Of california are vowing to take him to court. What did she know . Why Sarah Sanders had to answer questions from the special counsel. The Deputy Attorney general was concerned about the president , about his capacity and about his intent at that point in time. Wait. Theres more. New parts of the interview with the former acting deputy of the fbi. He talks about the former explosive interview with the 25th amendment. And alexandria ocasiocortez declares victory over amazon. Some of her democrats colleagues are her strongest critics. Ill talk with one of them about the now defunct deal. Developing this hour. Another shutdown averted, but now a constitutional clash is brewing. Mounting legal challenges are expected after the president declared a National Emergency to bypass congress and build his border wall. The president now in maralago. Hours after his announcement, the first lawsuit against his declaration was filed. The American Civil Liberties union will sue in the next few days. Californias governor is telling the Trump Administration well see you in court. California is prepared to call this what this is. A theater of the absurd. California prepared to remind the American People this is a manufactured crisis. The president himself anticipated the legal challenges. We will have a National Emergency and we will then be sued and we will possibly get a bad ruling and well get another bad ruling and well end up in the Supreme Court. And hopefully well get a fair shake and well win in the Supreme Court. Just like the ban. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer calling this a power grab. And representative alexandria ocasiocortez will introduce a resolution to condemn the National Emergency. That will trigger the senate vote to force a position. The house judiciary chief is asking for those involved in the declaration to testify in the hearing, quote, in the coming days. Who advised them . What is the advice . Do they consider certain things . I dont expect to get answers. The white house is very arrogant. We will pass a disapproval in the house. I anticipate a majority of vote in both houses. Now in a tough position, republicans facing reelection. These Senate Republicans warned the president against declaring an emergency. Plus, conservative ann coulter wrote a book in trump we trust now has this assessment of the president. So forget the fact that he is digging his own grave. This is just look, the only National Emergency is our president is an idiot. We have Michael Viqueira joining us from the white house. I saw that look on your face as we listen to anns claim. Okay. Clearly, mike, this is far from over. Reporter right. Alex, lets start with the congressional end. You saw the resolutions that are planned to be introduced by alexandria ocasiocortez and Congress Member castro and a host of others. There will be others who want to get on this train. The question is if they pass the house of representatives and the senate, the former is a probability. The latter is notwithstanding all of the statements from republican senators. Always an iffy proposition when the Senate Leader Mitch Mcconnell is four square behind the president. He has a lot of leeway of what gets on the floor and what doesnt get on the floor. That is an iffy proposition. Lets say it passes the house and senate, the dissolution and forcing him to backtrack on the National Emergency. The president , given everything we have seen and heard in the last 24 hours will veto it and there is not a margin sufficient to override the veto. It is important that Congress Puts its foot down and kpexecut the power of the purse. The president called an emergency and then said he department have to do it. A lot of people are seizing on that. He had blame to go around. Check out this exchange with our own kelly o in the rose garden yesterday. I will tell you, im very disappointed at certain people. Particularly one for not having pushed this faster. Are you referring to speaker ryan . Lets not talk about it. Okay. What difference does it make. They should have pushed it faster and harder. They didnt. Reporter so the president already the white house releasing a photo from the oval office yesterday. Meeting with the commanding general of the army corps of g nee engineers. Planning the wall. There are people along the border trying to fight this as well. The claims of Eminent Domain coming from the government. Another question. How much is the president going to tap . 8 billion. He has access to in military Construction Funds and drug intervention funds and asset forfeit funds over the years. A lot of questions still up in the air. Meanwhile, during the emergency, the president last night landed 7 20 eastern time at his resort in maralago, florida. Where he stays this holiday weekend. Michael viqueira, thank you. Joining me now is laura barron lopez. Good to see you on saturday morning. Look, kevin, the president realizes from are a lot of legal challenges ahead of t. You heard him in the singsong tone attacking them. Politically speaking, is it worth it for him if he loses in court . He thinks it is. I was sitting next to kelly in the rose garden. He was essentially saying bring it on. He is fully prepared to take this to the Supreme Court. You know, he feels that he mentioned in his exchange with kelly that he has, you know, he is getting advice from the likes of sean hannity and others on the issue of immigration. You know, i think democrats are also fully prepared. I would make one point. This was their plan all along. Even before the state of the union address. I remember before the state of the union saying to you that Senior Administration officials truly wanted a twofer all along. They wanted money from congress and pursue a legal route when they wanted. Listen, to your point, even further the Washington Post reports in 2018 a year ago the president was trying to find a way to fund the wall without congress. He knew congress would not give him the billions he wanted. According to the paper, the white house could not move the necessary billions it will and trump declares a National Emergency. The risk of available you afails high. Laura, the president did it anyway. Is this nothing but a political move . It has to do with the reelection in 2020. This was his number one Campaign Promise during the 2016 election. We knew he was not going to let up. It is something he continually hears about from his base as well as the commentators he tunes in to. He has been pushing it relentlessly. Of course with the victory of democrats in the house in 2018, it became a more unlikely scenario that this was going to be able to move through congress. Again, if he wanted it, this is an argument democrats made time and time again, why didnt House Republicans and Senate Republicans when they controlled all of government push this through . Democrats, you know, have not changed position. They have said from the beginning, they would not give any money for the wall. Right. What you cite Senate Republicans, i want to know, kevin, what is up with Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell . He spent weeks warning against the National Emergency. Telling the president we dont want you to go down this road. Now he issued this statement. He is declaring support and pointing blame at democrats. What happened . This is fascinating. Mitch mcconnell supporting President Trump, he is someone who is truly perhaps the best chess player in washington, d. C. He knows that from forget about the policy for a second. From the political standpoint, he know there is as there are r up for reelection in 2020 who do not want to have to vote on whether or not they agree with the constitutionality of President Trumps decision to declare a National Emergency. Kevin, was it also the timing . It came on the heels of the Government Shutdown . Yes. It was a disaster for republicans. The president said i own this thing. Everyone said great. This is your fault. Absolutely. Play this forward. Lets say out of the house of representatives, they were to advance a joint resolution from aoc. That ends up on the senate. Republicans have to have an up or down vote on whether or not they support the declaration of the National Emergency. That is why you have seen republicans like marco rubio and senator Lindsey Graham make comments to laura and i in the hallway that they are skeptical because of the constitutionality of the issue. Switching gears now, guys. I want to play part of what Andrew Andrew mccabe said in the int interview that airs tomorrow night. Here it is. The discussion of the 25th amendment was simply rod raised the issue and discussed it with me in the context of thinking about how many other cabinet officials might support such an effort. Rosenstein was actually openly talking about whether there was a majority of the cabinet to vote to remove the president . Thats correct. Counting votes or possible votes. So cbs released this clip after mccabe spokesperson, melissa schwartz, said his words were taken out of context. Why, laura, do you think mccabe is going on the record with this interview . We know he has a book. Is this about that or is there something more to it . I think it is remarkable we have Andrew Mccabe confirming a report that came out last year in which we found out that rosenstein had at least in passing mentioned the 25th amendment and the possibility that amendment gives to remove the president of the United States. And we know that mccabe is on this book tour and he is revealing different pieces and confirming things that we had maybe heard about earlier. So it is remarkable we have someone who is confirming what we heard about last year. Whether or not there were series of korvconversations. Mccabe said it was one conversation. Not a sericertif serious effort. How does this move into the deep state plot to take down the president . I think you are seeing that via social media commentary from conservatives. Hold up. Timeout. The fact that the 25th amendment was whipped inside the administration by Rod Rosenstein and Andrew Mccabe is that is i have no words. Thats unprecedented. I recall the interview i had with omarosa. I remember that. She talked about how they used to text among themselves when the president was going off kilter. Tmi. Press secretary Sarah Sanders confirms she spoken with special counsel Robert Mueller. What does he want from her . And adding to the toll of american tragedies. More than three dozen Mass Shootings so far this year. Ootit r essential for pine trees, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr. A oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma have happened. As have tears in the stomach or intestines, serious allergic reactions, low blood cell counts, higher liver tests and cholesterol levels. 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This is the new wave, and whoever doesnt get on, i think they would be left behind. Just one more way we go beyond at t. Right now get fast, reliable internet and add wifi pro for a low price. Comcast business. Beyond fast. New details on the deadly mass workplace shooting in illinois. Five people are dead and six injured. That includes five Police Officers that went down friday afternoon. Nbcs ron mott is on the developing story. Ron, what do we know where things stand now . Reporter alex, good morning. Investigators are trying to figure out how much planning went into the shooting. They say this employee showed up at work with a gun on a day he was being fired. Then kept the warehouse under siege for more than an hour and a half. By the time it was over, lives, of course, were shattered and another American Community dealing with bloodshed and tears. All police. Reporter the community this morning stunned. As many ambulances as possible for active shooter. Reporter police say a 15year employee. Gary martin, in the process of being terminated, opened fire at the Henry Pratt Company plant in aurora. Killing five coworkers and shooting another and wounding five officers responding to the scene. All officers suffered nonlife threatening injuries. I saw hundreds of officers ready to assist. This response by Law Enforcement by state and local agencies did not surprise me. It still overwhelms me. We still lost lives today. It is not overstated the people did not deserve this. Reporter the chief said the first officers arriving were immediately fired upon. Authorities say police shot and killed martin. His home surrounded by Law Enforcement late into the evening. The workplace mass shooting prompted a flurry of lockdowns at neighbors businesses and schools. One student stayed home sick, but too close for comfort. I was in my room and heard gunshots. I got on the floor and peeked through the window. A cop car pulled up. Traumatizing. You rushed toward danger. Reporter the illinois governor offered condolences to affected families and praised first responders. There is no word for evil that robs our neighbors of our hopes and dreams. Reporter as the investigation unfolds, now asking a familiar question around america. Why us . And investigators want to find out how much planning this particular shooting may have put into the workplace shooting yesterday. One of the immediate questions, al e alex, is how could so many officers be struck by gunfire . The chief said the shooter gary martin was waiting for first responders. He started shooting from a window. The first officers were through the door and three struck by gunfi gunfire. For an hour and 35 minutes, the building was under steiege. The shooter barricading himself and engaged him and killed him. What another tragic scene in the american town with another mass shooting. Alex. Thank you, ron mott, from aurora, illinois. Newsweek marks a year since the valentines day shooting at stoneman high school. We take a look at the past 20 years of shootings. Joining me now is newsweeks chief washington correspondent. Bill, can you put in context with me over the shooting with ron mott . Put that in contacts wiext of t 20 years of Mass Shootings . It is another example of what is unfortunately reality in the country. One, i think, as our piece this week points out, has begun to change the politics of gun rights and gun safety as it were. Unfortunately, every time one of the episodes happens, you are almost at a loss for words as to how to react to it. I do think that in reporting the story that we did, there is a real sense and it was evidenced in the elections last november that the country is very tired of it or significant portion of the country is very tired of these things. Therefore, the politics of it have gun to change. Finally. 20 years of this. Extraordinary. I know that the magazine and your article takes a look at parkland and how that tragedy is really what sparked this movement as you say how it is changing now. Is the urgency still there . That we all felt in the immediate days after that shooting in shoo shooti shooting . Do you think that will change laws . I think it can and it may. Not necessarily immediately. I think one of the things that was striking about the aftermath of parkland and it continues to this day was the outpouring of outrage and Political Energy among the young. Among high school and college kids. Frankly. That was part of the reason why any number of candidates who ran explicitly on gun violence prevention last november did very well. Remember sandy hook . That was the one back in 2012 that just shattered hearts across the country. And bithe bill working through congress and only to fail. Nothing. Absolutely. I think lets remember we do have a republican senate. The vast majority of republicans remain skeptical about a lot of the gun safety legislation or ideas that have been put forth. There is, for example, the one bill that has already been introduced about more extensive background checks does have some bipartisan support. Its plausible to me that could get through as a first step. Theres no question that the people, particularly among those who are elected, as freshmen in november, they understand this is a long game. They understand that the republicans still do control the senate. So, you are right to suggest there is not going to be any magic bullet sorry, a bad phrase. I get it. How about we try to pass something and then see if that works . You know . Theres an idea. That could happen. Lets hope. Bill powell, thank you for weighing in on this. Only now are we learning that Robert Mueller has interviewed Sarah Huckabee sanders. In honor of black history month, nbc unveils the series she thrives. Baltimore School Teacher valenci ar valencia d. Clay is being honored. You can read more about valencia and other women by going to nbcnews. Com shethrives. Ethriveso l means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. Does this sound dismal . It isnt. Its the most wonderful life on earth. Little things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ready to treat differently with a pill . Otezla. Show more of you. Now to the breaking news on u. S. Efforts to pressure iran. Vice president mike pence about an hour ago to call on european allies to walk away from the Iran Nuclear Deal. The time has come to stand with us. Our allies and friends in the region. The time has come to withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal sgrchdeal. Joining me is courtney from muni munich. Why arent european allies getting on the Iran Nuclear Deal . Reporter alex, he doubled down on the european nations calling them to leave the jcpoa. We had an interview, richard g engel did yesterday. He asked specifically. Is iran interested in potentially negotiating a new deal with the United States . He said absolutely not. There is a 150page deal they agreed to. U. S. Pulled out. Iran is on board. That is the critical issue. What happens if the europeans and iran all leave the jcpoa . Will iran start begin the enr H Enrichment Program . That is the biggest concern here, alex. It is not going to get resolved anytime soon. I want to ask about the statements the president made yesterday. First about president obamas posture toward north korea in 2016. I believe he would have gone to war with north korea. He told me he was close to starting a big war with north korea. We have ben rhodes who pushed back on twitter. How credible is trumps claim considering that obama never followed through on his redline with syria . Reporter President Trump was right. The tension was at an alltime high. Not during obamas time. Tensions were high in 2017 when ba obama took office. We saw the first missile test in february of 2017. Then it moved through the summer with the icbm launch and the Large Nuclear test in september of 2017. Trump is correct the tension was higher under president obama than right now. The difference is they escalated the most under President Trump. That came, of course, at a time when President Trump calling kim jongun rocket man. The tensions are down. North korea has not decreased its overall Ballistic Missile program. They are continuing to test. They are not launching missiles. Okay. Courtney kube, thank you. Lets go to the president s emergency declaration. He is expecting court challenges. Nancy pelosi and several civil Rights Groups are signaling their intent to file lawsuits. Lets bring in pete williams. Pete, what does the law say about the president s power here . This is a 40yearold law. It gives the president wide latitude to declare a National Emergency. Even for something that is not a crisis. Opponents say there is no actual emergency on the border and they point to something the president himself said friday in answer to a question from peter alexander. I want to do it faster. I could do the wall over a longer period of time. I departmeidnt need to did thi. I would rather do it much faster. Reporter lawsuits will cite that comment as proof there is no crisis. Just like the travel ban and his statements over the campaign and what he wanted was a muslim ban. This fight will be over what he wants to do with the emergency authority. Okay. So, theres got to be legal challenges to all that. What will come first . Reporter we know one coming next week. One was filed in District Court in washington last night. Bipartisan group. One argument is this is unconstitutional. The president is spending money the congress did not approve and congress opposes. That was under cut when the president got more than 1 billion to start working on the wall. The aclu is arguing the president is acting against the wall. He wants to use pentagon money for this use. The president says this is a matter of National Security and the courts defer to the white house on these things. However this plays out, the legal fight will last a year or likely end with the Supreme Court with the decision probably in the middle of the 2020 campaign. Alex. Pete williams. Thank you so much. A new twist on the Mueller Investigation this morning as White House Press secretary Sarah Sanders reveals she was interviewed by the special counsel. Joining me now is legal contributor katy fang. What could the special counsel want to talk to Sarah Sanders about . Reporter how about everything she heard and seen and what they talked about. Mueller wants to know are the public representations made by the white house through trump or Rudy Giuliani or press secretary Sarah Sanders . Are the statements made from the white house, are they obstruction of justice statements . Statements made to throw people like mueller off the trail or off the scent of collusion, spea conspiracy theory. It was last last year that john kelly was interviewed and they threw up objections to the fact the continue iinterview happene. We tonigdont know what they ta about. Ill tell you what sanders said about the june trump tower meeting. Here it is. The statement that don junior issued is true. Theres no inaccuracy in the statement. He certainly didnt dictate. The outside counsel did weigh in. The president diresident dictat statement. Do you want to correct your statement . Once again, ill not go into detail. Kind of busted there. What information are prosecutors looking for from her . Reporter classic impeachment example. You said Something Different or somebody said Something Different. We do that all the time in court. The special prosecutor wants to see the famous june 2016 trump tower meeting. The russians had dirt on hillary clinton. Then we heard donald trump with his son and hope hicks and maybe Sarah Sanders was crafting a lie. What mueller is trying to see is let me clean everything up. Let me see what somebody said one time and what happened later on. What do we know about lies . We had several people who had to plead guilty for lying to federal prosecutors. Katie phang, thank you. Alexandria ocasiocortez under fire and the amazon project was killed in new york. Was it corporate welfare . Ill speak to the democratic Congress Member for her reaction next. Ember for he r reaction next i just got my cashback match, is this for real . Yep. We match all the cash back new cardmembers earn at the end of their first year, automatically. Whoo i got my money hard to contain yourself, isnt it . Uh huh let it go whoo get a dollarfordollar match at the end of your first year. Only from discover. And i recently had hi, ia heart attack. It changed my life. But im a survivor. After my heart attack, my doctor prescribed brilinta. Its for people who have been hospitalized for a heart attack. 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If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. pirate girl ahoy gotcha girl nooooooooooooo man nooooo vo quick, the quicker picker upper bounty picks up messes quicker, and is two times more absorbent. Bounty, the quicker picker upper. I think its incredible. It shows that every day Americans Still have the power to organize and fight for their communities and they can have more say in the country than just the world. Freshman Congress Member alexandria ocasiocortez reacting to the amazon decision to drop the plans for the headquarters in new york city. Joining me here is carolyn maloney. The new york democrat who represents the district where amazon planned to bring 25,000 jobs. Welcome to you, maam. What are your thoughts on all this . Do you share your fellow democrats views who sees this as a victory as reflected by aoc there . I saw this as a tremendous opportunity for new york. You have to remember, alex, the governor and mayor beat out 220 other cities and sites that wanted it. Many of which offering more in tax refunds than new york. If amazon had come to new york, we would have been the high tech capital of the east coast. As a former City Council Member and member of congress, i worked for decades with leaders in new york and leaders of various mayors to diversify our economy. We are far too depend daant on financial services. This was an opportunity to solidify the tax base of our city and certainly attract more jobs. Now, you can be more a project and still work to improve it. We were literally in meetings. Im going to one later on today with Public Housing leadership and members who wanted entry level jobs. You have to have a high, High Education to be a high tech person paid at 150,000 a year. Thats 25,000 jobs. Unheard of. I talked yesterday to a business analyst. He said throughout the city everyone was raising their benefits and their salaries to match amazon. In other words, they were afraid of losing their personnel to them. Your self description is a progressive, but pragmatic. Are you sensing what happened here is a reflection of progressive ideology, but lack of pragmatism . Maybe a breakdown of communication. There were many benefits. Everything that we asked of amazon, they were willing to talk to you about it. They said they wanted the 3 billion to go to school. They were building the school in Long Island City and provide high Tech Education in 30 other schools throughout the whole city. As a former teacher, i found that incredibly exciting. That would strengthen our educational system. Im still trying. I was calling all my friends part of the opposition. They werent calling me back. We need to see if there is any way to resurrect it. It is a wonderful opportunity. Any objection can be worked out. They were going to work with us on the resiliency plans. They are building in a flood zone. All of new york city is a flood zone. We are struggling with how to figure out how to respond to that. And Long Island City, we dont have a firehouse. We dont have a truck with a hose in this expanding area. We were pushing for a firehouse. We were pushing for transit improvements which would have come. The mayor promised roughly 200 million for Infrastructure Improvements which we desperately need. You are giving me a litany of things that were potential beneficiaries of the amazon deal. Are you angry this appears to not be Going Forward . I respect the fact you are trying to resurrect it. If people are not calling you back, what is the likelihood . I keep trying. Most of my landmark bills are from working on something. I heard people say we have to find another high tech company. We have trained personnel. A great city. We have a lot of assets. Hopefully other High Tech Companies will come in. If we had that anchor, that would have all come in. It would have been the center. The Silicon Valley of the east coast. The most important thing, it was jobs. Permanent jobs. I work on transit infrastructure. It creates good jobs. Many are temporary. Many would have if amazon located. These were permanent jobs and 25,000 was the starting point. They were projecting 40,000 originally of high paying jobs. Many entry level jobs that people want and need are qualified for. Their children would be trained in the schools for the high tech jobs. It was a wonderful opportunity, i thought. It would have permanently diversified our economy which we desperately need. There is clear disappointment in your voice. Carolyn, thank you for joining me. I want to add you can disagree on one project and agree on another. I worked with alexandra with the green new deal. She has been working with me on the proper funding and support for the accurate census which is important to new york to get fair funding for our projects and people and accurate representation. Every day is another opportunity to work together. Strength in numbers. Thank you so much. Exactly. Good to see you. Good to see you again. Lovely in blue. Ann coulter turning against the president over the National Emergency declaration. So will more conservative voices follow suit . Uit . burke parking splat. And we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100 online. Now weve created a brand new way for you to sell your car. Whether its a few years old or dinosaur old, we want to buy your car. 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Do not use if you are allergic to dupixent. Serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, a severe reaction. Tell your doctor if you have new or worsening eye problems, including eye pain or changes in vision. If you are taking asthma medicines, do not change or stop your asthma medicine without talking to your doctor. Help heal your skin from within. Ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. Dramatic new details from former acting fbi director Andrew Mccabe about a discussion of the 25th amendment with Rod Rosenstein. Mccabe described the discussion and the concerns fueling it in an interview with 60 minutes to air tomorrow night. Discussion of the 25th amendment was simply rod raised the issue and discussed it with me. In the context of thinking about how many other cabinet officials might support such an effort. Lets bring in lauren leader, cofounder and ceo of all in together and republican strategist joe watkins. Former aide to george h. W. Bush. Lauren, do you find it improper . Alarm smg whats your take on the fact that the conversation took place. I think more has been made of it than needs to be because it is so incredibly inflammatory and controversial. The 25th amendment was passed after the assassination of john f. Kennedy and it was concerned with insuring there was a Clear Pathway to the transfer of power to a Vice President in the event that a president is incapacitated. There are, theres language in it that also implies that the president could be removed by members of his cabinet in the executive branch. The idea that this is even plausible is so farfetched, particularly in this administration, he has a highly loyal cabinet. It does seem like pretty fodder for shows like this and many others. I think somewhat taken out of context, theres no way that anyone in this administration, in this executive branch is invoking the 25th amendment under any circumstances. Whats your thought on this, joe . I think laura is spoton here. I think clearly this makes interesting reading. And obviously enhances, the news cycle. But at the end of the day, i dont see the appetite in the president s cabinet for this. Among any of the folks that would be in line to make that decision. I dont see any appetite among them. I stand with lauren on this one. I think no appetite at all for it. Ann coulter, lauren, she wanted the president to veto the funding bill of certain immigration provisions. Shes tweeted the goal of a National Emergency is for trump to scam the stupidest people in his base for two more years. A, do you see any truth to that, lauren . And b, will trumps base stick with him or turn against him potentially like ann koult centre. Ann coulter profits from making inflammatory staxts that boost her twitter feed and get her on shows like this one. So mission accomplished, ann coulter. I dont know how much she represents or understands the views of the voters in this country. Theres no question that the president will repeatedly make statements about acts that he may or may not even do. Because he counts on people in his base, thinking that hes done them or being poorly informed on some issues. The wall is one of them. He put up a sign in his rally this week saying finish the wall. Well the wall isnt even started. I think shes right in the sense that he tries to traffic in limited understanding of detail. The rest of it ann coulter will say anything to get in the news. Lauren your comment about the cabinet standing by, by your description right there, is that the kind of thing that the cabinet should be doing, standing by no matter what . Look, i think that we, i think that we often underestimate that there are people who really do share the president s views. If you choose to be in the cabinet with the president , given all the controversies that the president has been embroiled in. These are people who support him and believe in his mission and are not going anywhere. Joe, quick thought on this with ann coulter and her reaction . Ann coulter is trying to stir up, make money. So she, shes doing exactly what lauren said. Shes trying to keep it live. So you guys may describe it that way. But it certainly appears that the president listens to her and reads her. And has been influenced by her over the years. Im out of time. Coming up a republican daring to dream about becoming president. What chance does he have of beating this president . About 50 of people with evesevere asthma k . Have too many cells called eosinophils in their lungs. Eosinophils are a key cause of severe asthma. Fasenra is designed to target and remove these cells. Fasenra is an addon injection for people 12 and up with asthma driven by eosinophils. Fasenra is not a rescue medicine or for other eosinophilic conditions. 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