i worked very hard on this. i was part of the study that showed what it contributes to the economy. i have been very vocal and raising questions about the western some of plan, because i think it will undermine night life around 11th street, so i am absolutely passant about having great night life. as a gay guy who has been going to get barsay bars, before i wa, i am completely passionate. i also -- all of these different bidders and suitors who wanted to take this over and keep it as the eagle, i stepped up and tried to help each and every one of them. i spoke with them on the phone and try to help them. i do not know why it did not work. i tried to help mike lee on, as did supervisor kim. it did not work. i did it. i have worked very hard to keep it open, and to give it to stay as the eagle, and sometimes we want to view ourselves so powerful that we can make things happen, and this is one of the frustrating experiences where you try and think you have influence, but you end up having a lot less influence that you actually have. with that said, we are in the situation we're in, and i will support the motion to continue the motion to september 10. we will give the new owners time to do our reach for the information that has to be gathered and come back to the committee so the committee and board can make an intelligent decision about the liquor license transfer. i want to know that as the new owners, and i said this last week, i stepped and a little bit of a cow pie here, because there is a history, and people have been very angry at property owners. they actually took their liquor license out of the premises with them. i think they have not done anything wrong. there were timing issues, and there have been comments today that i think have been unfair. community are reached is extremely important. i am confident and request that that start happening immediately. we will work closely with them on this. i also want to note that even though there have been a number of comments today about gay vs straight ownership, and believe me, i am a huge bolivaeliever i owners of bars and nightclubs, but that is not before the board, and nor would it be legal before it to be before the board. we can cannot -- we cannot condition a liquor license based on whether their oy're gay or straight. there are very defined standards around transferring a liquor license. i think there has been some unrealistic expectations in the community about what is within the parameters of the board's determination about that. i just want to make sure this license is held to the same standard, and that includes community outreach. i think it makes sense to have more time to do that. it should be the same standards. with that, i will support supervisor kim's motion. supervisor olague: i will support supervisor kim's motion also. september 10 is right after the august break. i am not convinced there will be a lot of time for the things that need to happen. supervisor kim: i am happy to amend the motion to september 24. supervisor wiener: without objection, the man is amended. supervisor kim: i think the process is incredibly important, especially in a neighborhood that is already saturated with a group license, and there are a number of things i will consider as we move forward as the type of businesses that are intended to be as part of the neighborhood. just for a little bit of context, and any census tract it is suggested there are only seven alcohol-serving but years, but there are 33 here. i think there are a number of questions that i will have certainly in terms of what the clientele and security plan and the type of business you plan to move forward, just so you also know in terms of the area, this part of the city has more than doubled the crime that is considered a high crime area. it is considered high crime with 215 crimes. this area has 559 reported crimes. i think i will really need to see a strong security plan, and also, an important part of safety is absolutely community outreach. you want to know the neighbors that you will be residing with. want to have good relationships with them. that is part of preventing crimes as well, knowing the community will be a part of, so i think that is absolutely essential. i want to confer with supervisor wiener. i have a number of concerns regarding the transfer it solves. we're more than happy to provide a list of folks that you can do support to to get feedback from, and i am looking forward to what may become before us in september. super wiener: thank you. one quick follow-up on the saturation issue, which is always an important concern. it is my understanding the people always had a 48 liquor license for decades and decades, and as we have continued dialogue, i just want to picture people understand that the saturation argument. it is challenging to say that it is saturated show we should not have a 48 for these owners, but we should bring the ankle facea. i want to make sure we have that in mind. supervisor kim: i am not saying i would not approve because of saturation. i represent a district that is saturated. i do not think that is a saturation itself, but when there is liquor-serving businesses in the neighborhood, there is a higher level of standard, and you want to ensure that there has been a lot of outreach and security plan. supervisor campos: i totally agree with you, and i completely agree with what supervisor kim as saying. i think saturation is a consideration, in the context of looking at how the proposed operators are interacting and connected with the community is a key consideration in terms of looking at the overall public welfare. unless they are committed to actually working with the neighborhood and community, i think that we could very well decide it is not in the public welfare to provide a licence in one instance. i do think, connected the players are to the committee is an important consideration, and i am sure the something that all of us will look into. supervisor elsbernd: seeing the weather and on the list, with a motion by supervisor kim to continue this matter to september 24, 2012 meeting of this committee. can we take that without objection? that will be the order. any other items on the agenda? we are turned. -- are adjourned. >> thanks for coming out this beautiful san francisco day. for those of you from out of town, it is like this every day in san franciscoúud i cannot really say that compellingly because some of our out-of-towner's are from the bay area. i'm the director of transportation in san francisco. among other things, it gives me the honor and privilege of running our beloved muni system here in san francisco. on average weekday, that means boarding more than 700,000 people. add ac transit, bart, golden gate, and there are a lot of people that the transit agencies of the bay area are moving to get to work, to get to where they need to go every day. :::::::zoñ pae qeñ?ñ?economy here in the bay ad we feel very honored to be a part of that. but in order to move all those people and in order to move them well, we need to invest in maintaining our assets, our buses, trains, assistance to support them moving safely and efficiently through the city, and we need to make them better. we want to attract more people to transit especially as the bay area continues to grow. we want transit to be the most effective and most reliable way for people to get around. but to make those kinds of investments requires leadership. we are very fortunate here in the bay area to have that kind of leadership. from president obama, all the g state, to our local and regional leaders, we have had the leadership we need to make that investment in transit and transportation in the bay area. we are very lucky for that and that is the reason we are here today. without further ado, i want to introduce our local leader here, san francisco mayor ed lee. >> thank you. good morning, everyone. we can do, besides what at redskin and the mta board, and all the staff have been doing, investing in our system and making it better and better, it is to realize that our municipal system is connected to a whole regional system. this morning you see a backdrop here a lot of our partners in the region. from caltrans, sam trans, everyone that works together here locally. that is not only important to us as a city, but clearly, coming from the u.s. conference of mayors this past weekend, we realize cities across the country are looking atz!zxxf transportation systems and making sure they are connected appropriately, whether there are regional or state or federal. so we are doing the right things. whether it is connecting with top -- caltrans to make sure that high-speed rail is appropriately convicted for the future, or in the transbay center with ac transit systems here for the r/$z" are connected with bart, or with all of the different lines, right down to the bicycle lane that people want to use. this connection is so vital to the success of any transit system, so it is that backdrop that we are part of a great announcement that i do not want to take the thunder from, but i want to welcome hereii'ó are y federal transit administrator 2 reece mcmillan to make the announcement, but i also want to announce that we are here as a t$nk/ and part of a region in total appreciation of the connectivity that our federal government want to make sure happens. there is no transit system that exists in and of itself. there have to be connections to other parts of it. that is the beauty and the investment that we make. as ed reiskin said, i am eternally grateful to president obama, leader pelosi, senator feinstein, boxer, others who are working so diligently with us to make these connections so that we/xo other regional transit system. so with that, please welcome our deputy administrator for the federal transit authority therese mcmillan. [applause] >> thank you so much, mayor lee. before we begin with my very good news for the region, the mayor mentioned how important connections are. i would like all of us to recall another connection we have as a human community and take a moment of silence out of respect for the victims and families of the aurora, colorado tragedy that happened yesterday. thanks very much. on behalf of transportation secretarys÷ [l$eñ lahood, i am d to be here today to announce quality public transportation in the san francisco bayyya home region, about to take another step forward. for the third year in a row, we are announcing funds to help transit agencies across the country modernize and repair their bosses and related facilities, bringing these systems into a state of repair, a commitment the san francisco bay area has had for many years. .9 transit providers together are receiving over $45 million collectively to make traveling by transit faster, more efficient, more comfortable, and safer than ever. congratulations to all of you for your commitment. the projects here in this region range from replacing old diesel buses in san francisco, san mateo, santa clara, and our neighbors to the south in monterey. these buses have logged thousands of miles over the years, and importantly, being replaced with clean, fuel- efficient hybrid!ø vehicles but also improve the environment that we all love and respect here. as well, we will be upgrading bus service as part in the muni rapid network, so is faster than ever for commuters in ocean view and north beach to get to downtown san francisco. that is a wonderful investment as well. upgrades for ac transit and real time transit information stations at bart to improve travelers experience. to underscore the point made by ed and mayor lee, making people want to take public transit is key to improving the option that we have for traveling. these awards, over all, are a big win for everyone because they will reduce highway congestion, improve air quality, and help the region continue to offer a balanced transportation options that increase the livability of this beautiful area. together, the state of california is receiving more than $125 million for much- needed projects of the same nature. across the country, though, altogether, we are investing $787 million for projects like this across the country, to protect and preserve transportation systems that we have already built. it is important for us, of course, to improve and expand our systems. i will be speaking a bit about progress in washington to that effect. one of the important priorities of the obama administration has been to advocate for state of repair projects that create essential jobs and investment. we are especially pleased in that regard, that the new two- year transportation authorization that the president signed into law in early july, will continue to fund at a much higher level of the true needs- based approach to bus and rail systems to a state of repair. all of us in this administration fought hard for this bill and the many provisions to strengthen transportation across the country. iprovides $21 billion for transit capital investments that will )r put americans back to work preparing our nation's infrastructure. the bill also provides tos[ to our state and local partners flexibility to fund the most important and urgent projects without congressional earmarks. importantly, for the first time, map 21 gives the federal transit administration oversight over transit safety, a long overdue step that will provide americans with confidence that the subways, streetcars, buses, and light rail system they ride e are working very o implement the new law as quickly as we can, and in the weeks and providing much more information and guidance to our partners and stakeholders to help people understand exactly what this all means and to get it working for you. for now, we look forward to working with all of you as we continue to invest in the transportation systems across the country and the need to grow and compete, providing opportunities that all americans deserve. thank you so much for welcoming ime home to san francisco to share this news with you. to [applause] >> thank you, mr. mayor, ms. mcmillan. we are always happy to have you back home. we are happy to have a bay area voice in washington, especially when you are bringing such good news. feel free to come back any time. you are always welcome. the leadership i talked about takes different forms. you heard the deputy administrator talk about the map 21, reauthorization, so important to the transportation funding in this country. it would not have been possible without of leadership from the executive branch, president obama, and secretary lahood, and also support from the legislative branch. we are so lucky to have here in the bay area strong and committed leadership there, folks that understand the needs of the bay area, the importance of transportation and transit to the bay area. we are pleased to have representatives from two of our congressional leaders that represent the bay area here today. first let me ask patti to come up on behalf of leader pelosi. [applause] >> congresswoman pelosi was honored to receive today's invitation to the announcement and regrets her duties in washington will not allow her to join us today, but she asked that i read this statement on as a transit first city, san francisco knows investing in transit is an investment in jobs, people, and community. g0z people and places it in an accessible and affordable way, it gets people to work on time and kids safely to class. transit plays a critical in our daily lives while reducing road congestion, lowering our dependence on foreign oil, and protecting our planet. is increasingly crucial that we ensure our public transit remains in a state of good repair so that it can continue to provide safe, efficient, and reliable transportation for millions of american families. today'svfçmcãannouncement by secretary lahood and deputy transit administrator mcmillan of nearly $25 million for bart and the municipal transit agency will mean cleaner, faster muni buses and real time bus and train information at key bart stations. in@z@z demand, with less than one in five applications or did, san francisco succeeded because it was prepared to pioneer with innovative ideas, and japan real spirit, and a commitment to serve each and every citizen. thank you for being here today. [applause] >> thank you. i love the sound of cleaner, faster muni buses. as recently as a couple of months ago, it was not clear that the reauthorization of the transportation bill was going to happen. part in the last couple of months of bringing at home and getting that bill done. we are grateful for her leadership. the balance of san francisco not represented by the leader is represented by congresswoman jackie speer, who also represents other parts of the bay area. she has been a great voice in washington for us as well. speaking on behalf of her, i want to welcome brian perkins. [applause] >> good morning. i am a senior adviser for congressman spear and she regrets not being able to be here this morning. she did ask me to read this statement. i want to thank the transportation agency for investing in transit as well as improvements that will create a rapid the scoreboard. for some, the only answer to our energy needs is more drilling. production is way up already, and including canada, the u.s., and mexico, we are already the new middle east. i am proud that this administration and the bay area are making a point of that independence about employing local workers in bus factories and improving public transit to move citizens or quickly. the home of companies making diesel fuel for by engineering, we also challenged americans using science for smarter buses and dedicated traffic lanes for bus service. but others endorsed technologies and transportation policies that cause massive blood in the gulf and soil our nation's landscapes. we are san francisco, we are the bay area. we simply no better. what we know best is moving americans to a strong mass transit system is the wisest course for our country. i want to thank the federal transit administration of sharing our vision for strengthening transit. cordially yours, congresswoman jackie spear. [applause] >> as grateful as we are for the support from washington, the support locally is important, too, and counties around the bay area have stepped up in terms of transportation, certainly, including san francisco, where the voters have approved an reauthorize the have cent sales tax. that will fund a significant part of muni's capital needs, as well as other parts of the transportation infrastructure of the city. that is managed by the san francisco transportation authority. we are pleased to have our partner in transportation here in san francisco, executive director jose luis moscovich. [applause] >> good morning. let me clarify. i am here representing the chairman of the board -- san francisco county transportation authority commissioner and border supervisors, member david campos, who is not able to attend today. i will be wearing four hats. my own, commissioner campos' hat as the chair of the board, board supervisors, and also as a representative of the board of supervisors on the metropolitan transportation commission. but personally, i am delighted to be here today, and i want to extend a warm welcome back to the bay area to be administrator therese macmillan. in doing that, i am not only welcoming a distinguished guest but ab the bay area has just reached the end of an extensive two-year effort to develop the region's first combine regional transportation plan and to sustainable community strategy, effectively linking, i would say for the first time, land use and transportation through investment and infrastructure to concentrate new growth in areas which can effectively be served by transit. this is something that therese is no stranger to. for many years, she advocated for that locally, and now she is doing that very effectively as part of the obama administration. this is an administration that understands that a country cannot move forward without due investments in its infrastructure, particularly its transportationmn which is the lifeblood of the urban centers better the dynamo of the 21st century economy. like the obama administration, we understand the importance of maintaining what we have. over 80% and the regional plan revenues are directed towards fix it first. this high level of investment continues a long-establish partnership or local and state dollars leveraged federal dollars. at the transportation authority over the last few months, we have acted to invest millions of dollars of the sales tax that we administer in a transit infrastructure, both in the current system to keep it in a state of good repair and also to enhance the system so that transit is prepared to take on its share of forecast growth in the near future which is quite significant. last week at the plans and programs committee, there was an approval+1t! sfmta to procure 90 40-foot motor coach of judges in -- buses in anticipation to the very good news we received today. we know from firsthand experience that replacing vehicles that are

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Mexico ,United States ,Canada ,Japan ,Colorado ,San Francisco Bay ,California ,Monterey ,San Francisco County ,North Beach ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,San Francisco ,Americans ,American ,Caltrans Sam ,Therese Macmillan ,Jackie Speer ,Jose Luis ,Brian Perkins ,Santa Clara ,Therese Mcmillan ,Reece Mcmillan ,David Campos ,

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