Transcripts For MSNBCW Weekends With Alex Witt 20200725

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Welcome to weekends with alex witt. Peaceful protesters clashed with federal agents as tensions boiled over in portland. Lots of fireworks were set off toward the federal courthouse downtown and that led to scenes just like this after tear gas was used on demonstrators. Marches against Racial Injustice have been taking place in portland for nearly two months now. They never really stopped after George Floyds death in minneapolis, police custody. Lets go to maura barrett. Maura has been up all night covering the protests in portland. Maura, thank you for doing that. Look, it seems pretty clear the tensions escalated more quickly than usual overnight. What was it about last night that was somewhat different from the past couple of months or so . Yeah, alex, they absolutely did. My team has been here on the ground for the past week and we have not seen the tensions escalate this quickly. Essentially thousands of people filling this block and the block past that peacefully protesting singing and chanting as weve seen over the past couple of nights and within minutes as several fireworks were set off just here, towards the federal courthouse, tear gas was almost immediately deployed. The federal agencies issued a dispersal announcement and came out and were firing these munitions and fired off more tear gas to work to disperse the crowd and this happened much more quickly than weve seen in the past couple of nights. I want to note the past week or so or ten days since the agents have been here weve seen these crowds grow and grow each night and prior to their arrival. Protests had actually very much dwindled and were a lot more calm before these agencies came to town, alex. You know, maura, weve also seen some pretty strong visual statements from these protesters, first we saw the wall of moms, they were protecting the demonstrators then last night we saw this wall of vets, theyre standing in solidarity with them, as well. What else has stood out with these groups of people that they are standing up to the federal agents and trying to protect these demonstrators . Thats exactly what theyre doing. The wall of moms started because they wanted to come out to protect the young protesters. Theyre kids that have come out nearly every night for two months, the dads came the next night to support the moms and brought leaf blowers in order to blow the tear gas back towards the federal agents and we just kind of saw it snowball from there and saw pastor, the vets, the chefs even came out, Health Care Professionals so you see different coalitions from around the city discuss to show their support both more black lives party but to send the message that they want the federal agents out of their city. I spoke with pastor Reginald Richardson this week and he had the similar message about how this action by trump really shouldnt be appealing to his christian base. Take a listen to what he told me. Trump doesnt care about anything other than himself. Jesus died for others, trump only wants to protect himself. He sends federal agents to portland, to chicago. Hes doing that because he knows he is not in control. Reporter so as we see this action continue here in portland, and potentially expand across the city, its definitely kind of a test case to see what happens as other other cities across the country meeting seeing federal agents as well and the message we keep hearing on the ground is that portland really just wants these federal agents to go home. Well see what happens tonight. Maura barrett, thank you so much from portland. Lets go to alabama and the start of a sixday celebration of the life of civil rights icon john lewis. Right now the late georgia congressman lying in repose in his hometown of troy. Lets go to Priscilla Thompson on the ground once again. Priscilla, talk about what youre seeing and gathered to mourn the loss of this extraordinary man. This alabama icon. An icon indeed, alex. People have come from far and wide to celebrate that life and that legacy here in the town where john lewis was born, where he grew up. I met a group of women, well, a woman and her child who came in from montgomery, alabama. Even though they could have attended the services that are going to be held later in the day but wanted to be here in the place where he was born to pave that tribute and that young girl i spoke with, the daughter chloe just saying to me what an inspiration john lewis has been to her and how she hopes to one day get into elected office and become Something Like that because of what john lewis has done, you know, just being this sort of small town kid from alabama and we heard his brother in the services earlier today talk a little about what it was like for john whenever he got ready to leave home and the message that their mother gave to him and i want you to take a listen to a little bit of that. I remember the day when john left home, mother told him not to get in trouble, not to get in the way and be particular. Though we all know that john got in trouble, got in the way, but it was a good trouble. John was different from the rest of the family and he he would have thoughts that all other troubles he got himself into would change the world. I am so honored that john was my brother. And he will live forever in our hearts. Reporter and that message continues here today with so many of the parents and adults that ive spoken to telling their children to get into that good trouble and one man saying that, you know, to go vote if people really want to pay homage to john lewis legacy this year make sure they go and vote on november the 3rd. Thats the way to do it for sure. Priscilla, can i ask about the plans for the rest of the week . Well, a very busy next couple of days filled with services, john lewis is laying in repose here but he will journey on to selma, alabama, later today where there will be a private service held and then tomorrow that final crossing across the Edmund Pettus bridge just one more time and then he will actually journey on to washington, d. C. Where he will lie in state at the top of the steps of the u. S. Capitol, so folks will be able to go there and visit and see his casket there and then the services will end in atlanta later in the week, wednesday, thursday, hell lie in state in the Georgia State capitol before his final home going and ultimate be laid to rest in atlanta. Ill tell you that procession crossing the Edmund Pettus bridge, sin none news with him, perhaps it will be renamed for him as well. I know there is a big move for that. That will be emotional tomorrow. Thank you very much, priscilla. The very latest on the coronavirus pandemic. The surge in covid19 cases across this country showing few signs of slowing down. The u. S. Yesterday falling just short of breaking its own single day record in new ink infections adding more than 73,000 cases. The number of deaths in the u. S. Topping 1,000 for the fourth day in a row. The cdc changing its guidance on how long coronavirus patients need to be isolated, though, the new guidance says people who have mild cases can now leave their isolation ten days after testing positive as evidence is showing more people are no longer infectious ten days after they begin experiencing symptoms. Used to be 14 as we all know. The cdc is discouraging those from getting tested a second time. Some popular retailers now giving leeway on mask policy. Walmart, home depot, walgreens, cvs and other stores that once required face coverings now say they wont prohibit customers who refuse to wear a mask from shopping. The switch comes in order to avoid confrontations between angry customers and employees. A new plea from the u. S. Mint. Start spending your pennies, nickels and dimes please, a new statement from them say the coronavirus pandemic has led to a National Coin shortage and theyre now urging americans to spend, deposit or Even Exchange their coins. On the west coast of california, once an example of how other states should beat covid19, it is now surpassing new york in the total number of cases in the country. Lets go to scott cohn at the Regional Medical center in san jose, california. We hear some of the hospitals in the state are beyond capacity, particularly when it comes to icu beds. What kind of numbers are you hearing . Yeah, alex, as you well know california is a very big and diverse state. Were going to try to chop that up for you a little bit and give you a sense of whats going on. San jose where i am is one of about a dozen cities that the White House Coronavirus Task Force Coordinator dr. Deborah birx classified as concern, concerning in terms of the trends earlier this week. Its not exactly clear what numbers she was referring to but i can tell you in santa clara county, san jose, Silicon Valley the icu beds running about 31 of capacity which doesnt sound bad. These are levels we havent seen since the end of april when we were on the downslope from the initial surge. Now a lot of those numbers are trending up. Lets look at the numbers statewide, about 439,000 cases now in the state of california and 180 or so deaths in the last 24 hours. That is certainly concerning and as you mentioned, california has now surpassed new york as the state with the most cases in the country. Governor gavin newsom saying yesterday those statewide numbers do not tell the full story. So, again, hospitalizations are increasing, but there is a decrease in the increase if youre following me. Meaning the rate of growth is beginning to decline modestly. That is nothing to jump up and down about. Its just a fact. Again, these are statewide numbers and they mask the reality in different parts of the state. Reporter a couple hours north of me the icu beds are near or in some cases surpassing capacity and Riverside County to the south in both places, the state has asked personnel from the air force to come in to try to relieve some of the pressure. So a lot of pockets of real concern and in general the state is not seeing the numbers go in the direction that they would like them to. Alex. Okay, scott cohn, sobering but thanks for the numbers. Lets bring in dr. Neal gandhi, emergency medical doctor at houston methodist hospital. Welcome back to the broadcast. I want to start by asking for an established report. Texas has had more than 380,000 coronavirus cases. How about your hospital, how are they handling things and does it look like conditions are improving in houston . Good day, alex. Thanks for having me on again and a special thank to our nurses, frontline workers, were 20,000 strong here. This week started in a little bit of a very crisis mode and things have steadied as youve mentioned. Weve seen kind of a little bit of a plateauing of cases which is good and also been seeing some increased icu availability. What is concerning is that numbers throughout the week of infected patients and infected Community Members is still continuing to rise so were not anywhere as far as being out of the woods just yet. Okay. Earlier in this show, doctor, we were talking about the increasing Hospital Capacity in florida. Much like what we saw here in new york during march and april. We are seeing reports like this one here in your home state if you look at star county that is saying covid19 patients will be sent home to die if they are deemed too sick. Look, nbc news actually profiled star county. It was a Success Story for the coronavirus back in april. What is that were seeing here . Why are we seeing places like this initially successful, california as well, you heard scotts report and now starting to backslide . Yeah, the backslide, alex, is quite concerning. Several very important factors which have led to this, one was the lack or inappropriate use of masking, the absence sometimes of social distancing, so those two things along with in the south texas region, a lack of access to testing. Many individuals were sick and they just didnt know so that really led to a combination of factors, which, unfortunately, has really increased our hospitalizations down there. Weve seen patients being transferred from the south texas region up to san antonio to austin. Some have been accepted into the houston region as well so as texas were working closely together to get in front of this. At some smaller counties in more rural areas south of houston they just dont have the capacity, the infrastructure, the personnel to deal with this crisis. As we know covid19 is completely preventable. Unfortunately, if we look at the current rates this is going to end up becoming one of our leading causes of death. Not just here in texas but nationwide. Theyre predicting that covid19 will probably end up being the third leading cause of death and its unfortunate because its a preventable cause of death for all americans this year. Given everything that you just said, doctor, what is that like for a physician to have to say to a patient, were going to send you home to die . We dont have the infrastructure. We cant take care of you here and youre too sick. Weve basically got to give somebody else a chance. Yeah, fortunately that hasnt been the case here in houston and im hoping that were going to be able to help save additional lives for our colleagues down in the south texas area. But those would be very Difficult Conversations to have with anyones family, unfortunately, as you know and many patients have gotten extremely ill with covid19, visitors have not been allowed to the hospital so normally these crucial facetoface family conversations which would occur are now occurring over the telephone or facetime or skype so these have been i think very challenging times clearly for our patients, more so for their family members but also for the physicians and care team members, nurses and other individuals who have had to have these very crucial discussions. Yeah, absolutely. Dr. Neil gandhi, always good to talk to you. Keep up the good fight. Hanging in the balance, the two major Coronavirus Relief measures now in danger of disappearing for good. 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Alex, you know, weve been out here for eight hours now and in this eight hours weve seen it go from Tropical Storm to hurricane just intensified tremendously from the high winds, more rain and then an aggressive storm surge. A lot of people here on this island, they have been preparing as of last night, boarding up their homes. There is even a gas station on the way here, on this road that were on that boarded up as well and what you can see right here behind me is this is the barricades h. Is what normally what you would typically see people driving around that circle median where there are flags and people can drive on the beach. So thats kind of a luxury we have here on the gulf coast is people can drive on the beach while these barricades are up and citys parks and Recreation Department have been out here a handful of types to continuously move the barricades up. You can see all of that debris out behind that. Not only that, the dunes are typically a lot higher and a lot more closer in that circle median but because of that storm surge, its really just been blowing it through and we actually have the parks and Recreation Department out here again just kind of keeping an eye on things and tell us they have about 25 miles of beach stretched and really trying to keep an eye on. So far this has been the biggest problem area and honestly this is probably been the worst part of hanna so far that weve seen the storm surge is just intensifying and getting more aggressive. She just keeps coming in and coming up over that median. Now, we did have quite a few people kind of coming out trying to take pictures and, again, were telling people do not go to the beaches right now. Theyre all closed off. You should not be at the beach or anywhere near the beach. People are trying to get up to the dunes to watch. We did talk to somebody earl yes and they said they were here during harvey but luckily a lot of the residents in the area do not have that sense of fear that they did when harvey was here so although hanna is definitely making herself known, we are going to be having a lot of cleanup here in the coming days once all of this clears up. Absolutely. Chelsea torres, thank you so much. Its clear youve been there all night since the wee hours but to your point it definitely looks like a hurricane now there. Thank you so much. Coronavirus cases are on the rise in california. The state now has more than 443,000 confirmed cases. It is the most in the United States. With more than 8300 people having died from the virus. Los angeles county, its the hardest hit making up more than half of those deaths. Joining me now is california congressman ted lieu of the house judiciary and Foreign Affairs committee and always a welcome presence here on the show. Good to see you again, congressman. California, your state and mine, i might add, the dubious distinction of being number one. What are your biggest concerns and what are you hearing from your l. A. County constituents. Thank you, alex for your question. California is nearly 40 Million People with the fifth largest economy in the world so when you reopen, you do expect to see a rise in cases. We just want to make sure that this virus does not get out of control and thats why its so important for people to do three very simple things. Wash your hands frequently. Do social distancing and wear a mask in public. If people just do those three things we can dramatically slow the spread of this virus. Soing look, all youre saying is perfectly acceptable. Makes perfect sense but its a big if. Ive been there and see people that arent wearing their masks for one. How likely is the possibility of a second shutdown . So i dont think the data would support a statewide shutdown because certain counties are doing quite well. Others are not. So the virus is not uniformly distributed across california. I do want to urge republican elected officials at both the federal and local level to take this virus more seriously, to tell their own constituents to wear masks in public. Im pleased that the president has finally gotten around to tell people to wear masks and just need people across america and in california to follow that very simple admonition. Just wear a mask in public. Yeah, you mentioned republicans, so this goes to my next question as we turn to the round of Coronavirus Relief thats on the way, we hope. Senate republicans are expected to unveil their proposal next week but as we wait as you know, the federal eviction ban expired overnight and next week we have the 600 week of boosted unemployment that is running out. How confident are you a deal can get done quickly and how can the ban and lack of unemployment checks impact your constituents . The house of representatives passed the heroes act on may 15th, it is completely unacceptable for the white house and Senate Republicans to have delayed for over two months, they twiddled their thumbs while americans were hurting and as a result numerous provisions of the first stimulus will expire including these federal Unemployment Benefits and i hope donald trump and republicans get their act together because the American People need help. Clearly, but when you just said may 15th was when the house, the democratically led house passed the heroes act, were well past two months to your point, so this thing happening quickly, something getting agreed upon, what do you think the likelihood of that happening . I never pretend to understand how the Republican Controlled Senate actually works. I do know theyre trying to come up with a proposal. They cant even agree among themselves to put in writing what their proposal is. And the American People are angry at this delay and incompetence and should think about this in november when they can go vote for a new white house and a new senate. Lets talk about the situation in portland, oregon, with the protesters who have been clashing big time with the federal agents there. As you know the president announced this week that he will send federal troops to other city, that includes chicago. You have heard people suggest this is a form of martial law and could be useds a blueprint to hold power were the election to go against the president. Does that feel farfetched to you . So, i never put anything beyond what donald trump thinks or can do, so that does concern me. At the same time, the house of representatives is doing everything we can to rein in this lawless conduct. One of their reasons that bill barr and others have deployed these random federal units both in washington, d. C. And in portland is because the u. S. Marshal has been deputizing federal officials to engage in Law Enforcement that theyre not trained to do so just this week representative earl bloomen and i announced legislation and what we are seeing in portland is complete i unacceptable. Donald trump is inflaming tensions. We saw now a wall of veterans and moms and dads behind that wall of veterans and americans are not the enemy. Donald trump needs to take his stormtroopers and take them stormtroopers. With regard to that bill, what is has been the reaction to the one youre proposeing . So im very pleased that its gotten a good reaction, in the midst of doing propose reaganati appropriations and i know there will be funding in cracking down these protesters in other cities as well. Let me just add, joe biden had a pretty good response when it comes to the concern about this president not leaving the white house were he to lose the election and challenge things. I believe he said something last weekend to the effect of the United States military is perfectly capable of removing a trespasser from the property. That was a good one. All right. Ted lieu, thank you so much. Good to see you. What to make of the cdcs new guidance about sending students back to school. A teacher, a doctor and former education secretary, arne duncan will join me next. Hing or two. Like how nice it is to save on your auto policy. But its even nicer knowing that if this happens. Or this happens. Or this. Or this. Or even this. Weve seen and covered it. So, switch to farmers and you could save an average of three hundred ninetyfive dollars. Get a quote today. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum new insight into the cdcs guidance about getting kids back in the classroom that highlight social distancing, repurpose unused school faces, develop a plan for if a student tore staff member tests positive and educate families on how to monitor for symptoms at home. Joining me is arne duncan, the former secretary of education in the obama administration, maxi hollin hollingsworth and dr. Anita gupta from Johns Hopkins University School of medicine. Quite a dynamic trio. Max up maxie, ill go to you first. The push for inperson learning weeks from now. What are your concerns . Well, i talked to many of my fellow teachers and workers all of whom have expressed concern about our ability to do this safely, what we immediate is a time to plan, we need sufficient resources, none of which we have right now and so my concern is going back into the classroom if families we serve with varying levels of Health Literacy and also varying Health Habits and we can see looking at social media being out in the community that people are not currently following those guidelines and afternooning us to reopen schools right now does not main the best so, mr. Secretary, ill go to you now here. Are you surprised that the cdc issued new guidelines and put more emphasis on reopening classrooms . I mean is the debate around schools now a political football . Well, supposedly their new guidance was heavily edited by the white house and trying to have it both ways and saying things that dont make sense but if you read into the document it says School Districts should use discretion and not open where cases are surging. Unfortunately, just in the past month, cases have more than doubled across the country, we now have over 73,000 cases a day. Just one month ago, we had 36,000. Things are going the wrong way, 38 states, things are going up. We simply have not done what we needed to do in march and april and may in june and now in july. So that we could have a good, clean opening for our children for our teachers, for our parents is we go into august and september. Dr. Gupta, do you know from a medical perspective, are these new guidelines enough to guarantee students and faculty stay safe . Well, thank you, first of all, for having me here today. First and foremost i want to say that, look, im in the state of california and we have had a very forward thinking governor that has made it very clear that we will be doing distance learning. And, you know, as far as the cdc guidelines, i believe that they are putting children and families as of paramount concern but what is so critical to understand is that we dont have the data on what can potentially happen in children after they are potentially in school for many months during a major pandemic. We are in unprecedented times and certainly we know the benefits of being in school but what are the answers to these questions and as a parent and as a physician, i certainly want to understand them clear before i send my kids back. Yeah, for sure. The cdc laid out some of the reasons behind this push for inperson learning emphasizing the critical roles that schools play in providing a safe supportive learning environment for student, also providing services that help mitigate Health Disparities and address Mental Health and the agency says it will be harmful for students if those are not available. Arnie, what do you make of that and how do you address those issues if students arent in school . Well, lets break this down very carefully and obviously everybody, every parent, every teacher, every child would rather go back to school than stay at home but you have to do that in a safe manner so throughout this pandemic, the delivery of food, districts have been feeding tens of millions of meals every single day to children, their families to the broader community, ive been doing a weekly call for months, people doing just amazing, amazing work there. Students mental and emotional health, schools have transitioned to telehealth. Social workers, counselors, teachers, checking on students sometimes on a daily basis. We want to open schools, we need to open schools but we need to keep them open. And this is a time when i think we have to have real empathy. Our students are watching us. Will we Pay Attention to science and listen to the concerns of teachers and parents ask we have to do this the right way. If we can just go gradually, slowly, start with younger children, start with the children most in need. Start with the children who are most vulnerable. Make sure we maintain that physical distancing and the biggest thing we have to do is beat down the number of cases in our communities, if those cases continue to rise it gives teachers and superintendents and principals no choice but to close back down. The goal here is not to reopen schools, the goal is to keep schools open for children, or parents or teachers for the community. Maxie, building off what the secretary said with regard to bringing kids back what do you think will be the Biggest Challenges for that . Young children, do they listen to their teachers . Will they stop and wash their hands . Will they socially distance . Do they need to wear masks . I mean, how is that going to work . What are the Biggest Challenges youre concerned about with that . Well, i teach prek through fifth grade students at my school. Youre exactly the one to ask. And i can tell you exactly that before this pandemic i had trouble keeping my students fingers out of their nose and mouths and i cant see how were going to be able to implement that now during a pandemic with social distancing, with 22 to 25 students in a classroom Wearing Masks and, again, you know, we do provide critical structure for the schools, for the communities but we need the correct funding. We need adequate planning. We need all those resources in order to do this with a tiered approach i dont think we can just come back and open in september or august and pretend nothing is going on. Dr. Gupta, with regard to masks in these young kids what do we know for sure about coronavirus transmission among children, both the young, those that maxie would teach and those in the teenage years in high school, for example, or juneteenth high, at least and how does that impact how we should be sending students back to the classroom . Very, very important question. We dont know much and this is the challenge here. What we do know is that there was one study done in south korea and that did show conflicting data. We know that children younger than 10 treated with the virus, others much less, other, you know, much less than adult, but also the same studies showed that the ages between 10 and 19 can spread the virus as least as well as adults so this is the challenge. How are we going to address these and potentially as we heard, we certainly have to do this in a tiered manner. We have to potentially provide online and potentially hybrid tools to these students and also answer these Unanswered Questions of accountability. Funding, how will these schools determine these policies when no framework exists and we certainly want to protect our students. I want to ask all three the same question. Would you send your kids back to school . We have no choice. In the state of california, the decision was very clear that we will be doing distance, Virtual Learning at this point but i strongly believe that inschool learning is paramount. It is for the best for children and eventually we would love to send our children back. Maxie . Im also a parent. Im the parent of a child who is in a highrisk category. She has asthma. I would not be comfortable sending her to school at this time and i wouldnt be comfortable teaching in school because i would expose myself and also her. Im comfortable with our districts decision right now to start off with a Virtual Learning plan and then assess from there to determine how were going to move forward. Thats what i would be comfortable with. Thats so extraordinary, the difference, each individual has to make that decision, what is best for them so let you, secretary, weigh in the final word on this. How about you . So my son is in high school. Hell probably go back to hybrid situation in School One Week or two weeks, you know, doing the virtual one week or two weeks, im comfortable with that to start with. My daughter will go to college, will go to a physical university but all the classes will be online. Let me complicate this. We just cant think about whats right for our children. My son might like to go to school three days a week, four days a week, pfeifer days a week, there may be another child in his class who has to go to school because their parents are essential workers or as a high schooler they might have to stay home because they do a better job on the virtual environment and we may have to open up our high schools for our prek and first and second grade students and middle School Students so this cant be where we as parents are selfiron. We have to see our common humanity and look out not just for our own children. Were all in this together. This was a Natural Disaster that ga became a man made catastrophe. Look, as very eloquently maxism e described this is not a one size fits all solution. Lots of challenges ahead. Dr. Gupta, Maxie Hollingsworth and secretary duncan, thanks for the conversation. The political pulse in ohio with almost 100 days to go before the election. A live report from that key swing state next. Tomorrow a political milestone. 100 days till the election. The swing state of ohio, synonymous with industry and manufacturing in a state that has lost a substantial number of jobs in recent years with the closure of auto and steel plants. Ohio voted for trump in 2016 in a relatively close race against hillary clinton. The latest quinnipiac poll shows an even closer race emerging between trump and joe biden. But my colleague cori coffin joins me from lorain, ohio, lets get to stats. It has a population of 63,000, Median Income there, 32,000 and about 27 of that city is living in poverty. So what are the issues that youre hearing about from the voters with whom youre speaking . Ah. Have we lost her . She looked great. Okay, well just tease whats happening tomorrow for you since we said 100 days before the november 3rd president ial election and have our team of anchors and reporters and that hopefully will clue cori coffin and have a full examination of the issues and events that could greatly influence or even decide the battle for the white house. Well see if we can get that connection hooked back up for you. Meantime, aocs lesson in decency on the house floor, new insight into who got schooled next. Aint stoppin believe me go straight till the morning look like we wont wait were taking everything we wanted we can do it all strength, no sweat when you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. But when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. You can detect suspicious activity on your account from here. 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I rise to apologize for the abrupt manner of the conversation i had with my colleague from new york. The offensive name calling words attributed to me by the press were never spoken to my colleagues and if they were construed that way i apologize for their misunderstanding. I cannot apologize for my passion or for loving my god, my family, and my country. Joining me now is the assistant dean of the lbj school of Public Affairs at the university of texas also an msnbc contributor. What does what he allegedly said to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez have to do with loving his god and his family . I truthfully have no idea but what i do know is a. O. C. s speech is one for the history books. When i saw this speech i could not move for the entirety of the ten minutes. I was captivated. You know, im looking at the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment. This is in the background. Im preparing my classes, talks im giving where we are commemorating the hundred years women in this country had the right to vote. We see that even though we have come a long way, many things have not changed. And a. O. C. Along with other women in a variety of representative bodies are highlighting how we are still fighting that fight,how we have to have that descriptive representation in order to break down the institutionalized misogyny. It was remarkable. I agree. Very powerful ten minutes and it has been widely applauded from all corners. That said, there was a response on twitter by the congresswoman in response to his apology. You know, it seemed that the to apologize for something he said was misinterpreted, saying he never said anything, how can that be . When reporters clearly heard something that was offensive. Well, i mean, hes digging in his heels that he did not say those things because, i mean, republican, democrat, i think we can all agree its a bipartisan issue that those were horrible things that were said. He twoonts distance himself from that once the spotlight was put on. That is the issue there. This has gone much beyond this thing between the two. What it has done is magnified the moment because, alex, this is on the heels of the me too movement. This is on the heels of Donald Trumps comments about grabbing women by certain parts. This is just highlighting this is not just representative yoho. This much larger and a much larger struggle were dealing with. I think that is the take home not the trying to apologize, not apologizing, i said this i meant this. It is a much bigger picture. As i said and you perfectly well articulated she has a lot of support for her response for the apology from the congressman and says that while she was not hurt or deeply offended by it all she is taking a stand for other women, specifically as it relates to one part of the congressmans apology. Take a listen to this. Having been married for 45 years with two daughters, im very cognizant of my language. What i do have issue with is using women or wives and daughters as shields and excuses for poor behavior. Mr. Yoho mentioned that he has a wife and two daughters. I am two years younger than mr. Yohos youngest daughter. I am someones daughter, too. Having a daughter does not make a man decent. Having a wife does not make a decent man. What did you think of that . So needed, to call that out, because for so long, alex, we have seen that excuse of, well, im married. You know, i love my mother. I love my daughters. Used as a shield. What Alexandria Ocasio Cortez did is called it out for what it is, a sheer negligee, trying to cover up what is actually there. And saying, you can no longer stand on this. You need to confront what was done and no longer fall back on this. The fact that we have a woman, that women are increasingly at the table, weve had a Record Number of women run and win elected office. We still have a long ways to go, means we can hear this. A man couldnt have said this. I doubt representative yoho would have said this to a fellow Congress Member who is a male. It is because we have women in the chamber and more women who can give voice. And women in power. Weve heard nancy pelosi say she has experienced the same kind of discrimination if you will and rather disgusting epithets thrown her way. Only good stuff from me to you. Thank you so much for joining us. That does it for me. Ill see you tomorrow at noon eastern. 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We hear you, cal. Reporter hey, guys. Chaotic scene downtown. We had a little bit of an audience. Calling for backup now. These are remarkable scenes from downtown louisville. Weve already had one instance of gunfire today. What you are looking at is one of two barricades that have b

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