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1st and foremost. so it isn't that of transportation is certainly important. but as much comfort also matters flooring that are whichever exotic destination you may choose to explore or you whether it's scape destiny of her with a view of alaska. we're just only 4 kilometers, separate russia from americans club or c, k, shallow skin with a polar bears them all wrangle islands will skin us. you always want to return to safety and comfort law after experiencing extreme conditions for parents that you wanted right there. and then so let me give you an example. here we were shooting a documentary recently in chicago campbell, the, when i was directing it or we spent a month there in total, mitchell. and in that climate we were pa, cold and wet all the time. every day, i have no idea how or equipment kept working. it seems like a miracle to me, shares and coming back to dry, warm place sir, after a day's work was fantastic and more. you could take off your wet clothes, take a hot shower, change into something, try and be ready to go out again. you but you're a professional traveler. we need as much as you enjoy it. it's also what you do for a living. i love the shows and i sure do, and we as that if i understand it correctly, you're trying to visit some of the less popular locations to me in metro and think that's right. or we try to direct our travelers to new destinations on one leg. i can give you a great example of all this year. we reached the northernmost pointer on the continent in the rush and far easily port is called. come with ox, the cape. it's in your katya when we saw the place incredibly beautiful, like a huge rock on the credit accounts into the arctic ocean. almost like an ice breaker at the sand is the northernmost point in the russian far east miss steely, we published our records on both the russian and chinese social media. mix it and got millions of views. miliano bras are some chinese tour agencies approached us keep asking to organize a trip for them to die so they could seize and assassin her as a potential destination for chinese tourists worked on global. so this year we are going there. with 7 asians delegation from china, we as well as a t v crew representing china's top tv channel to film it for you, or we have a tour planned out for them. we're glad that will include the box, the keep her name as well as the timer peninsula, to showcase everything including siberia, russian, far east, and the arctic hills of. so this way we're creating a product both for russian and national tourists. lloyd lane could easter or did they seem like i said, i thought share that as a popular belief impeach in russia, especially as young as that dog who ring, se milan at 20 milan boys a lot cooler and more comfortable, accountable, or more accessible out one month than 2 in more amounts, clear to the point that many rushing travelers was the means you should have traveled the world yet little while their own country remains an uncharted territory for them. but with you just mentioned that shows eddie has places that can offer support the politics periods. as i sal ever, i wonder if russia has something? no other place has what she emma now what, what any tougher? no. usually go into a 12 shift so on. well, you know, i say the most unforgettable experience is in meeting people, but you can find good and bad people everywhere. i see them. but in the north or in the arctic, they are as authentic as it gets. here we were making a film about an old whale hunter whose ancestors our hunted wales for 7 or 8 generations we on tom was we were following him everywhere. might stay in and day out. and one day, when we came to his home of his grandson of around 20 years, opened the door. we said, do we came to film his grandfather to which he replied that his grandfather was having a meal with the guards on. great, we're sad. when can we start? my go as soon as he is done shock that he said to us down and shut the door. i don't get it knocked for cuz he wasn't trying to offend us. it was just that simple for him. like once his grandma was finished with what we could do our field, then he would have shot. that's how they go about everything in life. of simple and sincere, regarded, let's have very rare qualitative find issued from one was to lunch when it comes to natural attractions. we have everything we could wish for, just like one great place i recommend to everyone these days and i believe it's going to be super popular soon, or they are both was domestic and international tourists. again, he wants the border restrictions are lifted over. is the southern and northern curial islands receivable, equity with this place is mind bending while dash is like a quote, the finding yourself on the saddle of a jurassic park movie or something like that. you will cross, it feels almost like iceland or you low foot in norway or store or some other places and you realize you can get it all these unique experiences. crossover quite all at once. and in one place, sagal here in russia, 2 or last martinez, i believe i'm not mistaken. it was dusty yankee who said russia includes everything in the entire wowza lutely. it does. and the chest that i see is parts of russia the far east and the arctic mazano explored by traveling. infuse s at this stage didn't contribute much to that quest valard. it was mostly private initiatives and i've always admired how deeply these people cared for the wild life in those parts on machines for the local population, correct me if i'm wrong, but as far as i know i, she's can either the russian empire or the soviet union or the russian federation, i have tried to enforce russian culture and language on the indigenous people coach to bring civilization to them. so to say, you know, what, have you seen in your travels? why not? i just to a bullet excuse on the keyboard and you, well they the got. there have been some near bullets, call them necessary improvements introduced there on the board lakes education for example, you much thought someplace as religious missions were established. that it's true that russia has never tried to approved all any local traditions. when you lie styles or culture coin you would see today, you can visit a small distant settlement, sir. let me give you an example history for throw off. even when we visited the numbers, severe sc islands, originally our la gardenia. so we met a crafts woman there. so user who makes deer skin footwear on p the terrible side that craft has been passed down to her through 4 generations of her ancestors than you might sir. e, colonel great grandmother watched. they made the same kind of boots with exactly the same design or polio russian explorer. lewis, barons from tall and he's sort of old rich petition anchor was stopped at the novice abuse islands as these searched for the legendary sandy cough land in the early 20th century. and now i can say that i own a pair of deer skin boots sort of identical to those that are made for barren font all this port for those out of the land. well, they're still available. i did see got this is a tradition has been preserved for generations. the key tasks a day in a cheese to help indigenous people maintain these traditions. got out of shocked by yet we were making a film about a whale hunter, and those are one and a very long line of whale hunters and any frequent and you know, people like me and you, but which we don't have that kind of self identity that he has always for doing what his ancestors had been doing, been strict since the 11th century, near cable, pref. sure. and he is a wearing modern gear and striving and modern rhodes altima. but she is a whale hunter. i don't like that. it wasn't bad, but dan, supporting the traditional lifestyles at the local languages. really spoken by small groups of people is pretty expensive for any state kills law. can't argue with that. it's much easier to create reservations for them is it was not necessary reservations. you couldn't just have these people assimilation or exists what i meant when i said reservations to personally yesterday, but it is gray that in russia we have stayed support programs for such indigenous peoples and shear the form. i saw a lot of ethnic minorities involved color, there was a house of indigenous people at the far east st exhibition. know also russia will be presiding over the arctic councils before the next 2 years. and that sir introduced significant studios. we actually ran a number of expeditions in support of to programs like these and laws and the deal . and now is it all done for promotion? so we could have an exhibition of local traditions for why do you think? cuz that for a big nation with imperial ambitions was manny see here, what's the point of investing in ethnic minorities? let me explain this little of up there political. what would i came to the arctic 10 years ago? what i thought that all people living there are the same. sure. did i call it bottom young at 1st all that's what i saw or do, but later i realized that was not the case. i doubt some, even reindeer breeders are all different li events, right? the reindeer to t of the hurdle scanning all the novel of a police chief, follow the free roaming, heard anything about. and if seriously, if i can give lots of examples, they're all different. it's not old massage. some ethnic groups could have under a 1000 people just like the u cargurus blood, but each has its own remarkable history and culture units. and they are all part of our great country novel. and when you see these indigenous peoples called because you realize how great all russia really ease with its reach and versatile culture and identity, say this is incredible. all been done. we have to take a short break right now, but we will be back in just a few moments say chant. ah, ah ha. lou needs to come to russian state will never be tied as on the most 19 with 55 with will ben in the european union the kremlin. ca yep. machine the state on to russia for date and r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all band to on youtube with me. because these are the she had went to sweden, c o c, t slash funder washington for the about sean. on out recently fun claudia with jonathan and do a good job . i may, constance, humanist, my means when you get, when you come to the party, you show a teacher, you can get a new owner of sheila, the dealers get a minute. looks that i'm a get a minute. those number boosters in that, but i'm wishing to get a minute. those new with story crease ga. gov to other but i should characters a new fact is that until we have a sub washington, dick tier 2 dash one to assist jesus. ok. so why is his mission in v fan to the folk along as all joint endlessness and banish billing fan? so by it i dont chanel will police to my mechanic ones when i sponsored wilson with. mm hm. mm hm. welcome back to one of the partners that russian traveler and down the bullet shop. by then we macrocosm before the break. we were talking about diversity in russia as yet i see just today the world is engaged in inactive discussion about the world order and different perspectives and life. financial politics is why know the war and ukraine is part of their discussion with a cost. you're definitely was welling yet her diversity doesn't require them weights. but and this really shows in your video just much died. second, that was put in your films, yet do not seem like so are from so to say the evolve dwelt big brothers. a person from a different place is going to his best true to himself and tries not to change others . so as to when your opinion, how can we make the world except is diversity? no, again, you are jania. i got there at the moment ago, but i felt less eaten. well, it's all relative. let it not look, there's one man's trash is another man's treasure, blood recon different people can have different opinions of one of the same things about so it will we need to respect all views and at the same time some allow peoples right. for concord law, self expression, we'll check the always, i believe that russia is also very good at it. actually hold up, there's room for improvement. sure. but he general, we don't force anybody to give up their identity, all will till one year in terms of ethnicity, traditions or religion. when it illegal people enjoy these freedoms and russia all nested on land, i think that's great. okay, so when the risk you once said in an interview, missouri city had a chance to cheese, how join senior expeditions? it's be, has of the arctic state's work gap on question. what can they learn day and get on those ships than our law, the lab she weeks? not so much about learning. look a minimal. it would be good for them to see how people leave inside the arctic circle because it changes you when you see people who don't have any social crutches to lean on. event it when you can. you thought that if a person owns a snowmobile here quitting, it's not for having fun or with your friends, surgery, the weekends cuddly coordinates portfolio. i at the, at the hospital they use it to get food with water and other supplies to draw. it's their lifeline. it the reason yes, liam will quit the world if people have no need for a social tool or a gadget. yes, they don't use been fortunate in sales people there. don't get distracted by all the social 1000 noisily. of all that information suggested to us like numbers, all the ads costs urging us to buy the newest smartphone mode or something for the la let in here. sure. so people often pursued these kind of things goodness of them, but not there. you can sit in the family, no themes and this, that a language, this comes down. she exits an existential question that we all can relate to. what is life and what is the meaning of it? what is freedom less through? now? sure. softly, how your travels influenced your wealthiest think? do you feel change to say, well, i certainly do of what is lifestyle and what is life on for lifestyle? is something you grow up, will you do? i remember watching a cartoon about doom curl, the little polar bear with me as a kid, and that's how i started to like polar bears and the arctic, certainly later. and there were this fascinating documentary storms sharkey's. christos expeditions store, one. she was the man who discovered an entire new world out there. i mean is, and she wasn't just observing it. she was sharing his findings with all of us. mm. yeah. letting us see what he saw with his own eyes. me got it. that's what i grew up with her and it became part of my personality and the same as happening to that people. i concluding it. my subscribers and viewers who traveled to the articles that she bare, you see something there, discover new means and adjust your path in this world with a new coordinates do not also trace or to understand the worlds or, or at least her, our vast country, high chapel you really need to see it, or think of all the regions as or pieces of the puzzle that the cook that you visit on 5 regions. you on the horse and you get 5 pieces. the bit bowls, you put them together and see a part of the picture or secret you are to look for example, these baez's form and i knew that, but you don't see the full picture yet. you're telling you give you some knowledge from the media. she has, but that's other people's opinions, not sharon, i'm rolled out so you can develop your own view only based on your own experience. that's how it works. you know, in the beginning, as i mentioned, the hero spark was going in initiation into manhood. makeema, which is the staff of men of folk tales and myths in many cultures. i'm in me, it's about the path of the human sales, both individual and collective about. they that starts off with, i says, not searching for something important, say the world to my she then finds it inside one's self tell. now when it says you either find it inside you or somewhere really close our porch, morgan says sacred johnny about to one's self. so i see the john of spiritual growth. but i think he washer whichever you ever had some revelations or what you felt like a miracle, anger journeys that he couldn't explain from a materialistic, clear point. as, as i know, i've had some insights into the simple truth year that there's nothing more important than family. for example, no de la d to devote most of your time to your loved ones. you the and every journey is away . hell, a put on my way home. you're right. so ash was now your period one, sir craig, i actually rode all the way to the north pole by on my fat bike up before that sir . i've been seeing people and in nordic countries riding their bikes on the snow there, i said, i wandered before the water. i took a fed bike to my upcoming expedition to the north bowl. could they so i rode my bike there and as i was riding alone through the arctics, which ingeniously missed something changed in me by me, we all leave with endless background noise her even if you are home, you sheer clock sticking appliances, humming song and so on. in the other, in the arctic foolish, i heard endless silence skinny beginning of the only sound i heard you ever were 1st my heart beat, which sounded like a drum beating and seconds here. but my inner voice square pure, which started asking questions like formula. what are we doing here? yeah, so i had to explain to myself that bumps everything was all right. so at least this what the causal to enjoy equally. i goshen little you and jeff and by the salanza paused absolutely eliminated mid issue. and now i see that the arctic is not only design drastically space or just the thought they show you what the gold new or yup, no, it's also an incredible sound chambers of sidney police. were you can, which of sheer yourself here the, the rushing far is interchangeable in my of ladies that are seeing if a rushing traveler or when you're from the early 20th century martha america was also a prolific writer. but he never had a form of education from that his knowledge was impressive. many russian travellers of the mars i'm, we're a self educator edison can do you think the age of south education is over, or is it on the beginning? you're almost thought, well, i don't think it's over and i don't think it'll ever be over. no, you see there are 2 kinds of people who deal with those who think about doing something else losing and those who actually do things in some dealer. those who do things he simply act on their ambition. yahoo is like when i 1st said that i wanted to make a film shelter when everyone started saying it's a very complex affair that you needed team budget and all that. yeah. the slides and days after i sent it to god i was already filming, and she konica with a crew that was in the world. i just went for it with dill to so i had the idea in the evening if i woke up the next morning or not, and i did it now clearly, what can russian people do to be more like that in their crash that, that it seems like it's part of our character that term dog year old boy. that poor little thing of does take us a long time to get started. he another stop until the end. we're always tempted to rely on others that much there. when you have that someone else is going to do your work as la masters, then your fun factor of the ability you mentioned could do a great service to our people. daughter is a grown li are we could come to realize what we're capable of. no play them, but i'm sure you can agree that we have immense potential are not except ourselves for who we are. while richie nicotine him are, those will yield almost position wife. think it depends on how you were raised as a when you, when you abrazzo nika, told him a pretty were clarification, is also important though and, and i'm not talking about academic education, learning, math and so on. formally, the lithograph color shows when you learn culture, when you learn values, as you develop the desire to keep going forward though i need to develop further, he quit so, so it's essentially about having a pension for developing meet you and eagerness to learn lunch. leticia, can you have that without traveling around your country? what's that? i think so just it's just the traveling is one of the simplest ways to learn new things or so. but if you want to learn something, you don't always have to run an expedition with a huge team and rides under the to the north pole and fed bike break. unless you can start by getting your car, or even hoping on your bike and exploring the neighborhood that you'll discover lots of things your, i'm sure that most people haven't even been to some of the areas next to their homes any. but after that, you can go further and eventually come here to the russian far east. for example, 6 people usually constrain themselves to a number of routes. i think you're talking about coming back from the virtual world to real life science. i've been thinking we can only know the world if you're data stepping into uncharted territory. thought by opening more bills. long. sure. no. but you must always start by doing that soccer. good. it's to been, then you just look and see where it takes you. there are many rows to take a distal amused associate past linear one last question. now has on all time magazine forecast mass integration did she, within the next 50 years has been seen yet. but quite a foresee higher. the serious climate change in you can say, go to brands that samira and the arctic held that the 2 places where people can hide from this braiding heat and humidity ah cap on that quote. but what do you think about this whole cast of media is the arctic prepared to house millions of displaced people? it is to garcia when it comes to global warming me. if the problem does exist away, gleiss of glaciers got melting with my own eyes. when i saw a place i had seen 10 years before and it looks completely different thinker that the ice level has changed visibly himself to work out in one place where you can see that sir, is the arctic part of your katya. we knew days menial sir. all the islands there, such as the new port, new se, beerin islands, or what he consists of cheaper well deserved. yeah. dirt mixed with ice, throw on the west abuse. i don't know how it came to be, but it's essentially a mixture of dirt proportioned eyes postal eyes. so what's happening with these islands? is that this dirt i will just lag and heaps melting away in the sun salsa. when we approach the shore as fast throw out the breeze, our gps tracker sat there too. we had reached the same point we deal if where we had got off for the last time the lot. there was no land there, right? if we had another 115 meters to go stiffness of the island in last 150 meters of land in just 5 years. yeah, now it's simply melted into the ocean. theocracy means that the water level rose accordingly caught the greenhouse effect, grew stronger for and all kinds of other consequences are taking place in a keeper. he and there's just one place, or we can imagine what's happening to the planet on the global scale. shoppable changes are underway in dallas, the arctic sure is a big laser which has a greater digit potential for our country. that alone, it gets good that we have now started developing the arctic and the far east of the key to you can't have such vast territories without suiting them to good use. he took the course that we have what i think is a good symbiotic relationship with the indigenous populations, osama where money companies are come to develop resources that come but give back to the locals by building infrastructure he the last 5 or 10 years ago, are people would leave her in a lonely place last and the snow dos with one lamp posts lighting the road to port the past and now they have more than houses with internet access, cafes and a t. m machines thumb mark as governor la roman abramivitch will come carried out a really impressive renovation campaign in chicago camp. what carol might take well, in which is the eastern most settlement in eurasia villa. a place with a view of alaska. if you go that off or you will see rows of need scandinavian style houses in different colors, global to the end of one old, lopsided house between them, that looks really run down to scan during our visit. physically, we asked her if there was someone who could to give us advice on the route. we had planned that with them, and the locals directed us, sir, to the local hunter who actually lived in that house. when you'd already put, we asked him what at our, why wasn't your house rebuild, like all the others little and he said, you know, when the government decided to rebuild this place, lash half of the people wanted to keep their old homes in. yeah. so the government, we found ways to lew them out of town and it's sending them to helpful results and so on what imp yesterday. and while the people or out of tom state rebuild their houses yourself. but the hunter refused to go anywhere. why, what i am a hunter after all, he said what the door is that also his house remained as it was, and now he says, my house is a monument to how unreasonable and ignorant i was when he saw the comfort so that the new houses offered to realised that he should have allowed his home to be rebuilt to all dogs, only the new houses are really comfortable. well breakdown we have to live here, but i really appreciate your time today and wish you all the best sold, the locked into your future trial. of as you thank you for watching hope to hear again on, well, the part ah with mm ah, it should get rid of it. z a, dickie. he will. yes. that is the kilogram. seems like it was more i won't put that. so the mean, you know, it's, well, it's a vehicle or a splitter, whichever some way more serious. um we choose for storage like who wants food? actual disease, krakowski. we need you to advise you to do that, which when you walk with me, it's crossroads with the internet. was a digital video. just upload plan, you were one of them. i see the tire size crossing. it's traditional wrong and switch it and then you will was not at the tip floor, the but i thought i was on, but usually 3 neighbors call up nice with michael up. any billing? thanks. a motion of them on you thought it home you. i mean, you really above, you know, to fall in love with for the my look and you live muscles. if you look on the initial, be one of club, not significant dealer post on zillow diaz can use the put body when you, when you do origin. but you also still with saddam results, if it was a similar to like $1.00 to $4.00 on the believe just listed. but you would you what i see these teeny bussey's though group you motivation says dc to you to come with ah ah ah, and with get a national a fema barnett by shook up at lever robert in the buck us yet i just lavish. fortunately i didn't and then you view it of course ask us about doing a bruster deacons. i thought of you.

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