Transcripts For SFGTV 20141028

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Motion to keep confidential. Motion second. Public comment. You are going to entertain a motion keep your deliberations confidential . Yes. All in favor . Aye. Opposed . Hearing none, the motion to keep the deliberations relating litigation of the plaintiff, confidential, passes, 50. The next item on the agenda, is evaluations of the executive director. If there is a motion to go into closed session . Is there a motion to go into closed session, to discuss the performance evaluation of the director st. Croix, it is a Personnel Matter . Okay, Public Comment . Wait, i think that we need to, hear if there is a motion. I will so move. Okay Public Comment . You need a second . Did i not, is there a second to that motion . I will second it. Okay. Assuming that you are having a closed session, i just want to say that the executive director continuing to do a good job, under difficult circumstances, the fact that you dont have enough resources to do the things that you want to do, that need to be done, i dont think is directly the result of the executive director. I think that it is fine to set performance goals, and to check in with the director on achieving those goals, but, the question of resources to accomplish your tasks is really a budgetary matter. And i just wanted to make that clear. Thank you. All in favor of going into closed session to discuss the Personnel Matter of the Department Heads performance . Aye. Aye. Opposed . I think hearing none, that motion passes. 50. We are in closed session. [closed session]

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