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Sanctions on climate injustice african countries slum pushed by the way to go green, emphasizing the comparatively small amount of harmful emissions produced from the african come with across the globe around the clock. This is our team. My names unit oneill, and youre welcome to the global news round up on our t. A team from the International Atomic Energy Agency has arrived. The embattled example rouge it Nuclear Power plants with russias military thing. It is ready to ensure their security not submit. Continuing attacks on the facility and its surroundings by Ukrainian Forces, according to local officials, ortiz been following the team. The experts assess the evidence of shelling the special monitoring list. You know, hes a national Atomic Energy agency. They are just finishing their wrapping up the visit to the facility behind me. You can see coffee. Hes surrounded by his colleague and a lot of press now, i mean, weve been following the delegation for quite a while. Weve seen everything theyve been shown and theyve been thrown quite a lot basically, theyve been showing the devastation. Theyve been shown every single crater left by the days of relentless shelling all the power plants. If its yeah, final for its a very heavy height. You cant see it really because of the amount of press and under the employees over the i a but theres a massive rocky thing right there, which is being shown to mr. Crossing. Even that as we were getting to the station we did see black smoke rising from the facility, the shelling with it. Indeed the top, when the delegation just went, the delegation just arrived here. This power blind, it has been, it has seen quite some extensive damage. Some, well Nuclear Reactors have had to stop having to believe been made to an operational because a vote because because of the damage del to the station igor aisha dela, for these are the 1st pictures of the i. E, a mission inspecting the plant. Now we know the team came through ukraine control territory with russia accusing kia val delaying the missions arrival by blocking their passage on thursday morning. The plant again came under attack earlier today, but the head of the u. N. Watched our group saves the agency, experts wont leave the facility. See. He also walks that just a few hours were enough for the mission to collect necessary facts about the constant shelling of the nuclear side. We werent able to get together a lot of the key things i needed to see i saw or explanation. Lets show you this as well. Recent sub h, filling by r t inert. Good. Dar, thats a city near the Nuclear Plant showing really deserted streets. Not much else. Its after attacks during the morning on the facility and residential areas which claim the lives of at least 3 people and wounded 5 others according to city authorities, including a child. The local merit claimed Ukrainian Forces were trying to disrupt the arrival of the you and watch dog by all means possible. Initially she was really dont youre leaving it for some time now, the Ukrainian Armed forces have been showing residential areas and the approach a Nuclear Power plant, the residence of our city, us get your grain, seeks to disrupt the arrival of the a commission. Thats why they detained the mission. At the checkpoints, they try to be stabilize the situation and give false information to them that the russians are firing on their own positions. This is a standard scheme by which the ukrainian media provide information, but we have evidence to show the i a that the opposite is true. I hope the head of the mission mr. Grossi has enough understanding of the current issue. A lot of developments on the day on thursday morning, a group of our own 60 ukranian trips tried to take control of the plans, according to the Russian Defense ministry. The m. O. D. Safety attack was repelled. Russia has continually accuse ukraine of targeting the plant key of denies responsibility pinning the blame solely moscow are t senior correspond morocco of the of tool be more earlier about the latest text. The situation remains ugly and tense at the supper ocean Nuclear Power plant, ukrainian chelly, which has been incessant, a deadly over the past month continues. What from what we understand the has been somewhat of a low ever since just several hours ago. The i e. A team arrived on site there now being shewn around the area shewn the consequences of ukrainian shelling, which has struck time and time again the, the, the complex of the Nuclear Power station itself. The city of america that has also been shelved endlessly. There have been many civilian casualties. The city itself is now without power. Power lines feeding the city have been damaged to day. The Russian Ministry of defense also said there were 2 attempts at 630 the morning and 7 am by ukrainian marines. The storm, the storm, the south bank of the near port a river which is where the Nuclear Power station is located to the north bank is held by the Ukrainian Military ukrainian artillery from there has kept pounding the city of america dot and the Nuclear Power station nevertheless, ukraine has been pushing this, this Conspiracy Theory that the russians themselves over the past month have been shilling the Nuclear Power station, which they control and their own positions internet together and around the Nuclear Power complex. A, perhaps a lot of the narrative, a by you claim to try blame what some of called the insanity of trying to shell, the power plant, blame all of that on russia with regards to what is happening at the Nuclear Power station itself. One of the fire power lines was, was damaged, depriving the reactor of the pallet needs for its own operation, forcing an Emergency Reaction shut down. Now, only one of the 6 or reactors, its europes largest operation. Nuclear power, atlanta is still lacks. If that is reaction number flaws a these it goes without saying how, how dangerous and reckless the shelling is that he poses a danger, not only 2, and then a ga dot on the Nuclear Power station, but also to the entire if you crane russia and perhaps the european and asian continents themselves will independent journalists and war corresponding thomas were per a believe. The shelling of inner guitar purportedly by Ukrainian Forces demonstrates that he didnt want you in experts to see the nuclear facility. The interesting thing is they shelled inigo dar and the region in the morning when the, when the team didnt arrived. This also looks like he have tried to stop this in the last minute, but it didnt work as soon as the team arrived at the place at the spot where there was no shelling any more reported. So we have to see um how key it will behave. Um they are not really rational. They are not military experts. So they dont have to re clue about about weapons artillery and all this stuff. They are nuclear experts, so their job is to check with the, the station. The problem is, is an order whether theyre working well, whether theres danger from a technical side. Thats why im not expecting very much information from them about the shelling because its not their job and they dont have the ability for these. These are nuclear experts, not military experts. Ah, europes been compared to the titanic by an m e p over the position. Its gotten self in over Energy Supplies as a result of the sanctions. Its imposed against russia. Carla mentioned coming up at the european commission, so it seems prefers to free citizens rather than admit a mistake as we are on the titanic, which is heading full steam ahead, facing a catastrophe. The difference is that the captain of the titanic did not know what was in front of him. The commission, however, knows exactly what we are facing, but doesnt want to correct the course and back up Something Else to mention. Germanys top diploma has pledged her countries full support to keep the spied growing on ease at home over Surging Energy prices. And liliana burbock was speaking to a democracy conference in prague. No matter what my german vote just thing. But i want to deliver to the people of ukraine we are facing now a winter time where we will be challenged as democratic politicians. People will go on the street and say, we cannot pipe pe, i in a cheat prizes. And i will say, yes, i know. So we help you with social meshes, but i dont want to say ok, then we stopped the sanctions against the russia. And this means every measure im taking. I have to be clear that this holds on as long as ukraine meets me. Thats the German Foreign minister or the ukraine. Foreign minister. So yeah, the German Foreign minister and alena bear voc slid over to this form 2000 of in prague from the u. Foreign ministers meeting taking place in the same city were apparently theyre cooking up an 8th round of anti russian sanctions. I guess the 1st 7 rounds of blow back havent yet managed to completely destroy the european economy. So theyre just going to keep going, i guess. So shes basically emitting that germans facing an energy and cost of living crisis are going to be thrown under the bus by their own foreign minister with the hope that you know, just maybe they can serve as speed bumps to slow. The halt or halt the conflict in ukraine. She hasnt provided a single shred of evidence that germans suffering is helping the ukrainian people at all or doing anything to alter the course of the conflict. Her reason here is kind of like that of a child. You know, when you see kids run to the top of an escalator and start tugging on the moving handrail, pretending that its them moving all the people to the top. Everything that shes saying here is just empty platitudes and the usual meaningless establishment. Virtue signaling barracks remarks didnt escape the attention of Russian Foreign minister, surrogate over of, whoop little fool skirt. The obsession with rooster phobia is on display everywhere. Yesterday, jim and foreign minister on alina babel could confirm that the german people are now suffering hardship, adding that the citizens will, can sinew to suffer because belin intends to support ukraine no matter what, for what a fantastic confession never neglected to demonstrate exactly how these sanctions are hamstring in russia, although she sure really didnt need to provide any evidence that theyre harming her own people. The proof of that is pretty much everywhere. Meanwhile, 2 members of parliament from the German Left Party have written the peace in devout calling out. The misguided german strategy as a quote economic war, not against russia, but against germany itself. And underscoring that the sanction or having no impact in ukraine, zara vegan acts and christian lay wrote that the way to end the war against germany. Germany is to open the nord stream to pipeline. Since its Non Commission is a sanction itself against the german economy, the sanctions against moscow, and not ruining the russian economy, but rather the prosperity of the german population. At the same time, the corporations in making dream profits, the, and these are calling for a diplomatic solution for ukraine. You know, it would be nice if someone in a position of leadership, any one could give some contours to a diplomatic solution. And what that might look like, or, you know, at least give that as much thought as the western establishment gives to endless, useless sanctions and spin like were hearing here again. Just on the issue of fuel except for a british Prime Minister parish johnson. Hes been outlining his own methods to handle the issue of soaring energy builds, including proposing that people buy new kettles. If you have an o kettle that takes ages to boil, it may cost you 20. 00 pounds to replace it. But if you get a new one, youll save 10 pounds a year every year on your electricity, bill bars johnson. Now, 13 European Union countries, just under half of the blocks nations, are currently cut off from russian gauss. And now a member of the e use Energy Committee is warning the risk of disruptions is to remaining supplies as quote, alarmingly high. Nevertheless, the you does have one idea to help alleviate the crisis. European parliament is ditching clouds to renovate some of its buildings, which would have senior carpets and a new bar install. Instead of pledging to use the save money to tackle storing Energy Prices and help for europe. Gas supply issues has come from china, according to some reports the asian powerhouse is said to have so liquefied natural gas to each Member States energy that was actually important from russia, one of beijing biggest l n, g suppliers, British Broadcast russian returns, he gave us a stick on Brussels Energy was while they may be canceling, lisa plan is because of the austerity. Theyve enforced on themselves after sanctioning russia. We have information that under 20 dutch counsels may not hit the deadline of 10th of october, and we left all the sanction sanctions are a terrible, terrible thing that kills so many tens of thousands of people. What was it . 40000 in venezuela by us sanctions. The fact that the German Foreign minister believes that it doesnt matter what german voters think, shows that in the washing of both must head motto, democracy dies in darkness. Well, democracy died in europe a long time ago. It dies with the sanctions, it dies with the lack of breast freedom. And as they cancel these multi 1000000 euro deals for air conditioning, gardens and bars, the people of europe are suffering climate injustice, not what african nations are dumb western lead efforts to reduce global c o. 2 emissions with the ever expanding push to awards green energy ortiz carbo left. Popella explains whats behind africa outrage. A head of the United Nations club 27 Climate Conference which will be held in egypt later in november. This year. African leaders of government and private sector gathered for the Africa Climate week in order to speak with a united voice. I heard of cob 27 african countries are seeking what is called Climate Justice as a greater part of the transition dialogue from dirty fossil fuel to cleaner Energy Sources. The continent produces the least amount of harmful emissions, yet african stand at the coal face of the negative impact of climate change, such as drought felon, as well as rising sea levels with a plentiful supply of natural resources. Not all african countries. I happy to turn their back on conventional Energy Sources in order to go green, just to appease the more developed west the nations, despite contributing less than 4 percent of global emissions, africa is obliged, was already limited financial means, and scant level of support to spend around 2 to 3 percent of its g d, p. Per annum, to adapt to these impacts, a disproportionate responsibility that cannot be described as anything other than climate injustice. While africa has a responsibility to address climate change, the west to is expected to support african countries in their quest to Access Energy and transition to clean up our. Theres been a lot of discussions around abandoning coal as an energy source. But for many african countries, coal remains and erna of much needed foreign currency reserves, and a contributor to balance of payments expert, the wanting of major social upheaval. Should these countries abruptly abandon these energy sauces . Africa has contributed among the least climate emergency. Yet it is already facing devastating impacts, but biodiversity loss, water shortages, reduced food production, loss of lives and livelihoods. African countries can make use of an array of Natural Forces for energy, from geothermal, solar, wind to title energy. But now, more than ever, africans are asking the question why they should gamble with their own future. If its only to appease the Green Energy Lobby in the waste. I got a bill is that thing and john is back for national the u. S. Congress has once again taken name of the Indian Government over alleged human rights violations. New delhi said, has dawn for some time, refuted. The claims washington has previously tried to push india to cut imports of russian fuel and to quote, pick the right side. But new delhi has refused to condemn moscow over its offensive in ukraine, and has maintained close relations with russia. In response, washington published more reports accusing india of suppressing freedoms of both speech and religion. Deli condemn, the claims of bias. It is unfortunate that the u. S. Both Bank Politics is being practiced in international relations. We would urge that assessments based on motivated inputs and bias used be avoided. And the naturally pluralistic society, india values, religious freedom and human rights. When you deli based journalists, an author like n p, say that washington doesnt like the idea of having partners as equals. This is ha, like a model. It does, u. S. Plus others comprises United States and a lot of unequal poplars. The fact that most people in the mainstream western media are trying to hide is the fact that us has never like equal partners. They want junior partner, they want rassen state to be aligned with them. They dont treat anyone equals, if you look at all the wars after 911 agreed, were done with the promise. So, importing democracy used to 8 is countries in the world in a hurry. And that was a big project that americans undertaken. And you dont see any i r or any materialization of that, or i either in iraq or enough kind of stuff to another part of asia. It is one year since the chaotic withdrawal of western forces from afghanistan. Weve been looking at the legacy of that. And the 2 decade long conflict they left behind in our continuing series on the us led military part. Ah, today i want to bring you this one of the last african duties held in the u. S. Prison on tunnel bay as a doula hulu. Cool. Was recently fried after over a decade and custody reprieve. A Non Profit Organization comprising of International Lawyers and investigators which fought for his case welcome, mr. Goes really . Oh client, i saw the law haroun ghoul, his has been released from guantanamo after 15 years imprisoned without charge or trial. I saw this finally free and able to rebuild his life with his family who have waited so long to see him. Guantanamo bay prison was built in cuba by the u. S. Government right after the 911. 00 attacks, it served to imprison suspects. Linked to the al qaeda, tara group. The taliban, largely. Many of its in made something held without formal charges and without the legal power to challenge their detention. We mentioned pantano inmates a asa dula. How room gould there. He spoke to us about his own 15 years behind bars without a trial. Ah, the americans have their own law in 110 to my bait. They believe they can arrest any one from any way that is then might or is it is a long story to mentally. I was shocked. Although there was the agreement tween the Afghan Government and the u. S. In 2006, the no afghan would be taken to once on my bay. They never respect to the agreement. At that time, prisoners were being released from one ton of my bay, but in june 2007, i was sent that mental stress was always part of our life because of solitary confinement, leaving you at an abandoned place several day sleep deprivation was the worst thing i faced and still to day i cant sleep peacefully, no way to hide why they were doing all this. They might have reasons for that. Ah lets go to the 10 years man. It was not like 10 days 10. So 10 months old hen. Yes, i was not given access to a lawyer to fight my case. Ah, was it as part of them, the war was over, the u. S. Army had left afghanistan, according to the geneva convention, prisoners will, must be released after the war is over and peace prevails. My question is if they wanted to use 110 of my by for justice. And why did their legislatures like in congress approve a law to keep a prisoner that for an unlimited time . Is that justice to keep a prisoner without proving his crime in a court . One of the top American Military generals once said that they would give the was torture to the prisoners, a montana my by said they would never enjoy the rest of their lives. After they were released. I have not seen a single prisoner less than 40. A prisoner was brought in at the age of 22. Now hes 42. So dont talk about justice. It was just cruelty in one side of my bay. Ah. Was and loaded in the psychological effects of detention will remain with me for years. Whenever i talk to my family on the phone, they would sales of death, sorrow, and pain in the family. It was the biggest challenge for each prisoner that to face it alone, with no shoulder to cry on. Prison itself is a horrible place. I would say that if you just live in a prison, that is less than the torture you face is beyond your imagination. You lose all hope, but were muslims, and we believe that one day you will be released day. The americans plan something bad for you, but their wisdom is nothing against the wisdom of god. Lavish our lot for not from the art in use for him, but smaller programs. Theyre just getting going see what showing where you are in moments and hope to catch you again at the top. Ah, the balkan complex been simmering for some time or so is that she was a sub scope. Well, well, can i quit but im a little bit more than an apple, albanians demanded the cause of a subs changed con, license plates. In other words, they recognized kosovo. Either she saw that wrong for the hell involved with fell grade, refuse because of a is serbia. So discriminating against that is a slap in the face. A career role play from a journal post for go off your bill really well set up with those new albums, sima, dom or i should, hell be golden on me. I will be in president alexander boutique. Hasnt ruled out the possibility that the west is waiting for the right moment to strike the republic. Gone with doctor with ah, ah ah, i ah so what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have. Its crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race group is on offense. Very dramatic development. Only personally and getting to resist. I dont see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult. Time time to sit down and talk ah, well, you need more business. And mr. Moses with her as well for your school, say when you said that i lived with google. I spoke with people i see. Yup. Youre going to show you what you did. And that was super easy and there is that the molar just with net roscoe down with toyota. Wish to fall semester. Yeah. Its you might not, although actually needed these for you lot nobody me and i is the 2nd year, you know, i guess with here partially oklahoma which ah a with me the dissolution of a country is rather like a plane crash. Not equally terrifying and extremely ran a search on the in the right here with us in the 1980s, the soviet union was like a launch, a line of following its flight plan through clear skies. It seemed that the engines were running smoothly, but its captives changed too often for the secret they can see it up with phillip, unusual little co was either chef

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