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Helps reduce appetite, cravings for sweets, and maintain normal sugar levels. Alejim avalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. And now about the weather for tomorrow, the european territory of russia looks like the peak of the unforeseen spring warmth has passed, the cold siberian anticyclone will still fight for us. If he controls the weather in the volgovyat region in tatarstan on the middle volga, keeps frosts and isolates from precipitation, now it will take over the center and the black soil. There will be no more significant precipitation, and the temperature will drop a little, mainly in the east in yaroslavl tomorrow, just by a degree, but precipitation and a clear thaw will remain in the northwest in Veliky Novgorod 5. In the north, the opposite is true, on the Kola Peninsula in the arkhangelsk region it will become a little cooler, in naryanmar and pechora the temperatures will rise further, this claim to update warm records there. The south is now without records, because it is no longer western warmth that comes here, but eastern coolness, but there is an abundance of sun. To st. Petersburg. Cloudy tomorrow 4, in moscow on monday a little lower than today 1, there is a chance that the sun will appear, while there is enough injustice on the road, there is work for us. The First Program is on the air, im alexey klyuchkov, good morning short haircut. Field person, this grayhaired man is clearly influential, maybe even authoritative, but you damn it, pour it on weapons, your honor, they addressed him not so long ago, but in this courtroom yuri zakharchevsky will not read out the verdict, he will listen, zakharchevsky, what you think about the verdict, you will appeal, but dont point the damn finger at me, if he found out on. Nikita kozhinov, but washing cars is much more interesting for him, he washed them, drove them to prison, nikita took a look at someone elses mercedes, and now the power in a clients car is sneaking around the parking lot. Now he is in the center of moscow, at a speed of almost 150 km h, loses control, rams a lamppost, then the car flies head over heels, six revs at breakneck speed, an outofcontrol sedan hits a passing taxi, the drunken powerhouse survived, the peak of his popularity, this is a selfie with an orthopedic collar on his neck, in a taxi that was hit by an outofcontrol mercedes, a passenger, thirtyyearold marina lavrova, died, it was he who pushed a black honda off the road , she crashed into a fence, surviving after this would have been a miracle, but it didnt happen. Diana safirova was driving the civic, the girl died, three small children were left without a mother, but the culprit in the first minutes after the accident had no time them. What to do . The idea matured quickly, he first tried to hide the light on the car, that is , he had two doors there, in addition to the dent, there were black marks from the wheels and from the car tsipit. They didnt have time, they were promptly detained, now they stand up, the trial is underway, latypov is amazed , for which he agrees, the court took everything into account, that night latipov was drunk, aggressively drove through the streets of ufa, the price of this fun is the life of diana safirova, latypov vadim olegovich is found guilty sentence him to 7 years imprisonment. Freedom with serving the sentence in a colony settlement and also compensation for moral damage to the family of the deceased girl in the amount of 5 million rubles. The defendants apartment and car have been seized, you have something to say, tinkov, these are car loans on the day of application, a referral for repairs according to kakatska in one hour, payments according to azaga in 1 day. Telkov, hes the only one. Genergy fs motor oil presents. The source of my victories is this. How do you prepare for the race, keeping yourself and your car in peak shape . Genergy fs motor oil is intelligently formulated with targeted additives to protect your automobile. Genergy keep your engine in shape. We are politicians, we must win the hearts of people. You are a mission, misha, this is your destiny. Its time to tear down the berlin wall. Not now is the time for vacillation, its a good time to fish in muddy waters, it was your hikers who provoked that all this lost people came out into the street, the first will be last, and the last will be first, your hotel is swarming with spies, it looks like theyre also hunting for the archive, wait, i think , you are playing your own game, which has not been coordinated with the leadership of the state. Well, like you, you want to have a blast, gdr, congratulations, mikhail sergeevich, the main premiere of the year, tomorrow at 20 00 on ntv. Mask new season, today at 20 20 on ntv. Everything changes, the weather changes, viruses change. We react to them differently. Anvimax against symptoms, against viruses. Anvimax has been tested by time and colds. The first rule of hunting is that it starts any second. The second rule of hunting the prey goes to the one who pursues it. New game hunting, draw every 15 minutes. The main trophy from 20 million. Hunting, test your instinct. One hundred one of my friends he can do anything, fix a car with his bare hands, deal with enemies with his bare feet, well , what can you do, and i get gigabytes from the megaphone just like that, naked charisma, the megaphone takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gigabytes every month, only for megaphone subscribers, the easiest way not to worry about the condition of the engine is to take your car to a museum, but is it smart . This is to use syntek motor oil. Meet moligard Technology Using organic den. 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Affects the cause of symptoms at any stage of hemorrhoids, the course of treatment for acute hemorrhoids is 7 days, detralex daddies in my stomach, it was such a pure emotion, i wanted to fly, this is after love, the concentration of beauty. A riddle, a collision, a rebus, a situation arose on the highway near kemerovo, even the authorities of the local Traffic Police department were confused about whether, in conscience, they should punish the driver. In general , theres nothing to justify, but often its also kind of like not a camelfo to justify it, in general, according to the classics, beware of the car, look, remember, there the investigator spoke out at the trial, the defendant , of course, is guilty, but he is not to blame, i was driving along this highway on the right side, well, at a speed of 6070 km h, the signs allow me to drown, but there is a siberian winter under my wheels, the prospect of flying off the road from. It scares not everyone in the left lane , a Corona Premio car was ahead of me, only it was literally ahead of me there for a few seconds, such a trail of this snow, and it spun and flew towards me, that is, a collision occurred, then into the car vitalia natalya flew in, i tried to avoid the collision, it works, but it didnt work out, thats what we have. Crashed into the driver, no, for one fool, well , im definitely guilty, it was eduard likontsov who didnt think and lost control, his first words when i came out started cursing, he said that i didnt calculate, he went out and started oh ohoh, what have i done, i started to sort of apologize, but apologies cant fix broken cars, i think there are at least 4000 here, thats for sure. But i gave the documents, they told me that there would be no sense in this, you will still receive a refusal, its like a refusal, vitaly suffered damage in an accident, he suffered, but what about the paper about lack of guilt for the cellar or something . Such a definition of refusal to initiate a case is very insidious and very often misleads drivers, because in the operative part it is stated that the case is not initiated due to the lack of an administrative offense, however, the text of this definition itself directly states that the driver violated the rules of the Road Movement and hit obstacles, the code does not provide for punishment for this, precisely for this reason. A ruling is made to refuse to initiate a case, that is, such a document is essentially an indictment against the driver. Its just my fault that i got behind the wheel, it turns out like this. Then i, not even as a journalist, but as a driver, am tormented by one question at what speed should i drive in order not to become the last person in such an accident . We have the notorious clause 10. 1 in our traffic rules. The driver must choose a speed that allows him to control the road. Well, okay, we forgot about 120, were going 90, 60, 40, 20, now, judging by the logic lenitskuznetsk inspectors, i completely control the road, what an absurdity, the strange accusation of the driver katanaev is trying to explain the head of the Traffic Police department, its simple for us. Incorrect wording, i think, in the definition. The wording is as follows the driver collided with a stationary vehicle. As if it had been standing there for damn half an hour on this very same road, i didnt see it, and it just drove in, as if it wasnt it that threw it at me, but i just ran into it, some kind of insanity. According to the case file, the same toyota driver likontsev skids in the left lane, grinding. The japanese bumper flies off into the right lane and stops, vitaly katanaev has no chance to avoid a collision, and even the head of the district Traffic Police is clear about this accident. Who is guilty . Yes, the second driver is at fault. But for some reason, that same second driver, eduard likontsev, got away with only a fine for driving along the median, apparently for hitting a bump stop. You consider yourself injured in an accident, and the Insurance Company must pay you for it. Who, whom, where how many times, inspectors, it looks like they didnt get into it, they called the Traffic Police, its either that the crews werent there, or what, they say , take pictures, come to us, to the scene of the accident, the crew didnt go, so he wrinkles his forehead, now im the boss, im even in principle in my head i cant somehow invent this, somehow distort it, show that its a vehicle. Or refuse, but it is important not to miss the appeal deadline, it is 10 days from the date the driver was given a copy of the ruling or resolution. I filed a complaint against the inspectors determination and now it will be a fimida establish the culprit of the accident. The inspector issued you a ruling refusing to initiate a case of an administrative offense; read the document carefully; if you were not punished in any way, this does not exclude the fact that you were found to be the culprit of the accident. You can cancel the insidious determination only within 10 days; if you miss the deadline, you are the culprit , irrevocably. Even if you are impeccable in your conscience according to the rules of the road. I think the local Gi Department has simplified the situation greatly. Only two design options, the Department Head shrugs or hitting a real vehicle or colliding with vehicles in motion. But thats why the Traffic Police exists, to understand each specific case. Yes. One participant in an accident formally drove into another , how many such situations are there when the driver does not have the technical ability to avoid a collision, here in our story one car is ahead of the curve, the speed is high , the driver loses control, the bump stop throws the car into the adjacent lane, thats it, stopped, another second, a hitchhiker crashes into him, but what about the second driver . Left, when an obstacle arises right in front of your nose, thank god, everyone is alive, but. The troper who started this whole mess turns out to be in the house, his car stopped a few seconds before the collision, the virtuoso parked, and you are there behind, as you wish , so get out. I repeat, thats why the state road Safety Inspection exists, to figure out and establish the root cause of any incident, but it turns out that theyve put a stencil on the formal grounds. Caught up, and you and your insurance, how you want to sort it out, i wish the accused driver, vitaly kotanaev, strength and patience, he is ready to challenge the inspectors decision, so ready, mistress, take the job, our business. Come for dinner, i ll prepare my signature pasta cakes with pistiques and pickled cucumbers, and with your abilities, its time for you to become a culinary blogger, oh, come on, youll say, what, now, oh, munestish, hundreds of languages. We are now everyones main enemies, im an officer and my job is to carry out orders, in fact, im a martinet, i just hate you, i should protect you the power that will merge you sooner or later, this is a politician, he should go to his moscow, its not up to you to decide, if your brothers are selfdetermined, what to expect from the others who sent you away, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, so didnt happen to you, and so that you dont get into trouble, i am your father, your mother, this is the second maidan, crimea cannot be given away, i am for russia, with whom are you going to fight, with me, my brothers, the russians have come, 10 days until spring , premiere, soon on ntv. Gdr, premiere. Tomorrow at 20 00 on ntv. For grandma, for the navigator in the car, for the gate in the garage. This dad plays like that. Its all in dads overall balance sheet. Add different numbers to the total balance, top up only one, all the others will be paid automatically. Comfortable. Well, credit card debts come with interest, right . Need a holwa. You take out credit cards, transfer the debts completely, divide them into 24 months and conveniently pay them off. I monitor the system, see the bandwidth limitation, increase the power for data transmission, all systems are in normal mode. We work to make your life better. Rostelecoms smart Monitoring Systems solve problems with internet before you had them. Rostelecom technologies of opportunity. For all cases when home is better. Fix price, low price for everything. Hmm, she smiled, so she recognized it. He smiled, which means he was real. Will they find out . They love, remember, appreciate, truly, psb a bank for the present, grandmothers sweater, suits made of yarn, the warm sun of the summer beach, the long nights that were, this is the warmth that we have preserved , rollton, 25 years old, the gift of warmth, what mood are you in today, light and airy . Romantic and sensual, relaxed sublime. Find the vernelle scent to suit your mood. To have fresh ideas, there must be fresh products, like in khair refrigerators. Use technology and have fun, because this is khair technology inspired by life. Seize the moment. When paying for comprehensive protection and 3 months of communication. Smartphone with 50 discount. Come for the benefits. In tili 2. Now she will appear, come on well, whats there . A card that earns itself. Gazprom Bank Debit Card with a stable income of up to 35 . We have a search and rescue team here. Arguing comedians. 5 minutes of silence, new. Horizons tomorrow at 22 10 on ntv. This week our president Vladimir Putin visited kazan. The games of the future, sports competitions in the format, have started in the capital of tatarstan. Our program has already talked about this unique double event. For example, at first the teams, in the fight for the ball , plow the football lawn with their butts and squeak with their sneakers. On the parquet floor on the basketball court, burning rubber on the race track, and so on, any sport is possible, and then the athletes pick up a joystick, a mouse or a bullet, they sit down in front of the monitor and continue the competition, but no longer in the hall, on the field, court, race track, and so on, on a display in a video game format. By the way, this year the games of the future is being held at the International Level for the first time. Tighten up and step on the gas. In the chronicles of world sports, the story is unique, and this story begins right here, now in russia, at good hour. The Opening Ceremony itself blurs the boundaries between reality and cyberspace, the games of the future are special competitions, strength and speed are intertwined here with digital technologies, spectators in anticipation of exciting competition on the sites. We came from kaliningrad. Specifically for the games of the future, because our children are passionate about gadgets and games, we wanted to show that such games can be not only a game, a hobby, but also a serious activity and esports, i want to see what it looks like from the point of view of the computer part, would this be interesting, and invited his son, he should come over now, he is 16 years old, the games of the future are not toys at all, young gamers who are passionate about video games may well become figital sport stars. The scope is olympic, the format is international. We were amazed at how large a number came to us from unfriendly countries. If you look at the number of athletes from different. Countries, there are a lot of them, im just saying from memory, the french, the spanish, the american canadians, its not strange, because we have an open architecture of competitions, we have a club format, we absolutely, we proclaim it all the time, that we have we are games without borders of political barriers, we are about sports, we are about competitiveness, we are about a healthy spirit of competition, therefore, excuse the anglicism, welcome, we told the whole world, they have arrived, teams from more than 100 participating countries will compete in competitions at the intersection of the physical and virtual worlds, the program consists of 16 disciplines, including hockey , basketball, football, martial arts and of course. So i exhaled, and now the next stage, it seems to be exactly the same, in front of you is the steering wheel, behind it is the road, the higher the speed, the more difficult it is to maintain the virtual ballit, it is very reminiscent of the real thing. In control and physical sensations there is a difference, for example, overloads on corners are not felt at all, but the bumps on the roads, on the contrary, are very realistic, well , at least on this simulator model, but perhaps the sense of danger is clearly dulled, well, what could threaten me in this cozy chair . Its a shame, but it doesnt hurt at all, you can always start over, however, when seconds count, any inaccuracy. And the team falls down in the standings, precious time is lost even when changing sites, its possible to run from the track to the sim race without falling not for everyone, the picture on their screen is approximately the same as on the track, well, that is , the graphics there are made so that they are racing on the same track and the same color of the cars, but we tried to make it so that conditionally, when we we introduce the picture into the frame, so that we even make the screen like a duplex screen, dividing it in half so that it is not noticeable where the cyber is. I believe the fital format will develop faster than we think. Perhaps the games of the future will replace the olympics we are used to. But who knows, digitalization is a process irreversible. For example, the famous entertainer elon musk surprised everyone again. His company has demonstrated successful experience in implanting a chip in the human brain. The ability to control the cursor on the thought power screen is entirely possible. Anyone who wants it in the near future, fantasy becomes reality, the power of thoughts, by the way, is generally difficult to curb, breaks out from under the caps , even if you stand or fall, as far as it needs to be. To get into such a situation, look, the niva is tugging, we get a duster, but the duster doesnt give up, the duster. Turned on the rear move and does everything to help niva in this way, he just drives backwards, the funny thing is that another guy is standing behind him and cannot tell him to shift into forward gear, in short, i say, im in shock, and also Pay Attention to that viburnum, which is unclear what is standing there, twitching on the left still, in short, their yard is cheerful, as i understand it, there is a true version that in this way two. Neighbors shared a parking space in the yard, i wonder what algorithms would be generated artificial intelligence, all the best, see you next week on sunday at 10 20 on the first broadcast on ntv. Bye bye. Microhouses, what attracts people to them, we wanted to live while traveling, how profitable are they and are they harmful to health . Smart scales with body composition analysis, she has a slight excess of fat. Masses, should we believe their testimony . In the category miracle products heater and humidifier in one device. Here we can immediately see how the water overflows, is it worth the money . Miracle or not miracle . And also roads are now repaired by robots, a new way to lose weight for dogs has been discovered, a vibration belt strengthens bones for women, this and something else, in hot. Five amazing discoveries and inventions from all over the world, a miracle of technology on air, a program in which i, sergey molozomov and my team test everything on ourselves. In russia, following overpopulated asia and mobilityloving europe, the fashion for socalled microhouses came to russia, tiny but equipped with everything necessary, which can often be transported from place to place. Several domestic manufacturers have already have mastered the serial production of such buildings. And i want to figure it out, maybe we, the living ones. In ordinary houses and apartments, is there something we dont understand . The house from the italian architect renzo piano, called diagen, is really small, almost like a barrel in which the famous greek seemed to live. The area is only 7. 5 km, and this portuguese microhouse, like a sunflower, turns to follow the sun, feeding on its own energy. The small size attracts socalled digital nomads. Those for whom remote work allows them to constantly travel. You can at any time load everything onto the trailer and change the scenery outside the window. Freedom almost without sacrificing comfort. This is what primarily attracts microhouse owners. This is my kitchen, all the grains are here. Even if it rains when it rains, you can calmly light the oven and enjoy the warmth and comfort. This is a closet. With clothes, this is a showertoilet, a winter option, in the summer we cope on the street, and here is a sleeping place, we climb up the stairs onto it and get high, personal growth coach selena rey and her husband, carpenter alexander zurbagansky, live in private built house with an area of. 10 km for more than

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