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He himself already feels quite well, he helped the ship lie, the last parting words from the captain, right in the helicopter. Inform everyone how i do delivered. Thanks for yandex boarding. Having barely learned that the sailor had been successfully operated on and that he would have to spend at least several weeks in a hospital bed, the main question for the captain, 54 people, personnel, is the crew of extra people. No, you yourself understand that one person falls out for him, someone else will do the work. The arctic goes to sea for 4 months for the crew thats 122 days. Far from the comfort of home and relatives, most sailors have families ashore. For many there are children from a healthy working atmosphere. A lot depends on such long voyages, and the ships crew sets very special requirements for the captain. Its difficult here before the captain for us, lets just say that the king god gave everything that you can think of on board, any vessel, its connected with the captain. According to our laws, the captain even has the right to write out a power of attorney with his signature and declare death, and the crew members too, if Something Like this happens, all the accumulated experience. Stolen along the northern sea route and to of today are passed down from captain to captain, how from generation to generation . Becomes a captain, he hands over to him. This is the badge of a sea captain. This, in my opinion, is the greatest award this is an indicator of the professionalism of a person; tradition and continuity determine the present and future of the Nuclear Fleet in the album that barinov keeps with photographs of captains of Nuclear Icebreakers of those who are now working at sea. And those who have already retired. Yuri sergeevich kuchiev found out about this case, and he was right there stanislav borishcha twisted the badge from his chest and handed it to him, as they say. Well, schmid, of course, accepted this with great excitement. He took care of this whole thing with pride. And then, just recently , he said that it was necessary to hand it over to someone, they began to think, who is the complete choice of vasily gennadievich, the crew of the arctic and siberia are preparing to pilot ships along the northern sea route, based on the results of their work here in their journals. This discovery should definitely include the most important and most valuable things for the captain in the record. Thanks no comments. On september 18, 1924, the last us marines left the Dominican Republic. Thus ended the First American occupation. But even after that, the influence of the United States in the country remained significant and the americans were not going to leave the Dominican Republic alone. This country, of course, has an important geopolitical dimension, from which the strategies of washington and, first of all, the pentagon proceed. We can say that, as the poets called it, the pearl of the caribbean , the Dominican Republic is a kind of key to the Caribbean Sea and covers many sea ​​routes for transcontinental shipping from sea traffic, therefore control with the Dominican Republic is vital for the United States even before the end of the first occupation, the americans launched processes that a few years later led to the rise to power of a dictator. Rafael trujilla, who in turn established one of the most oppressive regimes in latin america. This led to the second. Dominican republic by the United States of america in 1965 , the consequences of american aggression are 6,000 killed and wounded dominican civilians. These are destroyed houses, roads, infrastructure, as the americans met resistance. Including on the part of the military personnel of the Dominican Republic, this resistance led to a tightening of washingtons military policy, which was expressed in particular by bombing and shelling, including of Civil Construction sites of peaceful objects, which resulted in the death of civilians and women. In the twentysecond year, under the influence of the public, including the international , the occupation of the Dominican Republic ended, however, in country. Until the age of 31, the government changed and in the thirtyfirst year dictator trujillo came to power, that is, they laid down the coming to power of a dictator, the usa during the years of occupation, which lasted 8 years, they set the goal of creating a National Guard to control the population for suppressing possible protests against us policies or proamerican governments, in fact, the americans tried to carry out their agenda in the Dominican Republic through the use of Strategic Consulting and Institutional Development attracted local dominicans to the side of their military contingent, who , in essence, were, as it were, policemen who served in the proamerican troops and it is interesting that the future dictator of the Dominican Republic is a trumpet. He was precisely a product of such American Military formations and nations. The guard was just served by the future dictator trujillo, who six years later. He rose to the rank of general, by the way, started as a private and in 1930 became president of the Dominican Republic and ruled for 31 years. Trachelia was one of the most cruel dictators of latin america alhefa shef was renamed in honor of him even during his lifetime. Uh, the city is the capital of the republic and certainly difficult since the summer, it essentially left in the history of the Dominican Republic. Thirty years of his reign. Trujillos cult of personality bordered on tyranny. The name trujillo was given not only to the capital of the country, santo domingo, but also to the highest mountain of the island of picuduarte, as well as to many cities, rivers and parks. Trujillos birthday became a national holiday. Trujillos nineyearold son was awarded the rank of general. Persecution of dissent in all its forms, uh, tough work with the opposition, the cult of personality of authoritarianism in its most terrible features, before joining the ranks of the National Guard , Rafael Trujillo was engaged in smuggling and theft. Only thanks to the United States, he did not end his days in prison or drunkenness and was able to make a dizzying career spanning 31 years. I want to say that this is not a record, because the stressner is a man who declared the soviet union number one his enemy, ruled for 35 years in paraguay and is a dictator vicenta. Gomez in venezuela at the beginning of the century ruled for more than 34 years, and all these were loyal regimes, faithful servants of washington , passionately samosa batista in cuba batista the bloody regime that was overthrown by fedel castor and the young cuban revolutionaries. All this was about american satellites and servants, and here, because of the dictates of the United States, there was fertile soil from the peasants from the thinking intelligentsia, yes, part of the top was corrupt, but there were people who were ready to accept communist ideas, however, in the course dictatorship of trujil. I uh, any methods of disobedience were punished very cruelly, however, over the years, trujillo began to irritate the United States and the dictators bloodthirstiness became known far beyond the Dominican Republic. In addition, trujillo quarreled with everyone, including the leaders of neighboring countries, for example, the president of venezuela betancourt, whom he repeatedly tried to kill these and other offenses. Trujillo gave resonance within the country ; popular indignation grew on the outside ; repeated attempts to overthrow trujillo were supported by the governments of cuba. And guatemala first 1960. Even the Catholic Church started. To denounce trujilla, it was one of the most brutal dictatorships compared to similar regimes of that time in latin america, about 50,000 were killed. These are the victims of the trujillo regime, he ruled from 1930 to 1961 and was eventually killed as a result of a conspiracy, but the americans. They did not abandon the fear that the people, just like in cuba, who had overthrown batista, would begin to build a new sovereign state independent of the United States of america and would pursue a policy independent of washington this is what they really feared, the us ruling circles in 1961, with the assistance of the cia, trujillo was killed. Immediately after the fall of the rotten regime, well, my son came to power. But he didnt last long. He took away the relics of his father, apparently anticipating the just wrath of the dominican people, and left the country for good in spain, then an unstable situation began, which ended with the coming to power of patriotic military men. Which could not suit washington on april 28, 1965 in the Dominican Republic american troops landed. Officially , washington stated the need to protect american citizens of the Dominican Republic , although to protect them. Strictly speaking , there was no external aggression from anyone, indeed the situation in the country was unstable, but again emphasized that external threats did not exist. Therefore, president johnson on may 2 announced a gang of communist conspirators of the Dominican Republic who were preparing to overthrow the government of the country, comparing the reasons for the two occupations, then, and according to their tasks were similar, that is , the promotion of american interests in the country , as well as interests in the caribbean and the proximity of the panama canal. Uh, disobedience from the point of view of the americans, uh, local civil authorities, and the american dictates have changed, essentially only the forms of occupation, maybe there were no such atrocities and torture, but again, this is such interference in the bodies of a sovereign state. The fact is that the Patriotic Forces turned out to be surprised by the american invader and not the aggressor managed to immediately solve all the problems , the resistance continued. And despite this , the americans increased the number of their armed forces and their satellites to 45,000. Let me remind you that in vietnam at that time the vietnam war was going on , there were eighty thousand, at that time, total americans. And here is a small tiny country, half an island, the other half , i remind you, is occupied by haiti 45,000 us marines and their satellites in the military of the dictator samosa dictator stressner, imagine what kind of company it is interesting that even women were formed the battalions on the side of the Womens Movement actively joined the struggle of their people, because of the documented atrocities of american soldiers against dominican women. Our country convened an urgent meeting of the security council, as i already said, which twice adopted a resolution for an early ceasefire, but nothing more could be done within the organization. On the day of nations, of course , two American Occupations of the country in the 20th century have extremely dire consequences for the Dominican Republic because, according to that period, the americans were still present during the trujillo dictatorship, so the country was dependent for most of the 20th century and the consequences are still catastrophic for the country and it is interesting that several historians who are currently researching it touch on the topics of the American Occupation on spanish. They write that they are graduates of our university. Friendship of peoples is the main thing . There was a rebuff. Still, washington felt that the people did not want, did not want, the people did not accept open interference in the internal affairs of their countries and this was felt not only in washington but throughout the world, because not only our country and our countrys allies at that time, but also the nonalignment movement, which was actively developing. Namely, during these years , washingtons actions in the Dominican Republic were sharply criticized. We reached the donetsk peoples republic. When do such people come in their hands . Everything is working. He went there with joy that he could bring our soldiers what they needed. We made exactly the same the armored car and sent there to donbass must fly away and never land. September 24 is a memorable date in the military history of russia. September 24, 1799, crossing the samgat pass , troops under the command of Alexander Suvorov made a heroic crossing through the sand pass. The path of russian soldiers through the alps and northern italy to switzerland became unprecedented in history. For this campaign, suvorov received the title of generalissimo. There were a lot of drug addicts in the ranks of my unit. We said that confidence in their actions comes from fighters who they were running near me in the same chaotic way, shooting at houses, shooting at windows, but i was. Those pills that we saw are a serious tranquilizer, a person forgets what pain is, fatigue, everything that is used in ukraine is made in a factory manner by a Research Institute and nato alphabet based. And further similar activities are carried out all over the world , dozens of those same biological laboratories in ukraine immediately come to mind. We will take on this matter. It will be an honest detective. We watch to explore the world Educational Programs and documentaries. The football fan public is not easy , everything is clear, everything is specific, everyone who is on business, everyone here, combat missions are carried out by the espanyola squad, the backbone of which is football fans. Hispaniola itself began to appear, just in the fourteenth year of a more combatready unit at that time. It simply didnt exist. First of all, coordination occurs at the Training Ground in the next lesson. They themselves understand. Eh, how much they have grown already. If i were sitting on the couch at home, i would imagine this didnt forgive. The Central Election Commission of russia turned 30 years old, the current composition of the Central Election Commission and everyone who previously worked there was congratulated by vladimir putin. Dear colleagues , this year marks the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Central Election Commission of russia. Congratulations on the anniversary to the current composition of the Central Election Commission, its leader. And, of course, everyone who works now and has worked in past years in this

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