Floors was decreased from 43 to 42. Tmg partners and Essex Property trust and bridge remain. Tmg partners and Essex Property trust together are acting as the lead Development Entity and changed into an eighty20 development for a more integrated approach. This revised scheme is different than that contemplated it is consistent we allowed for either a joint Development Opportunity or an 8020 opportunity. Again, the project consists of 436 market rate units and 109 affordable units. The upper 21 floors all market rate units. And 109 below market rate units affordable to households. The unit mix or the number of studios, 1 and 2 bedrooms equal to the market rate units on the lower 21 floors and parking will be a parity among the market rate units. The developer will be submitting for approval by our executive director and bridge will be taking the lead on Outreach Marketing and leasing of the units. The project also includes ground floor retail because as you know folsom street will be the major new retail area 206 bike Parking Spaces shared open space on the ground floor and streetscape improvements. The block 9 includes a good faith deposited credited against the land Purchase Price 43. 6 million 6 million and deposited into a a trust account by the close of escrow. Obviously also requires compliance with contracting policies. Commencement of construction is expected to occur as as soon as the fall of next year no later than 18 months which is anticipated to happen february 3rd , 2015, and construction expected to take 3 years. To date, the project has achieved 50. 9 percent participation of the total fees 23. 8 percent are mbs and are mbs and as you know the schematic designs are before you today and this model is a representation of the schematic designs for block one. The Development Team has worked collaborative ly included as attachment 3 to your memorandum and the design was approved at the at the november 6th meeting. They conform to all of the requirements and Design Guidelines and streetscape and open space plans. There are certain conditions that will be worked out as the designs progress. These include things such as the retail on the ground floor, the treatment of clementina street and clementina street. The design team are here to give you a brief presentation of the schematic designs and then ill return to talk about next steps. Can you hear me with one microphone . President rosales commissioners i am a design director and im here to present the design for transbay block 9. With me here is Landscape Architects they have been partners in this design exercise and we have a complete Development Team and Bridge Housing. So i want to start with the slide over 10 years ago as a result of the of the freeway coming down developed a plan for a new neighborhood transbay and rincon hill and you can see there this is our project block 9. As part of the plan in in accordance with the guidelines the concept for the tower was to take the scale of the neighborhood and repeat that into the tower as a series of mason ettes and identify it as a unique landmark in the city. There are a series of balcony notches and the podium itself is also a series of layered materials that breakdown the scale comprised of solid materials and as a way of bringing also the human scale and a more finegrained set of materials and elements to the streetscape. A summary here and overview of the project there is a total of 545 total units. 436 of those units are market rate. 109 are affordable that is exactly 20 percent of the total. In terms of open space the project offers at the 9th level roof land escaped terraces and open space at the ground. At folsom we have 6, 775 square feet of retail and we have also 6 levels of parking which comprise 206 total spaces for an average of i think its 269 self park, 11 handicapped and 3 charging stations. I must say this project is on a triangular site were already going 6 levels below grade located near a bart station and major transit hub and its consistent with many of the projects that are going up currently in in this neighborhood. This is a view of folsom street as i mentioned the design reinforced the the public realm comprised of tall retail spaces and main feature connecting passageway and gateway along folsom in an effort to connect the park underneath the ramp the freeway ramp with folsom. This is the plan at the ground level at the bottom of your screen you see folsom and on the right you see first street. The main lobby, the single lobby entry is at the center of the project facing formal so folsom and at the back we have entries of 3 town houses off of clementina into a pedestrian oriented street with town houses along it. And the retail has been maximized and we have maximized the depths of the retail to over the required dimensions to give full depth to the retail tenants. Bicycle access is on first street and weve consolidated all of the entries and exits and also on first street. This creates a project on the on the ground which is pedestrian oriented. On the north we have improved and worked with our Landscape Architects to create a raised crossing plaza flush with the sidewalk that enhances the idea of a passageway from clementina, from the park park into folsom street and at the center of the building, if if you can just see my curse or here theres an area that has a space thats also going to be furnished with seating areas and a gateway and passageway through the building. You have here a rendering that represents that space. Again with tall retail space flanking this gateway and a space that will be furnished with outdoor seating to support the idea of having this being a space supporting the retail and provides a gateway into the park along clementina in the back. Again pointing out the materials are warm and intimate and theres additional planting and Landscape Elements that take you to the back of clementina street. Again, at the podium the towers is brought down it its based flanked by two podium pieces and working on these elements. Again, the materials are solid panels, glass and terra cotta like materials as well layered in order to introduce a scale to the project and balconies are brought to the face of the building to further amplify the idea of the life of the city and folsom street. At the back the design has evolved and introduced elements you can see here. Landscape and architecture and pedestrian friendly and pedestrian oriented street. This is a view of the plan at the 9th level. Theres theres a series of amenities and programmed with the help of the architects including herb gardens, gathering Spaces Community gardens etc. This is a view of that terrace emphasizing the connection between the indoor and outdoor spaces and the views of the skyline. Again, these are the views of the tower it will be actually seen as you come off of the bay bridge and around the ramp so we have also designed the tower so that it changes as you move around the tow e. R, the design has been developed 3 dimension ly to create a distinguished landmark in the city of san francisco. Thats the presentation in brief in brief. Thank you. Thank you. Just to wrap it up. The next steps include taking the board of supervisors for their very standard 3, 3, 4, 3, 3 approval. We anticipate this happening on february 3rd and and shortly there after the close of escrow and deposited into a trust account so through the next year and construction of commencement at the latest beginning spring of 2016 im here as well as members of the Development Team, tmg, essex and bridge and the designers. Thank you. Thank you. Madam secretary do we have any speaker cards . Yes, i have 2 speaker cards. Doctor jackson . Would you like to speak to the transbay item . Not now. Okay. Mr. Washington. Lets think outside the box. As ive sat here all these years and seen the Developers Come up and the presentations. You know, i was part part fighting for tmg you see i actually fought with others for mbe right when they were phasing out affirmative action on 209 so here we have in 2014 all these developers. Here were fighting for a piece of land. You always see us come fighting for that. Think outside the the box. Since we aint going to be around when it does happen. You are talking below market rate . Not for us. What if they put together put something together that you have right away your Developers Start an internship on everything that you do for buildings i mean bring them in off the streets let them in your corporate rooms and all these things. I was back there when they planned it. What if you had individuals of my race planning back then. Okay. Forget it. Past. Lets go forward. Im all about forward and im also documenting what happened in the past and the issue right now it dont look too good for us for the future so how do you bring it on level ground . You are bringing people like myself and others that have been around 20 or 30 years seen all the ups and downs let us be be at the table with you all here when you plan. We got people 18 or 19 would love to get involved just learning. Tell them you are going to have a little education you are going to be a part of this for the next 2 or 3 years. You just hear this all the time. I keep looking at most of us not going to be around. Im talking about my race of people. If you look at the 10year projection that im trying to get the city to look at im on the i forgot but they are studying the infrastructure for the next 10 years for the city and im studying the infrastructure for my race. Theres something wrong here i call it a conspiracy. Thank you mr. Washington. Do we have any other speaker cards. I have no further cards. Do the commissioners have questions or comments . Commissioner bustos. So the market rate units the 109, it says they are going to be the lower floors. Why wouldnt we have some of them on the top. Thats how the request for proposals was written typically because its such a Tall Building we have them distributed evenly throughout the lower portion of the building. You also have to remember that, you know, theoretically could effect land sale proceeds and all of the proceeds from this transaction are going directly to fund the construction of the transbay transit center. Uhhuh but it was those 20 percent that made the other 80 percent real, right . Meaning to have the 20 percent affordable allowed for for the 80 percent to be built right . They go together. Its one project so the rsp required that 80 percent of the units be market rates and 20 percent inclusionary. But it didnt distinguish on which floor right . It did. That you only had to distribute the the bmr units in the lower half of the building so the the developer is consistent that the units could be distributed through the lower half of the building. So within the lower half of the building, how many of those 109 are going to be on floors 19, 20 and 21 . Well, we have they have to be distributed evenly throughout those bottom 21 floors and within the next 60 days well get exact locations and the executive director will have to approve the location so 109 divided by 21 it will be evenly throughout those lower 21 floors. I just dont want because they are affordable that they have to be to be at the lower levels. You know parity and making sure that everybody gets a slice of it you know it is public land and so out of the 109, how many are going to have parking spots . The parking will be at the same ratio as it will for the entire building so i believe the ratio is a little over point 5 spaces per unit and like javier said the units are skewing on on the smaller side 2 bedrooms, 1 bedrooms and studios and consistent with transbay policy and the maximum number of Parking Spaces in this area is one to one and you know, these streets down here are really crowded and the goal for this neighborhood is to keep the cars off the street so its consistent i know it it can be different for each neighborhood and part of the reason were trying to build housing in this exact location is to try to limit the amount of cars in downtown san san francisco. So with the 206 biking Parking Spaces i mean if the goal is to get people to use Public Transportation transportation and bicycle use. Okay. How many Parking Spaces does the 206 make up . You mean if those bike Parking Spaces were converted into Parking Spaces . I dont know the answer to that so its probably not very many. I know the biking is stacked. The parking for the bikes is actually accommodated in a mezzanine. It wouldnt be faes wouldnt be feasible to park cars in that space. Its actually taken right under the ramp area so were putting a mezzanine above the ramp that services the parking so its not really taking any car Parking Spaces. Okay. And i also want to point out theres a minimum number of bike Parking Spaces required in the development controls. Okay so everyone will have access to the community room, Fitness Centers . Yes everyone has access to everything. And there are no separate entrances to the Affordable Housing units . Everyone is equal. No. Everyone is equal. Theres one entrance. On the design package it shows theres one entrance and as we transition to to the eighty 20 project there was only one entrance before but you had to split in two so this new development allowed us to consolidate that and provide even more retail along folsom street really improved the ground floor space from our perspective. And some of those units will have access to balconies right . Presumably, yes. I just want to make sure that thats part of the equation as well just to make sure that were being fair. My last question is about so the lines on that on that is that metal in front of the windows . Yes, they are metal shading elements. They project about 6 inches from the face but they are also theres a space between the glass and the the metal finish so they will appear to be very light elements and part of it is the performance of the building in terms of a shading element and a character again we dont want this to look like an Office Building and this is one of the elements that will stand it apart from that kind of commercial realm. So they are actually spaced approximately 3 feet apart so thats for the projection of the 6 inches but when you see it as an aggregate it really gives it a special character. Theres operable windows. Thank you. Commissioner singh . Whose going to get these units . Do you have the list . They will be marketed by Bridge Housing according to our policies how all of the bmr units are marketed based on our order of preference and then the lottery system. Do you have any kind of authority for this distribution of this bmr . We will have approval of of the distribution of the bmr the developer will come to us within the next as i say i the next 60 days and well either approve or reject or work with them to make sure its fair and meet our goals and policies for the distribution of the units. Whats the price range approximately. They are priced for households earning i dont know the figures. I. I dont have my income chart with me but the rents for example for a one bedroom at 50 percent ami which these are going to to to be restricted to is approximately 11 1,100 per month yes. Rental units . These are not Home Ownership these are apartments. Oh. Okay. Any questions . I want to know how many people are involved in this . Okay. Yes. Thank you. Obviously a large effort. I just just because i just want to have clarity on the process the approval process processes. Come back to us on these issues. I know that theres the board of supervisors and other processes and then theres wed be authorizing the executive director to make certain decisions that normally would come to to the commission is that accurate . I think the exact location of the bmr units we have conditions

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