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ah, good morning from moscow and to wherever you may be watching from welcome to this ours top news stories from all around the globe. i'm fearless developer. the u. s. has announced it's new military aid package for ukraine. worth almost $4000000000.00 claiming it's the largest military delivery since the ukranian conflict began. the war in ukraine is at a critical point right now, and we have to do everything we can to help the ukrainians continue to resist russian aggression. today's announcement, the largest security assistance package in total value that we have committed so far reflects our enduring commitment to support ukraine. the pentagon says the package will include 50 bradley, infantry fighting vehicles, a 100 armored personnel carriers, hundreds of anti armor rockets and more ammunition for high mars rocket systems. and that's just a fraction of the lethal aid washington is set to send in total the u. s. has provided ukraine with almost $25000000000.00 and military assistance. sarah flounders, co director of the international options center. since the rapidly growing spending on the military means other sectors of the economy will be affected. republicans and democrats support military appropriation too. they cannot reach an agreement on health care much that never happened, but on the military budget. yes, monetary budget grows. they reach an agreement and it happens so fast that do without real debate, but it can mean devastating cuts in education funding schools, housing infrastructure in the u. s, which is decaying rapidly, things like that they will do again and again. meanwhile, the republican leader of the us house of representatives, kevin mccarthy, has proposed a cut to the defense spending of $75000000000.00. this proposal comes as an attempt to agree on his candidate you're to become the speaker of the house. it's a deadlock highlighting divisions among g o. p. lawmakers, who for years have push for a major increase in spending on the military. sarah founders again says mccarthy has always voted in favor of boosting defense spending and is changing his dance in order to become the speaker of the house. every year they make promises that they're going to cut military bunches every year growth and yet it doesn't happen. so it certainly will not happen under kevin mccarthy is wholly strongest for the defense budget and is a complete hypocrite. i actually called in march of over 2022. that biden was 2 soft ukraine wasn't doing enough to get more and more with that was what he said. and it's not much different now except that he is maneuvering in order to become speaker of the house. as a us decides on a new, a package for ukraine, kiev is using already supplied weapons to shell its former territories. as orthodox christmas began ukraine reportedly fire dozens of nato shells at the russian city of god roper wounding. a civilian kiev has also shelled another western russian city of mucky. uh huh. you can see the moment of the strike on christmas. eve captured on c. c. t. v footage locals reported air defense systems activating to intercept the attack. no casualties were reported. also unorthodox christmas, celebrated by both russians and ukrainians. he abs security service agents rated multiple churches across the country, saying that pro russian materials were found there. at the same time, ukrainian officials claim to be impartial towards religious denominations. ukraine also rejected russia's christmas truce proposal to let christians across visit churches to worship journalist sancho van den. and it says the ukrainian government is trying to provoke a new armed response from russia. i think it was to be expected because yesterday in the western mainstream media, they already said that ukraine didn't agree to to the to so yeah, i think it was to be expected to of course use pro vocation that they do. it's just afternoon 12 noon because then the seats for be started it for sure, a big sign that the she's my between the ukranian church and their russian jurors is not respected. it shows from the ukrainian side and also to western side that they don't want a tuesday don't one negotiations at all because otherwise they would have said, okay to at least respect a holy moly day like christmas. and it is meaningful for russians and ukrainians date like the new in the west when it was christmas, 2 respected russia, military personnel serving in ukraine have joined orthodox christmas celebrations. the festive service was organized for the service men and women with the russian m . o. d. emphasizing the importance of holy festivals, this service was also attended by those mobilized and autumn, who have now completed their military training. earlier the head of the russian orthodox church patriot carol called for unity urging to pray for russian orthodox believers were being persecuted in ukraine during his traditional address ahead of the festive service. and most of those made cathedral view. oh, christmas is celebrated on the 7th of january and russia. millions have attended traditional midnight's services throughout the country that began in the late hours on friday and continued until this morning. archie steve sweeney will take us further through moscow celebration of this winter holiday season. ah, happy new year, or as we say here in russia, no, them go them. russian whole time prime minister, winston churchill famously describe russia as a riddle, wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. in many ways he was right. russia, fans, 11 times i holding europe to the west. and as far as china in the east were here in the russian capital, moscow, which is my home for the last 6 months. and i'm going to show you some of my favorite sports in the fantastic city. we're in 3rd guy square, where vladimir elliott, you will, you know, better known as lenin, made many thunderous speeches. but today is transformed into a winter wonderland with many fantastic christmas market. ah, where here in all moth has main 2 or 3 roughly the equivalent to london docks of 3 . it is full of hob balls restaurants and setting souvenirs. and today it is a bustling and lively stream as russians celebrate the winter. holidays is moscow's oldest surviving thoroughfare. we are here in pike, poland my favorite place in the whole of moscow. during the night to know 5 revolution, it was held by student militia. the many spacious apartments surrounding the park were taken from that wealthy owners following the 917 revolution and turned into communal living spaces. but today is a haven for romantic, young and old, who are often seen rolling hand in hand or fitting on the many port benches casing . of course, no trip to moscow would be complete without visiting the well famous bush theatre is most associated with tchaikovsky swan lake, which i have been lucky to see myself. here you can see performances of many of russia's most famous, composes, and right to include him for coffee shop, the cove, h and the off the ascii pushkin. i most favor all the author michael borger cope with now move to red square with the iconic. some puzzles cathedral in the background coasted hair, the leader of the $917.00 revolution is buried with lenin's tune. still attracting thousands of visitors every year to day russians of fucking hairs. they celebrate the winter holidays. taking in the many christmas stores. sampling the food and of course the obligatory mode. why? of course i couldn't come here without stopping the goods myself. here i'm talking into a russian new year favorite, which is pancakes with red caviar. ah, i have to say absolutely delicious. which is so good. really takes the absolutely delicious. it's not every day that you got to eat caviar, but i could certainly talking today's everyday i can tell you this is goon, moscow's most exclusive department store. here you can find many of the world leading fashion. brands is wrong with shoppers and you can see the christmas decorations adorning the department store. and many people taking cell fees at a christmas tree, which is at the center of many russian love ice skating. i want, i'm here. i'm going to give it a go myself. but bearing in mind, i struggle to stand on my own 2 feet of the best of times. let's just hope that i make out with hey, in one p, ah, ah . where outside, another of moscow department stores zoom. and i have to admit that this one's my favorite, and you could probably see why, hey, we all surrounded by were our design a christmas tree brigand mac and sparkle to the capital city. hello? sure, you'd agree with me that this really does some of the magic of moscow. ah, ah, ah. as the world celebrate christmas are t visits one of the most significant sides for believers to secret road from nazareth to bethlehem. miss ways believed to be taken by mother mary while she was carrying jesus or correspondent maria for notion of follows. mary's footsteps and reports on political obstacles that pilgrims from palestine faced watch her report later, the sour turkey has reported around 17000000 tons of grain have been exported via the ukraine grain deal corridors since the deal came and so forth. in july, for comparison, ukraine annually harvest 32000000 tons of wheat. the initiative is supposed to soften the global food crisis, especially for the countries worst affected. but the majority of the green exports end up in europe's hands. instead, our teeth corral bullet up law brings us the story. already facing struggles with mazda flayson and stroud and resurgence of jihad as groups. africa is now in the grip of a major food crisis. the world food programs 2022 global report on food crisis estimate that close to a 193000000 people on the continent face actual food insecurity. and that one in 5 go to bed hungry, where scaling up our operations in countries lay. so malia kenya nigeria and became a fossa, as well as many others to try and help as many people as we can. but the number of people going without food and water is staggering. factors behind the food crisis, very, from conflicts leading to miles displacement to climate shocks, including drugs and floods. acute food insecurity has by dramatically other themes, i am rich western nations including the united states. and it's a new partner. countries have turned their attention and deep wallets to ukraine, at africa's expense. green shipments were also affected and able to depart the black sea due to this conflict, but things to the mediation by turkey and the united nations. a deal was struck between russia and ukraine, allowing for shipments to resume. the question has not been what is good for one side or the other. the focus has been on north america is most for the people of all worlds. and let there be no doubt this is an agreement for the wolves. but as it turns out, most of the 14000000 tons of grain was not delivered to the african continent. 11, just 11. out of the $615.00 ships that left ukrainian was between august and december would dock in sub saharan africa. but i did give sure you don't know who was the almost all of the green exported from ukraine is being sent to the e. u. instead of to the world's poorest developing countries, many european countries are now acting as colonized once again, just like they did for decades and centuries. and the parachute for, for the of simply decent lives with developing countries once more and are still receiving at this very moment, very short western powers down played the accusations, claiming that 47 percent of ukraine's grain was central asia, with 36 percent. and to europe and 17 percent to africa. and they also promised to buy more of ukraine's grain to reduce prices. since the inception of the solidarity lanes, more than 15000000 tons of ukrainian agriculture, goods, grain, oil, seeds, and related products have been exported by road rail and through black sea and the new pores. in addition, since august, the black sea green initiative has helped relaunch grant shipments from ukraine's black c ports, thereby further reducing food prices globally. but what is the solidarity of these lanes end up shipping to you countries? why is africa not part of the sole, quote, fully verity. as a result, moscow ended up with grain and fertilizers. it couldn't even sell due to you, an american sanction to luxor or as far as access to russian products is concerned . the african union members are facing swift related sanction problems. as most of our banks have ties with european banks, usual payment procedures are no longer available to them on upper pull up. that's in an effort to college or the impact of each sanction i having on rising from crisis, the block exempted russian weed and fertilizers from restrictions. it even lift that sanctions on chemical and fertilizer companies under the guise than africa needs them. but must go, went further and donated food to vulnerable african countries, as well as fertilizers, saying, put in, in my phone call with vladimir putin. he sat, let send these grain to countries such as to booty, somalia, and so done for free. and we agreed to mediate the situation and the world. today's really bad. unfortunately, africa has been storming and we'll continue to start. we as a company, have decided to supply fertilizer to africa for free, as we are part of a global supply. cherish needs to produce food, a shill. when president vladimir foods, it said that russia had made the donation to african states to support its efforts, the west with one that in its usual manner. african societies continue to suffer from russia's weapon, zation, of food and fertilizers, exports. many africans, things including south africa have voice confers benjamin terry. an aide is being politicized with the threat of food being used to pressure countries to support ukraine in the conflict. got ability for oddity in johannesburg. egypt pound has dropped to record lowe's against the us dollar. this comes just to weeks after the international monetary fund agreed to throw cairo a lifeline with a $3000000000.00 aid package. egypt national currency has tumbled to unprecedented loads since the country central bank, the valley, the pound to meet the i. m. f. sloane requirements, the $3000000000.00 bail out for the cash strapped country was approved after cairo's pledge to make its currency more flexible, allowing for easier for and financial involvement. egypt economy has also been experiencing the impact of soaring fuel prices. the countries inflation rate jump to a 5 year high late last year, as banks limited the withdraw a foreign currency, which egypt is in dire need of. amid the economic challenges, the countries authorities launched a larger privatization plan. seeking to attract more foreign investment. the director of the asia center for studies and translation says the western financial establishment is seeking to subjugate the egyptian economy. this is a fortune at lee, the full submission to the prescriptions of the international electric font. and while bank, we have a lot of economic mistakes because after the dilution of 2011 and the 2013. unfortunately, the same economic group backed, giving the advisory services for the presidency and there the financial and wanted to be a formative, even if i still belongs to america. i'm relaxed with these under 6 soon banking and federal leader. and they find that if we are not following such the prescriptions of the liberalization, privatization and making, you know, the inflation lola to a specific extent, they think that the economy will be bad, and no investors were coming. and a lot of bethany's been checked based. unfortunately, they didn't give, for example, but gyptian fallen to some sort of demand, as we requested before. and of course, the are the only galks and the menial dares in egypt all over be a bother to use off the people. and they be raising the rates of the prices every day without any control from the government. because the having, you know, the upper hand, unfortunately hundreds of orthodox pilgrims flocked to bethlehem the city where jesus christ is believed to have been born. ortiz correspondent, maria fin notion of follows and mother mary's footsteps. retracing her journey from nazareth and reports on modern age political obstacles, some pilgrims face the city of nazareth, so they says, where christians believe the annunciation happened. an angel appeared to mother mary. some believe on the side of the church behind me telling her she would give birth to the son of god. and it's from here that her journey to bethlehem started where jesus is believed to be born. what would that 150 kilometer journey look like today? what would the pregnant woman face on her way? we decided to take this trip and see with our own eyes. nazareth is the largest arab see teenager, l. arab israelis, many of whom identify themselves as palestinian citizens of israel. form more than 20 percent of the country's population, but it would only be possible for mother married to be here if she had an israeli id. or if not, she would have to go through a number of difficult procedures with israeli authorities to apply for permission to enter in stay. and she could still have been rejected. no one can know for sure which ruined mother married to 2000 years ago, but that would more likely be the shortest one which runs through what is today the occupied west bank. we are entering the boulder right now and we'll have to go through the checkpoint. hi, how are you? yeah, good. what's going to be? it was rather easy for me. i'm a foreigner and a journalist, but it was mainly because we were traveling from israel to the west bank to go the other way around. is an almost impossible task for the west bank. 3000000 arab population. guy up we come to the area that these rarely army have labeled a hot bed of terrorists where security forces have intensified raids in an attempt to crack down on growing resistance from powers teen and armed factions there. shortly after the checkpoint, we are in the town of genie now in the northern part of the west bank. it has been in the news to last recently, almost daily, military raised by the railway army here have often turned violence with casualties among civilian population. the officials from the palestinian authority say more than 50 children were killed since the beginning of the year alone. well, have very hard and dangerous place to live in, but it is even harder to leave this area. we meet a local watch outside jeanine, near the little greek orthodox church. thought to be the 4th oldest church in the world. it is believed that mother mary made a short stop here on her way to bethlehem. i was lives in the west bank just as him and his drive from nazareth, but he cannot go there while another thought goes on as i thought the jewels at m. i need a special feldman from the really occupation of me from the start of the phone. it is. and in order to do that, that set of criteria is that number apply to so many palestinians. so it is a very limited access of the seniors to vote, and as it all digitals, and even if you get the permit, it says only for the humiliation of obstacles. something he's a john at all. it makes me sad because after all this is a holy land. and other thing that's mother mary would see a lot. you are in her journey to bethlehem would be rarely settlements illegal, according to international law and un resolutions chargers that israel denies, but still growing bigger in number increasing this settler population one, we feel angry, who is here sad. we feel left with only one choice, stay here, remain here. resist sometimes. existence as the resistance, we are angry towards the international community. in fact, we're seeing the international as they progress on what everything that is happening all around the world. every single law that has been broken by the states, yet it is supported by the west. it is not even blamed by the way i stand. everybody is asking palestinians, the people who are under occupation under opposition to be more than it and not to, i mean, it's a wonderful focus. we continue our journey to the south without. i was as a resident of the west bank, he's blocked from entering jerusalem, where outreach takes us. some of the roads would also be restricted opera habitate for him as a philistine in soon we approach one of the settlements of wad mentioned around nobliss the center of d and samaria. the biblical name of the west bank that israel uses homes for around half a 1000000 israelis. here and there we see billboards in hebrew advertising new homes or congratulating settlers. we are now inside the settlement known as the car, which has a reputation of being home to the most extreme israeli settlers. they are at the forefront tall. the subtler movement, so called price tag policy, which calls for violent attacks against palestinians is a price to pay in retaliation for actions against settlements within the west bank . the settler is a role so known for attacking idea of soldiers, jewish violence that these railey leadership has condemned. we do not dare to leave the car. we drive through and continue our journey. through more checkpoints, the west bank is divided into areas a, b, and c, which determine whether israelis palestinians are in charge billboards warning israelis against entering how seen at the entrance of parts that are under palestinian control. the navigator kept telling me go straight, but it looks like we had the data and now we have to go back. fairly doesn't see the wall, but the wall is here. the west bank barrier was built by israel in the early 2 thousands. this wall is like a book. there was so many message in here about being human about freedom allegedly for security reasons, in the wake of the 2nd palestinian uprising known as intifada. a wall is something mother, mary would also have seen several times on her way, including this one around bethlehem 9 meters high. twice the height of the berlin wall with watch towers, electric fences, barbed wire censors mil to patrols, trenches immense and terrifying. when we have left the wall and all the checkpoints behind us, we reach bethlehem. the atmosphere is in contrast to everything we saw on the way. but the words and as a person from bethlehem, why the green car has the green passport. as a green idea, i can visit it whenever. so i think that's it's, it's my 1st time a sign. it's so different. the news trade is such a hot check and it's such a pretty mess. but it's, it's beautiful. everyone. so friendly and lovely fast but didn't totally get into the christmas spirit, but it's now getting, getting to me it is a special place and i thought with a great chance to be here once in a maybe in a lifetime, i don't know, but i'm around then as i'm coming all year so. so great morning. so so happy christmas here is this exciting. i think take a pinch so you might not know what it's like. and so you're actually here and i think you might have a completely different perspective to actually experience the sign about some kind of christmas holiday of love and family. yeah. well i think everyone knows about it for the senior situations and everyone is facing. so yeah, that the work to take action for this terrible you know, people started. busy busy separated from their families policy and especially some are unfortunately not that fortunate, but let's hope for them that they will be able to make this trip in the future. no, no, i came to bring love to bring the love have in columbia. we are finally in bethlehem . a mother, mary would make it here today. she would find the city a richly decorated for christmas and full of celebrating crowds for the 1st time in 3 years. the town believe to be the birthplace of jesus, accept christians from all over the globe. but mother, mary would not see here today, leaving him the nearby guys, a trip or those living in the northern part of the occupied west bank. those who are not permitted to enter bethlehem and left celebrating with tears in their eyes . nationality from bethlehem and merry christmas. dozens of christians from the gaza strip have been banned by israeli authorities from entering bethlehem to celebrate christmas. every year. israel increase the number of permits it refuses to issue under the pretext of security sparking anger among people seeking to celebrate the holiday with their families. that we used to apply for permits and send our documents, including our photos and identity papers, through the church, and deliver them to a civil affairs department. it confirms that our applications are under examination by these really authorities. and we will be informed whether our applications are accepted by israel or not. i sent my application about 3 weeks ago. and 2 weeks later i found out that my request was rejected every year. i hope that my application will be accepted. my wife and children have received permits, but i have not my kids always tell me, we hope you go with us to bethlehem to celebrate their thought the every year at least 300 christians get a rejection from his brother, authorities to the, to the holy sites. in jerusalem, bethlehem, but the occupation authorities did not see palestinians as humans. therefore, fulton christians and muslims are forbidden from visiting the holy sites. it's a denial of basic human right. israel on the relies on being a strong pots against a weak one regarding the palestinian territories. it doesn't comply with any united nations mackinac. mm. it feels.

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Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , United States , Greek Orthodox Church , West Bank General , West Bank , Kiev , Ukraine General , Ukraine , Washington , China , South Africa , Johannesburg , Gauteng , Somalia , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Gaza Strip , Cairo , Al Qahirah , Egypt , Bethlehem , Poland , Turkey , America , Israelis , Ukrainians , Ukrainian , Russian , Israeli , Palestinian , Russians , American , Egyptian , Winston Churchill , Fulton Christians , Archie Steve Sweeney , Benjamin Terry , Kevin Mccarthy , Michael Borger , Jesus Christ , Vladimir Putin , Vladimir Elliott ,

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