Transcripts For SFGTV 2015 Police Department Medal Of Valor Awards Ceremony 111815 20151129

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O, say can you see, by the dawns early light, what so proudly we hail at the twilights last gleaming. Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, oer the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming. And the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. O, say does that starbangled banner yet wave, oer the land of the free, and the home of the brave please be seated. Again, i would like to welcome you to the San Francisco Police Department medal of valor Award Ceremony. Im rachel kilshaw. I would like to announce the people on the stage and thank the people who made this Award Ceremony of valor possible. Thank you for your continued generosity in allowing us to use this beautiful facility and next to thanks those who allowed us to use this facility for this beautiful ceremony. Thank you to Briana Oakley for singing the national anthem. [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] and thank you to the sf preponderance pd color guard. Now i would like to present to you the police commission. Suzy loftus, president , victor hwang and from the airplane Bureau Deputy and from the administration bureau. Commander an man ex. From the operations bureau, robert moser, metro division, commander osullivan and from the commanders bureau Toney Chaplin and from the airport burp commander ken wade lee. We are here to honor a select group of men and women of the San Francisco Police Department who engaged in special actions and above the call of duty. Today we will describe the extraordinary selfless acts these men and women took and why they are being honored tonight. Before we present the act of valor, president suzy loftus would like to say a few words. Good evening, everyone. I would like to thank chief suhr, command staff, my fellow commissioners. A special thanks goes out to our former secretary john monroe and current secretary rachel kill shaw. They recognize the valor above the call of duty. It is nights like this that our city is reminded of important truths. Police take guard to protect lives of independent. They take a noble profession where while others run from dangers, they run towards danger in protection of others. They put service above else everyday and they dont look to be applauded for their sacrifice. Thats why tonight is so important. Tonight we honor 16 San Francisco heroes. 16 San Francisco Police Officers who displayed extraordinary value valor, they acted decidesively with great courage and put themselves in harms way to protect the lives of others. Tonight we recognize the acts of an officer who risked his life and showed bravery and courage in apprehending and disarming a suspect with a gun. We honor an officer who risks his life for others and we honor the officers who run into a burning building and we honor the officer who takes a knife from a man. We appreciate your service. Most importantly, thank you, family and loved ones. You provide unconditional support and encouragement to these men and women who put their lives at risk. We understand their commitment and deeply grateful to your sacrifice. Thank you for everything you do and be safe. [ applause ] thank you, president loftus. Now we will hear from chief gregory suhr. Good evening, could we have the attention in the room was palatable when everybody was wanting to applaud briana and couldnt because of the colors. If we could, one more time for briana. [ cheers and applause ] i want to thank the scottish right temple. Just recently we had the promotional celebration. Certainly a great day for the people and especially for exams when we spoke of leaders in the San Francisco Police Department. Great day. On friday we will graduate an Academy Class who will go out and do the work of the San Francisco Police Department. Thats a great day too. But these are the best nights because these are the nights when the scottish temple really does play home to the brave. Everyday San Francisco Police Officers, actually Police Officers all around the country leave the house and you dont know what you are going to draw. Most nights pretty routine, although San Francisco Police Officers, forgive me, im a little bit bias, as of kindness we have new policies because we have a lot of people on the streets suffering from various levels of capacity and they make the adjustment of when not to go forward and go back and they do as well as anybody and are outside just helping the needs who are in need of a doctor and the handy Police Officer and on an on. Our slogan for the city of San Francisco Police Department is ordinary people doing the extraordinary. For that process we have time honored about a 55year history of the San Francisco Police Department where, i hope i did my math right on that, where only the assembled service captain of the San Francisco police and command staff are only able to vote on medal of valor. Thousands of us, sitting in that room and there is an anxious conversation about just getting it right. So, these medals that are going to be awarded to the 16 men and women in blue they are well earned and any single one of them could have not done what they did and it wouldnt have been worthy of sanction. But they went forward when everybody else would have thought to stand down and probably would have thought smarter for it. Thats not what we signed up to do and not what they signed up to do. In that we are here to honor them and especially thank their family members when they come home and you say how was work today . And they say, its all right. Whatever. We didnt invite you here to be upset with them when you hear these stories and then you go, you might have told me about that when you came home because we are going to tell you about it right now. Congratulations. [ applause ] thank you, chief suhr. Now we will hear from these members Commanding Officer who will read the award citation for each of the officers. First, can we have captain daniel perea, Commanding Officer mission statement, sergeant dempsky and fischer, officers conway, sanchez, thank you, im commander sanchez and i will talk about one situation where an officer demonstrated bravery. On october 11, 2015, officer olson and conway were in the mission patrol district. While on patrol, they saw thick black smoke from 29th street. Simultaneously officer sanchez and upon hearing an emergency broadcast and threat to life, numerous officers at mission station responded to the scene. Upon their arrival officers responding to the occupied Apartment Building engulfed in fire with several units already engulfed in flames. Although the Fire Department was already dispatched, only these officers were there while those were experiencing death. None of the officers were equipped with breathing apparatus. These officers who responded who raced to the scene as First Responders could have stayed outside and aided the residents who managed to self evacuate. No one would have blamed the officers for that decision. This group of officers to my right did not stand by the scene and waited for others to help. Instead, officer dempsky, fischer, conway, adam shaw, trees deignan and officer hoang and shaw, they forced enter on a number of units and evacuated resident after resident after resident. Sometimes having to literally physically assist these folks from the burning building. They moved from floor to floor. Officer conway, olson, yee and zamudio and were joined by officer shaw, diegnan and wells. They proceeded to the fourth floor while visibility was zero. They found the fire extinguisher on the wall. They smashed the glass on the wall. Although the fire was already too large and fierce, according to the Fire Department, sergeant dempsky and fischer prevented the fire from spreading. As officer noticed his hand had been cut obtaining the fire extinguisher. At that time the Fire Department reid arrived and ordered the officers to evacuate the premises. Due to the bravery of these officers, not a Single Person perished. The fire was also deliberately set. San francisco officer was transported to General Hospital where he was treated for smoke inhalation and laceration to his hand. Sergeant dempsky, conway, fischer, olson, shaw, wells, yee and zamudio with full knowledge they were risking their own lives and demonstrating outstanding bravery saved the lives of these people in this building without any protective gear and without any hesitation. Sergeant dempskys and officer fischers action to prevent the fire from spreading and saving their lives. For their actions they are awarded the bronze medal. [ applause ] one more time. [ applause ] again, well have dr. Captain perea and officer buckley. On july 21st, sergeant Jessica Nan Trup were on patrol. They attracted numerous residents and patrons to the corridor. At 7 22 p. M. , the usual quiet valley neighborhood was suddenly disrupted by a man bleeding profusely and holding a large knife. Sergeant nan troup and buckley responded. They received information that the individual had turned the knife on himself. When they arrived the officer found the subject on the corner. The subject was bleeding profusely from his wrist while holding the knife to his throat. Police observed individuals observing and the possession they placed themselves in to the individual wielding the knife. She estimated that distance to be less than 15 feet. Due to her training, she knew an individual armed with an edged we may could easily cover small distance and inflict serious injury or deliver a strike to anyone in any moment looking to on lookers to escape and defend themselves. In order to protect these individuals she deliberately moved herself in front of them to act as a barrier between the group and herself. Knowing the risk she placed herself insolely for the sake of the assembled crowd. Concurrently officer buckley conducted his own evaluation of the threat the subject posed at the scene. Officer buckley recognized the subjects actions and self is inflicted injury were possible indicators the subject was in the midst of a Mental Health crisis. Officer buckley astutely armed himself with the less Lethal Action with an an impacted weapon, which is a beanbag equivalent of a baton strike which looks like a shotgun to the average person on the street. Officer buckley and nantroup continued to talk to the subject. The subject did not respond and continued to pose a threat to himself to sergeant nantroup and officer buckley and the people in the area. After the subject spattered blood to the area and failure to respond to commands of the officer. The officers knew immediate action was necessary preventing the subject from hurting other people and requiring potential use of deadly force to stop him. Sergeant nantroup provided unwavery lethal coverage for officer buckley while officer continued to give direction to the subject to drop the knife. The on lookers were watching in fear. Several individuals added to the situation by yelling at the officers, stop, dont shoot him adding the situation the officers put themselves in for the place of public safety. Officer responded with one projectile. The subject appeared surprised by the action and officers repeated their direction for the subject to drop the knife and he complied throwing the knife to the sidewalk. Officer nantroup, once officer, now promoted to sergeant. Officer buckley ordered the subject to the ground and swung the rifle over his shoulder. Officer requested medical assistance to the scene and without hesitation immediately translated to first aid mode and raised the suspects arm above his head. Paramedics arrived rendering the first aid he had started. The subject told officers he was hearing voices and wanted to kill himself. The doctor said this individual severed an artery and this injury could have resulted in his death. In examination of the subjects property, the suspect was also in possession of a replica gun which had the orange tip removed. The officers made a conscious decision to place himself between a disturbed dangerous individual and the on lookers. Officer nantroup and buckley worked in a calm manner. They displayed bravery in the performance of their duties and officer buckleys direct intervention and administration of first aid for the subject saved his life. For their actions, sergeant jessica nantroup and officer buckley are awarded the bronze medal and life saving award. [ applause ] [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] next we have captain jerome defillippo and Sergeant Tony montana montoya and officer huang and taylor. Jerome defillippo. This is my first Award Ceremony and i had the pleasure of being the first time to vote on members of my command for medal of valor. So im very proud of that. On 962014. At approximately 2400 hours officers hoang and officers responded to a scene. A suspect wanted to jump out of the window. Sergeant montoya and officer hoang arrived at the scene and directed by browns neighbor from a fire escape. Officer hoang saw that brown was dangling from the fire escape only with his right hand. Officer hoang climbed out the window to make it to the fire escape. He asked him to come down and brown replied im going to jump then he saw he was losing his grip. If he fell, he would fall 7 stories. Officer hoang knew he would lose his life. Officer held browns left arm and officer hoang was the only thing keeping brown from falling on the sidewalk. Sergeant moment i hello. Youre watching the show that explores San Franciscos love affair with food. There are at least 18 Farmers Markets in San Francisco alone, providing fresh and affordable to yearround. This is a great resource that does not break the bank. To show just how easy it can be to do just that, we have come up with something called the Farmers Market challenge. We find someone who loves to cook, give them 20, and challenge them to create a delicious meal from ingredients found right here in the Farmers Market. Who did we find for todays challenge . Today with regard to made a pot greater thanchapino. You only have 20 to spend. I know peter it is going to be tough, but i think i can do it. It is a San Francisco classic. We are celebrating bay area food. We have nice beautiful plum tomatoes here. We have some beautiful fresh fish here. It will come together beautifully. Many to cut out all this talk, and lets go shop. Yeah. What makes your dish unique . I like it spicy and smoky. I will take fresh italian tomatoes and the fresh seafood, and will bring them to other with some nice spoked paprika and some nice smoked jalapeno peppers. I am going to stew them up and get a nice savory, smoky, fishy, tomatoy, spicy broth. Bring it on. How are you feeling . I feel good. I spent the 20 and have a few pennies less. I am going to go home and cook. I will text message u. N. Is done. Excellent and really looking forward to it. Today were going to make the San Francisco classic dish invented by italian and portuguese fishermen. Itll be like a nice spaghetti sauce. Then we will put in the fish soup. The last thing is the dungeon as crab, let it all blend together. It will be delicious. When i could, i will try to make healthy meals with fresh ingredients, whatever is in season and local. Those juicy, fresh tomatoes will take about an hour to cook down into a nice sauce. This is a good time to make our fish stock. We will take a step that seems like trash and boil it up in water and make a delicious and they speed up my parents were great clerics, and we had wonderful food. Family dinners are very important. Any chance you can sit down together and have a meal together, it is great communal atmosphere. One of the things i like the most is the opportunity to be creative. Hello. Anybody with sets their mind to it can cut. Always nice to start chopping some vegetables and x and the delicious. All this double in view is this broth with great flavor. But your heart into it. Make something that you, family, and friends will really enjoy. I am here with a manager at the heart of the city Farmers Market in San Francisco. Thank you for joining us. Tell us a little bit about the organization. Were 30 years old now. We started with 14 farmers, and it has grown out to over 80. What is the mission of the organization . This area has no Grocery Store spiller it is all momand pop stores. We have this because it is needed. We knew it was needed. And the plaza needed somebody. It was empty. Beautiful with city hall in the background. Thank you for speaking with us. Are you on the web . Yes, hocfarmersmarket. Org. Check them out. Thank you. Welcome. The dish is ready. It looks and smells amazing. Thank you. It was not easy to meet the 20 budget. I checked everybody out and found some great produce. Really lovely seafood. I think that you are going to love it. Do not be shy. Cyou know this can run you 35 to 45 for a bowl, so it is great you did this for 20. This will feed four to six people. Not if you invite me over for dinner. I am ready to dig in. I hope youll love it. Mmm. What do you think . I think i am going to need more. Perhaps you can have all you want. I am produce the that you have crushed this Farmers Market challenge by a landslide. The first, were going to have to tally of your Shopping List and see what you actually spend that the Farmers Market. And go for it. Incredible. You have shown us how to make super healthy, refresh chapino from the Farmers Market on the budget, that for the whole family. That is outstanding. Thank you peter i am glad that you like it. I think anybody can do it. If you like the recipe for this dish, you can email us at sfgtv sfgov. Org or reach out to us on facebook or twitter and we commissioner bonilla, commissioner harrison, commissioner mcdonnell, commissioner levitan will be here in a moment. We have a few announcements to make. Again, just as a reminder, i know you heard it, you

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