Two members here seen. One in blackface and one dressed as the kkk member. Northam did not clarify which one he was in the photo. He plans to finish his term. He said that photo is racist and offensive and tweeted a video of his apology. That photo and the racist and offensive attitudes it represents does not reflect that person i am today or the way i have conducted myself as a soldier, a doctor and a public servant. I am deeply sorry. I cannot change the decisions i made, nor can i undo the harm my behavior caused then and today. I accept responsibility for my past actions and i am ready to do the hard work of regaining your trust. Calls for a swift resignation including the president of the naacp. 1984 feels like a long time ago. Africanamericans have been treated wrongly by individuals. To have blackface or klan uniform while in medical school is problematic. We should not allow that to take place in society considering the current sense of intolerance from the white house. And joining the chorus for the resignation, the Virginia House and black caucus and the Republican Party of virginia. Also calling for northam to resign. Five of the democrats running for president. Calling it unacceptable. The Richmond Times reports his judgment will impair his ability to act as effective governor. And Governor Phil Murphy believes northam is a good man, but this is clearly disqualifying. Unacceptable behavior in 2019 and just as unacceptable in 1984, number one. Number two, were the party of barack obama. We have a president who wants to divide us. Im a former member of the National Board of the naacp. The kkk was a and is a terrorist organization. I dont see the governor with any other choice. Step aside. Joining me now is the reporter for politico and bloomberg news. And we have joe watkins. Former white house aide to george h. W. Bush. Joe, there is a long list of politicians, including Many Democrats this morning. Democrats calling for northam to step down. What is the likelihood of that happening . He should step down. Democrats and republicans alike are calling for it. This is not about political party. It is about doing what is right. The photo is actually awful. A terrible photo. It sends a terrible message to americans and people of virginia and the governor should have disclosed it as a candidate and given the people of virginia a chance back then to decide whether or not they were willing to forgive him for what he did in 1984. I stand with the naacp. Im a life member of the naacp. From back in the mid80s. I stand with the naacp and their call for him to resign and the legislators from virginia. What do you think . Melanie . This hasnt been 24 hours, but this is blistering. It is a matter of if, not when. Im sorry. When, not if. I think a lot of democrats were waiting to see how he would respond and if he would own up to it or whether he would step aside on his own. After he did issue his statement, you know, he did not clarify which of those costumes he was in, not that it shows. Members of his own delegation in virginia and the naacp and i just think theres a lot of different politics under pinning all of this. Democrats scrutinized Brett Kavanaugh his yearbooks heavily. Number two, democrats are gearing up for 2020. His morals and his ethics. It is difficult to do that when you have a leader of your own party in the neighboring state of virginia who has these racist photos and questionable past. What is interesting, kevin. How did this not get picked up . Melanie makes a point of kavanaugh. Northam went through a democratic primary and general election. How did this come to light now . You know, ed gillespie is asking that question this morning and in the past 24 hours. Racist, racist, racist images. Theres no way this guy can survive. He lost the support. Forget about the politicians. Who cares . This has no realm in the political discourse. The people who is going how is he going to build a coalition when you have literally just, you know, lost the trust of so many people. The question for now becomes when. At this point, this governor is just it appears has lost touch with reality in terms of how he is absolutely trying to navigate. The only way this is ending the navigation is to get out. So, joe, the apology on video there. Does that do anything to allow him to keep his job or when kevin is shaking his head vigorously here. Joe, you think it is melanie saying, when, not if. Too little, too late. Apology did not go far enough. Melanie was right. He did not identify which one he was in the photograph. Do you have any idea which is more damning . They are both atrocious. Why not own it . This is me. Mea culpa. That may have helped more. This should have been disclosed in the campaign for governor. He should have said let me tell you about me. If it had come out then, the voters in the primary and the voters would have had a chance to decide if this is something they could forgive him for. Not now. You know, picking up on that. How does this fit, melanie, into who he is as a politician . He says the photo does not reflect who he is. In terms of what we have seen as a politician, how does it sync up . He called on President Trump to resign after charlottesville rally. He has stood up in the party. I cant speak to what he was like when he was younger. He has been someone highly respected in the party. Cory booker stumped for him. Now a 2020 candidate. He has a lot of support in the party. Obviously that is waning right now. I think at the end of the day, he has to make that decision. Can he be an effective voice Going Forward . Will he kult tcall out the pres and make the judgment calls . I dont think the answer is yes. I think the calls will grow. Especially today. This happened late last night that he finally came out. We will see more next week when freshman lawmakers get back to town. That is when these start to pick up. So as we look ahead, kevin, you have Lieutenant Governor justin fairfax. The lone africanamerican elected to statewide office there. What do we know about him . Would he fulfill the term . He would come in and try to salvage the Virginia Political spheres. I want to make one quick point. The racist act of taking that photo and being in that photo and participating in that photo in 1984. You know, the governor saying it doesnt say anything about who he is now as a person. His response in the past several hours says a lot about his leadership style and leadership ability or lack thereof. So, i think how he is choosing actively choosing to continue to divide folks in wake of this coming to light says a lot about his leadership style. Okay. All three of you, thank you so much. Melanie and kevin, ill talk to you in a few minutes. Joe, you get a coffee break. Ill see you later on. More from breaking news from moscow. Vladimir putin ordering the military to develop new previously banned weapons. This as reaction to the u. S. Announcing it will withdraw from the nuclear arms treaty. We have sara join us from london. What is the latest on this . Reporter alex, good morning. That is right. Just as you said, Vladimir Putin announcing this morning his country is pulling out of the inf treaty. The missile agreement. Moscow claiming this morning that the u. S. Has been violating this treaty since 1999. Now, putin himself described this as a titfortat response one day after the sudsunited st announced it would pull out. The russians have denied violations. Putin said russia will work on creating more missiles. Including hypersonic ones. He told ministers not to initiate disarmament talks with u. S. The inf treaty was signed this is the signed in 1987. This morning, it has collapsed. That is raising fears of a new arms race. Alex. Sarah, i want to clarify. He has, both sides have until augustf until this is null and void. Reporter that is right. A sixmonth period to withdrawal. Both sides announcing the process. If you are a hopeful person, you think they can work something out. Ill legal thave that to you, a thank you very much. Sarah harmon for that. A warning from majority leader to the president. Dont do it. Your mornings were made for better things, than psoriatic arthritis. As you and your rheumatologist consider treatments, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. Xeljanz xr is a once daily pill for psoriatic arthritis. Taken with methotrexate or similar medicines, it can reduce joint pain. Swelling and significantly improve physical function. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened. 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The president signaling a wall or nothing approach while sitting the stage for the ultimate scenario. On the 15th, the committee will come back. If they dont have a wall, i dont want to waste my time reading what they have because its a waste of time. I would do that. Meanwhile, the Washington Post reporting that mcconneitch mcconnell has cautioned the president. Warning such a call would flight 9525 split the gop. Melanie and kevin are back. Is this a sign that they are willing to reach a compromise deal . Pelosi made it clear. They will give zero dollars to the wall. And if these vehicle barriers along the southern border, that is a different story. Pelosi and other leaders have left that open. That possibility open. Wait a minute. It sounds, melanie, this is a semantics game. The president talking about a wall. He has been somebody who had the 20 to 30 foot high concrete wall. Then slats. Now whatever. Now he is back to the wall. There was a long sense on capitol hill that it could be the key to unlocking the stale stalemate and walk away and trump saying i did get something. Pelosi and democrats saying we did not give him what he wants. The signs i have seen is trump is going back to the hard line position of it has to be a concrete wall. He no longer is open to the idea of fencing or the steel slat barriers. I think that is why at the end of the day, you will see negotiators come up with something that the president cannot support. I think despite the fierce opposition among conservatives, he will try to declare the Emergency Declaration. Oh, thats progress. I said that fetetiously. Why is this different this time around . Look, i was speaking with sources yesterday. Officials in the administration. I think we in the media have set up the false choice in terms of it will be a deal with congress or declare a National Emergency. You could have a situation where the white house gets a deal from congress and then still declares a National Emergency. There are a lot of lawyers in washington. They are looking at this every which way. I truthfully think you could have a twofer in many ways. The bottom line is the chant at the trump rallies is build the wall. It is not build the enhanced fencing or border or drones. It was build the wall. The president is in a political situation where he is virtually going against his base and Speaker Pelosi has proven herself to be effective at keeping the democrats completely aligned. Were at a stalemate. Do you think the president is deterred at all, melanie, by mcconneitch mcconnell that cong could pass this over the Emergency Declaration . One reason he hasnt gone down the path yet is because of the resistance. The close allies been cautioning against him. Their concern is future president s who could be democratic in the future, will use this option to declare emergencies for things like gun violence or Climate Change to get their priorities done. They are worried about the president. Whether he is worried about the Senate Standing up to him in a public resolution, President Trump has shown he is willing to go toetotoe with members of his party. He will issue a vet oo if they through Something Like that. Kevin, you have the 64,000 question. You have three options. Which is most likely to happen . Government shutdown . Trump declares a National Emergency or a deal is reached . I think there will be a deal. I think the president will try to declare a National Emergency even if there is a deal. The twofer you were talking about. Exactly. Mcconnell, leader mcconnell is a master of navigating washington. They advanced the amendment this week that was disapproving of how the white house withdrew troops from the middle east. I dont think the white house really cared. This is just New Territory just a couple of days away from the state of the union. It gives us something to talk about. Thank you. Good to see you, too. The president talks 2020 and who he thinks his toughest opponent will be. In honor of black history month, nbc. Com salutes lisa borders and how she is doubling down on efforts to reach gender parity and also jasmine crowe. You ccan read all about all of the women on nbcnews. Com s nbcnews. Com shethrives. [ doorbell rings ] janice, mom told me you bought a house. Okay. [ buttons clicking ] [ camera shutter clicks ] so, now that you have a house, you can use homequote explorer. Quiet. Im blasting my quads. Janice, look. Im in a meeting. Janice, look. [ chuckles ] look, look. Im looking. Its easy. You just answer some simple questions online, and you get Coverage Options to choose from. Youre ruining my workout. Cycling is my passion. Youre ruining my workout. 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Widespread condemnation and calls for Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to resign after a racist image from the 1984 medical School Yearbook surfaced yesterday. Lets go to White House Correspondent geoff bennett. Could we see him resign . I see you are not at the white house. At the bureau. Reporter alex, good morning. Ralph northam now says the photo in question is clearlies racist and offensive and calls for his resignation have been swift. They are coming from all corners. Including 2020 president ial hopef hopefuls. Northam is resisting the pressure to step down. Overnight, virginias democratic governor apologized for this yearbook photo taken over three decades ago. Saying this on twitter. That photo and the racist and offensive attitudes it represents does not reflect that person i am today or the way that i have conducted myself as a soldier, a doctor and a public servant. I am deeply sorry. Reporter the photo in question appearing on governor Ralph Northams medical School Yearbook page. A man in blackface and another in a kkk robe and hood. Northam did not specify which person he is, but did say he intends to finish his term as governor. The racist image surfaced friday afternoon on a far right web site that often promotes conspiracy theories. Backlash was swift from both sides. Calling for the resignation. The Republican Party and progressive groups and the naacp and democratic president ial candidates. The virginia democrat was already under fire from conservatives after voicing support for a state measure to significantly loosen lateterm abortion restrictions. In this particular example, if a mother is in labor, i can tell you what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that is what the mother and family desired. Then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and mother. Reporter northam, later said his comments were miss characwh shark mischaracterized. If he does step aside, he is succeeded by justin fairfax, the Lieutenant Governor. Thank you for all of that. Geoff bennett. Lets bring in laura lead and joe watkins. Joe, thanks for sticking around for this. Lauren, welcome to you. Joe, how can northam see future as governor of virginia under these circumstances . I dont know how he can. Right now, he has lost the confidence of the significant part of the democratic parties as well as the Republican Party. All of the people you have to work with in the state legislature. That is a difficult thing. I think for many africanamericans and Many Americans and certainly virginians, his apology is too little too late. This photo has been around for 35 years. Of course, it just surfaced. If he had disclosed it running as a candidate for governor, that is one thing. That would have given the voters a chance to decide if they would forgive him for the miss dedeed the past. Too little too late. I agree with the calls to step down. The calls for his resignati n resignation, lauren. What does it amount to with the loss of pressure . Does that prevent northam from properly govern if he keeps refusing to step aside . I dont think there is any question it does. You need your allies. Governors are not chief executives. They need legislature to support. You know, the pacomment i think joe made is what is heartbreaking for me is it was an opportunity for him to explain in a more meaningful way of the evolution of what happened in his life. Why did he hold those views at the time . What was the context . How has he come to understand how wrong that was . Regardless if he is trying to preserve his job. That would have been the right thing to do. What bothers me is when these issues come up in the u. S. And we have these blatant reminders of our racist views, we miss the opportunities of real conversation. And gabi talked about her views and why they were wrong. I think that is what Ralph Northam had done. Not for his sake, but the sake of the country, we need conversations like this. We need to face the racist history of the country especially as white leaders of the country and party that is diverse. The majority of the voters in the party are black women and who deserve better than this. Voters, white and black, white and black of virginia deserve a deeper honesty and self reflection and someone who takes this seriously. Doesnt just read canned comments from a telestrator. Lauren, in terms of where this goes now, you have democrats stopping short, some of them, of calling for his resignation. Three key ones here. Jerry connelly and tim kaine from virginia. They are asking him to consider what comes next. I think it is universal agreement at this point he needs to resign. This happened so quickly. This emerged yesterday. Im purchasure he is rooeleeline out his plans. I think you have to ask where does he go from here even if he resigns. His career is ruined. You know, he could have handled this in a way that would have set him up for a renewal or commitment of the issues for the future. I dont think there is any question of he will resign. I dont think he survives this. I think there is a fantastic Lieutenant Governor who has an amazing opportunity. He will get to have potentially a sevenyear term. He can run again after the first three years by virginias term limits. He needs to stop thinking about himself and think of the commonwealth of virginia. It is destructive every minute he stays on the job and the democratic party. It needs to thichange quickly. Does it matter, joe, which of those two figures he was in the photo . Why wouldnt he do that if he is coming forward with this mea culpa. I think lauren was right on point. This is bigger than republican or democrat. If he made a statement that was showed the evolution of who he was and who he is today. That would have been helpful. It would have been helpful if he did that as a candidate for governor. The voters would have had a chance to see who he was and how he involved. It would have been a risk. It would have been a risk. He may not have gotten the office. Look at what happened now. This is a scab that has been removed and it is oozing pus right now. It is painful. It is painful for people of color. It is painful for all virginians. White or black or other. This is a painful, painful day. The governor needs to step aside as lauren said. Think of the commonwealth of virginia and the country. Thats why he should step aside. You know what is interesting, joe, you and i are in agreement with everything that lauren was saying about the conversation that needs to happen in the country. Does this start the conversation that we need to be having as americans . Maybe it does. Certainly after he resigns as i suspect he will, maybe theres a chance to talk about then his evolution and why he is not the person that appeared in the 1984 medical School Yearbook photo. Lauren is right. This is a conversation that needs to happen. I said that when charlottesville happened in 2017. This is a conversation we need to have as a country to move forward together. Yeah. We have steve king still sitting in congress, alex. These are not just about issues from 35 years ago. These issues persist. We have a culture in which racism and discrimination is accepted in the political life. We have elected officials who are white supremacists. Steve king needs to step down. On both sides of the aisle. White and black america. We all need to deal with the history of where we come from and where we go today. Im in agreement. Let me quickly get to 2020 before i let you go. Beginning with cory booker and the entrance into the president ial race. Look at his announcement video. I believe that we can build a country where no one is for are gotten. No one is left behind. Together, we will channel our common pain back into our common purpose. Together, america we will rise. Im cory booker. Im running for president of the United States of america. Handicap this already crowded field. Lauren, is he taking the right steps to make a mark . It is so early. Im going to tell you, i am not making predictions. I learned my lesson in 2016. Everyone else does, alex. Look, i think this is an extraordinary field of except n exceptionally qualified and talented and gifted candidates. One of the most talented fields of my lifetime. They all bring extraordinary strengths. It is challenging for a number of candidates to break through because the field is so crowded. I think we will have an extraordinary competition of ideas. We may actually see a more constructive and positive debate among democrats. They are committed to not attacking each other and going low. I think that will potentially shift the discourse. We have four women on the democratic side. Unprecedented. I think stay tuned. I think we will see some republican challengers to the president depending on the next few months. Im super excited about this. Im excited because i think we have a field that reflects america in ways we have never seen before. Thats powerful. These are all dedicated public servan servants. These people devoted their lives to service. Service of the country. Not service of their own self interests. That is an Important Message for americans about what it means. Last question to you, joe. An interview with cbss face the nation where the president was asked about bookers bid for president. Booker is also running. Hes got no chance. Why . I know him. I dont think he has a chance. Okay. Just before booker entered thes ra president spoke about the overall field. I think the best would be kamala harris. What is your reaction, joe, of how he is sizing up his opponents . The president will always try to categorize his opponents to give them less advantage. Cory booker is a credible candidate. He has an amazing story and having been mayor of newark and elected to the United States senate. He has a history of working with republicans and democrats. I think he is a very exciting candidate for the democratic party. I agree with the president. Kamala harris has the capacity to be a real star in this cycle. She understands, i think, what any winning candidate in the president ial primary sees and understan understands. You have a crowded field and you have to suck all of the air out of the room so people concentrate on you. She is on her way to doing that. Let me add this. She is a california girl. You know, in my book, thats awesome. All right. Lauren and joe. Come see me again. Thank you. Roger stone and the warning a judge gave him friday. Our legal experts weigh in on that. After this polar vortex and coldest week in generations, Punxsutawney Phil emerges at gobblers knob. Did phil see his shadow . No. That means an early spring. Hurray un personas so again, using para, youre talking about something that is for someone. Pretty good. Could listening to audible inspire you to start something new . Download audible and listen for a change. The only thing i remember is us hitting the buoy, losing control, and i hit the pier face first. 911 operator, muffled 911, whats your emergency . overlapping radio calls i crushed in the left side of my face, almost to the back of my head. mrs. Mccarron in my mind, i was thinking. I am going to have to bury my child. 911 operator, indistinct First Responder we got down to the landing and we were in a serious situation. I mean, ive never forgot about that run. mccarron the First Responders, they are the reason why im here. Just um, just makes me thankful, for everything that i have. The rift with the president and house Speaker Pelosi over the construction of the wall on the border is widening this week as lawmakers try to strike a deal. We have Kelly Odonnell with the details for us. You are in florida where the weather is nicer than here. What is the latest, kel . Reporter good to bealex. There is a divide that is ev enlarged by the shutdown. One of the things the president is building suspense around is whether or not he will layout a plan to build the wall without congress. So far, House Speaker nancy pelosi continues to say democrats will fund border security, but not a wall. Maybe a little fencing, but not the wall the president has often talked about. His speech is one of the biggest nights of any president s political life. He will be talking about immigration, trade, National Security and drug prices. His advisers say his theme will be choosing greatness. Perhaps he will work on the speech while here with family for the Weekend Spending time after a long break here in florida. Trading washingtons bitter winter for a rainy arrival in florida. The president s first weekend here in palm beach since thanksgiving. The president of the United States. Reporter just days before his tuesday night state of thedothe Union Address where immigration is a major topic. His possible plans for a national Emergency Declaration is still a secret. Im saying listen closely. Reporter in his power struggle with congress over border wall funding, the president criticized Speaker Pelosis refusal to necessigoti money for the border wall in an interview with cbs. I think she was rigid, which i would expect. I think she is bad for the country. Reporter turning to 2020. The president sized up the newest candidate to enter a crowded field. New jersey senator cory booker. No chance. I know him. I dont think he has a chance. Reporter of course, we have seen the president commenting on a number of candidates who jumped into the 2020 race. He believes he has weakened the candidacy of Elizabeth Warren with his slur against her calling her pocahontas and saying that has chipped away at her credibility in addition to knocking cory booker, the president distanced himself from some in the field. He did have praise for kamala harris. Her announcement was the most professional rollout and had the biggest crowds. We come to know the president does measure success, in some degree, by crowd size. Alex. You are right on that point and everything else. Kelly, thank you. The final answer on donald trump jr. s mystery phone calls. What Senate Investigators just concluded. Senate investigator st concluded. Feeling unsure . What if you had some help . 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What is your take on that and what stone just said in defending himself . Well, i think theres two sides to that. A lot of times, you want your client, the criminal defendant to be quiet. I think roger stone is smart saying, shouting from the rooftops, im innocent. This is not a witch hunt. We have the government that issues an indictment, the raid is public. This is evidence of guilt and would taint a jury pool and cause them to think he is guilty. Hes dpgot a right to say, im t guilty and he wants to shout it from the rooftop. It makes lawyers nervous, but it is his right and can be considered as a smart move. I get it, its his right. Would you be advising him to shout from the rooftops if you were defending him . I would be very cautious. I wouldnt want those statements used against him. Any statements that later on in a trial could be used against him. A lot of times, you get nervous the statements are going to difr from other statements hes made. Katie, if the judge does decide on the gag order and says you have to be quiet, what would happen to roger stone if he starts talking . Alex, you cant cure stupid. Roger stone has walked himself into the entry of the gag order. The judge gave the prosecution and defense to serve papers to discuss why she should or should not enter into the gag order. This judge is the same judge in the Paul Manafort case in d. C. , where she entered a dpgag order. He will get it. He could be fined or held in contempt. This judge is a no nonsense judge, thats for sure. I want to get to the federal prosecutor seizing of the evidence from roger stone. They say it was voluminous and complex. What information might the special counsel have now, ahead of this arrest that could propel this investigation forward or because of this arrest . They have seized bank records, credit card records, travel documents, text messages, messages on different servers, things like that. They are going to analyze all the documents. They could have seized cell phones, computers, doing forensic analysis on that. As far as the gag order, it is different from the Paul Manafort case. In manaforts case, his lawyers did not object to the gag order. They never filed anything. We are going to see something very different from roger stone. We are going to see him line up First Amendment lawyers and they are going to fight the gag order. Because of the news, legal experts are speculating this delays release of the mueller report. Do you think a possible october date, does that unquestionably prolong the Mueller Investigation . Well, i dont think so, alex, because the investigation that was done was done by the mueller team. The prosecution is a joint prosecution between the mueller team and the u. S. Attorneys office in the district of columbia. In the event the Mueller Investigation is concluded prior to the stone, thats okay. The trial of roger stone will go on. In terms of the evidence, its years. Its litt rally years of information thats been seized. At the end of the day, hes going to have a serious problem in terms of confronting hard evidence, objecting messaging, bank records, email accounts. Hes going to have to face that if he goes to trial. I want to ask about the investigators obtaining proof of don juniors calls in 2016 were not with his father. So many have argued this now clears the president on whether he knew about the meeting ahead of time. Is that your take . Have these questions about the phone calls been put to rest . No. In fact, it doesnt expull at a time the president of the United States. It doesnt mean donald trump jr. Didnt have a meeting with his father prior. A month earlier, the president participated in a lie. It was supposed to be about adoption of russian children. The emails had to do with the fact somebody was going to give them specifically the russians were going to give donald trump jr. Damaging information about Hillary Rodham clinton. Ladies, good to talk to you an this saturday morning. Thank you. Thank you. The pushback against medicare for all. A look at how practical it is on the top of the hour on up. Isn the top of the hour on up. mom is that for me . dad mhm. Aaaah mom nooooo. dad nooooo. son nooooo. avo quick, the quicker picker upper bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand. [son loudly clears throat] [mom sighs] [mom and dad laugh] avo bounty, the quicker picker upper. Heartburn and gas . Fight both fast tums chewy bites with gas relief all in one relief of heartburn and gas tum tum tum tums tums chewy bites with gas relief cohigher ad higher parents arent perfect, but then they make us Kraft Mac Cheese and everythings good again. I couldnt catch my breath. It was the last song of the night. It felt like my heart was skipping beats. They said i had afib. Whats afib . 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Its been a subject of a great deal of controversy. A number of people calling for his resignation. He apologized for that image. I cannot change the decisions i made. Roger stone faces a gag order. President trump is talking about his relationship with his longtime friend and adviser. Did you ever talk to him about wikileaks . That seems to be you never heard conversation about it . No, i didnt. She has criticized the construction o

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