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Gentlemen, comrades, hello, your Favorite Program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things. Lets start with the main political zigzag of the day. Macron officially invited russia to celebrate outside the eightieth anniversary of the allied landing of normandy. The events will take place on june 6, as figorov clarifies, france invites the russian delegation to the eightieth anniversary, but not putin. At the same time , the celebration itself is held at the chapter level. I remember, these are 27 million lives of soviet citizens, no landing would simply have happened in any normandy, and normandy itself and france would not exist now. Moreover, the ussr is a direct participant in this operation. Our marshals and diplomats moved entire armies, to make this landing possible, they planned it together with the allies. Our soviet admiral, nikolai kharlamov. On the spot, he observed the advance from the british cruiser mavrit and reported the insertion. The french are well aware of this. Nevertheless, it is still a sensation. And unlike, for example, the poles, the french still have a historical memory. Let me remind you that last year warsaw did not invite russia to the anniversary of aswentzens liberation. But the poles, apparently, have some kind of zoological hatred of russia and the russians. More. Stubbornly and selflessly continues to cancel everything connected with russia and the soviet union. As for the invitation to normandy, we can recall that exactly 8 years ago , at the event marking the seventieth anniversary of the opening of the second front, the first meeting between putin and poroshenko took place. It is from there that the socalled normandy format comes, in fact, the beginning of the grandiose deception of russia. We bought it then, but, as putin said, we will no longer trust the west, like macrons sudden peacemaking attempts, which had recently threatened send your troops to ukraine. In general, history has one curious property it is cyclical, always repeating itself. Elysee palace, the invitation will be sent to the Diplomatic Mission of moscow in france. Despite the geopolitical situation, it is difficult to completely do without presence. Russia, although the ussr was not directly involved in the june 6 landings, it made it possible, paying the highest price during world war ii, almost 27 million soviet citizens died fighting germany. Early on the morning of june 6, 1944, an armada of almost 7,000 ships, protected by 10 thousand aircraft , approached the shores of normandy, carrying 150,000 soldiers. Allies ready to land, the assault began at 6 30. The allies achieved success, what the germans called a utopia. The temporary bridge structure , large enough for the landing of equipment and means of the mechanized army, was towed in parts. The battle of normandy begins. It would take the allies 3 months to win, with almost 140,000 dead on both sides. Less than a year later, from may 7 1945 nazi Russian Federation, is there a place in normandy . Listen, i may surprise you and your editors, who know me and know that i am not friends with the kremlin. But yes, i find it completely normal, why . Because first it must be recalled that it is not the russian government that is invited, but the country of russia, since russia is one of the victorious states, and it has always been invited to these fiveyear anniversaries, since it is the successor state of the soviet union, in other words, it carries the legacy soviet union. I think that this is completely normal; the fact that russia will be represented seems normal to me. Ukrainians might consider it dubious, but to me it seems normal. Frankly speaking, Vladimir Zelensky should not discuss the choice made from the point of view of historical memory; this is not an olympics, but a historical event. There are confirmed historical facts. The soviet union was one of the victors in the fight against nazism and russia was the successor state. We wont know anything more, madam ambassador confirmed only that American Veterans will also be present at the ceremony, most of them will arrive on board a special aircraft. Now to where the ideological followers of the third reich, which was destroyed by the red army in ukraine, are being destroyed. The russian Army Launched a missile strike on chernigov in the morning, the missiles flew straight to the target, the trade union hotel on shevchenko street in the northeastern part of the city. Initially, civilian objects were used for military purposes. The hotel has been closed for a long time; according to preliminary data, the buildings were location of personnel of the fifth separate Communications Regiment of the Ukrainian Armed forces. The footage published by the Ukrainian Rescue Service Shows that the destroyed hotel contains army bunk beds. Why do hotels have bunk beds . And assistance is provided to people in camouflage uniforms. A wounded man in military uniform in a video published by the Patrol Police of the chernihiv region. Igor maseychuk. Official kiev is trying to deny this and tells tales that evil russians allegedly attacked a social infrastructure facility, not a location at all militants. Zelensky lies on social networks that the attack was on a civilian target, cries that it would not have taken place if the kiev regime had enough air Defense Systems and accuses the whole world, except himself, of insufficient desire to confront russia. At the same time, he accompanied the post with photographs in which doctors are also helping a person in camouflage, several more people in the photo are blurred out, they are not visible. Apparently the militants escaped with injuries from three missile strikes. Three missile strikes, iskandertype missiles struck in the center of chernigov, they hit the Hotel Complex in the center of the city, where the military were quartered, many were killed, even more wounded, unfortunately, there are military personnel, unfortunately, this is in an eightstory building, which the authorities announced a Hotel Complex in the center of chernigov, many were injured. This is already impressive footage of the Ukrainian Armed forces assault positions in krasnogorovka in the video of a russian tank, which is popularly nicknamed the battleship or turtle and passes under Hurricane Fire from artillery and the Ukrainian Armed forces, including the use of cluster munitions and fpv and drones, but a design that. And now they will never do it again. Throughout the last week, the enemy tried to drive our troops out of krasnogorovka, but the attempts were repulsed. Ukrainian sources report the entry of Russian Troops into ocheretino. And this is chasov yard. Before the assault on the city, frontline aviation literally dismantles the reinforced positions in the ssu with powerful airstrikes. Bbc propagandists were allowed into the raid with combat medics from the twenty eighth mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed forces. The goal is clear. Show the west a catastrophic picture in the ranks of ukrainian troops in donbass. The evacuation of the dead and wounded takes place exclusively at night; during the day this cannot be done due to the swarm of russian drones, of all types fpv, lancets, and other vehicles. This footage shows the defeat of yet another french caesar by the lancet strike of the fortieth brigade of russian marines in the volnovak direction. And this is the seversk direction and the lancets of the 106th airborne division. Which in turn hit four strela10 air Defense Systems of the Ukrainian Armed forces. The british admit that uavs have become a key weapon in the war in ukraine, and they only became aware of them in the third year of the war. And if earlier the advantage was on the side of the Ukrainian Armed forces, but now everything is exactly the opposite. The russian army is superior to the Ukrainian Armored forces in literally everything, including yavets artillery. Artillery, they also actively use Cruise Missiles of various types, only in the amount of ammunition for Missile Systems and in the First Quarter of this year, according to official data, russia used about 400 Cruise Missiles along the entire front line, the avdi direction daily bombards the positions and rear of the armed forces of ukraine with its new guided missiles air bombs. Schools say that when there is an attack by factories, you can hear everything, the ground shakes, such a mushroom rises, well, about 70 meters, you can hear it loudly when it flies, oh, damn, you can hear it there, well, im like an airplane, the sound is such, such a sound is not good, nasty, cutting. Every night, despite the weather, military doctors from the twentyeighth mechanized brigade rush into the darkness, they go to pick up Wounded Ukrainian soldiers, i work in a team for the evacuation of the wounded and take Wounded Soldiers to a stabilization point for further treatment, it often happens that its already too late, who is 200, the boys have already reached 200, people die every day, this is already bad, but how many more die in winter due to weather conditions . Heavily damaged, apparently intact, apparently intact, apparently intact, Something Like that, yes, it was torn apart by some shrapnel, yes, they dropped a grenade on us, grenades, we dropped them from drones, they became the key weapon of this war, yes, they dropped two grenades, one for me on the leg, the second on the head, the centerless weapon not only kills, but also maims, so the wounds mainly remain from bullet wounds, charapnel and fragments explosives, anything gets stuck in them, earth, stones, glass, you have to take risks even during the day. Medics meet the wounded at the evacuation point. Ukraine does not publish the actual number of dead and wounded, but this war has claimed a huge number of lives. Some guys have a rather specific sense of humor. Some say it is better to be killed than to remain disabled. Lying down, come on, climb out, boys, climb out, climb out and the lying one. Is yours broken . Here and there, you can do it carefully, okay . From a cemetery in the vicinity of kyiv, us accompanies yaroslav at the front ; five of his closest friends have already died; at every step we come across fresh graves. Mostly unknown soldiers lie in this part of the cemetery; no one knows how they died. The numbers are simply written on the signs, number 632, number 642. Yes, there are a lot of unknown soldiers lying in the graves here, these are just soldiers, from whose bodies only fragments remain. Russia shaigu was shown today more than thirty promising samples of military equipment from eighteen enterprises at once, including multipurpose transport robots, designed, in particular, for evacuating the wounded from the battlefield. Shaiguu ordered to speed up the production of such vehicles as soon as possible and send them to the front to ensure the evacuation of the wounded from the front line. The minister of defense also got behind the wheel of a new special forces vehicle and checked its driving performance. This machine has become it can use a total weight of 2500 , equipped with personnel, everything can be launched without any need to imagine the line of exactly the transport vehicle they are waiting for in general. We need such a machine as quickly as possible, as as much as possible, today we need to ensure the evacuation of the wounded from the front line, do it as safely as possible, as quickly as possible, you know, maybe we should look at making folding clamps, if we take it and make it like an assault one, we need to insert 12. 7 here for storms, yes, for storms, you know, then we have assault troops. Approval of aid to ukraine in the us congress may not take place this week, bloomberg just reported , citing Republican Party leaders. In addition, in the near future it may speaker of Congress Johnson be impeached. Right now johnson is being called upon to resign voluntarily, and his comrades mergeri and Taylor Greene were joined today by another congressman, thomas massey. Johnson is still refusing, he says he cant leave, because it wont help the United States, you wont believe it in ukraine, now they are also praying that johnson doesnt leave, because if the speaker leaves his post voluntarily, it will mean that the house of representatives will be plunged into chaos for an indefinite period chaos with the choice of a new speaker, and 60 billion to ukraine they definitely wont hand it over, so we can say this, johnson, go away yourself, another thing is clear, the money is not for ikeev today. Tomorrow they will still allocate, perhaps less than zelensky would like, but they will allocate, because the republicans and democrats have the same goal, to weaken our country, europe continues to prepare for war with moscow, right now on the borders, in particular in lithuania, infrastructure for nato troops is being created. Today, in the lithuanian town of siauliai, the alliance has set up a new base for itself 30 years ago , soviet troops were stationed there, the base is already in siauliai. A similar facility that has been commissioned since the beginning of the year. Reports that each military camp has the infrastructure to accommodate one nato battalion. The First Battalion will leave for lithuania very soon. The bundeswehr, like 80 years ago, moved its tanks to the east. The only difference is that instead of panthers and tigers, germany is transporting leopards. Even in germany, in popular language for children, they explain the essence of nato expansion. These Video Tutorials are made by the same company. What created a masterpiece about talking european taurus rockets, which would really like to quickly end up in ukraine. So, explaining the basics of geopolitics to the german kinder, the artists depicted how Alliance Allies greet each other across the ocean, but for some reason the greeting is very reminiscent of, look, the roman salute from heart to sun, which was used by both the third reich and fascist italy, now used by the nazis. Who will protect europe . The question is complex, but in any case, one of the defenders will be tankers from bavaria, as part of a nato battle group, who were transferred to lithuania. If one of the nato countries is attacked, the armed forces of the alliance will require well established logistics, that is, the transfer of equipment and units of various countries should be perfectly coordinated, and the borders of the allied states should not become an obstacle for it. The military will also have to use civilian infrastructure. Right now, in bavarian oberfalz , german leopards are being loaded onto the companys train. The most difficult thing for me is to do as much as possible. Now you can get into a truck in poland, drive it to portugal, and not a single they wont stop you at the border, but the military wont be able to ride like that. When i was commander, i stationed several units in poland and the baltic countries, and suddenly i noticed that the combat effectiveness of my helicopter units began to decline, there were fewer and fewer helicopters in working condition, i asked the commander of the air force in ansboch why no one repairs. Sir, we cant deliver spare parts from ansbach to lithuania, it takes several weeks, to which i just gasp, lord, how am i was you naive then . Tankman tomm very carefully drives onto the platform on his leopard. Successfully transporting tanks from germany to lithuania requires experience and training. Each tank battalion of the german bundosfer always carries its own tanks for operations in the baltic states. We train every day, wherever we are, this transfer is very large. An extraordinary informal summit of the European Union is about to begin in brussels. Nominally , the competitiveness of the economy and the industrial policy of the eu will be discussed. In practice focusing on pressing Foreign Policy issues. Look, this is how the situation looks through the eyes of politico. Headline ukraine is burning, brussels is thinking about the middle east. The publication notes that europeans want to focus specifically on the conflict between iran and israel, but they can only do so. A conference of national conservatives, but here the european holy democracy intervened. The first two venues refused to hold events due to pressure from local authorities; in the end, the organizers somehow found a place there, but here they intervened belgian police, who were sent there by the head of the municipality of st. Josten naude, emir kier. French politician eric zemore accuses cyrus of using the police as a personal militia. The ideologist of brexit, nigel farage, said that he already knew perfectly well that he was not expected in brissel, but the current Hungarian Prime Minister orban, who was supposed to come to a press conference on another day, flew into a rage. He wrote that, apparently, the eu can no longer tolerate freedom of speech, and warned that it cannot be silenced with the help of the police. In the evening orban decided that he had not finished his sentence and published a video with an appeal on twitter. To the current leaders of the European Union to resign, they say they have failed absolutely all projects the green transition, Sustainable Development policy, migration, military sanctions. Policy, and now europe needs new leaders, support, four attempts, and they are still being hindered to hold events, forage and conservative politicians from across europe today found themselves in the doghouse of the brussels police. As we speak, the Business Owner received a call from the local mayor who called the police to close this conference, they even talked to gastronomic contractors. But dont make a joke out of it, because they told the owner of this place, who believes in free speech, that if he continues this conference, they will make sure that he goes out of business, his wife is being threatened, thats what were faced with, we oppose evil ideology. Are using the petition as a private formation to prevent the french and europeans from communicating freely. Belgium was once a free country, where victor hugo welcomed into exile. I see that today this country is between sharia and dictatorship. This is a sad fate for this beautiful one. The entire conference was beset by problems from the start, with the two venues where it was to be held ultimately pulling out at the last minute because the mayor of brussels, who is a socialist, did not want the event to take place. Finally, the organizers found a venue that was willing to host them, but then, just as they were gathered inside, the belgian mayor ordered the police to close the event, he said it raised concerns about public order, he said that. There werent many of them and it was a big event, so they called for reinforcements. Literally now, while im talking to you, the police are standing outside the door, no one else is allowed in, three more Police Officers are standing over there. Daker carlson continues his pursuit of russian exclusives, this time he interviewed the creator of social networks vkontakte and Telegram Messenger pavel durov. Durovs first interview in video format in 7 years. Its about so much important and sensitive things for russia and the world, that even the kremlin promised that they would definitely watch the conversation by the evening. It turns out that behind the russian. Apple and google are forcing them to remove content they do not like, threatening to remove telegram from their stores, and the Us Government is also not giving rest. We werent surprised, i must admit that they were taller than me, there were three of them, but i think i gave them decent resistance. Were you surprised that this happened in San Francisco . Yes, definitely, it was a shock for me, i traveled a lot. This is the first place where i was attacked. There is a second part that is probably more disturbing. In the us we attracted too much attention from the Fbi Security Services whenever we came. Let me give you an example the last time i was in the us, i took an engineer with me who works for telegram, and there was an attempt to secretly recruit my engineer behind my back by cybersecurity officers or agents, as they are called there, the Us Government wanted to recruit your engineer , it is mine understanding, so he told me, in order to write code for them or to hack telegram, they were interested in knowing which open source libraries. Not the best environment to work in. But the biggest pressure on telegram comes not from governments, but from apple and google, so when it comes to freedom of speech, these two platforms can censor everything you can read on your smartphones. That is, we are talking about the risk that you may be thrown out of their stores. Thats right, they make it very clear that if we dont comply guidelines, as they call it, telegram can be removed from stores. Written on cards with cheat sheets of the american president , not only specific phrases are indicated there, almost syllable by syllable, but even pauses in which biden needs to remain silent, this man, according to the head of the Us Department of justice, garland, does not have any deviations that prevent him from skillfully solve both internal and external problems of the state. The main domestic problem for biden, of course, is trump, so the judicial pressure on him continues unabated on. A bribe porn actress storm daniel. The trial is expected to last about 2 months. This is the case if a jury can be formed. So far only half have been recruited; the rest have been accused of being unbiased. At the same time, the judge himself is clearly playing for team biden. He threatened the former president with sanctions and legal action for. You wont believe it, he muttered too loudly in the courtroom, that is, the white house and biden are doing everything so that instead of the election campaign, trump is engaged in litigation, but donalds wife milania is completely on his side. From the very beginning, she believes that this process is unfair and completely politicized, and intends to support her husband to the end. Well done right now i have to be in pennsylvania, then in florida and in many other states, in north carolina, in georgia, i have to campaign there as part of my campaign, everything that is happening is the work of the white house, biden, this guy cant string two sentences together , he cant promote his reelection campaign, so they use it to try win the elections. Former President Donald Trump is back in court for the second day of his trial. At the same time, trump smiled at the guy who said that he had read some of his books, but the judge reproached the former president for muttering loudly while the judge spoke and added that he would not tolerate such behavior. As i walked into the jury room, i heard one of the staff Say Something about it being an unusual day. And then i wondered if we were given the same hearing . Yes, when we we entered the Conference Room and saw him, that was the moment when i realized that this was exactly the same hearing. Did he try to contact you . Yes, and how it is, its strange. He is such a colossal public figure whom you have already known for ten years. Many followed his Business Career even more. But at the same time, you walk into the meeting room, you see trump sitting in it, and ive never seen him before. And you understand that this is an ordinary person. Donald trump is being held accountable by the same multicultural, multiracial democracy that which he is trying to destroy. Can only exist in their information bubbles, the only reason being their obsession with donald trump. In fact, it prevents them from understanding that its not donald trump whos really on trial here, its our democracy. The former president spoke to reporters, he said that this trial should never have taken place, any lawyer would call it a disgrace. Like the former president , milania trump believes that this is an unfair trial, at least the New York Times writes about this after the publication i talked to several people familiar with her opinion. Back in 2018, as the Stormy Daniels scandal broke, donald trump called his former aide Stephanie Grisham from the president ial jet to discuss milan. Milania is the only person he can listen to when deciding whether to speak in court. The democrats are trying to knock trump out of the game, they are burdening him with sham trials, while at the same time his main opponent is gaining a colossal advantage. Now on the left side of the screen you see joe biden, who is campaigning in pennsylvania, on the right is donald trump, who spent the entire day fighting not to go to jail. During the meeting, the president repeatedly used prompts, while the iraqi Prime Minister did not rely on any pieces of paper with notes when making brief remarks following biden. We want to take you into the real daily life of our supreme commander. For this we chose a day that was absolutely waning. So, the president met with the Prime Minister japan. Even by joe bidens standards, he was asked a simple question and couldnt answer it. Question on abortion sir what would you say to the people of arizona as they try to pass a law that will take us back to the civil war, pick me, im in the 20th, 20th century, 21st century, not in the past, theyre not even werent a state then, thank you, i just want to remind you that the man standing next to biden is the Prime Minister of japan and he doesnt speak english. From russia, but as financial now reports times, plans changed the other day, the bank posted more than 2,400 vacancies throughout russia, nothing personal, just profit. Bloomberg reports that russian seaborne Oil Exports Rose to an elevenmonth high in the second week of april, with shipments from all major ports approaching peak levels. Russophobes from lithuania. But vilnius again began to buy grain from russia, although vilnius demanded to ban its import. It turned out that back in february of this year, lithuania resumed purchases of russian grain after a sixmonth break. In march the country became initiator of the demand to ban the import of these products into the eu. The transit of our grain through latvia has also increased. Humiliating for the west, they say. Russia will grow faster than other developed economies of the world; moreover, the imf is raising its forecast for russias gdp growth in 24. This year to 3. 2. According to imf forecasts, by the end of the twentyfifth year, the overall inflation rate will decline to 2. 4 . In 24, inflation will remain at 2. 8. The american conservative writes that antirussian sanctions have become a death sentence for us Foreign Policy. Russian resilience economics never ceases to amaze. They say it has not worked and will not work to force russia to become accommodating again and to comply with the demands of the west. The bbc reports that putin has become even more powerful. Western sanctions have failed to weaken the russian economy. A turn to the east and parallel trade with neighboring countries helped moscow calmly survive all the costs. Do you remember how they talked about the coming beauty of the russian economy . Today. Wage an illegal war in europe, but the russian economy survived. Assets were frozen, more than a thousand companies were laid off their activities or completely left russia as part of the sanctions, but russia is a large country with a lot of resources. Economists were surprised when the russian. Economy began to grow faster than the g7 countries the year after the invasion of ukraine. The countrys gdp has returned to prewar levels and inflation, which worries everyone so much, has also stabilized. Russia today is transforming into a wartime economy. But how is this possible . What is a war economy . This is when a country at war has a higher the need for military equipment, from boots and backpacks to tanks and ammunition. So moscow has reorganized its. Russia is pouring money and resources into its military efforts to produce more of what it needs on the battlefield. Russias gdp is growing, with the imf forecasting growth of more than 2. 6 in 2024, double the same figure a year ago. Traditionally finances a significant part of the countrys budget, while it was calculated that a sufficient amount of oil would remain on world markets, a restriction was introduced in 60 per barrel was the lowest market price at that time. Moscow hit back by creating a socalled shadow fleet of tankers, which in most cases are not subject to sanctions, which only increased sales of russian oil. Total russian fossil oil exports have fallen compared to prewar levels, despite moscows efforts. Managed to overcome the mystical sanctions, since the decline appears to have been stopped and the russian economy is now in a more stable position, something similar is happening from the general trade that are associated with the west. Therefore, russia began to turn more often to other countries, especially india and china. The Central Bank Says last years import figures have risen to 2021 levels , thanks to new partners from other regions. Large economies such as china, india and brazil. Such as grain, neighboring countries are helping russia circumvent the sanctions of the largest buyers in the European Union. Natural gas and nuclear fuel were not subject to sanctions. The practice of parallel trade means that these countries import thousands of western goods, including iphones, bmw cars and even in a can of cocacola, however, they are sold in russia at inflated prices. Ultimately, the sanctions are not felt by the russian population, so the russian economy, under sanctions, is functioning quite well. Yes, oh my god, there is cocacola in russia, can you imagine, western journalists found out. Yes, who drinks it . Except for one of our editors. The news is urgent. An explosion occurred at a plant producing components for british ammunition. Bae systems, wales. The telegraph just reported with reference to a Company Representative that the explosion supposedly occurred inside a building on the territory of the plant. He told the truth further, this will put an end to the hegemony of the west, we will have no one to blame for this but ourselves. Why, when they retire, do they begin to see the light . The question is rhetorical. Lets move to the front, military correspondent vladimir razin is in direct contact with us. Vladimir, hello, there are a lot of events now on the boevo line with touch is happening, but many people were impressed by the picture with our turtle tank. Yes the invention is the simplest, yes, as they say, in war all means are good, so additional means of protection, armored vehicles, personnel are constantly being improved, constantly uh, constantly used, and this is just another example, yes, why, because again , yes, on the enemy side there is a really large number of drones, that is, artillery for a tank, well, it is certainly terrible, yes, but the tank is a maneuverable target, so its constantly. Is on the move and it is somehow difficult for artillery to hit it, not to mention fpv drones, yes, which can bring their drone right up to the tank itself, so yes, this is really such, lets say, protection, in parallel with this, reps means work on the tank, they are installed, that is, the more protection, the better, so i repeat, in war all means are good, so our guys use everything that they adopt from. Being on the line of contact they use these in assaults, they use it enough successfully, i would also like to add today literally a few hours ago we returned from krasnogorovsky from the same direction, worked there with the guys, with our fighters, yesterday was not another tank in this direction, 72 or 64 were knocked out, by the way, the enemy has absolutely nothing additionally covered it not. Was, uh, they started asking, communicating, yes, that is, why is this happening, because at the last time a large amount of equipment, which is knocked out by our fivishniki, among other things, is not additionally protected, and well, one way or another we came to conclusion to such a thing that this is happening because new personnel are coming in, new forces, new reserves are constantly being transferred, especially on the hot sectors of the front, these forces are absolutely unprepared, they do not understand that. On the front sector, they do not understand how with nothing to counteract, in fact, thats why they continue to suffer quite serious losses, both in personnel and in equipment. Today we saw how minister barona shaigu inspected samples of equipment, robotic ones , which are mainly so in demand, so necessary on the front of evacuation robots, including, we have seen that already in single copies, or not in single copies, you tell us, robots with installations appear. Gs, yes, robotic. Eh, to what extent is all this included, so to speak, in the combat arsenals of our fighters, this robotization is slowly appearing on the ground, because we see that drones have long dominated in the sky, on earth, when will this revolution take place . Well, for now lets say that there will be a revolution any day now and the front line will be occupied by robots, yes, which will. Perform tasks, uh, operators will its too early to sit in shelters, but indeed tests are underway on all sectors of the front, tests are underway, work is underway in the avdeevka direction, uh, about a month ago we. Already saw several such units that came out from our side and supported our attack aircraft, indeed this is a very good help for the assault group, when, lets say, this robot can go to the direction and lets use its fire to distract some enemy firing point to which the infantry, lets say, cannot get close, and accordingly, on the other hand infantry comes in from the sides and accordingly takes the opornik, plus indeed at moments of evacuation at moments. Delivery of ammunition, well, there are places at the time of the assault, yes, when our guys, for example, jump there either into a trench or into a building that was just behind the enemy, the road has simply not yet been broken, not broken by sappers, uh, from all sides it can be shot through, yes, but one way or another , provisions, ammunition, the guys need to be delivered there, and this is now done very often with the help of copters, that is, they are here too come to the rescue not only as means of destruction of reconnaissance weapons. Works, but as delivery vehicles , including groundbased ones, groundbased such complexes are also uh, so far in single copies, but they also work and also perform the task, plus for the engineering troops, during the demining of avdiivka quite a lot of new equipment was used and is being used now , which allows us to save personnel, that is, these are additional means of protection, means of demining the area, so the militaryindustrial complex works at. 200 it works in real conditions, specialists constantly travel, last week we visited the tankers in the avdeysk direction and also saw how specialists from the plant arrived, communicated directly with the guys who carry out tasks for the direction and this experience is passed on from, well, literally from their hands in the hands of all this goes to the front as soon as possible in order to support and help our guys, great, but of course. The task now is to scale all these systems in order to minimize our losses; nothing is more expensive than our soldier, who is now heroically fighting on the line of contact. Thank you very much, vladimir razin, military correspondent, exhaustive, perfectly aware of what is happening right there, right at the front. Just now, sergeenovich johnson, who, not boris, but who you will introduce to the speaker of the house. Announced that the vote on aid to ukraine will take place on saturday, and this vote implies that the aid will be allocated on credit, that is, in principle, they have decided on the contours of the bill, if before that time, of course, gentlemen, johnsons colleagues will not send him to resign, please, they bought johnson, yes, they bought him. That they will use it, then a loan to seize the economic wealth of ukraine, but this is land, black soil, there are some remnants there, i dont know, but industry, if they find anything, well, Just Real Estate and so on, but real estate in chernivtsi, you know, i think by real estate we simply mean the territory of the center of large cities, kiev, odessa, and then kharkov. Biden, the bribe is in the construction this means gas export johnson, you are the speaker, do not take a bribe from the terminal for which biden must change the law. I think they agreed that, judging by the behavior of other members of congress, they know that first johnson will do all this so that. We must keep in mind that this money will practically be highlighted. Regarding the states, i wanted to touch on two more questions, which means, firstly, after all, pavel durov, this interview, we read it a lot, he is still one of the brightest entrepreneurs russian, and he made vkontakte and telegram, not so long ago, i was at a media forum , we held an informal vote, there were journalists in 100 countries somewhere. 400,500 people, they asked, these are the sources of information you use, i was surprised myself, 80 said that they use telegram first of all, well, it depends on which countries, yes, as for our country, here the numbers are extremely clear and precise, in total over 900 million telegram users around the world, as for us, we have approximately equally, now they share the leadership, then telegram takes the lead, then vkontakte, this has. 80 million users, but our most Popular Social Network is not telegram or vkontakte, but government services, there are over 100 million users, well, yes, so and that means vkontakte, received a telegram, created a fool, by the way, you correctly noticed here during the break that its amazing what a person looks like, we need to generally study what kind of life he leads, that he chooses so, so young, and well, hes already worked , hes a workaholic said so. Indeed, that two to do such projects, well , you have to be a workaholic, but in the states i noted that he said there that app is bad, which means you cant trust google, they sew up all sorts of things there, so to speak, with their own programs, the American Special services are pushing everyone , well, in general, i would say this, its practically an antiamerican interview from the point of view of the authorities, and this is a very typical moment, he already said that he wanted. San francisco did it, in london, but he couldnt put too much pressure on the authorities in singapore in london in the usa, yes, and berlin and refused everywhere, well, now the united emirates is practically such a new neutral country where they are developing, what can i say, well done, but this is this tendency of durov pushing away one of the worlds most prominent entrepreneurs, it is of course obvious, but why is it obvious, its also clear from these reports, well, hes biden. They could just feel sorry for him, Something Like that, well, okay, say, yes, somehow the poor thing, the point is different, who has the real power behind him . This mentally nosed man, well, some unknown people, some kind of mafia there, yes, maybe its some kind of sect, you know, its unlikely theyre reptilians, yes, that means, but its not clear, although anything can happen. Yes, well, this is the question, who are these people who now rule great america, created by many generations of americans who keep their hands on the nuclear buttons, who are these unknown people, look at the stock markets and you will see perfectly who it is, who accumulates the most the amount of financial resources, assets, they rule, they show themselves clearly when this does not happen in please. Money controls what kind of money biden has there is also, in principle, well known, yes, well, the American People actually created a system according to which the president for whom they voted should have a little bit of control, and you know, in the history of the United States there were some conflicts there, here we see no external control, the result is, let me remind you again, biden is a fake president for the first time in us history, who came to power as a result of rigged elections. For the first time in us history, now trump is coming, a person is trying to sue, but he is clearly the most popular person, they are trying to somehow block him, and this is, in fact, an attempt at a coup in the usa, understand, this is the threat, this is why the Intelligence Services are becoming so uncontrollable, american democracy is in danger, its people kill, thats what we should talk about, absolutely, lets write it down, markov said. As if the leadership of the European Union is engaged in political blackmail, which is completely obvious and visible, that is, those countries, those parties, those forces, so to speak, who do not keep up with this proamerican globalist liberal course, pursue their own national policy, they are subject to political repression, well, recently ursula announced that the tranche in relation to hungary will be frozen, it is clear for what reasons and so on, that is, this is clearly visible, the second is no less important, maybe even more. Back spengler wrote the decline of europe precisely against the backdrop of this civilizationaleuropean crisis, today , in fact, we see a kind of remake, that is a new version, such a modern version against the backdrop of the crisis of multiculturalism of all these wellknown cases, well, personal criticism, orban is absolutely right, that is, these personal qualifications, so to speak , of all these ursulders, all these barelis, who chose them, they that there were millions of elections . The qualification segment is nowhere lower, that is , in fact, the level of intellectual, professional leadership of the European Union has fallen below the plinth, we see all this from individual phrases and outstanding speeches in in quotation marks, that is, if you imagine so figuratively, in fact, its like modern europe, the European Union from such you know, well, even there, 510 years ago, such a pretty european grandmother in chepchik in the museum with. Looks, well, not only zelenskys grievances about the wellknown iranian israeli all the us assistance to all these missile attacks, but the fact that this discussion about security guarantees for ukraine, it clearly highlighted the asymmetry of two models the americanisraeli americanukrainian. Zelensky is absolutely sure that they are equal, moreover, he apparently Still Believes that ukrainian is a priority, that is, all these pats, tranches, all this. In fact, he is not a politician, he is an actor, he does not understand that the alpha omega of american geopolitics in the middle east is saudi arabia and israel, despite the fact that there are no allied, formalized relations, these are longterm strategic relations, and the ukrainian policy of the United States, despite, i repeat, all the tranches, it is still a situational, flat policy, policy, well, i would say project, a cynical project of the american militaryindustrial complex and deep state, which. Therefore, of course, in fact today we are talking about the fact that, after all, the priority, of course, in washington is israel, all these middle eastern affairs. And in conclusion, i want to say a very important thing, that is, you know, in fact it turns out that europe, america, all these european politicians whom orban criticizes, such a big one in the form of a medieval alchemist, who from different test tubes, there is russophobia, preparation swiss conference. Ukraine is brewing some kind of potion, called ultimately gold, pure gold, in fact it turns out to be crap all the time, against this background , in fact, russia is actually creating an elixir of victory from a renewed economy, from the updated that shoigu showed new weapons, from the spirit itself, that is , in fact, the elixir of victory is pouring into russia into its warriors. The american conservative drank a little of this elixir and here is what it wrote. The failure of the sanctions regime demonstrates not so much russias Economic Resilience as the obsolescence of the empty Foreign Policy orthodoxy that has gripped washington since 1991. Sanctions that the us has applied throughout their history, have one fundamental flaw. They only work if their victim has at least some incentive to comply with the demands of the american government, if she is confident that. Restrictions have a real chance for russia; at least since 2014, none of these have been fulfilled conditions. Moscow has long been acting on the basis that sanctions against it will never be lifted. There was plenty of circumstantial evidence that the western sanctions regime would not be up to the task of inflicting mortal damage to the russian economy. The most striking indicator was that almost the entire nonwestern world refused to take part in the western blockade, which any did from the very beginning. Attempts to economically isolate russia are invalid. Why, in the face of these realities, was the administration so confident that it could subjugate russia . The answer lies in a deeper and more chronic dysfunction in the United States. The unipolarity of the 1990s, or the short period of time following the collapse of the soviet union during which the us operated unhindered on the global stage. This kind of arrogance in power is alarmingly out of touch with the realities of the emerging multipolar world, where washington cannot. To bend others to its will by simply placing an embargo on them and denying them access to westerndominated financial institutions. That very rare moment when you really want to believe the imf forecasts. They lie all the time, but now they sing very sweetly about our economy. Well be back. Ty borvo. I paint my nails, i have every right, its a premiere, its getting old, yes, but youre like a little dog among us, you know, i would marry you, but you are with us, hello, hello, how next, mikhail andreevich, flowers buyer, angels of the area from april 22 on rtf. If you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a minigreenhouse granary, it will protect the plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate the growth of fruit ripening, extend the gardening season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and care. We offer a choice of two sizes of minigreenhouses 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. You can use it on a growing terrace. Or exotic ornamental plants. Thanks to its compact size, the minigreenhousebreadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. The durable frame of the minigreenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. 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To you, hello, dear soldier, and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, bless the mother of your children, pray god, to fight bravely for the faith. Christ, you are not allowed to love me, but they are enemies to you, i will give everything, i will sell, i will buy, he went over to their side, we will show what it means to attack innocent people, and we will beat them so much that they stain theyll take it away, taras bulba, what a son, but could you have your vladimir bortoks film on friday on rtr. New facts in the case of the assassination attempt on former sbu officer vasily prozarov, who went over to the side of good, to our side. Following the perpetrator, fsb officers detained a courier who had delivered parts for a radiocontrolled explosive device from abroad. With their help , a terrorist recruited by the Ukrainian Special services blew up prozorovs car. The explosive components were disguised as Care Products hair and manicure sets. Explosive parcel for now. He received a courier in lithuania, it was sent by this woman from warsaw, photographs of the witch budanov were published by the fsb. I am a citizen of russia and moldova, i am engaged in cargo delivery and private transportation from the cis countries and eastern europe. On the sixth of april 2024 in lithuania i received a cargo from poland from. A representative of my company, a cargo that was supposed to be delivered to moscow, on april 7 the sender of the cargo contacted me and asked when she could pick it up . Cargo and if it is possible for her person to come and pick up the cargo. In the evening of the same day, i handed over the cargo to a man whom i met at my residence address. It was established that the components of the explosive device were camouflaged by sbu officers in manicure tools and hair Care Products, which in the city of warsaw, through the mediation of a local resident, were transferred by parcel to a private transport company for delivery to the moscow region. I packed everything. I fell behind, i left one, i left this, ill have a fish salt it, in general everything is clear, just like that i give one away and pick it up tomorrow and hand it over. Having received the cargo in lithuania, the courier delivered it by car to the city of moscow. At the direction of the sender of the parcel, he handed it over to an sbu agent, a citizen of the Russian Federation born in 1983, who, under the control of a curator , assembled an explosive device and installed it under the victims car. The witch will also be found and punished. Ask. I wanted to start with normandy, but ill have to start with washington. I cant help but comment on what a respected colleague said. Our dear viewers should have no illusions that the president allegedly rules in the United States. There cannot be a situation in which today biden, solely based on his poor condition, cannot speak, lead, someone behind his back is leading behind everyones back. The president of the United States is what we call the deep state, this is the meaning and structure of this state that was created in north america, its just that some us president s can speak, and some now, for health reasons, they cant speak, but they dont all rule the same way, i would give you an example, there is such a serious autopilot, there is a person pretending to be a pilot, he may have the opportunity to taxi a little if he is experienced and. So respectable, they can consult with him, but still the autopilot steers, and if this person tries to take control of the country himself, he gets a bullet in the head, like president kennedy, thats how american politics works, and it doesnt matter whether biden speaks or not. Doesnt say next the president of the United States will be exactly as dependent on this very deep state, one should not just have any illusions. Now to normandy, an offer, an invitation from france. There are a lot of aspects here, i think that we will probably discuss many of them for quite a long time, but i will try to clarify my point of view in a dotted line, as they say well, firstly, the invitation is strange, i will explain why we are now hearing general we havent seen the words or the document yet, but from these statements we hear that russia is being called, but putin is not being called. Listen, lets take it to the family level. we invite you, but only the head of your family should not come, is this a polite invitation, or is this a mockery, or is this an unfriendly gesture, its very difficult to say, and this happens, i emphasize, after the president ial elections, where 87 of russian voters trust Vladimir Vladimirovich will lead the country for one more term, and after that france says no, no, no, no, what kind of invitation is this, who should go there, that is, it seems to me that there are more likely to be here . it looks like a political sounding, rather than like some kind of real, goodneighborly, open proposal. Perhaps this is a desire to try to cause discord at the top of the russian political establishment, but to be honest, Pay Attention to the date, look, chronologically the allied landing is on june 6, the celebration will also be on june 6, and on june 1516 there was an invitation to conference in switzerland, where russia doesnt seem to be invited, but at the same time they seem to be invited, but russia has already stated that these are the kind of invitations we we are not going to accept, look, the chronology is reversed, first to the peaceful conference in quotes, about which zelensky talks a lot, russia says we will not go, an invitation follows, also not yet formalized for an earlier date, well, to the same france, this is one from aspects, another, well, i. Would like to give a historical example, we can imagine an invitation, lets go to the subdam conference, we invite the soviet union, but we dont invite stalin there, no, what are you, no, of course, funny, is not it, funny, okay, lets say that during the great patriotic war, the second world war, we were allies, well, they couldnt help but call stalin, they couldnt, well, fortyseven , the thirtieth anniversary or fortyeighth, of victory in the first world war. They invite the heir to the russian empire, russia, the soviet union, but they also say, without stalin, would the soviet delegation have gone there so that soviet newspapers would write . Union, our ancestors are also behind this operation, well, if you allow it, as they say, information is the icing on the cake, this is a wonderful story about lithuania, which demanded a ban on russian grain, and now it is buying it, this is reminiscent of the araisen bank of austria, which wanted to leave, and now hires 2,500 employees, all their actions resemble the actions of a conscious alcoholic who demands the closure of the nearest liquor store in order forever. But since they dont close him, he goes and drinks away his entire salary, that is, you know, i did everything i could, you didnt close him, please dont be angry with me after this, its like the elusive joe , sorry, yes, because no one needs it, excuse me for the jargon, after the imf comes reports from our rosstat, inflation in russia for the period from april 9 to april 15 slowed down compared to the previous week, well, well see. Interesting, of course, are the assessments given by the imf, whether they are being implemented, if so, then we will face a reduction in the key rate, because such inflation by the twentyfifth year, 2. 4, is even difficult to believe, with the current refinancing rate of 16 , a multiple drop, in general, even multiple times, but of course very a lot, if not everything, will depend on what is happening on the line of combat contact, what. At the front, we look, artillery air preparation on the positions of ukrainian militants on the eastern outskirts of the vaiyar hour is being conducted around the clock , the advancement of the ninetyeighth Ivanovo Airborne division provide highprecision strikes with gliding bombs. Under the cover of darkness, crews of rszzo grata and heavy fire systems of the sun are smoking out the apu from dugouts at commanding heights in the kalinovka area. This is without a doubt for now moment place along the entire front line. This is where important battles take place. Its not that far from bakhmuda. The assault on support networks in the canal area begins with a swarm of fpv drones, then the special forces of the second motorized rifle regiment clear the dugouts, throwing kiev militants into a grenade. The american m777 howitzer was set on fire by a loitering lancet. The gun crew tried to put out the pc using fire extinguishers; in our direction, the enemy usually uses the same frequencies, but he can change them. Combat is Something Like fights between shield and sword. Modern warfare is a battle of drones and electronic devices, that is , there is no 100 protection, no, 100 protection does not exist. Russian reconnaissance drones can remain in the air for up to 4 and a half hours, so the attack could begin at any moment. This drone footage shows the successful attack of two armored groups of the russian army on the krasnogorovka railway station. At the forefront is a column of four t vehicles. We are standing in a breakthrough with a barbecue installed on the tower. The tank crew fires from a cannon directly at move, providing cover for the second group. And here is the result of an unsuccessful counterattack by armored units of the armed forces of ukraine in the zaporozhye direction. After being blown up by a mine, leopard2 is still cleaning around the torn off parts of the chassis and crew bodies. The Russian Ministry of defense publishes personnel and work of Intelligence Officers of the Southern Group of troops. Blind spot monitoring and support from strike drones occurs in real time. Oh lets go, lets go forward, boys, movement, were working in threes, in threes, this burning barn, theres also a basement on the corner, thats it, thats it, lets go to the buildings, well go to the buildings, guys, were doing a reset, were doing a reset, thats it, ive dropped it, thats it, lets go, lets go to this house, theres a window opposite, theres a glass window opposite, theres a grenade there, the cameraman. Almost at full capacity it supplies a huge number of weapons in large volumes. It is assumed that russian factories are now operating in three shifts, which means that Production Capacity is increasing, and this, of course, gives russia the opportunity to provide the front with a huge flow of resources. Here it is today morning, and this is footage from the temporarily occupied orekhiv in zaporozhye. Militants driving a car several kilometers from the city immediately observed four mushroom clouds after the explosion. Banderas supporters are looking for salvation from such arrivals underground, and this is how civilian objects are converted into shelters for the Ukrainian Armed forces. We will be a point, we are building a point of indestructibility for our guys, so for you to understand, a lot of things need to be destroyed, a lot of things need to be redone, i will now show you where everything will be, these our rooms will have showers, this is the first thing. And so we will need to dig down here, make a hole from where all this will be pumped into the sewer. Zelensky in his address requests an urgent meeting of the council of ukraine and nato. Agenda protection from air attacks , supply of air Defense Systems and antiaircraft missiles. According to the New York Times, in the third year of the war the situation on the field was critical. There are quite a few left; now we are not talking about significant changes regarding ground operations. Rear admiral kirby, with a grin on his face, assures that the allies cannot shooting down russian missiles in ukraine due to the fact that there are no military bases of the alliance there, another airspace also interferes. Barel considered that it would be cheaper to purchase american patri air Defense Systems than to restore the trypillian tetz. He did not specify who should pay for such a delivery. Place the israeli iron dolls within sight. Effective, but it all depends on the country, if the country really succumbs to this internal panic and misunderstanding that it is necessary to change policy, then the sanctions are effective, they are painful. Difficult conditions is building a fairly serious geopolitical union, both in Economic Issues and political issues, and even various events that may not directly concern the Russian Federation, even this is the conflict in the middle east, it shows that there is a common point of contact, yes, it seems to be directly from the point of view of the conflict, but russias position roughly corresponds to the position of china and a number of countries from the point of view of. Western elites, not the United States, primarily their satellites in europe, but there are some kind of illusions in general, but here is poland, some statements within the framework of the creation of a large Missile Defense system, where can i say, there are big threats there, guys, well, you create these threats for yourself out of the blue, they have some kind of inferiority complex, you yourself are pushing your people into the whirlpool of adventures, ukraine, and also, well, listen, you have seen enough that the childishness of the United States is protected there. Israel and now the ukranazis, someone must defend this zelensky regime, well, the same will not happen, we understand perfectly well, because this is actually a call to start a nuclear war, the world needs this, the world doesnt need this, the usa will go for it, no, but this policy, the United States has, is a little outdated from the point of view of understanding the situation in the world, but if after destruction of the soviet union , the hegemon reigned in the world, then, relatively speaking, they did not see that. Gradually china became a powerful economic power, they missed this development, but it is clear that any powerful economic power understands and builds a certain policy as a new center, here is russia, which began to carry out independent principled policies and the unification of many countries, so it is this vector that allows us to overcome the long way still to go, but even the assessments of the development of our economy that the International Monetary fund gives by the world bank are completely wrong. The year inflation is 2. 4, but rosstat today published data on inflation, it has slowed down, of course, however, in annual terms it is now 7. 8 for the spring, that is, this is still far from the imf target, which is set for us at 2. 4 2. 8, but nevertheless, this is of course already a decrease, the rate is 16, inflation is 7. 8. Of course, we will not advise the central bank on anything, but the numbers speak for themselves, they need to be reduced. Lets read the financial times, what do they say about our economy . Russia received one of the biggest increases. This year , Economic Growth is forecast at 3. 2 , which is 6 higher than previously expected; growth of 1. 8 is expected in 2025. These prospects have raised concerns. G7 countries regarding the fact that sanctions did not harm Vladimir Putins war economy. According to gurins, the growth of the russian economy is partly due to high revenues from oil exports, combined with strong private investment. Domestic demand is very high, he said. Sanctions are still easing and are gradually having an impact on the russian economy, but the economy itself is quite stable. They are very worried. Well be back. Vasya is arrested. Premiere on rtr. Vasily would not damage the car so that a person would get caught. That there are facts, there is evidence, if he had ironclad alibi, he wouldnt have been arrested, we were together, just the whole day, you also think its me, i know that youre not capable of this, i believe you, alla taxi, today on rtr, they say we need to get ready for a vacation. You need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is inclusive, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, titanic deluxe hotel, belek golf, where every moment. This is exclusivity. Wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. Relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. Here , each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. Your holiday is your rules. Titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. Elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. Lio rizards, we are here for you. Ive been waiting for you forever. I decided to meet with you. Finally she came. Spring. Warm, sunny, bright. The russian exhibition blossomed with all the colors of spring. You were waiting for spring. Now spring is waiting for you. At the exhibition russia. I she said, i want a white cat. Here they come, oh youre good. He likes to grab there with his claws, or so his voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are in the circle of friends, in the circle of friends, program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr, you were in the recent past a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then quit medicine. There are so many new reasons for conversation, well, this time its still very nice, this will congratulate you on your birthday, this is joseph, a holiday with gifts, now this is my talisman, the singer has syumya, i somehow cant fit into this modern life with these endless videos, something needs to be filmed, something needs to be posted. Well, maybe, i think, theres no need anymore. Valeria, the amazing song you created with maxim podeev, with Maria Zakharov , it was a total shock for me. This is varantsovs eldest son, theres a lot of hassle with petty things, stop immediately, otherwise ill shoot, a bouquet of dust flowers, well, you know why they kidnapped me, brought me here, premiere on saturday on rtr, biden is destroying the usa, has become the worst president in american history, risks bringing the world to a third world war, criticizing russia as an ally, this, despite the rabid russophobic propaganda in all western media, among older citizens, considers our country an ally only every fifth. Older americans tend to support the russophian course of the Current Us Administration and the financing of the criminal kiev regime. A cbs poll shows how memories of the cold war affect american attitudes. To war between russia and ukraine. 36 of respondents aged 18 to 49 consider moscow an ally, while among people aged 50 and over, this figure drops to 20 . This is the generation that grew up during the cold war. This is where the main split is on the question should the United States supply weapons and assistance to ukraine . The figures are very close. This shapes views on russia. This question leads to a chart where people are more likely to be. The us in the cold war, then yes, as you would expect, in this case, most people over 50 think the us won, more people outright say they dont remember well enough if under 50, or that the us neither won nor lost, well, look at it. If you think the us. Won the cold war, and we know that these tend to be slightly older people, which in turn is associated with a higher percentage of people who say the us should send aid to ukraine now. In general, of course, this is an interesting statistic, quite understandable, this support for young people of friendly relations with russia, because American Youth are moving to the left, it is generally accepted in the world that we are also a state with a leftwing bias, well, thats how we are. A little bit about elections, the first point is that poll numbers in the United States mean very little, elections there are not just indirect, but there is a different system, the us president is elected by the states, not by citizens, that is, if there is an advantage of at least one vote in a given state in favor of one candidate, all other votes go to the one who won the state, that is y. Relatively speaking, in a state, 40 voted, for example, for biden, and 50 voted for trump, all, all 40 who voted for biden are added to trump, because this state nominates electors from trump, therefore polls in the United States mean very little, but now the second main point, such good news, after all. Limited, but nevertheless interesting things come to us from kazakhstan, why . Unfortunately, we often have the impression in society that yes, europe is serious and dangerous. Here central asia, well, thats right, somewhere behind the yards, and ill remind you that central asia is our inner home, just like for the United States, latin america is middle or central, and this is a very interesting concept, central asia is our concept , to which we added the republics of the former soviet union, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan, a british concept. Terminological difference, when we say central asia, we immediately see a wider region than our former central asia, otherwise we are reproached for the fact that central asia is this is a colonial term, you cant do that, let them reproach you, who said that its impossible, who are you , liberals, who are you to decide what is possible and what is not, just everything, i was just surprised , that you, a professor at moscow state university, use exactly this. Kosher or something, excuse me for the terminology, the term central asia, no, the term central asia is very clear, this is our struggle with the british empire, the inheritance that the United States now claims, so this term always has its own meaning. Kazakhstan, by the way, belongs to them in central asia, while we have central asia and kazakhstan, so there is a difference here, but the main thing about kazakhstan, but i interrupted you, now about kazakhstan, you know, the main thing is what takaev said. That there will be no fight indirectly with the russian language, lets listen, as for languages, you know my position, i am absolutely tolerant, the strength of my profession, i studied many languages, worked abroad, but now its not about me, the fact is that we have each constitution, the state language is the kazakh language, the russian language is used according to the constitution as an equal state language, and performs the functions of the official language. Therefore, there is no contradiction here, as it is convenient, it should be said so, now modern youth speaks the state language, the russian language, and english, other, other languages, and it is good to whip up hysteria around the language, to fight, especially against it, as this happened in some countries and what they have now as a result of all this, we see, this is stupidity, he seemed to knock zelensky, not only do they have a critical mass, but if you hit kazakhstan, it will be the collapse of the entire structure, that is, ideally make uzbekistan and turkmenistan, then they realized not kazakhstan another antirussian and open to us. A very serious second front is already close to our western siberia, lets call a spade a spade, in the very strategic rear, where russia is in the most, lets say, geographically, now our bottleneck, so the americans are trying in every possible way to inflate the language problem in kazakhstan, and at the same time, by the way, to solve another problem for themselves, to shake up the csto, the northern route of russia or kazakhstan, that is, what remains, as they believe, is to shake up the northern route, then the whole project will be a funeral, the path wont be shaken up for us . As they themselves say, china has no access to the arctic, and we will sink some, or maybe the usa simply doesnt have trackers, no, they say, they havent thought positively for a long time, they think negatively, they say, and we will sink some something nasty in the bering strait, on this will end chinas movement into the arctic, so they are counting on just such a game, so for us now, especially when our forces are busy fighting in ukraine, of course. Maintaining the stability of kazakhstan is simply vital, we have already shown once, it seems to me, quite eloquently, that kazakhstan is our friend and partner, and we will always come to the aid of our brotherly sister, and on the eve of the special operation, which was very important, we were not allowed to open a second front , well be back, and gorva. 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I was daring in a white tuxedo and i start here Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov goes into ore and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told i, as a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack , dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, how much more is there yet to come . I foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true. I give up everything with joy, lets all wave our hands when everyone is at home, with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, bless the mother of your children, pray to god that they fight bravely for the faith of christ, you cant love me, but you are enemies, ill give everything, sell, buy, he went over to their side, well show what it means to attack innocent people, and we will beat them so much that the stains will be carried away, container. Bulba , my son, your kinks of vladimir bortok helped you on friday on rtr. We work in the interests of our country. Our job is to tell the truth, our job is to achieve complete victory. This is why we go on air every time. Evening. Evening with vladimir solovyov. Today on rtr. A supporter of the transfer of german longrange taurus missiles to kiev, the head of the bundestag defense committee, strack zimmermann, personally found out what ordinary germans think about her ideas. She came to the city of ramensburg in southern germany to speak to voters. An angry public surrounded zimmerman , who declared that she was a warmonger. The aggressive lady tried to argue. But in the end she went crazy and descended into banal insults, called her critics brainless, and then began to frantically scream banderas slogan, glory to ukraine, look at this disgrace, he came up to me, thats what ill tell you too. Absolutely crazy lets move to brussels, where the eu summit is about to begin, at which they will discuss possible supplies of Missile Defense and air Defense Systems to kiev, anastasia popova, the head of our european bureau, is in direct contact with us, nastya, hello, so, what are the prospects, taking into account , that over the last couple of hours the situation in the United States, which is usually followed politically by the european ones. Despite all the efforts of the head of european diplomacy, who in theory should advocate a peaceful resolution of the conflict, but here in reality shouts loudest of all that it is necessary to support militarily to continue to support the conflict, it is this man, josep borel, who has already beaten everything thresholds, knocking on all doors, in all countries, trying to persuade leaders to put the systems that they have into service, but not every country is ready to respond, take germany for example. Who doesnt want yet and even more and continue to transfer the complexes that it has in service, even poland, which, it would seem, is one of the main allies here in europe. Ukraine even says that the maximum that they can transfer is some other soviet systems that they have left, but as for the patriots, poland itself needs them, for its own defense capability and security, so not everyone is eager transfer, they say, in this case , joint purchases may be organized, in particular , ursula vonderlein, head of the european commission, which here is now trying in every possible way to consolidate all power in its hands, in the hands of the european commission, and it has been pursuing this course for a long time and presents itself as a kind of leader who can, in fact, now in a crisis for europe, in a crisis moment , direct europe in the right direction, and the right side is the militarization of the entire continent, she has already said that spending on the military budget of European Countries has increased by 20 since the beginning of the ukrainian conflict, and these expenses need to be increased in every possible way and further invested specifically to the defense industry, she will also talk about this with many leaders, but. They say that most of the funds should still be left for lawyers, for claims that russia will file, naturally, does not agree with such a decision, there is a big debate about this here, they say that money still needs to be sent to ukraine directly for the purchase of weapons, in general there is a lot of talk and debate, but so far there is no unity on this issue. But if we take other leaders known for their outrageous behavior, such as viktor orban, then he has long been said that he will not take any steps to support an armed conflict, budapest is categorically against it, believes that everything needs to be done for peace, but such politicians, such politicians are not welcome in brussels, if they at least tolerate it at the summit, but at the congress conservatives, rightwing conservatives here in brussels, this was a separate event, but they didnt want to not. Let out eric zemur, who was a candidate for the presidency of france only because they are right, and the local authorities, and the authorities of a separate one, really dont like this area of ​​brussels, which three times, twice they tried to disrupt this conference, twice the venues at the last moment refused to host the events, the third venue was provided by a native of tunisia, but they immediately started calling him, then the Police Showed up and said that they would turn off the lights in the entire building, if people dont. Disperse, although after all, these are people officially elected in many countries, that is, quite decent, its not that its not clear who came to this conference, well, there was such an attempt to stop this, but why actually afraid this is that the european elections are coming here, and the ukrainian theme, the theme, it is gradually fading away during the week, support is melting away in society, and it is not without reason that in Nine Countries, according to forecasts, it is the right that can win, and in another Nine Countries it can take the top three, be in the top three. All this naturally frightens the same european authorities, who, as orban said, can only promote their own agenda, imposed by themselves and those, and those topics that they impose themselves, and if someone doesnt like , then they start politically blackmail and blackmail with money, well, in fact, this is the situation at the summit, if everyone is in the same boat in the boat of the one, the one who is set the course by ursula fondelien, then yes, but if not, then these are agents of the kremlin, this is how brussels considers it here, an alternative no one is allowed to have an opinion here, whether there will be an agreement, there will probably be a political statement, as usual in such cases, but then nato is rushing to the rescue, they are organizing another emergency summit, and on friday they will again discuss where to get these are the patriotic systems, how to direct them to meet the urgent needs of ukraine. Thank you very much, the head of our european bureau, anastasia popova, is with us. A meeting of the ukrainenato council is scheduled for april 19, where issues of militarytechnical assistance to kiev will be considered in a practical manner. There will be stoltenberg, there will be zelensky, but one of the main and main questions is where to get air Defense Systems, who will pay for it and how to make this process as fast as possible, what is this connected with, it is connected, firstly, with several factors, but the main one, according to the assessment that we can give today, is the Successful Use of new Aerospace Forces by russians. Types of weapons, in particular the x69 Cruise Missile. A distinctive feature of this missile is that it has dimensions that allow. Launches from inbody weapon compartments, in particular for fifthgeneration equipment such as the su57. At the same time , this type of Cruise Missile x69 can be used by almost all frontline aircraft. This this means that the most popular models such as the su30 and su35 can carry out combat use of these types. Missiles, when Russian Strategic aviation, tu95 or tu160, takes off , of course, the fact that these machines are preparing for takeoff at airfields, Russian Strategic aviation takes off, enters the Cruise Missile launch zone, all this is closely monitored by the electronic and space control means of our opponents , so when the launch occurs. Well, actually, its like theyre announcing an air raid alert in ukraine, theres some kind of notification, well, at least they are preparing to somehow use their air defense capabilities. When launches are carried out, for example, such machines as the su35 or su30, the h69 flies, firstly, it flies at a very low altitude in terrainfollowing mode, a very powerful, penetrating combat weapon. Part, very low radar signature, a very effective Guidance System that the enemys Electronic Warfare equipment cannot influence the missile, according to Ukrainian Military experts, it was precisely this type of kh69 missiles that was successfully used in a recent attack on Critical Infrastructure facilities in ukraine, and how they themselves. Ukrainian military analysts say that this destroyed trypillian tes, it was precisely it that was attacked by kh69 missiles, which were not left no chance for enemy air Defense Systems to intercept and destroy. As for the complexes themselves, petriot, who is most actively asking for zelensky and his entourage. The fact is that this is also not a magic wand. The patriо complex is its main distinguishing feature ability that he has low mobility. This means that after the deployment of combat formations, launches, firstly, can be carried out by antiaircraft guided missiles only in a certain sector, unlike, for example, russian air defenses, which can carry out 360 launches from any launcher, so petriot is initially vulnerable, and if there is good target designation, the introduction of the corresponding flight mission, this means that our new types. Per day, introduce the practice of awarding the highest awards, orders of russia, teams, specific factories, enterprises, design bureaus, this would give a powerful impetus to people performing their tasks even more responsibly and clearly, and such, for example, military orders as the order of alexander nevsky, other such awards, by president ial decree when awarding the Relevant Enterprises militaryindustrial complex. Which multiply the production of military equipment would play a key role, including in stimulating the workers of our militaryindustrial complex to unconditionally fulfill delivery tasks the latest weapons for our army and navy. Us breaking news the house bill would spend 61 billion on the conflict in ukraine, including 23 billion to replenish us arsenals. These are excerpts from the text, and we will come back. I wont go to jail because i didnt do anything, im an honest person, if you go to jail, i wont survive it. Alla, taxi, premiere, today on rtr, ordinary shovels do not do their job well in the garden, we present the shovel the ideal tool for digging, clearing soil and cutting, providing maximum results. The sharp edges of the saw make it very easy to dig through roots, and the thanks are incredible. Once the shovel is finished, everything will go like clockwork. The hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. Now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. 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Call to order durable, versatile and lightweight garden shoes for only 2495. I cry every time. Its very hard to remember. I went into my house, sat down on the floor and said, ill stay here. The military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there. Donetsk was shelled, but we decided to be at the wedding out of spite, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours dont abandon our own, from monday to thursday on rtr, details of the american bill continue to appear, here one more excerpt the us president must agree with ukraine on compensating kiev with economic. Aid, what they will give, broadcast now, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye, on the air of the russia tv channel. Lead in the studio by ernest motskavich, hello, the main events of this wednesday are in our issue

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