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Because from what i have seen, the involvement of youth around issues with policing and Public Safety have really improved the city as a whole and there is still work to be done. That said, it is not in any way a negative regarding mr. Hwang who i think, you know, its very selfevident and very evident in his presentation how impressive a resume he has. So, based on my prior commitment and based on what i think is clear in terms of angela chan having done the work i here by make a motion to move angela chans name forward with positive recommendation. Thank you, supervisor campos. Let me i want to say almost every meeting i would say, boy, this is a tough decision, and i truly when i say this today, i have to say this is really truly the toughest decision im going to have to make. I came into this meeting pretty much undecided and was able to meet both angela and victor one on one to listen to their stories and to ask questions and, so, a lot of what i heard, i couldnt really make a decision. What make it difficult today the people that have come forward to support one person or the other person, and i have to say that the many people that have stepped up to articulate their opinion i really respect and on both side of the aisle. Like supervisor campos, i go in judging a person who has been in the seat to see whether or not that person has done their job or not. And what ive seen, there were two things that are going to make me make this decision. One of them is that is the volume of accomplishments that angela chan has made. And thats one thing. My concern, as i was asking her the question, and i still would like her to maybe think about these things, is what is the role what is your role in the commission . Is it to do the policy to push for policy to make sure that people follow it and [speaker not understood] to benefit the community . She still has pushed policies. Part of it is one of the days when that person leaves, without that person, can that policy be implemented or not. And she has the strength of creating some policies, but following up, she also has the energy to be very immersed into implementation of it. So, there is always that danger if you were on the policy level whether you should be doing a lot of that or not. And maybe asking the staff to be doing that. And, so, today i come in and i listen to the testimony and i really dont i didnt come in i mean, i wasnt counting how many people were saying what. What i was listening for was the quality of what they were saying. Its one thing for when i speak to a candidate and they tell me theyve done this, theyve done that and whatever, and then i wonder what the impact is. If i dont hear it from the people that these things benefit from. And today what i heard were people that came in to speak about some of these policies, how it benefited them, and that she had made a difference in that direction. So, the quality of the testimony today really swayed me, not the numbers. Again, victor, you know, to me is another person that should be on this commission. But im looking at an incumbent versus somebody thats applying for it. Then it become very different for me. If they were coming in at the same time, my decision might be different. But i am going to be supporting angela today. Supervisor tang . Thank you. Thank you, supervisor campos and yee, and i really want to thank all the Public Commenters who showed up today. All of your input is really incredibly important. And i think as one of my constituents said, its great that we have such strong candidates beforuous. That is a good thing for the community that we have here such a difficult decision to make today. ~ before us i had a chance to sit down with both candidates and really appreciate a lot of the work that our current commissioner chan has done for the commission and for our great city. So many good ideas have come out of that. For me, i really liked candidate victor hwang and the reason why is that, again, not because not only does he bring both the prosecution and defense side in term of experience and expertise, he he really has shown and demonstrated that he is he works in the community and has done so for many, many, many years. And i think that that Broad Perspective is really incredibly important. I asked the questions of all candidates really how well it is you work across all different departments, the police, [speaker not understood], thats important for me. Actions speak louder than words. For me today, i would like to see victor hwang be appointed to this commission. And i want to speak also to the fact that several people as well as some of the supervisors have mentioned that the mayor has an appointee [speaker not understood] he can appoint. We cannot make that decision here today as to who he is going to select for that vacancy. So, i think its very unfair. If we were in his position, we would be offended if we were trying to tell him what to do. If someone were trying to tell us what to do. I dont think we should say, well, lets give one position up and try to make that decision here today. I mean, we do have an application process and terms for certain amounts of time for a reason. So, with that, i mean, i would like to move victor hwang out to the full board if possible or both names if that is the case here that we have two supervisors supporting one. So, theres two suggestions. If i may. Ill leave it up to chair. I just want to say that i came in here, especially after hearing all the testimony with the perspective sort of where i have been is that i was not going to, based on everything that i heard, i was not going to vote against any other candidates because i think that any one of them would do a great job. And, so, if my motion would have been rejected and the other motion would have been made, i would have voted the other way as well. So, again, for me, the reason that im supporting angela is because of that commitment that she has made, having been a member of the commission. In term of how you want to proceed, id leave it up to the chair, but i do i dont think that we are and i certainly will not be pretentious to say to the mayor do x, y and z, but i do believe like just a it is with the case of the board itself, that when you look at a commission, you look at sort of what the vacancies are. And to the extent that you have more than one person to fill a vacancy that is qualified and there is a vacancy on the other side, i do think it is appropriate for the board to consider mayoral appointment and likewise for the mayor. So, i do think that both of these individuals should be on the commission. So, for me its not im not even discussing the mayoral seat at all. Today were going to make a decision on whether were going to have a positive recommendation for one person or to have both persons. I already made my statement that i would support angela. So, i will second david campos motion. Roll call, please. I would just like to make one last request that we send out both candidates. I think both are just so incredibly qualified and, you know, it is unfortunate that its one incumbent against a new appointee and i know thats a challenge. Again, i just based on the experience and the work that has been shown already in the community, i just feel very strongly, would like to recommend that we make a recommendation to put forward both names to the full board. Supervisor . Deputy City Attorney jon givner. Because one mayoral seat is available, the rules committee can only nominate one name, send one name to the full board. So, just wanted to that may impact your decision. Is there a way if we choose to, to have no recommendation . The motion to appoint originates in the rules committee. So, you the committee, if you want, any name to move forward must adopt a motion with that individuals name and send it to the full board. Thank you. So, the motion that we will be voting on would be to send angela chans name with a positive recommendation to the full board. Okay . So, could i have roll call, please. On the motion, supervisor campos . Yee. Campos aye. Supervisor tang . Aye. Tang aye. Mr. Chair . Aye. We have three ayes. Motion passes. [gavel] victor, this is tough for all of us up here. I hope you keep wanting to be on the commission. I know we have one more item. As soon as the crowd moves out, well call the item. Okay, lets call the last item, i believe. Item number item number 4 is a hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending march 28, 2016, to the Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee. There is one seat and two applicants. Okay. Where are we . Okay, thank you for your patience. Zach mark, if you can come up if youre here. Okay, hes not here . Todd henry . Good afternoon, supervisors. Thank you for the opportunity to present myself to you today for consideration for seat 10 of Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee. I think this is a really exciting time to be talking about Pedestrian Safety in our city. A lot of people who might not otherwise be asking the questions about why so many pedestrian accidents are occurring are talking about them. My interest in pedestrian issues is both personal and professional. I have been [speaker not understood] experience the city as im walking. I am also a practicing transportation planner. Port past year and a half i have been a transportation planner for u. C. Berkeley. In that role i work on a number of projects to improve pedestrian and Bicycle Safety along the [speaker not understood] at the campus. This involve working across a wide variety of stakeholders both in the city of berkeley government, the u. C. Bureaucracy itself, faculty, staff, students, several people. ~ on the periphery 51 2 years before that i was a consultant in San Francisco, Transportation Planning and engineering firm. While there i worked on several projects to improve Street Safety in San Francisco including streetscape plans for turk and golden gate, traffic calming at fifth and [speaker not understood]. Other Pedestrian Safety [speaker not understood] so on and so forth. I think this is a really exciting committee to be a part of. I think that my approach to it would be [speaker not understood] with the sfmta, with the board of supervisors, with other stakeholder neighborhood stakeholder groups to under what the concerns are at the neighborhood level, how we can address them through engineering, education, and so on and so forth. And i think my background, i actually designed and implemented some of these things, would really help allow me to ask good questions to the staff of sfmta. With that, i am welcome to take any questions. Any questions . ~ open to take any questions i guess, you know, thank you for meeting with me prior to this meeting, i guess several weeks ago. What do you think what do you think the Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee does . How could you really strengthen it . I think that the role of the Advisory Committee is twofold. I think on one side its to advocate for pedestrian improvements that we hear at the neighborhood level and to ask really hard questions to why, why certain transportation plans and projects are moving forward that may or may not address concern. And hopefully by providing feedback to decisionmakers, were developing plans and policies that really address Community Issues and, you know, with an unlimited funding environment we can get thing done. Any other questions . Seeing none, thank you very much. Any Public Comments on this item . Come on up. Kevin, kevin. Hello, my name is kevin stall and im a member of the Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee representing seat 16 and also district 6. Since zach is not here, im actually recommending him as seat 10 for the Pedestrian Safety committee. Ive only been on the committee for three months, though, but in those three months i have had a really good working relationship with mr. Marks and his professionalism and hard work hes hard working and hes a really good candidate for the committee and he is really committed to Pedestrian Safety in the city. And i would hope that even though hes not here to talk about his credentials, but i am here to represent his work on the committee. So, thank you and please recommend zachery mark for seat 10. Thank you. ~ zachary thank you. Any other Public Commentses on this matter . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. [gavel] colleague . Supervisor tang . Sure. I would actually i had a chance to meet with mr. Henry and was actually really impressed with his background. I think as we talk about Pedestrian Safety, we also need to keep in mind the engineering aspect of things and infrastructure and how theyve got, you know, aside from enforcement and making sure that people are very cautious about what theyre doing, whether youre a pedestrian, a cyclist or a driver, that you also have really good Infrastructure Improvements in place to ensure that everyone is safe no matt what her mode of transportation. And, so, i really liked mr. Henrys background and what he brings to the table. So, but im open to hearing from colleagues. Supervisor i agree with you, supervisor tang. When i met with mr. Henry, i thought that his answers were really thoughtful. Hes really sincere. His background [speaker not understood] well in term of the committee, the professionalism, professional background he adds on these issues. So, any other comments, any other motion . Make in light of the comments of my colleagues, and i do want to thank zachary marks for his service. But i do think that todd henry would do a great job. So, i make a motion to move todd henrys name forward with a positive recommendation. No objection, then the motion passes. [gavel] congratulations. Madam clerk . Any other item . That concludes our business for today. Okay. Meeting adjourned. [gavel] i was just driving around minding my own business. When it came out of nowhere. Suddenly, there were lights all around me. Im like, theyre coming for me yeah, it was crazy. I just never thought theyd find me. Not out here. It doesnt matter where you drive. If you dont buckle up, you will get caught. Cops are cracking down all across the country. Click it or ticket

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