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Can call a courier. With pizza , they hand him a summons that no one wants to see todays world. Customized destruction of human state nationality culture. Language and so on and instrument. In this struggle is the romanticization of an abomination. How many times have we said to Fyodor Mikhailovich dostoevsky, the ingenious government, how could one see the future like that . How did he do it without . Look at an excerpt from the series, which was shot by vladimir khoteenko based on the novel demons are not only those that cut. Yes, they make classic shots or bite. A teacher laughing with children over their god and over their cradle educated rich killer killing a man. Russian god saved before the cheap people drunken mothers drunken children drunken in the church empty well, lets raise generations. Let a generation grow up one or two generations of depravity, depravity must not be heard of its petty, when a person turns into a nasty, cowardly, cruel scum that he loves. Thats what i need, i understand that returning to this topic the soreness and irritation can survive as much as possible, but i cant help but return to the conversation at the Boris Nikolayevich president ial center yeltsin we wanted to hear. What can professional stories say about this center, people who can explain to us, including the true meaning of the Yeltsin Center, so we stumbled upon it. In september 2022, a group of independent experts visited the Yeltsin Center for the report of this study by the historical and political scientist vardan baghdasaryan. I will give only excerpts from the results of this study. This is a map of the Yeltsin Center, where the boundaries are very indicative. And in particular, crimea is part of ukraine , as well as abkhazia, South Ossetia is part of as part of georgia, the Yeltsin Center was established in 2015, moreover, the name of certain cities renamed indicates that h is about the modern political map. Wilson center, as we can see, it is believed that crimea belongs to ukraine. But in general, by and large, this is a violation of article of the criminal code of the Russian Federation number 280 pound the second violation of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation. From nemtsovs gift was made in 2005. At this time, nemtsov was an adviser to the ukrainian president. We know yushchenko. What processes took place in ukraine at the end of 2004 at the beginning of 2005. So, an orange sweater, to which, along the sand, its orange color is a hint of what we lack now in russia. Apparently, because the nemtsov memorial has been located near the walls of the kremlin for so many years, once in the Yeltsin Center an orange sweater is shown, a sign of the color revolution, donated by nemtsov Boris Nikolayevich the whole history of russia is history totalitarian past, the enslavement of the people by their own rulers. No one enslaved from the outside their own rulers and enslaved the russian people of the concentration camp. This is not in nazi germany. This is the genocide of entire peoples in our country, not the deportation of peoples, genocide. This is a very binding concept of genocide this is the destruction of peoples on the principle of blood. Well , just look at these theses used by the separatists who are abroad and calling for the collapse of russia. For example, akhmat ozdoev, leader of the supporters of independence ingush. Here he was in january 2023, he spoke online in the European Parliament. Listen to our decision proclaiming the declaration of independence. Ingushetia is connected not only with todays events, but with the previous experience of two centuries of being under the occupation of russia by the russian empire, then the ussr and now the Russian Federation, all these centuries, the ingush people were subjected to oppression by russia , repression, regardless of who it was headed by the tsar, the secretary general or the president. And you look how terrorist acts are implicitly justified when we it is proved that the assassination of the king was his fault, because he retreated from freedom, reproduction is not freedom. And panikov and the first ip alexander ii nicholas the first to end with a defeat in the crimean war, nothing is reported, say, about the won wars of russia about the patriotic war of 12, but alexander ii lost the crimean war, the assassination of the monarch by the peoples will. In general, it is presented as a retreat from freedom, we talked about it exactly. See how events in our country and his reign on grozny and peter i and the famine. Uh, industrialization, how similar. These events are considered with the way our sworn friends consider them back, how does this coincide with the intonation in the approach . A consequence of the bolshevik policy , millions of civilians died from hunger and from epidemics, industrialization at the expense of the slave labor of prisoners is interpreted in this way, the industrialization breakthrough into collectivization is simplified as the wholesale seizure of property of livestock and land from the wealthy peasants and the penal pen on the collective farm is important Pay Attention to the connection of collectivization with the mass year in ukraine and kazakhstan, which actually supports the mythology near home, actively used in the bank of russian propaganda of repression, mass persecution from deportation to executions of entire social groups. In which, for example, the intelligentsia belongs. The material is presented in such a way that it seems that the intelligentsia, as a social group, was subject to repressions that in reality the soviet intelligentsia were given great references and repression. They touched on that part of the intelligentsia that opposed the regime. So one does not get the impression one gets the impression of fighting the intelligentsia as a social group. As such it is reported along with the fact that about 20 Million People have passed through the guaga system in reality. They are significantly smaller. Generally. Uh, there are study statistics. On this score there are posts of different positions. It is fundamentally overpriced with a figure. But it seems to me that the clearest example of such mythologization, so to speak, by crimes of our country, which history accuses us of with pleasure. Cats, it just seems to me that very important conclusions can be drawn from this example, in principle, about how the image of our fatherland and our people is created. Look here. This is the story of the execution of polish officers in katyn in 1943, the German Propaganda Ministry under the leadership of goebels. She reported that a mass grave of polish officers was found in the katyn forest of the smolensk region and the ussr is to blame for this, that is, the country with which germany waged a fierce war, by the way, everything the germans took the documents out in germany, and when the red army began to approach, they simply burned them by the end of the fortythird year, smolensk was liberated and a commission under the leadership began to investigate. Academician nikolai bourdin. During the opening of these graves , german bullets were found, in addition to letters that were written after the arrival of the germans. The commission came to the conclusion that the dead were prisoners who did not have time to evacuate. When retreating. They ended up in the territory occupied by the germans and were shot by the nazis. Katynsky. The execution appears in the indictment of the International Tribunal in nuremberg. Section three war crimes and sounds like this in september 1941. In the katyn forest, near smolensk, the nazis carried out massacres of polish captured officers. Well, on this, in principle, one could put an end to it, but now it comes in the nineties and on april 13, 1990. The president of the soviet union, Mikhail Gorbachev , passes the stage lists to the president of poland, who arrived in moscow in wojciech jeruzinsky the nkvd with captured poles from kozelsk, ostashkov and starobilsk, which do not contain any information about the execution, which did not prove anything, but it is presented as a package of documents confirming that the polish officers were executed by soviet chekists, and recent studies have revealed more than 57 signs of falsification documents to the pokatyn case, including typos, print errors, and even the paper itself. You understand what is meant. That is, by the quality of the paper, you can determine the time, the place where it was written by whom it was written and where this paper was made as a result of the decision of the European Court of human rights, echr, on june 18, 2012, the documents presented as evidence of russias guilt in the katyn case were found to be fake and are today in the archives. New evidence is still emerging, listen to some of the fsb documents that were recently published in our soviet mass media. This is the testimony of a german soldier. His name was. Arnaud dure. This is a longknown witness who testified during the leningrad trial that it was he participated in digging graves in the katyn forest and later, when he saw this photo in the newspapers, it was written that the russians did it. He was surprised , indignant and said that no, we were digging and told a lot of all sorts of additional details. We will not discuss why Mikhail Gorbachev did this is not the point now. I wanted to Say Something else. Look today, monuments are being erected, bandyr. His name is called squares, streets, avenues, and so on in poland, monuments to russians are being demolished soviet soldiers as a liberator, and as if disappeared from memory that 36,000 poles were exterminated by bandera gangs, and in total more than 6 million were destroyed by the germans. And all this has been forgotten and no one wants to remember. What wilhelm keith or the head of the high command of the wehrmacht said, the polish intelligentsia, the nobility and the jews should be eliminated, and hans frank , the governorgeneral of the docked poland , said more should be considered as a colony of poles would be slaves of the great german world empire. Well as we see it doesnt matter at all. For those who rewrite history for those who turn the cord on their heads. History and everything is done according to the same methodology. Then cats today bucha listen to the word katyn comes from the polish root kad, which in translation means executioner torturermurderer is the word kat it is in apolsky and ukrainian and belarusian, and it initially surrenders the wording. Here is this dualism. Uh, the study of the entire kadensky crime, if we move on to an analogy, then these are the nazi and training manuals, as we we know it is used now in the Current Situation in ukraine, we all know the example of gucci well. Why did hundreds of settlements have different names . Why bucha yes, nothing, it seems to us in russian. Rumor says nothing of the name, to whom this provocation was aimed at the englishspeaking public, the word bucha is consonant with the english word butcha butcher. In the same way, in the Yeltsin Center, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the soviet army in the victory over nazi germany are rewritten, because the main emphasis is on the fact that the allies won, see great patriotic war holy war, without which it is unthinkable. It would seem to consider russian history at the Yeltsin Center examines russian history without the great patriotic war. The only way the great patriotic war is presented is a watercolor copy of a photograph in the elbe of the soviet american troops, a gift made by the battles. From nikolayevich to yeltsin with a white wedge, it is clear that this version creates a deformed idea, as a withdrawal of the great patriotic war from the historical. Becomes white, but every day from 600 to 800 people come to this one of the main museums of the country on weekends and up to 2,000 of this, mostly young people, take schoolchildren there. I dont want to have the feeling that im speaking in yeltsius all the time, yeltsins center and so on. It doesnt matter the name. Understand there is a name. This is a cover. Call it whatever you want museums in modern history. And leave the same programs. Leave the same concept, the same ideology. And it will still be a destructive institution. And here already yeltsins identity does not matter , because his name and personality are very well used to ensure that this museum is inviolable. As for the agreement with nato, which is cited as a success of our policy, these policies are also a sad result. Unfortunately, because in 1999 more Czech Republic and hungary joined, and in 2004 bulgaria estonia latvia lithuania romania slovakia slovenia croatia and albania that is, i couldnt find a verbal promise. My approach to the russian borders led to a coma, which is almost along the entire perimeter of the borders our countrys bases stand over and although the honored teacher of the Russian Federation and now a Foreign Agent tamara edelman, he said nato was created as a defensive organization and to commit aggression. She cant even, if she really wants to, i wont enter into controversy. He is mrs. Edelman , now a citizen, in my opinion, of portugal, i want to tell you a little about who led the nato over. Quite a long time, and you yourself will draw conclusions about what kind of defensive organizations they are. Here, listen to hans spaid from 1957 to 1963 nato commander in Central Europe formerly chief of staff of army group b damage adolf 1961 54 chairman of the Nato Military Committee during the second world war. Johann von kleiman, chief of the Operations Department of the general staff of the German Wehrmacht Ground Forces in 19671968, commander of nato in Central Europe, formerly an officer of the general staff of the wehrmacht johann. Hop 19711974 german representative at nato headquarters prior to the au luftwaffe on the Eastern Front ernst verberg from 1973 to 1975 commander of nato in Central Europe formerly inspector of the high command of the wehrmacht franz josef schulze from 1977 to 1979 commander of nato in Central Europe formerly of the luftwaffe officers of the french cross when i connect in my mind. This list of people who commanded nato and today in new york a star is laid out from the boots of dead russian soldiers, i get the feeling that the great patriotic war has not yet ended and we have to finish it. And now compare this star, laid out in new york from the boots of russian soldiers, and this performance that i built government of canada in the fight against violence against women, coming to a government meeting in pink highheeled shoes. Is not romanticization an abomination. And everything is nearby, this is a star, and this is the government. And you know, what does such a performance on the heels of government men against, uh, violence against women lead to, you know what does it lead to . And to the fact that men exposed to power cannot even formulate what a woman is in general, in principle, listen to what us secretary of education miguel says cordon, answering the question, what is a woman . Please tell me what a woman is my staff ensures equal access for all students. Including lgbt plus access without discrimination did not give me the definition of a woman. What definition of a woman will the minister give, i am in charge of the ministry of education and my task is that all students have access to general education in the main subjects on a schedule. I think youve highlighted the importance of the students item quite well. And this is the Prime Minister of new zealand is also trying answer the same question. Ill ask again. What is the definition of a woman. You will give, as i said, i did not expect such a question. So, its not homemade right now, but in terms of gender identity. I believe that people define gender identity for themselves , the concept of parents is gently introduced into our everyday life. Here, for example, the sverdlovsk region. Here, look , when enrolling a child in school, when choosing the type of relationship, the following answer options are offered, the guardian is the adoptive parent, the mother of the parents, the father is the guardian, otherwise. Uh, im just i want to understand that dont we feel it, and we say in almost every program, how gradually, then theres not a wash for everyone, you penetrate by skating. This is an attempt to lead the country into the trend that our civilized colleagues want to lead it into. Heres more. Well, quite as if meaningless example, for example, we have already mentioned tamara edelman, who in the twentysecond year was mean a declared to be agents. Yes, this did not stop her in 2023 in these books with her translation. This is a small World History of the british historian gondrich and here are the words from of this book, one russian tsar, who ruled around 1580, was called van the terrible, and not in vain is nearby. With him, even naron would seem like a goodnatured russian. Europe did not care too much about european affairs. They constantly fought among themselves and killed each other. I will not retell or read to you in all the abomination that is written there about our country with you , here is another important and other interesting thing. Here, look, this book is published in russia in russian for russian children, and it is translated by inogen, and in the book itself the translator tamara edelman is written, it is included in the list individuals who perform the function of a Foreign Agent, because i can understand when they didnt write anything, because they didnt know if they made a mistake and didnt read the newspapers, but this is being written this is a story for Young Children and it is written that the translation was made by a Foreign Agent who generally in his presence or activity is undesirable in the country. Whats this . What is it called, how should the state treat it or not, but it must somehow be treated if we want to preserve our identity, i dont want to anymore remind the name of the first president , but i dont know what more proof is needed. What else should be in order to understand that this institution is a real powerful mechanism and, moreover, very expensive for noginsk , listen to what the president of the fund , russian businessman sergei pisarev, says. I took as an example a report for 17 years in the public domain. This year, 17 was 3 billion rubles, of which 100 million were their own income, apparently rent of premises and 2. 9 billion are some kind of voluntary contributions. Uh, here, uh, the expense amounted to 64 billion, a deficit of 3 billion rubles. This deficit covered the budget of the Russian Federation. But as for voluntary donations in the amount of 3 billion. Here, uh, it s like a big question. It turns out that 50 of the budget of this object is covered, so to speak , by certain people, uh, who, in fact, in general, determine the policy and personnel and ideological cultural work of this object. And in principle, we roughly know who these people are. Its just uh so called oligarchy since the nineties center in plain sight. But you can russophobia with the wrong hands, stay in the shadows. Look, there is such a russian Russian Company yandex, for example, if on average yeltsin visits the center a month , there are 3035,000 people there, and the audience of yandex itself is 90 Million People a month, and on the yandex. Music music platform, until recently , you could hear Something Like this the song of the rapper scrooge bobovna, where it simply says directly that russia should burn, well , listen. Earthlings friends a collection of songs called after russia where they sing its just that the agents of the coin are different, but whether they brought out others or not, the official dealer of the ukrainian chervona and in yandex, taxi drivers with the letter z on the car do not let out on the line. The service says that i cant leave stickers with advertisements for other services, links to the site, and so on, the correct service, and on the yandex zen platform, inogens continue to earn. Even tamara edelman of the russian platform is freely moving to the masses. Lets earn money for those who offer and want to kill russians. Who will explain to me how it is possible, Services Yandex Andrey Sebrant here are variations the first question i would like to ask is about the company. Yandex why there is such a huge number of people who are straight . Well , as if they dont like russia, it gives the impression you know, i dont have that feeling close, im sorry if were going to write a political report. We can remove this question then. Guys, here we are. Well cut it out no problem. Yes, guys, you started writing something. I dont play anymore. Sorry, thats not how its done. There is a Public Opinion that in your pocket is like only asked a direct question, there is no answer to it. He is, but to answer this question as it is, its really scary, so its better to play offended. We are on the threshold if we will, honestly look, the truth is not afraid to speak the truth. Understand if we believe. Into our destiny and uphold it if we do not look for other ways. More comfortable soft compromises will we understand that our fate is being decided today . We will win this battle. And it seems to me that a wonderful generalization of what i have just said can maybe this is a wonderful little ukrainian girl with a ukrainian flag, who stands up for her orthodox faith and defends the kievpechersk lavra without fear, without doubt. I think she is much stronger. And deeper than all ukrainian politicians put together and not only ukrainian, because faith, hope and love live in her. See god gave christ is risen and given that christ is possible before the trinity in the torah of this girl, i want to tell everyone christ is risen. Thats about all i wanted to share with you today. Moreover, as hear our midshipman krivoruchko come. And as always said, we leave one at a time, if anything, we are geologists. I look forward to seeing you at our next meetings. The white house is using the conflict in ukraine, the confrontation with russia, to cover up their own problems to the financial abyss into which biden is pushing the United States, a new scandal has been added, and right now, right now , American Intelligence Services are covering up the crimes of the american president , the us congress directly accused the cia of trying to pour out the story with hunters laptop biden for russian cargo. Moreover, corruption schemes were revealed, which were used by the most democratic in quotation marks us family to fill their own pockets. Moreover , there is a house of Representatives Oversight Committee for a modern vice presidency , so discouraging facts about the current head of state that the leading American Media decided to interrupt the broadcast, well , the biden did not work out completely. Heres what james cononer says. The committee reviewed thousands of Bank Transactions of individuals and companies associated with by the bidens and their business partners, the records were provided by the banks. In accordance with the four directed agendas. These were specific agendas and each of them differed from each other depending on what information we wanted to receive from the bank, each of them brought valuable information previously hidden and which showed the committee exactly how the bidens conducted their business. The committee was disturbed by the complexity of the suspicious network, which included includes more than 20 companies, which, as we have established, biden partners used for personal enrichment. Majority. Of these companies, llcs were created during the vp biden period. Bank records show that members of the biden family, their assistants and companies received more than 10 million, and strange persons and Companies Part of this money came from Chinese Companies and Hunter Bidens company, other transactions were made with the help of rob walker who distributed, then the funds among the members biden families. Honest business. This is not how chinese citizens who worked with the bidens created other llcs in United States and in a short period of time they began to act in the interests of Chinese Companies that sent biden money from there. It is not normal. Hunter bydens. His Business Associates ran business in countries directly under bidens purview, as Vice President of the United States. So who was there, nine members of bidens family received Bank Transfers from chinese and other foreign accounts. Some unfortunate romanians even took money , they paid them regularly while biden was Vice President romanian and toli listen Vice President biden lectured romania on anticorruption policies. In reality , he was a walking billboard for his son and family to raise money for hunter biden. His aides capitalized on lucrative financial ties to a romanian citizen who was the consequence and subsequently convicted in romania of biden corruption, received over 1 million per transaction and 16 out of 17 payments into their aides accounts. Through which the biden money was sent was committed when the biden was Vice President. In fact, the flow of money from a romanian citizen stopped soon. After joe biden left office for president. This is a sign of influence trading. This was independent of the multiple payments hunter received for his Work Associated with this individual. The most honest people the most honest dont, well, in return. Of course, they say to trump, but you molested your aunt, while 20 years ago, just as you imagined. Auntie says, he says, lets make a present. I thought a handbag. Lets buy some underwear. It says, come on, eh says, come on, ill see how you try it on, say yes, and then he attacked me as he attacked me in the booths, in fact, there it was more cunning even more cunning. He asked, like her, to help him choose lingerie for his girlfriend, and then pounced, and then pounced, while not filming nothing, not 20 dollars, who is it . Aunt . What are these people and a Brilliant Court decision about, so you didnt rape a man, but molested 2 million. And for the fact that you dont remember three more total five, that is, 40 and 40 champagne was not taken that is, everything, as trump writes soviet jokes. I dont know who this woman is, this sentence of shame continues, the greatest witch hunt of all time while the white house , when they tell him a minute you have bidens here, they tell you, yes, its all outdated, everything warms up, something cooled down, its not interesting at all. And trump yes, trump is wearing it, but for us what is it like for us, therefore, that we must take seriously everything that these idiots say, but speak. This is a pathetic parody of kuzya, a brownie, and argues that nazism turns out to be in europe defeated america by the allies. Berlin who took the fool . Who took berlin oh, yes, of course, you dont need to know this nonsense, that even seven whole eighties, seven million german soldiers or ground soviet well, when we talk, oh yes, not in europe we are completely serious. We are not waiting for some reasonable words to be discussed, and biden declares, in general, to think about it at a meeting with the leaders of the congress on stuffing raising the national debt. Thats what it is . First, i just finished what i thought was a productive meeting with congressional leadership. About further actions aimed at preventing america from defaulting. I stress i didnt announce the depot for the first time in history. Im glad, but not surprised, that the republican minority leader is in the senate. The us said in our meeting that the United States is not going to default. It never has been and never will be, and he is absolutely right. We continue. We agree to continue our discussion and we are going to meet again on friday if the us defaults. Can you say that youve done Everything Possible, to avoid this i promise you. I will do everything in my power to avoid this thank you but must from lesser california has already declared food. Show, yes , therefore, well, america is not difficult. Well, in general , a good president , they have an honest, he talks about himself during the screening of the film, american born chinese. Oscar cant play cant drink cant dance. I cant do anything at all. Honest old man yes dmitry what shall we do with these people . To understand forgiveness in this case will not work, but i will i will say. Yes, here you are treating forgetting, its more interesting, but ill tell you this, firstly, based on the results of watching hmm, first of all, this very trump will be imprisoned, that is, after the kibaiden families are exposed, trump will not be imprisoned. It is simply impossible, and to plant, in spite of everything, and before the start of primary with republicans and democrats. This. Here is my hypothesis , because of course, but if there was either a default or corruption, it was still possible to put up with it, but there is already such a combination that, as they say, to kill. Maybe something. Thats quite great second second moment, i ll tell you so, and im looking. And as a suspicion, it begins to arise in me that biden is not really crazy, he is fooling around, he is fooling around in anticipation of the fact that this is really an investigation they say. Uh, maybe take it somewhere . Yes, and what should he take with him . Is he crazy . Yes, i dont remember anything. I cant do anything. Im a fool oh yes, you are a hare, yes, thats all. And hello so and as they say hmm until the way we do it until the moment of healing. Well, here its clearly not far from a cure, therefore, in this sense, im looking, here at he became very strained stupid jokes, stupid jokes, should always be not on tight. And this is what i dont know how to do anything about, but it was clearly written in advance, but it was clearly written in advance, yes, and now this is starting to appear in me with such a stand. Such a notion that reality, and this is the coming political battle. Uh, in the United States, its a battle of madmen against corrupt officials. That is, some madmen and e have nothing to do with the political watershed there. Both camps have both in the wallpaper, these are hmm madmen these are people who live and act in the format. Here is such a radical destructive ideology about corrupt officials who want to steal more, the United States is most likely all the same. This is what was discussed in the early 1910s , the transformation of the United States from a nation state. I wrote directly. This was discussed at the expert level, then, as it were, these nuts were noticed. But it was that the United States from a nationstate should turn into a hub of multinational corporations, which means that these navies and and so on, but to lose a significant part of their kind of state sovereignty, that is, well, to cease to be precisely national. The state, but i think that in reality this idea is starting to come back, because there are other explanations. Why is this the american aristocracy, which several times over the past 120 years, starting from the Twentieth Century and the beginning of the xxi century , has nevertheless led america and corkscrews several times. And you to america is very out of very painful, what about the Great Depression it brought america out of a very painful spin of mccarthyism, which no one knows how could end. If, as they say, some people started jumping out of the windows of mental psychiatric clinics, she brought america out of the events from the crises of the absolutely systemic chris of the early seventies. Yes, only in our memory, well, to put it mildly, she brought america out of a very difficult situation here. Silent Financial Investment crisis yes with losses. Yes, so to speak, with the marginalization of very significant people suggested, where she is now she thinks of herself as the honor of america or she has found herself a new home. And what is called it is necessary to screw up the urinals in american toilets there according to the congress and so on. I dont know, this is the beginning of my question. So he starts spinning in my head. I dont have an answer for it myself. I want to say right away, but i would like to return everyone to yesterdays very strong speech of the supreme commanderinchief at the celebration. Uh, the great victory and in fact, what did the president say . He actually outlined the civilizational confrontation. He designated do you understand that we understand the Current Situation precisely as a civilizational one, that is, as a value one, in fact, opposition, in fact , opposition in relation to our own to our future . Simply today , civilization is again at a decisive turning point against our motherland, again a real war. Well, we have repulsed International Terrorism and will protect the inhabitants of donbass and ensure their safety. We believe that any ideology of superiority is inherently disgustingly criminal and deadly. However, western globalist the elites will still assert their exclusivity. They pit people and split society provoke bloody conflicts and upheavals sow hatred russophobia aggressive nationalism destroys traditional family values ​​that make a person human and everything in order to continue to dictate impose their will on the people their rights rules, but in fact a system of robbery, violence and suppression. It looks like they forgot. What did the insane claims of the nazis for World Domination lead to, they forgot who defeated this monstrous total evil, who stood as a wall for their native land and did not spare their lives for the sake of the liberation of the peoples of europe, we see how in a number of countries memorials to soviet soldiers are ruthlessly and coldbloodedly destroyed. They demolish monuments to the great commanders, create a real cult of the nazis and their accomplices, and they try to erase and slander the memory of the true heroes. Such desecration of the feat and sacrifice of the victorious generation is also a crime, a frank revanchism of those who cynically and openly prepared a new campaign to russia, who gathered for this neonazi scum from all over the world, their goal is not here. There is nothing new to achieve the disintegration and destruction of our country, to cross out the results of the second world war, to finally break the system of Global Security and International Law, to strangle any sovereign centers of development. Exorbitant ambitions, arrogance and permissiveness inevitably turn into tragedies, this is the reason for the catastrophe that the ukrainian people are now experiencing. He became a hostage of the coup detat and the criminal regime. Its western masters are bargaining chips in the implementation of their cruel selfish plans. But really, if you look, we do not fully understand what civilizational confrontation is in todays conditions, but we still remember some kind of hunting there. Eh, the clash of civilizations is nothing like in todays conditions, with todays aggravation, with todays frostbite. Here i will use such a term of the west of the collective this is the confrontation between good and evil in a big way, where everyone chooses the side that he understands closer, i read all sorts of news this morning. But everything was done to disrupt the celebration of the ninth of may, just everything. But now lets think about the topic. And who could . Who could aspire . Trying to organize drone strikes on moscow in the Moscow Region in other regions, who could try to disrupt the brightest holiday, which is a political holiday that exists the peoples of eurasia, all peoples, not only the russian people and the peoples of russia thats who, but this is people who act in the interests of forces that religious people call the devil. These are people who act in the interests of the devil. And here i can not say. And another piece of news that was read today is the detention of a group of very young people who tried to stage a terrorist attack in the Moscow Region. There is bad, but there is good news that they were detained before. That is, the acute did not happen. But if its bad news, or what is the civilizational confrontation, is it the battle for the future . The battle for the children . And what are we do . That this group included the oldest there, in my opinion, he was 21 years old, the youngest was 15, what is happening in our educational institutions, institutions of secondary and Higher Education. Who taught them . And did anyone teach . Or they were completely left to themselves. After all, you know, these Little People with a fragile consciousness of people who went through the brains. This clip tiktok culture is very easy to drag to where there can be no return, there can be no return at all, and here its just tougher punishments and the introduction death penalty. Although im starting to be a supporter of the return to the death penalty. In a number of cases. In a number of cases, here with very serious restrictions, but this will not solve the matter. We really need to launch a serious revision of our system of education and upbringing, and especially Higher Education. I would like to return at all to the discussion of my proposal for labeling Higher Education institutions of various kinds of educational institutions. People who are engaged in educational activities have dual citizenship or residence permits in foreign states. It is legally illegal to have undeclared citizenship. I think that the time has come to carry out a very thorough check, including in moscow, in a number of highstatus educational institutions. I m afraid the results will not please us. I think that there will be a lot of people who did not consider it necessary to comply with the laws of the host country and did not declare dual citizenship. But it seems to me that even those people who have legally declared dual citizenship or a residence permit should be marked in Educational Programs as such, so that parents know in whose hands their children will fall, sometimes even for their money, who will teach them and what values ​​can be instilled in them. It seems to me that todays situation with young people is too serious for us to continue to act on the basis of this sometimes very hypocritical principle. Lets not ask. No, lets ask. I continue this topic, connected primarily with the great day, and the victories of the soviet people in the most difficult war of all time, and i can say that you can clearly see how the red color makes all westerners sausage. From any soviet symbols. They are literally turned over as if in a mystical story, and gogol vie, all evil spirits from the sunlight. And here it is. Uh, the soviet legacy is being carried over. Naturally, to russia and, uh, this is the rejection of everything russian. Eh, it also dominates today and there are some really, not even people. Here dmitry you say these people are there, lets say, but we think that these are people, but in fact, these are even some kind of human entities that live absolutely. Uh, in some special world, for example, if we talk about the situation in ukraine well, uh, at one time it was still, in my opinion, 1991, and martin van crivent. Eh, this is a military analyst professor at the university of yurusalem, then he wrote a book on the remarkable transformation of war, where he spoke in particular about the fact that e is a war without laws. Not only is it monstrously impossible. But today we know that there is a war without laws on the part of these human beings. This is even some kind of pattern, moreover, the fact that this is a war acquires completely. Uh, multilevel and multiformat character. We also know this, because if, for example, we turn to the developments, again, an american analyst. And john boyds buddha, who uh, is famous for his noose. Nord, for example, yes, but he, in particular, recorded three. Yes, moral, uh, mental and physical, and thats moral this is a war. Uh, from that point of view, to destroy the enemys will to resist when all allies abandon him. See what they do with an example events, a great patriotic world war ii and may 9. They did Everything Possible to ensure that those countries whose population participated in the liberation from nazism. E, not e. I hosted the celebration of may 9 in latvia , in my opinion, 24 people were detained. Yes, and repressive measures were also introduced in moldova. And poland is there bulgaria well, serbia, probably, and the republic of serbia. Here they have it all officially and freely passed. And in many of these european countries, necessarily with some kind of repression, the germans have already reached. Until then, we know. Whats the soviet russian flags were banned, while ukrainian flags were allowed. During the celebration, and uh, yes, yes, with what frenzy they are collapsing monuments, this is already in the textbook, probably, examples will be introduced. Here is a fight with a rather Victorious Spirit. And what makes them so sausage is this Victorious Spirit that has been preserved until today, uh, they have absorbed the genetic cat of the nazis, and the leaders themselves, first of all. Yes, we take the population of western countries differently , and there are people who really respectfully. E. Hmm perceive our holiday. Yesterday, for example, i received congratulations from turkey from bulgaria from china from hungary and, uh, about the serbs taking serfs. I have already said and you can list a lot of states and scuba. Naturally, from the island of liberty, and so, and many of us know the phrase, but, and those who have survived. Naturally, they cannot perceive the code of nazism, as a holiday, and , accordingly, what kind of holiday we have, and we have a cat of victoriousness and i dont remember who said it, in my opinion, they won. Yes in my opinion, im in a pickle, i read that russia can survive many upheavals, but it can never be defeated. Yes, and accordingly, and here it is, of course, i respect the pickel. Well, actually, there was a yoke for 300 years. Well, then she cant be defeated now, somehow there was no one else in russia, then its good, but lets go to the ukrainian war and the russian japanese in the first world war, these are three defeats in a row. Yes , defeat can be such a shock, but the defeated are still we went out hmm yes, we came out through a historical period of time, anyway, ah. Not we, like the phoenix bird, were exposed from the ashes. Well , we reached the ashes, by the way, it was , uh, not long ago, a wonderful book by the bulgarian historian, darin grigorov, was published a few years ago. So it was called the russian phoenix, and the revival of russia, it was just after the crimea that there was a moral war. Yes, this is when the allies refuse you, mental war is destruction. Uh, respectively hmm meanings. Yes, we often talk about this is a distortion of those meanings, that are embedded in peoples minds. And the fact that young people need to do something. We are constantly on this site. Not only talking point is that the problem. It seems to me that it is not only about marking and in general it is necessary to carry out. It buzzes above their educational institutions, but from my point of view, for a long time. Why arent we breaking any laws . No, of course, they will still sue and everything that is easy for me to do and they will install the dishes, meaning in general, and universities are or not universities. We have so many universities. Why, maybe the best in college to translate them. Let him engage in concrete Vocational Training immediately at vocational schools. Yes, others. Yes fatu. Here in this context, not uh, but as regards. Uh, precisely e political education of the youth this is very necessary. They are very inquisitive, they want to understand it, but it all depends. In our country, as always, from the human factor in whose hands they fall, someone will answer their questions, and someone will not answer, and someone will turn to the other side. Yes, i, for example, knew such work in the film someone should answer. Yes, i knew, for example such a teacher, and who began his lectures with the fact that i have the only one, beloved country in the world this is germany and began to talk about her love in germany, respectively, she still works, so to speak. Uh, in one of the universities, uh, the country, and this one, by the way, the students began to resent, and we are in a Russian University in general. Why teach us the love of germany . You will teach us the love of russia, right . And the jews dont learn from her. Probably because i think the jews could explain about love in germany. Thats it, of course, uh in addition. Yes here, uh, you hear me, they twitch and the physical. This is, of course, uh, the destruction of infrastructure. Uh, including not only on the battlefield, but the fact that they are now actively using it already on the territory of russia, but what to do . Here, what are we to do . Do you know at the time . Yes, i do it to be sure to fight at different levels. You know very interesting. Ah, such a principle. Eh, i read in oleg markeevs novel the wanderer, where he reflects on how to win not with predators, but against us predators. Yes, but you need to, uh, learn to think. Uh, like, uh, they do, that is, try to react very harshly to any of their attacks. You need to uh, hard to put things in order inside. You need to make decisions for your country, very, very specific. When sabotage is carried out there, that is, strict control. Well, we often talk about smersh here, but maybe, if not death, uh, then some other. Uh, a rigid, controlling structure should naturally exist. And in this sense , you need to learn to think predatory, probably. Thats how it never works. We have some other approaches, right . To understand the situation, but living with wolves in the volga is called tyutchevskaya, and we will try tyutchev, too, was still that fruit. Well, somehow we idealize them all a little. But in general, then i was calculated as a gendarme of europe, but it blows a little, therefore, this is all beautiful of the soul, it was not so specific, therefore we must think predatory and, accordingly, the most important predator on earth, which is the solution. But if we begin to think predatory, from what moment we say stop to ourselves, we have become them. Therefore, perhaps, all the same, here you need to look for your very simple, who will train those who teach. There is none of them. What structure in the state is responsible for them . Well, its just real no, its not created, so it means you need to create, which means we must first formulate the goals of the task and what means are needed to achieve these goals of the tasks, well, we can make a proposal with dmitry, which raises the question. Yes, in the works of Vladimir Vladimirovich a lot of ideological things are said, a lot has been said around, but this has been talked about many times, but we still since then, there are no institutions, and serious platforms for which it is really possible to work on this. Yes the mechanism for implementing this is not. So we because we do not understand what they are implementing. The widest discussion cannot be reduced to our program, really. Valdai there is a form of insufficiency, of course, that is, there should be 20, 30, 40 groups of research centers, which should be more, which give such an intellectual impetus. You must understand for yourself who we are not, we have not analyzed the reasons for the collapse of the ussr, we have not analyzed. What happened during perestroika, we have not analyzed the nineties. We siberia did not answer. We have not lived through any of the diseases that led to the loss of the country for one question, how can we strive for the future if we do not understand, what mistakes led to the destruction of the past, where is the guarantee that we will not repeat these mistakes, that they are not laid down. Yes, we will now do some systemic things. We are trying to train, there are various competitions for young leaders, the search for the best yes, but still a russian person, without ideology, cannot exist and structurality. Thats all. We will create an advertising structure. I do not gossip that they allow themselves. Whatever . This is about you. Maybe brod dont know sausage, dad can. Unpack the dacha with yandex. Market. The Summer Season is just around the corner, and in rpt. Ru summer discounts are so tfn headphones with battery life from a case up to 15 hours for 990 rubles. Holiday discounts werbt born austrian brand and outfit. Now i wish kfc had a whole basket with a crispy and juicy crust. Choose your basset from 169 rubles. Cash loan to card immediately delay of the first payment up to 90 days. Apply for a cash loan and get money right now. He is the only one to unpack the dacha with yandex. Market. Protect your future and the future of your children. Who will not be forgiven if you stay away. Serve under a contract i saw you the last time 8 years ago, when i pulled your peter out of prison, how, by the way, he fell down, like you, like snow on his head 8 years later at 21 20 on the channel, russia activity here we need to restore. In my opinion. It is precisely such youth structures that are not shift. Its the administration that the administration should do. In the end, the Administration Must do what it has prescribed, it must ensure the educational process. It must provide an audience. She has to provide educational literature and so on and so forth and she really has to follow the curriculum of the department. Naturally, they should monitor the selection of their teachers. I completely agree with dmitry who they choose, there is still a lot to be done, we are going through. Yes, our teachers are certified certification, but it depends, after all, on the fact that it also has no framework. For example, you are native. You need to americanize, but a person who graduated from some kind of Potato Institute has the right to apply. And you are forced to listen to him and to the nonsense that he carries. And there are people. Thats because lomonosov a is forced to listen to him , no one knows where he came from, pomormot. And so i also said, no, they, by the way, speaking, there were a little different, it was a little different there. Ive come, for example, from the potato industry to the graduate school of the institute of World Economics and International Relations sciences ccc Moscow Institute of steel alloy. Excuse me, but how, but for them, for the americans, probably, this card is some kind of metallurgist. No, not quite calmly zalynu quite like that, but there is more than that. If there are people who we should also accept, or such a thing, they say, like we are not here, the cat whom we should accept, who , for example, writes in a scientific report when entering graduate school about the fact that soviet and german fascism. This is practically the same, because the soviet regime and the german fascist, which you have to make the article already have aside, eh . And you try it, you submit it to the police department, they seize materials from you, and then, how it ends , i tell the real story, by the way, then it ends with nothing, the next year. This person comes again, you know, well, the truth is not necessary for the exam, thank god, but in fact it was. Heres the real story. Here we are filing with the police, but the police, therefore, will not open the case, as for here, the United States i will say frankly, yes, the United States is here after the resignation, and cards. Eh, and rakalson, in my opinion. Now we are moving fast. E to the fact that hmm losses, as it were, so to speak, complete controllability. Well, the truth is, what the merchant has done now is his committee, it will not end in anything. Unfortunately, it wont end. They even in the house of representatives could not get the necessary number of votes in order to formulate an impeachment, because, uh, he mentioned the national debt. And how according to the state duma chamber 217 voted simply against 2400215. This is purely a party vote. Moreover, the house of representatives passed an increase in the national debt, but under certain conditions under certain conditions. This is what they will have to cut, respectively, Government Spending and much more. Here is what biden said now, they showed it here, it seems that they succeeded on may 9th. You show me more what Kevin Mccarthy said, when the republican speaker of the house of representatives came out of it, who said everything failed, of course, that is, to put it mildly, here is one president the opposite. The president says we got it all done, the house sticker that had to be dealt with says, we did nothing, nothing is decided. Everything remains the same, and the default is approaching, really. I also think this is not scary, because for a country that everything , uh, everything, dominates its own currency. Well , the fed will still draw and pay these debts as long as the fed can turn on the Federal Reserve can turn on the printing press. Well, i think there will be no default there, if it is not created, only artificially. If it is not it will be necessary that, as it were, so to speak, here are the party contradictions, they will be of such a deeper character, and something really similar will happen there. What happened on the eve of the civil war in the United States trump, for example, in my opinion. He dreams of being handcuffed. He already wanted this when he was ordered to the court, because it is obvious that he will make a bail, he will leave, but he will be a sufferer for great america. And he certainly is already ahead of his ratings here. So to speak, bidens ratings are much and a larger number of americans, there over 40 are ready to vote for trump 36 are only ready to vote for biden. If the case with hunter biden continues to unwind. I just cant understand, this one family already thinks that everything is allowed to them, because hunter biden himself sued this one as lawrence. Roberts yes, then, to cut himself uh, respectively, the payment of Child Support for his fouryearold daughter. But he knew, he should have understood that lawyers would be republican lawyers. And by the way, speaking absolutely free of charge , the roberts will help promote biden to submit all of his financial documents. Because the season ticket business requires that all uh, all indicators of his income be disclosed. Wherever he gets them, therefore , the troubles that hunter has during this period, when here he is, like cash from the ukrainians, also shows. In general, it should do it, and then biden. Yet another problem. Here at the end of the week ends with covid restrictions on the southern border. And everything break its as if about 500 more active us military have already been transferred absolutely there, but i think 500 us soldiers are unlikely to be able to hold back the several million migrants who are already preparing. Actually crossing the border. Biden, says that we will resolve this problem, you cannot resolve this problem. In any case, by the methods and methods that he proposes. You can only go back to trump, about what . As a matter of fact, now the republicans both in the house and in the senate that there is no necessary finish building the wall to install. Uh , video cameras along the entire border to tighten the order, but this is also impossible to do, so this is also why, in my opinion, they dont bother too much. Well, as it were, i understand that they dont bother for any reason now. If now thats what has been established, that there are already over 10 million, when it was announced in the panadzor committee. This suggests that they have the relevant documents, they are unlikely to have voiced. If they could not confirm this figure, it is most likely a figure. Of course it will grow but here it will be confirmed or will not be confirmed. This is another question, but this figure, most likely, they will confirm, however, if the Election Campaign goes further, the Election Campaign will go further, how will the republicans be able to use it. Here there is a certain problem. For us, this is a look. You know, yes, that im a fan, because there isnt. Here, a certain thing is attached. They squabble at kamlehharest. They will hit each other. Oh how well, lets start with the educational component in order to grow young specialist, sort of like they should take it strange, but it seems to me, the first time. Is it possible to go to graduate school today after the messiah, lets say some kind of political or historical . No, i dont know, my colleagues will agree. No, you cant, the second moment we are receiving. Well, thats a good exception. The second point, and how many free places do we have in graduate school, how should you raise these Young Professionals . I dont take msu. Yes, but one or two are known and so on. The next moment, uh, why am i like an educator should deal with ideas on the value component . I do this because it seems to me that this is correct, but somewhere this is written what we must do, there is some kind of goal in the field. Ideas for value work with youth. No, next moment. And when i should do this, and if our dear viewers looked at the work program of the discipline, there is such a concept. A wonderful document, yes, dmitry gennadievich , wonderfully delightful documents, i would very much like to find those who came up with the idea of ​​compiling these working papers in this form discipline programs in the city of shakhty there is some kind of structure that checks our all programs. Yes, there are finely so called mines. Here is the place, well, since we touched on this topic. It means an interesting life. You live very interesting and arise. And when when why why what goalsetting now . Well, this is a question, uh, the first is structural, and the second is who sets the task . And who does it a little to mark, who will mark, and the fate of the judge, who exactly . Uh, what do we mark purely by citizenship . Well in important to some extent, but there are other issues besides this. Yes, actually ideological questions that we put before ourselves every day. Yes, and why do we lead couples to what do we lead the youth . This is the question you need to ask, and not just that we sat down and talked, learned some lessons of history. We must contribute meanings to this task of the teacher to grow. E, so to speak, the thought process, to encourage it encourages the development of creation. Is it possible to write it down, probably not to write it down and fix it impossible, but this has always been russian teachers. Now e yesterday is really may 9 this is the most important holiday that shows that despite, despite and thanks to we are the center of attraction, we are a state civilization that remembers its history, preserves it and passes it on to the younger generation. Eh, a lot. I am sure that many saw young people who went to see the salute yesterday, understood, understood , remembered yesterday they remembered their relatives who died in the great patriotic war, uh, who came out of there as heroes. Yes it is very important. This is the heroic memory that spoke, it is very important, this is what distinguishes us, but this heroic memory can not only be preserved and passed on, it must be educated today. And this is a very, very important question. The same mental question. Eh, its very easy to say that young people are bad. Yes, the bad guy went well. It is very difficult to work with these young people to force yourself to work and raise these young people. Today, civilization is once again at a decisive turning point. The rock of Vladimir Vladimirovich putin is, indeed. So its about civilization. In the broad sense of the word, after all, civilization. Like humanity yes. Eh, civilization, as a confrontation with barbarism, and in the end the whole world is at this very turning point in the transition to a new system of International Relations. Thats what we re in today, you can just sit and wait for it to happen. And you can try , uh, change the situation. Uh, more successful to better to better for myself. E aside, and here, of course, there is a lot to be done, but we are slowly getting rid of the cancellations in the cold war with all the pluses and minuses in order to be after all, yes, everything today. This is the very vestige of the cold war. Although once yes it was important very business today. No, we must form. A new system, and not just get rid of the old, we said, but we must say b. And what do we form within the framework of this palycentric system of International Relations, what do we want here, with an unprincipled value component, we will not do little with the war itself, as such, war in the broad sense of the word struggle, if you like , this is ideologically, filling, which has always been peculiar to us throughout history, what is it right . Here vladimir spoke today 20 40 institutes. How much is needed and how much should be, which the demons will sit knife but to work out this one, but this is not enough for the turkish case, which is very important, because a person is not in turkeys elections. The situation there is very tense, it seems like turkey is one of the centers of power that forms new polycentric drugs. And it seems like we should be indifferent to it, because there is 60 billion trade turnover. This is serious present day. What is happening there . Well , firstly, uh, there are, so to speak, a showdown with stones, and they are already throwing stones at each other. Yes, uh, everything. Mixed stones people. Uh, the ratings are mixed up somewhere they say that erdogan wins the nursery and waited stupidly to win and uh, one rating. Who shows the other is different, but reality. Such is precisely the fact that this is a pendulum between erdogan and the road. This is not the only pendulum, the pendulum also lies in the fact that turkey can remain on its own rails with all the pluses and minuses that are for us it follows from here, but the second option is that she can return to flights about the western right to american and for us. Its worse. In any case, a priori worse clash road, despite the fact that he tried to present himself as, so to speak, a supporter of maintaining relations with russia, even somewhere strengthening. In fact, he clearly stated the following, that turkey should be part of western civilization. Thats literally. Today he said it the second time he said it. This is that the turkish republic, its three authorities will change their Foreign Policy by 180 , yes. Well, what is it, what kind of relations with russia can be then at 180 this is there in the nineties, the eighties and back even back when turkey was a part. Uh, that same u. S. Subsystem of the system of International Relations is americancentric. This is where he leads to turkey. And how ready the turks are for this. Uh, but hmm and more than that, he said that u would be under his authority. If for example, the authorities apply all the rules of the European Union rules. West, the very rules that are imposed by the west are the same the rules that imply sanctions against the Russian Federation, this is how he will keep it improve relations with russia erdogan is a complex very complex policy, but as we said, our president learned to negotiate with him. Uh, yes, they have no problem, to put it mildly, but at least he is focused on National Interests and national values, moreover, his advisers are the speaker. Uh, ibrahim kalym said clearly that the west is on the e side of the war, that today it is the west that is fighting against russia and we are talking about this huge war for building a new system of International Relations. So in 4 days there will be a big war in turkey to build the future of this very country. Its already going on now. And in pakistan. Yes, this is a fun world where the americans cant fit in . By the way, by the way, i held a little nuclear ones, by the way, we continue the speech of my respected colleagues, professors of respected universities, i would like to say that, probably, i am definitely the only country in the world that i love is russia, because of which i am ready give life. Its true, the no less. This does not prevent us from exploring other countries. Especially not only enemies, but also allies. And like you, vladimir dorofeevich in his time, he took advantage of the trip and it turned out to be very taught. And here is our professor of International Law, jules lobell, who , by the way, has sued all the president s of america since kennedy. Although this is impossible according to political doctrine, he filed a lawsuit protesting against the vietnam war and everything in the world. And we collected signatures for the release of guantan prisoners in 2000, then he said that the highest form of lawlessness war, but at the same time there is not a single law in the world, and even more so in International Law, which would prohibit war. There is a ban on certain forms of warfare, there and so on and so forth. It is impossible to ban war, because how humanity appeared, how it became the fastest and most effective form of resolving any conflict. And i dont agree with you, dear colleague, when bulat sounds when it rings, bulat said so, yes, in my opinion, the ancient laws are silent, this is true, well, all the laws they were created by the winners in the fortyfifth year and all International Law was then created, therefore today we are present at this International Law collapsed on the fault for its complete destruction. We see it, we observe for Us International affairs. Who has ever touched this. This is a big tragedy. A great tragedy nonetheless today. Here is may 9th this year. This is such an amazing moment of truth, even though it is not an jubilee, in general, two performances, which it seems to me, thats just the diametrically opposite determines the situation today in the world. This plowed speech of Vladimir Vladimirovich is really such a biblical character from the civilizedcivilizational confrontation that russia does not have and does not consider anyone hostile peoples open and vice versa, we support all these antinels around. Colonial movements, we are open to cooperation and the performance of a certain german functionary, whom the people themselves, in general, did not choose and do not respect. Uh, allies dont respect vassals, even those sitting on neighbors sausages. Here even they thats how they call it, which suddenly declares that the past will never defeat the future, thats a completely twofold thesis. Yes, what does he mean, and what he says that our weapons and insurance against russia opposes. This is the European Union, as a rule , our driving forces have chosen the weapon further this is the European Parliament. In this regard, i remember 2013. Sergey evgenievich naryshkin asked me to speak before the delegation of the European Parliament and this was the joint meeting. Evgenievich was not in charge there. Yes that you avoid it means reading, yes, yes. He says you can come here. Only you can tell them what they need to say, 42 speakers were parliamentary. And i said that they, who came for five to 10 years, are reshaping the system of law, which was created for 2,000 years. Thats when they began to accept legal lgbt promotion. Thats what i was talking about, youre advancing family family law. Bring in relationships that are completely inappropriate. Therefore, rum then it was said that i well got excited. I say, you know those who move it and especially legislators who implement this will reshape the entire system of law for the damned centuries. Well, this is where it started. I have problems. Here, nevertheless, half of them clapped, then in 10 years, what happened when i why do i Pay Attention to the European Parliament, because, says our driving force, do you know what the largest interfactional group today is vera in parliament, is an interfactional Interparliamentary Group for the protection of lgbt values. And so it is called not included. You see the speakers of the European Parliament, in my opinion, 80 of all this is the biggest. Thats what were dealing with today. Thats who writes the laws today. This is their driving force. As they say, what is the driving force . It is clear that victory day is a holy holiday for us in europe, so they did everything so that they would really repeat dmitry in aga. But this is an attempt for the first time, after all, celebrating anything. Just not victory day remembrance day. How is it in moldova one of the world of moldova day of remembrance of the fallen romanians romania day against the red color light in latvia yes, they come up with something there, says, it is necessary to squeeze out the memory, but ukraine invented the money of europe and, of course, as if our favorite. What did she say . Kiev today is the heart of European Values ​​oh, it seems to me that today we should become with a heart for those very spiritual values ​​of a normal world that Vladimir Vladimirovich says , including our National Security strategy, which was recently amended and so, returning to the beginning of our conversation, what is missing our national strategy. I still suffer from this because in 2010, i first raised this issue at the state council in the us National Security strategy. One of the first points is the protection of children. And it is no coincidence that exactly, because i said dmitry this is the future. We kind of look at this all the time. Well, i dont know, it seems to me that they underestimated a little that we are reaping these poisonous fruits all the time, which are sown from kindergarten. Now , thanks to you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, we are finishing a film about the school of hatred in ukraine. You can see it there like in 30 years since kindergarten. Cut the muscovites, and so on , the family, which, like a joke, is a joke that those who are fighting today have raised . We have grown in 30 years, so if we do not introduce this provision in the National Security strategy, it is clearly spelled out. Yes, there are spiritual values ​​there today, work with youth has appeared. But write more clearly. It seems to me that it is necessary, then everything is arranged to line up about Sergei Mikhalkov today. Children. Tomorrow people. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes , Sergei Vladimirovich mikhalkov really said his time. Well, what about there celebrate not celebrate . Well, the germans themselves have a good phrase. Yes . Eh, rather. Yes, whoever does not celebrate has already lost, therefore, if they do not celebrate, they admit that they have lost, what, in fact, is another very interesting point that attracted my attention. You correctly said three levels of war. Maybe even more. Well, there, probably, there are some about the level. And i noticed, you know, that now our diplomatic relations are complicated, especially with Great Britain embassy do not work and suddenly. The record issuance of the socalled talenttalent visas immigration visas the americans issued twice as many, despite the fact that the embassy does not work here, the uk does not issue visas five times to russian citizens. And what to do . They entice there is another war to deplete our human resources. And these talented guys who are lost in this reality do not understand where we are going, where they are supported by the director or next to the horrors vladimir today they offer a Service Package documents for obtaining a talented talent visa. You see, this business has already become the depletion of russias human resource. This is what needs to be stopped. This is what needs to be stopped. Agree. I hmm military educators. Yes, we have a slightly different system and educational processors built. You know whats missing, not enough. Uh, something that was in the soviet union and what the chinese left in communist china where are they, where are the pedagogical institutes, where are they lenin i mean, in general, in general, you understand, so fashion has taken over. She is in favor of being renamed, reformatted into universities in the academy , and so on and so forth and so on , newfangled structures that have become out of fashion, you understand, well, how much does a teacher get at a School Teacher at the age of 30 in the region. Well, 35. 000. An isator in the voronezh region receives 35,000 it specialists who dont know how to program there. Uh, i dont know, programmers, they get 40 doikers there. Well, what do you do not work as predators on a farm or as a teacher at school . Well , so purely in life where . Well its already ok, this is an old process. It was laid down by the vitamin was laid down and then, when we have leadership, it means that there are educational of all our ministries. Uh, required us to have phd students and so on. So, they published their e, articles in e. Means journals that have citations abroad. Well, these bases are well aware, yes, about these databases from the corpus and so on. Everything is like that there. It was laid down. It all worked for several years demanded demanded i do not advise demanded that they be these publications. Doesnt matter. Solitary there or there. Skladchin there by a group of persons by prior agreement. It was all just there and they closed it. It didnt even close. Everything works for you, please, scheme of work scheme of work, as for the performance of our supreme team, right . He explained, just thats all that we are absolutely returning to china again. Here the chinese have preserved the pedagogical institute, the chinese have preserved. It means the School Education of teachers and the interest of teachers in their work. They go away somewhere as accountants. There managers somewhere else everything is saved everything is saved now the soviet school has been saved. The education of the patriots is the education of the youth here too, but in china, as in russia, the education of patriotism is practically the same. Here we have there, so the russians see aerobatic teams here 3g and so on and so forth. Its clear now the peasants and everyone there are all fighting there, but before that, well, since we borrowed so much, the stormy western experience. Why didnt we borrow the stormy experience. Uh, it means demonstrating the capabilities of our aviation, our airplanes to fly over cities, to go and demonstrate, and so on, because in the same usa in the same blue angel aerobatic squadrons there thunderbirds fly all over all states show people lure lure young people uh, fly, take off and so on and the like demonstrates its capabilities skills skills. What is the problem . There is no problem at all, we cannot make any aircraft there. Yes, can we have kerosene or something . Yes, there is cast iron to hammer ukraine at 15 years old. Enough, well, problems. What else . What else is here the supreme said . Yes, all his speech, yes, all his speech, it is just about the chinese experience and the chinese look. After all, what do the chinese do for many years after the end of the war in korea takes out their volunteers and they make films about it they shoot they shoot and continue to shoot, which almost every year the chairman of the inertia delpin in his speeches at parades in beijing that we allow deletion from the history of crimes a fascist regime, a fascist germany , a fascist japan is unacceptable. They dont allow. They dont go away. Its nowhere from School Textbooks are not frantically rewritten every year history textbooks. Wrote teaching wrote heaps. All. For some reason, everything is some kind of desire to change everything to rewrite. As for humanitarian International Humanitarian law, just the law of war, so this Armed Conflict showed that this is a phantom. This phantom does not exist. The other side violated all prohibitions. All the time i taught one discipline for the training of officers of the general claims academy. Thats just the right of Armed Conflict with point of view, all conventions are signed , it is forbidden to torture a prisoner of war there , take drugs, current, and so on and so forth. We get mutilated prisoners of war. Yes, an impossibility. How so what kind of civilization is this . Yes . This is not a civilization, and, to be honest, it will be very difficult to overcome them. Thats what the educated said. Well, yes, young people encountered frank bandera, who were brought up in Eastern Ukraine by young people, tough tough bandera. Where did they come from . How is it . Who cultivated the culture is transmitted . Remind the women of culture, it is passed on to defeat this bandera bastard , its very hard, very hard. We are not those who we do not arrange genocide, the russian army never did this in those tsarist times, not later in the soviet. This was done by those who say about us that here we are, such and such , bad, germans, italians, romanians. Thats all they were doing. We didnt work out and it works. So, now we have friends left in comrades we have left. Who also fought in the swamp at one time, yes, with colonial invaders. Here is the circle of friends. War is not only an extreme method of resolving issues, but it is also a way to show. Who suddenly lies to you. And who is your enemy now advertising graduation will continue in the new composition. See who this gorky was married to on the russia channel i know about your husband. Tinkoff cash loan to the card immediately deferral of the first payment up to 90 days to issue a cash loan and receive money right now, he is the only one. It will help meet the new card for life from vtb share free translations and feelings catch 1,000 rubles. After the first purchase. Issue a new card for life on vttb. Ru. 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What was killed with him . Say your handkerchief. His motto is, i dont believe because everything that you just said, everything was not true, a real killer could kill. Stov this is the worst sin, he is a traitor. And ukraine no longer has a victory day, ukraine is no longer won. They now have europe day , the peoples of europe and america, as zelensky said , asia, australia and africa has its own history of fighting in that war, but the common history of victory. What does it bring . Its just real what he carries, that is, this idiot compares the contribution of the ukrainian people, who were part of the great soviet people in the victory over hitler with the contribution of australia , that is, zelensky, who was awarded two orders of the red star from the fight against the nazis, made the same contribution as those who heard about world war ii, only on the radio. Bandera erase the memory of ukrainians deprive them of history and connection with their past of the orthodox church. Cancellation of victory day turns all this western policy into reprogramming the whole nation into biomass, which does not know and cannot do anything, other than to unquestioningly follow any instructions for washington in this endless confrontation with russia, putin tells everyone that he has military goals that need to be achieved until he reaches them. He will continue the war. This would be the defeat of putin. This would be the end of putin; i dont care much. Im much more worried about the ukrainians. Personally, i want to say that i like the war to me and the ukrainians, who most of all need peace, as soon as possible, but what kind of peace, because i know how to end the war immediately. Stop military aid ukraine and ukraine must surrender a few days later, the war is over as belarus is deprived of its own. Lets hang by court order, as war criminal robert kenady jr. Is once again trying to draw everyones attention to the colossal loss of life. But what s interesting is that you read Foreign Agents just to know how mean they can go. They are not journalists, that is, the bbc in russian is the case in russian. These are not journalists at all. On it, they all the time declare the losses of russia, referring to ukraine, which is not knows nothing about it. Themselves who just stick out with their feet in the ukrainian bed cannot honestly say how much the ukrainians have lost, and Robert Kennedy jr. Can, well, only a conjurer in ukraine is bad for the ukrainian people. We have killed 300,000 ukrainian troops and 14,000 civilians in the geopolitical imagination with our own blood. We are trying to get rid of putin and pull off the russian army, sacrificing the ukrainian people for the sake of numbers. Of course, for the sake of vanity too, but i wonder how these satanists are even too lazy to read the bible. But here is what one of the uniformed satanists says , admiral rob bauer gleb, a spokesman for the Nato Military Committee, faltered because david demonstrated outstanding resilience and tactical superiority with the support of 50 countries around the world, no matter what. Further, it simply does not matter at all what he wants. The fact is that the man never read the bible. David even took off his armor. They were too heavy, but 50 countries were built here. Frankensteins monsters they built, if you like, well, the goliath was a historical character and there were several brothers. He really was of gigantic growth. Proceeding from this, by the way, because of his growth, he had vision diseases, he had tunnel vision, so david had the opportunity, but ukraine and 50 countries standing behind it, ukraine is the nose of a goaf, and the whole body these are just these 50 countries, Vladimir Vladimirovich, when they calm down, when there are physically no people left in ukraine capable of holding weapons in their hands, when even women, most likely, yes, they write directly about this today, for example, the guardian came out, the british curtain, came out with a great article and british. Er, well, a relatively wellknown writer. Esha, uh, a pseudohistorian was once a small german spy in east berlin back in the gdr, then he wrote some incoherent books. But now his great appeal to ukrainian boys and girls is preparing to die. Here in the next grandfathers, then, uh, the day that will break the whole day of the counteroffensive and i will come. These are generally any statements about the world. These are the calls for peace. It is necessary to stop calling this most british. That is, you understand the calls for peace. It must be stopped. They understand, after all. Barrel says correctly, yes, in this particular case, if tomorrow the flow of weapons to ukraine is stopped, the war will end with a question for you and everyone else. So you need something to keep the war going. Yes, he speaks directly. Yes, it is necessary that the war continue, so that these very young ukrainian girls and boys die, as many as possible in the same garda , a report about ukrainian wounded militants was published a couple of days ago. Su who complain that they all turn out to be useless to anyone. No one is treating posttraumatic syndrome. Nobody really cares about this. And from what article . Well , johnson told you at the very beginning yes, the task is set. What was up to the last drop of blood, you must die. You must receive this very weapon from the barrel. It is pleasing to die and in no case survive, and yes, indeed, they will not calm down until the last ukrainians die, until ukraine physically has no one left to fight, including mercenaries there, who are periodically sent. Well, you see, yes, here is the son of kennedy the younger one went. There for a month, another in this same meat grinder, looked thanks to which dad knows what. Uh, how many ukrainian troops really suffer losses there. He realized that it was better for him not to meddle there anymore, but the mercenaries would leave to turn around, leave, and the ukrainians must die , and you know when barrel says that i feel less and less like the minister of foreign affairs. More and more eu minister of defense i said in this interview. I ll tell you honestly. I think he will start tomorrow, uh, draw maps like ukraine should counterattack and say i feel more and more napoleon therefore. City me to the ward where these napoleons are and already place me in the confectionery shop. He will say that you have napoleon for me in the pastry shop. Here next to the cake is prague and crows feet. And so, here they are, yes, they imagine this very war, as much as possible. For as long as possible. Uh, how many ukrainians should die . Yes, it is desirable that, of course, they kill the russians so as Many Russians as possible in this. In fact, the main task which some of them do not directly express, and some already directly express themselves. See this statement of the future chapter. E gur uh, the main military criminal of the main ukrainian war criminals yes , the main ukrainian terrorists that he will kill kills and will kill russians in all parts of the world, wherever it happens. Until ukraine wins, so to speak. Yes, they were afraid of any reaction by galkin pugachev. And when yes, i imagine, apparently revenchakov. Do you know how they are . They are all they are considered to be russians. They, like they have their own, are ashamed to be russians. So they are not russian. That is, in this regard, in this respect, probably, this formula has been sold out, not distribution. Yes, of this case, but i need to see the reaction, which no one condemned. They asked the representatives of the white house there a question pointblank. Yes, thats it. Well, we dont seem to support. Here is the murder of the civilian population in general, nowhere in general yes, but the condemnation of the confession is frankly the state, well, a terrorist in state terrorism. There is nothing of this

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