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the continent. conduct on people, africa is not going to re enough, a big public games with the loan. the target of all the tree prussia from any country or person, washington should respect the world, the african people with hello. good morning for martine or national studios in moscow. from wherever you may be catching us, welcome to the hours most pressing news stories from around the world. i'm pure elizabeth. at least 3 explosions have reportedly raw the ukrainian city of harcourt local media space. several parts of the city are cut off from electricity, and air raid sirens are sounding across the area. meanwhile, the don bass ukrainian forces targeted that don, yes, republic, at least 7 times on wednesday. according to local authorities, russian troops managed to destroy several ukrainian multiple launch rockets, systems, and weapons warehouses, helping reduce the intensity of the shelling r t correspondence. eager start off reports from the front line. in these woods, just outside crim and naya, danger flex around every tree. what used to be one of ukraine's national parks is now one of the most heavily contested swathes of land. and the don bass. i need to put them down for the ukranian forces, crossed the river and their mobile units show our checkpoints. our intelligence identified some of their strongholds here. their main tactic is to attack, so they mostly work in mobile groups. artillery is useless here. walking single file, we follow the only pass deemed safe towards russia's positions. with our guide leads us to what looks like a long abandoned hut, but the 1st impression of desolation is deceiving. inside we meet russian soldiers from the mortar, battery hidden in the thicket. not far from here. this is our battalions command, an observation point that we gather all the information about the targets and our battalions frontline. we decide what targets to attack with our mortars. i with globally this move is to quench any attempts of the ukrainian forces to cross the forest that is surrounding all of us. ah, what you see here is the equivalent of close quarter combat in the world of artillery. this mortar team is only about 2, maybe 4 kilometers away from their targets. bigger guns and tanks provide extra firepower from further away to. right now, the woodland here is in the grey zone. and whichever side concedes the ambition to take it will have to give up neighboring villages and towns to suffering a painful tactical defeat. i mean there's done of reporting from the don't bass t coverage of the conflict in ukraine can often be imbalanced as they are very few western mainstream media correspondence reporting from the ground and don bass earlier. my colleague peter scott, spoke to johnny miller, a reporter for my rainy and press tv, who recently returned from don. yes, he says he plans to continue with coverage of the conflict as most western media deliberately under report, the action of ukrainian forces in the don bass to keep in line with her narrative. it's incredibly intense and dangerous that at the moment only returned a few days ago from the week before from saturday, 20 civilians have been killed that week alone and the sense of danielle is being shelled by ukrainian forces. and the important story to realize is that they are intentionally shelling civilians, markets around the area. i've been to the boss stations at bodies in the streets. youth, hostel youth sense was hit the other day with 4 people were killed. and it's very difficult to see any military targets in don, yet could civilian areas. ukraine is trying to, sometimes it target administration buildings. sometimes they, they often targets or infrastructure like energy infrastructure schools, sometimes just random shelling. so what do you think this is so under reported in the western media? johnny? i think that's, that's the reason i news happens where the journalists are, i think there's been no mainstream outlets from british or american companies that have occasionally been french, german, italian. but any mainstream of what is a little is a lot of fantastic, mainstream, honest reporters working for mainstream channels in western countries. and if any of them were there living under the shelling avenue, apartment bombs going to the boss stations with the civilians in the streets that have no choice to report exactly what i've been reporting that the vast majority supports russia and ukraine is intensely selling civilian. so i think that's why it's not been covered. fernando ari as chief of the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons has been given frances highest national accolade, the legion of honor award. the o. p. c. w was involved in a scandal over a legit syrian chemical attack back in april 2018 primary documents released by the watchdog showed that no evidence of a chemical weapons a tap was found. however, their final report went on to accuse syria of utilizing biological warfare. the event inspector of the o, p. c, w, told the united nations security council that he questions the accuracy and reasoning behind such accusations, stating that the investigating team had doubts the attack took place. that all the findings in the final report were contradictory, were a complete turnaround with what the team understood collectively during and after the do do my problems. and by the time of the release of the entire report in july, 2018 or understanding was that we had serious misgivings that or chemical attack had occurred. the u. k. france and the u. s. blaine, syria for the duma incident and began attacks on the country in response. the market has rejected the allegations stating that the country had destroyed its chemical weapons stockpile. under a 2013 agreement, the syrian foreign minister has accused the o. p. c. w, a falsifying its report on the alleged attack, civil rights attorney rubber, but the law says the wife has used allegations of chemical weapons to justify their military actions abroad. france seems to hand these legion of honor awards out like candy. and indeed, busher allison actually received the same award years ago and actually sent it back in 2018 after the french accused him of the use of chemical weapons. then i remind people that these same days in france, the u. k. d u. s. was the same one that accused a rock of having chemical weapons in b u. so our production of chemical weapons back in 2002, 2003 as a justification from the launch of the a warning rock. and what we now know were completely falsified, that colin powell and condos horizon lie to the international community to build of a casio bell. i gone to invade iraq, which led to the depths of nearly a 1000000 iraqi civilians. so we have seen the western powers before, yields falsify claim to chemical weapons attacks as a justification to expand and to as that stand there had to amount of power over the world. their main goal is to have a unit polar world, the quote unquote move faced order. but it fizzled rules only apply to people that they say are the bad guys. the leadership of these organizations are almost always from the western power from the western nations. will there little input from south america or africa, or oceania or southeast asia? very rarely or, or these are quote unquote, independent investigations. ever verify by other outside groups yet so many to check the inspector that you need an inspection for the inspector often we don't see that. so the, the concept with these things, having any legitimacy, they end up being a big what we call an america. nothing burger, where you open the bun and there's nothing inside. and that's what these reports. and that's what these organizations are turned into because they don't have any international legitimacy. and they felt rebuild that after the build up to the iraq war. and they still suffer from this 20 years later. o moroccan football fans have been wreaking havoc in the streets of europe since the nations team wants to know against france after a long wooden streak in this year's fif, a world cup. ah, tensions are particularly high in paris, where morocco fans were reportedly setting off fireworks into crowds of french fans . city officials called on more than $5000.00 police officers expecting violence regardless of which team one to match. police reportedly arrested 40 armed individuals headed to sean sally's a to take part in the violent clashes, claiming some had ties to far right groups. ah, fans clashed all over france with centuries old colonial tensions bringing out the worst on both sides. authorities from montpelier have confirmed that a 14 year old moroccan boy was killed after being hit by a driver fleeing a crowd of rival fans. ah. and in brussels, police were forced to use tear gas and water cannons to disperse crowds of moroccan fans who had been shooting fireworks at officers and starting fires in the streets . anyone sporting a french flag was apparently a target ah, all in on africa, the u. s. president goes out of its way, agreeing on multiple deals at an ongoing summit with african nations in an attempt to court the continent. that's, as washington seeks to recover, influence in the region as the continent seeks new partnerships with china and russia is now for a long time, good after success and prosperity is essential to assuring a better future for all of us. not just for africa, united states is all in africa's future. we're still grappling with the deadly pandemic facing down war and instability address in economic challenges with global impact friday, friday, rising food prices, tackling impacts and climate change. we can't solve any of these challenges without african leadership at the table, and i'm not trying to be nice. that's a fact. in a bid to compete with africa's other partners, china and russia, the u. s. has already signed deals worth $15000000000.00 at the summit. biden is also expected to endorse the african union for per minute g 20 membership. meanwhile, beijing has slammed the u. s. for seeing africa as an arena for geo political games between global powers. that's in response to the u. s. defense. steve's earlier comments that the continent needs to be swayed away from russian and chinese influence were witnessing the purity, expand its footprint a on, on a continent on a daily basis. and that creates problems that will be eventually the stabilizing, if they're not already. or we see russia continuing to peddle cheap weapons, employing mercenaries across the continent. and so the combination of those activities by those 2 countries, i think that bears watching. and certainly, i think their influence, again, can be the stabilizer, will show me a moment. we have the u. s. could view china africa cooperation with an open mind. africa is not gonna re enough. a big public game does let alone the target of all the tree prussia from any country old person. washington should respect the will of the african people and take concrete actions to help africa's development. instead of concentrating its efforts on smearing and attacking other countries. we spoke was joe, all man, host of the conservative daily podcast, who thinks that the u. s. is rapidly losing confidence among africans while look at the libyan cuckoo and also look what they did in sudan, look at what they did in, in other african nations, in the amount of interference and things that they've done in those regions. it's like a bunch of school kids at a, at a high school. it's always like they're bad, they're bad, they're bad, but they never look at themselves. let's go back in time and look at what the u. s . has made promises over and over and over again in that region. they've done this for decades and they've never delivered. so they've said we're going to give you a, we're going to help you with, with development and those development in large part i spend a lot of time in africa in the middle east. those developments where china would come in and say, hey, we're going to do something, they always did it, but the us never did. i don't think that they, they learn from their mistakes and they definitely don't learn from history. and the thing, the thing that saddens me is the fact that they're, they're doing things that do not benefit the people of africa. and it's not as if we're pulling on both sides of a country and trying to, to help them and say ok, china is trying to help in the united states trying to help. and we're competing in that arena the united states, just to seize them as much like to do their own people in the united states as, as slaves to be enslaved or to, to use as pawns and a game in order. great power or money to come and the upcoming vice share of house democrats has the lashed out and house republicans over the hunter bite in laptop scandal stating the suppression of the story by twitter is a relevant he put out a statement on social media saying what he's going to focus on is 100 biden's laptop. actually is even more irrelevant that, that he's actually concerned about what twitter was saying about 100100 biden's laptop. this refers to the 2020 revelations, alleging questionable business feelings by hunter bite. and son of the u. s. president, the new york post, the article containing the story was the pressed on twitter ahead of the 2020 presidential election. the story came back to lay amid the publications of the so called twitter files, the social media giants, internal documents released by you must, after his takeover of the company. they alleged twitters, intentional suppression of conservative voices including limiting the visibility of tweets. they also mentioned the deletion of donald trump's account, despite concerns of staff members on whether he actually violated any rules. back in 2018 congressman had lose sight at the popularity of donald trump's account, while mocking the possibility of censorship against conservatives. this is a stupid, ridiculous hearing. only reason i'm still here is i want to enter some fax, enter the record, the top 3 you like to officials. number one, donald trump, over to vice president parents. number 3. speaker ryan, the notion that social media somehow sensory concert folks is ridiculous. lou said government regulation of social media content would be unconstitutional. but that goes against the materials in the twitter files allegations, which show how both political parties had influence over the platforms, content, moderation, with democrats. having more avenues to exercise control, the white house spokesperson was also asked about twitter censorship. however, she dismissed the story. we see this as a, an interesting or a coincidence if i may that, that he would so have hazard lee. twitter also have absolutely push this distraction. that is a, that is a full of old news if you think about it. and at the same time, twitter is facing very real and very serious questions about the rising volume of anger. hate an anti semitism on their platform and how they're letting it happen. scotty, now he is host of r t z. the $360.00 view says that claims that the hunter bite in laptop story is irrelevant by democrats lines up with their previous attempts at suppression. what else would you expect from them? i mean, this was something that was brought up not only by conservative media outlets for just those that were considered to be impartial, media outlets. i know we hear on our tea tried to cover the laptop as much as possible and the result was, well, you were either threatened. you were either put lawsuits on you if you were a media outlet wanting to cover the 100 bite and laptop during election time. you became under intense scrutiny. a lot of backlash public backlash not only from the public but also media colleagues. and so now to come to fruition that everything that the majority of those outlets were saying was true and even more extensive, the reality of it is we would not know this unless there would not have been someone was able to purchase twitter and make it open as to exactly the relationship between the u. s. government and the social media platform, how can you have trust and a system like the elections when you know that there are political parties that are influencing one of the major ways that people get their information about the candidates from. so this is extremely concerning. the real truth, always what we ever be able to get congress to act, that we can restore some trusting credibility into the way we get information that seem to be seen what they want to control, or they want to make sure that none of their dissenters are able to actually come after them and point out when hold them accountable. that is one thing that social media is good for it. it's holding the politicians accountable for what they do. and now we know that taboo amongst. 1 as is democratic colleagues were those that were having conversations with the executives at twitter, and i'm sure it's going on facebook if we were ever find out the truth. which also makes you wonder about the other media platforms, both traditional, like newspapers of washington post new york times, as well as broadcast media platforms. how involved and how close relationships have these media outlets had with campaigns through the last 4 election cycles? rising inflation, a crushing economy, all of this seems to matter, little to american politicians, as they have declared the real problem, tick tock, several us lawmakers have announced bipartisan legislation to band the chinese own social media platform. american politicians claim the app can be used to spy on us citizens. this isn't about creative videos. this is about an app that is collecting data on tens of millions of american children and adults every day. we know it's use to manipulate feeds and influence elections. we know it answers to the people's republic of china. tick tock is digital fentanyl. that's addicting americans collecting troves of their data and censoring their news. the bipartisan anti social ccp act as a strong step in protecting our nation from the nefarious digital surveillance and influence operations of totalitarian regimes. well, it's very hilarious to listen to those words because what they're describing, how they're arguing about how tick tock seems to be operating bits pretty closely with the details that are now emerging regarding how twitter and meta facebook and other outlets interfered in us politics take for example, the hunter, by the laptop story will recall how it's been admitted that us social media giants worked to suppress it in coordination with the f b i. here's what we heard from mark zuckerberg. distribution on facebook was decreased, but people were still out to share it so you could still share it. you could still consume it, but we weren't sort of as black and white about it as, as twitter. we just kind of thought, hey, look if, if the f b i, which i still view is a legitimate institution in this country. it's like very professional lawn force and they come to us and tell us that we need to be on guard about something that i want to take that seriously. now a new poll shows that 71 percent of americans say that a truthful interpretation of the 100 biden laptop story may have changed their vote and go to change the outcome of the election in the united states. so the effort by facebook and twitter to suppress that story certainly had an impact. now, it's also interesting to hear the owners of tick tock, accused of news, depression. let's not forget that social media outlets the damned r t, all throughout western europe. r t is being widely suppressed, it's been shut down from youtube. ready cetera, and then you want to get into the other accusation that they make about data that let's look into the details they've been revealed by edward snowed about how data collected by us social media outlets and tech companies get handed over the f b i. and how there is a coordination with the app, the i and this information regarding users activities is provided to the american authorities without any warrant, no warranty or are needed. they simply go to the tech outlet and get the information. there's actually been a 260 percent increase in the providing of this data to us officials and they've been getting it without warrants the amount of data that they've been acquiring on us individuals as increasingly gone up. this is the information it's been reveal and we also know what they tend to use this information for david's description of what you can do with metadata. quoting a mutual friend to we're baker is absolutely correct. okay, we kill people based on metadata. throw the hypocrisy in us condemnation of 6, aka allegedly suppressing news, allegedly interfering in us politics or allegedly collecting people's data for nefarious purposes. the world can hear the hypocrisy and what these us lawmakers are saying. as they found the podium against tick tock, us politicians have called for the expulsion of russia from the un security council, citing moscow's role in the conflict and ukraine. the russian federation has carried out in the legal premeditated unprovoked and brutal war against ukraine. resolved that the house of representatives urges the president of the united states to limit suspend or terminate rights and privileges that the russian federation exercises in the security council of the united nations. this band would not be possible under the un charter russian media, however, have already faced numerous bands and crackdowns, which could get worse as a new e. u draft. blacklist reportedly includes russian media figures and outlets with r t being among them. an international organization protecting the rights of journalists has refused to support russian media in a response to our teas request for comments, since it does not view russian media as unbiased. the committee's refusal to live up to its state's aim comes as a member of germany's main opposition party proposed more measures. namely the creation of a committee to control the spread of so called russia media. this information, the danger of so called pro russian fakes has been named as a key threat to the european community. such comments. com a made a recent reports that are teas german language channel uses. 3rd party outlets and youtube channels to spread information. author and war correspondent thomas roper calls this step and democratic in the constitution of germany. there's written that no censorship is happening in germany. it's written, there are the fact that the european union with just some kind of a decreed could, are for forced germany into censorship. is already something very interesting that they are now also whatever freezing are cheese as the assets and so on. it's just the next step, but it doesn't have anything to do with it. what is called democracy or even freedom of speech, freedom of media. this is quite interesting, i'm that when we think we have some kind of a free speech or free media and germany, them that when we know has all, shall become, shall have an office which registers lea a media or even users who just expects chris. another opinion that the government has ah, tensions are spiraling and northern kosovo as a serbian representative to the region has accused pristine as government of seizing power in the majority serv, area of method of eat. so with help from local police. this comes just hours after the officials of self proclaimed kosovo, applied for e u membership. with belgrade, condemning the move and urging brussels to block it, our t contributor, nickel a job, it reports from the ground see, find, flows door to the new la, visit the origin or with respect for their own laws and chosen a new city council. 16 new members, and there's this war north and they for elected to power without any democratic procedure. so basically, months ago and all the sort of left visitors and the service costs, those positions the election, new elections were held and left early to share a new city or forces. and they did so by bringing in from the side their own on the patients who are now the city council and amongst, amongst them there is one in so just to multi cultural perspective. and as i said without any, any law or respect for, for this standard which can be implemented. and that scheme as a shock local service because they feel check again. they feel that they are again being played out because they said new election games occur. and they are now being governed by people nobody chose and they were elected basically by brute force and the launch presence of police and army, securing this whole event in the center of forces for me to finish everything mostly by serbs earlier around 300 coasts of insecurity personnel were reportedly station and meet, throw beats, the city. according to the serbian government, serbia criticize the move, asserting that kosovo had not carried out any of the agreements. key points. tensions have flared between belgrade and kosovo authorities in the northern part of the breakaway region. where serbian protestors put up barricades over the weekend, demonstrating against the arrest of a former co, civil serv, police officer, and made rising tensions. serbia's prime minister said last week that the country's leadership was close to deploying security personnel to kosovo, saying that the lives of minority serbs, there were been threatened. the russian ambassador to serbia told us that co suppose e u membership bid was apparently sanctioned by brussels in advance. ah, you see she of stern trim you would not all members of the european union recognized kosovo as an independent state. that means that you does not have a unified position and cannot achieve overall consensus when it comes to this issue . however, if we take any country in the balkans as an example, even the process of submitting the application for e u membership and it public declaration of such intentions is always agreed at the very political top of the e in brussels. as to the criterion, the world needs, if they wanted to, they would have already fulfilled the established agreements. but the west would have asked pristine a long time ago to find a solution to the issue of the serbian municipalities in kosovo radio in accordance with the appropriate mechanisms and instruments to guarantee the safety of the serbs and secure their rights. so that's why what angela merkel said regarding the minsk agreements is also applicable in my opinion. it's a brussels as agreements when it comes to kosovo is at $30.00.

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New York , United States , Serbia , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , , Paris , France General , France , Washington , Donbass , Ukraine General , Ukraine , Beijing , China , Syria , Kosovo , Belgrade , Serbia General , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Germany , Iraq , Sudan , Morocco , Italy , Libya , Italian , Americans , America , Chinese , Russian , Moroccan , French , Ukrainian , Iraqi , Serbs , German , Russian Federation , Libyan , Syrian , Serbian , American , Angela Merkel , Sean Sally , Peter Scott , Johnny Miller , Casio Bell , Meta Facebook , Colin Powell ,

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