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Calm at 692 polling stations. Firstly, we had Video Surveillance organized. Secondly, we have been organizing public control in parallel for several years now. We have more than 1,000400 observers. This Public Chamber was not present at the polling stations. Uh, we followed the video. Uh, the voting code is now, uh, already, uh, the voting is over and according to turnout. I think that we have about 55 , the same figure at 19 30 was already above 54 , and therefore the most important result here is that more than half of the voters in the region came and cast their votes for one candidate or another. Now it will begin. Lets sum up the results. And this is the main result of that company, because everyone still has an opponent at the head. But the data here is also 57. 7. Eh, well, that is, completely recently most of all. As a matter of fact, you scored, uh, it was you who scored 83 or 55 hundredths of a percent. Tell me, please, well, of course, well wait for the 100 result of the vote report. The wait isnt long now. And how about approximately, uh, there are probably such numbers, but they are distributed. Eh, the number of those who voted, well, as usual, there are a lot of residents who are just now advanced, or what . We did not participate in the experiment on electronic voting, so we have everything, yes, yes , its clear, that is, you all, well, came to the polling stations in the Old Fashioned way. Yes, thats probably why the price, uh, turnout that we have today. Voters, thats why all the voters came. We will hand over our guys who are in a special operation and they asked to open the area for them. They had it open. Uh, one polling station is a special military operation. Our employees of the ministry of internal affairs in dagestan also voted ; no one is serving. Here are two areas outside of the oryol region with very high activity. This is where it is important that guys. It would seem that fighting is going on right at the forefront of voting for them this is a special thank you. And by the way, in addition to observations on these elections, a lot of young people decided to vote. Eh, for ninety, a big signal is also an advance for the future to whoever wins this election. Eh . An indicator that we, having gone through covid , uh, undergoing a special military operation , have now formed such a large oryol family that takes part in elections and in issues of development of the region Andrei Evgenievich this is a signal or a surprise. E was that a lot of young people came to vote, either after all, the Election Campaign was Something Like that, i am convinced that it is impossible to change the psychology of young people during elections. This is probably the result of the last five years, when young people began to actively participate in the life of the region, their small homeland, or. Well, now our student regions are the second in the central Federal District after moscow in terms of the number of students. Uh, the share of young People Living there. So it was political this time. Eh, im grateful to the youth that they take a stand and have identified the one from whom they want to see everything on the head. Andrey evgenievich well, dima has already announced the preliminary results at the moment, of course, we are waiting for the final honors. In the event of your victory, tell us what your priorities are and what important regional social and economic tasks. Plan uh, decide as soon as possible. We repeatedly do not enter the debate. Uh, i participated in every candidate. Now today it is certainly extremely important for me against the backdrop of all the restrictions of sanctions undergoing a special military operation. This comprehensive work to implement the initiatives that we are carrying out today, which concerns Road Construction and improvement. The issue is social development of education, health, social protection. We have a number of significant objects that we in the region must now complete, this is the completion of the airport construction, the completion of the construction is so necessary. We have the socalled red bridge titanic. We have this medical center, which is already in its second decade. Cannot be completed. We are now completing the Western Entrance so that remove transit through the city. E with the creation of a National Seed center and the development of the region. Today we see what would seem to be a limitation of sanctions. We have new investors coming. New investments were written in an agreement for the creation of jobs, and the implementation of current projects. Well, i am together with the residents. In those gases of gold, we will try to quality, uh, develop forward, so i am together with the residents. Perhaps this predetermined the good mood of the elections. We have laid the foundation for further movement forward. Yes Andrey Evgenievich thank you we wish you great success, but as i understand it, its still ongoing. This is the work of the Election Commissions in order to complete the entire counting of votes and , accordingly, to process all the documents in the donetsk peoples republic in general, of course, the main thing they paid attention to today is how it is going. Its clear how the votes are being counted. It was held today, by the way, the honoring of votes ended there, i think, a few hours ago for security reasons. It was recorded today two attacks with cluster munitions are reported by the center for joint control and coordination. And how did people in the donetsk peoples republic vote in such conditions, as we asked our correspondent about this, in luga as they tell me, dmitry gorn is with us, but strictly speaking, the question is the same and the threats are the same. Uh, dmitry gorn dim joins us. Greetings. Yes dima , tell us what you know about how the elections took place. Uh, what are the features of uh, what are the latest data natalya, good evening at after this, i will add to the situation in donetsk that we ourselves are watching with trepidation on social networks then how every day goes in general. And even more so voting, when people go with whole families, they go to polling stations in order to express their will. This is actually a big holiday for all citizens of the new russian regions, and here in the lugansk peoples republic, fortunately, there were only threats. Unlike the donetsk peoples republic, where today, at the end of the day , a missile attack was carried out from the sky, and so i will repeat here. The peoples republic was attacked several times during these 3 days, and threats of missile strikes, partly on the air defense system, dealt with the threat in advance, and there were several reports of mining of polling stations. However, again , fortunately, all this was not confirmed. What i want to say is that today, as planned earlier, as we said in our live broadcasts. Uh, until this moment , the polling stations completed their work at exactly 16 00. Everything was done because the voter turnout over these 3 days, and the only voting day and previous early elections. Eh, it amounted to a fairly High Percentage and exceeded seventytwo percent. Exactly 16 hours later, the polling station closed and began counting the votes. Precinct Election Commission number 70 of the city of lugansk has completed its work. Members of Election Commissions will have the most important part of their work after they have already told those who came to the polling stations of voters directly from citizens in the lugansk peoples republic how to get involved in this process, because an explanation it was necessary, because under the new russian system, elections in the lugansk peoples republic are taking place for the first time. The counting of votes is now ongoing. Well, first of all, the recount and cancellation of unused ballots. This is the first procedure immediately after the closure of the areas. So that it can be clearly seen that there is nothing here , it is cut off on the other side. We have such a popular method to quickly. All members of Election Commissions, a very important component, since the legitimacy of the ongoing processes depends on it, a then there is a reconciliation of the data in the accounting logs, where the citizens are noted who are in one way or another attached to one or another polling station and, uh, those people who still got there today, lets say , yes, on the last, final day , voting got through. They go to the polling stations and make their choice, after which they take turns breaking the seal from the portable boxes. They were used for aa voting on a where mobile agroups moved. Uh, then the safe bags were opened and finally a large urn. Everything is under the guns of a photo and video camera numerous journalists, and behind the voting itself in the lugansk peoples republic , as well as in all new territories. Uh , everyone in all new regions of the Russian Federation was monitored by International Experts. They came to donbass from italy germany and romania venezuela to evaluate democracy. And the transparency of the electoral process today , by the way, they met with the acting head of the lugansk peoples republic and noted the responsibility and courage of lugansk residents. The beekeeper in turn noted the courage of the foreign observers themselves. This is very, very important for us and the words of gratitude once again mean that they will be there for you, despite this. Surely you expected. What is it, maybe, despite this, you help us come, what if we can always be happy with something. Well, now the votes are counted in all 400461 polling stations exactly. So many of them have opened. At the beginning of this single voting day, exactly the same number of people closed their doors today. Everything worked without any problems. Uh, no serious violations there werent any, just excesses. Uh, the data is updated hourly , the deputy chairman of the Election Commission for the lugansk peoples republic comes here and notifies the numerous press that is located in this information center. Here is data on the balance of power for 20 hours of exterritorial sections. Based on the results of protocol processing, data for united russia 74. 67 ldp94 a just russia will require 5. 67 new one point 29 days 70. 52 all around, but i will allow myself to remind you that residents in the territories of donbass on the territory of the kherson region of the zaporozhye region, the highest turnout among russian regions was observed. And here in the lugansk republic it has exceeded 72 and now it is necessary, of course, to finally recount and divide all these very votes of numerous voters dmitry natalya and dim here one cannot but agree with leonid which of the republic of donbass in order to do the work that generally implies all democratic procedures. And, secondly, i probably also paid attention to i dont know what the western media reported today, but people go to the polling stations at gunpoint, machine guns, and so on and so forth. Well it is clear. This is an information war after all. And i wanted to ask a question about those who worked today, uh, and today, and this is a fact, because last week we talked with many of them and with representatives of Law Enforcement agencies. They confirmed this, tell me, how did it influence it and could it have influenced the course of voting in particular . Here in the lugansk peoples republic yes, no, of course, of course, it couldnt influence. In no way have we met with many members of Election Commissions who, well, lets say, are mobile, yes , moving to 100 audiences. And these people have already taken part, if not as members of Election Commissions, then as voters and the 2022 referendum and the referendum, when they had already decided on their fate in 2014, and you know, they remember that in 2014 they came to express their will with their parents already at this moment, which are quite old people, those who are still alive. Uh, some, unfortunately, are no longer e but they bring tears to our eyes even today. They are for that moment in 2014. Today they already work in these same Election Commissions. Yes , they are accompanied by people with weapons, because there is a threat to their lives. Eh, really. Eh, naturally, the story is, of course, fake, but there are indeed those that do not lead to sin, so to speak, so there is accompaniment. Uh, there are, uh , security measures in place, but in the frontline territories and throughout the entire territory of the lugansk peoples republic the republics International Experts traveled over a fairly large territory, and they noted this and in conversations with the acting head of the republic and in conversations with the press, not everyone noted that they did not see any facts. This will be reported. Although this very thing, and International Observers, of course, also showered threats on some when they left the territory of their country here. For example, one from russia but upon return. They all promised, of course, that they would at least try deliver the truth deliver the truth because theyve already been here. They also participated, as the observers in the referendum and in the same way conveyed the truth, whether they were heard or not, they were heard this time. Well, stone water, for sure, well, they will definitely hear. If they want, and this, of course, is another question dmitry thank you in the elections in the people s republics of donbass, i told both the general and the general by day and specifically for today in the new regions of the Russian Federation in the donetsk lugansk peoples republic kherson region, zaporozhye region, in the kherson region, by the way, 100 of the ballots have already been counted; the latest data has come in for the elections in the kherson region. I was 65. 14, and the percent is leading in the elections to the kherson duma and united russia has a lot of qr codes. Thank you, of course, but ask for parks from the bp at the checkout, pay conveniently and get real benefits. 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About the absence of serious violations in the elections, they noted that all the shortcomings are corrected quickly enough and in general the process is organized better than last year, the parties and candidates behave more correctly than correctly. There is, of course, a slight difference, but still there is stanislav bernwald. Our correspondent is now connecting to us from the Public Chamber, and stas greetings, but according to your own observations. How is it today the elections were held and what other statements would you note today that were made today . Conducted classes in skadovsk and sadness in reality. The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation continues its work on voting control; indeed, there is a lot of work. Thats behind me. We see volunteers in the call center. They have been in touch for the last three days, and with those observers, independent observers who, lets say , are meeting these elections on their feet, that is, on the ground, and there are more than 15,000 calls. They committed for this time they contact observers, and survey them to recognize them. How did the elections take place . Well, and, accordingly, the first one to react to any violations. These are the guys and then the verification of these messages begins. And as they emphasize to the Public Chamber, in fact, during these elections, violations were not confirmed anywhere. In general, the work continues and is still ongoing, but we now understand that in some regions voting has already ended and now the counting of votes begins and there is an opportunity. There was an opportunity now times to contact here directly with new regions. Here. Lets start, i guess. From the donetsk peoples republic today, and there it was quite loud a and in the city of donetsk itself, that is, ukrainian militants are trying to disrupt. They know what they are voting for, they are voting for their future as part of the Russian Federation and uh, consider that every vote is very important. Lets listen to what social observers from the donetsk peoples republic say. The turnout when voting in the Peoples Council of the donetsk peoples republic is more than 76 , and im in the drops of voting in the donetsk urban soviet deputies more than 70 . This is not surprising for our region; for the donetsk peoples republic, an active Civil Society has been formed since 2014, and our people see that their voices influence the political processes very actively. They participate in this. Kherson region, there really are also shellings in the zaporozhye region. Let me remind you that today, well, by a lucky coincidence, it wasnt there yet at that time. Its clear to no one not to sort out the nonvoters at the commission. Well, that is, this act was in order to scare, uh, force there are a lot of people to draw, but both in kherson and in the screwedup region, and the regions have a record, and people who vote come vote for their future. Lets listen to what the kherson region will tell. Despite the fact that uh , the areas were under shelling, people nonetheless. Eh, they still went to the polling stations. Moreover, they walked not only alone, but also with entire families and work collectives. And whats remarkable is that they took their children with them. And i think this is a special sign. Trust, and, like without an amazing woman , i cant tell me anything else, probably, about the main thing ukrainian militants. During the whole time they try to shake up the situation as much as possible. Including terrorist videos, and moments like calling, and members of Election Commissions and ordinary residents, but it doesnt work. It doesnt work. Theyre trying to plant all kinds of fakes. Well, she didnt do it so clumsily that on closer inspection , nothing works out for them, and a very important point is that the International Observers respond to them. There are a lot of people here today, and there were observers from europe usa france italy and many of them were in new territories. They say that they are also very grateful to the russian military, who protect the sky above their heads, because here is a representative of india and an observer, and she came under fire, only thanks to the fact that the air defense worked, everything ended, thank god without many people note the high level of technical equipment. And, of course, they say that in all the territories where they observed, they did not notice any serious violations by their colleagues. Yes stas thank you, it was the Public Chamber. Our correspondent stanislav bernwald, who followed everyone from there. Uh, the news that came from various uh Election Commissions, including new regions, elections in the oryol region, which today elected a governor and by three oclock in the afternoon of the final voting day, the turnout exceeded 50 this is the region Election Commission the polling stations are now closed and the counting of votes has begun. Not so long ago we had a live broadcast, and there was, uh, the governor of the region, who is now the latest data is in the lead. We ll find out the details now. Anna is fighting. She is a direct connection. Yes, i welcome how the elections went in the region according to your assessments. You, too , were probably today, where people voted. Well, in general, the whole process was probably covered all these days. Yes, hello, dmitry, we really are here. There is a chess and Checkers Club building there. Usually Children Play checkers and chess here, but for the last 3 days there has been a completely Different Political Party going on here. And we can say that it is completed in 20 00 the polling station closed, like all polling stations. In our region, more than 550,000 people could take part in the elections, really for 15 hours. The turnout was more than 50 , and here it is also quite high. The commission behind my back began counting votes literally in a matter of minutes. Well find out who. In this area, the leaders are the ones for whom the orlovs cast their votes. Uh, elections. I think it was organized, at least all members of our team, the entire oryol, took part in voting, like many residents of the region. Eh, in many areas they tried to create the maximum festive mood with creative groups performing. Therefore, the elections really became a holiday in the community and very soon we will find out that the nearest residents also became the governor of the region for 5 years. We are really looking forward to this information. And tomorrow morning. I think we have preliminary results. How to voice voting in the elections of the governor of the oryol region and voting in additional elections of deputies of local representative bodies selfgovernment in sixteen municipalities continued throughout september 8, 9 and 10. September 10, 20 00 all polling stations were closed , commissions began the vote counting procedure, the preliminary turnout exceeded 53 , yes, well, of course, its clear now, just like in the picture yes, its active counting of votes, but strictly speaking, this is already more common in the region, and we have already voiced them in a conversation with the governor of the region. Thank you, anna, as the oryol region, was elected governor, in particular told okay, fight for a few more minutes. We have until the end of this hour. Lets say briefly that Sergei Sobyanin congratulates him on his victory in the moscow mayoral elections; details will be in the next polling station very soon. In life, 94 years old, which is just around the corner , Evgeniy Tsyganov lives stupidly, a Major Overhaul of the entire country, a Major Overhaul of the future. How oil fell again, alexander the greats film, nothing depends on us at all. Seryozh must depend, 93

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