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Memory of the sailors who did not return from the voyage, reporting by alena deberbiere. Michael and all the saints will have mercy and save us jacob and the man lyuba at the Morning Service in the only naval cathedral in the far east today is crowded with residents of petropavlovskkamchatsky, military sailors and representatives of city and regional authorities. All of them were able to come into contact with the sacrament of illumination and take part in the divine liturgy. Thanks to the lord our jesus years the patriarch of christ also addressed the people , military personnel and sailors. He blessed everyone who is participating in a special military operation. We are all responsible for our country for the wellbeing of our native people. And, of course, this primarily applies to the armed forces. Because the state of the countrys defense capability ensures. Including the ability to defend against external enemies, but the armed forces are not able to defend against internal enemies. Here our faith and love for the fatherland must protect us from such enemies at a meeting with the governor in the kamchatka region they talked about the development of orthodoxy in the north of the peninsula. In such an unconscious program we are implementing, first of all, the improvement of the center of our petropavlovskkamchatka city of the army of slava, which bears the name of our two apostles, beloved saints, the first ionic apostles peter and paul, and even in the name of the city, the spiritual component is emphasized , this is a master the clan will significantly play two temples one, which today was solemnly illuminated by the naval cathedral, it dominates the city center and the Second Temple of alexander nevsky, at the end of his working visit , the patriarch visited the main cathedral on the peninsula. Patriarch of moscow and all russia kirill comes to the council from the Trinity Cathedral freezing for the first time. In 2010, he illuminated this building and conducted the divine liturgy. Patriarch kirill presented the clergy of the holy Trinity Cathedral with an icon with the image of christ the savior as a reminder of Holy Communion and a pond 7 km away. But. Eh, i think well get through it quickly enough. And they registered the pilgrims. Lets hear what they have to say. For example, a girl from in yekaterinburg, our delegation has been at this procession for the eighth time. This procession of the cross is very joyful and we are overwhelmed with feelings. We all arrived here yesterday. We were just jumping straight up. Here we were hugging and kissing on our different flights arrived, who is like us meeting everyone. There is such a gathering here. This is simple everywhere from all over russia. Its difficult, in fact, to say how many people we are walking now in the middle of the column have already overtaken us. Everyone is in a great, joyful mood , the weather helps, people are counting prayers praying for our bright future, of course, praying for the participants in the special operation who are now on the front line, praying for their families and for those who, in spite of everything, despite the colossal persecution of the orthodox faith in ukraine, defend their canonical faith. And so we started from the village of ilinskoye, the temple of the prophet elijah, we will go, mmm, to the village of usovo through a water crossing, we will definitely talk about this in the next broadcasts, and this is part of the large imperial route and lets listen to what it is, in principle, like is. The gorodovsky route is growing at a tremendous speed. Now, practically in siberia, several regions have already joined and by the end of the month, most likely there will already be 29 regions on the imperial route that will join the primorye territory, khabarovsk territory, and uh, we are planning a trip to vladivostok. The imperial route is precisely designed to ensure that uh the idea of ​​historical enlightenment and, as it were , culturalhistorical recreation, as such , has become a tradition, that is, not just to relax, but to relax and learn. How am i i already said the route itself is only 7 km, but it is quite picturesque. But now we are walking through the forest. We will go through the museum of motherhood and childhood through people, which were recently erected. So you hear there, in a single impulse, everyone is reading prayers and no, or its great, but today is such a holiday for all orthodox studios. Really. Thank you Anastasia Anastasia ivanova spoke about how the soviet procession of the cross is taking place at these moments. The legendary songwriter Nikolai Dobronravov Nikolai Nikolaevich passed away, he was 94 years old. Among his most famous works. Bird of happiness and the battle continues again Belovezhskaya Pushcha and hundreds of others his song beloved by many generations. They always devoted themselves to helping in sorrow, and in joy, such words were written by the mayor of the capital in connection with the passing of the poet; condolences are also expressed by famous cultural figures, politicians and officials. An alien tune, like pilgrim knocking on peoples souls. And you and i have gone and played our own record. The earth is empty without you, how can i live for a few hours . How much would we how sincerely we love, how we believe ourselves. I understand. Your ageold sport victory like the gentle air, return to the properties of the grouping center on the krasnaya limansk direction. In the krasnaya limansk direction, the coordinated actions of units of the grouping of forces center with artillery fire, strikes of assault and army aviation, thwarted six attacks of the assault groups of the sixtythird mechanized brigade of the armed forces and the twelfth special forces brigade. Azov in the areas of the torsky section of serebryansky forestry, bomber aircraft the Russian Group struck two command and observation posts in the area of ​​​​the village of serebryanka ; enemy losses amounted to more than 50 military personnel ; a tank and an armored combat vehicle were destroyed. The number of victims of the flood in libya has exceeded 11,300 people; more than 10,000 are still listed as missing. Rescuers from the Russian Ministry of emergency situations, special fighters, an airmobile hospital and specialists from the rescue center team arrived in the country the day before their work was observed by our special correspondent igor pikhanov. With using wheelbarrows and shovels, residents of the city of dern clear their apartments of silt and stones during a flood. The first two floors of the building were under water; the level in this place rose above 10 m. Now local residents are trying to save their homes with everything that could still be useful from the household, for example, this family took it out on the street. It is damaged, and the force flow destroyed almost everything here, verses destroyed one third of the city , the greatest amount of destruction. In the central part there is a turf without housing. Thousands of people remained. Many people take things and leaving the city , accommodation points were organized for refugees; the water level was above the first floor. They were sleeping when the flooding began. On september 11 , a hurricane hit north east libya. Daniel, the rain stopped for several days and water poured into the cities and villages in derni, which broke through only in libya. More than 11,000 people and more than 20,000 are still missing. I was born in this place, i live and earn money here , what happened. It is very difficult for me to talk about this; there were many deaths after the flood. Putin specialists from the rescue Center Operations leader and the center of spas in derni, they are participating in the elimination of emergencies in the most damaged part of the city, the city has simply turned into ruins, especially the central part of it, especially. Uh, the place that a was in the river area, and we now understand how timely the decision was by the president of the Russian Federation Vladimirovich Putin to send us here, because all our rescuers have enormous experience in clearing the rubble specifically for this work in such serious difficult conditions, rescuers are working in emergency mode and inspecting houses. Most of them are damaged under so that at any moment it could collapse , 150 volunteers are helping russian specialists. The work is going on at such a pace that even search dogs cannot withstand the flood. Everything here is frosted over and there is a very high density of debris, that is, odor release in general. No, hes just missing. This makes it very difficult. Now the city is gradually recovering from the disaster. The commune service runs around the city and pumps out water from flooded basements. There is no electricity, no Drinking Water in the city, the sanitary situation is difficult, so people need to wear masks and use disinfectants. Soon the Russian Ministry of emergency situations will open a Field Hospital in the city; doctors will receive patients from among the local residents. Igor pikhanov together. And now our channels broadcast will continue with the parliamentary hour program. The parliamentary hour program is on air. Hello , well tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now. Issues of monitoring legislation and analyzes of Law Enforcement practice directly affect uh to improve the quality of decisions made, laws, research that help deputies improve the lives of russians, how the kutatin university can help in the state duma, the construction of highways, accessibility of air traffic, employment growth , the vast prospects of the far east were shown by the Eastern Economic forum as a strategic priority for the entire 21st century, which it noted president of russia regional week review of the work of deputies in electoral districts, bypass road electricity supply. This is very urgent helps solve problems and monitors program implementation. We have 1,300 schools planned this year. Russian forces will not need to know the history of the city, but they will have to navigate the terrain; the regions have received the right to certify taxi drivers, and we will also talk about attempts to intervene. Election pressure on russians and new faces in the state duma, these other topics are on our program today. The sense of laws adopted by deputies directly depends on the monitoring of legislation and analysis of Law Enforcement practice chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav volodin speaks about this at a meeting with employees of the center for monitoring legislation and Law Enforcement at the kutafin moscow state Law University. Here he conducts research that helps politicians understand how norms work , for example, in territories they influence human development, improve his life, or vice versa, somewhere they fail; based on these data , the process is improved and amendments are adopted. Dmitry oreshkin found out who and how collects valuable information from Longtime Partnership between the state duma and kutafin university, his report. The center for legal monitoring has been working here for more than 10 years in the main Law University of the country. Its specialists study current laws and issue a scientific expert assessment. The center was visited by the chairman of the state duma on a working visit. Analysis of Law Enforcement practices directly influences the improvement of the quality of decisions made by laws. The state duma and the kutafin university have longstanding partnerships. Vyacheslav volodin noted that this provides deputies with feedback from the professional community of legal scholars. How it works legally in the region. Why does he help uh a citizen or what is the problem with this law that needs to be corrected . Vyacheslav volodin suggested that the legal Monitoring Center analyze how recently adopted laws first prohibit the sale of vapes to minors and second restrict the work of socalled liqueurs in apartment buildings. If the laws are effective, there are no questions about it. If the law we have somewhere is not enough. Uh, effective to adjust legislation. In such a way that it solves the problem that we all face. The Centers Research was previously used by deputies to prepare antisocial initiatives, as well as measures to support citizens and the economy, every initiative, every amendment that is born precisely as a result of monitoring. It always comes from somewhere in life. This is always some kind of problem that is reflected in specific Law Enforcement practice. For example, Center Specialists identified a problem related to safe recreation children. The fact is that previously everyone had access to the beach camps and, as a result, a draft federal law was developed for monitoring, which is today. The law now allows childrens recreation organizations to limit areas for the safe bathing of children. On the beach, since the university is an educational institution. Such work does not take place without the participation of students. This will increase their competence. And perhaps in the future the choice of profession will influence the choice of profession, noted Vyacheslav Volodin daria fedorchenko is studying in her first year postgraduate course is part of the youth legislative chamber. The university is headed by the International Legal committee. Recently, we were engaged in a patriotic test , looking at the experience of Foreign Countries in order to analyze and consider it in correlation with our patriotic education. We may be able to introduce something in the future; it is important that russian laws, future and existing , work effectively; the analysis carried out at the legal Monitoring Center contributes to this, because deputies jointly they will continue to work with experts from the kutafin university to improve russian legislation. Dmitry oreshkin elena bogdan parliamentary hour. The trade war has been won, trade with the countries of the asiapacific region has grown in the far east. Vast prospects at the Eastern Economic forum this year talked about the external and internal relations of the subject, the development of the territory and logistics, the construction of highways, the availability of air traffic, the employment ban of the state duma , Irina Yarovaya presented the results at the forum. Chairman of the Relevant Committee Nikolai Kharitonov argued for the work of the Parliamentary Commission to investigate the activities of the Us Biological laboratory in ukraine. Why the northern sea route is the road of life to the future and discussed with experts the importance of preserving the traditions of Indigenous Peoples, about everything in order, my colleague Maria Barkova the west lost the trade war against russia, criminal steps against our country turned out to be ineffective , Vyacheslav Volodin stated this in his telegram channel after the speech of the russian president on Eastern Economic forum. Vladimir putin noted that our country has already earned twice the volume of russian gold and Foreign Exchange reserves frozen by washington from brussels. And this is largely due to the development of trade relations with the countries of the asiapacific region. I note that last year russias trade turnover with the countries of the asiapacific region increased by 13 and 70 . And in the first half of this year it added another 18. 3 . It depends on last year 13. 7 plus, and for the first half of the year for 18 years we expect that our trade with states, and in general economic relations will continue to develop. After all , the east was waiting for us in russia. We are open to strengthening trade cooperation ties and the potential of such cooperation simply cannot be overestimated. The far east is our strategic priority for the entire 21st century. Its role, as well as the importance of our entire country in the world, will only grow, noted vladimir putin. The far eastern Federal District is 40 of the territory of the Russian Federation , almost half of our forests and gold reserves are located here, and more than 70 of fish, diamonds over 30 of titanium, copper, and so on , the most important strategic enterprises, seaports and railways operate; in a word, the role of the far east for our country for its future for the opposition to russia in a multipolar world is exceptionally great. We understand this well. This years Eastern Economic Forum Anniversary exactly 10 years ago, the president proclaimed one of the priority goals for the development of the far east; during this time , more than 75 federal laws were adopted and over 400 legal acts were adopted in the region , Priority Development territories appeared, far eastern Hectare Energy leveling mechanism electronic visa and special Administrative Region , far eastern mortgages and a single far Eastern Airline today Parliament Takes an active part in the development and implementation of legislative initiatives for the development of the far east, taking into account the fact that the unique differential regimes in the far east today concern absolutely various industry issues. All our specialized committees have a current work plan, focused on assignments president and on the Development Strategy of the far east the development of the far east is directly related to the expansion of logistics routes, therefore one of the main tasks of the president is to build highspeed highways through siberia and the far east and the Pacific Ocean and expand the northern sea route, it is no coincidence that the president s task is precisely the north sea route. It is beneficial for us, first of all, it is beneficial for russia ; today we transport about 4045 million tons. We are transporting up to 80 million tons in the near future. Up to 80 million tons. It is no coincidence that there is interest from india china therefore, i think that the north sea route is the road of life to the future, the president instructed to prepare a plan for the development of air transportation in 2030. The flow of passengers should reach four Million People a year. Deputies from the khabarovsk territory were soaring. Megion reported that the Profile Committee receives feedback from both local residents and regional authorities, and by general opinion. The transportation situation has improved significantly in recent years, and all thanks to government support. This is an increase in transportation financing at times the appearance additional subsidized routes , expansion of the category of discounted tickets received and, finally, the creation of a single far eastern carrier aurora, this is indeed a longawaited and very justified decision, which was discussed at the forum and about a global alternative. Domini acquires primarily an economic character. The main thing is that we understand that all the tools that today ensure domination. they should not be reformed. We must create our own in order to add content to this give the content the form that the content will reveal the ideology of a unipolar world is aimed at seizing resources and territories , said state duma vice speaker Irina Yarovaya, she presented at the forum and the results of the work of the Parliamentary Commission to investigate the activities of the White Laboratory and the United States in ukraine and emphasized the need for open dialogue at the International Level on this topic. I would like to draw everyones attention to one nuance when we communicated through the system , we saw connections with some countries via issues, and the developments of the pentagon on the territory of ukraine to conduct tests on military personnel and the monstrous consequences that ukraine acquired through these experiments and this criminal. The activities of our colleague, e, were ready to conduct a dialogue, but not show their faces, for fear that they might be subject to persecution and liability , the topics of discussion at the forum covered a wide range of issues, the importance of supporting women in the far east, rosa chimiris noted the Financial Stability of the regions. The vicechairman discussed at the sections Profile Committee. Valentina pivnenko. She noted a good start to the accelerated development of the far east; growth rates compared to the russian average are one and a half to two times higher ; right now its a busy time to work on the budget for the upcoming threeyear period. Our task today is to prevent a decline in the preferences that come from the state. Eh, first of all, to equalize the budgetary provision for carrying out. E. Well, at least within the framework of indexation indicators. Eh, these are the amounts of support. Which count our far eastern regions the far east is, first of all, people and any legislative decision aimed at developing the region is primarily aimed at helping local residents , said the chairman of the relevant state Duma Committee Nikolai Kharitonov at the forum he spoke in four sections together with experts discussed agro and biotechnology northern plant and the importance preserving the traditions of Indigenous Peoples. It is not laziness of its own that a person walks on the earth around him. And where does the person live . How does he dress . What does he eat . How do you children go to school . Health care and many, many issues, and there are few Indigenous Peoples practically in the far eastern Federal District. In each region there is a decent presence , we must do everything so that they live, work and give birth to children, as many as possible, the results have traditionally been dozens of concluded treaties and agreements, both interregional and international. Another proof of the nonworking western sanctions against our country, the free niche has now been occupied by the east maria burkova Anna Melikyan Sergei Gorbunov parliamentary hour. Territory this week were affected and local deputies went to their regions to receive and meet citizens with Agricultural Producers. Protecting the rights of military families and focusing on education are just some of the issues that politicians have taken up in tver arkhangelsk region, republic of tatarstan dpr what worries people there . Lets see, the head of the united russia faction, vladimir vasiliev, held a reception for citizens. In one of the villages. In the tver region, the parliamentarian was asked to help develop and repair roads, organize Street Lighting along the highway, near the village of arkatovo. This is a very important issue. In snt we have about 27 people who live around the clock and with children. And thats why this question is like access road. Uh electricity supply. These are very pressing issues for us at this meeting. They promised to help we hope while working in the region. Vladimir vasiliev visited the modernized medical and obstetric center and the school, where the Sports Ground is being resurfaced. Leader of the duma united russia. Met with the director of the institution and discussed development issues. We arrived today see what was planned. We have a thousand, uh, 300 schools, another 500 are planned to be renovated this year, lets see what kind of renovation, which it would seem that this doesnt really attract her attention. Well, its worth a lot. This is a renovation. As they say, i see this being done by people who dont just say that they love children for the sake of good children. The leader of the ldpr faction Leonid Slutsky worked in the arkhangelsk region for a week, the politician got acquainted with local enterprises, including Agricultural Producers at a dairy plant parliamentarians discussed with representatives of the industry, Additional Support for the industry about the cultural perspective was discussed at a meeting in the local Cultural Center Leonid Slutsky proposed adding the arctic cities of russia to the cultural environment program; the federal project involves subsidizing the repair of Cultural Centers in settlements of up to fifty thousand inhabitants, but there is a shortage of funds for large remote settlements are also testing these goals, and Leonid Slutsky was told about this at a meeting with the team of the Cultural Center luch. He promised to initiate changes in the federal program to raise from 50 to 500,000 inhabitants will go into the federal cultural program. And we will think, like Political Parties included in parliament. This is the most important thing to do. Project in order to find the right solution despite todays difficulties. Issues related to the special military operation were resolved in the dpr by sergei mironov. The leader of the Maternity Hospital fairly of the russians held a donetsk reception

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