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We know the front line right now. And by this time we were all with you denis panchikov see you later. In the depths of your heart there is purity, like with me there is purity of some kind of silence, even if you dont breathe, we are leaving not to return, i am amazed at the love of the sun to the depths of my heart and soul. Good afternoon and again on our air we continue to talk about people who go to great lengths. For the sake of our country , a lot has been said about the character of russian women in difficult times. It manifests itself especially clearly. Our entire battalion needs her provisions yulia beryoza, 47 years old. The chief of the regiments food service has been in the combat zone since may 2022. Her task is to receive food cargo, keep records in warehouses and give pleasure to the soldiers, but this is not how yulia imagined her service at the front. On that i was reading it for a moment. This was to help the guys wait for professional medical help so that they could survive and protect the lives of both our guys and civilians as much as possible. I had to obey the order to do something that was not what i would like to do over time. She understood that our soldiers must be provided for on time. Let me keep track of all this, and then i started giving hints. How it could be improved. There is something there in this service in that service. Here in the war zone. Julia finally felt in her place, but it wasnt always like this. Im not anywhere could. I dont know how to find myself. It was all not my thing. Yulia managed to live in several cities, murmansk samara tolyatti moved to sochi twice, but still changed several professions, worked as a cook and manager in a car dealership. And she even opened her own business and began designing and manufacturing furniture. She worked until she was nineteen. Everything was fine, i even opened my own salon there. Well, everythings fine. And then with the pandemic, of course. Everything there was crippled, and in the end i had to close for the last few years, yulia watched with bated breath, how events have been developing in the ukraine maidan since the end of the thirteenth, when all this nonsense began to be broadcast, when they brought berkut to their knees in their own defenders well, then i had the First Cardinal anger. And when this poroshenko was broadcasting there. Children of donbass will have a network in the basements. We will fire at them, and ours will go to school, damn it, because for several years yulia had the idea that she wanted to go to donbass as volunteers to help local residents, but somehow she couldnt decide. Well, when twenty in february i woke up in the morning the standard set. I turn on the news with coffee, and theyre building some kind of action movie, then i take a closer look, no. That same day , well, 15 minutes probably passed, and i started searching on the internet. How to volunteer for a woman to get into a combat zone. It turned out to be difficult, but yulias determination helped her achieve what she wanted when i arrived there. This is how a stone fell from my soul. Yes, im in the right place there. Im where i should be. Today our guest is yuri birch. Boss food service regiment. You come straight from the front line to us. Quite right, leave, yes, then back, of course, definitely yul, what is your rank now, junior sergeant. How long have you been at the front since may 10 , 22 . And how we got there, i found the Donbass Volunteer Union , we have an organization, i wrote that i wanted to go right away. I asked if there was any medical education, is there anything else i say . No, but i can do it with anyone. I prepare a delicious argument. Let me go as a cook and cook. Ah, well at first it seems like yes, yes, okay, lets take it, with a curator. I talked, and even went to the military registration and Enlistment Office, they refused me because i couldnt go anywhere, then in the end the curators also did this through the ministry of defense. She says theres no point in going to the military registration and Enlistment Office, we owe you. Apply here with us, and then you will go to the military registration and Enlistment Office and sign contracts for us. Where is that . Its through their organization of the union of volunteers that is, which unit i will be sent to in order to increase my chance. Eh, while i was waiting for an answer i went to the ministry of emergency situations and completed the course providing first aid, so far i have received a certificate stating that i have the right to provide first aid. Well, thats it in the end, youre going on monday 100 , you should be in rostov, well send you to training, and then to donbass and on monday theres silence, nobody calls , it turns out that the ministry of defense has issued an order not to take women, not to in some cases, no way at all. And neither. Why did i get upset at first, then i started looking for other solutions. Absolutely right, they found something, well , thank you, the phone number of the donetsk military registration and Enlistment Office is on the internet every day at the same time. I called there, and the duty officer answered the phone. I say, hello, im yulia bereza and i want to come to samara as a volunteer. They hung up at the same time, with the same text. I say, hello, im julia bereza and samara , i want to go volunteers , the girl tells me. Stop distracting us. In general, i called like this every day with the same text, just a burning sensation, well, somewhere, well, for a week , exactly, every day. Well, in the end, on the eighth day, i think, when i call, i say, hello, my name is julia, in short, if you want to come, come, well find you application. Leave me alone, im just getting ready. Right away he just says, youll cross the border yourself, then you couldnt just cut the border, that is, or have some relatives there. Well, in general, i also found a donetsk doctor on the internet. Who helps volunteers cross the border at that time. They gave me an employment contract, calling me on may 8th to work as a Freight Forwarder driver in an online store. Ill work. And so, with the help of this effective onboard agreement, i crossed the border on may 9th. Ninth u on the ninth, i called the military registration and Enlistment Office with one handbag opening the door, which was talking. I am yulia berezovoy samara type girl you are who i say, i love her. Oh, ive heard a lot about myself. She says, she heard me say, yes, and everything from may 10th i was already enrolled. Yes, and who was enlisted, a radiotelephonist orderly of the Collection Department for the evacuation of the wounded of the first rifle battalion. And how did your military service develop at first . I was introduced to the doctor evgeniy, who just started performing his duties there , yes, and so that he could talk to me, the way i had to go to the battery. He seemed to be in a rather dangerous zone as an orderly, but he talked to me. What knowledge did they give me about this at the ministry of emergency situations, and when did i start answering him . He says everything is clear. I ll explain everything to you now, exactly what is necessary. We talked to him about military medicine. Well, i dont know, its literally a couple of hours there, then they call me. Eh, deputy commander, i come in and voice to me that we are now introducing records of regimental logistics movements in line with russian standards. That is there are both clothing and food stores there. Well, who can best cope with this with a woman, what you dreamed of is completely different, i was upset. Yes, i couldnt imagine myself. I didnt go there to write any papers. I was directly indignant, i argued. And once i even raised my voice as high as possible, a real leadership promotion. Well, ive never been in the army, how did they react when you raised your voice, first loyally, and then once, just then the commander of the donetsk floor was in our castle, im something there too. She pointed back. Well, i see he will do something stupid. Why is he forcing me to do this stupid thing . I barked something at him. He is so ordinary, the birch tree has stood up. I stood up, you are not in civilian life. Youre in the army. Be kind. Oh, i forgot, and already the boss. Eh, regiment chief of staff, when he talked to me, i came. I say, i was coming here, for this i tell you what pieces of paper to go with. He says he has only one choice, either you follow the order, write, do what we give you the opportunity to help. Your brains are here, he says they are needed, or you will go home. So what, what did you choose . I say, i m staying for now, im never going home and wont go under any circumstances, but i will ensure that they send me where i want. Well , of course, oh, i didnt do something there, in order to go there somewhere. Example, for example, well, thats enough. At that time , i noticed that if a soldier messed up something, he was sent back to his battalion. That is, i we worked a lot, yes, well, as it were, where the commander was there, well, samara could also be sent back enough. If screwed up, well, there too, as i understand it, its all simple. And there i saw one of them, he messed up and he was sent to another battalion. Whos a little tipsy here, right . Yeah , i think its clear, and that you decided to roll it up a little. Im strange such strength rolled well. Well, its ok , 300 grams. Well, that was enough, yes, well, you can see from me and here it is right at 10 00 in the morning. I go out. And she just arrived there. Uh, from the main headquarters. Im coming. I say i walked right out. We had a smoking room there. I sit down, i say, he is sitting next to me , there is a major and private birch in uniform. I i came out and sat down, he looked at me and laughed. I say at first, when i now tell me to go to the battalion, but this says, the question is not for me. This is to the chief of staff. And at that moment the commander comes out, yes, directly, and he comes out so happy with a smile. It keeps looking at me, then it turns to look at me. His face changes so quickly in his room that i cant see you directly. Quietly, so calmly, understand . Yes , he immediately asked for everything, sent me to the room, everything, then after a while about four hours later, he comes in and sits down with me for soup and is silent. He just sits silently. Well, im also sitting, silent, thinking, but now the battalion will send me everything. Now ill be sent away, but instead ill be on optical watch. No, he looked at me like that and said, uh, that means if such a prank happens again, and the worst thing is when he is always calm. Then the worst thing is the worst thing is when he says that. Or maybe you understand right away . So its serious, yes, the intention and so he told me, i understand why you did it, thats why mine says. My only last warning to you. You ll do Something Like this again. You will go, well, you will go to russia samara and what do you remember most . Yulia during this time, while you are there, there are some especially striking events. But i probably remember the first flight well, which is right here. At 50 meters it was normal. It was very loud and people died. We had about 300 guys as signalmen there. You knew them personally, well , some i didnt know, some of them were from some very close people, too, when they were good friends died. You got wounded, oddly enough, but you get used to it too. And now, what tasks should we perform now to ensure the regiment is fully stocked, that is, to account for food, to account for clothing items, so that everything arrives on time and is distributed on time. These are the invoice papers. Now this is all a whole accounting department. There, if something is missing, if there is Something Else you need to kill and knock it out. And if there is a need, there is such a thing that you contact them through humanitarian organizations. Youre trying to find it. Im now what i found for myself was that i was trying to help as much as possible. Here, than i can, this is the biggest problem with nutrition now, thank god everything is fine. The provision has now also returned to normal there with clothing items, but the biggest problem is. In donetsk, we had troops, as it were. We are now in the Russian Federation until january 1, 23. We were the peoples representatives of the dpr and the security there, of course, was not at all the same as it was in the Russian Federation. That is, we do not have normal cars. They all fail. I tried to find through different organizations medical loaves. There they brought us everything , just a few pieces. We, uh, recently there was an incident, and the doctors went to evacuate the wounded. Khokhlov has such a nature, not to kill the backpack, wait until the evacuation brigade arrives and then finish off the doctors. And then the doctors were injured, the loaf, everything was broken there too. That is , you always need good equipment so that you can use it and take the guys out. Well, also provide them with the necessary lead and lead. This is the big problem, i still cant do it resolve a question. Unfortunately, Everything Else seems to be fine. Do you ever pay, of course, of course, often. Well, not so often, but sometimes, especially there, it happened to me that i just wanted to cry, thank you. At least she would go away and close herself and sit and cry, or in the evening we always have sveta disguised everywhere, that is, sveta is not anything like that. No, you go out and there you are so dumb. Imagine, when there is no light anywhere at all, all the lights are turned off. Yes, nothing is visible. And you sit here and watch there are such stars there. Yes, there is simply the most amazing sky there, and i often look at the stars and the moon. And sometimes it happens that i will cry there because of his will. So clean, like a woman, when no one sees, because first of all, i am the chief commander there. Yes, im going to go away and cry, i groan like bob, im sorry. Thats what everyone around is that old people are children of fighters. Eh, everyone. Thats who im meeting. Sometimes you go into the shops with kids, theres a boy sitting there, two two theres a boy and a girl. Which ones are grimy . I say lets go buy more, whatever you need there, then there is, well, i dont know, but when i remember, i had just arrived, literally, maybe two months ago. He was passing through elenovka. I stopped at the store to go in. Grandmother is riding a bicycle, stops silently, puts the bicycle down, comes up to me, cries, hugs me, says, thank you daughter, that you are here . Well, well, how could i not go there. I stroked her there and reassured her that everything would be fine, but she just stood there crying. Here i am , shes shaking thank you thank you for being here and you finally feel in your place, of course, when ordinary people like this say thank you for being here , they feel that you are doing something very important, or fighters for the front for the people. Yes , every little thing is important, even just here we are passing. This has happened to me several times. There are kids there, waving their arms, you stop, theres a banana, theres even sweets like ice cream. Well, those shining, joyful eyes. This is also important. And you have always had such a disruptive character since childhood. Yes . The first time i remember, i was probably five years old, i climbed stood up and threw bricks. Well, everyone remained alive. I hope everyone is alive. I just threw a small brick. I say, dont touch my brother, everything looks like that, wow. Everything, everything, everything is fine. Lets see what your friend says about you, she always tried to help someone, but she always got involved in some lakes to try to improve someones life, and we had such a very difficult moment, in the late nineties they didnt pay, 5 it was very difficult for wages to be delayed for months. Well, the child was very small we met the hairdresser who cut our hair; she was just buying something at the grocery store. I asked her to buy me a kilogram of potatoes. I had thoughts like this. Ill go to the stroller now and just give it to my parents at the door and go hang it up. Well, where can it go . Well, where already . Well, no, said no skirt came. Thats how she found out we didnt have a cell phone then. And she brought us one leg and a piece of buckwheat, with which he cooked my first and second compote. There was such a story, 90. We were then, like the girls, still we completely heard screams behind the house. We fly out. Yulka holds the kitten in her arms and tears up two pit bull terriers. How she dealt with them, i dont know, if we hadnt run up, i still dont know how this story would have ended, the kitten was saved. We celebrated the new year together near tolyatti and drove back home. It was january 2nd oncoming traffic. The car came out , lost control and overturned, in short, it just rolled, you can hear that gasoline is still flowing there, such a scary situation. I am a man and stopped. Lots of cars. I think now someone will come up for nothing. Damn yulka, rushed there. Im still standing. Where are you going july . Well, where are you going . Well, is there a person there . I say, well , now its not enough, now its not. Then it started after she started dragging. They also came up and helped pull the guy out of the car; she was the man who had set a goal and was achieving it. Your eyes are now sparkling as you watch the story until you cry. Yes, i missed them. And some unusual moments were also remembered, the whole country learned about your character, they told a friend, and you talked about yourself. What can you say . Yes . Difficult . How can you describe yourself as a simple russian person . Well, the most common one. Im usually not a hero. I am the simplest person, i specially came to visit our studio. Yes, what yes, what is this pavel and betashka . Pavel, tell us about yulia, what is her character . Birch with us, of course. Symbol symbol of what a real russian woman is a real russian woman, and you have some memories, some stories connected with yulia, yes, she is our hero. She once stood up for me. Hmm, we were in one of the clubs. So damn, there are enough of them big company. Eh, cheerful and as always, everyone comes out of the club to smoke, i go out and look. Theyre trying to arrange some kind of showdown there, or what . I dont know what he did there. I dont know, i stay, i look, i talk to him twice with the guy. Everything is calm, i think theyll come to an agreement now. Well, some third component person is a good fit. So hes hitting him. I immediately get into a fight, but there were already three of them, and i understand that the strength is not equal. Otherwise they started attacking me, which means there are some the fight has begun, we play with our eyes. I see some yulia rushing in from the club from the crowd and starts running around. Well, everyone came here and started kicking one another in the stomach with us, because we got caught. Of course it happened. Its hard for me to see such an interesting surprise. Tell me honestly, they expected her to do this, in principle, but the most interesting thing was, then when, as always. In russians, uh, after a good fight, we start apologizing to each other, uh, becoming friends, so one guy comes up and says. Listen, i understand everything, but that blonde of yours is, of course, fire. And now the story through the eyes of the blonde. I was sitting in the bushes then and also left the club. It was a good start, i was tired and wanted to breathe, when i heard something going on there, so i turned around. And there, well , about 15 meters, there was some kind of fight, and then i looked like this, and this is a cat, theyre beating them. Theyre beating ours. Pashka is lying on top of him. Well, in childhood. Well, damn it , you probably remember, well, they dont hit those lying down. Well, in general, well, how so . What else is there . Yes , just, well, thats it, she took it from me and fell. I run out and it turns out my legs, yes, my legs. Yes im still like that too. Oh, where are you getting into the head of someone who was sitting on him right off his feet, then i dont remember where i hit anyone, where then did that someone there who hit me, who sat me down . Yes, yes, thank you. I say questions questions, give me a hit. Im even closer, because, well, he probably doesnt hear, thats it. Just like that, in his face. I say i went, i hit questions. Im a woman who doesnt drink, so i turned around and walked away. Yeah, i say, but i beat men. Now heres a question for you. Were you surprised when you found out that julia is he going . Uh, of course, im probably surprised, but i found out about it. Um, when she was already there, i wished her a happy birthday. Uh, the page wrote to her in response, and i was in the donbass, here, of course, i was surprised, amazed, and delighted. Well, well, our correspondence did not continue. Well, as much as she could answer there. I periodically wonder how you are alive and well . Is everything okay, i still worry to this day, of course, in any case, after all. This is our birch thank you very much. Try not to get into trouble anymore. And if yuri is not around, you understand, thank you thank you, see you again. She didnt know and still doesnt know, i told her that i left for cotton wool, thats all. Calm down no. No, why . While i still met there the same crazy person as me, now i have another son , will you go, my soul is open to him, the man of the candle is not dangerous. In everyday life, the virus is not transmitted through a handshake, hugs and kisses. Find out more, but the speeder premieres on the russia channel at the time of the murder until 11 pm. And yet she wasnt even there. Well, as usual, she was very lucky. By the way, why me not invited to the question of life . As i understand it, you decided to get back in under the guise of a lawyer. I cant stay alone with him, i understand that i have to talk to him and explain it to him. I can handle it, and you have a choice of new episodes today at 21 20 on the channel, russia now at the bigfest and a choice of five favorite products at a very Competitive Price on september 18 in a tastier way. Fireworks will turn on the wave in the sound, we introduce, we believe that there is no bad or good song. Just like there is no bad or good music. Fireworks turn on the music for the party. Sound does not evaluate taste, but offers, to suit your taste, protofix cleansing tablets with active oxygen. This is gentle care for all types of dentures. German quality for excellent students , ask in city pharmacies on your mobile phone at any time for good luck at work. 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This will be a record on the verge of possibility. We are all with him because hes the only one this high, dont go higher. You ll just fall. Previously in the Program Hello how does a man react to you . Someone says, you have a core. Well, this is not surprising. Youre crazy. Someone is afraid to get involved, not surprising either. Do you have children . No, unfortunately, no, and well, it just so happened that you found your happiness. Yes, im where im supposed to be and i met a husband there whos just as crazy as me. So yes, i got married there, to the same doctor who advised me. First 2 days before me he came, and then i came, he is from moscow, he is also a volunteer. Yes, i went there. How did your family react to the fact that you were going on a special military operation . Well , my mother didnt know at that time and still doesnt know, still doesnt know, wait, they didnt somehow manage to hide it for me. I told her that i left on a shift yulia why siberia well, because shes old. I didnt want her to worry. She already takes everything very close to her heart and always watched the news from there. Shes just full of it, and then she knows that im there, well, as if it would be the same and they said that you went on a business trip and well, i have a contract for a shift, supposedly i went on a shift to siberia and feed you. Dont get involved, eat with your friends , they said that everyone is silent there, everyone knows everything, but everyone is silent, mom doesnt know, i already understand that a mothers heart. She senses it, i think that most likely, deep down in her soul, she guesses. Yes, there is some sign. Yes, it seems so to me, but even if she doesnt guess, i dont think that, well, now, at least, uh, i can explain to her and show her, thanks to your program, that everything is fine. Im kind of in the rear there. Everything is fine, mom. Everything is calm. Right. Lets watch a story about how your mother lives, come on, i miss you. Tatyana nikolaevna berezina, despite her years of active retirement, is renovating a private house , growing a vegetable garden, growing decorative flowers, and lives in the samara region. Children alone are far away; meetings with them are rare, but despite the distance, the daughter tries to provide her mother with everything she needs, if they didnt care, i couldnt live alone, everything is taken care of. Children take care daughter. Well, i got sick in the winter this year. She immediately came to the hospital and got me settled after the hospital. There is no sanara, when my daughter lived in samara she came and took me around, but now she works very far away. Tatyana nikolaevna is sure. Now the daughter works as a cook at the neftyaniki base, so rare meetings with facts are released. Reluctantly, and even for a few days, the supply there is on her ; she doesnt tell them about her work. Some kind of tyumen region, through moscow , they set up a closed one. So something they dont have such a free vacation; they need to go back urgently for a few days. Its hard for yulia, mother, of course. Thats all the time to hide. Here s to inventing something. I know, even when i visited her, maybe subconsciously i never changed my clothes. I came straight to the forum. Well, right in uniform, or something, they came when she understood everything, which means she thinks she was asking, what does she think it is, who is it, well, camouflage. Well, already in the forest somewhere there, thats why they wear such camouflage. I thought we would ask questions when we were with her arrived at the hospital. Here i am for another snack, when for a couple of days, yes. In march, in my opinion, it was pepper, and in kind. I took her to the district clinic there for examination. But i have nothing but a uniform. No. Im right in shape here is a car, especially since they let participants in there without a queue, as if its also a plus, as if you dont have to sit with your grandmother, it seems to me or youre just subconsciously. Thats what they were trying to do. Now, no matter how much there is never a word, well, so that she can see yes and so we go in with her, and there one of the doctors is a man. Im helping her put on shoe covers there, doctor this is what it looks like oh, what are our military doing here . I look at my mother like that, i think, well, now ill start asking questions. Im here for him. Oh, yulia it seems to me that she knows everything, he looked at me, and moved on. Mom didnt seem to hear. Well, of course, as if allegedly, as if well, i dont know, maybe i really didnt hear, even a couple of times it was like we were sitting talking. Mom, i m my aunt, well, her niece and something in the conversation. Im telling, i say, yes, thats the donetsk voice. No, my friend told me. What do you think . Guess . Yes, most likely. Yes, well, because he really has so many of them, all of these moments, what to understand. Well, thats it, you re ready to break down all these moments. Of course, i will do all this. And i will definitely do it. Everyone decided to tell her after all. Yes, well, this was not due to one factor related to zhenyas mother when they started writing to her there. From khokhly hello ekaterina, i am the colonel of such and such a platoon. Your son died. Well , excuse me, but she contacted me right away , understand . The fact that all this is a lie, and so am i i understand that if god forbid, Something Like this comes to my mother, and its unknown what telephone numbers they know, but this is why i need to tell and explain to her what to believe in, what she doesnt believe in, dear viewers, i ask for your attention. Julia birch. She came to us in moscow from the front. Her mother is now also in moscow ; she came for a medical examination in the samara region. They havent seen it yet. Mom does not know that her daughter has been serving in a combat zone for more than a year and a half. Now we ll call mom to yuls studio. Youre ready, Tatyana Nikolaevna, please come in. Well hello. Lets go, thats it, please, youve arrived. Are you feeling okay . Everything is fine. Everything continues for me. I still ask. I keep thinking that you what a surprise from you to me often what a surprise, i didnt work in the north for these one and a half years, but all this time i was in the donbass well, i thought so, i said it, i guessed it, i felt it. Although i said it was somewhere there, well, i felt like a womans heart, a mothers heart. I expected you to be ready for this information. You know . How did you feel . Yes yes im like this. We now admitted that i lived with it until the ram or later. She does this and admits that she always prayed to god that everything was fine, it was fine, it was fine. It is very important for us that they are there for us for us. Yes, and why didnt we ever discuss with yulia the fact that she serves , but she doesnt want to, and i, as it were, was left with some kind of hope maybe after all, she really is somewhere in the tyumen region. And its also more peaceful. Well, she came in military uniform. You probably guessed that its not just that theyre going there they walk around the clinic and they look at her. Yes, what do we have yes, yes, yes, yes, the form i received shows everything, again i look at this whole form , which works, yes gradually yes , psychotherapy is correct, this is how you feel about the fact that your child went to fight for the motherland. Although it is very difficult. I have to think about everything, but i have to. But she has always been my support since childhood. Everything is different , everything is helping, well, now she knows that this is also helping the motherland, Everyone Wants to see. How does your yulia live on the front lines here on screen now look, well, attention to the screen is moving and, accordingly, we are moving with it. We occupy different settlements and settle in all the empty houses. Our house, which we took with the permission of the administration, of course, has been standing for 4 years. As they explained to us, what clothes i take when i go, lets say positions where shelling is quite active. And here well, this is an opinion, a warehouse. We have canned water. Here is this backpack in case of various things, if anything happens, everything is here. That is, everyone should have it, accordingly here. Patrons, lets go show you how we live, that is, on the left. By the way, remember the fake news that soldiers come and steal all sorts of different toilets and so on and so forth. Here we ourselves and quite a few people installed a bathtub, installed a shower, bought a water heater, that is, we did all this in sochi, of course, we wont do any repairs. Well, at least to wash , thats all, then it will stay here, so here we have the end on the right, who shouldnt go through here here im cooking we also brought water here to the kitchen so that we could. We have been wanting to connect this whole washing machine to a working refrigerator plus for a long time. Homemade smoked ribs today there will be smoked pea soup, they supply us with iron cans of readymade pea soup. Well, you can eat it like that, of course. Eh, here. Well, i want to please the guys somehow. Well, the other day i was cooking stuffed peppers thats all thats left. Well, its like we live in my little room, its as if you can immediately see the contrast , here we are, womens things, without which i cant put them in the oven, theyre going nowhere, heres something from civilian, when i need a personal suit somewhere in the city in civilian clothes. Here s a trophy one right there next to a machine gun, of course, again, all sorts of gene things , without which a girl would probably be a girl in war. Tatyana nikolaevna why mom . Thanks this is thanks to you. Well, will you stop . You cant swim. Thank you for the meeting, maybe they wouldnt have let her go like that , thanks to your program, i saw her. And so she also organized it for me. This is the examination. Thats all she always is. Tatyana nikolaevna, how do you like what you saw on the screen . Well that its such a necessity that once Something Like this happens, you have to go through it. Here is my my well done i am proud and proud of her action. And even because she tried to take care of me. Here i am, so that i can quietly think about it myself. We came here and prepared ourselves. Thats all at once. She is even grateful for this , that she carries such care. She prepares you for everything. Yes, she told you that she got married. She didnt immediately, that is, you know. What, she told you that mom dont worry about me . I have who to protect. I have a fraction. Well, i was calm in this regard, i think, well, thank god, then everything was revealed, my husband works. Well, she said that the military medical worker is everything, and you are unfamiliar with this yes, with your man. Do you want to meet . I want evgeniy to come in, please thank you thank you for protecting my daughter there , protecting her closer here. Oh, how good it is that all of you people, since he is an active serviceman, he must cover his face, thats why he is wearing a balaklava Tatyana Nikolaevna but between us. How should you take it . Take 100 normally it will suit your liking and is stuffed with everything at once. I said, the second son is not in vain, how he will treat me, but i am for his second son. My son is very attentive and sensitive, i love my son very much. Now i have another crush. So if he allows me to love and respect my son just like my son, my soul is open to him, see below. In general, in principle, we carry out tasks so that women do not know what war is. I have met. Just like in a photograph, i looked at everything, and then when she arrived, it was as if she had come to me from the phone. Come on, well arrange a wedding for you. We even invited our guests to live happily ever after. Find out more, but at the speeder, people of singers in the fall believe that you have opened the page of hundreds in our fifth anniversary experts are set to the maximum. Well, its crazy, its really crazy, it was all here at 21 30 on the channel, russia, whats the password here . 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Chess, sending a child into the future, it is important to give him the most necessary growth points quanturiums modern knowledge on the latest equipment, even in the most remote corners of russia National Projects. Rf. Our project is education. Download the megamarket application and buy with discounts, for example , facial serum from aikinsky for only 999 rubles. Megamarket the right choice for millions of women one tablet in the morning two components three actions protects blood vessels reduces capillary fragility increases the tone of hungarians, just like one two three. They unanimously say that i was born weak, its time to tell the whole truth. Malakhov today in 16 30 on the russia channel hello, i miss you. So, are you looking at me like im a ghost . Well , the premiere on the russia investigation channel. Well have to start from the very beginning. What are your thoughts . I have other plans, the head of the wretched group also started thinking about things. No, shes very good. He simply offered to move in with him. You no, i have no idea. What to do with new episodes. Today on the russia channel. How did this happen . How did you celebrate events, so to speak, without leaving the Cash Register . I mean, the refusal is in the Registry Office or what . Or where . What city is this in . This is some kind of Military Building on the territory not far from donetsk yeah , i think we havent had one for a month. Thats why it had to happen the next day. Actually carry out the tasks and the only thing is that this day i gave us a rest and dressed up a loaf for the place of the limousine. And they set off on bukhanka. Yes , the story of your acquaintance is so elegant. Yuli told us. But its interesting to hear from you that a woman is going to perform medical tasks. We talked to her a little. In general, i fooled her. She wanted to pull out exactly at the front, uh wounded military personnel. Yes, yes, well, we succeeded. In the end, convince her and plunge her into more, so to speak, highlevel work, as you convinced her. Why cant she go there . She was literally eager to go there. You know the whole story of how she got there. Yes, there were such difficulties, because they didnt want to take her in different ways, starting with, well, arguments, what kind of but in general i think that this woman doesnt belong there, and i talked about this constantly and always asked her to leave. Now, and even after the wedding. Well, this is the main argument. Well, well, the womens Medical Clinic is a place, thats also no, too no, a woman at war. This is an isolated case, firstly, physical form. Well, it must still be male, so lets say his masculature and psyche. In general, we are doing it in principle. The task is to ensure that the woman does not know what war is, this is one of the most important criteria, so that the woman and children live in peace. We talked. E. As a result, she managed to redirect her zeal, so to speak, a little bit of other tasks, that is, when this first feeling of tenderness appeared, that you want to protect and protect this woman. A well, when did she Start Talking about how im now youre going to coach me up a little, youre telling me there. Well, whats what and ill go and in the process. Thats what this dialogue with her is all about. I realized that its not necessary, i probably still need it, and thats where it arose. This is electricity. And yes, magic happened medical magic. Well, julia, but you believed it. You have submitted to men, yes . Well, how can you not submit like that . If only they were happy, and that everything would be fine, everything would be fine, of course, fine. Everything will be so hopeful , we live, yes Tatyana Nikolaevna well, soninlaw met, but want to meet his mother. Well, of course, Ekaterina Vladimirovna, please come in , hello Ekaterina Vladimirovna to treat my daughter the same way, so that they can get along, if they get along with each other, we will be fine, so lets meet our children halfway so that everything will be fine for them Ekaterina Vladimirovna this is your reaction when you found out that your son found himself a bride on the front line. Well, the reaction was absolutely normal. Because i love my son and know him very well. If he chose, so its necessary, it means everything will be okay. And you got along with yulia right away. Well, first of all, i introduced her to her, i also met her on social networks. Just like in the photographs, i looked at everything. And then, when she arrived, it was as if she had come to me from the phone. It s the same as there and everything was good right away, of course. Well, she was probably supposed to be my husbands wife. Oh, my sons sons husband , freud, your sons wife. Well, i see how he treats her. I see how he looks at her. I see how much he cares. And this the most important thing is that i know that you can tell by his eyes, whether he likes or doesnt like Ekaterina Vladimirovna at the wedding. You wouldnt really like it either, well, it wasnt. Well, maybe we can somehow help do this . Come on, well arrange a wedding for you. We even invited surprise guests to go for a walk, in the end, surprises and miracles continue with two olga and alena, alenas girlfriends, whom we saw in the story in the studio. Yes, here they are, yes yes yes, yes yes no, relatives. Hello , im already used to it, but maybe you still want to mom slowly got used to the idea and guessed, maybe the hint was everything for me, she knows that you are like that. Well, you were worried. I subconsciously arrived in uniform so as not to say anything myself. Let her guess, mom prepared it this way. I also think that we are now happy with me, what should she do where she says to listen somewhere else . Hows that for a surprise . Yes, in general, its amazing, and after all, not one of them spilled the beans, theyre ready to celebrate the wedding fully, after all, only for the bridesmaids already here our Program Gives our you need a deposit, and to one of the moscow restaurants where you can solemnly celebrate today . This is great. I would say this is a historical event in your and our lives now. Thank you very much, advice and love and gorky women like ours, everything will be fine with us, but for today thats all. Watch new stories about ours from mondays and thursdays on the russia tv channel. See you later. The Information Service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air you are watching. 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