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The midnight double for, and a lot of times, we present, or we forget that the people around us, and only the people around you and we asked dpw for the things that we present for the plaques to learn from the barnyard for the parker and the people that crn numbers and also with the plaques and most importantly for us, we have a lot of challenges with the staff being and so to elevate the security base line and we had an idea of putting the extra portable lights on by joe lee and just to elevate that a little bit around the center so that the people would be hanging out and we have it on the joe lee during the basketball game and during the game and with that we called dar and he had tim come up and put the lights up for all of the games and was effective and was ad good idea and we had the ins and outs and effecting the security good and i think that it was important, and for that, we have a certificate of appreciation, for Timothy Hines with the department of public works and the deepist gratitude that led to an overwhelming success of the 2013 late night pea soup and skills forum. And awarded by chief of police. Chief . Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thanks. I forgot to mention at the very beginning of our agenda here tonight. We always not always, but we adjourn in the memory of former Police Officers, and Current Police officers and we are going to adjourn in the memory tonight, beginning here, but when we do adjourn, in the memory of Sergeant Michael jfrnlts hutcin, from Company Northern station who lost his battle to cancer, he served the San Francisco Police Department since june of 1990, he graduated in 178th recruit class and he leaves behind his sister who is a San Francisco Police Officer, and his father who was a San Francisco Police Officer and his wife, joyce and three children, michael junior, britney, and malik. And we will adjourn in his memory and his honor tonight. Thank you. Chief . Thank you, commissioner. Some recent updates and i know that we have two presentation and so i will be brief. We did suffer our second homicide of the year and but more importantly, one more significantly it was our first homicide at the hands of an intimate parter over 43 months going back to may tenth although the relationship was only two weeks old, it was still an intimate relationship, and although, 43 months was something significant, we wear it around here that we now start again and hopefully we will get to way past 43 months, but we did suffer our second homicide in late january. And again, unfortunately yesterday, we suffered our first pedestrian fatality, since our meetings and our commitment to zero fatalities for the year, and it occurred on sunset boulevard at yorva and, the driver of the vehicle was at fault, and it has been charged with the vehicular manslaughter. And the efforts of the officers that i have to say has been significant. And citations are up, since that meeting, 43 percent. Across the city. And they are going to go up more, so again, our i implore the public to slow down, bicyclists and motorists for the sake of our cap able friends over at the occ, and we dont want more occ complaints and we take no pleasure in writing tickets, we would rather everybodys money to stay in their pocket books, if everybody would slow down and Pay Attention and again, to folks that are not in the cars, i get that sometimes the cars are aggressive, but sometimes you can be right and some of these instances or killed, and i am not siding with the cars i am just asking for the people to be smart and protect themselves until we can get a handle on this thing. So with that, i am going to give it over to sergeant krudo and he is going to make the presentation on the firearm discharge review board findings and recommendations. For the 4th quarter of 2013. Thank you, chief. President mazzucco, Vice President turman . Chief, and officer involved shooting Investigators Team and i am here to present as the chief said, the fdr finding from the third quarter, as well as the open officer shooting investigation. The fourth quarter, firearm discharge vehicle convened on january 14th, 2014. And at that when it convened, there were four cases that were considered and four investigations. One was an officer involved discharge 00813. And the shootings, and all from 2011, 11110, 005, and 006. I will summarize those cases briefly, and define it. And the fdrb was composed of the following members chin was the chair and chief loftus and comprised the rest of the voting members and Vice President turman was present and marin represented the occ, in addition, badrini was there and also of the sf pd range and also chief chin included captain david lazar of the Training Division as a nonvoting advisory member, and that is a new addition to the fdrb. The first case that was considered was the officer involved discharge, 00813. Which occurred on october 17, 2013, and this was a case involving two biting dogs in this case, the officers were following up on a cold burglary report and two dogs came out of the door and attacked the officers. And one officer fired defensive and the two officers present. That was found in policy. The officer involved shootings that were reviewed were case 11. 003, this case occurred on june 29th, 2011, and on the golf street between eddie and ellis and in this particular instance, two officers were following up on an investigation involving an armed suspect at large. They responded to this area, and were immediately confronted with the armed suspect who was going to be in the leading area, the suspect pointed a hand gun at the officers and the officers returned fire and the suspect attempted to flee and the officers fired again at the fleeing final and so on. And the suspect was struck twice and taken into custody. And that is ongoing at this time. This case was found to be in policy. 11. 005, this occurred on the broad way corridor in 2011 and 2 00 a. M. , uni formed officers from the Central Station were in the area when they noticed a suspect matching a fugitive description. When the officers attempted to obtain the subject he began to run from the officers and during the course of the pursuit pulled a tech nine pistol from his waste band and one of the officers fired and the suspect was taken into custody and he was not struck. And that was found in the policy. Ois, 11006 occurred on november third, 2011, this was on the 600 block of tungston street and in this particular case, the officers responded to a residence regarding a report of a stabbing. And the officers were confronted with a victim out in front of the residence that reported that his son had attacked him inside and there were other residents inside. And the officers went inside and found a second mortally injured victim who happened to be the suspects mother and as they were trying to provide emergency evacuation and attend to the victim, the suspect confronted the officers, and ignored the commands and one officer fired twice in defense of all present. And the suspect was mortally struck. This was found to be in policy. And then i will give you an update on the status of the officers, those were the four cases considered. I will give you an update on the open officerinvolved shooting investigations. And what it is a different format and i will point out that says that i believe that you have the hand out and that says 20 open cases as of yesterdays 21. So, three of the cases, it was, the cases were 11003, and 005 and 006 were presented to the commission. And one case that we have received the charge and decisioning from the da. And that is at homicide. And they are finalizing the criminal investigation and that will be forwarded to us. And ied. And in the cases are with the District Attorney office and those, and they are either reviewing the case files or preparing summary letters, they do, i have a better understanding of their process, but they do, they get the case file and they review it and prepare a summary report and it is reviewed and they prepare a summary letter and which is forwarded to our department to the homicide and then that closes the homicide investigation. 8 cases and 8 of the ioses are in that charge with the da. And three of the cases have been opened since the last time that i was here before you, 13008, 009 and 14001 i will add four cases obviously as of yesterday, 14002. And then finally the cases are ongoing active, and iad and or homicide investigation. Just to address the specific cases i mentioned that i am not going to repeat, but i mentioned the three ois from 2011 and those are for all purposes closed and actually since this was prepared you should have received the summary reports from and those are finished. And in the new cases that have started and you will not see 14002 yet, that is like i said, just yesterday. But, 13008, 009 and 14001 are new cases, that have gone at least as far as the return of the presentation and those are new since the last fdrb. And excuse me, since the last quarterly presentation. And then, this is just a summary of the investigations by year. And so 113, 5, and 6, have been found in policy, and those cases will be closed and you received the summary letters. And opposite of the District Attorney is drafting the letter on 11007 and they are preparing the final charging decision on 11008 and the oldest case. And 12001. Homicide is awaiting the final charging decision for that. And homicides, awaiting the final charging decision on 002. 003, is still waiting the eme and the medical examiner report and so that is father along. And the other cases from 2012 are with the da and they are among the 8 cases that i mentioned in the charging decision. 13001, 002, are in the same condition as the cases from 2012. And the remaining cases are active and ongoing investigations 133 through 137 were active the last time that i spoke to you and receipt maining cases 13008, and 009, and 14001, and 002 are new cases since the last time that we appeared. In the investigations. And 14002 is we have a calendar to the return to duty next. Great. Well, thank you, sergeant. And so, so, we have some cases from 2011 still sitting in the District Attorneys office and we have one case at this point. And we are back on it. Sure. 007. And 13007, homicide has received the letter and 13008 are drafting the decision letter and they are working on the letter now. They have made the changes in the process and i have been talking to the folks over there and one of the things that they have been doing was holding until the criminal case had been adjudicated. And so they have changed that process and also spread the work instead of going through one person to work on the letter of parallel now and so you are taking the steps to access rate the process. That has been my concern and i know that they are cautious and take it seriously and i am glad that they are signing the cases to the other assist an das and it is good to know that they are waiting for the public to know for example, if there is an officer involved shooting, and the suspect also was being charged with an unrelated offense and with an assault on the officers, it takes times for those case to conclude in the criminal courts, before the issue their final decision and so it is good to know that now, so thanks for the clarification. Commissioner loftus . Thank you, for every quarter i feel like it is helping understand and see things moving. And so, i note, that the eight cases, i think that have transitioned since the last time, you came to see us, and it seems as though your one charging decision that we got from the last caughter from the District Attorney office on your list. The letters that we presented we received all of those charging decisions. Those, once we get the charging decision, it is a fairly quick process to close it. So the three that were presented, the three oises, 11, 3, and 5 and 6 presented at the last quarterly fdrb, when i spoke last time we did not have the letters. So those that we finished all of the last parts. But we and okay. And we closed out since receiving the letters so this is another and, this is why this is helpful for me to understand that these are cases from 2011 and going to the firearm discharge review board and just for the point of clarification for me to understand that time line and that process and i had an understanding that those were reviewed close ner time to the incident and if you could get me and remind me that the colleagues might already know this what the factors are that made it ready to go. The firearm discharge review board is summarizing both the criminal and the administrative investigations and so, all of the piece haves to be closed. There are. And the, the administrative investigation by the internal affairs is depending on the criminal investigation and so that has to be concluded, obviously, if there was a criminal issue that was determined, you know, out there and the criminal kulpability that would have to be concluded on the criminal investigation side, and in addition to the District Attorneys review and process. Which is outside of our control. There are other dependencies that may include the medical examiners officers and criminal and the crime lab issues and the other factors that play into that, but once the criminal investigation by our department, these investigations are conducted by homicide and, our homicide division, and once those are concluded then they are presented to the da for review and then the da as you know is conducting the own concur ant investigation, and they are a process is internal and but they put their both investigations together, and they make a determination and review the case files and it is my understanding and then they prepare a report for the final charges decision. And then, after they get that, then, they write their charging decision letter. And so that triggers all of those things would trigger a presentation before the firearms discharge. Right and then it is ready and then we can speak to the review board about what the findings of the two investigations were and that is really the purpose to present it to the command letter for the executive review and to the chief and and so we are able to and we cannot present the closed investigation until they are closed. Right. And so i just woman to echo what president mazzucco said and you have been hearing from us about how much we want these to and how important it is that the investigation is thorough but this investigation is justice delayed and denied. And you better age them and if there was cultbility found and it would cause it, and i am glad that you are working with the das office to identify the area the areas that we can work with the board and those three cases were presented and on top of that you got the letter on the fourth case and i wish that i could say that it was something that i did and these things have been in process and i, got a better et indication and kienld of what the process is on their side and it is invisible you are the guy that comes before us and we ask you to make magic to happen and you have little control over it and so accept my gratitude. The report as well and i am confused on the status of the 13004. Can you talk to me a little bit about that. Sure. 13004 . Well, 13004, that was, and that case is closed. So that case has already been through this entire process and you may remember, that was an accidental discharge officer was injured cleaning a weapon. Okay. And so that qualifies as an officer involved shooting and this was obviously the criminal investigation was really kind of an nonissue. There is no nonissues and the administrative investigation and that was quick. And it is not involved. Yes, sir. Thank you. Yeah. And anything further for sergeant . Thank you, sergeant. Thank you, sergeant. Thank you, sean. Thank you. Our next presentation, david deputy chief chin, i am sorry it is going to be director marine ganin and my capable cfo and her aid to camp welch for the fiscal, 2014, 15 budget. Good evening commissioners. Good evening. Thank you for inviting us to present the budget. We will be doing a presentation similar to last years very high level and hopefully informative, but of course, we are open to questions and if you have any further questions you can always come and see me in our office. First of all we would like to thank the commissioners for advocating for the department, or two years ago for our hiring plan, and it is created a lot of stability within the department and we have been able to move forward to continue to hire 150 officers every year. And so thank you for your efforts on that part and i would like to thank the Mayors Office and the mayors staff, jason in particular and kate howard and the controllers staff and the assistants for helping us work through the process and the Department Staff has provided a lot of input and so we have surveyed our staff to see what they would like to see in the budget. And the chief for being a great advocate for the mayors staff in particular, helping us with it and capitol project funding. And so here is our basic outline for tonight. And we have talked about the budget overview. And we give you an update on the sworn hiring plan, and our new building, which will be ready to occupy in the fall, our Capitol Improvement project and our Technology Projects and our vehicles. So this is graphickically the revenue that we received in the department. As you can tell, the blue portion, the 78 percent, is general fund, that is the money that we get allocated from the Mayors Office. And we get about 46 Million Dollars, from the state revenue. We have a bureau out at the airport and they pay us for all of the services and the other departments pay us for the services as well. And the fees, and fines and charges are 8 Million Dollars. And so again, we are largely a general fund department. So, our expenditures, as we would expect about 88 percent of our budget is made up of salaries so we spend a lot of time monitoring our salaries and our over time. So the 50 million fringes are about 121 million. And professional services are 14 million and they consist of our rent, on our non. Excuse me, the noncity owned rent, and utilities and maintenance, are litigation and claims are about 3 million, and the annual it software and licensing support is about 3 million and other large expenses of our copying and Printing Services about a Million Dollars. And training expenses are about a Million Dollars, and also, included in professional services are translation, services and that is about 30,000 dollars in the year that we spent on translation. And materials and supplies, are uniform for the officers and run about half a million. I am sorry, the Office Supplies are a half million and the uniforms and Safety Equipment are about 2 million, computers and it hardware is about 400,000, a crime lab is about a half a million and the marine unit fuel is about 80,000. Our capitol out lay is significant, and it is about 6 and a half Million Dollars. We pay about 800,000 on our leased financing and so we are paying the debt service on the vehicles that we have purchased under a bond. And we have the new replacement for cars and about 3 and a half Million Dollars and a special revenue funds and about 365 and we use for our marine unit and our id bureau. And our department charges by other departments of what other departments charge us, and in particular, the workers cost us about a 14 Million Dollar charge throughout the year and the it and the city wide it that supports the infrastructure and the Accounting System is about 10 million and the vehicle maintenance and fuel charges are 5. 6 Million Dollars which is growing every year. Our city owned facilities and utilities there are 6 and a half million and then we have miscellaneous smaller work orders with the sheriff and da and medical examiners and that is about two and a half Million Dollars. So, these work orders are what we get from other departments and so we perform the services and they pay us and as you can tell, the airport is our Largest Consumer of our services, 50 Million Dollars and mta. Is about 8, 8 and a half million. Public utilities, the library, the human services, and mosconi and treasure island, public works, and the airport, we have 179 sworn officers and 140 civilians and mta, supports 57 positions. So this is an important slide and this is showing our the growth in our sworn number of officers here. And so you can say that in 13, 14, we had 2201 sworn ftes, and this year, what we are projecting is 2274, which reflects the 150 officers, that we hired last year that are annualized and that is the equivalent of 55 ftes that we are going every year. And the civilians are growing slightly. And so this is good news, and so we are slowly getting up to our authorized strength. And as you know, we are and we have been funded for more positions because at me given time we have a number of officers on leave. So this graphickically represents our hiring plan, as you can see. The red line is the charter line, where we are supposed to be in the 1980. The purple line is what would have happened had we not instituted the hiring plan and so you can see that we were continuing to drop the green, arrow is where we are at now which is exactly where we predicted that we would be and so we are coming up every year with the anticipation that in december of 2018, we will be at the charter mandated level. Here is our hiring plan update in 2012, 13, our goal was to hire 150 people with general fund and we did do that. And the airports funded 30 positions for us. And so we graduated 183 officers, in the current year. And we are budgeted for 150 and we have 100 people enrolled in the academy now, and then in 14, 15, again, the hiring plan, 150 and the airport has committed to fund, 15 academy slots and that is in addition to the 150 that we have and the same thing in 15 16, 150 from general fund and 15 from the airport. So our new building is almost ready to go, within anticipated occupantcy date of november third, 2014, and we did a tour over the holidays and it is very exciting to see the structure a lot of it and very open, but, things are moving right along and the city is hiring a move Management Company and their name is visions management, and the first kick off meeting with the department with our move liaisons is february 19th and so we are starting to make progress on the actual physical move of what we can take and who is going to be where the rfp has just concluded for the work stations and so that will be going and the dpw is handling that for us and that will be awarded shortly. And in our it, projects as you are well aware we have a lot going on in it

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