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And 10000 more mistakes. Office building daniels twin neighborhood south to see the eastern olivia onto the jazz military Government Service ties with funding the kids to get ahold of the rising the deployment of the troops on his territory for multiple military intervention. Quite the west African Regional blog at w, the april pm here in the russian capital. Then you are watching all the international with the latest world headlines, a very warm welcome to you, our top story, this our a festive dinner, and on the f, kim jong goodness, taking place that the best thoughts nicole is much room off the no 3 and leave the on the russian president vladimir fruits and health by last will talks for around 0 hours. Well, my exchanges on posts were made during the day and it was a neat as hating the 2 countries friendship and co operation. To this, there was a proverb in korea. Lets close the you are the best with friends, the old of the best. And all people say an old friend is better than to new ones. These folk wisdom, soft, fully applicable to move the relations between all countries. I would like to propose a toast to the further strengthening of friendship and corporation between all countries, between the Russian Federation and the dpr take to the wellbeing and prosperity of all peoples to the house of commer chairman and everyones present. Id like to take this opportunity to convey some of the Korean People a military salute and warm for internal greetings to all the russian people who have v as in security. Ill be historical costs of building a strong russia and for the reliable protection on the subject interests of the state of the whole register. Our visit today takes place for the time when you come from nations between progress and reaction, just as an injustice is in the folding. All the International Arena and the process of multiple habits, the of the world is vigorously advancing sites that they come with will and united power of independent business parties. It goes on off. It was that the talks takes us to the timeline office of the north korea later. Jim jones on the is it him, he has a right to the bus thought. You need cosmo jerome in russia where he is meeting his russian count, deposit vladimir putin. We couldnt have more of a front row to whats going to happen here. Were about to witness. All they ceremonial is the Supreme Leader of north korea is right now, being greeted by the russian delegation. Im very glad to see you, especially given such events. 75 years since the formation of the republic. The 17 verse threw up the victory in the great horror flick variation and 75 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations. The for holding their tooks president food and then came jump on to the deepest storage. Me cause metro with inspections of the anger, a space rocket carrier, as well as the so used to Launch Complex construction of the anger began in 2019 him is now when its final stages. The Launch Complex will allow Research Programs of the solar system and even beyond to take place. The work itself does not use any toxic fuel components, which allows for improved environmental safety. Well, the rush of president has just finished giving a private brief tool around the facility for his north koreans county costs. And this is the final leg over the somewhat public program. Here, you can see that the on, as i said, our meeting takes place of the special times. It was our country that was the 1st to recognize the silver and independent states of the p. R. K, and health test clyde for its independence. Of course, now we need to talk about economic cooperation, humanitarian issues, and the situation in the region. No rush to safely struggle, defended state solving and protected securities in all positions and the government. And this of the gemini forces that oppose russia. And now we want to further develop relations. We have always supported and support over the decisions. So president booth and, and the russian government, we hold that we will continue to stand together in the struggle against imperialism. And for the building of a, some of the states in the run up to this meeting, both west and officials and media like have been a pause about the potential expansion of the military corporation between russia and north korea. Apparently all these concerns and threats fall on deaf is in moscow and can be lifting the sanctions from those career song, say for the food and the we did not impose sanctions on north korea, essentially square imposed by the un security council. Therefore, please ask the security council. Meanwhile, we will develop equal fair cooperation with the democratic peoples republic of korea. Well, hands have been shaken. Documents signed the talks between vladimir movement, king john on officially wrapped up here in rushes, far raised on the storage. The customer drove the north korean leave it in the costing you can probably see maybe not so well, but you can see latimer pollutants mining and waving his hand. Good bye so far, the details about what theyve agreed on here. Um, well, i shrouded in mystery, but the upcoming days are sure to provide a glimpse onto what they have. Well, what they have decided to shake their hands on and well, the expectation is that this could be quite momentous. I think is done of reposing from brushes, far east oxy. On the west, in Mainstream Media outlets of fixed power tension on the me think in russia is far raised with frenzied headlines. The speculates about, well, the talks mind produce. However, they told us general down place the potential results that may come out of the meeting. As prior to the visits us during the chief ma camelia, probably said the fonts deliveries around the table between those career and russia. It would be in significance. And really told me, he doubts that new ammunition for russia will make a substantive difference in russias efforts in ukraine. As for what north korea gets in, return, kim once more advanced technology for his Ballistic Missile and nuclear program. Reaction from washington has been doubtful that general milly stays on deliveries would make a difference. Well, National Security had dig sullivan threatens to immediately slipped functions on north korea if any deals and made providing weapons to russia for use on the battlefield to attack grain silos and the heating infrastructure of major cities as we had into winter to try to conquer territory that belongs to another sovereign nation is not gonna reflect well on north korea and they will pay a price for this in the international community. We have also impose sanctions, specific targeted sanctions to try to disrupt any effort to use north korea as a conduit or is a source for weapons going to rush us is obviously worried because they have the issue of multiple warning, not just from the National Security advisor jake solid, but also phone kind of gone depending spokesperson. Ironically, i have claim that if you, north korea provides and munitions of weapons to russia. You will, well, you will necessarily for a lot of suffering in the ukraine war this, given that United States itself at this very moment is providing cluster ammunition. And thats 6 and about to provide f sixteens to ukraine. So us is being highly hypocritical. But at the same time, us have already have multiple sanction in place against north korea. Theres not much more that could do. I mean theres nothing for north korea to do. It crane has a touch. The russian sitting upset a saw who was 10 crews missed thousands, 3 on non folks. Initial reports say 24 people will tease stakes, sweetie has more details for us. Of a ship loading pon has been struck. This is a holiday is essential for the repair of submarines and bushes. Black c a fleet, the governor of sylvester bowl is on the scene where Emergency Services are working to tackle was being described as a huge blaze. Now, according to preliminary reports, at least 24 people have been wounded in the attack. Now the crime being bridge has been close to the traffic as a precaution. Re measure of what the governor says that somebody a named plus drop to a safe spot. Russian, a defense hes worked to repel another incoming missiles that was lost, the economy and opinions to the russian hill. Sowards, you say the situation that is now under control in the Defense Industry have released this site to, nor do you creating, you know, the full says launch destroyed with 10 cruise missiles on the ship power plants in the city of service topple while 3 printing and on man boats attacked a group of russian ships of the black sea fleet at to see crossing air Defense Systems have shut down. 7 crews in this house and the russian patrol ship destroyed all unmanned boats as a result of being headed by enemy cruises, sauce, to ships on to go in repairs were damaged. Now theres no clear on the stage, but of course west to be supplied. Weapons have been used on strikes in crime a, a, in the policy crime. It has become something of an obsession for you. Cried you were cool. Of course the means that was circulating on social media coating for a breach. Faulty a set of ration in crime in the summer now course hasnt materialize. It doesnt look like its going to materialize. Any time in the near future, ukraine has increased its attacks on the crime in peninsula in the last few months now. Amount in a woman, civilians on the whole, they were killed in one such attack in the last few months i daughter was less seriously wounded. And of course, often as a result of that, what would you cranes, counter offensive feelings . Something which is now being acknowledged by the west. Were seeing more and more these acts of desperation. Meanwhile, the local reporters sent us this report from said this stuff without doing that. So deal with the ortiz will quickly restore normality. Following the attack. Not by no means reason due to the movements life and the cities back to normal, public transport Texas Services and the whole Online Services are over 18. There are certain difficulties with mobile internets in the city center. But this has happened before since 7. Snowfall is a military base there on north main fire trucks, not a huge number of ambulances. All the victims were taken away immediately up to destroy. With now the specialist will have to do to them and what sort of a mess i was used you and destroyed the supplied storm shadow, some ukrainian walker, or perhaps even a u a b. The. They didnt pass code on president ial excuse advisor, to explain his to rocketry remarks on china and india. I think it has a responsible position on the ukranian crisis. But the accused indians and chinese of having a week, the intellectual potential as not to analyzing the consequences of that actions. It isnt severe. We also slammed into National Organizations like the un under the red cross. It sounds a little one thats inside the us is of all of the apps and see organization of this. So i would say is a Public Relations or a lobby office. Money for the good old people occupying certain leadership positions the motions of all the by the you have will always be negative. Like any, all the international institution. Kind of like a, the International Red cross, mr. International. All these, all fictitious organizations, that pollutants, all consciousness was absolutely. Bob bish assessments if they had not existed and we probably would have so many problems better and foster avenue. So this is what you would call a classic case of nagging. Just like when a dude who has a ton of issues, a real basket case, were talking a solid to on the attractiveness scale, wants to get with a woman who he considers to be a 10. So in an attempt to cut her down to his level, he starts making snide the jobs to make her feel more insecure. Like, hey, is your nose broke in . Or is that just totally the normal or do you play right . Me or are your shoulders normally not big. So you practice famously corrupt and not corruption is routinely vote as a reason why the, you cannot commit to making you create a member. And the fact that ukraine is in a constant state of conflict is also why nato wont touch it right now either. So now the wednesdays onto arrives is negative. All of these major western institutions basically saying, were not corrupt, your corrupt all this talk about dating down, not accepting ukraine because of your last standards, and youre not exactly great couches yourselves. Thats the message. All of the, even the reg process can get used to quote radish assessments. I wish i had 5 that linebacker and i was a little kid. And the red cross issue report cards for swimming lessons. Hey, my back float isnt a problem. This organization, just issues rubbish, assessments hasnt been getting what it wants at the pace that it wants. No firm into ation commitments. No western lead kangaroo courts to prosecute russian leaders and t f is using this western and foot dragging to lay on a guilt trip. On the German Foreign ministers, recent trip to quito you, prince chief diplomat, sounded anything but grateful. You asked done it in a way that she gave me and you called about dollars. Uh no. I wouldnt say that the went to be on the official position of the german government. But you know, you will, you will do it anyway. Its just a matter of time and i dont understand why were wasting time. So because of their box could not cost more weapons for kias right there on the spot. Instead she plugs more money, another 20000000 euros. That should buy germany about 10 more minutes of peace and quiet. Its kind of like giving a kid some candy. So we shuts up just long enough so that you can watch your tv show and piece. But it really does not solve the root cause of the problem that your kid is just spelled demanding. And right, in this case, that would be ukraines total unwillingness to negotiate peace with russia to the point of criminalizing any attempts to even do so. In his way, this interview with a western press in the economist zalinski talks about the problem being, quote, russia remaining on your trade in territory. Well, totally ignoring the fact that he has allowed his country to become basically a flaw house for washingtons anti western interest. And if the west doesnt see his way, hes now suggesting that its ultimately void to be europes problem, not because of dangerous russians, but because of dangerous ukrainians. Good to you in a to ukraine will only prolong the war, mister zalinski argues, and it would great risk for the west and its own backyard. There is no way of predicting how the 1000000 so if you grand refugees in you countries would react to their country being abandoned. Ukrainians have generally behaved well and are very grateful to those who shelter them. They will not forget the generosity, but it wouldnt be a good story for europe if its worth to drive these people into a corner. Now he doesnt sound like a mob boss there at all. Nice places you guys have over there in europe would be a shame if something were to happen to it. Im sure that youre training refugees fleeing conflicts would be absolutely thrilled to hear zalinski describe his own people as some kind of sleep for ages who could activate against europe if he doesnt get what he wants. They time enough to germantown, so full constitution on software into ralph and i, my essays, kid isnt do it yourself any favors with these kinds of statements . I think dave simply think they are the center of the universe. Im the aunt. Youre pregnant government at the moment, they are the solving themselves because they seem to have no real support anymore. So not from washington because many of the senators not under republicans, ill say, why should we finance for this war . So they are running out of time and running out of money, so they have to blame someone else. And thats what was going on at the moment. We can say, i mean these fine organizations of the red cross and the United Nations to text them when they dont speak the way that you wanted. That was really bad news. Yes. Military government denounced on tuesday would scrap a military pods with neighboring benita twos to get the older. One is in the deployment of troops on his territory for a possible military intervention. The gates nisha by the west African Regional loca, echo us in the beginning, has decided to consider an aggression against the chair. Instead of supporting us. The republic of the banning has authorized the station angel soldiers and materials from their territory with the perspective of aggression by france in calibration, with certain eco us countries. The National Council for the safeguard of the homeland, the government of new share, has decided to cancel the military agreement of july 11th, 2022 with banning and re to raise their desire to avoid any escalation. They name is one of the coolest countries that has been tested, approval for the blind meaning to the intervention of new jeff. So what does it just be now is to ensure that to get some of the course members decided against the. But it could be innovation that is the plan. But of course, whats in the journey is we is to see within the import companies, which will the companies will be a guest, the media, to the integration of what would be the one that was supposed to meet the innovation. I think from this we can see that the jump to try and tools is so ready to break any uh, you know, relationship we have with any company that is on the site. It was the division when he stepped tree. So that is what were waiting to see. Meanwhile, thousands of locals of organized they fit in protesting to a French Military base. The mullins take the departure of foreign troops. Congress has refused to do so because it does not recognize the new also as hes all from the on a much from the post. As he said that fully times the new government they were here today to remind your people of the true history of prawns fronts. Has always been a colonizer and we will not allow it to stay on our territory any longer. Youre very in today, all supported then you government and will continue supports in it, and with them on the totes of departure, all french soldiers a check last time people need to see how bad mach ron is. Your soldiers did nothing for our country. They failed us every time. So many of our soldiers died because of their inaction. We want them out of our country. Im certain we will be able to overcome the small challenge in front of us. Germans have to be strong in united. The french soldiers will leave no matter what the republicans have condemned. The bonded administrations prison to exchange with a romantic choosing for us president of allegedly appeasing or no tory, a state sponsor of terrorism. So lets get this straight. We did a hostage trade with a ron. We gave them 5 very tough smart people that they desperately wanted. We likewise got back 5 people, but we also gave them 6000000000. 00. How much of a kickback does crooked joe biting get . Does anyone realize how much money . 6000000000. 00 is joe bidens policies are emboldening our adversaries while putting americans safety and security at risk. First job, i didnt use 911 as an excuse to flee afghanistan. Now he desecrate this day by paying ransom to the worlds worst state sponsor of terrorism. Shameful. On monday, the binding administration gave the green light for the International Banks to transfer a frozen arabian funds from south korea to a specified accounts in tasa. The documents allows europe in the middle east and on the asian bunks to converge the frozen assets without violating us sanctions. The movies tied to the recent prison, the exchange between the 2 countries, while around the claims full source here, the best funds that the find is ministrations. Quick, assertion of himself was met with criticism. The facts of this arrangement are when this money arrives in these accounts in car, it will be held there under strict oversight by the United States Treasury Department and the money can only be used for the amount of tearing purposes. And uh, we will remain vigilant and watching uh the spending of those funds and have the ability to freeze them again if we need to. So this whole thing about, were not getting it, were not the, the, youre doing every year. Youre on blocking it basically your, your telling International Banks and these European Countries in asia, in the middle east that youre fine, go ahead and do it. So the idea that you dont have anything to do with it is i, i, i did not say that would not say that we are, of course, taking steps to effectuate the transfer of these funds to these arrange ronnie and funds. However, the point i take issue is to give something that must be something thats yours and this is not our money. Its is around in money to waiver, sorry, grant the waivers, then they wouldnt get them. Im not disagreeing with it. Although its, its their money in the 1st place, they wouldnt have access to it. They wouldnt, they wouldnt be able to effectively have assume history repeats itself. Political analyst, doctor, its a hate to solve. It gives us more background on the nice its, its certainly its a big amounts of money and by didnt have space strong Credit Systems back home. Some republicans have talked about the us being black means or having to pay some brass and money. Thats the truth of the matter is that this is not the charity money. This is the money that legally belongs to iran and has been illegally blocked by the United States. Just one point that is could be, could be related to the conversation is that when it comes to humanitarian issue, the United States has a very interesting background in that i can remember that due to these sanctions, you on has not, was not able to import medicine then is, was dealing with 19 and then now they are talking about humans here in issues for people sitting here and to run. It sounds a little bit more ridiculous. The desktop, it has the past, 5300 people from the destruction caused by storm. Daniel, according to libyas eastern government and terry, a ministry, 10000. 00 more, remained missing and according to local stores, these casualties are expected to rise. The small city of doing a phase of some of the storms was the devastation. This was a busting from dams most away in time neighborhoods. Eventually deposit thing the rebel by the sea warning some fee was might fund the following image is disturbing. Or all these of those taken away by the sled was as a being found, was stopped onto the beaches and some of the people listed missing will be among them. Meanwhile, edge and rescue operations and efforts to clear the day break, continued the International Red cross and red crescent. You a took a cool way to egypt and jordan all sending agent assisting in the release assets with the promise of more assistance coming from his own head of the Red Cross International federation on the web crescent delegation. Thatd be at the squad, the situation on the ground for us and the main challenges his Organization Needs to address and the catastrophes optima the response is that divided it to many phases. Now we are in the crisis space, but the basic services of the most important, the given, tripped up for those who lost their old. So before that, thats what items dealing with it but is which is everywhere to the streets. I spit out leaks on the account and provide the basic medical assistance. The 2nd phase will be that because of the paste, which involves the destruction of the destructive buildings and also provide life with programs for those who lost their income. The city lean to say the every but as all of the product that has to be work and cant do that in their collective effort with the company, with the u. N. Agents as we get that, especially organizations like i was to, uh, the team and supporting the bundle of people who are with a fixed by the store. The positive thing that the more International Support is starting to come in and start to just update by. Yeah, the plans are from uh, turkey. Uh today that is uh, one plan for the quite yesterday that was obtained also from egypt and more to come from. So the idea, jordan has been a lot of knowledge so far we have a bullshit i convictions. Yep. Deal according qualitative measurement donors, we think that across movement or we did the dimension of the community to donate. We fund the technical expertise. We everything that can help the simple good for them. Its a minute that in addition on the ground, saudi arabias ministry of education has instructed all public and private secondary schools in the kingdom to begin teaching Mandarin Chinese twice a week. The director of one school site is the move will bring opportunities for students that you have a Forward Thinking Initiative or waste leadership has taken steps to introduce a new curriculum for teaching the chinese language. This edition represents a significant enrichment opportunity for our students in the building their awareness and hasnt their knowledge acquainting them with diverse cultures and equipment them with valuable skills that will prove beneficial in the future indeverus model or it will open up multiple both graduation opportunities for them this initiative focus numerous advantages and holds great promise for all students, growth and development. Within 7000000. 00 students who have begun the new semester at the start of september will be assigned to learn chinese every sunday. On monday, the Development Estate is important for the 2 Countries Increasing cooperation in the field of education. Solving students, the chinese language language can help them with more Employment Opportunities on the face of it, i have the Chinese Language Initiative is a commendable endeavor setting chinese in high school can significantly enhance or post Education Career prospects by expanding our job opportunities. Im genuinely and susie asked to cut out the Chinese Language Initiative because it not only enriches us with other cultures, but also opens upgrade to job opportunities. It was more details on the stories and side see more with it and get to check all websites onto you dont come back in 30 minutes. See if the alternative for germany is on the rise, doubling its popularity since the last election cycle. This Party Challenges neo liberal orthodoxies on the issues of immigration, military alliances, and the nature of the european union, and much more. This is why there are some who want alternative for germany. Frustrating. Yeah. Could i start to change this, looking at them for me to just set them . Im going to go into a freight con. Skim allowed 0. Sure left. Seem like charging me to what the shuts it up up. So lets see, one and 3 met in a similar condition is interest set perhaps, and im assuming now flicking model, lets to continue to set them good. Now, you know, who is particularly symmetric, listed would pass in sort of so that you will address now click on it with her or something that i moved, but theyre building it that whole repressed or that wont video those mean except which in crash. And then you might have to meet those magic listed. Can you move the she has at least what civil ignition and National Motor shes. I respect that real quick as measuring able to extend the support across, convincing them today. Africa is on shackling the chains of slavery. The only way youll have kids, of course, do stuff will disagree with us that the piece that theyll go this with as the the do you on a piece goes way and final thoughts and flows now, but the most to use before 3 people keep telling me to do it really

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