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With over 3 million of revenue to be generated based on assumes of grossly receipts a rent credit of 3 million that is going to increase the infrastructure and the structure repair and things that are normally considered on the landmark side theyve agreed to take on the credits and it is done shortly to have it well be wrecking the benefits that work here within after the 4 year and with that, we are our next steps, of course, we will be seeking recommendation here from the committee as well as approval in the board on the term sheet and the sole source waiver and moving towards the groups finalize the mou with the partners at park service and we will then have a fair concession lease prepared for the folks to be ready and will eastbound conducting our Regulatory Approvals and then coming back to the Port Commission and the board to seek the approval for the mou and the lees with that, that concludes my presentation. Of rebecca has one change to introduce to the resolution. Thank you jay supervisors rebecca weve been working closely with the budget analyst and you have before you a couple of red lines technical changes to the resolution we want you to consider as you make the recommendation to the board the key changes on page 2 roadway 22 that technical change makes reference to the staff sheet it governs the process and the final change is on page 4 row 7 note it our intention or the agreement will have our leased the codenominators with the Contract Term that is important to the parties to have a contract for equal amount of time with that, that concludes my presentation. Thank you very much no questions right now mr. Rose, can we go to your report. Yes. Mr. Chairman, and members of the committee. Supervisor tang on page 14 of our report we note it that the port will be responsible to invest approximately 5 million for pier 31 the sub structure repair and upgrades we note the conservativecy and the contractor will make the improvement with 29 plus thousand dollars and report that the ferry contractor will be provided a maximum of 2 million plus in rent credits for the applicable costs over the 4 years of lease finally the contingency will be responsible for the 33 center and the folks will be provided a maximum of nine hundred plus over the 4 year term of the lease on page 15 the net present value as erupted e opposed to the percentage rents that will result in the port paid by the to be paid by the contingency where the port receives approximately 7 million plus ill emphasize again that is base rent not percentage rent. Regarding our recommendation based on the recommendation the department submitted we agree that that were join our recommendation on the bottom of page 15 and recommend you approve the amended legislation. Thank you very much if no questions right now i just want to say to you for coming forward ive been waiting for this for years laughter. So thank you. Im excited were at that phase and congratulations on getting this. Thank you. Alter that point and thank you for all your hard work thank goodness were here i have 3 speaker cards calling names anyone that wishes to speak please line up everyone will have 2 minutes. Good morning my name is establishing in any professional capacity im executive Vice President for the sgientd im familiar with the High Services on the waterfront and providing access to san franciscans and visitors alike on our waterfront my personal capacity i have served on the board of the golden gate care onservancy and the parks successful and open to all visitors in san franciscans in bayview receipts the consciousnesscy helps to provide are interpret programs with the Golden Gate Bridge and alcatraz and we many of you potentially visited the centers on alcatraz so i strongly urge to adopt this measure that will create and place for the alcatraz experience and have full confidence in the port. Thank you very much next speaker, please. Good morning, supervisors nice to see you familiar with both sides in the member six the conservancy this is go for inform San Francisco and glad to see this the correspondencecy dont a great job with the celebration a worldclass capture and theyll do a great job. Thank you, commissioner. Morning john sftravel as you may know there are 24. 6 million visitors they spend billions of dollars every hour everyday and support 76 plus jobs one of the most attractive and top attractions is obviously Alcatraz Island and in fact, the 6 more visited designations in San Francisco with 19 percent of all visitors that. Come to San Francisco visit the island easy access is important to maintain the attractivenessness and an iconic attraction this new agreement extends the papering that enable access from an place in close prompt to other amenity and attractions when placed together kraed create a designation that enhances the overall visitors attraction we wholeheartedly support this and congratulations to support and hope youll approve that thank you. Anyone wish to comment on this item seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor tang. All right. Thank you for your presentation he was reading through this and thought how i finally visited alcatraz for the first time i know embarrassing my parents waiting in line for a hotdog so i think this is be a wonderful experience so thank you very much for bringing 24 forgot with that said, ill make a most to i make a motion to send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. Thank you very much supervisor tang and again, thank you for the presentation and thank you for all your hard work. Mr. Chair, i building an amendment. As amended first to amend and send fort with a positive recommendation. Madam clerk add me as a cosponsor without objection. Okay madam clerk call item 5. Item 5 retroactively 30 years the was the District Attorney to accept and expend a 2016 through june 2017 authorizing the office of District Attorney to accept and expend a grant of 89 thousand for july 2017 through june 2018 and an amount of approximately 89 for the period of 2018 to 2019 to continue the criminal institution impact. Thank you for having me. Im the deputy chief of Victim Services i want to let you know that grant provides us an opportunity to let us have a resolution specialist to serve victims with the collection of restitution theyre very helpful in bringing the gap between the Operation Department and the District Attorneys office this last year, we trained over one he 50 staff mentioned on restitution to have a better understanding when the victim is entitled to collect for restitution and thats really it do you have any questions. Supervisor tang. Yeah. Thank you chair farrell so in terms of the grant is that mostly towards training or for the restitution. It is for the staffing of the restitution specialist that restitution specialist that training not just looking at the collection but also getting out there and bridging that gap amendment it is difficulty in the District Attorney probation officers and the victims when their understanding they can request restitution when the victim or the did not is found guilty or pleads guest guilty to a crime we found victims dont understand this resolution tuition specialist informs victims of their voting rights. Okay well open up for Public Comment anyone wish to comment on item number 5 seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Ill make 80 a motion wmgsz to the full board. Without objection. Madam clerk call item 6. The resolution arthurs the execution and delivery of a multi family note in one or more series in an aggregate not to exceed 49. 5 million to provide ferns of a construction multi family known as presidio prop x. Thank you, supervisors im a project manager at the Mayors Office of housing representing castro San Francisco Port Commission and here to present the board with the 72 construction of multi Family Housing on connecticut also known as block x the transactions fundamentals have not changed since you presented 9 resolution to that committee in march of this year the issuance is a conduit finance with in recourse to the general fund all the project units will serve the families earning no more than 60 percent ami this is the phase one of the master plan the San Francisco Port Commission and requires no relocation as it is a vacant site since march the developer 3wri7b8gd you think housing has excused allocation from the state the developer working with the city has identified Financing Team so we have on board the construction and permanent mortgage learned and investigator on council and Municipal Advisors the Financing Team met and developed a document in the package before you today, we anticipate closing many bond in middecember with construction beginning in early 2017 construction is accepted to be complete in the summer of 2018 that concludes my presentation. If you have any questions im here. Thank you very much any questions on item 6 okay opening up for Public Comment anyone wish to comment seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Motion to move forward. Ill make a motion city college. We can take that without objection. Madam clerk call item 7. Item 7 resolution authorizing the conclusion and delivery of certificates of participation an tax exempt or bias evidencing and representing a principle amount, 201165 point plus Million Dollar and improvement on the animal care facilities only property within the city. Okay. Thank you very much this hematemesis was sponsored by supervisor tang. I know we have Department Staff to speak on the item excited to see you and thank you to the Mayors Office and the capital team and our Public Finance team to make sure we are develop a new Animal Shelter in San Francisco with great excitement we have this one of our final financial pieces with that, im going to turn it over to Department Staff. With the Controllers Office of public financials the proposal inviting 60 million in south of market of participation with the annual control facility to be located on 1419 bryant street with the approval the board authorizes the city to sell commercial paper to fund this on an inventory base and to provide permanent financing on a elementary basis the certifies are to be executed in amounts to be fell paid with interest financing and delivery expenses because the plan of finance is seeking a paper to finance the costs we estimate to deliver the certificates in the summer of 2018 with the approve of that resolution the board approves the related fence in the forms including the property and Lease Agreement and trust and a preliminary statement that is the former of notice of tennis for the fail and appendix a the resolution approving the revised preliminary statement will be brought back to the board with the financials and other areas of disclosure for the city will structure the certificates and a third Party Trustees the office of chief examiner portions the hospital and the animal care and control facilities about collectively serve as a lease property for the certificate lastly a reminder in march the board amended the capital plan for the animal control confidence certificates as the debt program in may of this year, the board approved the certificates for the animal care and control project im available to answer any questions and have virginia the director of ac c and ken the manager to answer any project related questions. Thank you very much that presentation i think that just for Public Purposes and reminder of the cost and how much is comping from cop from the general fund appropriate i dont know if you want to speak to that harry maybe through the chair to mr. Rose. Mr. Rose, can we go to your report. Yes. Chair farrell and supervisor tang, we report on page 19 the board of supervisors appropriated the 60 plus Million Dollars in certificates of participation precedes of which 49 million to fund the animal control and 10 million plus from Debt Services reserves and financing and 9 hundred plus for uncertainty and the Interest Rate and this is shown or detailed on page 20 of our report that is in the table one we also note that on page 20 based on a consciousness 1 00 and Maturity Date of 20 years the office of Public Finance estimates the Interest Rate payments to be approximately 5 million plus that is other than average and the total principle and interest over 20 years one plus 59 million is principle and 50 million plus is interest we recommend that you approve that resolution. Okay. Thank you very much mr. Rose no questions. One more question i want to ask a real estate issue i know were playing music chairs with sfmta and wanted an update. Thank you for the question mr. Chair and supervisor tang so the real estate is a proposed animal care on bryant is currently occupied by sfmta and public works is managing them to relocate them and renovate the building this project is currently on time for design that the giving of that predecessor project starts in the summer of 2015 for the relocation for the summer of 2018 were on time for that as well. Where is sfmta what exactly is happening you know that last time we remember we were sure the designation is 1570 burk avenue and so that their consolidating and renovating that warehouse for that designation and great to hear that was resolved. Thank you very much. Okay open up for Public Comment this time open up for Public Comment i know that supervisor tang has cards here everyone will have two minutes. Thank you. I want to acknowledge the director of ac c but cards for calling names please come on up. Good morning. My name is jane i serve on the animal control Welfare Commission been a long term volunteer as of november 2015 animal control meetings San Francisco care and director donahue with the project sponsors from dpw presented plans for the shelter attending voice on the support for the building theyll meet the best practices and approve the level of adaptability it addresses the safety concerns for the public and the commission as well that was for these reasons that the Commission Recommended that the board of supervisors support the proposal to build a new shelter through the certifies of participation were confident the new building will improve the quality of care for the shelter that is functional in the event of a disaster, and, secondly, id like to personally thank the board of supervisors commissioner tang in particular dpw and the city zoning administrators and the budget and finance committee everyone pulled together it shows a great deep appreciation for the animals and for the people of San Francisco so i thank you personally. Thank you very much i too want to thank the city administrators office. Next speaker, please. Im im the chair of sf dog and wholeheartedly support this new shelter and also that the couples most people know that it is a place for adoption of dogs for often woman stay in abusive relationships they believe that people can bring their animals to aa c and protect them once a woman finds a place to live she can get her pet back if a Fire Destroys our home you can go there and fires and a kwaernth disaster you cant underestimate the comfort knowing their pets will be taken care of whether natural or personal people died in new orleans because they refused to save themselves it was reassuring well not face those choices ac c will take care of the animal in the extreme cases and getting them the help to do this necessarily they need a new building. Gandhi said you can judge the greatness of a nation how they treat their animals please move forward and support this building for animal control. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good morning, everybody. Im micro the chief executive officer for the friends of animal control i wanted to you know if any of you viefdz the 14er89 youve seen the need for the new shelter and need i want to thank you for. Making that happen i wont go through what jane said but theres a reason for the shelter number one i think that that was mentioned in the event of a major earthquake the shelter must be selfsufficient for 72 hours hours to take care of people and animals displaced we dont expect the building can do this the shelters are crowded and it is not heath having a new building allows for that the veterinary facilities doesnt cover that right now ac c staff cant properly isolate those animals so the new facilities will provide for that also, we will emphasis the animal care and controls is for people we heard in Hurricane Katrina people are jeopardizes their own safety as refuse to evacuate unless their pets are taken care of federal law is amended in 2006 to require the state and local preparation to include people are petsd it is important in Animal Shelter provide for this the shelter did a great job in it was converted to angle Animal Shelter for that length of time for 26 years weve going done a great job with the facilities and we really, really need this thank you for helping us and the animals. Thank you very much any Public Comment on this item okay. Seeing none. Public comment is closed. All right. So with that, again, just really amazing effort group effort at the city to make that happen so im enthusiastically making a motion to move forward with a positive recommendation to the full board. Thank you supervisor tang please put my name is a cosponsor and supervisor tang know well not be here without the advocacy of supervisor tang over the last year plus on this item thank you very much and with that, madam clerk without objection. Madam clerk would you call item 8 please. Item 8 resolution for the sales of multi housing revenue bond not to exceed one plus Million Dollars for the financing for the construction of a three hundred 11 unit multi Family Housing in the city from 510 fulsome street. Good morning. Im gretchen the Development Specialist to the Affordable Housing team with the office of Economic Development today is a erases authorizing the issuance of multi Family Housing not to exceed one and 32 million to provide the affordable portion of a mixed use known as bloke 9 located on 900 fulsome street as Bridge Housing are the developers thank you look at the map provide in our packets youll see 72 hours between fundamentally street first street and ecker in the contributing project area that was established in june of 2005 with the board of supervisors adoption of tip of the iceberg redevelopment it is with ocii meeting the obligation by the Assembly Bill to insures that 35 percent of new Housing Units built in the project area are volleyball to and occupied by low income and moderate income households it will be comprised of 1 and 36 marketrate housing and one and 9 belowmarketrate housing the total units in the building are 5 hundred and 4 the belowmarketrate housing will be located within the lower 21 floors of building and dispersed with the marketrate unit the bmr economist of 34 studios 61 one bedroom and two bedrooms and will be affordable to households earning up to 50 area medium income or for a 3 person household that will be finances with city tax exempt housing Revenue Bonds this transaction is a conduit financing and not requiring repayment the tax exempt in the california Allocation Committee expires in january of 2017 approval of this bond issuance by the november 29th board of supervisors meeting insures that the Developments Team has enough time to close the fencing for the Expiration Date to begin construction to there after. Vertical construction of affordable of contributing 9 will begin in the winter and completed in the summer of 2019 the contributing 9 Team Precious our support and look forward to seeing you at at event that concludes my presentation. Ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you thanks very much any questions move on to Public Comment anyone wish to comment on item number 8 seeing none, Public Comment is closed. All right. Thaengs for the very thorough presentation ill make a motion to i make a motion to send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. Motion by supervisor tang and without objection madam clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body . Theres no further business. Theres no further business. Thanks everybody i was just driving around minding my own business. When it came out of nowhere. Suddenly, there were lights all around me. Im like, theyre coming for me yeah, it was crazy. I just never thought theyd find me. Not out here. It doesnt matter where you drive. If you dont buckle up, you will get caught. Cops are cracking down all across the country. Click it or ticket. There are speaker cards in the front of the room and you can fill them out and pass them to me and i will call them in the order that i receive them. With that, i will go on to item number one, which is roll call. [ roll call] we have a quorum. We will move one to item number two which is approval of minutes of the september 27, 2016 commission on the environment regular meeting. explanatory documents september 27, 2016 draft minutes discussion and action. All those in favor say, aye. Opposed, nay. [chorus of ayes] so approval of the minutes has been passed. Clerk, please read item number three. Item number three isPublic Comment members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commissions jurisdiction and are not on todays agenda. Seeing no speaker cards we will move on to item number four. Item number four is4. Review and approval of resolution file 201612coe commending tom owen, retiring deputy City Attorney, for service to the department and commission on the environment. explanatory document draft resolution 201612coe sponsor and speakers commissioner johanna wald and deborah raphael, director discussion and action thank you for commissioners and thank you pres. Omotalade. As i was reflecting on toms tenure here, i was thinking of the Important Role of the City Attorney. San francisco perhaps now more than ever has both the obligation to make sure that we are healing the planet and taking that bold with that becomes the responsibility to be legally indefensible. At the end of the day we could make the most incredibly bold suggestions, resolutions, and they can be bold but they have to be followed through on. Toms role is vital in this. What tom did was say, lets get to the bottom of what you are trying to do. Let me remind you of things like the interstate Commerce Club and the opportunity that locals have but also the boundaries in that. And his cool head and strategic mind allowed us to do amazing things. And so tom, as you reflect on your career i hope you realize the difference you have made and it is because of you that we on this commission and we in the city have been the environmental leaders that we are. And, i hope you understand that. Because, there are many hours of big bruises on toms forehead because he triemake sense of all of this for all of us and that he has already stood up that test of time with the threats of lawsuits because of toms wisdom and strategy and commitment to the environment. So thank you tom. [applause] commissioner wald. Thank you. Thank you. Before i speak about tom may i ask you anthony to please read the resolution. [reading resolution] thank you anthony. Debbie spoke about some of toms contribution to the department so i just want to take a few minutes and talk about toms contribution to the commission. So the rules that we operate under are very complex and very daunting. I know that in the beginning, i sort of shivered when i sat up here at the thought that i might violate one of them or that somebody else might lower me into violating one or maybe even more of them. But as i got to know tom, i realized what a huge asset he was to our work because there is no chance there was no chance that we would have not violated all of those rules without tom here are with us. It gave us such a sense of security and comfort to know that we could do our work without worrying about transgressing one of those very, very complicated rules. And, i will say that tom was not the only City Attorney that i worked with in my tenure here and he is nonproblem in my experiences and it is been a huge honor to share the space with you tom and i think you for all that youve done for all of us. Does anyone else want to make any remarks . I remember a very very late night when we were trying to choose our next director for the department and i remember walking back with tom and he had been doing this for a very , very long time and i thought how is it possible that you could have been doing this for so long. And the thing about tom is that i just know it that we took comfort in the fact that he crossed his teeth and doubted his eyes and did great work for the city and i think you for your great work. I just want to echo the same sentiment that there is a lot of thought, and to make sure that we all have the best interest of the public and our community and i thank you for that. I just want to echo my fellow commissioners and say thank you for these things and thank you for helping us to stay on point and that we were able to set out the fulfillment of the goals that we need to accomplish. I am am sorry i did not get to know you better but i do want to say thank you very very much for all that you helped us to accomplish. Any other commissioner comments . I would just like to say on the resolution on page 2 if we could just change tom to thomas . Okay do we have a motion to approve the resolution . I motion. Do we have a second . We have a motion and a second. All those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes] any opposed . Seeing none, the motion passes. Commisssioner would you like to present tom with this award . Yes, i would. Thank you for all of the terrific work you have done for us over the years. Thank you. [applause] tom, would you like to say a few words . Thank you. I just would like to say that is truly been an honor to work with the commission because you are truly on the side of the angels and i cannot wait to see what you would do in the future. The department has been great to serve and i promise to provide the department with that same level of service. Thank you. Thank you very much. [applause] anthony, can you please read the next item on the agenda . The next item is item number five review and approval of resolution file 201611coe amending the commission on the environments bylaws to change the Operations Committee regular meeting schedule. explanatory documents draft resolution 201611coe the speakers are Anthony Valdez, Commission Affairs manager. This itemis a discussion and action. Good afternoon, i would like to say that the Operations Committee meets in january. We would like to see the Operations Committee meetimgs to be more in line with our regular committee. The Operations Committees meeting times are typical also that the public can know when the committee will meet but it is also to hold that staff accountable for that meeting times by my commission secretary. We also wanted you to know that the Operations Committee last week recommended approval of this item. Thank you very much. We will move to making a motion and then discussion and then Public Comment. Commissioners can i have a motion to move our review and approval of the commission on environments bylaws to change the Operations Committee to the regular meeting schedule. Do i have a motion . I motion. Do i have a second . Second. I have a motion and a second. All those in favor say, aye. Opposed, nay [chorus of ayes] any opposed . Seeing none the motion passes and anthony can you please read the next item . Item number six review of the proposed 20162020 department of the Environment Strategic Plan. Sponsor deborah raphael, director; speakers donnie oliveira, Program Manager, outreach explanatory document proposed 20162020 department of the Environment Strategic Plan discussion . Director did you want to start . Yes thank you very much. Good afternoon commissioners and pres. Omotalade thank you for having me. I would like to start by saying that we need to look at the why that we do with this work and before i had my meeting on this i had all of the department watch a ted talk on the why these things were happening. And when we examined that our why had stayed the same at but we needed to better understand what the new role was and what our new value added was in this new context. And so, our Strategic Plan and this will be a metaphor that you here in the next hour is that we have to create a path. When you think about articulating a path, a path has both direction and boundaries. Clearly, this must have both. Clearly we must say no to some things and we have to emphasize others. But, to move this metaphor even deeper, the Strategic Plan has opportunity to create the nature of the plan itself. How does it feel to be on this path . What does the surface of this plan look like . What does it look like on this plan . What is the difference between plan a and plan b. Who is it that it will affect. And so to implement this plan this is the roadmap to what were going to do. It must meet specific criteria. Every member of our department has to see themselves in this plan. This plan needs to be reflected and influenced by the influencers of our department. The city department, the mayor, the Mayors Office, the commissioners and the Community Leaders and the Community Members that work with us. And this plan must reflect the challenging work that we do. And with all of that this plan has become a labor of love and this has become a very complicated interesting journey and on one level it is a Single Mission statement. On another level it is a compilation of pictures with seven objectives and goals but when we look underneath that it is pages and pages of goals and our interactions and our strength. Today we are going to interact with this at a medium level. Its important for you to know that there are these layers and steps. I want to acknowledge in this labor of love some of the people that have put their hearts into this. Clearly donnie oliveira, who is the Program Manager and Anthony Valdez which is back Commission Affairs manager and we need to look at this document this in a sense is a beginning and a launch to something more. And so with that, i will turn this over to donnie add to start the presentation. Thank you katie. And think you commissioners for allowing us to walk through this record with you. I will begin with discussing the outlooks that were trying to achieve. We will begin with the Strategic Plan which will run from 2016 to 2020. But first, we have to ask ourselves what is our plan and what is our mission . This is our Mission Statement. I am not going to read this right now but i encourage you to look over this and read this. Clearly this is our Mission Statement and it is something that i am very fond of this mission plan and it reflects our department and what we are involved in. And then this logo right here does not work very well on a mobile device. But we noticed that these were very similar in the process and we wanted to hear from the public where we need to go and where we may need to improve but we also would like to hear from the commission on where they would like to see us go in this process. We started out with the department as a whole and so we started out with debbie who is our director and we took a strong hard look at this. So we could work through this as a Strategic Plan or we could break this down to

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