Transcripts For RT News 20220913

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As in many fear they will be homeless for many years to come. If we dont get funding, we wont be able to rebuild ever how we can hardly afford a University Education by the government. But after targeting the tower with 8 bombs, without any prior warnings, was it led to grab those troubleshoot and meet all the house a little, and disc leased out 36. 00 families with the mosque out of the world. This is our key international. Im Rachel Blevins and here are the top stories at 4 again. We begin with breaking news. Defense ministries of both are by john and armenia. Have announced casualties among their military forces as a result of an exchange of fire on the border between the 2 countries. Explosions from artillery and drawn stripes were reported by armenian citizen, shortly after midnight on tuesday. Armenia has blamed neighbouring there by john for the attack and claims who is targeting civilian infrastructure as or by john hit back on the claim and says that the attacks are only targeting military infrastructure and come as a retaliation after quote provocation from the armenian side. According to local reports, people had started to evacuate from several cities in the south of armenia. Our local journalists in the area gives us this report on the latest escalation in the region. So they needed to jump on september 13th, just past midnight. Units of the bridge, jani armed forces, began intensive shelling of armenian positions in gorgeous and jermel from large caliber artillery. This is reported by the Armenian Ministry of defense shining army reports of casualties from the armenian side. But we also add at the moment, according to unofficial information, the shelley has stopped here. The other side of the story, our local journalist from other by john sent us this report. I was one of the positions of us within our courses were under intensive estimating. Foyer, armenia, i have been concentrating, offensive, weapons, heavy artillery, and mum, polar. It wont be bored, it was as it was off with less malls. Such actions taken by a media aimed aim to us load on the implementation of large scale infrastructure projects, boarder regence luncheon and cobra, as well as to maintain the tension theocracy of tension at the borderline. Ah, now to the latest from the conflict in ukraine, russian authorities in belgrade region have asked residence of 2 border villages to evacuate. The homes in this area are situated very close to the border with ukraine. This comes after one per cent has been killed and 4 others wounded after ukraine shell, that checkpoint in a Russian Village bordering the harcourt region in ukraine. Here are some images of the aftermath of the attack. The victim was an old woman and ukrainian refugee 3 of those wound. It were also ukrainian citizens who have recently fled to russia. Thats as hundreds of ukrainian refugees are now coming to russia after Ukrainian Forces have taken over a number of towns and the hard copy region. Local Authorities Say they are provided with all of the necessary care and will be given temporary housing. Now this comes after russia withdrew its troops from the northern contact lines and the hard copy region of ukraine and has been relocating themselves so that it on thats republic to bolster its operations there. And as the Ukrainian Army takes control of local settlements, videos have emerged on line. Showing western mercenaries assisting ki, have troops. Some of these cities are very close to the russian border. Hey, boys were the gar. We do a lot of fighting gear rifles. Show me. Lets cross live now to scott ritter, former Us Marine Corps intelligence officer. Scott is great to have you on the program today. Now weve just seen how these foreign mercenaries are both staying on line very close to the russian border. So do you think this is reckless on their part and on the part of the western government, what is your take on the situation . Well, i mean, its never a good idea if youre in the military to be posting tick, tock, videos that you know where you are and what youre doing on the battlefield. You know, we live in an, in the social media driven age. And a lot of what these guys post is propaganda. But clearly, what, whats going on here is you know, this, this new phase, you know, and we are in a new phase of this conflict. Let there be no doubt what you crane pulled off this past week. So this is no longer about, you know, a Ukrainian Military thats, you know, trained and equipped by nato. This is a natal army thats manned by ukrainians and buy orange mercenaries. Theres a large number of them, apparently participating in this current offensive. They played a role in penetrating the Russian Defense is carrying out raids behind the russian lines and, you know, doing some of the reconnaissance work, et cetera. So theyre an active participant in this conflict. And i dont think youd have them in these numbers if there wasnt a green light given to them by their respective government. So even though these arent know, serving your military officers and soldiers, they are experienced of veterans who couldnt be in ukraine doing what theyre doing unless their governments approved of it. So we, there is been an internationalization of this fight. Now speaking of that, a sort of green light, i mean, you make a good point there. And yet at the same time we see these mercenaries, theyre laughing, theyre posting, theyre being very clear about what theyre posting on social media. So what that is, the part where those western governments, especially in the u. S, would be willing to even quietly give a green light even if theyre not coming out and saying it directly. I mean, is there a way in which this benefits the west . Theres actually a way, 1st of all, as i said we, we, so weve seen a transition where were, were talking about a nato army, the army thats fighting russia right now. And ukraine is no longer a Ukranian Army. Its a nato army. It just happens to be manned by ukrainian troops, primarily. But these ukranian troops are supported by nato intelligence by natal communications, by nato command staffs, by natal logistics. And theres reports that, you know, hundreds of not thousands of a former military specialists are contracted to the Ukrainian Military to do specialist tasks such as operator advise on the operation of advanced nato artillery systems and things of that nature of it. So are ready. Thats crossed a boundary, but now what we see to is this International Legion that has always been in spite it used to be sort of a joke, a bunch of fat, former veterans, many with no combat experiences. And he trains didnt want to use them. But the International Legion has been transformed and it now is manned by thousands of very combat savvy, an international mercenaries who are active participants in this conflict, in our fully integrated into the nato military, doing traditional nato style operations. Reconnaissance odd, you know, raids, a things, things of this nature and they couldnt do it without the permission. And indeed the. Busy assistance of other respective governments and of the United States and nato, which is providing the equipment, the training and the operational planning. Remember these guys to start out there doing anything they want to do . Theyre operating as part of an overall operational concept that nato came up with. And the ukranian military, which is a nato military now, is implementing. And theyre certainly not hiding it. Now i want to get your take on the situation overall. I mean, we see a lot of talk from ukrainian and western officials about this latest Ukranian Army advance in the harcourt region. Something say that moscows total defeat is the only option. Is that an option really in your view . And what do you think is happening with the shift in the front lines . No, i mean look, lets, lets be clear here. Russia has initiated back in february what they call a special military operation. And the russian leadership made a decision at that time that there would be a limited number of Resources Available uh for the special military operation. And the leadership has been very strict and adhering to that there, i believe the 200000 or so troops that had been originally allocated was sufficient to the task until the United States and nato began pouring in tens of billions of dollars of equipment and providing training and support, this transform of the nature is a game changer. Thats what i called it back in may, a game changer. The game has changed. It doesnt mean that russias losing it means that russia needs to adapt to a new reality. And i believe thats what we see russia doing right now that this consolidation of its forces of weather was planned. I dont know, i cant say, or whether it was because of aggressive Ukrainian Military action, which appears to be the case of russia has in good order withdrawn, its troops reorganized a defensive line that will be impervious to ukrainian attack. And um, reallocated resources to complete the task ofa of liberating the dom bus. So i know the russians are panicky. Thats the one thing people need understand the ukrainians you achieved a, a battlefield victory. They won a battle with the added one, the war, and indeed other indications that this was a pyrrhic victory. The, the amount of casually suffered by ukraine, of a have burned through the reserves that theyve been spinning months building up. And its not clear whether they have anything to replace these reserves, which means theyre going to have to wait another couple months to build up new reserves. Meanwhile, russia, i believe were going to see a very short period of time regain the operational initiative. And youll be seeing renewed offensive action or continue to offensive action with the heightened level of intensity in the dont buy stuff. But then russia is going to have to deal with the reality. Once gone, buses liberated, you cant achieve demilitarization with 200000 troops. So theres going to have to be some sort of transformation in my opinion, where russia maybe shorted general mobilization because that would be strategically a difficult because theres an economic aspect of this conflict that people need to recognize in rushes winning that right now. But if they, if they undertake a general mobile ization of the, the economic strength the russia currently enjoys, could be put at risk in that strategically, i believe and why. So i dont see general mobilization when i do see the russians needing to increase the number of troops made available and maybe increase the the, the manner in which these troops can operate. Theres been a lot of restraint shown on the russian side, and i think we saw the other night that some of that restraints coming off when they struck the Critical Infrastructure of your brain. If you train wants to play a war, maybe its time that russia, besides that the special military operation should look more like a war. Certainly a lot of stay there and will continue to follow it as that new reality plays out. Scott ritter, former Us Intelligence officer. Thank you so much for your time and insight. Thanks reb. Meanwhile, our correspondent in the dawn bass spoke with a captured ukrainian soldier who says he was fighting alongside foreign mercenaries who found the war time action shocking. Heres our keys, roman coast, with more on the story. According to open source reports of scores of nato, instructors have descended on ukraine of the last 8 or so years in order to train Ukrainian Army to combat the nets and logans to peoples armies. Also, over this period of time, thousands of foreign mercenaries have joined various nationalists battalions of ukraine who have been active in the war, crimes against civilians in done nets and elegance. Now, some of those mercenaries have already been caught and convicted to death by local courts for their actions. So now some of them are still at large. Some of them have deserted their positions. Now, earlier i spoke with the one prisoner of war of the ukrainian or me here in done thats the mans name is said anneal or no pre ankle. He speaks english a really well. He spent some time in the United States. So he was very active in speaking to these foreign mercenaries, so who were in his a battalion . This is his story. Americans, these men were americans. If you can look closely, you can see the American Flag has just on chess, only 3 honesty, nobody in our command told us anything about any kind of foreign formation student that was supposed to be with us. And they were going to do efficiently. They said that the reason for their presence in testimony with the my actual soldiers enforcing the war and afghanistan, one of them is that theyre fighting the democracy or, or his british guy said that they came to protect democracy. They came to share their experience with us. They came to create some kind of influence of asi speaking in great measure. They influenced us only in raising morale. They lifted up our fighting spirits, but how effective they actually were. I can only say 9 years a some and even deserted depositions. Opposition was the holy spot in the war. If we do not include mario poll, but we were in kia if they said that they didnt leave this after that, we never saw them again. Well get that there was also a situation when as soon as these men arrived, now we had to get up in the morning, you to the shooting and gunfire money. We sat there and they looked at us with open eyes filled with panic. Asking what was happening here than they realized this is a real war. They had a machine gun and they broke, it distorts. They broke it so they could retreat testing, and that was such a fiasco for us. They took such an expensive piece of equipment open and they just took it acts and broke it in to then they just retreated 50 basis and sat with her. Would you so to conclude that danny, on the priyanka was not so really impressed with the those mercenaries who he had come across and that he wasnt impressed with their weapons or either as they were all seeking a soviet, made a kalashnikov rum on call for have arti done, thats peoples republic. As ukraine expects to receive another installment of Financial Aid from the European Union in the amount of 5000000000 euros locals in garza are suffering from a lagging reconstruction process. As many fear they will be homeless for years. A local journalist, santa comma gives us more on the story in early august, is that i enlarged a 30 day military campaign against everything. And its the mc you had movement in gaza getting at least 50 ben athenians, including women and children, as well as when did at about 360 others. It alia army then carried out dozens of the areas like, again, that had done kill Building Military size and civilian properties under the bed thinks that they are belonging to the if them, if you had movement in the area. That 2nd most powerful armed. But athenians in the course that includes the total cost of the destruction, may go up to a 130000000. 00 barrels for the housing sector and 800000000. 00 to compensate to those inflicted in the corner make in the 30 l and agriculture to gather this but italy needs financial donor, 30 accounts like the damages theyre made that yearning their behavior is that are in the a wars there between 2008. And theyre the 2014. Ive been on with it of assistance that have been harmed, androids, and support gather civilians have been voting and poured some time. However, the local residents of the course that english are afraid of bending more years before rebuilding their houses. As a very construction for prompted, theyre going get slowly and be garza amid not done or is absent yoga been thinking about a month ago, we were at home, the israeli army called our neighbors at 11 a. M and told them that they would bomb our house and we ran away without taking anything with us soon. But i have minutes later, the house was bombed with a reconnaissance mr. Wallace. And then it was targeted by 2 missiles from an f. 16 warplane, the house was completely destroyed and we became homeless. If we dont get funding, we wont be able to rebuild our house. We can hardly afford our food and drink and University Educations by the fed up with water after targeting the tower with 8 bombs without any prior warnings. It led to great destruction and made all the Housing Units uninhabitable and displaced about 36 families, including more than 50 children, more than 50 women in more than 120 man. We are very apprehensive, especially since the situation in gaza is very difficult, especially since there are many facilities that were destroyed in previous wars that have not been reconstructed so far above what im going to do. But im to watch hands on the lake of International Interest in the data for us in gaza, which at the same time seem to be interested only in forwarding more and more money. A being to the green with us and i hold is really fully responsible and we appeal to the donors to help us. We are asking the donors instead of paying the full money to ukraine, to finance the reconstruction in gaza. Because our situation is more difficult than theirs. We have been under siege for many years. That line of basically, and i am addressing my message to the international and our community that we urge you in the name of human rights and friendship with the Palestinian People to expedite the restoration of this tower. And the rest of the facilities that were destroyed in the gaza strip to enable people to restore their lives as they were before. The recent Israeli Aggression by the thing is not much income better than with the amount of money given to give by the width. They only meter event that houses and live in peace as will other communities are wrong. The where do washington fears the Europe Energy crisis could split the continent, the unified voice of vilifying russia. This as a source close to western Intelligence Services says the shortage of Energy Sources may turn the block against the worst continuation and against providing military aid that is fueling the crisis. The u. S. Is a major ex, border of liquefied natural gas, as it expects more income from its allies imposing sanctions against moscow. This as germany has signed a 20 Year Contract with a major us gas supplier one, a few options left for europe as it cuts ties with russia. R t correspondent fiorella is about explains washingtons motivations behind the sanctions and their desire for the conflict to continue. The economic fall out on europe from russian sanctions is clear, but the actions to their own detriment appear to be to the benefit of the us. So much so that some have claimed this is a controlled demolition of the european economy. Elite unconfirmed document by the Rand Corporation in american nonprofit global policy. Think tank financed by the u. S. Government contains our report title, containment of germany for the United States and the world detailing and a parent call to collapse, the german economy. The only feasible way to guarantee germanys rejection of Russian Energy supplies is to involve both sides in the military conflict and ukraine. Are further actions in this country will inevitably lead to a military response from russia, even if the restriction of russian supplies is limited to 20. 22, its consequences will last for several years. Not only will it deliver a devastating blow to the german economy, but the entire economy will inevitably collapse. In other words, the u. S. Is provoking russia in order to force berlin to impose suicidal sanctions. The proxy war. Its worth noting that back in february, before the conflict in ukraine began bite instead, this, when asked what would happen if russia said military action against here there will be, there will be no longer nor stream to we will for you. Then, how will you do that exactly, since the project and control of the project is within germanys control, we will, i promise you will be able to, less than 2 weeks later nordstrom to was suspended. And since then, its been downhill for europe as a whole, but even more damaging for germany since it relies heavily on access to Russian Energy, the crisis has pushed people to protest their discontent with their governments handling with some even calling for nurturing to to be reopened. But america says its just trying to help while doing albertson would count on a liquefied natural gas from to be helpful. On of course, we continue to call to ne, comprised cap that with respect to rational, which i think can also be helpful. Yet both americans and the, you know, that the u. S. Cannot fulfill all of europes allen g needs. Theres also a limit to what the e you can receive given that it doesnt yet have the infrastructure required. And the. 2 us back price cap will only drive prices up and cut off europe from Cheaper Energy supplies. President putin has already made it abundantly clear. Russia will not sell anything to anyone at a bad price. She knew william issue, it was still not supply anything. The tool, if it is country to our interest them, which in this Case Economic interest, you know, gosh, loyalty with nothing. Critics claim that despite words to the contrary from mainstream media, the u. S. Has all along been prioritizing its own economy over those of its close as allies if you goes into a session. Obviously theres less demand for a wide range of products. Were in such a perverse situation here. It can actually be positive. Trade with europe, accounts for less than one percent of us gross domestic product. And many economists agree that a decline in european consumer demand is unlikely to significantly affect us businesses. The u. S. Economic elite will benefit from the use decline as its l. N. G exports to the continent have almost doubled since last year. The Rand Corporation report aside the facts are that europes economy is in freefall. While the u. S. Defense class is profiting off the entire conflict with russia via ukraine. And it doesnt seem to care that its helping think the economies of some of its biggest allies. The question of whether this is on purpose remains. But at best europe in the u. S. Are blind to the effects of their own sanctions. And at worse, there are more than willing to sacrifice the people of europe for a shaky political outcome. Political analyst, garland nix, it says that washington sees the crisis as opportunity putting its own financial interest above everything else. Its clear that what the United States is doing is theyre eliminating one of the 3 Major Economic threats, europe, china, and russia. And, you know, sadly, and unfortunately it is with the full compliance of european leaders. I think one of the big threats that the u. S. Are recently Emmanuel Crone and others have spoken about a European Army building a European Army. Theyre starting to make noise that they want some independence with their foreign policy. That is a tremendous threat to the neocons in washington. They want to build a military. All of these things, the neocons see as a threat, and they see that as oh, no, its the emergence of another empire. And there are, you know, certainly trying to, to squash that down economically. The other problem is this. Europes economic model is built on cheap energy for russia. Its difficult for the military Industrial Machine to convince everyone that russia is a terrible threat when they have a strong and a strong economic bond with particularly germany, the use of principal economic engines in years. External Affairs Minister has expressed his countrys desire to become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. Stressing that the un must adapt to modern realities. He made these remarks during his visit to saudi arabia. India is the largest democracy, 5th largest economy, nuclear power, technological hub, and tradition of global engagement. How is a powerful case to be a permanent member of the Security Council . The council must adapt to the evolving global conditions, not only to fulfill its objectives of maintaining international security, but also to remain relevant. Meanwhile, washington is backing drastic were forms to the un Security Council. The white house has long stood in favor of germany and japan becoming permanent member states. Thus, despite the 2 being blamed for the outbreak of the 2nd world war, the former director general of the un office in geneva says washington has departed from its original interest by inviting its military allies into the Security Council. This is an attempt to expand a Security Council with the help of their military allies, which thats what it is. I can even say who they want to push into the United Nations Security Council. These are washingtons allies, germany and japan. The states that were initially recognized in the un charter as enemy states. But today the United States of america is abandoning its former intention. This comes as the Us Ambassador to the United Nations, linda thomas greenfield. Recently question the current world order. She oppose preserving the status quo the un Security Council, which grants the 5 nations that comprise the permanent Security Council of the un, vito power we should not define the non sustainable and now dated state does quote in stock where most them on shred flexibility and willingness to compromise in the name of greater credibility and legitimacy. Who had forge can some says there are some simple, incredible proposals to expand the Security Councils membership. Our guest again says that in the case of reforming the un Security Council, it should be expanded with states that have their own independent policies. Not just those who follow states that follow the policies of the us. Oh, the world is changed as it states, such as india, brazil and south africa are now playing a bigger role. The world is not west oriented any longer. And in this vein, if we are talking about changing the structure of the un Security Council, and these very countries should become permanent members of the council, the americans are conversely, trying to make it all western centric. What washington is afraid of is a scenario where the structure of the un Security Council will be expanded with these states who hold independent policy views in Many International affairs. Thats all for now. Be sure to check out our t v dot com for the latest breaking news and updates. Was you right back here at the top of the hour . Ah ah democracy, human rights is all a great Great Concepts about the problem is the United States and the collect, the west and a tide, all of this leg ideas to an entity of power which are them so. So this is the core of liberal hedge money and this is the only way liberalism

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