Transcripts For RT News 20220726

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Spike in europes gas prices. With thank you for joining us early this tuesday morning. Im peter scott, to bring you all the latest news here on our t for my headquarters in the russian capital. Russia and the republic of the congo stand against political blackmail on being dictated to over Global Affairs. Thus the message coming from the countrys top diplomats, during the russian for ministers historic visit. There were was 2 poems, a we both stand for democratization of International Relations for equality of all nations in a global dialogue. In line with the un charter, we stand against dictatorship, ultimatums, and blackmail in relations between several countries. For stance on the russia, ukraine crisis has remained unchanged since it broke out, and it relies on the position of the African Union from the very beginning. We did not want to do as the romans to add fuel to the fire. We wanted to reach out to both sides to find a negotiated solution. And the congo said again, love rove, also met with the countries president s with the global food crisis being one of the key issues of both talks. Lovegrove once again the stress that russia isnt seeking to create obstacles to exporting grain from ukrainian ports seas. Maria phenomena has been following the foreign minister with his toward 9 full swing congos leader who has been ruling the country since 1979. And you all soviet and russian leaders since Lonny Braxton of greece said a gay lover of like he is a family member. The 2 sides discussed a wide range of issues including mutual efforts in libyas reconciliation process. Congress president is preparing a huge conference there with representatives of all tribes and forces invited. Russia supported the idea and also creation of a joint laboratory for this study and prevention of the spread of dangerous infectious diseases. Russia stop to plummet, came to africa at a hard time to confirm that moscow and its partners in this region has tail on the same page, which is also through the shim lenders. We cooperate closely in the international arena, and we have practically identical positions. And most issues, we appreciate this cooperation with our friends from the republic of congo, congo was the 2nd country laval visited as part of his strategic african to work before congo was agent russias plans on the african continent, a huge, but not everybody seems to be happy it is becoming clear that russia is recognizing that his own actions have caused it to become a prior foreign minister. Leverage is seeking to engage with countries to try to slip says try to stem the onslaught of outrage against rather just a hat of labrono visit. A group of western diplomats sent a petition to the Egyptian Government and the arab league, calling on condemned russia for his special military operation in ukraine. Not to deal with moscow and even not to take pictures with lover of the arab league. Answer was clear. Mr. Law roof was already here, you know, gone down and other busy day full of high ranking african meetings as a, had a theory follows the russian side, expect small criticism and disapproval from the west. But as moscow says, these barking will not stop the caravan. Youll see the metal people on their social media and media. Would you see how people are really thinking about its a very Good Opportunity for the african not only for us, maybe like a very, very Positive Side for the russia. Come come back in africa doing something. So its also because of the context in which we are going through the most of the country. For example, in countries lately been corrected. School is facing. Issues of security is really giving hope to people they come expect more in terms of security and also got r t for these up for leadership. And also in terms of, you know, being un, un, they have more positive deficiency in terms with this affordable russia. So its really giving a sense of a home. Well, definitely come rejoined. Many mean thats what im doing in general. As correspondence mentioned earlier, said a good lover of has now arrived in uganda. His 3rd stop on the on monday nights. Hes already held a short meeting with you can the counterpart on the schedule to meet the countrys president. Late on tuesday, robs trip will wrap up in the p o. P. And as the Russian Foreign minister continues his african visit, all to contribute to rachel marston. When she analyzes what it is about africa, so fixates the u. S. On the you. The problem for the west is that it is spent years pratt falling all around africa and african seemed to be getting a little bit tired of it. France was leading an e u security mission, the to cuba task force in this a hell region of africa since 2020. But it was kicked out earlier this year after it failed so badly at stabilizing the country that the missions host country malley underwent to cruise. Clearly a resounding success for the showcase of what a European Union military alliance could achieve, which is an objective that has long been voiced by french president , a mentor at my home. Molly has since turned to increased cooperation with russia on the security front. And its a trend that were seeing all across africa as western countries failed to deliver. And washington is reacted and its typically subtle fashion to its loss of influenced by both threatening and trying to bribe african countries at the same time, the countering malign russian activities in africa act introduced in congress back in march targets african governance officials and businesses doing business with russia, a qualifies such dealings as manipulation and exploitation of africans sells a lot leggy countering russian influence in europe and eurasia act of 2017. That led to the demise of the german russian gas project, nordstrom, to, and from which were all suffering here in europe. Now, as citizens, a scramble for energy at high prices, it also sounds a lot like the countering americas adversaries through sanctions act, targeting iran, russia, north korea. And you know, all this legislation effectively just deters other nations from dealing with americas geopolitical competitors. And no doubt that by design, at the same time, the g 7 group of western allied nations pledged a 600000000000. 00 plan for africa and latin america last month. So what do you think the odds are that the west will allow countries to both take that money and also to do business with russia and china . It really does seem like an effort to compete with chinas belton Road Initiative in the same regions, but well to day late and a dollar short. It already smacks of desperate attempts to keep africa squarely in the western sphere of influence. As growing multi clarity, opens up their options to becketts done now, which is one of the countries that hasnt embraced the western tre bucket of russia. But the president of the package on Business Forum says the Business Community in the country is looking forward to strengthening trade ties with moscow. The forums head odds that the russian market hub is huge, Growth Potential for pakistani exports both current bilateral trade is hampered by banking sanctions imposed against russia, as well as undeveloped logistical routes between the 2 countries. Pakistans exports to russia, amounts of some more than a 170000000 dollars last year. But the pharmacy said that could potentially grow exponentially in the near future. So as much as 2800000000. If trade barriers are removed in the textile, agricultural and medical sexes, however, International Lawyer and Global Affairs analyst some chart, he believes the new governments in his, im about may not say called that so, but unity because of us pressure. I dont expect much from the current current government. And the reason why i say that is because in my view with this government has come with a specific agenda, which is to undo all the good work that had been done by the former prime, the state, and run on who had extended all the price to russia, it wanted to expand montana to create with russia. Its unfortunate that they see it as a 0 sum game because for them appeasing washington d. C is the be all and the end all of their entire geopolitical outreach. As you know, diplomacy is a delicate balancing act and one relationship should not be exclusive of the other. Its not, i dont or you can always have a relationship with all to all more countries. We live in a month and after good. You know, i always give the example of neighboring india, which has maintained a close relationship with russia, which is a legacy of the last few decades at the same time, india as managed to get very close to us let west western alliance so. So its possible to balance out both, but unfortunately the current government of august found to be viewed as a 0 sum game because they have been given a script. They have been told that you have to undo the work that was done by iran, and then use Russian Energy giant gas problem has announced that it will take offline one of the turbines that helps from gus through the nod stream, one pipeline to germany. The company says that the move is parts of routine maintenance, but the does mean that from wednesday, the already restricted gas flow to europe will be caught by close to another 50 percent. Earlier unit oneil discuss the issue with all sees rachel blevins. You know, this pipeline was already down to 40 percent capacity. And of course these cuts come just days after the pipeline went back online following routine maintenance. Now guys promise saying that theyre going to have to take another turbine down. They say that its due to technical difficulties and the need for even more maintenance. And weve seen really just those ongoing saga involving the nord stream one where gas problem is also saying that they still have not received back that turbine, that theyve been waiting on, which was sent off to canada and then held up due to a lot of back and forth over whether or not canada was even able to release it because of course the west has so many sanctions on russia that that turbine gotten to the cross hairs well now gaz promise saying they did receive some documents on its return. However, those documents lead to even more questions than answers here. So there still is a lot up in the air regarding this very vital pipeline that europe still continues to rely on even the head of this news, the general mood in europe regarding energy, where its coming from was far from boy in to it is, it is very tense right now and, you know, you see this growing crisis, weve seen these skyrocketing Energy Prices that only continue to sore. And yet the response from top leaders and europe has not been to lead to any sort of meaningful answers. So far. The European Commission is now saying it expects countries with a block to simply cut their consumption of natural gas next month by 15 percent. Now, reports are saying that Member States are already speaking out and asking for exemptions, saying that that simply is not a possibility. And when it comes to the real world, impact of those skyrocketing Energy Prices, we see that everywhere from the homes that are seeing those large bills to also the production germany specifically saw a survey of india drill companies and nearly 20 percent of them so that they were already pulling back on production due to the fact that they simply could not afford it. Now, surely, there are a lot of people in europe. Were thinking that they just can go forward like this. But the Prime Minister of hungry is the one whos actually speaking out. Heres what he had to say about the situation in the war. The western strategy is based on 4 conditions. The 1st is, the ukraine is not alone, and it needs anglo saxon instructors for the country to win the war with russia using nato weapons. The 2nd is sanctions which should weaken russia. The 3rd is the aftermath of sanctions, which we should have handled, but russia could not. The 4th element is peace that we could have built. Instead, we are sitting in a car that has punctures in all 4 tires. It is absolutely clear that the war cannot be won this way. So there is still a lot up in the air here, especially when it comes to looking at how this latest cut to the north stream one pipeline is going to affect the overall supply. And of course, how europe is going to respond to it. Bloom around europes Energy Crisis is still growing amid more western lead. Unseen russian sanctions. Thus, as europe tries to win itself off, russian gas in full sports experts per dave gas prices a set to remain elevated for years to come. International criminal lawyer, Christopher Black calls into question the legitimacy of the sanctions. Philosophically, when they will use the word sanctions and quote, in quotes, its an attempt by somebody who considers himself superior to the rest of the world that they can punish somebody else. Its really an attempt by the west to impose economic war on russia under the guise of some crazy legal concept leg sanctions. But its all a legal, in fact, its just nothing but gangster, isnt there not proportionate . Because they meant to cripple russia and destroy the russian people the world now is resisting and must resist and help and support rush in china and all the other countries are south and the 3rd world form of the world. So call to combat and resist the attempt by the United States. Britain and as allies to control the world for their own. Financial interests are not the interest of the rest of people. The alternative is to use international law, diplomacy and international cooperation. Respect of sovereign nations and their right to pre determination to run their countries the way they see fit, creat or world order in which the benefit of the people of the planet is the main purpose and objective. And not the interest of the financial Industrial Capital of the United States and britain and germany. Americans have no reason to worry about a potential recession. Thats according to the us treasury secretary, who said that despite slow economic growth, there are jobs for those who want them. This is not in the economy that in recession. But were in a period of transition in which growth is slowing. And thats necessary and appropriate. Jenna yellen also said that rising inflation in the country can be controlled the despite the rates surging to 9 point one percent in the last month, the highest. Its been in decades, but ms. Ellens optimism shared by everyone, including a former advise at the barca, bama. You said that the recession is almost inevitable. Pressure on American Consumers continues to increase with food energy and when becoming ever more expensive. And with jo bidens ratings reaching and the old time low cheese. Caleb, more pain has been looking at the public support for the president s. Polls indicate that the Biden Administration is not popular. 59 percent, almost 60 percent of americans seem to disapprove of. Ready job the joe biden is doing, and that is consistent with other polling data that has been taken. An interesting poll that came out earlier this summer showed the 28 percent of americans felt that it would, at some point be necessary possibly to take up arms against the american government. Thats how alienated that they feel. Now, this discontent has manifested itself on the streets of america. Heres a recent incident where a heckler confronted 1st lady jill bite. The now joe biden has provided his critics a series of bloopers, of which they control him on the internet and point out his flaws. Joe biden seems to have quite a habit of reading off instructions either in his notes or in a teleprompter. Not being clear what it is he supposed to be speaking about and saying, and rather what it is that our instructions, he says things like now take your seats, repeat the line. Now make further comments and he continues to do that as he speaks. There are also some other notable blobs where he talked about the selfishness of us troops in saudi arabia for example. But at the end of the day, the driving factor behind jo bidens unpopularity is be inflation. Which is that a 40 year high, the rising cost of gas, the rising cost of food, americans are just not happy with the buying in ministration and its performance. And its all your director for the reaction. We times news and commentary side truly, rivera leaves the jo bidens presidency, begun this downward spiral from day one. If you look at the, all the failures of the by did administration has started on day one with his executive orders. You look at the border crisis. You want, its a whole, a border construction. Immediately after he won the election, he was running around in the media talking about the possibility of legalizing up to 11000000. 00 illegal residents that cause the search to the southern border, which were still dealing with. You talk about the Energy Crisis in america, you know, he tries to blame the conflict thats going on in ukraine for the rising price of energy in america. But the truth of the matter is he was handed an Energy Independent country. I think the route of the economic a crisis, the americans facing it, and really every sector has to do with leadership. I mean, joe biden is incompetent. The democrats have become economically incompetent. Joe biden deserves his poor poll numbers bottom line or should let forces say theyve destroyed 2 ukrainian boats with sub it says in ukrainian waters. South of nikolai of Russian Artillery also had a defer with ammunition for american supplied high mas launches and incense exchanges of our 2 if i are taking place along the entire front line in dumbass, c, no abates since last week. Meanwhile, in done yet, city, russian humanitarian services have delivered another bunch of 8 to the city on the fire, is our teach roman. Casa village is still under fire, and its very difficult for people to bring of food here. So all these people are relying on humanitarian aid. There are at least 1200 residents that live in this village alone. And the Russian Humanitarian Mission has been delivering food here for quite a few months. And according to the people, if it wasnt for them, there would be starving. We just look at what our for this isnt our 1st time here. Weve been 4 or 5 times since this is my 3rd visit. And this time we brought a standard humanitarian package. Each box contains around 15 kinds of products, a pot from food. Weve also brought valuable things like water filters thrown in the weight of our cargo today is to not have tons over all since the war started. Weve brought some 600 tons social away and i thought id say never been in this village for about 10 minutes. Mind you there is no network here sold. The telephones that dont work. But somehow the people found out that the humanitarian aid was brought. And as you can see, there are now coming from everywhere to see people from coming from afar. And this shows how much this humanitarian aid is needed. Local photo, not a border. Weve had no pensions, no salaries for 6 months. Some shops have opened, the prices have gone up 3 times for the last time i got my pension was in february, and thats it. Theres no money to pay for food. And this, this is a Significant Health that watching federal ship almost its very needed help him. We are refugees. We left a broken house and everything, and we took only a few bags with us. Were grateful for the help. He battled the village of storm lina cubby, came home to hundreds of refugees from other areas that ukraine is currently shelling very heavily. Now right now im going to speak to a one of those refugees he and wants to be shown on camera because his relatives are still on a territory controlled by ukraine, but he has some very Important Information to share. Gotcha, uncle, the one ukrainian sold her head from the shelling in our courtyard. I call him in and hit him in the basement. He repeatedly use his walkie talkie asking for further instructions. He was very afraid, but he was told to come down and sit tight with him after a while he was told its time to leave and he civilians as a shield, so he didnt even turn to us, but its unlikely he could take 2 strong men as a shield anyway, middle schoolers no vis village saw some of the heaviest fighting since the start of this special military operation. Although its a relatively quiet here right now, we can still hear the sounds of artillery. This village of the moment is also hosting refugees from other parts of the nest peoples republic still under control of the ukrainian military. But be in here. There are always these constant reminders of the arm conflict remark author. If artie dont ask peoples republic. And finally, Canadian Farmers have gathered in also to show solidarity with that dutch colleagues that also protesting against new environmental laws which could affect their livelihoods. Ah, oh, its gathered near the Dutch Embassy in canadas capital to voice their concerns about armster dumbs plan to cook farm emissions by 50 percent. They say will directly affects production potential and damage and already shaky financial situation for farmers. Canadians themselves dealing with the new types, the new burden of taxes on russian fertilizer. Johnson didnt know farmers, no food outside the building. In the past month, dutch farmers have used charts as to block highways and Distribution Centers in the netherlands. Theyre protesting against regulations that would in some cases force farmers to co hurts and modernized facilities in the hope of crossing nitrogen and ammonia emissions. Earlier, ryan curse like a Canadian Farmers holders that there are changes the forms come make themselves without be forced to do so. By the government theres going to be a lot of sentiment and worry about what that might mean for the bottom line of these producers and mixed reactions to that. I think that theres still could be more opportunity for us to be heard and really outlined different types of storage programs like the for n, a nate nutrients stewardship program, where we do see a reduction for leisure without having huge impacts and yields what the for, are standing for right source of the fertilizer, the right rate, the right time in the right place. So i think that there are efficient, sees that farmers could be implementing without having kind of a forced hand reaction from government. So i think that we want to make sure that as we try to move more towards a green agenda, that were not putting farmers in the red. And that theyre able to take advantage of this as a, as a benefit of, you know, a price, a price increase or, or know, taking advantage of the value that they add a result of going green. And not just simply having to have a force production in yield, as the farmers are forced to by governments. Whats all the latest to 6 . 25. 00, a moscow tie moneys be to scotts on the back again with another look at todays biggest store is the top of the hour. Ah, a special military operation. Mccray mckee was hiding sell, but it must be independent of Russian Energy, while at the same time terrified moscow might terminate altogether with a, with a ah, it for a dollar. Talking with the school, i hope that i see a with a ford edge that also the situation issue. Somebody over there, both those me 50, im with you up boils up with the idea, raise, you know, that way i dont mind, ah, the eradication of love is and was also conceived by hitler who formed the general plan. Awesome for the colonization and german ization of eastern europe, the plan involved about 80 percent being killed or relocated way that was really, it was a new quote. I busy you ruined his proceed to me actually up when you might have i been throwing him . Yes. Cuz i actually knew it was threatening yet sailor asked. So you genius eat after personally. I mean i was just, we did a good yeah. My yes, that you up nice. Lovely alleged ninette schedule. So that was, they gave mission much already know itll be, you see me image me say with nationals, but then you still for me and then you share will change plans get us, but itll be really changes williams. Coefficient you digest williams correction. I wasnt one of the get the pensions the upgrade to being years in. Yeah, i could only just lay on school. I mean, dont just get nobody got sick, but i took brains of pretty my purse that i need is nashika data. Please close the go by knack them. Can you just the new one not to skip practical with the more still visual dont shut, dominion. Great and see by like a book that we did not let them least anybody in yalls number was made somebody about jesus came out a little about something about sped, not that stuff. No, he said he beat us the least. Im probably just an apology. Jim, you mean you tom Bruce Marshall with them . I yeah, push on yours one year is a skis. You do it like you are from currently a little stubborn school. Push the laser machines. I got 2000000 money for you just on the phone, late fees for be done, but you can do it to new coin without the problem. For so big competition, for instance, the eyes of a can sure this, this size without problem. So there is a double dog, lemon pick case to still can i being issued. So when you lie, its thinking its crazy in the form or a form in store and pressed on the list with pitiless plans for his loves own brandy. Remember today, as is the fact that civilized europe failed to resist his advance for long belgium fell in 8 days. Poland in 36, france and 43. It took just a 116. 00 days to conquer europe. Nazi death camps were set up in poland. Lethia, austria and italy, people were tortured gas to burnt them subjected to experiments whos killed more westerners, not russians, westerners themselves, adolph, hitler slaughtered tens of millions of poor. She will forget it about a one

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