Transcripts For RT News 20221110

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Because political rivals in the mid term elections a by invasion rates on Energy Prices have led to a new round of protest in greece and belgium. Large greek cities still violent classes between processes and really a hello and welcome to the International Broadcasting live a form of the russian capitalist policy out. I will be glad to have you with us. Im most of ami. Lets take a look at the top. So is this our oh, you start with the latest news from the battle hes on region . Russia has said its withdrawing truth from the regional capital and the other locations, although right bigler, the nipper river. Thats being done to avoid potential unnecessary losses among Russian Forces. Amid the danger that ukrainian types could destroy critical local dam burger before we were fully from roslyn weary of them, the enemy is firing randomly at the city. For this reason, it was decided to evacuate the population from the right side of the river. We provided Everything Possible to ensure the evacuation the plans of the enemy to create flooding of territories can lead to dangerous consequences. This is confirmed by the constant shelling of the car hob sky, hydro electric power station. Under these conditions, the most appropriate option is to organize defenses along the line of the denise river. Catastrophic flooding could occur if the queen or full succeed in destroying the dam. The high wall, so would also complicate supply routes, which are used to bring food, the russian army, as well as local residents. Now eliminating the di would also jeopardize fresh Water Supplies to the neighboring crimea region. To reduce the dangerous isnt that is russia has been evacuating tens of thousands of local residents in recent weeks. Now the troop withdrawal was supported by russias defense vis. Thank a show that who also ordered the creation of a new line of defenses. The situation of course, must much of the front line has been reported as increasingly stable with Russian Forces intercepting around 80 to 90 percent of the incoming ukrainian rockets. The commander of russias Emergency Operation says that the for any all me last around 12000 soldiers last month alone, about 8 times more than the russian offices for the u. S. Were in co intelligence offices. Scott ritter says that by relocating troops, russia is depriving ukraine of a pretext for destroying the dam. I think another thing that the russians are doing, by withdrawing from the right bank is reducing or eliminating the justification that ukraine could have been blowing up the damn. Now the russia is evacuating the city of care song and the right bank. Theres no reason for ukraine to, to blow to stamp. So i think russias literally removing any justification ukraine could, because of russia remain on the right bank and continued to defeat ukrainian attacks the ukrainians once their forces spent might come to the conclusion that the only hope they have in preventing a rushing counter attack is to destroy the dam in flood the region. So i think this is also a, a prophylactic move on the part of the russians to prevent the ukrainians trying to have justification for blowing up the dam. After that is in the claim to air is i and combines, they continued for support for russian authorities. And that fact has been rethink confirmed even by the opponents. So several as of battalion fighters who admitted to bloggers, im Media Outlets of the majority of the population of the dumbass and especially of cities like multiple are pro russian. Does this at the sound of the 60 percent of people were pro russian, they wanted to go to russia the same as in donnas and la guns. There has always been a large pro russian part of the cities and 20 percent. Were those who supported us and said guys, thank you for protecting us and things like that. And so the only thing i know is that 70 percent of people of mary you, paul, supported the russians. The new russian re just having a proximate population. 7000000 people in figure the show almost 3000000 have left this area for russia since the start of the war. The chief editor of m. V media jennifer put conan isnt worried about the western media narrative is being based on glorifying the actions of other fighters in dumbass, even though they would never welcome there. Certainly its good that they admit that they were there not well on that, but my charity of to people really didnt want them there in the 1st place. And as of was the key battery on there for, for a long time. And certainly thats the good that there is some truth in it. And, but the horrifying thing is that these as of fighters are glorified in the western media. What we know about the shelling of the cities from already shes 2014 up to this day is that when the cranium troops has losses. When they are beaten in the front line, they revenge not through the front line of the russian troops, but they will shoot and they have been shooting and they will keep shooting very far behind the front line to the civilian reaches. So that the soldiers in the front line positions feel themself guilty for the destruction of the sea really and populated areas. And that is the punishment strikes what we have been speaking for over 7 years. That is whats happening now in the dont was reach and they are punishing from their losses to the civilian population to the situation on the ground. And those guys regional happen so has come under renewed overnight showing by creating forces. This on verified footage is said to show civilian areas being targeted. Local authorities have said to shunning, killed one civilian and left another wounded attack was the basis of many conduction by you kind of forces in the region the worlds leading recycling organization. The plastic bank is to take part in the ongoing call 27 conference in egypt. Once again raise the alarming rate of global pollution. The african continent is the hardest hit becoming a gigantic, the dump site for Plastic Waste. So theyre from western countries. All these course women kind of the tattler has the story. Plastic is ubiquitous. It fills our air, land and oceans and landfills like this are full of it. From my this current tooth brushes, shoes, clothes, t, v, rim olds, you name it. Its a plus big world, but africa is faring better than is global counterparts. And according to the u. N. Environmental program, the continent produces the least amount of global plastic ways. And most of our ways is also organic. So where does this come from . When eva, people talk about plessy, input the decision to south africa, the only being economic benefit that it as for the country, the environment and that is not even be discussed at the stage. 20 companies are said to be responsible for more than half of the global single used Plastic Waste. And none of them are in africa. And according to the 2021, Plastic Waste makers index in the global north that producers and creates this global plus think use crisis. An average american or a United Kingdom citizen will produce about a 100 kilograms of Plastic Waste annually. Now one responsibility do they, bay to the global waste lent theyve created. This is mainly supposed to benefit the county. Oh, because we dont have most of the places that we supposed to have in south africa to make products. Some africans have come up with a plan, then i was ira. Works with can sign is collections and not for Profit Company in the education space. They turn plastic into briggs and they saw this plastic from where ever we can get it and times even buttoning with locals in exchange for stationary and such items. Plastic that would otherwise be filling the air, polluting the Water Systems and causing diseases. When people been plastic in the community because theyve got no way to damp it, it causes in people breathe it, it causes type 2 diabetes. It causes cancer and it also causes aging. So those are the main hazards that one can think of. But besides that, when it goes into our water, it also causes our problems is fire is water, animals our content like your fish and things like that. And then when they eat the plastic, we end up eating that fishing maybe end up affecting us as well. From a health point of your plastic is cut into smaller bits and is put into a 2 liter bottle. And the must all way between 550 and 600 grams. And before you know it, viola, you have a school, and soon there will be a bigger one here with a science lab, as well as toilets. And it will all be run on solar power, all in an impoverished community, but also build by that same community for, for us, what is important is plastic is going to affect everyone in the world. So what we are doing here is were inviting different communities from different areas to come in, live what we are doing, give them the same skills, that, of course, and then they go back in, they do the same in their own areas. So far weve put 5 communities that weve identified that will be training and then helping them also to set up a similar environment like our africans as solving their own problems and the mass that was caused by the global not. And is these kinds of solutions that must be echoed and they, you and cop 27. 00 Climate Change conference. And maybe just maybe those who pollute must pay the lute for the clean up bill can i will it had to 40 and john is back. The court 27 conference hines and mom with unexpected and all good meetings, your sample, john kerry, had a warming encounter with nicholas will do a man the u. S. Justice form and put a 15000000. 00 bounty. On his, the video, the appeared on social media showing madura. Im terrys brief meeting to be friendly and cordial. In 2020 the was a paid on americas wanted this with 15000000. 00 offered for his arrest. He has been accused of narco terrorism, cocaine conspiracies, ad arms eels, ned price spokesperson for the u. S. State department, tried to explain, carries cordial meet and greet with madura suggesting carrie was taken by surprise. Was not they said before planned or substantive in his way. He was caught by surprise. I understand that Nicholas Monroe has done this to a number of our world ears was certainly not on an interaction now was jump out, now was plan. I has also been looking to salvage relations as he didnt shy away from a friendly chat with the leader of all which venezuela, despite font still refusing to fully recognize the disability. But there was presidency, am continuing to force ease sanctions against caracas, a with the station k, when saw contrast, what the french present 23 years ago, mcawain in western countries recognize the us back opposition . Figure one guido, ours, the president of venezuela. That was off the go, the detroit, and failed to seize power in caracas, following a disputed election that madura officially one independent journalist been knows and says certain parties are busy, have their eyes on the business will. It will when a country has something that you need and you try to organize crews and regime change operations and those fail, you have to be polite and ask for it right now. Technically on paper divided Administration Still recognizes one guar, though this completely unelected fringe politician. I suppose it interim president of venezuela. But of course the, the situation has drain changed. I mean gray though controls nothing and venezuela a maduro clearly has the support of a majority of the venezuelan people who voted for him. Unlike why he though and also the u. S. Needs Venezuelas Oil and the illegal unilateral sanctions that the u. S. Has imposed on venezuela and on iran, and on russia, 3 of the Worlds Largest Oil Producers has resulted in Energy Crisis and huge skyrocketing Energy Prices, which of course is hurting and europe very hard. But its also hitting the, the average american who needs to pay more of the gas pumps. So the bite administration rang to have its cake and eat. Its to eat it to its trying to claim that it doesnt recognize maduro, but still trying to get access to Venezuelas Oil rampaging inflation rates on Energy Prices of lead to a new round of process. And 2 European Union member sees major cities in greece faced vernon clashes with whom protesters island right police. Ah, public and private Sector Workers walks out in the union organize 24 hour general flight to fly sites. The rallies are being described as the biggest since 2015 when we received emergency bait out funds from the e. U and the i m f. They come now as greece is grappling with inflation rate of 12 percent, one of the highest in the years. Then, despite the great economy being for cost to grow by 5. 3 percent, facts are stronger than expected tourism. The circ disrupted Public Services around the country in good in various degrees is main islands, articles, school closures, and staff ensure that is at hospitals. Manifestations were closed and buses, taxes, and Railway Services will cut rental car agencies were hounded with people eager to secure transport. Heres one of the protesters to say i will salaries need to increase and the fact accession system needs to be abolished. The government must stop stealing from us. We will not leave simply to work. You must leave for the sake of living, not just to survive. Why belgium people flocked to the thieves 1st trying to protest if i live in costs. At this i own those. Only one metro line worthy in brussels in the country. Railways and ports have significantly reduce services. Well, just main Workers Union says gas prices have risen. Arden, 30 percent, and the Union Demands exceed measures from the government. Is what some demonstrators have to say. Oh, if we still live, since the government cannot do anything without europe, it should go and shake up europe. The price of electricity must be decoupled from the price of gas. It was a real thing or on a general strike because people cant pay the bills anymore. And we cant put up with those who are making excess profits. The shareholders are making a lot of money and there are workers who are struggling to get through the month. See, see, were also with, we asked the government to nationalize the price of gas and electricity so that everyone can benefit from a minimum level of comfort was bringing up the day on the mid term in the us. Joe biden has refused to even consider changing the direction of his presidency. Despite admitting that much of the American Public is dissatisfied with the pos washington the satan. He made those comments walked 1st and relieved that the rival republicans didnt make big gangs in the elections. Voters, sir, spoke clearly about their concerns. They are still frustrated. I get it. What in the next 2 years you intend to do differently . Nothing. Im not gonna change the direction. I said i ran for 3 reasons. Im gonna continue to stay remo. Same and came as a vote counting a nations high things, mid term elections continue with the river thin race taking place for the console of the senate. Meanwhile, the Republican Party is projected to win us like majority in the us house of representatives. Is caleb mood put in the has the needs is about the reaction from the u. S. President. The context of the election is very key to understand now the big red way the suite that was predicted for republicans doesnt appear to have materialized. However, there were substantial victories. Republican one wonders if joe biden would be talking the same way. If that redway added, hed materialize, you seems to tell him things down from before the election when he was talking about democracy being at stake, its cetera about how he still has is. And on the veto pan. Now its important to know that despite the fact that joe biden seems to be tony, things down old in the United States indicate that 74 percent of us public is still unhappy with the direction the country is moving in. 71 percent. Believe that democracy is at stake and in question, an under threat in the United States. These are some ohio voters that we spoke to. I think the climate extremely right across the board. Again and kind of area where we fan, unfortunately, a 3rd of the country doesnt care about the facts, the truth, the honesty and never going to get in the way of what they want to believe. Now the rhetoric in the United States in the lead up to these elections was especially heated allegations of being fascists wanting to destroy the country. Putting democracy in question were being hurled left and right. Donald trumps, he took to the podium and he had this to say in the lead up to the mid term vote on tuesday. This country has gone crazy to view support the decline all of america. Then you must absolutely must vote for the radical left crazy people, the radical left democrats. Now weve also heard from the democratic side complaints about what they call voters, suppression and voting regulation. They say were intended to suppress the vote. And weve heard some pretty shocking rhetoric as well. For example, alexandria hows the cortez . The representative from new yorks recently accused prominent tv host whos been critical of u. S. Foreign policy tucker, carlson of being a terrorist. Heres what she said. There is a major news channel that is fueling political violence, one of the largest sources of Death Threats that i get is tucker karls in. This is like, whats the catholic terrorism is . So we have a widespread polarization within the United States. The president also indicated that he alon mosque, the billionaire in the United States, who recently acquired twitter may be the subject of some kind of investigation for alleged foreign ties and the manner in which hes been running twitter in the short time since hes assumed leadership. Joe biden said there may be some kind of investigation launched against the alon mock so white, an interesting day in the aftermath of the mid term vote, of which there was a lot of heavy anticipation and nervousness among the u. S. Political establishment and the public. We discussed the con us the whole situation with form a, c, i, a analysts, larry johnson. It says demo Club Policies of not been developing as they were initially intended. Its an american, its and democratic. Ah, the reality is that this is a 2 Party Country of sorts. And is that all the democrats strategy has been sent biden. Quote, one, the white house has been to completely discredit the republicans to redo claim that the republicans are involved with insurrection. To claim that anything that the republicans did to oppose abide and policy was designed to subvert democracy. Its just, its really, its an evil, evil approach. Busy the European Parliament commission has solidly la mobile wife, a stinks to venice privacy thing, government critics, human rights activists. Im jealous of being targeted on t contribute to rachel madison. As the story last year, we found out that israeli spyware technology, called pegasus, had ended up in the hands of officials and saudi arabia and the united arab emirates. Right around the time that they were all celebrating closer ties with one another, including technological cooperation. Now that software pedaled by israels, and a so group, a company which would have needed permission from the Israeli Government to export what is essentially a weapons grade cyber tool was then used by these arab countries to attract dissidence, activists, opposition, members and journalists of interest, western press report, citing forensic findings have even tied this software to the luring of soggy dissident and Washington Post columnist jamal cash o g. 2, a saudi consulate in turkey, where he was then murdered and dismembered with a bone saw, well now a new European Parliament report details use of the same spyware for similar purposes, by top officials of a handful of european countries, namely spain, greece hungry, and poland. You officials are constantly talking about the importance of freedom and privacy. Yet the list of democracies outed as deploying this aggressive spyware just seems to keep growing. The lead you lawmaker in charge of the reports spoke about the boxing manipulation of National Elections with the use of spyware directly affects the composition of e u institutions, and the political balance in the e. U. Governance bodies. The 4 or 5 governments accused of abusing spyware represent almost a quarter of the e u population. So they carry considerable weight in the council. Were very worried about american democracy. Were very worried about democracy in brazil. Why is it that were worried about lots of things except for democracy inside the European Union itself . Its the same sort of double standards that we seen elsewhere. Washington made a big show as specifically sanctioning the nfl group last year, although not israel, the state itself, but continues to engage in the same kind of electronics fine. The Edward Snowden blew the whistle on. The u. S. Also gave the state of israel a free pass. Its hard to imagine that being the case if the company paddling the spyware was russian or iranian, for example. So what does the law maker in charge of the report following this months long you inquiry suggest doing now . I think we should start with a, a moratorium on the use off in the trade in a spyware. A moratorium, the, these conditional, in other words, member sates, can have it lifted if they meet a number of conditions. And that is, they need to have a framework in place for the use of spyware. We want them to agree to work with you or pull together other, you officials want stronger legislation related to the creation and transfer surveillance technology. Some sound truly shocked than this kind was flying, could possibly be going on in europe. I am shocked by the ever growing spyware scandal and greece, and by the total lack of will by the greek authorities to properly investigated. It shows that the greek government is following the dangerous autocratic path of poland and hungary, the dangerous autocratic path of hungary and poland. Why is it called the autocratic when some countries do it, but called safeguarding democracy and National Security . When the u. S. For example, uses surveillance mechanisms Like Software back doors, to peek into your phone or computer activity and make sure that you arent doing anything that would upset uncle sam. Last year, former german chancellor on gala merkel called for a tighter restrictions on the control and dissemination of spyware. So its already been on the radar. The problem is that as snowden, former boss, and as a director and now u. S. National cyber director, chris english, told me way back in 2014. Everyone is scoring on offense in exploiting vulnerabilities with these kinds of tools. But no ones really very good at defects. He likened to a basketball game where the score is like 355 versus 967. The horse is already left the barn and its going to be tough for the you to now legislate this problem away. So i was in rush on it wrong, ill strengthening in the Energy Center as her on her slowly praise of full 2000000000. 00 deal with rushes gas from to set up info server and develop it, winning gas fields. You know, to cea. Megan, if you go to church, right . As you know, a rom and russia are too powerful countries in the region, and they were never this close in political and economic relations, especially in the field of energy. We have the expansion of fields on the pipeline for exporting gas. And fortunately, we have all of these on the agenda because of the memorandum of understanding and the agreement we have with gas problem series. He ties on other facets of International Cooperation are also on the agenda this week as a russian to litigation met with iraq president racy in iran, as well as the head of the is, im at republics National Security council. Local reporter use of the generally as the details patricia arrived on a tuesday afternoon and he was worldly, welcomed and greeted by the a wanting president himself. And this as to the significance of the 2 shows visit to tech while he had an extended talk and dialogue with his iranian counterparts. We writer and he shall pony or get some sites discussed. Host of issues of mutual concern. So on top of them are security issues. Both countries are trying to find ways to confront what they call the west interference in the 2 countries. Domestic affairs victims signs also on the same page on the same page when it comes to the United States. Sanctions both sides are trying to find ways to neutralize the american sanctions that target both countries. Of course, and this is one of the main goals and objectives of the to shows visit to yvonne. He says that he wants to speed up the joint projects. Economic projects that have already been discussed between the 2 countries. On top of them is the north south corridor and the completion of this important and major Transit Route is very significant for both countries. This is a transit problem that connects india to iran or by john central asia and even russia and europe. So this, the, the south transit corridor is a key issue that both sides are trying to complete it. Both countries are facing similar threats and now they are increasingly getting to together and coming together. Even closer. Both sides are emphasizing on the need to further expand their dialogue to the Security Councils of the above both countries. The 2022 China International aviation and aerospace actually from has opened

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