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A huge damage because they will all get stuck and all the how good it and the consumers of activity. The government blamed an abnormal increase in exports and said if small was to control domestic food inflation in the bandits exports because it had less talk or wheat and rice following an unexpected crop failure. Moreover, rice producing states of india such as been job arianna b har, an order for dish sol, week monsoon this year and thats disrupted and destroyed. Crop yields. India exports rise to more than 150. 00 countries and broken rise to all was 75. 00. As for experts, the sudden halt in overseas shipments could mean an upward trend in food prices disrupting the Global Supply chain. The move by india, which accounts for 40 percent of the global rice trade is expected to father put pressure on countries that are already struggling with soaring food inflation and worsening food crisis. Due to extreme weather patterns, heat ways, and the conflict in ukraine, hulu. Girl at times from cali to a 2020 india was the only country video maintained its exports, did not rest. If you look at piling the, the 60 the export or something vietnam restricted. So what happened in turn is that the whole world started looking at india for someplace this fight. Gov, eat i would explode. So just so bad records, you know, i know going to be then p, then the foot security across the way well get the dental roku, right . The ease essentially fragments arise green, broken into for you during transportation drying or milling. I know its not defective or less nutritious. In fact, its very popular in some of south asian countries. Rook and rice and india as used primarily for ethanol production and as animal for door. And of course, for human consumption in several countries. India has been the cheapest supply of rise in the world by a big margin which is shielded several african countries. But all that aside, the priority for new delhi for now is to boost domestic a well ability region sharma, r t arianna thought india binding rice exports with the artes ruin jones shot of are wrapping up this hours news caused by from moscow a naughty international. You can read a lot more about that disturbing story on our website. Of course r t dot com. Ah, ah, ah. With hello and welcome to cross thought were all things are considered. Im peter lavelle, ukraines recent battlefield successes with the support of nato may change the course of the conflict. Russia special miller operation launched on february 24th has been slow and methodical. Nonetheless, the kremlin has made it clear it will achieve its security goals. Does that mean an escalation of the conflict with cross sucking the Current Situation in ukraine . Im joined by my guess. Got rid are in delmar. Hes a former Intelligence Officer in United Nations weapons inspector in washington. We have michael maloof. He is a former Pentagon Security policy analysts, and in london we crossed adrian consulting. He is founder of a consulting and a Foreign Affairs analyst. Are john the cross walk rules and effect. That means you can jump in any time you want. I always appreciate scott, let me go to you 1st here. The title of this program is catalyst. Okay. What do i mean by that . We had these recent successes on the part of the ukrainians in the conflict. We were not expecting that, but then in retrospect, maybe a lot of people shouldnt be surprised. On the back of it, we had a part of the energy grid in ukraine. Go out, was that a message . We dont know that will continue. We dont know. But over the last week or so, is this a catalyst to go from the special military operation to Something Else . And weve talked about this before. Go ahead scott. No, i, i think youre right. I back in may. I, you know, i was widely chastised for daring to say that the provision of 53000000000. 00 worth of assistance by the United States to ukraine on top of millions of dollars of assistance provided by europe, nato. And the establish on what i called strategic. Yeah, that means the opening up of natal facilities in europe to crane cranium forces on the equipment being provided was a game changer. Um we saw the game change. I also said that given this new reality, 200000 men just isnt enough to accomplish the objectives of the special military operation beyond the liberation of the dont boss. Ive always said that that will happen and its going to happen. But denies vacation requires a pressing a military campaign beyond the dont bass requires destruction of ukrainian military, the destruction of the political by ability of neo nazi Political Parties and elements in ukraine and 200000 men isnt going to do that. 200000 men was insufficient to hold of the territory that russia had withdrawn to after phase one, you know, cargo was always problematic. Again, in may, i pointed out that the russians were unable to stop repeated ukrainian counter offenses. Ukrainians were probing, penetrating, probing, penetrating in the russians, had insufficient force to do that whenever they re deployed force up to push back the ukrainians because an operational pause elsewhere. Russia needs more men. Thats the end of the story. So, you know, theres going to have to be a, if russia is going to insist that is going to fulfill all the stated objectives in their series about di, nazi vacation and demilitarization. And at some point in time, russians going change the nature of the game. Theyre going to respond to the ukranian nato initiative and put in more resource. Ok, michael basically the same question to you. One of the things that it least ive come across is that a lot of the equipment now, the Ukranian Army is using is name is provided by nato here. That tells us a number of things the, the ukrainian arsenal is basically been exhausted, destroyed. And now were relying very much though, on nato countries, particularly United States. We had president s lensky on cnn, admitting without american support. He wouldnt be able to continue his campaign here. So, i mean, this is a game changer. And i have to say, to be honest with you, theres been a lot of frustration in the country that i currently live in about. Why isnt the gloves being taken up again, the reason why im calling this Program Catalyst because this is a catalyst to step up the game because no one likes a long conflict. Ok . They want resolution. Ok, and if they cant get it, then theyre going to have to figure out Something Else to do. Im being very blunt here. Go ahead, michael. Yeah, i think were going to see an escalation. Its going to be the type of escalation that will be more targeted. The counter offensive by the ukrainians was one that that was purposeful, brought on by tremendous intelligence assistance and a deceptive deception approach that forced a lot of the Russian Troops to go in one direction in order to achieve the car key and to take and to take that area back, which is critical to the ukrainians. And the type of assistance that is carrying now is not only arms, which its going to require more. And then thats going to be questionable as to whether they can ultimately deliver without increasing our own home production capabilities, but also the intelligence the ukrainians. Up until now have been reluctant to share with the us its strategies and approaches and are operationally consequently, they have reelected, it seems and are using the intelligence that us supplies to mount these counter offenses very effectively. And the way the united, it looks like what the United States is doing is working with a dedicated group of pentagon types and either out of pentagon, central or out of germany. And, and using a series of fusion centers, which we actually began doing during the bus near war, in which you helped the commander in the field with a, an array of data mining. To be able to move troops and, and assess criteria almost instantly and re direct very rapidly and be able to look for critical choke points. And that appears to be what has been coming from the, from the west so far . Well, i dont know. Let me go to you in london. I mean scott has already cited michael is already cited. So why dont we this all said in unison here, this is a nato war against russia. Okay. This is what its gotten down to. And russia has to react in kind, okay, nato is making, allowing this campaign to continue. And we havent seen the destruction of command and control centers and ukraine. That needs to be on the agenda here. Essentially, this slow walking is hasnt worked okay. Its not going to work and its a, it gets on to a point where, whos going to be exhausted by this here is very frustrating, knowing that rushes committed 10 percent of its military to this campaign at rail. Oh, i agree with my criticism. I agree with you piece about also does this limit to so called limited operation was deemed to fail from the very beginning. If we all to believe that the United States of the clock collective west was intending to allow russia to, to, to continue with a limited operation in ukraine. We must be logical. I mean, obviously the on the go good will of the russian president and hes, you know, adherence to the international law. It was deemed or perceived in the west as a weakness. And obviously a, we know that this could be done, but, you know, within a few days, i mean the bleats creek. I aint the ukraine by and, you know, destroy the regime in ukraine by destroying the governmental and civil infrastructure, which would prevent the west from equipping the ukrainian forces. Another forces are which are fighting or russians on the ground. Also, i would like to add the fact that this will escalate as we all agree. But the, the for the escalation and the continuation of this, of this conflict is a bearing a certain risk of the nuclear exchange. Because of how long the west might be. You know bryson as the report in the hill and magazine recently in the beginning of this month, it was titled why the, how the United States is becoming more present and its support for the ukraine. I mean, they clearly laid out the plan and all been my understanding. It was the blunder on the, on the, on the, on the kremlin side. Because the credit of the big beginning was pretty clear that once the United States and nato will join it by helping the Ukrainian Government ukrainian force on the go, which they do, it will get to see that they will be perceived as a side to the conflict but you know, slowly and surely they were, you know, trying to, they were testing the ground and they were moving further without the, you know, meeting any a, you know, consequences from, from the, from the russian side. And we also have to bear in mind of still are currently in is more interested in, you know, being a reliable partner to us by still supplying the energy to, to what youre going to get to that is regulated. That that will get to that in the 2nd half of the park. Real quickly scott, its been explained to me. I dont know if its correct that this offensive that the ukrainian to pursuing its more, its more like the battle of the bulge in the ukrainians or the germans. You get my drift. I get your drift. Um i, i disagree. Look, its time distant to say that, that the nato us ukraine effort was a tremendous success on it is probably more successful than the, the russians anticipated the ukrainians. And i agree with you, this is how i describe it. You know, prior to this offensive of russia was facing Ukrainian Army that was equipped and trained by nato. This offenses were fought by a nato army right manned by you, france, into story. This is a nato army uses. Nato tactics, uses nato intelligence data, command control, nato, logistics. Theres a heavy inflection in the presence of international forces. Thousands of them. And theres advisors at every level attached to the ukranian staff. This is a nato army and they hit the russians in their weakest part and look, rushes can have to answer some serious questions. The defense that exists in the car co is non doctoral. It was ridiculous, it was absurd. And when you go up against a nato army, which is what they did, not a Ukrainian Army and nato army of you are decisively defeated. Now russia chose to trade a to, to trade space or men, et cetera. But if it, if this was going to be the battle of the bulge, then we need pads. 3rd army to come in, he crushed, crushed the ukrainians. Where is the 1st Guard Tank Army . What happened to them . Okay. All right, questions last not answer. Thats right. Okay. Gentlemen, i me with i, we have to go to a shop break. And after that short break, well continue our discussion on the Current Situation. Anyones name ah ah ah. Ah sir. Welcome back across sack. Were all Things Considered on Peter Labelle to remind you were discussing the Current Situation in ukraine. Ah. Okay, go to michael in washington. Since theyre the, there is a nato war against russia in a collective west um Economic Warfare against russia. I think its time i am its, its september middle september hearing in russia winter comes to us 1st. Okay. Its getting a bit cool. Its going to get cooler, and cooler and cooler. I think its a good time to cut all Energy Supplies from russia to the west for stop. Michael, i think as a result of this counter offensive, i think russia has learned a lot it, it just as we want to just as the ukrainians want to applaud this initial success of it. It also gives lessons to the other side. And the russians now see a way to adjust as a consequence. And what were going to probably see is a series of events at various levels and on various fronts. Number one is cutting, cutting back on energy completely ukraine and that area, as i understand that well be going through an initial rainy season, which will create a lot of mud. And then they have the freeze. And thats going to allow more tactics in the use of artillery tanks and be able to bring on a much larger force as a, as a consequence. Secondly, the ukrainians had an initial success with this counter offensive. But how do they sustain it . Thats going to be a question that the natal people are having to deal with now. And i think this is where the russians can probably score by look hitting the supply lines, hitting, hitting and going much more robust. And their approach hitting those supply lines. And cutting off let electricity and doing Cyber Attacks and just ramp up the Cyber Attacks. And thats going to hurt communications tremendously. And youre going, youre going to see, i think, in the coming weeks and months a, a, a russian counter offensive to the counter counter offensive. Lets put it that way. Well, you know, i, i have to express my impatience with all of this because theres a lot of capacity i have, we seen any strategic bar me for example. Not that i want to see that kind of level of destruction. But this conflict has to come to an end, and russia has the means to do it. What is the west going to do . Sanction russia . I mean, its getting a bit boring. Ok. And theres a frustration in the country that i live right now. Its time to wrap this thing up and, and i and now say for the 1st time youre, there needs to be regime change in kev. Ok. You cant deal with these people and, and, and continue it constantly. This constant slow walking of the conflict achieves nothing for anyone at the end of the day, and theres an enormous amount of suffering on the ground. Go ahead in london. I mean, this is, this is completely understandable or you just said, and i agree. I mean, then theres no point in having any discussions with the current regime. And i think that russia somehow, jo ball in 2014, when the washington installed the underwriter and i, and the russian government, i mean, theres no point in discussing anything with that. Hes good because hes just a puppet. I mean, hes taking his orders from the washington dc and from bonham. I mean, now in the United Kingdom we have a lease trust would be who, because if Prime Minister and who during the before being elected explicitly said that shes willing to use the nuclear weapons. I mean, how great is, is that . I mean, most of the people were clapping together in the studio and this people are not taking into the account, the consequences of this discovery that language. And indeed russia has to do something before. Its too late because youre asking us, i mean what, what, what can be done . I mean, im not sure when the washington will accept the defeat of the Ukrainian Government. I mean, we know from the day one, were familiar with both of its doctrine. A does explicit the describe, the u. S. A. Germany, and we know that the u. S. Military Industrial Complex needs to have russia as the enemy, number one. So what else do you know to be discussed . I mean, all is the washer. And president , what the me a, put a wanted to be a respectable partner within the work order. But this has failed. I mean, this has failed it. Russia will never be accepted as an equal within the current order, which is, you know, crumbling before our eyes, as we, you know, experiencing the rise of breaks and Shanghai Corporation Organization Meeting that i think that will take place later this week. But i think the, this illusions in, in, in, in russia has to be dropped. You know that russia will be accepted in europe or in the broad to west, you know, not scott, scott, you know, in afghanistan, that was, it was always said that, you know, you have the clocks, but we have the time. How would you use that phrase in this Current Situation . Whos got the clock . Whos got the time . Scott . Russias got both. I. I think its time. We got to take a step back for a 2nd and understand that this is, this is a war. Im in war is an extension of politics by other means, which means that by sincerely focusing on the battlefield, were missing the bigger picture. So im going to point out to 2 allies are going to come and get that that are coming to russia side. First one is general mud, the mud season is coming as a is my colleague mentioned, and with this comes an operational reality. So, i dont see russia undertaking a significant counter counter offensive. And in the short period of time, thats too risky of it. The best thing russia can do right now is to retake that on bass and theyre going to do that. And i think thats what were going to see for the rest of this military camp. Any season in comes turn a winner, and this is where it gets interest because in a winter isnt about freezing the ground tanks moving in a winter is about russia breaking the will of the west. We support ukraine. This is where the, where all of its chips into crush the russian economy through sanctions. Author denying russia access to International Markets with energy and the west has failed. We never forget that russia is winning on the International Energy market, rushes, winning economically internationally. And the victory is going to be a sealed this winter when all of the politicians in europe, who had been clamoring to provide ukraine was support, are going to be swept out of power by red ocean airy movements of angry constituents who are freezing to death. Who are hungry are seeing their economies collapse. And this is the greatest ally. Russia has because im spring when russia is ready to carry out after theyve secured the don bass, rushes ready to move on with regime change. Whatever you want to call demilitarization dina vacation. The geo political pitcher will have changed. I dont think youre going to be seen ukraine with so many allies. I think youre going to see europe and native divided, fractured. I think youre going to see the United States with a new political reality after november. And now russia will be better position to act on all the lessons that theyve learned. And i agree. Theyre learning a lot of lessons. They will, they will, they will take the winter time to reorganize, re equip, reassess m spring. And i know you want this over quick. This isnt about the battlefield. This is about geo politics, is about russia. Reposition itself in the world with dinah with india, with other nations, just about the destruction of american gemini, of a weekend, of the us dollar, a dominance. Thats a bigger picture, the rush is playing into. If you dont want to sacrifice that by carrying out a precipitous military action in ukraine, at a per se, well, you cant win without increasing the number of troops, you know, a choice of either slow and build up of forces through increase contracting, et cetera, or general mobilization, itll mobilization is suicide. If russia generally mobilizes their economy will not be as strong as it is right now, and theyre going to lose all the advantages they have. So i just say, look, you train want to battle. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, were losing the war there. Losing the war, michael, that basically the same question because i mean, it gets out to a point of exhaustion. And given how, you know, europeans are unfortunate for the europeans have just forgotten what war is like. You know, the, theyve got become very, very soft here. I mean, they, they like their prosperity and they had prosperity because they had cheap russian energy. Thats no longer the case and theyre going to pay dearly for ending that relationship with russia. Because rash has no reason to go back to it. Plenty happy. You know, the west doesnt want fossil fuels fine, dont sell it to them. Ok. The rest of the world wants to continue building their societies at a sovereign way. Theyll take the energy, i think, to date of year on year rush has made a gas problems made 38 percent more profit a year on year. And thats with all of the sanctions here. So i again, you know, i guess its a war of attrition, but i think scott is right it, we have to think in a much broader scale. What that attrition is. Go ahead, michael. Yeah, i would agree with that scotts assessment. But from that for the geopolitical aspects, and the at time is on the brush aside. And i think that the theyre used to going to use a combination of the elements. Theyre also going to use the, the fracturing within the nato countries because of the harsh realities that theyre gonna have to be facing this winter. And theyre already beginning to squirm and, and scream about it. And the u. S. Is not going to be able to fulfill them and back fill them and, and then at the same time, continue on with a, a, a robust production of any kind to, to resupply last arms, half of which probably arent going to the ukranian forces anyway. And another portion is probably being blown up. So its a question of attrition. And i think if the, with a combination of using a long winter thats expected in the region combined with altering tactics, the rush russians can sit back and, and just bleed them by. Hey, michael, let me give a, give adrian last 30 seconds. Go ahead in london. Well, you know, here in the west, they say that in russia, the euro, but i would say the instead of it last year, robot is one of the world i thats, i think im going to write that on a post it and put it on my refrigerator and my wallet, its going to be a good line ill use in the future. Gentlemen, thats all the time we have. Want to thank my guest in washington, delmore, and in london. And thanks to our viewers for watching us here, are the see you next time. Remember crossing ah a headlines right now, youre not te and russia warns that you cranes the latest security proposals to as western allies are a direct path to well, 3 you chief of underlay and state of the union speech is all about ukraine, potentially ignoring that have skyrocketed and inflation, a Massive Energy deficit and other serious issues affecting ordinary people. Living and working within india is government imposes a ban on rice, ex pole, in an effort to increase domestic availability, a devastating floods wipe out

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