervisor chans very special common station. Colleagues, today were honored to be joined by Congress Woman jackie spear. [ applause ] Congress Woman, were honored to have you with us today. Thank you so much. We want to depend you on this occasion really of regrettably to say its her retirement from congress. Too soon if i may say. Congress wpl spear has served as an elected leader for San Francisco bay year for nearly 40 years. Including the last 14 she has served the bay area in congress. She has demonstrated through her career shes not afraid to stand up to bullies, for the people. Especially the most vulnerable. She shows us that what is righteous is worth fighting for. I would like to share with you today a video that demonstrates her bravery and her strength. I suggest to you we need a society that will be zane. I ask for a i vote. Do you think an assault weapon is a machine gun . Assault weapons are any numbers of guns. Not just you think one squeeze of the trigger will send a burst of ammunition out the front. Automatic rifles will provide a number of bullets in a very short period of time. Youre wrong. Youre wrong, mrs. Spear. You have been shot by a automatic rifle. I have handled many. You have been shot by an automatic rifle . I have not. I. Have i can show you a lot of scars. I planned to speak about Something Else. The gentleman from new jersey has put my stomach in knots. Because i am one of those women he spoke about just now. I had a procedure at 17 wraoebgz, pregnant with a child that moved from the vagina into the cervics. That procedure you just talked about was a procedure i endured. I lost a baby. But for you to stand on this floor and suggest as you have that some how this is a procedure that is either welcomed or done cavalierly or done without any thought is preposterous. [ applause ] colleagues, today is an election day. Its a reminder we need leaders like Jackie Speier from local to federal level. To create a space for more women to run for office. This is the best way, one of the best ways we can honor Congress Woman speiers legacy. Thank you for your tire less dedication and to the people. Thank you. [ applause ] and Congress Woman speier, if you will indulge us we have a few words. Supervisor peskin. Yes. I watcheddered into Assembly Woman Jackie Speiers office. I never met her before. I tried to convince her i was going to win. For some reason she endorsed my candidacy. I think she was the only member of the California State Assembly to do so. I prevailed this that race and im profoundly thank full to this day. We teamed up on the local and state level to combat the finance industries invasion of individuals privacy. A cause for a number of sessions by senator speier. We finally at the local and then the state level prevailed in that matter. Are you still my hero for that and many other things. P 20 years of being in and out of elected office there have been a lot of folks at that i didnt believe in to start with or stopped along the way. Jackie speier you give me confidence in elected officials and our democracy. Its been an honor to watch you do your thing. Congratulations. Supervisor mandelman. Thank you, mr. President. Jackie speier was a legend long before is elected to the City College Board in 2012, ten years ago. But i got to see Jackie Speier in action when city college was threaten with the loss of accreditation. It was a time people said city college should calm down t will be fine. Congress woman speier recognized we needed to fight back. I think city college is alive and continues to serve students in large part because of the work Congress Woman speier did then. Its one item on a long list of hundreds of things she have done for the people of california. Im particularly grateful for that. Thank you, Congress Woman speier. [ applause ] supervisor melgar. Thank you, president walton. I am so grateful you have represented my district, district 7, for awful these years. You have done that with high intellect and grace, service to the people. When we were redistricted the thing i heard the most was how people were going to miss being represented by you. You have so much love. So much love in the community for you. For me the first woman to represent that district you have been a inspiration. Your fierceness and strategicness has been something that is breath taking to watch for all of these years. Im profoundly grateful for you. I hope you get rest and joy over the next year. Thank you. [ applause ] supervisor safai. Thank you, Congress Woman speier, when nobody stood in my corner, you did. You are a true role model. Bullets cant stop you. Words cant stop you. Nothing can stop you. You have been someone that hags been a Guiding Light for this community for so long. For working people. I remember the first conversation we had and the photo we took. I was wearing a labor shirt. You said, ahsha, never forget working people that. Has driven me every day. That is the experience hi growing up. So i truly have taken that to heart. I want you to know i will continue that fight on your be hatch in the very small way that i can. Thank you, thank you for everything you have done for our community, constituents and residents of San Francisco. [ applause ] supervisor stefani. Thank you, president walton. You know growing up my heroes were not celebrities and rock stars. They were women politicians. You have been one of them. I will never forget the first time i got to meet you by myself in person. It was in 2018. I was running for supervisor. I was seeking your endorsement. I think of that time had you your ankle was broken or something. You had your leg up. I went in with your staff. I told you all about my platform and what i stood for. You said to me, i really like and you what you stand for. I want to endorse you. For me it was the heavens opened up. Congress woman speiers would. I asked for a hug. I have had profound admiration for you for so long. Especially the gun violence issue it means so much to me. To know what you have endured. For the clip that supervisor chan shows us. I dont know who he is but we know who you are. To jockey through the senate floor that. Is so important. When you look at what is happening to our country today. The gun violence epidemic. You are constant in the fight. One of the highlights of my career, this year, is when we walked across the Golden Gate Bridge in june for National Gun Violence awareness day. It means so much to me that you have paveed the way for women in politics. You are so resilient, just someone i will continue to admire forever and always. I hope to follow your example of incredible leadership. Thank you for what you have done for your district, the city and county, and for this country. Thank you. [ applause ] supervisor ronen. Thank you. Congress woman speier, i never sought your endorsement or met you. I always admired you from a far. Because you are a true fighter for the people. You cant say that about that many politicians, unfortunately. You have done it your whole career. What makes you stand out in my mind more than anything is that you reached out to me which i was just floored by. You were in San Francisco and you wanted to meet me. I was like, wait Congress Woman speier wants to meet me. Im a brand new supervisor. You asked me what i was working on, what i cared about and you gave me feedback. It was unexpected and beautiful. It shows the person you are when the cameras not rolling. To reach out to a young, brand new elected official in that way it was extraordinary. Nobody had done that before or since. I want to thank you so much for doing that. It really meant a lot to me. Congratulations and thank you for everything. [ applause ] supervisor dorsey. Thank you, president walton. Congress woman speier. Its an honor to serve with you for four years on the democratic central committee. I know you were not at the meetings. I had the opportunity to work with brian, your proxy. I appreciated when it was a priority that i cared about like hiv and aids issues you always were a co sponsor and in our corner. The other thing i wont forget the years i worked in this building down the hall in the City Attorney office from 2004, a nine year legal battle for marriage equality. Not everybody was with us, you were with us in that battle. Your championship for lbgtq plus committee and marriage quality is nothing i will ever for get. I deeply appreciate all you have done for our city, state, country and our party. Its an honor to have served with you. Congratulations on your retirement. [ applause ] supervisor preston. Thank you, president walton. I wont repeat what my colleagues have said. I will second what everyone said. I want to add just the, just maybe the reality check in the time in which you serve in a institution that so many people in that institution have collectively lost their minds completely. Yet those of you who have been carrying the torch for decency in our government have had to press forward with composure and fight the fights you have fought for so long in what seems to be a more and more difficult environment. I want to thank you for doing really the thank less work of serving in congress for so long and specially doing so at a time when voices like yours are so absolutely essential. Thank you for your service. Madam clerk, please add me as a co sponsor to this resolution. Thank you. [ applause ] and Congress Woman speier, i will add to the chorus. One, im truly humbled you came in person today for us to say thank you for your service. Appreciate your fight for gun control. I a phaoerb yate your fight for womens rights. I appreciate your resources and dollars for caltrain that is near and dear to my heart. I really appreciate you enduring, fighting through tragedy and coming back to serve for this entire country. I thank you so much for your service and you will be missed in your roll. I have a feeling that some how you will continue to fight for all of us here in not only San Francisco but quite frankly across the world. Thank you so much for your service. We would love for to you say some words. [ applause ] thank you mr. President , and to my friends and colleagues on the board of supervisors. I have loved representing San Francisco in all of my iterations for 33 years. It has been a relationship that i have treasured. Many of you may or may not know i was born in San Francisco. I was born in maris health hospital, raised for a short period of time in the sunset. Came back to live in the city when i was going to hastings law school. Now its calderon San Francisco law school, the university of california, i guess. It has always been where my heart is. So, to be here today. To have you recognize me is really a great privilege. Supervisor chan, a special thanks to you for initiating the resolution. Let me just say that i may be leaving congress, but im not retiring. I am coming home. I am coming home to reengage with the communities that i love. As i think about what im going to do in the future, it has really struck me that we live in one of the richest counties in the country. Yet, we suffer with such great need. I am starting to first focus on San Mateo County where twenty billionaires live. Five thousand people who makeover a Million Dollars a year. Yet 33 of the children in schools are on free school lunches. Two thousand are living in unstable housing or are homeless. So, i hope that when i return that we will have an opportunity to Work Together and do a deep dive here in San Francisco about what the desperate needs are and how we can best address them. The privilege we all have to serve is truly profound. I think when youre at the end of that particular path, you realize even more strongly the power that you hold. That maybe you just took for granite at different points in your career. That you didnt use it as effectively as you could have on be half of your constituents. So, i urge you to dont, dont dismiss the power that you have. Use it to bring goodness to all of the residents here in San Francisco. I have absolutely been privileged to serve you and the people of San Francisco. I will never forget the fact you have repeatedly given me the opportunity to serve. I look forward to being in the private sector, so to speak, the non elected sector to work with you in the future. Im just going to end with a favorite quotation of mine. Every time we turn our heads the other way, when we see the law being flouted. When we tolerate what we know is wrong, when we close our eyes and our ears to the corrupt because we are too busy or because we are too frightened. When we fail to speak up or speak out. We strike a blow against freedom and decency, and justice. That was a quotation from robert f. Kennedy. We really have an obligation to speak up and speak out. On be half of all of the residents in San Francisco for decency and just i gos. Justice. And i thank you. [ applause ] [ applause ] thank you, so much Congress Woman speier. Thank you supervisor chan for making sure we honored her for her Amazing Service for all of these years. Now i am going to call on supervisor stefani and supervisor peskin. Thank you, president walton. Oops, i voted sticker. Colleagues, this is a be lated accommodation celebrating two Italian Americans celebrating italian heritage month, last month in october. I want to thank president walton for accommodating this for the contributions to the Italian Community and the city and county of San Francisco as a whole. Were honoring the two grand marshals of the 156th italian heritage parade. Larry, i apologize in advance he insisted. So we will see what happens. I want to say happy early birthday to larry. We found out that we were born in San Francisco one day apart. He was born at st. Marys. I was born at st. Lukes. When i found out it strengthened our italian bond. Happy early birthday, larry. Yes. In 2019 this bod other established october as italian heritage month in San Francisco and for good reason. October is very important to the Italian American community. Its when we have the heritage parade, italian organizations host month long celebrations in recognition of what Italian Americans have brought to the city and county of San Francisco. All living beings lead him to act as a champion for those in extreme profitery and the natural spaces of the world. I think its fitting for italian heritage month. First italian immigrants arrived in 1840s around californias statehood and San Francisco. The city owes a great deal of gratitude to those making many contributions to the culture, landscape, prosperity. This spans a broad array of our most iconic city institutions, bank of itly which is now bank of america. The fishing industry, performing arts and literature. I will finish with this part. Italian americans have been a part of every Civic Institution and Artistic Movement in San Francisco since the city pounding. Perhaps some of the greatest contributions are in Public Service. We know three american italian mayors have lead. Rossi, the first mayor, a 00 percent italian decent to lead a major u. S. City. Presiding over the building of the golden gate and bay bridges. The mayor over the 60s and 70s and maimer capitol projects such as bart and the trans america per immediate. Fighting to keep the San Francisco giants in the city. We have Speaker Nancy Pelosi the first woman speaker in the house of representatives. In honor, i am thrilled we get to honor two italians who have served their community so well and so honorably. Its my great honor to commend randy di martini for his service. Again the longest running parade in our nation and all of his other contributions to the city. Randy served in distinction as the grand marshal for this historical event. Randy is well known for his personal commitment to celebrating his Italian American heritage and supporting the Thriving Community of north beach. He describes as the greatest district in the world. He was raised in north beach and attended school. Youngest school of george and marie who had four boys. Ronnie, ricky, robbie and randy. During his years randy spent a great deal of time at the boys club. It was not yet a boys and girls club. The club was randys second home. He played sports and learned threater production. The club was the place to be. For randy it still is. His dream was to study acting and perform on broadway. He does a mean elvis. He felt his community had a deeper calling for him. Recognized as a gifted youth leader. This time randy was offered a position at the club and chartered as a role model. He serves the boys and girls club as executive director. For 43 years randy has served the north beach community. North beach would not be the same without randy dimartini. If you dont know him personally someone you know certainly does. Hes loved in our Italian Community. He does it all from painting the poles in north beach in green, white, red. Acting as a referee in cyo basketball games. Mentoring our youth in north beach. Hes a shining star and someone i feel lucky to know. Finally every i tralian has a cousin not really their cousin but says theyre cousins. We recently found out that randy is somewhat related to my husband through marriage. We are truly cousins. I love that. Its my great pleasure to present you the certificate of honor. Randy, if would you like to say a few words. [ applause ] thank you, supervisor stefani and supervisor peskin for this acknowledgment this. Is a great day for me and the boys and girls club. We have celebrated our one hundred lgt anniversary this year after the pandemic. Its a great honor to have this celebration coincide with this great honor today. I want to say working with children all of my life has been the greatest reward. I love every child on the planet. You mentioned the mayor, he originally came from our boys club back in the 1920 skp z 30s before becoming the mayor of San Francisco. Nancy pelosi her granddaughter was one of our little, little bella was a member a few years back. The boys and girls club goes a long way back with our heritage, many great people in the world. Thank you, once again. Its a great honor, especially to supervisor stefani and supervisor peskin for looking out for me. I will leave this to you. I dont know if we can do this next year. When i spoke with someone after this years italian heritage day parade the person making the floats came up to me and said how come this parade is not televised. All others are televised. I reached out to a dear friend of mine in television. I mentioned it to hip. We will try to get it televised next year. Again thank you for this great honor. I am joyed to celebrate with my good friend. We made a good team this year at the parade. Thank you all very very much. Much appreciated. Colleagues i in stilled in acknowledged mr. Mazolla. For the better parts of 20 years we fought like cats and dogs. We have mellowed with age and see each others way of seeing the world. Now 20 years later the guy is a friend of mine. In these chill over the last couple of months we have celebrated a lot of incredible different cultural contributions from various communities. To day its my honor and appropriately so to give love and recognition to the constituents and tkphaoupbt who have made italian heritage month synonymous with what i think is the greatest neighborhood in San Francisco, north beach. Which has as you have heard the longest running italian heritage parade in the entire country. This year was 154. If were you not there supervisor stefani was there. It was packed. I have never theyre always well attended. This was off the charts. You cant think of San Francisco without thinking about the many treasures and night life of north beach. You cant think about north beach without think ing about these two dimartini and mazolla in the chamber today. The grand marshals. You may know randy for considerable work with youth in the community and his totally spot on elvis impersonations. Larry is a reminder of the significant contribution thats italians have made to organized labor. Not only in San Francisco but in this country. Many new immigrants from the mediterranean in the 1850s and 1860s worked on the docks of San Francisco under remarkably oppressive conditions and at the heart of more radical origins of organized labor fighting for better working conditions against discrimination treatment by corporate profiteers. I have known larry for many years. Since we started getting along have had the opportunity to Work Together successfully on things like the project Labor Agreement that we successfully concluded with supervisor safais help. Have ushered in him becoming a member of the parks and recreation commission. Remember, larry, its phil who wont let you put your ferarris on Washington Square park. You can deal with that. And by the way even though i know there is a disagreement between the Building Trades council which larry is the head and the super majority of this board as it relates to splitting the department of department of public works. Not only do i know that larry knows eight of us are on the right side of that position. I wanted to give him this award anyways this. Is all to say i feel an honorary italian in the long working relationship we have had together. Its an honor to recognize larry mazolla for all do you for San Francisco. The floor is yours. [ applause ] thank you, very much, supervisor peskin and supervisor stefani for the acknowledgment. I accept this on be half of my family and Union Members in ua local 38. Like aaron says 20 years ago i wouldnt cross the street to spit on his hare if it was on fire. Today its a much different relationship. I appreciate the relationship we have, aaron. We have come a long way. Better for the building tried building tradeand city that we. I have Mutual Respect and appreciate all you have done for hraeuber and the Building Trades. We have a longstanding history here, as you know. My grandfather, my dad. You know they were the ones that started this for local 38. Im here because of them. Im proud to be a San Francisco, life long. My grandmother was born in north beach. Lives around the corner from gino and carly. Lived in San Francisco until she was 105. This city and my italian her damage mean more to me than anything. Im proud of both of those things. Im proud to be in a position to help Union Members and non Union Members and lift people through apprenticeship programs. Im proud to be part of this city. To get this award today. Like i said, i accept it on be half of everyone i mentioned. Family and members of local 38. A lot of italians came here and were not treated fairly when they got here. Things have changed for the betterment. Im proud to be here and i want to thank you both for this acknowledgment. It means a lot. Thank you. [ applause ] can i say one more thing. I forgot. Aaron peskin is in north beach way more than me. You need an italian name. I think we should call you from now on aaron peskini. Thats what im calling you. [ applause ] congratulations begin randy, larry. If this wasnt such a busy day we would have great things to say about both of you. Congratulations. Im glad. Thank you supervisor stefani and supervisor peskini. Supervisor mandelman. Thank you, president walton. I wanted to invite howard to come up to the podium. Want to say nice things about you. One of the coolest parts about this job is learning about all of the san franciscans who outside of the limelight never in the paper but every day do things that make their neighborhood better and make San Francisco better. Howard is one of those people. He lives in the try angle neighborhood. He was born in los angeles in 1950. Grew up in la and Orange County with six siblings and moved to San Francisco in 1972. He has lived in the try angle since 1975. Howard is a veteran of the hotel industry. With over 40 years under his belt at the Saint Francis and hes the historian for both properties and continues to work part time. Hes highly regarded in San Francisco Hotel History and convention management. Howards attention to detail and sense of responsibility ex continues pond the hotels he works at. The triangle and the castro neighborhoods. He walks his doberman faithfully. Unlike many of us howard goes the extra mile, he picks up trash along his walks every single day, several times a day. He is also a long time member of the Neighborhood Association and inspiration to many neighbors. Some of whom who i think have shown up here today. When my Office Reached out to the Neighborhood Association for stories about howard. We learned he doesnt only pick up trash, he repaints the decorative trim on the 30 something concrete ballards for the mini parks every year. Howard is a Good Neighbor. Hes an amazing neighbor. Loved by his neighbors. Its my honor to extend this accommodation as a thank you from the neighborhood and the city. [ applause ] thank you, supervisor. I am proud of what i do. I have inspired others. I would love for this to catch on and people will keep the city how we want it to be. Being a Good Neighbor is being important. Taking care of people. On my walks i pick up packages if amazon leaves them and i know people are not there. I hold onto them and give them to them. So i want to thank you very much for the acknowledge ment. It mans a lot to me. I have family and friends here. Thank you to all. Its interesting and inspiring to watch your work today and be here for Jackie Speier. Thank you very much. [ applause ] congratulations again. Howard, thank you so much. Supervisor mandelman. I want to say congratulations to our honoree this is afternoon and thank you to supervisor chan, supervisor stefani, supervisor peskin, and supervisor mandelman for acknowledging everyone today. That concludes our 2 30 p. M. Special order of business. Madam clerk, lets call item number 29. Item 28 was con considered. This matter was recognized to the full board as a committee report. Its a resolution urging the Mayors Office and Public Health to urge no gap in serves for those served by the tenderlion center. Thank you. Supervisor preston. Thank you, president walton. We discussed this. This urges the Mayors Office and Public Health to insure that replacement serves are available for the visiters using the tenderlion center context here you are familiar with the upon center. The you may know the d. Public health issued an over dose prevention plan that calls for the creation of multiple wellness hubs as the mayors referring to them in d ph is referring and they are smaller cites in multiple neighborhoods through the the stele that provide many of the resources that the Tenderloin Center Linkage Center or currently provides. The mayor has backd that approach the hubs multiple locations. D ph support this is and my Office Supports that as well. It is an area of agreement and important we move forward on that. Based on the public statements from the mayor and d ph, there will be a wellness hub in the tenderloin and Civic Center Area to be soon a date and location have not been announced. I remain concerned that closure of the Tenderloin Center with no plan to replace the services will place people at risk of failings over dose. And exacerbate the street conditions in the tenderloin and Civic Center Area. I have been urging the administration to partner with our office and the community to open the new wellness hub site in time for the closure. And to dealt that has not happened. Does not money it is too late and under score we move quick to set update center and moving quickly now to set up the replacement. Our resolution first and foremost urges that the promised wellness hub open to ensure replacement is operational before the center closes. If this takes more than now down to less than a month, more than that time the resolution urges the center stay open, briefly until the wellness hub is opened. Fundamentally, the principle is there must be no gap in service. I want to thank the over 50 organization this is reached out with a letter lead by the Coalition Backing that position. We understand that the concern location was always meant to be temporary we are not question thanksgiving here. We have not criticized the decision to wind it down and replace with smaller permanent locations but we cant in good conscious shutter the center leaving 400 per day without the help they need for an amount of time that is not a plan for anything. Increased suffering and death on our streets. Over 112,000 visitors have been served by the toin toin center in less then and there a year. As of today the center reversed 285 over dose. Many of which would have been fatal. The Center Provides meals, showers, counseling and referrals and shelter and housing. Allowing the Current Situation would close with no replacement of services and no alternative wellness hub to serve people using the center would be reckless, irresponsible and cruel. And i hope you will join mow in support thanksgiving today and i want to thank my coexperience supervisors ronen, chan, peskin and walton for their coexperienceship and urge others to support as well. Thank you. Thank you so much supervisor mandelman. Thank you president walton i voted against this item in committee. I feel there was value in the establishment of the Linkage Center and learned valuable things from the Linkage Center. We were talk figure a long time having safer consumption sites and sort of provide one for a significant period of time and learned this many people would use it and could reverse the over dose and those are lessons we put to use. It hen an expensive innervennes, 20 Million Dollars a year. And if we annualize it out. There is no evidence i see it is reduced over dose death in San Francisco or in the area where it has been located. The impacts on the surrounding community have been significant. I believe that we need to distribute service around the city and contraiting them in one neighborhood is a mistake. Distributing the services if we dont better manage the impacts of the services on the sidewalks and surrounding area system unatenable. I have many things i want from Public Health. I want accomplices for people to be taken now immediately when they are in crisis. I want longer term place ams for people who need to be in longer term placements. Step down facilities people through drug treatment and need a place to go and of all the things i want focus energyos keeping this facility open is low on my list of priorities and i think the decision to winds it down is the correct one. Thank you supervisor mandelman. Supervisor dorsey thank you president walton. I want to express my gralt tude for working on this. There are principles we agree that service should be continued there is a disagreement about keeping the center open when we made a commitment to the public this would be temporary. I have always felt about Public Policy that it is best reflected by what fdr said the new deal common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails admit it. And try another. Under a good lessons we learned from the Tenderloin Center. Those can be emplay in the other ways. Im encouraged by the presentation we had on the over dose prevention plan. We have to be mind when will we talk about Harm Reduction the principles applied to the quality of individual and community life. And what im hearing from the community is that this is not a continuation of something they will support. And i think we will need Community Support in the future for the ambitious things we need to do better as a city. To reduce drug over dose deaths in the city. To reduce the impact of open air drug scenes and brazen drug dealing. These are issues that are personal low important to me in ways that nothing has been person it mow in public life or policy. I want to make sure we have the support of San Francisco. In the endefers. My fear if we were to break our commitment this was going to be something we would close we will be continuing to lose the confidence of the San Francisco people we serve am i will oppose this resolution. Thank you supervisor dorsey. Supervisor preston. Thank you president walton, i wanted to say on this in terms of community impacts. That if people have concerns about the Current Situation on u Network Plaza and i share those concerns. I have expressd and continue to express my concerns with the lack of attention to that area as part of operating the centers there. I think if people have concerns about this area now, i want you to think about come go out there with me on december fifth when 400 people who are Getting Services there show up on december fiveth combh there is no plan, we went through this in detail in committee. There is no plan for replace am of the services. No consultation with area nonprofits to absorb the capacity and the needs of service. It is, i think we can have different views of the successes or failures of the center, i think it is absolutely reckless to shut it down unnecessary to shut it down with no plan in place. None of us want to continue the replace am site which is promised until this is fulfilled we cant leave 400 people with nowhere to go. Thank you. Supervisor peskin. Colleagues i submit to you the thrust of supervisor prestons resolution that i am a proud cosponsor of is set forth in the title. Which is no gap in services. There is a further resolve this says if well is a gap we look at keep thanksgiving open longer. Which rather than opposing i offer amendmented this section. A year ago. Around the winter holidays the mayor stood up and said. We have an emergency, which by the way, was already an emergency. We recognized that it was an emergency. Which was important. I think. Hathat emergency and the steles response shows us we can stands up a facility. A year later. Army retreated. D ph is in. That same sense of emergency all of the sudden seems to be gone. The crisis is in the gone. I think this is really an admonition to the about and executive branch this we have an obligation not to retreat. Not to abandon but to have no gap in services. And doing less than that, i think is an add vocation that the board ratify the emergency emthank you. Supervisor peskin, supervisor ronen. Joy want to chime in with a couple points. Number one, with the creation of this center, with the take down of the center, continuing frustrating for me is the administrations schizophrenia with dealing with Mental Health and the drug addiction crisis. Yea no pun intended. We passed the end of 2019 after a year of debate, compromise, battle, Mental Health sf that was unanimously supported at that time not everyone was on the board at that time and by the mayor. It is a sweeping overhaul of our Mental Health services. And it is it is creating a system out of a disjointed number of services that exist around the city that we spend hundreds of millions of dollars on every single year. This do not Work Together in a comprehensive way to serve people suffering on our streets. And ever since it passed. Granted we had a pandemic that delayed the implementation. It has been one sexy press relets after another with new idea title, take, claim, blueprint, you know whatever. In direction that we will take. Instead of keeping the eye on the ball and doing the longterm focus hard work of the system that was unanimously paddled. It is frustrating talk to director doctor hillary weekly about temperature and it drives me crazy. The reason i supported the tenderloin emergency was not because it was a new emergency we did not know about but it allowed you to hire 200 people. That is why i supported it. But i thought the creation of it and now the take down of it is sloppy at best. And reflects the fact that we dont have the discipline in the city to have i strategy, keep our eye on the ball and build that strategy for the longterm. And it it is why we dont succeed. Im convinced. That is number one. Number 2. All of the e mails we received the past few days, close the Tenderloin Center because nice try but conscience were worse outside of the centers, then they were prior to the opening; that is a problem. That is a real problem upon around every Single Service that we offer in my district. We have 1515 south vaness the safe sleep site. Naturalgation center. Im trying to open a safe cabin site at 1979 mission. And it is my office and my constituents this are begging the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing to make sure that the conditions around those centers are clean, safe, flawless encampment free, graffiti and trash free. We cannot ax constituent accept the services if the area surrounding them becomes worse than it was before they were policed there. We cannot ask this of our constituent. It is in the fair. It it is not it does not make sense. And i beg mcfadden and schneider every single week to clean up the area consist around 1515 south vaness or i will start the petition it take them downful i cant fight to open yet another Service Center for homeless folks in the mission when this city cannot maintain in a clean and order low fashion the Homeless Services that we open up. And it is yet to happen. We have a problem in the city with focussed attention to implementing a strategy this we all agree on should be the strategy and number 2, when we Opening Statement service keeping them in a way that anyone welcome them in their neighborhoods things get better not worse when they come in. Thank you supervisor ronen. Supervisor safai. Thank you, supervisor ronen. I have to tell you, i have been on this board for you 6 years there was not a day more frustrated in the day we were call in the an emergency session. And we literally sat here, sat in front of our computers and started here and transitioned until Christmas Eve. We were here until Christmas Eve listen and talking about this. I had reservations then. I was not convinced there would be follow through then. I did not like the location then. I did not hear a plan then. As supervisor peskin said this hen an emergency in the city for years. To put something together at the last second and call it an emergency and not have a plan for follow through, it started out all of the sudden, it was department of emergency management. We were having an emergency. Then changed to the department of public healing and it was an unofficial over dose prevention site. Save kwuchlgz site. I went there niez i was flabbergasted. I said if i wuk in and want to be clone if i want to be recovering if im a recoverer or trying to recover and im surrounded by people openly using drug in front of mow i cant speak from the same passion perspective as supervisor dorsey. But i imagine, this has to be triggering. Has to be a problem. I mean, this morphed to department of Public Health site without metrics and accountability we asked it was a link angio to nowhere. Im sorry. What were we linking to . I dont know. I did not like the plan from the beginning i tried defer. We had 2 objectives that came out of the plan we wanted the ministry project. Got that and cut the ribbon on that employmented Emergency Services programming and treatment at General Hospital funded. We got this funded. I had no faith there would be follow through on this plan. I think the surrounding accidents were caught by surprise. Theatre, i think the all of the ground floor this is the gateway one of the gateways to our civic gentleman. Im sorry, it is an embarrassment. It is not the right location. I normally and supervisor preston hi a good conversation i normally defer to the supervisor of the district. I stihl feel ambivalent i dont want the rug pulled out i want service continued. We bought a site and supported the add disintegration in have a location on i think geary up in the 822. Right. It has been sitting there. When will this open . I went to the site on howard. Soma that is a nice wellness drop in. Where is the formal plan, i feel ambivalent, i understand the need to want to continue services and im for that but the same time im not for continue thanksgiving condition thanksgiving at this location i dont feel were guesting half presented the public and dont foal there is a real plan to continue. There are good providers at the site. I feel ambivalent about it. I have to tell you general frustration like supervisor ronen we have the dramatic need. We have Mental Health sf, where is the follow through on that . We have been talking about this for years. Thats when we should put our energy. Thank you. Thank you supervisor safai supervisor ronen. Gi wanted add, geary street will be the Crisis Diversion Center we needed how long ago in supervisor mandelman . 510 years ago. It is in the going to be open for a year and a half. At best. And i have a weekly phone call i had to demand that i have with the dpw bhorn is not the project manager. There is no project manager assigned to that site to figure out how to fast track any piece of it or put pressure on it to open it up faster because without a Crisis Diversion Center, which is the Mental Health sf Service Center requires they create. It is at least the next best thing, is not going to open for a year and a half, at best. Thats what is happening with this site temperature is insane you guys, insane. Thank you supervisor ronen. Supervisor melgar. Thank you president walton. I am a believer in supporting the supervisor for the district you know, whatever they want to do in their district. For this one im torn. Ambivalent for a couple reasons. One is when we were all here on Christmas Eve, you know talking about this; i did mote with a bunch of the constituents in the tenderloin. And in this Linkage Center was one of their upon demands. It was their idea to have i place where people could take a shower and all of that. I met with the same people you know this past week and it has in the worked out in the way they intended. That really does give me pause. On the other hand. I want to live in a city where we have innovation. Where there is an emergency or needs, our departments can be nimble and stand up service and programs in short order and assess them to see if they work. If they dont work to be able to you know, scrap it and do Something Else that does and to be disciplined as supervisor ronen talked about in terms of looking at data. Seeing if the out come is not just 400 serve did the service have the intended outcome . I want to see that. And you know im frustrate in the my own District Supervisor mar and i have been working on trying to stabilize the population. Community that lives in their vehicles. And we have been really unable to get the department to repivot from the model that you know, deals with homelessness, people live nothing 10os the sidewalk. I want to live in a city where our city gentleman can pivot to deal with different needs and models in different neighborhoods. What i fear if we dont Gift Department ability to say, okay we try third degree it did not work that they will then just get stuck more. Than where they are now. And have the inability to pivot and to meet need in different areas with different populations and to provide different service. You know when than i are no longer needed or know the best practice yield better result and to redirect. So i am not sure about this. I have got even like we all have, lots of you know correspondence from folks saying, you know issue different things. But i you know even though i hear you supervisor peskin with this resolution the continuity of services and would like to see continuity. Im not sure if we dont have that we should keep this open. Im not sure. Thank you. Thank you supervisor melgar. Quick supervisor preston i recall being the no votes for the declaation of the emergency but to supervisor peskins point we were in a crisis and emergency and needed to get the work done. I agree with supervisor melgar there needs to be something in place where we can be faster and nimble. I did not support declaration my big concern is a gap in service. What happens the next day. Im not comfortable with shutting something down and services go, way and we dont a plan in accomplice to address that. I think it is reasonable to ask for something to be in place. Supervisor preston . Thank you, president walton. I share the frustrations expressed around the lack of follow through on some of initiatives. I think frankly, the way we community that frustration and try to get follow through is through a resolution of this type. And i hope folks will support it. I did want to just note though that, we made a very significant and positive step forward through the redistricting tenderloin part of my district 6 months ago. Worked for months with department of Public Health around creating the city that did not have abover dose prevention plan. We worked together. In terms of having a strategy and moving forward in a collaborative way. Huge props and credit to d ph, doctor countryins and her team for working on this and working with the theiror that and an agreement. What is frustrating that is the last couple months where instead of the scatter shot approach. We were starting to make progress. And that plan. I urge folks to read t. It is details and solid. May be more ambitious they were beens being realistic and ambitious. It is an excellent document of something that we fully support and d ph and mayor supports. And in that document they define the cornerstone of our over dose prevention plant wellness hubs and getting them up and running this is not an area of people have different vows about safe consumption and all that. The city everyone come together around smaller sites that provide the services and launching them, what is missing here is just this creating unnecessarily by lack of planning. Creating a situation where you just have services one day. And then they are gone the next that is the heart of this resolution. Supervisor peskin pointed out, to make sure there is no gap in services i urge your support and thank you for the time and discussion. Thank you supervisor preston. I dont see anyone else on the roster. Madam clerk call the roll on item 29. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safai. No. Supervisor stefani. No. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor chan. Aye. Supervisor dorsey. No. Supervisor mandelman. No. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor melgar. No. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. There are 6 aye avenue and 5 nos with supervisor safai, stefani, dorsey, mandelman and melgar in the decent. Thank you 65 this resolution is adopted. Madam clerk, would you take us to Public Comment. The board supervisors away Public Comment we hear from the chamber and we will go to remote. If you are calling in remote the number are published on the agenda and streaming on your screen aftererns the Information Press pound twice. You will hear the discussions you will be mute anded in listening mode only. You need to press story 3 to add to the speakers queue the prompt will indicate you raised your hand wait until you have been unmuted that is your queue to begin comments. During this item 31 you may speak on items 3235 the items on the for adoption without committee and general matter not to the agenda but the jurisdiction of the board. All other content represented out where the Public Comment requirement was fulfilled the board of supervisors accepts comments by u. S. Mail 1 dr. Carlton b. Goodlett place room 244, San Francisco, california or e mail using the address bos sfgov. Org we are joined by the office of civic engage amim Grant Affairs i ask you each interceptor to provide instruction we have raymond for filipino. Stamp for chinese and marti for spanish. [instruction in filipino] president walton and board and everyone im tam im a chinese interpreter for today Chinese Community express. Now i will relay the process to minutes. [instructions in chinese] thank you. [instructions in spanish] thank you. Thank you to the interpreters we appreciate you being here with you dp invite you to jump in if we have speeshs that require assistance. Since it is election day all election is presented. For those in the chamber we are prioritizing your Public Comment. Lineup now and we ask you adjust the microphones. We are seth the timer for 2 minutes per speaker, can we have the first individual . Linda chapman, i voted and im routing for prop m and experiences. And eye will tell you one vacant apartment making money for its investor. For 3 years. And why. In my condo bhlding there was a unit had nothing done to it for 40 years there was an old family live nothing it. It sold in 2020. To an investor withhold rent temperature he gutted the apartment and got it ready to rent and modernized and decided he had better ways to make motional one was a small like from the hoa pipe simple to fix. My plumber told them you run a pipe on the outside of the building and connect it to my plumbing and you disable the pipe. They had a better idea they decide sue linda. And first they tried collect experience. Insurance companies in the going to pay for the small trickle. They said, no. Okay. So linda, however, they decided to sue for 5 thousand dollars a month since 2020 and punitive damages which are not paid by insurance. Next year i will go before a jury to decide whether my assets are going to the man who is keeping his apartment vacant for 3 years along with 5 thousand dollars a mont he is charges me for lost rent you know in the fall of 2020 all of the apartments on knob hill were emptying out. My friends building reducing rents a thousand a mont by negotiation or threatening to move you could not rent an apartment. He found a way to profit from linda. I will be back here. Thank you. I indicated refrain from electioneering in the chamber. It is election day. Im listened jackie cousin jackie spaers. Speech and the [inaudible] a constituent of robert footwork kennedy i like to make a comment on the attack on mr. Pel lose and he a connection with the arch bishop declaring war on San Francisco and the attack on mr. Pelosi. We hear the history of world conflicts and how people in germany lived a few miles from a death camp and claimed they never knew about it. This is the case with the Global Warming what we know as we get in the crisis. Joe our president joe mentioned the crisis when he was admissible and done nothing about it. You know as we get deep notoriety crisis the demand for cheap, low cost, low technology fossil fuel gallon up as people try to leave. Problems the crisis the covid crisis. What is crazy the residence party strong holds are the states that are most at risk from Global Warming. Florida is supposed to disappear. It is in reflection on election day and i thought i should mention. I dont think our city has done well. Everything we have done the problem got worse. I than if [inaudible] [inaudible] [talking very fast]. We gotta think a different way thank you. We have the next speaker. I need ton they will turn the over head projector on. If you place this document. Is device on. Yes. Hang on. Let me get the papers ready. Hold on. Is that can they upon show the whole poster. An all right sized thing. Can they show the i guess they cant. There is no electioneering in the chamber. There is no electioneering you need to take this off this is not electioneering. This is not electioneering i need ton can they show this paper . It is a letter sized paper. It is showing now. Okay. Il get start michael patrellis im here to reminds you of a recent chronicle approximately you guys have only 12 of Approval Rating. 12 . Okay. You just spent 40 minutes engage nothing political masturbation and photo ops. There is one of the reasons why there is a low Approval Rating for you all. I will show on the over head, please it um in oakland, they put Public Comment first. You guys wait until 2 hours if your meeting and put Public Comment at the end. Another reason why you have only a 12 Approval Rating. I want top move on and show the examiner from a few days ago the head line, supervisors often dont comply with sfs public calendar law. Very few of you are in compliance with what is known the prop g calendar you have not provide them to myself or the examiner. Another upon reason why you are stuck at 12 Approval Rating. You guys need to do something differently i suggest starting by respecting the public. Putting Public Comment first. Stop with the political masturbation with commendations and im here to say Rafael Mandelman needs a town hall. Why do not address a member of the board do not interrupt me im entitleed 2 minutes and you interrupted me. You cannot make a direct statement to an individual. I want my 10 seconds. You conditional make a specific comment to an individual you can have your 10 seconds but cannot make a comment. I want my 10 seconds back. You can have your 10 seconds. In the castro to save the castro theatre to save the seats. And there needs to be respect by this board toward the public for Public Comment. 10 seconds expired. 12 thank you for your comment. 12 Approval Rating. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon im james glover the found upper of make them shine. And we have green jobs and a living wage. This is why im here. Focus on Indoor Air Quality and existing building stock and savingos water and chemical use for maintenance. Our process prevennes pathogens from contaminating Indoor Air Quality using lead products and procedures with Hightech Solutions for maximum coverage and protection the process allows you to train and vet our potential colleague in 7 days. All jobers green and performed at night hours 9 p. M. And 6 a. M. These jobs incentive based pay races and we want to excel and further the education. We want to hire and train from the Navigation Centers from the populations that are given permanent housing boy the city to disenfranchised people who want to make changes. I mode to put that out we got green jobs for disenfranchised people. Thank you. Thank you for your upon comments. All right. We have no more in person speakers. We will go to our remote system. Kevin lam is checking if we have anyone remote. Press star 3 enter the queue. Wait until the system indicated you have been unmuted then begin your comments. Put the first call are forward. Hi. Supervisor this is enellen grant in district 8. Cofounder of mothers against drug death you may know we have urging you against keeping the Tenderloin Center open. I respect your comments and your vote and what i ask im pausing. There is no electioneering today we realize. We spoken on had Public Comment for that item this is an item that had Public Comment. If you could redirect comments to make them general and not the item itself. You have a minute and 33 seconds. What to do next in terms of managing the Tenderloin Center and how to speakers time im pausing the time. That item had Public Comment. Fulfilled you may not speak on that item if you redirect them to Something Else. Thank you very much. I will connect another time. Thank you. Can we have the next caller, please. Good upon afternoon supervisors, the [inaudible] [inaudible] a couple thoughts. First off i hope supervisor will build on todays vote and focus on keeping the streets and the transit clone. It is a significant problem having drug use on the transit and streets and hurting the reputation of the city of so many great Public Servants like the board of supervisors. Mr. President you speakers not to make [inaudible] that includes listen to [inaudible] [muffled]. Okay happy birthday to commissioner stefani. With that i hope you keep doing the good work you are doing [inaudible]. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. I wish there were federal regulations requiring dense populated cities to adapt to the needs. And second hand smoke. Since this is not forth coming the ownous on local policy makers to provide safe air for everyone while home improving lives indoor nonsmokers caught up in the freedoms of the few indoor chain smokers is a battle with legislative land mines and dogmatic trip wire, fear the camps that incent vise with indoor nonsmoker to policies that serve the purpose overnight attainable good inform lieu of laws to ban indoor chain smoke might take time for live nothing hazardous homes inter~im guidelines that shift the culture of smallclaims courters in diplomatic train. The concept of drinking responsibly smoking responsibly never designed. For every teen lured by nicotine there is a preg nan single mother who cant move despite birth defects or miscarriage her crime living next door to an indoor chain smoke upper never informed there could be a way to smoke spanly. Not smoke sf [inaudible] not forget the now in the vol theyre silvity densely populated areas, San Francisco has the opportunity to lead the way with a campaign to share the air and cultivate Good Neighbors with Public Service announcemented with a Community Based prop to serve the needs of many and respecting desired freedoms of us all. Thank you for sharing your comments. Next speaker, please. So this is a general comment about how you have should think about strategy around the drug crisis in our city. Stop providing services that enable addiction. And focus on creating disincentives for open drug use and create incentives for recovery. I would pause that is probably a good framework to move forward. I yield my time thank you next. Do we have other callers left in the queue . We have no more callers. Mr. President . Thank you. Seeing no other speakers Public Comment is now closed. Madam clerk, call for adoption without reference items 3235 items 3235 were introduced for adoption without reference a unanimous vote is required for resolutionos First Reading today alternateively anyone may require a resolution to go to committee. Thank you so much madam clerk. Would you like to sever items can. I dont see anyone on the roster. Madam clerk call the roll. On items 3235 supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor chan. Aye. Supervisor dorsey. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor melgar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye supervisor preston. Aye there are 11 ayes. This is adoptd and motions approved unanimously. Do we have imperative items . No we do not, mr. President. Present the in memoryium. Today will be adjourn in the memory of the following beloved individuals from steph no for e lane marie sopcos. The end of our agenda do we have further business. That concludes our business. Thank you, voting is your right exercise if. This meeting is adjourned. It

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