To replace and repair american weapons already in ukraine, as well as to train the ukrainian military, and more than 11 billion will go to current us military operations in the region, with a separate breakdown by branch and type of troops, the air force , navy, army and marines. What these forces will do in ukraine is not explained in the document. For life support the Zelensky Administration itself. The United States is ready to allocate almost 8 billion, this money is provided on credit until september 2025, while the bill specifically prohibits spending it on paying pensions to ukrainians, however, all these funds can be partially or completely written off, although not earlier than midnovember of this year, that is, the decision will be made after the president ial elections. We changed the law so 80 of all the money. In the us, at our defense plants, we have changed the approach so that all aid to ukraine turns into a loan. According to the requirements of the bill, ukraine must end the conflict as a democratic, independent and sovereign state; the strategy itself must be updated at least once a quarter. Here is a requirement for the president to transfer missiles to attacks from an increased range, but with the caveat that this may not be done if their transfer threatens the security of themselves. Usa, that is, the decision remains with biden. Democratic media is already making speaker johnson a global influence savior hero america. But will the liberal press and democrats be able to save johnson himself, under whom the speakers chair is already burning, the fire is being fanned by fellow republicans. How about taking care of america . How about holding this Administration Accountable for the disintegration of our southern border . The most ardent opponent of allocating money to kiev, marjarie taylor greene, has already begun to make her amendments to the Assistance Project for ukraine. She demands that every congressman who votes for this bill join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine and demands not to give money to kiev, until president ial elections are held in ukraine. A separate amendment from taylor green concerns secret biological laboratories. No funds provided by this law may be used or expended until ukraine. Will not close all biological laboratories, will not provide all data on such research to the United States government. Joe biden has already announced his desire to sign the presented assistance plan as soon as possible; in an article signed with his name, there is undisguised joy at how much more he can earn in ukraine, the American Military industrial complex. If Congress Passes military aid to ukraine and israel, we will not write blank checks. We will send military equipment from our own stocks as well. Then we will use the money authorized by congress to replenish these reserves by purchasing weapons from american suppliers. Patriots from arizona, jewellins from alabama, and artillery shells made in ohio, texas and pennsylvania. These days, biden was frightening voters in his native pennsylvania with unknown pages from the history of his family. My uncle ambros flew singleengine airplanes over. He was shot down in new guinea, but his body was never found, because there were really a lot of cannibals in that part of new guinea. However, bidens uncles version differs from the one recorded in the archives of the ministry of defense. In may 1944, a douglas a20 bomber, on which ambrose finigan was flying as a passenger, made an Emergency Landing on water near the island of guam. One crew member survived, three, including joe bidens uncle, could not get out. The good ones make plans for the future together. We respect poland very much we respect the president very much. As you know, we had a very Good Relationship and never had any problems, even minor ones. We discussed the middle east, ukraine and the future of europe. They no longer hide the fact that the old world is preparing for trump. In early april , the head of the British Foreign office, david cameron, had dinner with the republican candidate at the maralago estate. They are no longer shy and act. But now Congressional Democrats in the white house fear that speaker johnsons billsplitting stunt may be just a cunning ploy by the republicans. Having voted for assistance to israel and taiwan, they may fail to finance ukraine, which means that going in circles with the allocation of money to kiev may continue for an indefinite time. Dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. New rules leave Maternity Leave early and not lose. It is now possible to care for a child, how payments are calculated, what conditions are needed to receive them and what else has changed, Maria Kudryavtseva will tell you in the instructions in the program. The rules for assigning benefits for child care up to one and a half years old have changed this year. How exactly, who can receive it under what conditions, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. So, on january 1 , new rules came into force; they allow you to leave parental leave on the floor. Working day and not lose benefits; until the age of twentyfour, a parent could also work and receive benefits, but he could only work on a shortened working day. Now this rule is gone, and the parent can go fulltime and receive child care benefits. Until the child turns one and a half years old, monthly benefits will continue to be paid, regardless of the size of the salary and type of employment. It is emphasized that this applies to all types of work, fulltime with parttime work, remote work and even parttime work with another employer. And how do they calculate benefits . They will pay 40 of average earnings. The amount of child care benefits depends on the parents salary. The calculation of the benefit is based on wages for 2 years of the previous year, when the parent is going to leave. Once a year from february 1, the minimum amount of the benefit is indexed, as far as the government determines, from february 1, 2024 the amount looks like this 9. 2 27 rubles per month. The maximum amount this year is 49,123 rubles. If there are two or more children under one and a half years old, the payments are summed up, but the total amount of the benefit cannot exceed 100 of average earnings. Where to apply for benefits . The benefit is paid on the basis of an application for assignment of child care benefits, which the employee brings to his employer along with an application for leave to care for a child up to one and a half years old. The employer has 3 days to transfer the information to the social fund, and the social fund has 10 days to appoint payment of child care benefits for children up to one and a half years old. The social fund will pay this benefit monthly without a reminder from the employer, until the child turns one and a half years old. Working parents are provided with benefits not from state budget, as an insurance payment, and. Is provided with mandatory contributions from employers to social insurance, so they can simultaneously receive for the same child both an insurance benefit and a social benefit, for example, a single benefit for children under 17 years of age. The social fund will assign it if the monthly income per person in the family is not higher than the regional subsistence level, and the family passes the criteria for a comprehensive assessment of need. What about those who dont work . They are also entitled to benefits, but this will be a social measure. Support from state budget, you can only count on minimum payments and you need to apply to the social fund. Nonworking parents must choose what type of assistance to receive child care payments from the state. January 2023 later, the monthly income per person in the family must be below the average per capita subsistence level in the region. An exception is made for fulltime students; they are entitled to benefits regardless of the income of family members. Let us repeat the most important thing working parents can now take parental leave. Fulltime, they will continue to receive benefits until the child is one and a half years old, the amount is calculated based on 40 of average earnings 2 years before parental leave. Nonworking parents also have the right to payments, but as a measure of social support with incomes below the subsistence level. If you have any questions, if you want to know what other help young parents can receive from the state, subscribe to our telegram. 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Favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount. Apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. Why is chocolate becoming an expensive delicacy . Black caviar, the price for it is simply skyhigh. Likewise, cocoa trees and cocoa women. There will be no more of them. I can personally confirm that it was literally swept away by chinese consumers, because in china russian sweets are very are in demand, what tricks are used to reduce the cost of chocolate production . The share of cocoa in mass production will decrease in chocolate; flavorings and dyes will be replaced, which will maintain color. And the aroma of cocoa, from cocoa to bananas, why russia is ideal for growing heatloving crops, that is, in fact , in 23 years we can enter the production of products that we do not make today. Directly this is india, kerala, yes, there is a lot of cocoa from peru, cocoa beans from nicaragua, cocoa beans from ecuador, cocoa beans from the philippines and venezuela. The founder and head of the amazing cocoa Chocolate Factory demonstrates a strategic reserve; there will be enough Raw Materials for another year, which means prices for final products will not have to be increased; in april they already increased by 15 . This is the current one now. Increase, perhaps in may we will have another 510 percent increase. The traditional ingredient of chocolate has become too expensive, its price at its highest level in history. If a year ago a ton cost 3. 00 dollars, now its more than ten. The main culprit is usually called not the cocoa crop. But the situation is more complicated, explains irina eldorkhanova. Vicepresident of the Russian Guild of bakers and confectioners, owner of a network of confectionery boutiques. In africa, about 20 years ago , the International Community created programs to subsidize the planting of cocoa trees, that is , a certain amount was paid for each tree planted, so a large number of Small Farmers and even private farms planted these cocoa trees. But almost 20 years have passed and many trees have become very strong. Loose, but neither the farm nor the farmers want to plant new trees, because there is no subsidy program, without these programs it is unprofitable, from here we can conclude the price will not drop quickly, and rising costs are becoming a complex problem for the industry. If the product is made 100 from Raw Materials, which have risen in price by 2 and a half times just in the last 3 months, then what can one do . The one who uses this raw material. Russian confectioners find themselves at a fork in the road, describes the situation of irina eldorkhanova, or switch to cheap analogues of cocoa butter, or increase selling prices. But large retail chains through which sales are established dont even want to hear about it. Nowadays the bravest ones communicate with the networks, because how can you create a situation where factories are afraid to go to retail chains . Because the answer . Is, you can leave and not supply us with anything, anything related to the fact that a chocolate bar should cost more, we will not discuss with you, i think that we are now, well, as if the Confectionery Industry will leave people who they consume normal highquality, and therefore expensive, chocolate, but without the product, the worlds confectionery manufacturers are trying their best, some reduce the size of the standard bar, others. Add a large amount of various fillings instead of cocoa, and the third gets the usual volume due to air pockets, this produces socalled porous chocolate. We understand now that there will be significantly fewer quality products, the share of cocoa in mass production will decrease. On quality, on the services of intermediaries. Chapter company, olga yarovikova, together with her colleagues, traveled all over latin america in search of the best cocoa, meeting farmers personally. You support farmers, yes, you see what they buy, they have money to buy some necessary things, yes, and you help them develop their farm, tell them what to improve, what varieties to grow, helped producers. Financially add bonuses to the market value of Raw Materials, then in difficult times for the buyer, personal relationships turned out to be more important than benefits, says olga yarovikova. Some farms, they deliberately do not follow the exchange, that is, they do not look for sevenminute ones. It is clear that it is very attractive, yes, to sell cocoa beans there not for 6 dollars, but for 10, but at the same time , people understand perfectly well what is needed, we support them, they. Should support us in this. In russia you can also grow cocoa beans. An expert from the foodnet working group came up with this revolutionary idea. National technology initiative, economist alexey kuk. This requires a National Project of 510 years. We already have an industrial greenhouse in the south of russia, where in single copies as a demo. They grow both coffee and tea, in my opinion, there is even cocoa, but this is not an industrial story, in order for it to become industrial, firstly, it is necessary to develop technology, so that such technologies can be used for growing not only cocoa beans, but also any plant products in general, we need to establish mass production of such equipment and. Software. The 140year history of this plant in rostov began with tsekorey. Now there are 350 types of products in its line, including hot chocolate and cocoa. Yes, now there is an abnormal situation on the cocoa bean market; prices and purchase prices have increased by 5060 . Accordingly, the cost of production becomes much more expensive, but not everything is like that. Critical, because, again, when you sign a contract, it is for a year, and you can fix a certain price; working directly with suppliers helps you get favorable conditions; the aronap plant buys cocoa in indonesia and malaysia, here reduced packaging, marketing and advertising costs. Everything very much depends on automating the process in order to relieve people, so that there is less manual labor, so we are introducing some of our know how. Automatic processes, we have, for example, only two people working on the line to pack into a cardboard box, the quality is checked by a whole laboratory, these are safety indicators, we check the Raw Materials, these are coliform bacteria , kmoofan, yeast, mold, according to organulaptics you can understand if there is counterfeit, for example, instead of cocoa beans they put husks from the shell called cocavella, this is a processed product. Already cocoa, maybe you feel some kind of grittiness, there are a lot of samples, we simply reject even at the organoleptic stages, this is, well, you can say how they make their product cheaper, what you need to Pay Attention to is in the composition of the product in order to understand that this is real chocolate, we even release a special product about which it says that this is real. Chocolate, if we read it, then contains cocoa butter, cocoa powder and healthy litetin, so substitutes for cocoa butter, palm oil and cocoa powder will not be retained, you can feel the substitutes in chocolate, they melt at higher temperatures, well, for example, if you take chocolate at 35 , and it just melts in your mouth right in your hands, so it melts and at body temperature, then these tiles will break and at 40 or. Nine they will just melt, that is, you start to eat it, it just chews, it happens like plasticine. Russian chocolate product is valued for border among the professional community. The st. Petersburg factory is currently testing a new direction, a chocolate restaurant, where cocoa beans are used in all dishes. Working with chocolate is primarily about desserts, that is, in order to. To make some application, yes, use already in other products, this needs to move away from the standards and frameworks that our bosses have. They teach in colleges, yes, in institutes, that is , to look at the product in a completely different way, here is alexander zuev, our cook, he is just that a person who was able to transcend patterns and frameworks. Now the company has successfully entered the chinese market, russian chocolatiers have created a real sensation there. And this year, just on the eve of the chinese new year, we are in one of the provinces of china, liauning, in two cities in shinyang. And dalyan held such an innovative event, i would say, a festival fair made in russia, where chocolate and chocolate products became one of the leaders in audience choice, and were literally swept off the shelves in a matter of days. The next step will be permanent points of presence in different provinces, through which it will be possible to enter large retail chains. Interest from chinese partners. Russian products are made in russia, but china is only one of the destinations the products of russian chocolatiers are supplied to 75 countries. At the end of last year, russia ranked twelfth in the world in exports of chocolate and chocolate products. Exports over the past 7 years have increased by 40 to 780 million. Its easy to get confused by the facts when you only see part of the big picture, chasing views they change entire locations, its easy to make a zipfake, change your voice. And russia change in any structure, a revolution occurs. Vladimir putin discussed the development of two regions of crimea and the murmansk region with the governors. The president held working meetings with Sergei Aksyonov and andrei chibes via videoconference. The conversation in both cases was large; questions regarding crimea were raised about assistance to the soldiers of the northern military district and

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