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In order to take an active part in the management of their own region and the life of our country in the future. It is very important. Thanks to those who did this. Well, it should be noted that all the machinations of washington and brussels to disrupt the elections and prevent the elections failed. Residents responded with their active civic position by choosing deputies. Colleagues, today more and more countries are choosing a course to conduct independent domestic and Foreign Policy , and adheres to a Development Model based on defending National Interests ; they see in russia a reliable partner with whom they can build relations on the principles of equality, mutual respect. Trust of such in the world , the majority of 75 of states have not joined the antirussian sanctions. Today, as things stand in the world, only irresponsible politicians are ready to sacrifice the interests of their people for the sake of preserving us hegemony ; those who are losing independence are deprived of decisionmaking we see the future using the example of european countries. Yes, they have slipped with the loss of the right to make decisions and looking into the mouth of washington, so we believe that we need to build relationships with everyone who shares the principle of building a fair measure of order and stands for a multipolar world. And uh, how are you . Eh . You can now see this is also one of our priorities on our agenda, and literally in the autumn session we are planning a meeting with our comrades from the chinese peoples republic of vietnam with colleagues from the United Arab Emirates on the initiative the state duma in moscow is hosting the First International conference of russia latin america; the arrival of more than 200 of our colleagues from latin american countries is expected in this regard. I would like to express my gratitude to slava. E Ivan Ivanovich the miller. First it depends. Sit down the state duma Alexander Mikhailovich bubako. They are our two cochairs of the organizing committee, who are directly involved in preparing this international conference. At the end of september. We will have the first meeting of the commission on cooperation with our colleagues from mongolia uh, throughout the summer, Alexey Vasilyevich gordeev was preparing it, uh, a man who knows mongolia well, where he respects him, and we tried to do everything to ensure that the Commission Meeting was substantive in nature and strengthened relations within the parliamentary dimension, also in the plans. E meetings of the Parliamentary Assembly of the union of belarus of russia we are during the autumn time. We will continue our work and organize a collective agreement within the framework of the Parliamentary Assembly. Security, as you can see, the International Agenda is rich and understandable its impossible to talk about all the events that we are preparing and will hold, but it would be correct to say words of gratitude to our leaders of international committees. Eh, laziness, giving the slovak a lot to them. Done so that today we can talk about events about events and about decisions that we will make within the framework of international activities. Hmm in the summer. For them , it was also not a time of vacation, but a time of great work, and we must pay tribute to them, it was productive, and our colleagues we implement in the international sphere. In terms of new formats, they also prove effective, and in this regard, i would like to emphasize and say that all the machinations of washington and brussels to isolate our country have failed; we have become more connected with you. Uh, more people are coming to us to cooperate and , uh, i want to say again that we also need to act effectively in this direction. We need to start ourselves and do everything so that uh, you and i strengthen our positions. E relationships with other countries did everything in order to lay a Good Foundation for communication, and within the framework of the parliamentary dimension, and then this will be good for the development of economic cooperation. But when we talk about intrigues, when we talk about the fact that they did not take place, we are not should be relaxing, there is a lot of work. Lets do it for a friends work. This was a live broadcast from the state duma where i opened the autumn session today. Well, now the broadcast from mead on september 28, 22. Again, a year ago the Russian Federation was entrusted a criminal case under the article of international terrorism, part one, article 36 yes, 361 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation, the russian competent authorities continue to conduct the investigation. Well, naturally , some kind of cooperation in exchanging these materials and providing an invoice on the spot was refused, as was always the case from the outside. The west who ordered the terrorist attacks on the nord streams set a very specific goal of breaking mutually beneficial energy ties between russia and europe and the rest of western europe because all of these actions were ordered and conducted from one center and the actions of the authorities of the same western european server countries say this, despite numerous official requests from the russian side from the leadership of germany to sweden to share the Information Available to their investigative authorities on this topic, they still stubbornly refuse to cooperate and do not provide any clear answers at all copenhagen and stockholm announce the continuation of certain investigative actions, the end date of which is not certain, no answer remains, sent in october 22 to the heads the governments of these states, a message from the chairman of the government of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Vladimirovich mishustin, on the need to conduct, with the participation of representatives of the russian authorities and gazprom, a comprehensive and open investigation of explosions on Gas Pipelines to the appeal in november 22 of the Prosecutor Generals Office of our country, the royal danish police, to the prosecutors office, sweden, testimony of Legal Assistance the danish swedish authorities refused , they said what . Satisfying the russian request would pose a threat National Security. Can you imagine, and to the question, too, or the satisfaction of what became a real threat to the National Security of the countries of western europe, when this infrastructure facility was destroyed, they never found an answer to the initiative to create joint investigative teams in copenhagen, stockholm reported the absence of strike swedish Law Enforcement agencies, in principle, such interest the fact that the collective west has something to hide is confirmed by the feverish actions of the swedish prosecutors office, she back at the end of june she stated that she did not exclude the possibility that all the data in the case of explosions on nord streams. In principle, they can be classified. Sorry, but from whom . From whom are they kept secret . From the people, from the citizens of these countries, from the world community, maybe from the company that suffered, uh, direct losses, and from the pumpkin experts, who every time feel sorry for the bird or the tiger fish . And here is something that is now even impossible to analyze from the point of view of the consequences for the environment. Im sorry. What about the right to access information . Well, another double standards you say lack of standards i will answer you far sweden has repeatedly stated that they are supposedly providing our country with all the necessary information about ongoing investigations. This is not true in the media generated. Well, they just keep throwing up new versions of what happened. They only strengthen our doubts about the desire of these states to identify the organizers of the tourism act, at a critically Important Energy infrastructure facility. Were real we doubt that the authorities of these countries have such a desire; if they behaved completely differently, what is this exciting story worth of some ukrainian saboteurs who are on a sailing ship. Outwitted western intelligence agencies. Well, i would like to add, apparently, by scooping out water from the bottom with buckets. We managed to get to the gas pipeline to nord stream 1. 2. Why is all this being done . The goal is obvious to remove suspicion from those who are really behind the sabotage. At the key facility , the energy infrastructure, which hmm simply caused colossal economic and environmental consequences. All. Naturally, they forgot about what the us president and his numerous officials were saying in february 22 in january february in march. Remember that they said, you said that this Infrastructure Project would be destroyed, but as they say, western europe cannot even think in that direction, let alone conduct an investigation. Moreover, we see that they not only seem to divert attention from key issues, they also literally clean up the traces of crimes , creating a false picture of involvement in it in russia, all this is being done in the information space, but, apparently, after this, according to the law of the genre, as it was and previously , the guilty will be declared. We have seen how this scenario has been worked out repeatedly. I always remember the provocations of the kiev regime in the riot. Remember what happened there when Russian Troops left the city; the mayor, bucci, gave an interview, saying that everything in the city was calm among the residents. Everything is fine, no emergencies, but a day later the concept changed and photographs appeared of how the streets of the city were literally littered with corpses, however, still no one no one, i emphasize, no one, not an international organization, not the kiev regime, not volunteers, not civil society, not the numerous rights of human organizations have been seen. There are simply no lists of the people in question. We even asked for them at the secretariat of the organization of exchange nations. This question was raised by Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov to the secretary general, he is mr. Gutiesch. There are no lists. There were no lists and they refuse to provide them to us. And when we say what they say next, that in principle these lists never existed. In the same way, fair investigations into the case were not conducted, by the way, even the skripals. I remember everything, i remember theresa mays screams in the british parliament. I remember the english tabloids. I remember numerous programs on british television. I remember the expulsion of Russian Diplomats. I remember the story about how the daughter of the us president showed trump photographs of unfortunate ducks in some weak ponds. I dont remember just one thing. What about scotland yard, said relatively skripals. But after all these years, something should have been said, how many years have already passed. But he didnt say anything. It happens. Yes, it happens to them regularly, because it also happened with litvinenko, and it also happened with this whole story called the poisoning of navalny. This happens to them regularly. This is their style, each of these theatrical deliveries. It was needed only to put pressure on our country in order to once again explain why Russian Diplomats need to be expelled. Why do you need to give up . Fulfillment of Bilateral Agreements or multilateral obligations in order to convince their audience, for example, not to take part in some russian forum, not to invest in russia. Relatively speaking, to refuse fullscale interaction with our country. Or, for example, not fulfilling what was promised to the visa industry. Every time the performance was played out, there was no evidence of our country. No. This simply cannot be. I am now talking about those publications that are already beginning to appear in the west on this subject, despite massive western propaganda. The elites didnt manage to fool the public this time. You will remember their hysterical reaction to the resonant material published in february of this year by the famous american investigative journalist Seymour Hersh. Let me remind you that there was some kind of reaction. Silence. There is no such journalist in the United States of america, there used to be a police laureate, and then he disappeared, although he is alive and well and publishes his investigations. Having carried out a Detailed Analysis of the circumstances that resulted from the nord stream attack Seymour Hersh directly pointed out that the explosion of Gas Pipelines was the result of a secret operation by the us navy and the norwegian military, and in march june of this year, and the western edition of the wall journal. She reported that the banned special services knew about the preparation of a terrorist attack on the nord streams, and the publication indicated that this was done by the kiev regime. No, well, how did they not know the western intelligence services, biden, said biden, for six months of terrorist attacks, he said that he would destroy the usa this Infrastructure Project, then dulyn told biden nuland about it they said, of course, the American Intelligence Services found out. They watch their own american tv. The problem is that they not only knew the american intelligence agencies. Today , the german media, citing sources familiar with the original investigation, explosions at nord stream odessa and nord stream 2, are openly saying that the crime leads to the kiev regime. Well, just as the strings from the point of view of the western media lead to the kiev regime, so the money flows along these same strings. Same way. That is, this is what i ask forgiveness when everything was played out. Eh, this scenography around the violin, otherwise they blamed russia for everything and Russian Diplomats were expelled from the country by all countries. Well, almost all sides need to be in one way or another, people of the country who, even with nato and with nato , stood in solidarity on this score. And can you imagine if the same british tabloids wrote that russia is to blame for everything connected with the skripal and i would immediately downstreet and allocate some spending to our country. How is that . Im just wondering if the german media write that they are leading from a thread to the kyiv regime, and this was a project. In which german investors invested their money, and then a mini came out. Defense and germany and says that it is necessary to supply even more weapons to the kiev regime, but accordingly, money too, as this can be. It is curious that the chairman of the western political establishment, although i will never be publicly recognized, they share the same assessments, well, for example, remember kay singer. In a conversation with russian pranks in july of this year, he, in principle, said exactly that after a year, absolutely it has become clear to everyone that the authorities of the European Union state. First of all, germany purposefully refuse to take a nonpartisan position on issues that concern russia not very clearly, but have demonstrated an inability and even lack of interest in identifying the true culprits of the multiwire terrorist attack and this, despite the fact that everything happened in the zone of responsibility of the eu and nato off its shores, and the western europeans themselves suffered all these costs and losses as a direct consequence of such spinelessness. Obsessively unwilling defending their interests and protecting their own Energy Security has become the loss of even the theoretical chances for the European Union to gain strategic autonomy; the current German Authorities of almost all other eu members have unconditionally submitted to the antirussian course that is dictated to them by anglosaxony. You know, this is a historical anecdote, germany has always dreamed of becoming a colonizer throughout its entire life, and this desire made it a colony. Russia will certainly take into account at this moment in its Foreign Policy planning. In particular, when building foreign economic relations, we intend to complete the investigation into the terrorist attack on nord streams that occurred last september and will make every effort, including within the framework of multilateral formats , to ensure that the truth becomes public knowledge. Among the next steps, a briefing is planned for september 26 security site. It is on the occasion of the socalled anniversary of the attack on the nord stream Gas Pipelines. She would like to remind you that over the past year our country has repeatedly i raised this issue on the security website. On our initiative, on february 21 and july 11 of this year, a Council Meeting on this topic was held on march 27 in force. He nodded to the resistance of the western delegations, which did not gain sufficient numbers. Votes of a russian draft resolution providing for the establishment of an International Mechanism to investigate the explosion of Gas Pipelines. The west does not want an objective International Investigation and therefore blocked the corresponding draft resolution. Well, also from western absurdity. And how do you probably we saw a joint press release was published on september 7 by the osce chairmaninoffice, the minister of Foreign Affairs of north macedonia, the chairman of the osce Parliamentary Assembly and the director. The osce odihr in this press release condemns the holding, by the way, only of the Upcoming Elections of deputies of legislative bodies and primaries of local selfgovernment bodies on the territory of the new constituent entities of the Russian Federation, that is, the donetsk lugansk peoples republics of the zaporozhye and kherson regions. Well, of course, thats all for this is not news to us. Eh, the only thing we once again state is that the functioning osce not only does not understand the essence of its powers enshrined in the relevant mandates adopted by consensus. Well, in principle, they do not strive to objectively approach the assessment of existing realities. All these osce officials should not make comments on the issues of the territorial structure of the organizations member states, but should finally establish a normal practice of monitoring election processes, based on which must be agreed upon, rules for electoral monitoring approved by all osce member countries. Well, if they think it is Still Necessary to comment on the electoral issues in an important and, in principle, way. Eh hmm, so to speak, processes, but within each state, and hmm, they cant restrain themselves from huh . Comments regarding the territorial structure of the osce participating state, i am waiting for their joint press release regarding kosovo and everything that is happening there, elections, uh, negotiation processes, a statement on supposed independence independence, sovereignty i forgot when was the last time. The chairmanship and current governing bodies of the osce have issued something similar on this score. Let me remind you that there is a solution. The authorities, as if the authorities of kosovo , have no International Legal justification for the fact that they are becoming independent, as if they were a state. Moreover, this directly contradicts Security Council resolution 1244 and once again i want to ask, please remind the current chairmanship directors of the odihr chairman osce Parliamentary Assembly, when was the last time you published anything on this subject, because elections are also taking place in kosovo. Several important dates in our external relations, on september 21, the republic of armenia celebrates the 22nd anniversary of independence, we are convinced that the development of multifaceted cooperation between moscow and yerevan is responsible fundamental interests of the peoples of the two countries. We stand for deepening mutual understanding. E on the main issues of the bilateral regional agenda, as well as in favor of strengthening Foreign Policy coordination, both on international platforms, and within the framework of general integration associations, we wish the citizens of the union armenia, including the staff of the ministry of Foreign Affairs of the republic, good health, prosperity and success. Ahh, confirmation of the seriousness of our attitude and the sincerity of our approach. Uh, i mean developing diverse mutually beneficial ties as an ally in the csto, as well as strengthening the humanitarian socioeconomic presence in the south of armenia. This is, for example, one of the examples of the establishment of a new Russian Diplomatic Mission in this strategically important region of the republic, in early september, an advanced group of Russian Diplomats arrived in its administrative center, the city of kapan, to prepare for the opening of the consulate general. With the establishment of a new point, it will become easier to establish interregional contacts and strengthen educational and cultural interaction. Expand the opportunities for local businesses to establish cooperation with russian partners; russian citizens living in the region will receive full and unhindered access to government services. Our employees have already begun preparations for an open seminar on consular issues, where everyone can receive comprehensive consultations on topics that interest them, and at the same time, time. Reported through the internet resource of our embassy in yerevan and uh, i would like to draw attention to something that worries a lot of people. Now, again , epidemiologists are speaking and making warnings regarding the species, and so on and so forth. Well, you know, uh, we noticed something else, the results of the published 29 august in an authoritative american medical publication, it was the best studies of the impact on childrens immunity of the american, americangerman vaccine fizer biotech against comedy 19 and so, based on the results of an analysis of three dozen pros carried out by a team of australian scientists, previously obtained data were confirmed that, in comparison with others phaser vaccines produce much less neutralizing antibodies against coronavirus. Based on the results of the current study, scientists have established that the drug causes in children weakening of the immune system and provokes the development of hiv; there is a high risk of infection with other infectious diseases, in particular staphylococcus aureus, e. Coli, tuberculosis, pneumonia and hepatitis b, as well as covid 19; cases of damage to brain tissue have been identified; a decrease in the childs body to immunostimulants has been noted. According to the report. I want to emphasize again. This is not a russian publication. These are not russian scientists. So, according to the materials. Western scientists have a depressing effect persisted throughout the sixmonth study period. Again , western scientists do not rule out lifelong destruction of immunity in vaccinated children. I would like to remind you that even earlier in the twentyfirst year , disappointing results were published , all references to these e, and we will definitely place the Research Findings in the text of the briefing. So, even earlier in the twentyfirst year , disappointing results of a study were published on the effects of phaser vaccines on older people, then it was found that six months after vaccination with the drug, fullfledged coronavirus immunity in the new type was retained less than in a third of the elderly, while 50 of the subjects who received a single dose of the Pfizer Vaccine had quantifiable antibodies against alpha and beta variants with a coefficient of 19 , things were even worse for older people with weaker immune systems who took the vaccine at the base. The researchers found that they produced even fewer antibodies than those who were not vaccinated at all, and as a result, this led to the data that was published in april is also noteworthy for the further weakening of the immune system of elderly recipients of the drug. The ministry of defense of the Russian Federation responded there at the time of approval of the vaccine that the concert phase had real evidence that confirmed the increased risk of serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system after vaccination and all this indicates that the phaser vaccine against coronavirus was released with a serious side effect due to collusion between manufacturers and western officials, with this in the American Medical Community was well known for its weak properties, which for some reason were never eliminated, but for some reason it was expensive. It is curious that the white house adviser on the coronavirus problem , immunologist and great propagandist , anthony fauci, turned out to be, in principle, unable to prove the benefits of vaccination over natural immunity. Well, commercial interests among westerners. Elite scientists once took precedence over concerns about protecting Peoples Health and astronomical profits for the fighter and large kickbacks of the concern to the management of the european commission. Remember, thats it, this whole scandal with ursula funderlein. Uh, green, green light, the start of mass vaccination and some kind of multibillion purchases of american vaccines by the European Union, and we have already talked about it, because everyone was talking about it ; this was a broadcast of a briefing by the official representative of the ministry of Foreign Affairs, maria zakharova. Right now there is work in the state duma. At its peak. The lower house of parliament opened its autumn session. Deputies are considering important bills. Which ones exactly will we find out from our correspondent Varvara Nevskaya and she works at okhotnaya ryad and now varvar is in touch with us. Hello how did your first day of work in the state duma begin . Morning thats right , the state duma opened today. Axis deputies are currently holding their first Plenary Session after a long summer vacation, and

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