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Country have been hit by missiles targeting energy sites and leading to widespread blackouts class. While the west portion of this you praying agenda most of the world wants a peaceful solution. Thats the message from Russia Foreign minister at the ongoing g. 20 summit, a from last out of the world. This is our t international. Im Rachel Blevins here with the top stories of the hour. Welcome to the program. We begin with breaking news as moscow says that fragments from an alleged missile that polish authorities say, had a village near the ukrainian border. Do not resemble any armament currently used by the Russian Military. That as poland has said, it was a quote, russian made missile that struck a polish village killing to civilians. Russia is defense, ministry has denied conducting a strike on that area. Stevens by polish media and officials about legit Russian Missile strike are deliberate provocation aimed at escalating the situation. The Russian Military has not conducted any strike on a target near the ukrainian polish border. The fragments shown by the polish media do not pertain to russian weaponry in any way. Russia had reportedly been conducting strikes on multiple targets around ukraine earlier in the day. The polish village that was allegedly hit is 70 kilometers away from the nearest reported target. In the western ukrainian city of laval. Now these are unverified images, reportedly from the theme you can see damage vehicles in a rural area. Fragments of the alleged projectile appear to be from a soviet as 300 air Defense Missile type currently used by the Ukranian Armed forces. The polish military is on high alert with the countrys leadership in contact with fellow nato members about the incident, poland nato allies in the baltic have accused russia directly attacking the block and called for an immediate reaction. Ukraine present, as well as he has said, russia should quote, be put in its place now under natos article 5, an attack against any member state is considered an attack against all of the Member States, and therefore may lead to a collective military response. Is one of the alliances core principles. Article 5 has only been invoked once following the terrorist attacks against the u. S. On september 11th, 2001. What is considered an attack is decided by the Member States as poland as part of the alliance, a military attack on that country could trigger direct involvement from other nato forces. However, natos top military power is a us doesnt seem to be as confident as is partners and invoking article 5. As the pentagon has admitted that washington cannot confirm whether the missile was russian. Well, i think we want to deal with facts. And so again, weve seen the press reports, and as i mentioned before, i walked in here no information to corroborate these reports at this time. But again, were taking them seriously and were looking into them. And so i think its incumbent on, on all of us to get the facts before we start speculating or jumping to conclusions. And then well go from there. Now it appears so far the United States has given us somewhat measured response, while some members of nato seem to be calling for an immediate escalation. We are hearing washington say that they need time to investigate and determine the truth. Heres what we heard from the state department, just after what we heard earlier from the pentagon. I dont want to speculate about hypotheticals, and were working with the government and our partners to gather more information and assess exactly what will happen. Were going to do that. We will determine what will happen in permanent per written next steps and also weve heard from the white house. This is the statement from the white house. Shortly after receiving these reports, National Security advisor Jake Sullivan spoke with chief of the National Security bureau of poland. We cannot confirm the reports or any of the details at this time. We will determine what happened and what the appropriate next steps would be. Now, joe biden is currently in bali for the g 20 summit. However, we understand that he has been briefed on the events on what has taken place, and he plans to be speaking with the polish head of state soon, and the polish leader will be speaking with biden, over the phone. They will be consulting on the matter. Now, as weve heard from the nato chief himself, the question remains, if this is a situation which article 5 would be involved in that would mean an immediate military response, or rather, this is a situation in which article 4 would be involved in which it would be important for countries to consult with each other. We understand that the nato countries are at this point in touch with each other trying to determine what happened and it appears the pretty solid position of washington. At this point is that more investigation is needed to determine exactly what happened while there are voices that are speaking loudly and calling for escalation, the position of washington at this time from what were hearing in their statements is that they need more information before making a solid decision, hollins president , however, has said there is no concrete evidence as to who actually could have launched the missile. He said that international experts, including from the us, are going to investigate the incident. But he also declared that nato forces have been put on high alert. So to go further in depth on this list, cross live now to former marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter. Scott. Its great to have you on the program today. Now polish officials have accused russia of conducting the missile stripe, but the fragments that have been shown by the media appear to have been from an es, 300 Missile Defense system, which is used by ukraine. Why do you think that poland has been so quick to try to place the blame on russia here . Well, we know that poland, together with ukraine and the baltic states, have been trying to concoct a scheme over time. That would have nato engage in the ukraine conflict, either through a no fly zone or as theyre discussing now, extending nato air defenses into parts of a western ukraine. And so they are front loaded, so to speak, to overreact to any incident that could possibly be used to justify this kind of engagement. Unfortunately, for poland in the baltics and ukraine, this isnt that incident, this is tempest in a teapot. I think any forensic investigation is going to clearly show that this weapon was a ukrainian weapon. And not only that nato has the definitive proof that russia was not involved. They dont track the missile contracts of every russian strike in there. They know where the missiles hit, they know where the ukrainian or defenses were positioned when they fired in the trajectory of that. So nato knows, with 100 percent certainty, that the missiles that hit on were fired by ukraine and what kind of missiles they were, this is just a political game being played, right. I mean, even with our knowledge, were still heard several calls to invoke article 5. So when you see a situation like this, what is your 1st impression . I mean, is this an escalation of tensions . And who would benefit from this sort of strike . Especially when you do have those members calling for more involvement from natal. I mean, at the end of the day who actually would benefit from that . Well, i mean, the long term, nobody because any, any direct engage between nato and russia and ukraine would be devastating. All parties, especially on the brunt of, of, of the consequences in the baltics as well. This is purely a political. Ready game is, as i said, nobody serious is talking about article 5, not one single serious natal member is talking about article, but they are talking about article for the desk consultations. Theyve already invoke article for several times during this conflict. And this could be one more, but the, the discussion will be quashed immediately when the intelligence briefing is brought in to say, this is ukrainian system. The best they can hope for is to say that ukraine was compelled to fire these missiles in self defense because of, you know, russias continued, unprovoked aggression against ukraine. And then they could try to stretch it out that, you know, russia needs to cease and desist code carrying out missile attacks against ukraine. That could risk real response. You know, the response could be a Ukrainian Missile going off track, but this is a non starter as well. This literally is a non issue. This is a story. Nobody will be talking about in a weeks time. Now a speaking of that, not necessarily sort of the response to it. I mean, because initially a lot of these reports that were coming out, were talking about these anonymous Us Intelligence officials. Of course, those are always their sources. But then the pentagon literally came out and said that they could not confirm that this was a quote unquote Russian Missile. So what do you make of the United States response to this so far and of the fact that those media reports really took off and the way that they did immediately. I mean, the 1st of all the media reports are responsive to social media, twitter, and other other telegram which just exploded you. You have people who dont know anything about anything. A pining about a very serious topic, an anonymous Us Intelligence sources meaningless it. It could be somebody, for instance, i pathetically, i could be an anonymous Us Intelligence source, given my former status is that you would intelligence officer. So i could be somebody spreading rumors, seen partial information on twitter, and suddenly youre pointing to a journalist. This is a meaningless source. The United States is waiting. Theyre not going to get ahead of the polls of meaning it publicly by saying the polls are just absolutely wrong, but theyre also doing their best to quash the story. But saying that theres no evidence that this was a Russian Missile. Now, what is your take on the response that we could see from the west, right . You have not necessarily that support for something as severe as article 5. But do you think that the u. S. Is expected to come out and to say that they support giving more and more weaponry to ukraine. Do you think that theyre going to continue to stand with the craner . How do you see the situation going over the next few days . Well, i mean, definitely the United States will continue to support ukraine as well, nato and, and in other European Union countries. This is a situation that could be used to justify a better air defense. So, so that ukraine wasnt using, you know, older as 300 missiles. You know, theres a reason why these missiles went off track and it went where they were. I think that natal looking at this to see if they can get better Missile Defense systems in place. But you know, regardless of this incident, it was already front loaded to provide you trained with additional. Ready military, no equipment in financial assistance. So i think this will be the same until which time russia is able to i think were waiting till next month when 200000. 00 troops will show up in ukraine and see what that does to of the momentum of this conflict. And finally, what message is a sending to russia right now when it comes from natos response, where you had the United States kind of backing off. But then of course, you also have those nato members in the baltics to say that they are ready to go with Something Like article 5. What is the overall message that the alliance is sending right now . Theres a bunch of poodles barking, wait for the rottweiler show up in the were ill anchor to play. You look, the baltics and poland are not serious. Serious actors here, theyre proving it right now. The immaturity of their response of the lack of a Strategic Thinking and vision just confirms what russia has been saying that the beach, these are nations that are irresponsible and are looking for a fight that they cant do by themselves. They need the United States, they need the rest of nato. And so theyre just going to bark, bark bark until they get attention. What the russians know, what the truth is, the russians. No, they didnt nothing to provoke this. And the russians understand that the more responsible mature of voices and nato will win out. This is just a distraction, a side show. Ready the fact that russia continues to fire missiles into ukraine shows that russia isnt taking any of this seriously. And theyre not taken it to heart, meaning that, oh my goodness, were worried about me too. All right, a lot of barking. And of course, a lot of lessons to be learned from this one former marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter. Thank you so much for your time and insight. Thanks for him. Not all of this comes as ukrainian cities remain without electricity after russia has reportedly conducted about 85 strikes on ukrainian infrastructure. Thats according to authorities and key ad r g correspondent, mariah garcia, has more details about the blackouts affecting the country. Damian government has described the situation with electricity as desperate evil, bordering on catastrophic inter regions in ukraine have been plunged into blackouts. Outages of being observed, observed over the country. Low ball network operates as a limiting services in the bid to keep others rubbing, such as basic phone calls. In tier half the cities said to be with our power in oil, this is, this is as a result of a massive, a volley of cruise, missiles. And other shrugs, of course, ukraine, lucian, by the Russian Military of the euclidian sa good said the claim that 85. 00 various shrikes, most of them cruised with salt, were launched at various Critical Infrastructure such but you claim claims that 70 of those missiles what was shot dog, these should be of course, taken with a grain of salt will of this information goose through military censorship, across the border and the russian region of belgrade. The city of shit back now has been showered by ukraine. Thats according to the local governor who says at least 2 people have been killed and 3 others wounded. Moscow has yet to comment on any of the latest developments now. Russia has previously said that it targets Ukrainian Military and energy sites in order to degrade the Countries Armed forces overshadowed by growing tensions. The g 20 summit opened in indonesia on tuesday. The world is watching to see whether leaders can agree on a closing joint statement as divisions deepen over the conflict in ukraine. Ah, most of the world has not cited with the west on the ukraine conflict. Pass the message from the Russian Foreign minister leading moscows delegation at the g. 20 summit in bali artes. Maria phenomena is there with more details. Well, many expected this year is d. 20 to be tough for russia ahead of the global gather and here in indonesia is bali longdon, for example. Sad that the venue could be used to confront moscow and call out booting. Also, we expected to see some extra moves towards even deeper isolation, both political and economic of moscow. That was the german tensile is appeal. Again before this summit officially started on the u. S. Also had plans to turn this event into an anti russian platform. Its picking up the press conference that he gave at the end of the 1st day of the 20 here a foreign minister law of rob, sad thats far from everybodys ready to support this rhetoric. Were pushing for a story and the answer is very simple. No one except the west and its close of satellites joined the anti rushes sanctions. It is impossible not to touch on this topic because the west makes a priority to fro the ukrainian situation into any discussion. For 3rd, well, countries a calling for a peaceful settlement for agreements that know perfectly well with this process is handed by ukraine, which is legally bomb negotiations with russia. And i have to say, were heard a lot here proving that the indonesian president , who is the cost of the g 20 summit, has asked the western leaders to tone down their rhetoric against russia. Well, china said that russia too important to be excluded from global formats. Elisha, usually, we support russia and its where the role in the g 20 summit russia has Strong Influence in various spheres of cooperation of the world community. No one dares to deprive russia of its true right to participate in International Multilateral negotiations. It seems that the razor Division Within the west itself, we more and more often hear words such as peace and negotiations from different west and politicians and officials. The new now seems to run out of sanctions imposed on russia. I had a chance to ask for mr. La rog, whether we actually can take this as an official shaved on it. So what could we expect . Lets take a listen. Georgia to show up at georgia, you know, the know whats going on in someone elses mind. Short periods of Mutual Understanding with the European Union evaporate quickly. Just today i had a brief conversation with president micron, reaffirmed his intention to maintain contact with lot of my opponents or to find some kind of agreement and resolve the whole situation as he put it through force. I told him once again the all the problems are on the ukranian side, which categorically refuses any negotiations and put forward obviously unrealistic conditions such are inadequate in this situation are good to go to the man intrigue of this years to 20 was and still remains whether hates member is, will be at all able to come to a consensus over the final declaration as the group which brings together 19 of the worlds major economists philosophy you is torn apart by internal divisions over how to approach russia, ukraine conflict. The document used to be signed on wednesday, instead of a lover of russias foreign minister said that some western countries wanted this document to be politicized. And they wanted to include condemnation of russias special military operation in ukraine on behalf of the entire group. That would mean rushing, included in that as absurd, of course was india, china. Saudi arabian brazil refused to move and they refused to accept this condemnation. So now we have to wait for the end of the summit here to see what the final edition of the declaration will look like. As washington steps of its efforts to persuade more countries to act against russia, k american partner, the u. E has refused to take sides. According to the arab countries president ial adviser, the u. A. He has no interest in choosing sides between major powers. Indeed, that is the central principle that we will not under any circumstances. Sacrifice our sovereignty. Abra adobe as an important partner of washington in the gulf region with 5000 american troops now, station in the emeralds. However, several of Us Democratic congressman have called for those soldiers to be pulled out from the u, a. E. Thats after the opec plus group, which includes the cameras agreed to slashes oil output, which washington has spoken out against. Now this comes just days after the Washington Post published an article, citing classified Us Intelligence documents, claiming that although davi has been meddling in american politics and accusing the arab country of activities resembling espionage the you eat, denies the accusations, and says is influencing the u. S. Is a product of decades of cooperation and diplomacy, international studies, expert nerd heart should know. It says that the american allegations are an attempt to hit back at the u. A for its Foreign Policy stands. This was the time when just before this of a month ago, President Biden tried to number one, ask of opec, especially the saw these to cut down oil production, patchy to fuse. Second, there was a sabotage of the, of a pipeline and the saudis, and on the pick all should be very, i suppose that they could be next. And before that, the Gulf Cooperation Council also came out in favor of neutrality and opposing sanctions. So it seems to me that the us did hit back on the u a by saying that they were intervening awful. They had to rush earlier that they were into reading and then you know, these no provocation sought and lead to something bigger. So i think you a and others will also say that look of v. I prefer working with all sides and we know no longer kind of satellite states to the us. We dont want to be the top us defense officials suggest ukraine would be better narrowing its goals and cementing recent military gains at the bargaining table with moscow that. 2 a how hasnt stopped nato secretary general from insisting ukraine should continue fighting . You train us, they said theyre ready to negotiate. But also of course, no. The only way to achieve on the acceptable outcome for them is still to have the strength on the battlefield. So what we should do is to support ukraine and to strengthen their hand. Id like to know who made young stilton berg, the ultimate voice of authority on military conflict. Whats his actual battlefield experience . The guy served his norwegian, mandatory military service at an infantry training school, but his background is in journalism in politics. Hes no general. More of an Armchair General rose through the ranks of the 1st battalion of desk jockeys to head up the nato bureaucracy bomb took. So who exactly is still timbered speaking for here, wish actual military experts and giving us some name so we can assess and decide for ourselves if they are credible or is he just speaking for other bureaucrats and politicians like himself because his opinion is absolutely in contradiction. With the view of general mark milling, that chairman of the u. S. Joint chiefs of staff who said recently in the western press that its time to sit down and talk. Milly also said quote, we seen the ukranian military fight the Russian Military to a standstill. Now what the future holds is not known with any degree of certainty, but we think there are some possibilities here for some diplomatic solutions. Retired Us Army Colonel douglas mcgregor, who was the top planner for general wesley clark, when he was nato commander. And who has actually seen battle in iraq and elsewhere, unlike stilton berg, who may or may not have gone to war with the photocopier and ended up with a paper kind. Is also saying that negotiation is the best off ramp ukrainians are in bad shape. Theyre not prepared for whats coming. The russian so now repeatedly at night demonstrated their ability to target precisely energy, fuel, transportation, and so forth. He knows that the ukrainians are running out of those things. It wont be long before they run out of food. It wont be long before theyre freezing. Its time to negotiate. But unlike pentagon officials, the american National Security bureaucracy seems to be dominated by those grasping at any excuse, like the recent russian withdraw in curse on to keep the action going on the battlefield. Its the pentagon officials who are focusing more on taking into account all of the lives lost amid the intense fighting cur song. And you see it not as a victory, but instead is a potentially bad sign of more deadly fighting to come. Why not Start Talking about peace talks before you throw another 100000 lives into the abyss. Over here in europe, we keep hearing the monitor from politicians that ukraine should decide if and when it wants. Peace. British defense minister ben wallace apparently wants the west to continue to enable, keeps efforts to fight russia down to the last ukrainian until zalinski decides. Otherwise, we wont ukraine to be able to discuss or resolve this issue from a position of strength, not a position of weakness. And that is the current direction of travel, you know, is going to be absolutely thrilled the year that arms industry has spent over a 100000000. 00 on lobbying this year to date. But these faceless war profiteers and their lobbyists arent accountable to voters or to anyone except maybe their shareholders. Just like no one elected yen stilton berg or anyone else involved in these bureaucracies who are adamant in their refusal to take a chance on peace. It really does seem like the less skin they have in the game, the more radical they are in their position against negotiations and in favor of continuing on the battlefield. As the world cup football tournament prepared to kick off on sunday and could tar the u. S. National team has redesigned its logo to incorporate a flag symbolizing gay pride. How a sexuality is a legal and could tar and the country has drawn scoring from european lawmakers and human rights organizations for alleged missed treatment of its l. G b t. Community. Thats like guitars, labor minister, to claim that western media is conducting a Smear Campaign on his country, saying that politicizing sport is unacceptable not. We do not want to close the door to constructive criticism, not at all. However, there should not be any politicizing and misinformation. The whole western political and Media Establishment have lost the campaign against cancer in the run up to the world cup despite the fact that culture is actually a key western ally and i, as a muslim and the editor of muslim website, i can, i can find it really insulting, i think when you go to someones country, you respect laws, you respect the culture, even if you dont like it, respect to you by the law. But whats not, western media is encouraging for us to do particular when that gets cut is break, cuts re law. So cutter is a place where homosexuality is bound. Its legal and what weve seen over the last year or so its, you know, politics needs to be kept out of sport, basically because its in russia expand. Weve seen all this, you know, pro ukraine propaganda with the worlds most famous sportsman, being used as a kind of propaganda device. Weve seen, you know, palestinians or arabs find and, and, and band. So kind of waiting, palestinian flags and stadiums. I think the way ford is literally key politics asked for, we cannot agree, there are no universal human values. We cant agree, so thats respect each other and keep politics on a sport completely. Thats all for now. Be sure to check out our t v dot com for all the latest breaking news and updates. Well see you right back here at the top of the hour. Ah, ah, ah ah, november the 3rd 1945 just a month after the war ended. The u. S. Joint chiefs of staff receive report number 3 to 9. Select 20 targets to attack in the soviet union with nuclear bombs. The time was right. As the u. S. S. All was devastated by wall United States last about 400000 people at the brit sloss less than the americans did. And the soviets suffer 27000000 deaths. Mm mm. 27000000 is an incredible number. Ah, john kennedy case, American University commencement address of i 263. He said that was the soviet suffered of world war 2 was the equivalent of the entire united space. East of chicago. Have you been destroyed . I initially the plan to attack the u. S. L was code named trojan

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