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Good day to you all of you with msnbc headquarters. Welcome to we can yeends with alex witt. Washington, d. C. Is fortified, officers are standing guard in anticipation of potentially violent protests. The very same scene playing out at state capitols across this country, but as we prepare for what could be next for the first time. We are getting this, a new and even more dramatic look inside capitol hill during the riot. The new yorker posted this 12minute plus video this morning. It was taken by a journalist. He was right there in the midst of the rioters. Were peaceful. Let the people in. We love you guys, take it easy. Treason treason treason as new images keep emerging from that attack the senate is preparing for a second impeachment trial, this one concerning the president s alleged role in inciting the insurrection. Senator angus king speaking about their unique perspective as jurors. A lot of the evidence is out in front of us, and we all saw it in realtime. This is probably the first impeachment trial in history where the senate was also witnesses of what went on. And as the president prepares to leave office in three days, were getting a new look at how americans view him on his way out. 43 approve of the president but when it comes to republicans a full 87 still approve of him and as joe biden is set to be inaugurated on wednesday, were getting new details on his first days of president. His actions will include rescinding the muslim travel plan, rejoining the paris climate avoid and extending the forgiveness on student loan and foreclosure forbearance. Well start with nbcs vaughn hillyard. First of all, have any protesters showed up today . Reporter we havent seen any protests, any demonstrations, any rioters here at this point, alex, but i want to set you up where we are. We are standing where the general public is able to access but a reality folks are confronting is most of washington, d. C. s streets here in the heart of the district are shut down. This is Union Station behind me here. This is where the amtrak runs through. But we should note d. C. s version of the subway, the metro station, it is closed down here. Theres no taxi service. Usually you would see taxis all the way lined up here but this is open reign for folks that are on foot. Take you over this way. You see the likes of these Senate Office buildings. Thats the capitol right over this way here. You essentially now have several barriers of fencing. U. S. Capitol police and secret service here on site. You have now more than 15,000 National Guards, and this is what washington, d. C. , just 11 days after folks were able to invade the u. S. Capitol, you now have essentially a fortified security perimeter here that is prepared for anything that could happen over the next 72 hours ahead of joe bidens inauguration. Again, we are now under 72 hours from Inauguration Day here, and there is particular concern around events this sunday. As of this hour weve not seen any here in the heart of washington, d. C. Just outside this capitol perimeter, alex. All right. Im glad for that, at least at this point. All is calm and well. Thanks for that, it seems. Lets go to michigans capitol in lansing. Apologize for omitting you. Certainly front and center for us. Tell us who is front and center there. Who is showing up. Hey, alex, yeah, so just in the last hour or so more individuals have started to show up. More armed individuals. Im just going to show you here, our photographer is going to show you the crowd. Individuals are long guns and others who are much more heavily armed. You see the gentleman in the red shirt there. Has a long gun and another with a long gun, a handgun and several magazines. Ive counted at least a dozen or so of these more heavily armed individuals. Of course, concealed carry is also allowed here in michigan so some may be carrying arms that were not able to see. Several dozen people here. Right now it does seem that the number of security personnel, the National Guard, the Michigan State police, the lansing the police outnumber the number of demonstrators. Alex this, kind of sight is not uncommon here in michigan. This is an open carry state. Most of the protests hear here at the capitol have seen armed individuals here in the past. Though when i was covering these sorts of rallies here in the lead up to the election, its interesting to see a bit of a shift thats happened in the last couple of weeks here. I did reach out to some of my militia contacts from last year asking them if they were going to be here today. They said absolutely not. That includes the American Patriot council, alex, which is a group that organized some of the bigger rallies we saw on the capitol last year. I also spoke to the head of the southeast michigan volunteer militia who just a few days ago was saying he and his members were going to be here, that there might be thousands of demonstrators here armed protesting. I spoke to him last night. He was at his Vacation Home quite far away from here. Wanted to get as far away from the capitol as possible without having to go to canada because he was concerned what he might see here today. Getting intel that some of the proud boys would be here and seeing some of the members of the hawaiian shirts indicating potential boogaloo members. He didnt want the militia to be associated with anything that might happen here. Take a listen to some of that conversation. Any violence that would erupt would instantly be blamed on militia, whether we were there or not, whether we took part in it or not, and with elements within the new administration already keen on gun limits, inning fringements on the Second Amendment and and antimilitia sentiment tootobegin with, we dont need that kind of crackdown right now. He also said that right now the mayor, the governor, Law Enforcement and militias are all oddly in agreement about staying away from the capitol. He says its a pretty rare thing to hear when all of those parties are on the same page, and there is this heavy security presence here. You can hear helicopters surrounding the capitol, National Guard stations blocking off streets here. I spoke to the pio from the Michigan State police who told me after what they saw on january 6th, they had been seeing this kind of conversation online for about the past year and a half. They have been hearing of these threats but that was really the internet come to life and they did not want to see that here which is why you see so much security here today, alex. Absolutely. The security seems to be keeping a handle on things. I mean, there doesnt seem to be any loud protesting, shouting. I mean, have you heard grumblings at all among this group. People sort of getting more animated, or is it relatively calm . You know, youve got the few individuals that are louder that have yelled about various Second Amendment right issues, things you see all the time, but nothing signature here. Most people are here giving interviews to the press and you can seat Michigan State police is keeping a very close watch there, right around where all of the demonstrators are here, so things so far pretty calm. The weather is also, as you can tell, not great today which might also be part of deterrence factor here, alex. Absolutely. Thank you for braving it for us. Appreciate that. Lets go now to nbcs Morgan Chesky at wisconsins capitol in madison. Little Better Weather but not much. I see sflafnlgts other than the weather whats the situation like where you are . Alex, weve seen the security preps swell significantly here in the past 234 hours starting with a dual effort from the National Guard that you can see there. There will humvees behind me and madison police. Within the last 24 hours we saw the Capitol Square essentially go into a form of lockdown. We know the streets leading into this area have been blocked off overnight. They have manned stations at every entrance to this place. We know that city personnel went around this entire area yesterday posting notifications there would be no city transit or buses running to this square starting on today through the next several days and Inauguration Day due to concerns over a possible violent clash that could take place. There is no specific credible threat of any danger here at the capitol. That said, we know they are more than ready for that. The governor activating an unspecified number of National Guardsmen here in madison and across the state as needed. Weve seen evidence of their presence here, but to be clear that unspecified number was to be a security reason so as to not let on just how much force they could unleash if need be. In the meantime, we know that officials here in madison have told residents dont come here if you dont have to, and they have also extended that to lawmakers as well following an incident over the summer in which a state lawmaker here was accosted by a group of demonstrators. The there has been a relatively small amount of people here both yesterday and today despite the potential for demonstrations, and we did have a chance to speak to one individual Walking Around the capitol who told us he was exercising to exercise his rights. Take a listen. I want to exercise my rights. Im an american citizen, citizen of wisconsin, citizen of my town, and that office of citizen is something that ive been reminded of recently. And, again, no credible threat of any violence here at the capitol. That said there is word of potential demonstrations today through Inauguration Day and based on the security footprint were seeing in and around this area and also being assured that what we cant see, there are also security measures in place. It will be very interesting to see how the next few days play out with the unrest that weve seen not just here by all across the country. Alex. I just want to double check. Yesterday we saw the whole first floor of the building behind you with your reporting. It had been boarded up. It looks like its gone up at least a couple of floors, that plywood is covering virtually almost every win coast billing. Reporter absolutely. Weve seen the plywood boards put up all across the capitol and across nearby businesses, and thats in addition to the roadblocks that went up overnight, in addition to the streets leading straight to the capitol and have the concrete barriers in place now, so as i said a significant enhancement of security here in madison. Everyone hoping for the best but, unfortunately, forced to reap for the worst. Absolutely. Morgan chesky live from madison. Lets go to the white house. According to the New York Times trump allies are raking in thousand of dollars from lobbyists who are trying to get president ial pardons for their clients. Lets go to cnbcs josh letterman. Josh, a remarkable report here. What do we know about the details . Reporter alex, the fees that have already reportedly changed hands running into the tenses of dollars if not more from people who have essentially been marketing themselves to convicted felons as able to help potentially secure a pardon from president donald trump, people like a former federal prosecutor, lobbyists, former Trump Campaign aide as well as current and former trump attorneys such as john dowd and Rudy Giuliani so heres how, according to the New York Times this works. A convicted felon works with somebody who is able to be in President Trumps orbit, who collects a fee in exchange for then going to President Trump or to people around him and trying to secure that pardon outside of the normal Justice Department process for considering a pardon application. Now, i asked a white house spokesman about this. They are not commenting, and nbc news has not independently confirmed the New York Times reporting on this, but i have been speaking to legal experts this afternoon, alex works tell me if someone were to pay donald trump directly for a pardon, that could violate bribery laws. Theres no evidence that has occurred. Simply paying people to lobby on their behalf, to try to get a pardon is not necessarily illegal but certainly does violate the spirit of the president ial pardon powers. That makes sense. Well be speaking with the author of that article at the bottom of the hour so well get details on that. Joining me now illinois congressman mike quigley, a democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee and good friend to us here. Lets talk about the extraordinary video, congressman, is the rioters inside capitol hill. Look at them. They are rummaging through desks. They are taking pictures of documents. Have you seen this video before what were showing you now and its got to really bother you . Youre seeing exactly what happened after you were you are urd out. Whats your reaction to this . Yeah. Thats the senate chambers, but we were right down the hallway, and obviously i was in one of the rooms where it happened. The it angers me. Look, ill tell you one of the things i was on my mind in those moments and now is that were more resolute and ready to get back to do the job. We wanted to get back on the floor to finish our constitutional responsibility and im more determined now than ever to go to the inauguration and see a peaceful transfer of power. You have no security concerns as you attend the inauguration . You know, obviously we have security concerns. Someone asked if i was afraid. After watching these videos and living through those moments, there is no way in the world that i want these trade traitors to think that we are afraid of them. Well be prudent and do everything to secure our nation and our state capitol. Im deeply concerned for my friends and family and colleagues and for those police those videos and, again, we were there watching, poorly equipped Capitol Police. No masks, no helmets, horribly outnumbered. Sure. Im very concerned for them, but theres a difference. We cant let the mob win. Thats why we went back and finished the work that night. Thats why were going to the inaugural, and thats why were going to hit the ground running getting the job done under the first day of the biden administration. There are some of your fellow colleagues in congress who worry that their colleagues might kill them. I want you to take a listen to who your democratic colleague nora torres told me about this. It was yesterday. Absolutely. I kneel that way 100 , so much so that i have went out and and i purchased a vest to protect myself, especially during the inauguration period where we dont know. Congressman, whether directly or indirectly, do you feel there are members of congress who threaten your health and safety while youre at work . Look, the fact that they were fist bumping the terrorists, the fact that they were texting things like 1776, they were speaking and encouraging what was taking place and, of course, the disturbing information that we have about the possibility that needs to be investigated, of an internal operation that helped this insurrection. Double down the fact that many are refusing to go through metal detectors coming on to the house floor and acknowledge bringing guns on to the house floor. My response to that is youre not wyatt erp. Youre a member of congress. This isnt the ok corral. Theres a reason you cant bring a loaded gun into the white house or the courts. What makes you think its okay to bring it on to the house floor or the senate floor . Yeah. Its extraordinary, and i believe against the law to bring it there to the house or senate floor. Absolutely. That said, i know youre youre on one of four committees that are opening an investigation into the insurrection of the capitol. What are you looking for in this joint review that will be done by your committee, the Intel Committee . What did we know . Who knew what . Was that information held back . Why wasnt it transered . If we didnt have the information why the hell not . I mentioned before that the night before i walked around and rode my bike around the capitol complex outside, and the morning again, and just before we went into the debate i looked out to the east side and i saw thousands of people ready to come towards the capitol and a handful of Capitol Police. This is an intelligence failure of historic qualities. It cant happen again. And i know that there are a series of classified briefings that be will be sought beginning this month. How about any of them going to be public hearings . I they so. Look, theres a lot to happen at the same time, and i think its absolutely right that the public needs to be aware of whats happening. To the extent thats possible they need to happen almost on a simultaneous basis so, again, we can share that information. The public knows exactly what were address, and i would like to think that we could share some information with our state and local partners. Last question, sir. Its from a new oped in which the former Principal Deputy of National Intelligence under trump says a former President Trump wont need to know. Cut off his intelligence. Do you agree . Should citizen trump be given any intel briefings after wednesday . You know, absolutely not. I cant be more emphatic for several reasons. First of all, this president showed absolutely no regard for the sake of hiding classified information, and i think that our enemies got information that they shouldnt have got. Thats what i believe. I also believe our allies would be very concerned with this president having this information and they would be very determined not to share information with us because of that concern. We would be less safe if this president continues to get these kind of briefings. Illinois congressman quik quigley, thank you so much for your time. Much appreciated. A clearer picture of the final days of the trump white house. Whats happening behind the scenes as the president is packing for moving day. Enes as s packing for moving day in a year of changes. Dont take chances on your taxes. Be 100 certain with jackson hewitt. Well get your taxes done right, guaranteed. Its moving day. And while her friends well get your taxes done right, guaranteed. Are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. It only takes about a minute. Wait, a minute . But what have you been doing for the last two hours . Delegating . Oh, good one. Move your Xfinity Services without breaking a sweat. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity makes moving easy. Go online to transfer your services in about a minute. Get started today. History says fine jewelry for occasions. We say forget occasions. snap fine jewelry for every day, minus the traditional markups. Increased security as states react to an fbi warning of the potential for violent protests. Lets go now to nbcs blayne alexander for us. Blayne, what are you seeing there in atlanta . Reporter well, alex, right now were not seeing any signs of gathering. No groups of people gathering together to protest. What we are seeing is a lot of preparation. This is what it looks like in front of the Georgia State capitol. Youre seeing Armored Vehicles, Georgia State patrol, all the numbers having increased over the past 12 hours, 24 hours and down here youre seeing an empty street. Usually a busy street in front of the capitol but its completely closed because as you see right there its blocked off. Blocked off by Armored Vehicles on both side and nobody allowed to cross this street. A similar story down at city hall just a few blocks away. Bicycle racks and barricades encircling the entire city hall building. Governor brian kemp said he believes the actual threat level in the state of georgia is relatively low but hes making it clear hes not taken anything for granted especially given the fact that georgia was really a political lightning rod during the past election season so we know Law Enforcement across the state are on high alert today and the governor has had the National Guard at the ready saying hes necessary to deploy them if necessary but doesnt seem like its necessary here. A lot of security and a good amount of media and a good amount of security here. Thanks. Lets check out a similar scene in pennsylvania. Not too much activity there, but its obvious officials arent taking any chances. Look at the lineup behind you. Exactly, alex, from georgia to pennsylvania, very similar scene. Lots of preparations. You can see the mix of Capitol Police and state police lined up here behind the barricade and in front of the state capitol. Weve seen p. A. National guard Walking Around as well as officers on horseback and ill have my cameraman pan out over the steps here. Theres been individuals protesting coming up throughout the day but nothing or anything like we might have been expecting. You can see the crush of media here that are present, but like blayne said, similar scene. The officers here are on Emergency Alert status because of that warning from the fbi and pennsylvania was one to watch during the election, all the lawsuits and contested election activity we saw following november as well as the presence of extremist groups and militia groups here in pennsylvania. Officers said there was no specific threat here at the capitol, and its been a very quiet day here so far. Good to hear so far. Thanks very much. New reporting shows white house aides are struggling to contain an increasingly angry and isolated President Trump during this, his final days in office. Joining me now is jeff mason and many James Carville, democratic strategist and msnbc news political strategist. Good to see you both. Jeff, i know that you are one of the writers of the reuters articles. Take us behind the scenes. Whats going on there . I think you have seen this president in his final days really doing what hes done for the last two months, sitting in his oval office continuing to talk to people and aides and a small shrinking circle of advisers while most of his primary advisers are leaving and have left. Hes upset about his what happened certainly to him from the election. He continues to believe that he won, and hes hes really basically given up governing in the final days of his term in office. How about what we saw yesterday was video of Rudy Giuliani, Jared Kushner and ivanka trump all visiting the west wing . Not to mention the pleau guy but i think you can deduce based on who these people are that they are not talking about the president acknowledging that joe biden beat him. Rudy giuliani, of course, has been essentially the ringleader of his legal strategy since the november 3rd election and has continued to to give falsehoods with regard to what happened in the election so the fact that hes one of the remaining small small circle of aides who are around him who are showing up is pretty telling even if we dont know what exactly they discussed. To that end, james, the president s inner circle is certainly shrinking. I mean, jeff brings it up, the ceo of mypillow, mike lindell was there at the white house on friday. What does this tell you about the president who spent his entire term burning bridges that the last day of his presidency hes talking to that guy . Look, not only is he talking to that guy. Every other Big Corporation in america is not giving him money, getting as much distance as they can between donald trump and the Republican Party as they possibly can. Lowes is cancelling fundraisers, they are done, look at rudy. Hes a beaten old man. What the democrats need to do now is attack on every front. They are jetblue. Foxs ratings are plummeting. They cant raise money. On every front, legal, on television and on everything that you can imagine. Dont have any adults in the room. Dont parse anything go right now. They are so vulnerable. They are so weak. They are so demoralized i dont want to hear anything about, well, lets reach out, yeah, if they want to cooperate and help President Biden on his relief package, come aboard, but right now we have to stay we have to stay on the attack and on every front, all day, every day. Hmm. Jeff, obviously the president was impeached for a second time last week, something never done before history and yet weve not heard anything from him. Barely anything from the white house. Does donald trump seem to care about that . Well, thats a good question. I think he does care because i think he does care about his position in history and this is not just going to be an asterix. This is going to essentially define his place in history, the second impeachment and no and even more so what drove that impeachment which were the riots on january 6th, so but it is telling that youre not hearing anything from the white house about it. I spoke to a white house adviser who noted that all of the team for his first impeachment was around him, not only advising him on a legal level but also on a communications level. All that have team is gone, and they are not rallying around him, and he so hes not only not put in place a strong legal argument against this impeachment. He doesnt have the the communication apparatus that is required to try to win part of the public over, and i think thats an indication that getting the public won over thon is going to be very hard. To your point, hogan giddily put out a very brief statement saying the president is still trying to find his legal representation as he faces this second impeachment so your point is well taken there. What about you, james . Lots of scenarios floated about how joe biden should handle trump and the impeachment giving his initiative that hes trying to heal the nation, of course. What do you think biden and the democrats should do . Whats your message to the Democratic Party on how to handle this . I know you say go on the attack and there are some yes, do i. Some who definitely support that. Yes. But that whole Health Nation part or a pardon, is that something that would help heal the nation . No. The suggestion that president elect biden donald trump. I would leave the Democratic Party and so would tens of millions of other people. If theres no accountability here look, when he becomes president hes got to put his agenda out and has to work on that, but to to other people, weve got to light some lights here. No. Any hint of trump being pardoned would be a catastrophe of the first order. So what needs to be done, the Fulton County d. A. , the manhattan d. A. , the new York State Attorney general, other people who are interested in accountability and hopefully, and i hope that the now attorney general is will deal with title 18 of the United States code and make sure there are no violations that have by donald trump during any time that he was president. Hell no, no pardon, no pardon ever for him. Now, let me ask you this, james. The state cases that donald trump may potential,ly face, when we talk about a potential pardon for joe biden, hang on, its just the federal pardon. Lets go back to 1974. When gerald ford pardoned Richard Nixon, many people in this country went ballistic about it. They were furious about it. Many people criticized him quite vociferously. History has shown that it may have been the right thing to do. When you have ted kennedy who later, he first violently opposed a pardon right and then he came back later and he said it was the right thing to do to heal the nation. Is there a chance that understandably your position may be right now, that history could soften that if joe biden has the foresight to implement it now despite all the opposition he might get . No. Donald trump in my opinion is a career criminal, and what he does is commit crimes, and im sure look whats going on. Read the paper today, and and we dont know that they are paying trump, but this is what he has done, and anybody that pardons him or thinks of pardoning him. Nixon is a different situation. He did some bad things. I do not believe that Richard Nixon was a career criminal. He he lied and okayed crimes in his own interest. I think trump is an entirely different case and i think there would be an eruption in this country to the likes that you cant imagine. I would leave i dont think president elect biden has any intention of pardoning him and not only do i hope they dont pardon him. I hope the new attorney general finds if there are have had crimes that are committed that they indict him. Yeah. You know, no, im so anti that. I understand what youre saying, alex, but like im fanatical, amend are other people as are many lawabiding people, and let me say this, and they are not all democrats. Yeah. People believe that this is so horrible and there has to be accountability. Look, i wanted to get it out there. I wanted to push and get you. Believe me, there were plenty of head lyons if it says James Carville leaves the Democratic Party, please. Last question to you, jeff, because here we, the final sunday. Trump administration. Youve been covering the white house since day one. Youve talked to me about your reporting many, many weekends, too many to count. As you look back on the past four years what are some of your main takeaways from this often chaotic, often unpredictable Trump Presidency . You know, ive been thinking a lot about that as i think many of us have in the last days, and i was speaking to an historian about it just last night. President trump had an enormous amount of power. He swept into office in 2016 in a surprise victory because he tapped into an energy, a voice of American People who have not, did not feel heard, and then look what the he did with that power and look what happened on wednesday is the culmination of what he did. That is my takeaway. That is my overall arc of President Trumps presidency, and he is going out on that note because of how he handled the power. Iev mason and James Carville. You guys have an open invitation to join me any time thon show. Thank you very much. Thank you. Michael schmit of the New York Times is here with more on his article about trump allies collecting money on behalf of people seeking pardons. N behalf people seeking pardons nol®. It wont raise Blood Pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. For trusted relief, trust tylenol®. Pick up like a pro. That advil® aleve® just order on the subway app and its ready to go with contactless curbside. Turkey sub in a hot tub now get 15 off any footlong when you order in the app. President trump allies have reportedly collected tens of thousands of dollars from people seeking pardons. According to an article in the New York Times a lobbyist paid a member of Trumps Campaign 50,000 to push for a pardon and promise an additional 50 grand if the president ended up granting it. A couple of things to mention t. Nbc news has yet to review any of the documents connected to this story and nbc news has reached out to the white house for a comment. There is no allegation of the president himself doing anything illegal, and overall the white house spokesman has declined to comment to the times about this story. Joining me is Michael Schmit who wrote this article, also an Msnbc National Security contributor, washington correspondent of the New York Times and author of a Remarkable Book on donald trump. The lobbyists were offering two payments of 5,000. Just one example, but how many of these deals are going on . How many trump allies are involved, and i should add that all you write, all this is according to documents and interviews more than three dozen lobbyists and lawyers before you put it in print in the New York Times. Yeah. So what we found is that there are theres at least a handful if not of poem in the president s orbit that have essentially sold their access to the president. They have taken money from wealthy convicts and agreed to lobby the president for a pardon. In one of the most glaring examples in the piece we talk about the president s former personal lawyer john dowd who just weeks after quitting his job representing the president began marketing himself, pushing himself to other convicted felons, to convicted felons, basically saying he had an in with the president , that he could help these convicts get pardons, and he said that those convicts who had been prosecuted by sdny, the federal prosecutors in manhattan or investigated by the fbi were good candidates because the president was seeking to undermine those people at the time because those people were investigating the president himself. So dowd made tens of thousands of dollars off of this and his representation. He has yet to get a pardon for this individual, an it is just an example of how the president s reluctance to go along for a traditional Justice Department process, that reluctance has sort of allowed this market to pop up and who are the people . I mean, i look through here. If you saw how this was high light, its just an incredible article, but were talking about a former arkansas senators son, the notorious online drug marketplace silk road, the founder of that, a manhattan socialite. I mean, who are these people . What were they accused of doing . Well, its a range of crimes, but in more cases than not these are convicts that had some money, that had money to spend. Most people that go to prison do not have that, and what pardon experts and legal experts and ethics experts will say is that the problem with this market that the president has allowed to pop up is that it really allows for sort of two Justice Systems to exist and in this country its obviously a huge deal were all treated equally under the law, but in the case of pardons upped President Trump, its those that have had access to the president that have had the most success. Its those who have had money in the ability to hire people who have had the most success, and what pardons were designed for by the framers of the constitution was to essentially put an emergency brake on the Justice System where the president could dip his hand in for cases of mercy and grace, to really sort of right the wrongs, you know, not throw out, you know, complete cases but right the wrongs of a brutal at times Justice System and what weve seen here is a president who as used his pardon power predominantly for personal and political reasons. So those opposed to it, is it on the ground of it being illegal or immoral . I mean, where does that stand . Well, we talked to a lot of lawyers for this story who said they wont take this type of work, in a they dont want to be in this. One, its sort of. It could walk up to the line of something that the Justice Department wants to look at. Its money changing hands and the government is doing something in response to that lobbying in such a blatant and, you know, clear way. But they also say that they just sort of feel icky about it. It just sort of feels slime toe them to basically be lobbying to use their relationships with the white house to monetize those and to get the president to use this power. The thing about the pardon power thats so unique is that the president doesnt need to consult with anyone to do it. A lot of times throughout his presidency weve seen him, you know, get very frustrated with the Justice Department because the Justice Department wont investigate this or its investigating this and then, you know, he has a clash with the folks at the Justice Department. This case the president could take out a piece of paper and write, you know, i pardon, you know, mike schmit or, you know, whatever, and write it down, and that could potentially be a pardon. Is there any indication that some of these somewhat questionable, controversial pardons hes done of late were purchased, if you will . I mean, we know that folks who have received pardons have hired these individuals that have had connections to the white house and people who had relationships with the president and the president listened to these folks that were hired, and and, you know, that gets back to what these ethics and legal experts say is the problem here, is that is that if youre just sort of a regular convict and you dont have the resources to hire a highpriced lawyer or someone who worked on the Trump Campaign in 2016 to use their connections to the white house, then, you know, youre falling into a different bucket, a different system here in our judicial process. Its an extraordinary article. I mean, michael, seriously, like ten lines i didnt highlight in the whole thing, just incredible. Thank you so much for coming on and talking about t. Appreciate it. 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They do weave through that massive parking lot. They are trying to get up to 1,500 vaccinations a day, and we did speak with some of the lucky votes, despite the shortage, not only in new york but nationwide were able to get appointments to get the vaccine. Listen to what they told me. I feel relieved. I feel like that the that we can start getting back to normal. It was very quick, and my dad and i both got vaccinated. Ridge string was like buying concert tickets. It was crazy. You had to keep refreshing and trying to get a spot. That description certainly perfect, alex, its just wildly difficult to get a spot right now to this open to some 7 Million People who are now eligible under the expanded vaccine program, and as we know theres still frustration over the fact that theres just not enough vaccines coming in. Governor cuomo mentioning the entire state is only getting some 250,000 vaccines so they will have to significantly slow down the amount of people that get the dosages on a daytoday basis, and this isnt just new york, you know. Arizona where i just was, the hot of the world, breaking records as well. To give you a prif on that, new york hitting a 19,000 cases breaking records. Arizona not far behind with 17,000. In california theyre having to triage in certain hospitals because they have so many cases. In fact, 65,000 cases a day there. That was just a record breaker on december 26th for california. So the big message here, alex, is even though these programs are happening, the vaccination and the mass vaccination sites are opening here in the state of new york and other states, this really is no changeup, i guess, or, you know, whatever the word is that im trying to think of to say that its not a replacement for the things that we need to do moving forward to get the caseloads down. We all have to stay very vigilant and behave appropriately. Cori coffin, thank you so much for that. President elect bidens plan to roll out the rest of that 2,000 stimulus check and when americans could see that money. Y aging is a journey. You cant always know whats ahead. Since 1995, seniors have opened their doors to right at home for personalized care. To be their guide. To steer them through uncharted territory. And when it comes right down to it, to keep them safe at home. After all, home is the best place to be. Right at home, navigating whats to come. President elect joe biden is out with his plan of direct payments of 1,400, 400 a week in federal unemployment benefits, and increasing the federal minimum wage to 15 an hour. Joining me now is the founding director of the institute on race and political economy. Derek, welcome to you. Overall, what do you think about bidens stimulus plan . Do you think its a step in the right direction . Certainly a step in the right direction. And when he delivered it, it was important that he even used terms like moving towards a moral economy, recognizing that we need to build it in a way that promotes shared prosperity. So what about the Nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office which says that raising the minimum wage, derek, could lift more than 1. 3 million workers out of poverty . And then on twitter i know you said a 15 an hour minimum wage via budget reconciliation, should be a nobrainer, but indeed there has been pushback to this proposal from the Republican Party. What do you say to critics who think and say, oh, no, businesses cant afford to pay that much . Businesses will adjust. And we also have another mechanism of employing individuals, and thats the federal government. And, in fact, we need to be thinking about industrial policy that centers workers as we promote a care economy or make our infrastructure more resilient to a pandemic. Yeah. What about as were doing the math here. So biden has been pushing the 2,000 stimulus checks. This plan includes a 1,400 one. That is going to be added to the 600 checks that just went out. But there are several democrats who say the next check, thats got to be a full two grand. Do you agree with that . Where do you stand on that issue . Yeah. I mean, if we recognize the calamity of this situation, what biden is proposing is in the right direction but not enough. The first thing we need to do is get this pandemic under control. So i like the fact that hes focusing on the virus. But beyond that, we need a more secure economy, and also the damage, the scarring that has been done as a result of this pandemic is deep and entrenched, and whats currently on the table is really not enough. We have lessons from the past recession where we saw that it was, you know, eventually americans did recover. But it was not without the spare and pain, and we can do something about that now. And survival. In fact, thats the word congressman Ayanna Pressley used. She said this is all a matter on survival. These checks were for people to survive. Take a listen. Im going to continue to advocate on behalf of my constituents who need, deserve, and require 2,000 recurring checks a month. At this point these are not stimulus checks. These are survival checks. Do you agree with that, survival checks, not stimulus checks . She has the right narrative. Right now its a survival check. And what we need to consider, it is astute that biden did things like forbearance in his proposal forbearance on evictions and moratoriums on foreclosures. But theres a benefits clip thats lurking, were kicking the can down the road. Theres still going to be this despair unless we address it. So the congresswoman is spot on. So are you, derek hamilton. Thank you so much for joining me. Ill see you again. So that new video of rioters storming the capitol. If you missed any of it, were going to show you a lot of it at the top of the hour, including the view from the senate floor and talk about how this video might now challenge the nature of prosecuting the potential crimes that you are now witnessing. Hey you, yeah you. I opened a sofi money account and it was the first time that i realized i could be earning interest back on my money. I just discovered sofi, and im an investor with a diversified portfolio. Who am i . i refinanced my Student Loans with sofi because of their low interest rates. Thanks sofi for helping us get our money right. Yo yo yo yo yo yo start your day with secret. Secret stops sweat 3x more get our money right. Than ordinary antiperspirants. With secret youre unstoppable. No sweat. Try it and love it or get your money back. Secret. All strength, no sweat your grooming business is booming. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. 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