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Steppe of new russia in 1943, as soon as the nazis were expelled from the donbass , largescale restoration of the destroyed economy began, today the focus is on the high rate of restoration of mariupol with the addition of new entities with a return to new old realities of azov again the inland sea of ​​russia appeared and ambitious plans , one of them in restoring the fisheries of the sea of ​​azov and transforming the coastal zone of novorossia to the large resort area of ​​the sea of ​​azov. The shallowest in the world its average depth is about 7 1 2 m. Warms up quickly with large sandy beaches during soviet times. It was a place for childrens recreation in the thirties of the last century. Today, a fifth of all the fish in the ussr was caught at sea here. There are more than 70 species of beluga sturgeon. Sevruga sturgeon. A lot of river fish come in. And, of course, flounder and mullet goby. Until recently, serious damage to the ecology of azov was caused by large metallurgical and machinebuilding enterprises located on the paradox coast during soviet times, mariupol, which had several such factories, received the status of a resort city. And all thanks to the fact that it is located on the seashore, while according to environmentalists, only two mariupol factories, and for steel and azamash , until recently, dumped more than 800 million cubic meters of untreated waste into the sea annually. The content of iron, nitrogen, copper and zinc in them was several times higher than the permissible limits during last years battles, the plant, and found seriously destroyed. But the water in the sea has become noticeably cleaner; now less than two percent of discharges from previous years enter there. In december last year, the head of the donetsk republic, ya ne spushilin, proposed a project for the Socioeconomic Development of the azov sea area and the coast, according to experts. If everything goes according to plan, then in 1215 years there will be profit from the development of fisheries. The ambitious project will be able to exceed the income from coal mining and metal smelting and was supported by russian president vladimir putin. Read more in the story by anna efimova the sea sings the wave is calling, especially when the temperature for swimming is more than comfortable plus 25 on the wide sandy shore, sun loungers and canopies from the sun. All these are the beaches of one of the resort villages on the azov coast of sedova and everything would be fine, if not for one thing, but travel to sedova is still carried out using special passes; this system was introduced back in covid, and for some reason it still wont be canceled who have a residence permit outside of their azov region. They should come there by invitation, meanwhile, in the comments, on social networks, tourists are either joking or seriously. They say that the navigator advises them to choose ways to bypass the road; others are surprised by the creation of unreasonable obstacles for vacationers by the owners of guest house cafes. Such bureaucracy is also not a plus, because other cities are on the coast. Entry is free. Only the infrastructure still leaves much to be desired. Well, some programs that stimulate investors to develop this region for the construction or reconstruction of existing Swimming Pool hotels. Eh, lets say turkey, which has made a superresort in 20 years in antalya energetically, used both tax incentives and subsidized loans. And here. I think there is an opportunity with these programs to somehow accelerate the development of this region. Money. We need ideas, and we need a program of action, and this program of action is already being actively discussed at the government level. The dpr is preparing a fullfledged strategy for the development of the azov coast ; several important issues are on the agenda. These are not only economic measures to support the development of tourism, conducting a full inventory in the region, but also problems ecology is one of the most serious problems. Yes, this is according to the azov sea, which entails a whole series of environmental consequences, of course it has to be solved, so there is a lot of work to be done, in fact , a lot of it. Maybe, indeed , that is, it will change, that is, here too , a lot will certainly depend on how we prepare and what decisions the president will make. The sea of ​​azov was never truly considered. The fish caught here was even supplied to the imperial table. And when she went to spawn, the locals residents spoke in a whisper so as not to frighten them off; during the soviet years, the smallsized sea of ​​azov provided approximately a quarter of the total union catch of sturgeon and half of the total catch of pike perch. The situation began to degrade during perestroika and in all subsequent years did not inspire much hope. To summarize, the creation of a corporation for the development of the azov sea has enormous potential. And this is not a project that is, well, no matter how expensive it is for investment at the moment, but monitoring shows that in in the sea of ​​azov, there is a decrease in the concentration of pollutants. If we compare these pollution with the peak period of loads from the sixth year of 1986, and what we have been celebrating in recent years, then the concentrations of such heavy metals, such as manganese, have fallen by 40 times mercury in 15, and iron in 10, lead in four after the start of a special military operation, the sea of ​​azov became an inland sea of ​​russia and this removed many contradictions that had been drowning for years, the modern collapse of the soviet union between russia moscowkiev could not reach an agreement. Fashionable border not joint actions to protect biological resources, ukraine, unfortunately, was not ready to invest in longterm environmental projects, but only mercilessly exploited the resources of the sea of ​​​​azov and all russias attempts to restore the sturgeon population of other fish species that originally lived. In the sea of ​​azov. All these efforts were nullified by poaching. Ah, from the side of ukrainian territory. And although the fishermen of the azov sea, as before, every morning. Goes out to sea. They no longer come across all these really big ones. Catch, giant fourmeter beluga weighing up to a ton. All that remains are memories and black and white photographs. Kalkan. Tyulkah, hamsakifalt bulls. This is the catch of local fishermen. In addition, today in the sea of ​​azov, the stock of such commercially valuable fish species as pelengas is growing. And the azov flounder kolkan. E you, for example, azov kalkan. Uh, this year we overtook the level of production of a similar species in the black sea, but in terms of the influx of tourists from the black sea coast of azov, for objective reasons, so far it is lagging behind, however. There is an unexpected turn here after the last attack on the crimean bridge at the height of the tourist season, many vacationers for the first time dared to drive through the liberated territories, the socalled land corridor, crimea and saw with their own eyes the new road perfectly, one might say. I went back and arrived in 9 hours at all i noticed how i flew home; at that time the curfew was lifted. Here it is for those who are passing through in transit. Give the area. This, by the way, is also one of the problems, because tourists believe that there is a curfew almost 24 hours a day, that it is impossible to relax there. You have to somehow quickly leave , roll up your towel and leave the beach. So we received requests, not even from tourists, but from hotels. We want to see. What kind of infrastructure has been preserved, how is it in good condition, how is the service for tourists organized, we will go through all these routes before we can recommend them to tourists during the soviet years on the azov coast. There were many health camps for children, many lemons, as well as large ones. The arbat strelka sand spit with its warm sea has always attracted and continues to attract tourists. And let the azov coast. It has never been a luxury resort, in this case it is more of a plus than a minus. After all, lower prices compared to the same sochi yalta or anapa is a guarantee that here everyone can afford a place in the sun anna efimova Valery Savelyev Anastasia Popova typical of borussia about how you can restore azovs reputation as a resort and source of fish abundance, we will talk with our regular expert, political scientist rostislav. Ishchenko rostislav good afternoon. Good afternoon, rostislav , not to restore, but for steel, but to make the sea of ​​azov a fish granary and a wonderful resort area. Is this not too ambitious a plan . The decision of the fathers became this very ambitious undertaking. We dont know who will need this product, or who will need it in general, and i think, therefore, that this should not be a government concern for business. If this is for anyone what kind of business comes business plan, so they will consider it. And if it really is, there, a stunning environmentally friendly modern enterprise, why not be at the core of the money . But uh , the restoration of fish stocks, yes , the restoration of zovya as a breadbasket and Health Resort is a completely state event. Well , at least because it was really destroyed. Thanks to predators using ukraine, the seas, in any case, need to be restored. Yes , because this is also a question of the life and health of the people who live along its banks. That is, even if there were fish there, but they were not born there, it would still be necessary to restore them, but we must also take into account that at one time the sea of ​​azov was one of the main sources of sturgeon. This is a valuable road. Fish. This is caviar. In general, a lot of money. This is now enough, expensive, including export products. Uh, then the sea of ​​azov this is traditional from soviet times. Eh, a childrens and pensioners resort and not only because it is small, but also because it is a climate that allows effectively restore health in these age groups, so we have run out of children and pensioners. No, why not there, even from yamalo, even from a new land, there, even from chukotka, if not only people go to the sea of ​​azov, sochi lived in russia, but what to do with metallurgists and miners . How to plant them . Uh, at the Hotel Reception or uh, making them fishermen was generally in history. Eh, these are largescale projects for changing the specialization of an industrial region. Such largescale projects have always taken place throughout history. Although donbass has always been an industrial region. And i think that making rob a metallurgist out of bread is much more difficult than making a metallurgist out of him. Hmm bartenders or atelier, so when a person finds himself, uh, in a situation of necessary choice. Hes very fast. There are a lot of fairly effective examples of the restructuring of the local population, which here, say, the rails at one time was a waste economy, precisely because in the ruhr basin coal was mined , ore was mined and there were a huge number of metallurgical enterprises. And now the roman zone is a resort. These are roman wines. This means that this magnificent ecology is quite the same, perhaps, and in the donbass now , for 10 years, they have already had a different profession. They are no longer a tent, not metallurgy. They are already warriors, basically. And when they return, i dont think that most of them will have such an ineradicable desire to climb into a mine or climb metal again. Usually people want to relax, which means doing beekeeping there, yes. Or maintaining from this means or growing a garden is a significant pleasure than constantly work hard on the underground. Thats why i dont think that there will be a problem with retraining someone there, even i think that there will be a problem with a shortage of personnel, which means, well, and, probably, there will be a psychological problem, because the people should, uh, get used to such an unpretentious soviet service , which dominated there throughout the entire period, by the way, the ukrainian hmm means understanding that you can earn money if you can compete effectively and that providing services is not a shame. Means, its the other way around. In general, a worthy occupation. It is clear what the ambitious project of returning the sea of ​​azov, uh, glory and a good beautiful resort area and truly a source of fish abundance, is, it will require large investments. What else will he ask for . What else will be needed to implement it . I think its capita. It is the simplest investment, because it is in agriculture, the food industry, and light industry. E resort projects do not pay off quickly enough. They are not calculated that they will pay for themselves over decades. Eh, like when we were building Gas Pipelines or Large Industrial enterprises. The most important thing from my point of view is to understand that we need people, that is, we need not romantics, who are in great demand at the time, we need pragmatists, we need to understand that every time requires its own people of their own character. And this needs to be nurtured. This understanding needs to be instilled in young people now. Thank you very much for the interesting story. Industrial potential of novorussia, railway mines metallurgical plants were created in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, and then restored twice, the first time after the civil war in the twenties and thirties of the last century, the second during and after the great patriotic war, when after the German Occupation the industry of donbass was raised from the ruins , the scale of destruction was shocking, the germans were angry because their calculation is to make donbass an economic base for an offensive. The wehrmacht failed, retreating, they used scorched earth tactics and total defeat a huge number of coal mines were put out of action, more than 90 of the machines for lifting ore on the mountains were destroyed, almost 100 of the chess and other buildings were hijacked under the composition already in the fall, 43 immediately after the expulsion of the occupiers, restoration began to launch dilapidated, isotopic by the nazis, the mines seemed impossible until this task was completed only once in france after the First World War and then they pumped out 110 million cubic meters of water, which took 10 years. The American Press believed that donbass coal was lost to the ussr forever, however. All the mines in the region were completely drained in just 5 years. Having pumped out more than 600 million cubic meters of water from underground by the end of 1943, the daily production of donbass reached 32,000 tons, 15 of the prewar level of the occupiers. So much was not mined in six months. In 1944, annual production amounted to more than 21 million tons. And already in 1946, donbass reached military productivity levels and brought 146 million tons of coal to the surface. The restoration of the regions coal industry was completely completed by 1949. 76 years ago in september. In 1947, a medal was established for the restoration of the donbass coal mines. The regulations on the award stated that the medal was awarded to workers, Civil Servants , engineering and technical workers and business workers for outstanding work, high production indicators and merits in the restoration of the coal industry, the recipient of the medal. For the restoration of coal mines. Donbass must wear it with honor and the award and those who wore it with honor in the story by olga mokhova the figure of a miner with a jackhammer against the background of a mine pile driver and rays of the rising sun on one side and on the reverse there is a laconic inscription labor in the ussr a matter of honor such a medal for the restoration of coal mines of donbass was depicted by its author ivan dubasov, the main artist of state signs at that time and until 1947 in the country of the soviets they were awarded a lot for labor feats, but to like this for achievement in a particular specific sector of the National Economy. This was the first time donbass was the largest Industrial Center of metallurgy and precisely the coal industry due to the restoration of just this region. This was comparable to a military feat people worked 16 hours a day, of course. Uh, the government decided to specially honor them with this, the grandfather of vladimir lavrinov. Pavel siversky worked in the mine from the age of 14. First as a luger for his owner, and then in soviet times as an underground miner with about 40 years of experience, he had the title of coal master; the family is proud of his two orders. Lenin pavel received it even before the great patriotic war for stakhanovs shock work and after the war for the restoration of his native mines. Yor, 128, and then on 28 bis 29 mine he talked about it, that it was very difficult. Submit. There was nothing. Everything is done by hand, it was terribly freezing here. Well, it was necessary, so people didnt force anyone too much. Well, its true, the ration of grass was strong, they gave us these hard jobs. Well, no one was forced to do so ; people had enthusiasm in the thousand and three hundred Industrial Enterprises operating in the donbass before the start of the war by the time of liberation. Only 60 remained, 314 were destroyed, mines of union importance and 213 of the republican war devastated the never prosperous region. Damage to the National Economy amounted to tens of billions of rubles. First, immediately after the liberation of donbass in the fall of the third year, they began to restore those mines in which it was possible to resume work as quickly as possible, and already after 3 months in december, 50 large and about 500 small coal mines were partially operational, but the scale of flooding was catastrophic, more than 90 of prewar stolin was flooded. I know when another time the high ground will be knocked out, especially when there is a thunderstorm or something, and flood the workings a little. Well, up to the waist, otherwise imagine the full profile, everything is flooded, there were hells pipes with special clothing. It wasnt anything special. Everything is in its own saucer. They went to work with water, fought with piles of large metal boxes, which were lowered into the trunks on ropes, and scooped up 57 cubic meters of water like a ladle. For the first time, on the initiative of mining engineer victor giror. To raise water in the donbass mines , special string pumps and elevators were used to pump out. Ill be under pressure from gas , the advantage of the myrlift, for example, again geyer called the next one his small ones dimensions that allowed it to be quickly moved from place to place and used in narrow adits, this is the absence of trivetable parts in it, this is the absence of electromechanical mechanisms, but still, along with the lack of pumps, other special equipment and wooden fastenings, there was an acute shortage of experienced personnel during the German Occupation less than half of the territory of donbass survived until the military population of conscripts. In 192225, only every tenth person born from the front returned, leaving only women, old people and children, and they all went to the mines. Husband fights wife fights sister. The stem local saying comes from those years. We have hatred and so from her memoirs she said, we teenage girls stood knee deep. They loaded it into icy water manually, pulled the coal manually onto the surface , and manually reloaded it. Pylons of 7090 t which drove up to us with the inscription everything for the front everything for victory and for us it was not an empty phrase on december 10, 1943. In gorlovka , young miners who followed the call passed through the ice maria grishutas girl in the face. They decided already in the First Quarter of fortyfour to train 200 lissan , 200 fasteners, 200 miners and 40 electric locomotive drivers, and as a result, they exceeded the task , helping donbass wives, womens brigades came from kuban, the urals of central russia , all in the mines. In donbass, ahead of the restoration, about 250,000 women worked underground, shifts lasted 1012 hours for their hard labor. They received a ration of bread. It was 1. 200 g of bread. Eh, the rest of the rations were 300400 g. Oh, the salary became money received only in 1944. Donbass were more or less restored only in 1957 , a decision was made to remove women from the coal mines but in the coal industry of male hands. There was still not enough underground. More than 50,000 representatives of the fairer sex were still working, and only in the sixtysixth did they stop working at the mine face and 47,000 who were awarded a medal for restoring the donbass coal mines, more than half were women. The medal itself was made of gilded brass with a diameter of 32 mm. The ribbon was a unique color. Uh, they were typical only worn for this medal. This medal was mainly awarded on a single bronze block until 1951. By this time , 300 mines had been rebuilt and restored. Carpets, 700 lifts, 600 ventilation systems , almost 1,500 km of mine workings. And donbass has become a leader in Coal Production among other mining regions. In the ussr olga mokhova Anastasia Popova Valery Savelyev typical novorussia this is all we wanted to talk about. Kirill vyshinsky was with you today. See you soon. Hallelujah information hour, we start with the president ial agenda, as always, Vladimir Putins work schedule is extremely busy on september 8th. The head of state worked in the Nizhny Novgorod region. He visited the countrys sarov nuclear shield. The first domestic atomic and Hydrogen Bombs were created there. And today more than 23,000 employees work there. According to putin , the nuclear center. There are no equal military developments in sarov. During the visit, the president talked with Young Nuclear scientists and discussed

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