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russian sanctions backfire as the u. k. face is rising extra. as charities, rewards storing energy cost meet household face like cold winter, with no central heating with hello. good morning for mark, international studios in moscow, and from wherever you may be watching. welcome to this hour's top news stories from around the world. i'm theory, elizabeth president. putin's order of a 36 hour cease fire in the ukraine. conflicts own for orthodox christmas is set to begin in 2 hours. but the start of the truth looms heavy as cap has rejected moscow's proposal to temporarily hold fire. ortiz romano calls that are, brings us the details from the conflicts orthodox christmas is coming, and russian president vladimir putin has ordered ceasefire after an offer from the head of the church patriarch gerald. now the ceasefire will last for 36 hours beginning at noon on friday. and ending midnight on saturday, as a large number of orthodox christians reside in the area of hostilities, we call him the ukrainians side to declare a ceasefire to allow them to attend church services on christmas eve, as well as on christmas day. however, the truth is more than likely to be unilateral, because president zalinski as well as his western backers, were quick to refuse this offer of peace. he just any had and now they want to use the christmas seuss far as a cover to at least briefly started launcelot approval. and he don advice and bring military clement munition and soldiers exposure to all positions enough. so this is for proposed by prison who to ukraine for the orthodox christmas lunch on her 6th 7th, have you heard about that? you have a reaction? i mean i think she's shown fi sl, oxygen. this is the latest dismissal of the orthodox christianity by the key of government, despite both ukraine and russia, sharing orthodox values throughout history. the modern government and keith has initiated a crackdown on religion. first key of broke centuries old traditions and organized a separate church back in 2018. and starting last year, key of began using police and enforcement agencies to make sure all orthodox priest than the country follow the party line. many refused and suffered ford facing arrests and even death. however, the schism that was enforced by key had resulted in the suffering of the ukrainian soldiers and their families as well. a video from last year where a woman begs to bury his son according to orthodox traditions, went viral, raising questions about how wide is the support for the zelinski back church in ukraine, really is i to him. and then when that was the little circle gone there with the loved braylin here and on boss, the people are used to constant shilling by key of regime that's been killing civilians for nearly 9 years. judging from social media post and having talked with the people here on the ground, it's clear that no one here expects ukraine to go down a peaceful path. local officials have already said that should key of decide to attack during the announced truce than the fire will be returned. but of course, there is always hope that this christmas will pass without any casualties. remark offer of rti, the nest republic political analyst, alessandra bruno says, western policies of constantly feeling the conflict have left. he had no other choice but to reject the proposal. i was, i remember this feeling of being overwhelmed by the absolute idiocy in the west of driving this war. continuing to push it and every time there is some effort to stop the west takes every opportunity to continue to fuel it, even if the ukrainians had accepted it. they would probably be under pressure to take advantage of the truth for strategic purposes. in general, we have the west in particular, the un always interested in mediating finding a solution. instead, in this situation, we see the very opposite, encouraging them throwing weapons, throwing more fire. it's truly a set of decisions that i think will haunt the west. eventually, the editor in chief of the lithonian branch of the news agency has been detained in the lobby and capital of riga mirage. because sam, who holds a lot, the passport is reportedly being accused of breaking you sanctions against russia. moscow has branded the journalist's arrest, a violation of international law. mark sam says he has been the object of harassment and persecution by number of baltic states for many years. he said that he personally experienced the repressed machine and the actions of the collective west. and now unfortunately, his fears and assumptions have become a reality the international community should, and it's even obligated to do everything to make these presumptions. regimes returned to the rule of law. we spoke to the communications department, chief of sputnik parent company who says the charges against murat because them are groundless. while the baltic states are be used as a front for the use crackdown on media freedom bill nationally. the poor mean in this case is totally political espionage charges against marriage or complete nonsense. pressure on journalists working in the baltic states is the standard matter. it is an obvious fact that the baltic states are a platform for testing new methods of fighting against the journalists. because there was an oddness in the charging was violating. i mean, you were fact is that the european union has no sanction against personal sanctions . or what? again, metering. tesla was the chief of avoided media route, which includes sputnik, a little bit here for sending these personal sanctions to all the people who work. there is a strange precedent. many european human rights organisation, holes place, interpretation of sanctions. the baltic states are a testing ground for longer than 6 concerning really harsh measures, such as intimidation, a bad on the profession, and criminal process. for journalist, latvia, and lithuania, do not act on their own. they, as we assume, act either on direct and actions or ordination with their superiors and the european union. and wes, on the acquisition of espionage and threat of the president 20 years as you citizen are in fact your policy european union, the earlier the head of but next parent company called the journalists, the rest unlawful and absurd. he also said the case is politically motivated. my colleague, nikki, are on discuss the incident earlier with our tea senior correspondent, mariah garcia of we have salt requests for information. it is unclear when ah, details will emerge, will be shared with us. nevertheless, as things stand. now merits casem, a citizen of latvia who's been detained by latin security services, state security services, suspected he is under suspicion of espionage and also, ah, of violating. and he, russian sanctions of the european union. this is, this is an argument violating sanctions that the latvians have used, and lithuanians and estonians have used for years to try and justify these blanket brands on russia, news sources, russian cultural channels. at this point, he is in jail, detained at the request for bail was denied without any reason, given his lawyer hasn't yet received any information. we don't even know if she's been able to talk with him. we have heard of cas reaction from the head of sputnik mythic. he said of he is on the european sacks of the, the logic that the europeans have gone by. the baltic states have gone by is that if someone works, even a european citizen works for someone who's under sanctions, no matter how removed, you know, a journalist in the niche organization that they are violating the entire blocks sanctions. this is something that had been laughed at in years, crime by european media groups amongst others who would urge stony ins, latvians, lithuanians that are to relax their wording who their views and how this law should be implemented. while the law should be implemented. there's a sense that the baltic states, there's be the concentrated effort to block the population off from anything russian which is year, which is an undertaking, given that a significant percentage of the population. no 3 states, latvia, stoney, in the, through a near is russia. how do you think this case fits into the bigger picture of how the ball 2nd are they? each countries have been tracing the media. this goes back way before the special military operation that russia launched in 2022 this. this goes back to 2015 at which is when this, this pressure started to build in 2016, for example, lithuania blocked. sputnik locked the channel, the network on line that they pulled their domain name off so that the, the, the, the pressure just began to build and build. so employees journalists were what threatened with prosecution. they were also persecuted. so they were pulled out. they were, they were arrested, taken for talks by our state security agents urged her her follow inside their resignations to stop working for sputnik then you had people arrested. you had journalists arrested for working for russian news networks. this is all in the face of a fact that the european, a human rights, charter, least the freedom of expression. and the freedom of expression is defined. it is the freedom to hold beliefs, to share opinions and to receive opinions. and this is a journalist who had been doing just that. he was also working in moscow for years now. he travelled back to latvia to, to, to meet with families of reasons we don't yet know at the spite him being well aware that he was being politically persecuted, that they were out for him. he said, well, the british slit, it would take me several hours to simply name all the journalists who come under pressure eastern europe. this new here is just one of my own stories in also my back in 2019. i was detained at villainous airports, researched and questioned for 5 or 6 hours a day to state security officers performed a role play a good card. it's a bad call to sort of the bad one shouted at me when you're working for t silver. why did you come here with the other one asked me, you're a latvian citizen, so why are you working for the you know who they are, but they're not really people, it rushes a peculiar country. and finally, he said, you're lucky, you're not a russian citizen, or we would be having a very different conversation. and now we'll just kick you out and close the border for him for 5 years. it appears that he was right. nevertheless, we, we should wait to to learn the details and see just how drummed up these charges are now we're seeing the same story in moldova, for example, across the european union, archie was switched off of a not kicked off online platform. you, you know, the already parallels being drawn between what the soviet union did, which is jam radio, liberty as signal which is, which is try to build a wall between the soviet people. and then he outside information. and that is what in reverse is happening again, except it appears that it's europe, which has for many years prided itself and voted on freedom of speech and human rights. now trying to restrict information human opinion, even opinion, new from its own people. vote is keep them all contained within this bubbles and as of that is fed by european court news agencies get fed with american news agencies improve western views. let's cross how live to brian bar let take gale political analyst. welcome brian. america has time has been detained . for allegedly violating you sanctions that prohibit covering russia's point of view in the baltics. what do you make of these accusations? i think it's a continuation of western hypocrisy, and more specifically this campaign, the specific campaign of censoring any sort of information coming from russia's point of view or anyone agreeing with russia's point of view. and this is essentially shutting down what the west has always claim that stood for freedom of speech. and they do it under increasingly ambiguous and irrational grounds. right, but aren't journalists supposed to be protected by international law and not silent? so are now journalists that show the russian perspective and exception considering the perceived acceptance of banning anything that's russian. it absolutely you of violation of international law, just one of the pillars of what the u. s. claims is this inter national rules based order is the self proclaimed leader off and yet it has done the most it and it's all like the done the most to demolish these pillars. one by one, freedom of the press being one of the news news organizations like r t, r raced off of youtube. and this is all i think is fine of desperation and weakness on the west part. they cannot afford. busy alternative narratives and alternative points of view entering into the conversation because they have no way to defend their own points that you will taking into consideration where we are at this stage in the conflict. what do you make of the timing of morale customs arrest? i think it's inevitable, i think, especially in the baltic nations. these are nations like ukraine, from 2014 onwards, extremism and anti rushing to remove them, has been promoted by the rest of europe, and also the united states. and i think any, anyone who is not going along with the european and the u. s. narrative, they, they take tremendous risk traveling to europe and especially to the baltic nations where extremism is particularly encouraged. well, this past year that have been many revelations, the other twitter files and other types. we've seen multiple cases of media outlets that don't follow the western narrative, the repercussions are even being banned. why is this tendency increasing? and do you think that opposition to this practice is rising at all in response? why i think both the west increasingly depends on the section and this information to advance their, their geopolitical objectives. there's a growing course of alternative voices out there across the west and far beyond the west. and they know that the general public, if giving a choice from 2 narratives they're, they're going to increasingly depart from the west or narrative just increasingly detached from reality. and they will find other alternative narratives rooted in fact, research and evidence they will find that more appealing. and so because they're unable to debate, they're unable to defend their irrational positions. it's much easier for them to just walk out these alternative voices and they're doing it under all of these pre tax national security. and these are all things that they've gone after other nations for claiming that they're, they're autocratic or despotic. and now the west is becoming worst of all right. and on that, no, why do you think the supposedly democratic west has been turning a blind di, specifically to mirage because them claims that he's been subjected to harassment and persecution by a number of baltic states. this is actually a common practice by the united states and the european union. they use human rights, freedom of expression, freedom of the press as a smokescreen behind which they advanced or agenda though, use it to target another nation. but then when affording others, these freedoms becomes inconvenient. they're more than happy to, to trample us. and as the situation gets worse and worse for the west and they, they seem to be isolating themselves more than the nation that they're trying to target. i think this will get worse, and i think journalists or just trying to do their job is going to have a harder part time of doing it specially in the west. and in your analysis of the conflict, you often focus on military strategy and the manipulation of real information on the ukraine, conflicts by the west and the media arms. do you think the reality of the military situation for you? credit and nato has something to do with this censorship. and to what extent do you think some western countries manipulate the way they interpret international law when it comes to freedom of speech and the media? yes, the situation in ukraine is very dire for the west and for their proxies. this, this entire conflict all the way from the beating all the way back to 2014 actually has all been about public relations manipulating public perception. and if the truth gets out as, as to who the west is really sponsoring in ukraine, but the nature, the extreme in nature of many of these political organizations and military organizations, the public will model along with this. and so the, to the show piece of all of this has been deception and anything coming into challenge that they have been increasingly desperate to block that out. that that is why we have seen them do things, but they know make them look if a critical undermine their credibility. and the claim that they stand for freedom, democracy and human rights, they, they know that it looks bad that they can't afford not to do it because they're such a weak position. brian burleigh tech, the geopolitical analysts, thank you for the discussion. thank you. with the passing of the new year, india has more reasons to celebrate. for example, the marking of the 75th anniversary. since the end of british colonial rule, in the years sense new delhi has made notable strides, pushing india to become the world's 5th largest global economy. here's our t's india correspondent, wounded sharma, breaking down the country's rise in 2022. yell standing on the global stage has been rising in the recent year. the year 2022 has what they can only been an important one with big economic breakthrough was deepening political ties and increasing trade in 75 years off to india became independent. the country is no longer weed. i have become one of the most qualified countries in the world. recently, india achieved the fee to becoming the world's 5th largest economy. this achievement gave us confidence to work harder and achieve bigger goals. this is no ordinary progress. it fills every indians heart with pride. we need to maintain this enthusiasm, indian russia o time friends in the year 2022 was no exception, a deepening with historical relationship. the cl bilateral trade between new deli, i'm moscow expanded despite the threat of sanctions from the u. s. in fact, india build new banking channel, so it's played with moscow. it would not be affected. in july, the result bank of india announced a plan to allow overseas trade to be settled into peace. despite the western pressures already have continued to buy discounted rush, you know, i think it will be prioritizing analogy. security. what is one point? $4000000000.00? india also rejected the $60.00 price gap on russian seaborne oil imposed by the g 7 this month. not the european union have been desperate to boost, dies with india, and has pushed new delhi to reduce its length to moscow. however, india withstood collect a west and basher as it took a position of neutrality. it is our fundamental obligation to ensure that the indian consumer has the best possible access on the most advantageous terms to international market on induct respect are quite honestly we have n dot a d, india shad relationship has worked to advantage. so if it works to my advantage, if i would like to keep it and keep that going, you cannot have a group of countries which unilaterally decide that country a b, or she needs to be punished and therefore the rest of the world should fall behind them. we have our own place in the world. we don't have to be dictated to by what the west necessarily wants the rest of the world to do. we do not offer our companies to buy russian id off for companies to buy oil. what is the best option that they can get? now, it depends on what the market throws up. it is sensible policy to where we get the best deal in the interest something and people. and that is exactly what we are trying to do. i mean, ongoing geopolitical shift, instead of political isolation, new delhi has continued diplomatic engagement with moscow at all levels. and all the formats, including participation in the recent joint military drill was talk 20. 22 is kelly. i want to pay tribute to the full size to president putin. girlish corporation between india and the russian. far east in various fields is actively expanding. and today this policy has become an important pillar for partnership between our countries in india is interested in sort of my partnership with russia . in many i wrote, his son in law has confirmed the conflict in ukraine, but not raphael, offensive. and it has consistently, i've seen from you and more against more something russia, president vladimir putin has a definitely regarded by praising you daily, more school friendship, india. but i do look color. certainly boutros. v to india has come a long way from a british colony to its current state. much has been done in recent years under the leadership of primarily he's certainly a patriot of his country and his make an india initiative as both economic and moral significance this year. we have a special relationship with india that emerged or was built on the foundation of a very close alliance that existed for many decades. we have never had any issues with it, and i want to emphasize this never going to be all we ever did was support each other because this is what is happening now. and i'm sure it will continue in the future. you were all in all 2022 highlighted indian strength in different fields and economic geopolitical boom of india is predicted next year as a deal deal with the g. 20 presidency at a time of a global kill from minnesota in the war. the say is that you deli wants to play the role of a problem sol would more these g 20 chairmanship will lead to a difference in the blocks approach, which has been dominated by the voice of the western countries. for a long time, the british office for national statistics has reveal that more than 700000 people across england and wales lack central heating while advocating for anti russian sanctions. the u. k. now faces the possible deaths of thousands of citizens this winter, due to the cold. back in march, the u. k, announced the country was going to phase out russian oil and liquefied natural gas . 3 months later, imports of energy supplies from russia dried up for the 1st time in its modern history. in the 12 months prior to imposing sanctions on moscow, britain spent nearly 500000000 pounds on russian fuel imports. alexander mackay political analysts, an editor of red star radio, says the british government has other priorities besides the well being of its own citizens. the overall priority is to try and leverage the situation that is going on at the moment in ukraine and try and turn it into a regime change possibility directed against the government in moscow. and as their priority as their over riding piracy, the welfare of the regular people, the everyday people of britain doesn't even come 2nd behind that. so we've seen, of course, energy prices go through the roof over the last 12 months. and we've seen more more people fall into what's defined as fuel related poverty here. and the sanctions regime that the british government has enthusiastically supported measures against russian energy, which are only added to the rise in the price of energy for domestic consumers in this country. so they have actively made life worse for particularly though is that the, the lower end of the income scale in britain and the sanctions regime, which they continue to support, will only cause more instability. and more price rises on the, in the international energy market, as time goes on, keeping warm is not the only struggle. the u. k. has been facing along with the political a peebles in the death of queen elizabeth the 2nd. we take a closer look at what last year brought to the united kingdom. ah, we have a vision for this country, an economy in europe because we are going to unite and label them. i want you to know how sad i am to be giving up. the best job in the world, i am a fighter and i'm resigning as leader of the conservative policy. i will work day in and day out to deliver for you. mm. 3 you k like other countries is now in recession. why is britain set to be the 1st country into recession last country out there with i was hoping you'd want to get into that with that's a wrap on the top stories for this our, for more up to the minute updates head over to r t dot com and up next, thousands of serves were executed and killed during the bosnian war. the full story of the conflict coming right up on our team will see you next hour. ah, ah, ah ah . l look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such short or is it conflict with the 1st law? show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. at the point obviously is to 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