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Parliament takes a shallow approach and basically its analysis on make information, bounce encore as we action to the blog. Latest report on 20th. 6 i know its a regular person that just check lo 1000. 00. 26. Anyway, she had limited and the raises concerns over Treatment Fund media and police in seattle of after the death of a 26 year old woman who was crushed by the police law in january. Thats off the recording is showing a police by law saying that has that police phone for the west. The a very welcome been gone. The International Coming to live for most go. Its great to have you with us this our, the more tubs story with the arrival level. They say thousands, michael in so far teeth have declared a state of emergency on the southern. Its highly an island of non produce done the ceiling and the situation between disney and news. Awesome. Okay. And hows the population of 76000 people and its highly in red cross. The officials said that masses of refugee defined by more than a 100, less or 2, its an easy southern most points. And the best 400 said michael incentive has been overwhelmed. European countries of the thought refused to help. Its a with this migrant challenge that has now reached blackboard limits, ill say, contributes to rachel, mazda and friends as well. So this flooded migrate is coming from sub Saharan Africa via tunisia. Specifically, were talking thousands of done over the past 48 hours and counting continued virtually completely unabated to the Little Island of la producer, which is located specifically between sicily and tanisha. All while the European Union did. Or you think that italy would step up and just defend this border . Sounds easy, right . Especially since Prime Ministers yours are maloney round on the promise to stem migration. Then a refusal to let them dock in italy lead to drownings. So brussels took maloney by the hand and said, hey, this is a really bad look for italy. And for the you defending its own borders. So let you handle it will make you deal with to be job, pay them 100000000. 00 euros to basically outsource our own Border Defense to them. And um, make a deal with they can make a deal with the traffickers and the influx of migraines and, and handle all of that. So with this, wed, so now me of my friends now being larger than the population of land produced itself. Clearly this is turned out to be another reason outage success for cleaners will and the big brain bureaucrats and brussels. They had an african leader who was very effective in keeping migrants in africa from reaching europe. Libyan leader marg adolphe, but france and the u. K. Lead the way for nato to take him out. So the way things are supposed to work is that other even countries are supposed to now take migrants to reduce the burden on italy, in the interest of solidarity and all that. So lets check in to see how thats working out right now. For now the tongues between all team sidney totally within my grants. To be welcome to germany, aust suspended where i respect an obligations and as soon as there is a change, we will welcome more people giving the currently high migrate to repress, showing germany then go in suspension of dublin southwest by some Member States including easily reinforces the major challenges germanys currently facing in terms of its reception and accommodation capacity, like, obviously didnt get the memo about unity and solidarity sounds like hes auditioning for team unities. Fi club, of course has more on rosters of africa as a result of, of fail county to counterterrorism. Issues and as to how leading to cruise and unrest. It strengthens migrants case for Refugee Status in europe. More of them seem to pretty much willing to roll the dice. Remember when syria was a total mass, as a result of that country being war torn. Thank you. Last, the nations again and migrants led to the via turkey, germany at that time, sure was seeing a different tune under chancellor aguilar merkel. And that would be way back in august of 2015, which is when so many people take on so much to pursue their dream of a life in germany, then this really isnt a bad testimony for us. The world sees germany as a country of hope and opportunity. Our state is quite simply, germany is a strong country and the motivation behind our approach to these things must be that we have achieved so much. We can do this. Im looking for looks like germany is full now. No, they can see. So as pulling by the way as officials have famously frag that it refuses to take even one single migrate. And theyre definitely not going to start. Now as they head into the task for relaxing this fall, theres really no appetite anywhere in europe right now for this kind of uncontrolled mass migration. Yet the you does not want to ruin its pro, migrate virtue signaling by putting up a new vacancy sign along with, you know, a naval blockade to defend its own borders. So instead it out sources the problem 2 countries close to his border. Turkey tanisha pays the millions and um, caught in the middle of all this are the migraines whose countries have to contend with the consequences of western lincoln. And europeans also are having to deal with this fairly years. Wouldnt know effective policy if it must them in broad daylight and year to leads. Meanwhile, wonder why voters all across europe are movie even further right further than one time was. So we need praising georgia maloney who failed to stay on the ground on this issue. And is now seeing the disastrous result of outsourcing a tale and sovereignty to brussels. Its all just a big mystery to these european a leads where this right wing surge in europe could possibly be coming from the number of victims from the devastating floods. Think that hit libya on monday has the past 11000 less. According to the states, red crescent, Society Officials in the ravaged city of the world, the desktop codes wise to 20000. 00. The area was one of the was tests off the to nearby, down above the city bus to washing away in time neighborhoods as well as bridges and roads. And to bring relief efforts in worsening the already dia, humanitarian crisis. Many buildings were destroyed or swept away without warning along with the rest of the rescue teams, including those coming to help from other states like egypt have in searching for victims on to the level of holding the following images. All just stopped by the bodies of many of those who were swept away by the floods want just have begun to watch a show. Many of the storms victims of being buried in mass graves with because of a shortage of 40 bucks. A journalist from done a who managed to escape the area to took us safe and time neighborhoods was swept away by the flooding, taking with it the lives of many of his friends. There is no doubt a mess up. There is only 3 neighborhoods thats. I was lucky enough for that to my family, happens to live in one of the same neighborhood, but oh, my friends, all of their relatives, all of the people that i know all of our friends who were about to do some very decrease and in the boy scouts the way the kids, but we were playing football with our, our colleagues in the college and the secondary school. All of them are dead. Beeble. Were lucky enough to escape this disaster. And were in that place. They were in brutal tops of buildings who did not collapse the fixed floor, which was the only floor whos the vibes. Those people who are like 2 meters away, you from the body. And this creates was completely full of water for, it was like the 4th floor. The building was the highest, so they got up to go to stop in the fire building. They kept hearing screams. They folded bodies on the waves of thats blogs. When the flood was gradually getting down they, they got down into the building, which said it might go. It went through the street to see their nephew laying down to display that we are constantly asking the National Community to come and help. We are heading this creams under the ground. All small babies of families calling for help, but no one to help just today. Small numbers, tens of people came from Different Countries in the world, and maybe 2 to 3 countries inside of the cities to help, to help measure the cause of these and to help get the bodies out of the ground. But we still believe that some people are still alive and reviewed our boss, inc, with new International Interventions to help them. We believe that water people die locals from the affected areas including the cities of done the answer about those located on the know facing post of libya so that devastating by the consequences that the flooding was some still hoping to find that enough ones. So my son, a company in the family, from to brook to another city on the way back. She called me from doing and said, mom, we had a storm he afraid to do more to keep me safety. Weve been looking for 4 days now, but havent found him. I go from one town to another and still no success. I should be better to speak to her and hope someone has seen him with us. I pray to the lord and well go forward this to hear my voice and help me find my son. Let him know that a medina, a read. This entire city has been wiped out. The victims still on the boat and some in the sea. The bodies buried in moss graves because the cemeteries are full to the seal. All ask for this and he repeats, come, help us as what helps you. You can see all the situation for yourself. And one of them what to do to you is the international bodies, like the United Nations release agencies and the world health organization. We need to step in with 8 for us that i must admit on government and leaders did the thought even regular citizens gave whatever they could. But the magnitude of this disaster is enormous. The state alone cannot handle this. We need to be clear about that. All resources are limited that could have pages that could be to rescue teams on the medical cruise, as well as a, the equipment according to the country from around the world. Among those that have already sent a castle to here that you a, on some European Countries with many more states like russia, jordan, to dizzy and others preparing to dispatch help. And thats elements the need of fonts. Check as active is safe and situation and then its extremely dangerous, but the floods damaging the transportation infrastructure. So they had a very bad experience. We saved in the dark, facing the flooding. The situation is too dangerous. Now the road that connects the east and the west side of the city is damaged by the clock. It is the neighborhood that the slots, in fact is mainly. It is, it is the only way to the east and west the so the locals are know, ouch, stock. Its on the east side in the west side, so they can and reach the supplies and the supplies cannot be spread equally or the then they reach ability only. So rise as much manageable right now. Theyre trying to to create a load in the middle. So the city will be connected back again. The supplies coming from libya and cities, the they are activities for him, donations and even other countries, sent medical and food and many suffice to olivia. The amount of that on tuesdays and rescue teams. This is less than the capacity he needs. We need, we need help in this fight. This is the only thing that we need the, the brother to use. I have trained a know, they are not profession or to say such a fresh tragedy. India is deeply troubled over the police on media hun blanket. The death of a young indian woman at gen navi tongue de la. He was crushed by a police call and see ah, so last january recent reports including a media all the handling of mason, john avi, can do us down to enroll the accident in seattle. In january, a deeply troubling we have taken out the match as strongly with local authorities in seattle and Washington State as well as senior officials in washington, dc. Across to our say corresponded one didnt show on the for more details on this. Now going to good to see you. Could you give us more information on this story on the backgrounds please . A 22 years old goes to john. He was slashed by se the Police Patrol car when he was crossing the road in seattle in the us. And this particular incident, the accident and heart subsequent death, each month after it actually happened, has now stopped me to control the c not or was the accident alone, but because of a body town we deal that has now sophia, so the police officer, basically laughing vindictively, on her death and basically saying that her life had limited while you on that it can be saved. Thats how insensitive the Us Administration was towards india. Indian student in this particular case. But this is seattle administration for you. Take a look at this but she is a no, its a regular person that just chat. 11000. 00. She was 26 anyway, she had limited in the outrage. This will just say this deep sleep suddenly incident has now drawn condemnation, not just from india. See the indias in bows adult to be us. But from the across the was the by the administration has now stepped in. They have the problem is swift and Co Investigation into the match. But the point is, the fact really your is that the us is quick to that, to india. To me, by the way, it has a pattern of doing that. In fact, they recently, when us President Joe Biden had some down to india for the 2 places, thomas, the new w 4 states over the weekend when lines and does the september, joe biden express his concerns for rights violations, or at least once you receive this human rights wileys as in india to india in the Prime Minister and heading to more the never mind whats happening in his own backyard. This treatment by Us Administration of the indians. If this is not racism, if this is all discrimination, if this is not human rights, why these and what is blended may, thanks to that report. So i cant even imagine to be to begin to imagine how the Family Office is young. Go for the ceiling upon hearing that reporting. Thank you for that report. Pointing salma onto correspondence but the association of Foreign Ministry slammed the european parliaments report on took yeah, on wednesday saying the report is filled with on face accusations on to misleading information. The reporters, a collection of unfounded allegations and prejudices based on this information by entities, circles is a reflection of as well known as shallow and visionary approach notes only towards to t e relations, but also towards the future of the European Union. This report, unfortunately demonstrates that the members are captives of populace daily politics and the way from developing the right strategic approach to the European Union, as well as to our region uncorrected our statements. It shouldnt come as a surprise, of course, the reasoning behind on christ statements could be anything and everything regarding democratic concerns is that the e u has express regarding turkey. It could be the cyprus issue, which is a very important issue. Relations with the west and rush, another very important crucial topic for wrong, correct. But it seems to be the overall tone of the you and the european parliaments report and the commissioner which essentially centered on correct and its approach to the you. This issue of course, regarding the target state and i want to touch up on that just very briefly as well. Its very evident and its telling me that it feels that the you is being and is failing to be impartial when it comes to turkey and the European Union and some of the standards that it expects on career to uphold. To summarize, i could say thats on corrupt viewed this as an opportunity. This moment in time to work with the issue, potentially speaking, be closer to the end of a statement coming out of europe today is of thats on chris walking away. Lets listen more for details. It has been found that took you has continued to move away from the you with backslide and in the area of democracy, rule of law and fundamental rights. In line with the decision of the you being council. The accession negotiations with took the remain at a stand still. The report does go into a great deal more detail. One of the most fundamental issues has been to the Green Deal Initiative broken by turkey, as well as the United Nations. And now taking a look at how the developments have progressed over the last year and a half. We can understand that turkey has been a crucial player in most of these talks. Providing food and grain to mulch must have much of the world. And this, again, has dealt a great deal of complications around the world, particularly that the issue has been benefiting the most from this deal. There have been concerns from russia that only it seems at this point. Turkey has been in a position to express to the rest of the world, but its also churches relationship with russia. That seems to be a great deal of concern from the European Union. And the commissioner had more to say on this issue. Lets take a listen. Were welcome to get out for us to revive the blacks, the green initiative, which plays an Important Role in ensuring global for security. It is essential but so the remains engage with the e. You also on the implementation of sanctions against russia. In particular, as regards the sanction products. So based on that statement, its fair to understand what you expect from turkey, but more so what on career expects from its allies in the west allies thats ive not been able to deliver on a number of promises made to on career. But also those promises made to rush as part of the black sea green initiative. And this initiative has been a fundamental talking point over the last year and a half for a number of reasons. It has been able to facilitate Food Products to be able to shift an export to different parts of the world. But most importantly, the statement coming out of that you is very, very important. It says that the expects turkey to apply or implements sanctions against russia on cost stands on the matter has been firm from the very start saying that uncle is position is neutral. Its in a position to act as a mediator between russia, ukraine, or the European Union. Even the united states, if we were to take a much broader macro approach to this whole entire process. But that is a main fundamental issue in which uncle a has been blasting the statements coming out of europe, saying that essentially that they dont understand oncourse position on the matter. But also one of the fundamental things here is as uncle was, keeps this neutrality in this entire ordeal. Entre believes that it could be in a position position to potentially speaking somewhere down the line. Be able to brokers similar talks between the different sides as part of this conflict treatment, discuss a potential a possibility about a, a piece deal or a ceasefire regarding some of the aggression in surrounding the region. But that cannot happen if on course position is compromise and this is exactly what on press various out that you stating that it simply does not understand its position. The american belinda investor ray dalio has said that now its not a good time for us citizens to own that old government phones. So as long as they can get the 10th the milk and Institute Asia summit and singapore, how would you think about deploying capital . What would you advise people when you think about trends that you would like to latch on to from an investment perspective, i have to Pay Attention to the implications of the great disruptions that are going to take place. Because the world is going to, the world will be radically different in 5 years, and its going to go year by year become radically different. Next elections, the dep situation. All of these things are going to change. And i dont want this. I dont want, i dont want to own that, you know, bonds and those kinds of things temporarily right now cashier, i think is a good because rate. Thats where they are. Lets discuss this, thought that with all taken tribute to increase the m as now chris. Lovely to see you. So ray davi. Okay. Tell us more about what he says and how important is the in the world of investments. We all know his name, but how big is a . Yeah, so right down here is a bit of a behemoth in the invest involved. So a lot of people will be familiar with a gentleman called warren buffett. Right, sally . I was one of warren buffett. Best friends and the reason is ray dalio has money is to take a very small hedge fund that he started many years ago and turned it into a 20. 00 around the 24000000000. 00 forward shade. So really when right valeo speaks, the guy we call you knows what hes talking about, what the recommendation to avoid investing in government phones and all to use tash what kind of disruption disease hoping about the or yeah, well the thing what hes referring to nikki is the fact that lets 1st just explain to, to have what hi, im exactly what up on days because its quite a, hey, thats to sort of bottom that around the place and every financial, that newspaper, etc. Publication. But really, a lot of people dont really know what it is, but its quite simple. What a bond is nikki, is if you and i go out and buy a phones. What were doing is weve actually lending money to someone in the case of what that is preparing to hit. Hes talking about Us Government bones. So thats where you are. Essentially the thing, the Us Government money as a loan to be paid and on the phones, which is basically a, an i o u that says they owe you this much money out of fix interest, right . Uh, yeah. And so you sell that phones or you sell that to someone else. I think what hes saying here is weve, weve covered this a lot on the program, the key decide steps. And the us is being downgraded by so many credit agencies around the world, which is showing that the markets just dont have confidence the us a guns to be able to. We pay that back to the people that buy the bones, be that governments be that individuals that you and i, that might want to buy bonds for a fixed gauge. Now the us traditionally used to be the safest place involved, ready to buy funds. And the reason was because the us controlled the global is to have coverage through the us solar. So it was quite funny and probably the largest economy in the world would the waltz labor was that currency would not be able to pay you back on that phone. And, but now i think dahlia is saying like a lot of people to say, im not done by the bones because weve got no guarantee resume in the us will actually be able to pay you back, which is quite alarming. Really. When radio speaks to people less than would this have an impact for these comments that is made in single or yeah, i think i think it will have an impact. It may not just be what he says, but it may be the way in which hes hedge fund authorized. As i said, his hedge fund is a very large head from this tens of billions of dollars in size. So if he stopped selling his bond was as if he starts looking at side pacifying into maybe bones in other markets, you never know. You might stop saying, look, im not gonna buy government Us Government bonds, but im going to buy a chinese bones or we may just say no bonds or 2. And as he said, im just going to hold cash. If he just holds cash that hes going to alarm the phone mock in a very significant way, especially if other investors that follow his trends. And they might make that even been to the lot of the ways in which Asset Management today is run. Its other asset money just stops to follow his his lead. It could really be very serious, the devastating to the us economy and the Global Economy as a whole. Interesting stuff, chris, many, 5 speaking to as i always love. So i much from you. Its great talking to us to contribute to it for sams. Thank you. They think has appointed a new um boss of the to us down as don. Now he will be the 1st, the chinese high profile, diplomats to be officially approved by the telephone movements since it came to power 2 years ago. This has been normal rotation of china is invested there to again this town and is intended to continue advancing di, Logan Corporation between china and of gotten his 10 trying his policy towards have dennis tennis clear and consistent to which on that is actually the 1st nation to make diplomatic, i chose to the tyler bonds since the us is much for dishonest withdrawal from afghanistan, the end of the 20 year washington led okay, patients if the country and dia humanitarian circumstances, as the ask on state budget was taken out, but by the bind and administration around lot billy us dollars are estimated to be frozen on the telephone. Government is desperate for the funds to sold, just needs that of a much of the American Military departure. Meanwhile, china has it been engaging . Couple on multiple joints, economic projects, leading to afghanistan, slow recovery on to the telephones interest. Well, i suppose to, i guess, to discuss this further now nelson, long vice chairman of the sign constant of over impact on time and a managing director of the Global Business on the investment consultancy. Many thanks for joining us. Always lovely to see you on the program. So focus 3, the main reasons behind this rock would be developing biological ties between china and ask uninstalled as well. Thank you for having me. Uh, i think there is being uh, some misunderstanding thing and perhaps some misleading regarding the reporting of the news about john, those new appointment of an ambassador to ive gotten this stuff because they remind a, the embassy of china in afghanistan lives. All which being the, the so do other countries as well, except that to many countries have downgraded the representation from ambassadorship to shrug offend level. So this time its uh the, the mandate of the previous impacts of a to do ive gotten, is done, has come to an end. So the chinese for a ministry is right to a, you know, say use that to. This is a normal rotate. So the appointment of a new a basset i have to, ive gotten this done, is just Something Better off calls. But the responding to your question, i think it actually shows that china is a country that adopts its own Foreign Policy totally independently. So thats why some of the, the west, the media is the got it wrong because you cant expect trying to follow whatever the us says or whatever the us does when it comes to Foreign Policy is china has its own Foreign Policy and it needs to look after its own National Interest and of against on being, you know, a name of trying to a neighboring country of course, trying to needs to, to maintain a normal dialogue and to maintain a good communication with whoever that is in power. In terms of Economic Cooperation between afghanistan and china, the most, what effect is, do you think will be a Mutual Benefit to both countries and im with china engaging in new Economic Ventures with ive got his own. Do you think other countries will follow sues a . I think the, as we all know of scanner style is a country that is very rich in Natural Resources and, and i think china has been trying to, to, to establish some good and close Economic Cooperation was the country. However, the last 20 years of us occupation, you know, things didnt move smoothly. So i think the both sides are talking quite actively about china enough gotten this done up working quite actively, to reactivate some of the, the Co Operations or a topics on the agenda. But uh, that hasnt been any the, you know, reports of the mock progress all that font about. Uh, we still have hope. I think that things will get improved as time goes by. Not having said that a

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