you're going to hear from him. hey there. am noon out here in the east. new fallout and outrage over donald trump's comments about john mccain and his war record. trump made the comments during a moderated discussion at the family leadership summit in iowa. >> i supported him for president. i raised $1 million for him. that's a lot of money. i supported him. he lost. he let us down. but he lost. i never liked him as much after that. because i don't like losers. >> he's a war hero. >> he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people who weren't captured, i hate to tell you. he's a war hero because he was captured. >> those remarks drew immediate outrage from other republicans. democrats and veterans group. trump this morning refused to apologize. >> do you owe john mccain an apology? >> no not at all. i got a standing ovation, the biggest ovation i've had all weekend by far. when i left the room it was a total standing ovation. it was wonderful to see. nobody was insulted. what happened is later on the republican candidacy, some of whom are registering 1% and 0% they're upset that i'm leading the polls by actually a nice margin. >> nbc's kristen welker at the white house. kristen, a good sunday to you. what kind of reaction have you seen? >> reporter: alex, there's really been an avalanche of negative reaction condemnation to donald trump's comments about senator john mccain. a lot of analysts here in washington wondering if this is the moment that trump has finally crossed the line. you saw more condemnation today, including from rick perry. former texas governor. donald trump has had some harsh words for rick perry in recent days. rick perry had harsh words for him on "meet the press." >> it matters that we have a commander in chief that respects what those individuals have done. and i still stand by my statement, until mr. trump apologizes directly to john mccain, and also to the veterans of this country, i don't think he has the character or the temperament to hold the highest position in this country. >> you're hearing similar reaction from a lot of gop candidates. secretary of state john kerry also weighing in. he said this alex. quote, john mccain served and bled and endured unspeakable acts of torture. that is heroism pure and simple. if anyone doesn't know john mccain is a war hero it proves they know nothing about war and even less about heroism. interestingly, the rnc taking the rare step of distancing itself from donald trump. we rarely see the rnc weigh in on these issues. now, just a little bit of context here alex. donald trump has made a lot of inflammatory comments. of course, he made those very controversial comments about mexicans. we only saw his poll numbers go up. and according to recent polls, he's actually in the lead. we'll be watching this very closely, what happens to his poll numbers. does he keep those leads that he's been gaining or do we start to see his poll numbers drop. some even calling for him not to participate in the debate. and for the other candidates to boycott that debate until he decides he's going to drop out. very controversial comments yesterday. the fallout just continues. >> that was a very curious time indeed. kristen, thank you for that. editor in chief of reason magazine. matt, welcome to you. what do you think is going to happen in terms of poll numbers? where is this going to leave donald trump? >> i think he's not going to suffer a bit in the polls. national polls at this point are popularity contests about name recognition as much as anything else. he's such an outsider that he suffers nothing from saying things that are factually inaccurate, which he's been saying every time he opens his mouth basically, that are beyond human decency in scale. because the type of people who are attracted to that they love it when the media rakes him over the coals, when the gop elite rake him over the coals. so he's not going to apologize. he's going to be rewarded by people who value that characteristic gk forward. what's more interesting to me right now is to see how people who have kind of without any kind of sense of excuse in my opinion on the gop elite side have kind of tolerated him, or encouraged him. bill crystal yesterday morning was tweeting out about how he was going to go on television and defend his previous statement that donald trump has more wisdom than hillary clinton. and by the end of the day he was fiercely back pedaling. there's some tolerance for this kind of frankenstein's monster there that i think is going to come back and bite republicans op the rear end. they know they have a trump problem, they don't know how to fix it. >> matt here is trump's reason why this blew up as an issue. let's listen to that. >> i'm very disappointed. i understand john mccain. i raised i think $1 million for john mccain when he let us down. he ran for president, and lost to obama. i wasn't thrilled with that. but i will say what i want to say. maybe that's why i'm leading in the polls. >> he is ahead in some polls. but will this have an impact to slowly unravel? do you think he's going to survive to be on the stage for the first debate? >> oh for sure. there's no universe structurally politically, that he's not going to be on that stage. which is going to be pretty interesting to watch, who's going to get in line first to try to bash him. we don't even know if rick perry's going to be that. he's been the leading anti-trump person out there. i wrote a book about john mccain. and it was critical. and to describe his war record as being one that he's only a hero because he was captured ignores the fact that he actually was a leader of men at the hanoi hilton. he resisted just about more than anybody else. he suffered just about more than anybody else. he helped out his fellow man there. it's just not in bad taste, but it's ignorant and factually incorrect. but he's not going to suffer from that. his negatives are higher than anybody, among republican voters. jeb bush is a distant second on that front. people will rebel against him. the question is mouch lasting damage is that going to have on the republican brand as the party that has this strain within it that will go on about raping mexicans and god knows what else kind of nonsense comes out of donald trump. >> look in a chris calkris crystal ball. how much it will hurt the gop? >> in the last presidential election, the gop stopped getting a majority vote of just about every hyphenated american. the only ones left are cuban-americans. a lot ef people treat issues like immigration and just the wake we talk about it is a threshold issue that we assess otherwise, the decency of a person or party. right now republicans have a real problem with that. there are some candidates like rand paul rick perry, who acknowledge that who act on that. and there are some like donald trump and ted cruz who say, what the hell i'm trying to win a primary here. and the heart and soul of the party as they see it is going to reward that behavior. the more that those types of conversations are in the forefront, the more republicans are going to have a lasting problem, which is trended throughout the obama presidency even though they're in opposition of people aring turned off, especially young people as the one to represent their views. >> matt welch, i want to underscore the reason there, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> ahead more reaction to donald trump john mccain's comments, including bob kerry. he'll join me in the next hour. a developing story coming in right now. a shark attack live on video, as it happened. three-time world surfing champion was attacked a short time ago by a shark. that happened in the middle of competition in south africa. pretty frightening video there. joining me from london with this story is kelly cobia. what in the world happened here? >> just incredible isn't it alex? this final was just getting under way today, being covered live. australian nick fanning there was on his board when a shark fin appeared out of nowhere. you see him kicking. he was screaming of the he tried to get away from his board. his opponent, julian wilson started paddling toward him for help. they were both gotten out of the water by safety teams. both unhurt but clearly shaken up. this is what fanning said about it just minutes after the attack. >> i was big enough to fight him off. >> we're just trying to process, i think, more than anything. you kind of want to hug him. he wrestled the shark. >> what relief huh? fanning later said he was getting pulled underwater by the rope. it then snapped and he started swimming and screaming, was able to swim away. he was able to punch one of the sharks in the back as well. that's what he told people after he was back on shore. both of these champion surfers agreed to cancel the final and split the prize money. and alex when he was asked if he was comfortable getting back in the water tomorrow to compete again, fanning said and i'm quoting, i'm happy to not even compete again at all. to walk away from that i'm just so stoked. can you imagine? >> i can't imagine. this video is shocking. it's a hell of a story. thank you for bringing it to us. the latest from thursday's shooting at a pair of military sites in tennessee. the family of gunman mohammad youssuf abdulazeez broke their silence last night issuing a statement extending condolences to families of the shooting victims. the statement in part said quote, there are no words to describe our shock, horror and grief. the person who committed this horrible crime was not the son we knew and loved. for many years, our son suffered from depression. it grieves us beyond belief to know that his pain found its sfregs expression in this heinous act. >> pray for everybody. the four marines we lost sailor we lost keep praying. it's mind-blowing. you don't think it's going to happen at your home. >> no words can express the devastation, the sorrow that we feel for not only our community, but our nation. >> we need to come together as a nation. we're united. under god. one nation. >> for more let's go to sarah who joins us from chattanooga. sarah, the latest on all this it is a statement by the gunman's family revealing he struggled with depression. how is that information going to affect the investigation? >> reporter: well, it's one piece of this huge puzzle right now, alex that investigators are trying to sift through. they're trying to find out exactly what motivated him to commit these attacks. now, in addition to the statement, we also have confirmed with the president of the islamic society of greater chattanooga that the shooter's father called him, he said he saw no sign in his son that he was planning anything. and was very shocked to hear that his son was the one pulling the trigger. we're also learning more about some turbulent times during the alleged shooter's life that not only did he suffer from depression, that in 2009 his mother filed for divorce, saying she was repeatedly beaten by the suspect's father. and that the children were sometimes struck without provocation and justification. it is unclear at this point if the shooter's father disputed those allegations, but the couple did remain married. now, as i said the investigators chasing down some 200 leads. they hope to clear the scene behind me here today. they say the second attack site will take a couple more days to process, however. meanwhile, the community here continues to come together. church services today touched on hope and healing, a blood drive and several vigils planned for later tonight. the family of one of the marines killed is preparing to speak to the media. we will have the latest on that what is sure to be a very emotional and grief-stricken press conference alex as we learn more about these five victims, their lives and the people they left behind. back to you. >> sarah, thank you very much from chattanooga. we're learning about the drones that hampered efforts that were working to contain a wildfire in los angeles. let's go to gady schwartz. the air drops may have been delayed by 20 minutes? >> the delays because of drones extremely frustrating for firefighters and those who lost property. all that damage, and now the big question that many are asking could some of it have been prevented. on the ground along interstate 15 this terrifying sight. from above, even worse. >> there's literally cars going up. >> reporter: cars burning in a freeway inferno. >> we see the fires behind us. we try to run. >> reporter: for over 20 minutes, air tankers and helicopters could do nothing to keep the fire from spreading car to car. because drones had made a dangerous situation even worse. listen closely to radio traffic from dispatchers directing planes. >> we're trying to get this drone thing situated. >> reporter: as fire crews expressed frustration that their own aircraft can't get close. today as crews mopped up firefighters told us there were reports of five drones total. >> two of the drones pursued our lead plane. one underneath one actually flying over the top. it could kill them. >> reporter: eventually the drones landed and pilots were cleared to come back. but as you can see from drop after drop the damage was already done. do you think that these drones prevented firefighters from saving some of these cars? >> well it definitely contributed to it. you know for us here on the san bernardino national forest it made it tough. >> reporter: warning those with drones, if you fly, we can't. the damage from this latest fire 11 structures lost and 20 vehicles burned on the interstate. these images another warning for drone operators of the risks of flying over a firefight. so far, one california congressman has introduced a bill to ban drones over federal firefighting efforts. if passed drone operators found guilty could face a fine and up to five years in jail. alex? >> okay. thank you, gady. the iran nuclear deal is it now harder for the u.s. to convince iran to release american prisoners held there? i'll ask a member of congress next. the most peaceful place in america. that's ahead, in the number ones. to steady betty. fire it up! ♪ am i the only one with a meeting? i've got two. yeah we've gotta go. i gotta say it man this is a nice set-up. too soon. just kidding. nissan sentra. j.d. power's "highest ranked compact car in initial quality." now get 0% financing or a great lease on the nissan sentra. ♪ it takes a lot of work... to run this business. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don't plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost. now try new boost® compact and 100 calories. flo: hey, big guy. i heard you lost a close one today. look, jamie, maybe we weren't the lowest rate this time. but when you show people their progressive direct rate and our competitors' rates you can't win them all. the important part is, you helped them save. thanks, flo. okay, let's go get you an ice cream cone, champ. with sprinkles? sprinkles are for winners. i understand. critics of the iran nuclear deal says lifting sanctions has cost the u.s. the best leverage for releasing american prisoners. on this morning's "meet the press," secretary of state john kerry argued the u.s. is now in a better position to push iran. >> we have a plan in order to deal with pushback against iran's behavior with respect to military interdiction. stopping the flow of weapons, dealing with counterterrorism dealing with special forces training and capacity for some of those other countries. so there will be plenty of pushback, chuck. but the simple reality is that if you're going to push back against iran it is better to push back against an iran that doesn't have a nuclear weapon than one that does. >> joining me now is democratic congressman garamendy. in this statement the past week you called this the best available option. what is your measure of success once the agreement takes effect? >> the measure of success is very obvious. iran's ability to have a nuclear weapon is delayed at least ten years, possibly forever, because they are under an obligation, a treaty that they've signed that they will not have a nuclear weapon. we do have very serious observation in place. we'll be able to mon dor very carefully. wee know exactly what iran is doing. that's with regard to a nuclear weapon. that is a very good thing, that iran does not have a nuclear weapon. and very unlikely they will have one for well over a decade quite possibly well into the future. the other issues very serious, no doubt about it. secretary kerry was right on. there are other ways that we can and have and will continue to work to deal with iran's adventurism in the area. their support of terrorist organization, we know that. we pushed back against that much, much better to push back against that with an iran that does not have a nuclear weapon. >> but sir, what do you say to your constituents who question the wisdom of lifting a u.n. arms embargo on a country that just a few years ago was coordinating attacks on u.s. soldiers in iraq? >> well it's a very complex situation out there. we know that. also, you might add that iran is working, as we are, to eliminate the isil threat. so it's complex. but we have to count to push back. we need to make sure that we are well aligned with israel. we've had very bad relations with israel over this. that must be repaired. and we have to find ways to make sure that israel is supported, that they have a qualitative and quantitative military advantage in that area. we also make sure that jordan saudi arabia, our other allies are well positioned to push back against iran. we're not alone. we're not alone in that area. and these are not new issues. these are long-term issues. but keep in mind this negotiation was always always about nuclear weapons. all of these other issues are critically important, to be sure but that's not what the negotiations were about. will iran be better positioned? perhaps they'll have some more money. but they also have very deep structural problems within their country. and i suspect a lot of that money is going to have to go to deal with issues within iran. and finally, when iran does come on board with a full or more complete production of petroleum products, the price of oil worldwide is not going to rise. in all probability it will stay low. maybe even go lower. which is not to iran's benefit. >> what do you expect in terms of congress? will the president have the necessary democratic votes to over -- or rather to avoid a veto override? >> i believe he. and i believe there will be a lot of huffing and puffing as there is today when we vote on whether this is a good deal or not. for me, this is a good deal. probably a majority in both houses will vote that this is not a good deal. the president will veto it. and then we come back to the ultimate question -- do we as americans, and their representatives, myself the other 534, are we willing to terminate this? are we willing to trash this deal? then what happens? will the coalition that created the support for the sanctions remain in place? if congress of the united states, senate and house, trash the deal? i think at that point, the veto will be sustained. >> let's talk about the shootings in chattanooga. governors in six states have now authorized arming their national guard troops. do you support that? >> let's take one at a time. military bases should be well prepared. we've known for some time that military bases of all kinds are targets. we know that the major military bases have ramped up their security. everything from i.d. checks to the military police. the smaller bases, apparently in choot noog a, were vulnerable. we do have the ability to have armed personnel on those military bases. those are what are called military police. and perhaps that needs to be beefed up all across the nation. we need to investigate that, and we need to take a look at that. so the military police operations at national guard, as well as other military bases, i think are the first line of defense, as well as the other kinds of things that need to be put in place, i.d. check, barriers and the like certainly fences, and all of those things. with regard to recruiting stations, that's quite a different situation. it's a long tradition in america that these places be unarmed, that they be friendly that they be welcoming. however, we know that there's a threat. and we need to beef up the security. everything from panic buttons to perhaps various ways of protecting them. should they be carrying arms within those recruiting stations? we'll find out. we're going to have to debate that. and finally, the local police are going to have to be aware, they're going to have to patrol and be more visible in those particular areas as this threat continues on into the future. >> representative, i know we're out of time here but quickly on the donald trump issue. the back-and-forth. would you care to lend your voice to this conversation at all? comment on what you think of it? >> i would not care to comment. donald's comments are what they are. and the american public will recognize it. and the others say what they want to say. so the answer is no comment. >> i think i'm going to applaud you for that representative geremendi. a whopper of a wedding. how the groomsmen honored the fast food chain who was footing the bill. ♪ ♪ hp instant ink saves you up to 50% on ink you can print all you want and never run out. plans start at $2.99 a month. ♪ ♪ everyone loves the picture i posted of you. at&t reminds you it can wait. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? 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[ cheers and applause ] >> nice. needless to say it was a whopper of a wedding. that was written for me i'm just saying. those are number ones. they make little hearts happy and big hearts happy too because as part of a heart healthy diet, those delicious oats in cheerios can help naturally lower cholesterol. how can something so little... help you do something so big. everyone's raving! age defy from clairol the secret? superior gray coverage that leaves hair looking 10 years younger age defy from clairol [car engine] [car engine] ♪ introducing the first-ever 306-horsepower lexus rc coupe with available all-wheel drive. once driven, there's no going back. now, for headlines at the half. the family of a woman found dead in her texas jail cell is looking for some answers. on july 10th, authorities say during a traffic stop 28-year-old sandra bland became argumentative and uncooperative. the family believes this shows the traffic stop gone wrong. bland was eventually taken into custody for assaulting a public servant. three days later she was found hanging in her cell. according to an autopsy, her death was ruled a suicide. earlier today, on msnbc's melissa harris-perry, an attorney for bland's family said he's seen dash cam video of the incident and he's concerned. >> it seems that he at least he alleges that he wrote her a warning, and then after asking her to get out of her car, because he was -- from my perspective, irritated with the manner in which she was addressing him, he then opened her door and was looking to force her out. so again, the real question is why is it that he felt it was necessary for her to even get out of the car when all he had to do is give her the citation that he was going to give her, which was effectively a warning, and send her on her way. >> the video we've seen does not show the moments leading up to the arrest. but last week the texas department of public safety released a statement saying they identified violations regarding the department's traffic stops policies. and the employee involved in bland's case has been assigned administrative duties. the texas rangers and fbi are now investigating. four young women were killed in a limousine accident in long island, new york. it happened during a bachelorette party. two others were injured. police say the limo was leaving a winery when it collided with a pickup truck. the truck driver ran from the scene and was arrested and faces a drunk driving charge. a 13-month-old girl believed to be kidnapped from a california motel has been found safe. someone called authorities after hearing a baby crying in a shed. police say a 35-year-old man and a teenage boy were pulled over blocks from there. they have been arrested on suspicion of abducting her. an amber alert had been put out earlier in the day for the child. donald trump's competition for the nomination, he wasted no time talking about john mccain's military service. >> i think he's crossed a line that the american people and republican party won't tolerate. here's my view. a p.o.w. like john is not a loser. they're an american hero. between the illegal immigrant quote and now this we have a window into his soul, and the way he thinks. it's not a pretty picture. >> as an individual who has worn the uniform of this country, i was highly offended what donald trump said about john mccain and his years of sacrifice in a dirty, dingy, terrible prison in north vietnam. donald trump owes every american veteran, and in particular john mccain an apology. >> there's no way that anyone can say anything other than this is one of the most honorable people who ever served our country, who sacrificed incredibly for our country. >> you may have a policy disagreement disagreement. but we should never, ever ever question the patriotism and heroism of someone like john mccain. >> so is it over for donald trump? joining me now is msnbc contributor robert trainem who served as a senior adviser for the bush-cheney campaign. and principal and ceo of impact strategies. with a welcome to you both. i'm actually going to change the question. not is it over but is it the beginning of the end, robert for donald trump? all those passionate supporters that he brought in does this turn them off? do you think we'll see a downward trend in his support? >> absolutely. i think we saw it with the comments he made a couple of days ago in reference to immigration. and now i think this is the nail in the coffin literally and figuratively. donald trump has his comments have no place in american politics. i'm very proud of many republicans in my party that are just saying these are just beyond the pale. they are offensive, they are wrong. but it also is an insight to donald trump into what he thinks. he's very artful in saying these bombastic things. but something like this is just absolutely despicable and i think this is the beginning of the end for him. i think he will probably be in the debate next month with fox news but i think he's going to be so much on the defense, not only from the moderator, but from his other presidential candidate contenders that i can't see a path for victor for him. >> angela do you think this is the blood in the water moment for republicans, or would democrats to prefer donald trump to survive and take the spotlight from the other gop candidates? >> i'm a democrat and i certainly prefer he stays in because it's continuing to expose the high amount of prejudice, not only the words that come out of his mouth, but they exist throughout the party. robert brought up the comments that he talked about the mexican immigrants being rapists and criminals. those folks had really light criticism for donald trump. some of them didn't say anything at all. >> his poll numbers have only increase sgld that's exactly right, alex. the other thing that you have to examine is the fact that john mccain -- these folks aren't just coming to john mccain's defense because they believe he's an american hero i'm sure they do but this has everything to do with their ability to fund raise. if they were to get behind this craziness behind donald trump, they would totally lose their ability to raise money and stay in the election. >> i'm going to move past donald trump right now. robert on tuesday, ohio governor john kasich is expected to announce his candidacy. he's going to be the 16th republican in this race. where is he going to stand? >> i think he's actually going to be either the number one or number two, shoot right to the top. two things john kasich is a moderate. his 18 years in the u.s. congress proves that. number two, he is from ohio and he's never lost a race up to and including his landslide reelection. so john mccain is a very serious -- >> john kasich you mean. >> i'm sorry, john kasich will be a very serious candidate when he announces in a couple of hours. i predict that it's going to be a bush/kasich ticket. >> here's something, though. you as an analyst know this as well as anyone else. he's got to survive a primary in the gop to get to a general election on some level. will he be able to survive that? >> yes, and for two reasons. one, the republican party is not the republican party of 2012 when mitt romney had to fight and scrape to the top. we have changed the rules in many, many ways. i think you'll see that this time next month. there was a lot of conversation about the top tier candidates and second tier candidates. number two, people often talk about the hard right of the republican party, and the presidential nominee. this is not what we're here to talk about, but take a look at hillary clinton and bernie sanders, and how clinton is moving to the left. both sides here pandering to their base, if you will. but i think once the general election comes along, you'll hear much more moderate tone not only hillary clinton, but jeb bush and john kasich. >> hillary clinton didn't attend an event this weekend. was that a mistake? >> what happened for bernie sanders and martin o'malley that i think as a black woman needed to happen with the black lives matter protest. i don't know how hillary would have responded to that. as son who wants to see her do well frankly, i'm glad she missed that. but i do hope her campaign continues to respond to that much-needed crowd. this is a huge issue. and as robert just talked about, you know the party -- the gop party of 201 is not the same one that it is today. it's far more conservative. i think we're starting to see a lot more prejudice there. there was a huge rally in south carolina yesterday dividing blacks and whites. i think it goes along party lines. there's a lot of healing to do in this country. >> you mentioned hillary clinton, you're not quite sure how she would respond to the two interruptions by the black lives matter protesters. that said elizabeth warren spoke at the conference and called on the 2016 candidate to support the regulations for the wall street executives taking jobs. >> i think that there are folks on wall street that even understand that she has to when you look at the other side of the aisle, i know robert talked about maybe john kasich being a number two. this is a lehman brothers baby. he's certainly not going to be tough on wall street. if that can become the debate come the time of the general, i think we do well there. it's definitely time to hold wall street. >> i just think this is all very interesting that hillary clinton is on the defense. not only from elizabeth warren but bernie sanders. and here you see martin o'malley creeping up in the polls as well. hillary clinton doesn't have a passion for this. she doesn't seem to be hungry for this. i think a lot of democratic voters are saying listen hillary, we want you to be our candidate, but talk to us and fire up the base here. she has yet to do that. i think that's why you see the passion on the hard left side with bernie sanders and others. >> robert angela thank you guys so much. >> you, too. have a sunday. the gun control debate. who may have come up with a compromise to solve the problem. a chance to try something different. this summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. ♪ take advantage of our summer offers. lease select cts models in stock the longest for around 399 per month. new york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at unbelievable! toenail fungus? 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>> from a legal perspective, these are all very feasible. because right now, the governing law comes from a supreme court case called heller is what it's known as. and justice scalia wrote it. scalia made it very very clear, yes, there's an individual right to bear arms but this is not an absolute right, and there are things that can be regulated. and there have been regulations put in place in local communities that the nra fought and the supreme court won't even hear the case. so all of these things are possible. >> okay. your article also references two second amendments. not just one, two. and how a single comma has had such incredible influence over the gun control debate. can you tell us more about this? >> well it's interesting. the actual original second amendment was written by madison. it was much clearer. there was so much debate going on about trying to revise this that you ended up with two versions. one that was passed by congress and one that was ratified by the states. and certified by jefferson. and the one that the courts depend on has one comma, which is -- i'm sorry, has two commas and the jefferson one had one comma. both of them are grammatical nightmares. it's very very difficult to figure out the exact meanings. but the meaning of the jefferson one that was an independent clause, with a dependent clause that defined it is much easier to understand. it's still badly written. >> the phrase that is -- the one that is always quoted is the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. some interpret that as a stand-alone, correct? >> well that's actually where we are now on the law. i mean justice scalia who always holds himself out as being, you know an absolute textualist, every word of the constitution is what you follow. in the heller case it said the opening section was discussing militias. well that was just a prefatory clause announcing the right was coming. like they were playing trumpets or something. and so regardless of what you think of the logic of these are words that really don't matter, you know, that is now the law. when the supreme court speaks that's what the second amendment means. so right now, it is only the right of the people to keep and bear arms, is the second amendment. >> kurt as i look at these compromises that you propose, is there one that would have prevented the shooting in chattanooga, in your mind? >> no. that's sort of one of the things that we kind of have to face up to. we do live in a gun culture. we do have a second amendment. it is never going to be amended or repealed. and so there are going to be shootings. there are going to have to be shootings. you know, you can't stop that. and so the question though is what weapons did this fellow have? well he did have a high-capacity magazine that could shoot 30 bullets. the only reason -- you know we have to be honest. gun folks like high-capacity magazines. and that's really their side of it. they'll never put it that way, but that's really what it's about. a high-capacity magazine which carries 30 bullets rather than you know what would normally be 11 gives you the ability to shoot 30 times. and there is no rationale -- that's one of the ones i call a slaughter weapon. it is always found, almost always found, i have to be clear, almost always found in these mass shootings, that they use something that gives them more bullets than they otherwise would have been able to have. >> kurt, sobering. thank you very much. new questions about racism in america. i'm talking to the man behind the piece next. ving forward fast enough? everywhere you look, it strategy is now business strategy. and a partnership with hp can help you accelerate down a path created by people, technology and ideas. to move your company from what it is now... to what it needs to become. ever since darryl's wife started using gain flings, their laundry smells more amazing than ever. 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day to you, alex. looks like we could have rough weather today in parts of the country, like new york into burlington, pittsburgh. severe storms could occur today. maybe a chance of a tornado. and that chance of rough weather is going to extend from the northeast across parts of the midwest into the central plains too. kansas city, wichita dealing with a chance of a tornado, strong storms heavy rainfall and even hail. wow. in parts of the country, though it's not going to be the storms but rather the heat. we're talking extreme heat. james brown celebrity hot tub, new orleans, st. louis, to atlanta. brutal stuff. those are the air temperatures. the feels-like temperature when you bring in the high humidity it will feel even warmer in spots. southern california, we had quite a bit of rainfall. we're going to see more of that possibly today in the san gabriels, in flagstaff and points south. certainly it will help the efforts with the firefighters out in southern california. let's send it back to you, alex. >> that's good news there. coming up the latest information on a surfer's frightening shark encounter, including this dramatic video of his struggle. yikes! ss by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at do you like the passaaadd? it's a good looking car. this is the model rear end event. the model year end sales event. it's year end! it's a rear end event. year end, rear end check it out. talk about turbocharging my engine. you're gorgeous. what kind of car do you like? new, or many miles on it? get a $1000 volkswagen reward card on select 2015 passat models. or lease a 2015 passat limited edition for $199 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comedian's past. and they're in his own words. and troubled waters. a surfer's sudden shark encounter. his struggle caught on tape. hey there, everyone welcome to "weekends with alex witt." it's 1:00 on the east coast, 10:00 a.m. out west. new fallout over donald trump's comments about john mccain and his war record. trump made the comments during a moderated discussion at the family leadership summit in iowa. those remarks drew immediate outrage from other republicans, veterans groups and democrats. here's what democratic presidential candidate jim webb had to say. >> first of all, i believe if donald trump had taken the opportunity to serve our country, could have volunteered like a lot of people did, he would have a different feeling about these kinds of things that he's saying. it's one ning to talk about issues, but when you're talking about military service, you're talking about duty and honor and dignity. >> well trump said today he has no intention of apologizing to senator mccain. he said senator mccain is the one who should apologize for the way veterans are treated in this country. i'm joined on the phone by democratic senator and governor from nebraska bob kerry. senator kerry was awarded the medal of honor in 1970 as his service as a navy officer in vietnam. welcome to you sir. glad to have you join us. >> thank you alex nice to be with you. >> what do you think about donald trump's remarks? >> well i think -- look he's doing this for the money. he's out there insulting everybody he can. he insulted john mccain. not a whether john mccain is a hero, he obviously is. he behaved heroically. you're not a hero because you're rich and got strange hairdo and insult people that doesn't make you heroic. that makes you something else. something that i can't say on the air. but he's doing this for the money. it's all about the money. he brags that he's worth $10 billion. he tells us how much money he's made. he doesn't intend to be president of the united states. nobody believes he's qualified to be the president of united states. >> so, if he's in this for the money, should he drop out of the race? and why is it that people aren't seeing that about him? >> well no he won't drop out of the race. he doesn't apologize for insulting people. he insults people as a modus operandi. that's what he does. my hope is that his brand gets damaged. i certainly never cross any building that's got the trump name on it. i hope he does suffer some economic consequences. i hope it costs him money. he's debasing the political process by going around and insulting people and giving people the impression who were looking for hope who want somebody to stand up to the establishment and get angry about the things going on around the country, he's misleading them. he's doing opposite of what the heroic behavior ought to be doing. >> i always try to look for something that will validate both sides of an argument and present it there, and trump said he's refused to apologize saying senator mccain should apologize over the way veterans are treated here. do you think there's any validity to that argument? >> no. there's no validity to it. i think the veterans issue has big problems. they're given way too much money. we all get excited about going into war, and these guys come back damaged. we're going to be paying for this for a long time. the president responded by replacing his secretary of veterans affairs. do i think it's a challenge? yeah. but again, trump's throwing it out to insult john mccain. it's a part of who he is. he's not trying to become president of the united states. he's trying to increase the value of his brand by going out there and doing what he always does, by doing the equivalent of saying you're fired constantly and insulting other human beings. that's who he is. >> you won the medal of honor for your service, heroic service in vietnam. >> yes. >> what do you think of his deferments, both for education and a bone spur in one of his feet? >> it's just baloney. it was a terrible time. there were many people who avoided the service, and -- the war became very unpopular. i'm sympathetic to why he dodged the draft. that's not what i'm against. it's people who are covering themselves in glory acting like they're acting heroically when all he's doing is running around and insulting people. and he's doing it for the money. nobody doubts that donald trump, trump is very, very good at promoteing himself. sort of insulting behavior that he's got. but he's debasing our political system. >> you think he's going to drop out. is there a threat -- >> no he's not going to drop out. he won't drop out. the question is whether it damages his numbers enough to drop out of the debate that would be a happy ending. if he continues at 13%, 14%, he's going to be in the debate. and i'm sure he's hopeful that somehow he'll able to get his brand back to what it was before he started behaving this way. >> you hope the voters will have to vote him out of any -- >> he's not going to win the iowa caucuses he's not going to win new shamhampshire or texas. unless he's more delusional than i think he is i don't think he's actually delusional he knows what he's doing. he's trying to increase the value of his businesses. he has no chance of being a republican nominee, none. he's got to know it. but he's got a chance of getting in the debates and maybe enhancing his brands getting on whatever reality show he was on before. >> you acknowledge that at least in some level, he has struck a chord with at least some segment of the american voting population. >> it's worse than striking a chord. he's misleading them. he's going to let them down one more time. and they're looking for somebody who will inspire him, who will get angry at the status quo. who see people getting off the hook for dealing huge amounts of money and going to jail for relatively minor infractions. the public is angry right now, and he's out there stirring that anger pot. but they will be let down. i don't think there's anybody who actually looks at the nominating process and says trump has a chance of doing anything, other than maybe enhancing what i hope right now is a pretty badly damaged brand. >> all right. senator and governor from nebraska bob kerrey a former warm hero. thank you. i appreciate it. >> thank you. we'll get senator mccain's reaction at 6:00 a.m. eastern tomorrow on msnbc. let's go to chattanooga where the community is morning the lives of those killed at recruiting centers last week. new details about the gunman mohammad youssuf abdulazeez and his family continue to be revealed. his family broke their silence last night saying quote, there are no words to describe our shock, horror and grief. the person who committed this horrible crime is not the son we knew and loved. for many years, our son suffered from depression. it grieves us beyond belief to know that his pain found this way to act. sarah, good day to you. >> reporter: hi, alex. in addition to that statement released by the family we have confirmed with the islamic society of greater chattanooga that abdulazeez's father reached out to them said he saw no changes in his son, no indications he was capable of acts of violence like this. we're also learning new details about disturbing periods in his life turbulent times, not only that he suffered from depression, but in 2009 his mother filed for divorce from his father saying that she was repeatedly beaten by the suspect's father and that the children were also struck without provocation. and justification on occasion. it's not clear right now if the father disputed those allegations, but the couple did remain married. investigators here at the scene hope to clear it later today. they say processing this second scene of the attack that's going to take a couple more days. today they're following up on some 200 leads. meanwhile, the community continues to come together as you can see behind me cars and people rolling in throughout the day. leaving flowers and flags. there's a number of events church services earlier today touching on hope healing and grief. there is a blood drive planned for today as well as vigils. and there's a motorcycle rally. about 50 bikers just rolled in a few moments ago, making the ride up here in support. this is a community stunned by grief and by shock and doing whatever they can right now, alex, to rally in support around the victims and their families. back to you. >> thank you so much sarah. this day, there are new revelations about bill cosby. "the new york times" obtained the full transcript of the deposition of cosby. kristen dahlgren is joining us with more on this. >> hi there, alex. this is the same deposition we heard a small part of earlier this month. the entire deposition some 1,000 pages are out there, as cosby speaks openly about young women, sex and drugs. >> and i have heard stories -- >> reporter: they are bill cosby's own words, describing a string of sexual encounters in graphic detail. claiming he mentored young women, using his fame and promising career advice as part of his frequent seductions. the documents stem from a 2005 case in which cosby was sued by a woman who claimed the comedian drugged and sexually assaulted her. in the full deposition obtained by "the new york times," cosby claimed he and his accuser were quote, playing sex. we were playing, petting. cosby also suggested he understood nonverbal signals for when a woman consents. she does not say to me don't ever do that again. she doesn't walk out with an altitudeat attitude of a huff because i think i'm a pretty decent reader of people and emotions in these romantic sexual things. the deposition revealed details from other relationships, including an exchange with a woman whose father died of cancer. cosby admits using that information to get close to her. the accuser's attorney asking did you ask her those questions because you wanted to have sexual contact with her? cosby, yes. while there's been much speculation about how much cosby's wife camille, really knows, the "times" says cosby describes blocking a damaging magazine article and sending money to one woman through his agent, so mrs. cosby wouldn't find out. as for accusations of drugging women? cosby insists benadryl was the only medication he gave the accuser in the case. but he is open about obtaining seven prescriptions for quaaludes, admitting he gave them to women, quote, the same as a person would, say, have a drink. cosby denied using quaaludes without their knowledge. but when asked whether one woman was in a position to consent to sex, he answered, i don't know. it's important to note that no charges have been filed against cosby in connection with any of these allegations. he and his attorney have vigorously denied he's a sexual predator. his publicist tells us they will have no comment on this latest "new york times" report. raising new questions about racism in america. recent turbulent events changing our thinking? ...and the wolf was huffing and puffing... kind of like you sometimes, grandpa. well, when you have copd it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said.. doctor: symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandfather: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! child giggles doctor: symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free prescription offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. chocolate! yeah! for the grand prize... fruity and honey nut! yes!! that's not a cheerio! 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>> well that's the other part of it. i make the case that true racial reconciliation, if we're going to close the racial divide that not only do i have to take off my mask and address the internal frustration and anger that harbors inside of me but that white america can't any longer be in denial. particularly in the area of economic disenfranchisement and structural racism that exists in our society. that's something that we've got to acknowledge. we've got to acknowledge that as checkered as our past may be that the burden in moving america forward with regards to race in america shouldn't be a shared burden, because we have a shared past. >> a year ago, a new yorker was arrested for selling allegedly these loose cigarettes. he was brought down by police officers, one using a choke hold. garner died shortly after his arrest. the protests have followed the garner death, and other high-profile deaths of young black men. yesterday, civil rights protesters disrupted the addresses by the presidential candidates in phoenix under the black lives matter banner. how important is it to keep these issues in the public spotlight? >> it's very important to keep these issues in the public spotlight. even as we now one year later, garner, and other african-americans unarmed, unfortunately killed by police it's important in keeping those in the spotlight if we're going to see change. and there has been some change. that is important so that their lives weren't in vain. we know that governor of new york has named the attorney general as a special prosecutor in these kinds of cases. there have been more adoption by state legislators of body cameras. more training around sensitivity among our police departments and law enforcement officials. and so it is important to keep those issues alive, to keep them in the forefront of america's public debate and discourse, so we can see continued progress and change. >> jonathan capehart, he wrote in the post about the garner case is changing the view on race. the scales of justice too often tilt away from fairness for blacks. more people understand that now, because they have seen it with their own eyes on video. do you think seeing video is going to change attitudes of many white americans on this issue? >> well, you know not only the video, in the days of social media, and twitter and instagram and -- look at what happened in charleston around the case around walter scott. that was as live as you can get. i do believe that that type of video, again social media platforms, it gives you the visual. it gives you unfortunately the experience to some extent of what really is transpiring in america. i do believe that's extremely important. technology in the future is going to add value even more to that particular form. >> as you know last week charleston removed the confederate battle flag from the capitol grounds. is there positive change taking out there? >> that's certainly a positive gesture. as i said before alex it's not just about taking the flag a piece of cloth off of a pole. but it's about removing the flags from within our hearts, and then answer the question, where do we go from here. how do we address the structural inequities that exist in our society, particularly around economics where black unemployment is still twice that of whites in americans. in south carolina in some communities, three times. we still have a lot of work to do. we're certainly moving in the right direction. >> rick wade very good to talk with you. thank you very much. appreciate the conversation. >> thank you. there's more than global security at stake in that nuclear deal with iran. will it affect what americans pay at the pump? 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>> alex i think this is a very strong arms control agreement. what it does is effectively prevents iran from being able to obtain a nuclear weapon from anywhere from 10 to 15 years. at the same time it puts in place the most extensive inspection regime any country has ever agreed to. so what i really like about this deal is that every step of the way, it places the onus on iran to verify that it's complying with every detail of this agreement. so in that way, it advances u.s. national interests. it certainly advances the security of our allies in the region as well. >> all right. but you heard secretary kerry saying the complaints of lifting the arms embargo is making mountains out of a molehill. what do you think about that? >> i completely agree with secretary kerry. in the deal right now, there is a five-year ban on lifting that embargo. beyond that who's to stop a further agreement after that takes place. i think one thing we have to recognize is that this is a very good deal now, and for the next 10 to 15 years. but this coming decade is a good solid chunk of time to engage the iranians even further. what's to stop us from enacting even additional agreements that ensure a longer time frame for this deal. >> in other words, you're comfortable with a piecemeal sort of effect at this point that we weren't going to get everything in one first deal right out of the starting gate. >> i think it's unrealistic to expect all your greatest wishes in one deal. but when you look at the deal, it's 150 pages or more if you read every page i don't know how many people have but it is a very impressive deal. the level of detail is like nothing we've ever seen. >> okay. iran of course has substantial oil and gas reserves. how is that going to affect the global market when their energy production is at full capacity? >> well right now, iranians officially say they're exporting about 1.5 million barrels per day of oil. iran's oil minister said recently that when this deal comes in to implementation phase, iran will be ready to increase that by 500,000 barrels per day. experts are not sure if iran's capacity will be up to snuff in order to do that. the oil sector the infrastructure is poor. it's not efficient. the production quality is bad. iran said it's looking for $8 billion in investment to revive the oil economy. so the experts i've talked to think that by the time iran's production is up and running, enough to impact the global market, it could be anywhere from two to three years. >> okay. suzanne dimaggio, thank you much. >> you're welcome. next up the shark attack video that you have to see to believe. hey terry stop they have a special! so, what did you guys think of the test drive? i love the jetta. but what about a deal? terry, stop! it's quite alright... ok, you know what? we want to make a deal with you. we're twins, so could you give us two for the price of one? 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>> no not at all. i got a standing ovation, the biggest ovation i've had all weekend by far. when i left the room it was a total standing ovation. it was wonderful to see. nobody was insulted. what happened is later on the republican candidates, some of whom are registering 1% and 0% they're very upset that i'm leading the polls by actually a nice margin. >> well joining me now is the "washington post" writer, and jonathan allen chief political correspondent. alahi, trump claims he did nothing wrong. can his trademark bluster get him through this one? >> this comment seems to have opened the floodgates for attack by other republicans whop -- when he made his previous remark about immigrants, a lot of republican candidates were at least initially hesitant to really directly attack him on that. but this comment has immediately drawn rebuke with rick perry calling for him to drop out of the race that he's not fit to be president. the rnc has denounced these comments. this is a comment that a lot of other republicans who have been hesitant to attack him for fear of alienating his supporters they are open to criticizing him and doing so very vehemently. >> jonathan you had a piece last week on trump's immigration platform. you said he was showing a side of the gop that the party leaders don't want you to see. this would seem to be an altogether new dimension. what recourse does the gop party have? >> i think what you're seeing right now is some opportunism on the part of the other candidates. at some level as donald trump suggests to get out and hammer him for what he said about john mccain's service record. he's not the first person to say that, by the way. al franken had said something about that at one point. i certainly remember wesley clark in 2008 was a campaign surrogate for barack obama, and made similar comments. wes clark was pulled och the surrogate tour by the obama campaign right after this. it will be interesting to see if the trump supporters are turned off by this. a lot of trump supporters who are, you know anti-illegal immigration, and certainly some of them are harsher than that are not big fans of john mccain to begin with. it may be that this doesn't hurt him a whole lot. >> let's talk about hillary clinton. this weekend as you know she decided to skip the net roots conference. eight years ago she was booed when she attended. was she looking to avoid a possible repeat jonathan? >> i think that's probably part of it. there's no reason to go out there and get booed by folks who see you as too much of a creature of the establishment, which i think is what happened last time. i'm not sure there's a whole lot for her to gain there. she wants to communicate her message to democrats broadly. and she probably doesn't need the net roots nation conference to do that. >> bernie sanders and martin o'malley were shouted down by the #black lives matter protesters. should we read this as a dissatisfaction with the field, or were they just looking for a high-profile platform? >> it might be just a high-profile platform. it also signals discontent among a politically active -- socially active segment of the -- what could be viewed as the democratic base. that's something that actually when we're talking even about gun control, that bernie sanders doesn't seem to -- hillary clinton's campaign has kind of beated around the bush and stating her firm stance on that issue, whereas bernie sanders has taken some votes in the past that could be interpreted as supporting the gun lobby, and gun manufacturers. so this could be just a hype-profile moment for these activists to seize on and make their statement clear. it will be another question as to whether they can rally and really prove a strong force in the primary. >> yeah. jonathan, very quickly, senator warren spoke on friday in calling on the candidates in 2016 to support tough new legislation on wall street executives. can hillary clinton afford to be tough on big money beyond just campaign speeches? >> sure. i think she can be tough on big money in certain ways. there are a lot of people maybe not the majority of course on wall street who actually want to see greater regulation who would like to see taxes increase, say, on hedge fund managers. the question for breaking up the big banks is another one. i think you can see a path for hillary clinton for doing that and not alienating her top donors. >> good to see you both. thanks, guys. more now from chattanooga and the shooting there, after the tragedy. some of the muslim community worried their relationships within the area may have been damaged. here's more. >> reporter: the shootings shook this quiet city. throwing it deep into mourning. this weekend, people strolled near the tennessee river, but the sadness has touched many corners here. including the city's muslim community. concerned now about damage to relationships that it spent years building. a mother of two prepares a traditional lunch. she and her husband are from pakistan. she's a doctor, he's an engineer. they've lived in chattanooga for nearly two decades. they hosted old friends on saturday, also from pakistan. >> we want to be fine with the community. we came to the country to be part of the community. >> reporter: the family are members of an area mosque. the islamic society of greater chattanooga. they are horrified that the shooter, mohammad youssuf abdulazeez, was also a member. since it was built three years ago, the mosque has stood as a model of co-existence. christian leaders were supportive. there are two churches just down the street. after the shootings last week the mosque canceled its celebration marking the end of the holy month of ramadan. and it urged members to attend an interfaith vigil at a baptist church downtown. that was the day that we first met asma. >> i think we should and people should make an effort to become a part of their society at large. i do think there's a clash between being muslim and being american. i think the values are very similar. >> i like very much as american as much american as i am a muslim and a pakistani. and without either one of those, i wouldn't be who i am. they make one beautiful mix. >> reporter: christian officials are urging outreach, too. a presbyterian minister has paid visits to prayer sessions at the mosque. he says that without such contact, it would be easy for rifts to grow. >> you simply have to double down on love. there's no alternative. >> reporter: it's a message of hope that many here want to believe. msnbc, chattanooga, tennessee. >> it's a dangerous beam of blinding light putting sky-high airliners in jeopardy. how dangerous are these laser attacks and what can be done to stop them? 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and why is it on the rise and the consequences are so severe? >> well alex lasing is when someone points a laser, extremely powerful at a commercial airliner. and in so doing potentially blinds the pilots. so the problem is these lasers particularly the green ones have gotten very inexpensive. you can get them on the internet. so there's no training. there may not be sufficient warning. i think a lot of people don't realize the potential danger which -- that they can cause for a flight. because if you blind the pilots even temporarily, certainly they're not going to be at their operate optimum performance. most flights are landed manually. the pilots are at a critical stage. at this point you don't want them to have any visual impairment. >> you absolutely do no. these lasers can they only reach during periods of takeoff and landing? are there any on the market that can reach when you're traveling at 30,000 feet? >> well the airplane would be so small, i think it would be very, very unlikely to have something at that altitude. and it wouldn't actually be as critical, but yes, as far as the range of the laser, it can actually go that far. the new powerful lasers are exactly that. they're quite powerful. >> do we have an idea of who is behind these laser incidents? >> you know alex that's one of the biggest questions i had. it's inconceivable to me that someone would deliberately put an airliner in jeopardy. so i think most of it is being unaware of the potential danger. it's a criminal offense. it's a serious criminal offense, and the fbi is prosecuting individuals that they catch on a regular basis. but it doesn't seem to be any one group. and it appears to be a crime of ignorance as opposed to a malicious act. >> have you ever experienced lasing? >> no, i've never been in an airplane that has been laseed. >> is there anything that airline manufacturers can do i don't know some sort of coating on the glass, the windshields, if you will or something that would deflect a laser? is that something they have to look into if it's not already out there, that technology? >> i spoke with some pilots for one of the law enforcement agencies in southern kae, and they have acquired glasses that because the police helicopters get lased pretty frequently and if they have a laser event, they wear these special glasses which helps decrease the likelihood that they're going to be visually impaired. if the number of lasings continues to increase i suspect we'll have to look at providing commercial pilots with similar sight glasses. >> okay. john cox thank you so much for weighing in. good to see you. >> my pleasure. a book is setting record sales after being released last week. besides the revelation that the beloved character atticus finch went from being a well-liked lawyer is a bigot is creating a controversy of its own. joining me is the biographer of harper lee, charles shields. charles, welcome to you. as you know harper lee long vowed she would never publish anything after "to kill a mockingbird." her sister also her business manager, held the very same opinion. but as the "washington post" is pointing out, two months after alice died tonya carter said she found this lost manuscript. so does all of this surprise you at all? >> not a bit. when i was writing my biography of harper lee back in 2006 i came across it then and knew it existed. but i moved on because i realized it was just a first draft of "to kill a mockingbird." >> carter said she didn't know about this manuscript that she had known it existed. what can you tell us about that? >> well they've known about it for a long time. i can't say exactly how long but alice lee never wanted the manuscript published. it's disrespectful to their father. it's not a very good piece of fiction. it takes us back into a south that is heavy with prejudice, and hate speech. so she didn't want it to come to the fore. as you point out, just two months after alice dies suddenly the book is available. >> how do you account for that? such a difference of opinion. she dies and two months later gets published. >> could be that just harper lee is directing her harper lee is directing her attorney to do what she always wanted to do which is to publish "go set a watchman." >> do you think harper lee saying ""to kill a mockingbird"" was her last book was worried this latest one could potentially tarnish the reputation? >> perhaps at that time seeing how "to kill a mockingbird" was embraced and how it's become a beloved book over 1,000 school children a yaerear read it. it is about standing up for what you believe and making good moral choices. this book by no measure, has any one of those qualities. >> biographer charles shields, thank you. straight ahead, surprising snubs for tv's big easy award. and a comeback for a fvtv favorite. here you look, it strategy is now business strategy. and a partnership with hp can help you accelerate down a path created by people, technology and ideas. to move your company from what it is now... to what it needs to become. ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good around ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ [ female announcer ] fiber one. how much protein does your dog food have? 18%? 20? introducing nutrient-dense purina one true instinct with real salmon and tuna and 30% protein. support your active dog's whole body health with purina one. we're just days away from the third installment of the shark nato franchise. shark nado 3. >> i know how this is going to sound. i can sense these storms come. these sharks they have a scent and it is not a pretty one. sharknados have now been reported all up and down the east coast. >> joining me now, nikki novak. we'll get to that -- it is actually home theaters you can see this on sci-fi. but first the emmy nominations. ann park huge following. it did not get a nomination for best drama. what's your reaction? >> it is interesting, too, because this is the first year that the emmys have actually given an extra nomination rather than having six nominees. this year they are allowing seven. still it didn't make the cut. it is a shocker. this show was a break-out hit. it was the show everybody was talking about. leap daniels has gotten on twitter this week and kind of poked fun at himself and poked fun at the said and said guys relax, we're doing okay. we could have the first african-american to win in this category. >> she may very well win that thing. how about "game of thrones"? 24 nominations. >> you talk about snubs, this is a show that was snubbed in the past and did get a lot of nominations but more in the makeup and technical categories. this seems to be the year for "game of thrones." any time i interview anyone in hollywood they say they watch that, that's their favorite show across the board. >> a lot of people have the same sentiment about "mad men." seventh season. >> can we please give this man an emmy? he has lost seven times and he's also nominated, interestingly, in the best guest actor category. he was on "unbreakable kidney schmidt." they all look the same on the mantel, but please just give this man an emmy. he deserves it. >> "sharknado 3." i've got to say it is on the nbc universal sci-fi channel. what is it about this that makes it a cultural phenomenon? >> i'm a huge fan. i was watching robo cop last night. it's become a cultural event. i think a lot of shows when we talk about the emmys that are very dramatic, there is a lot of great shows now across the board. it's very intense and it devotes -- you have to devote a lot of attention to it. this is just fun. this show has gotten over a billion tweets -- or this film rather. you know it's something that people love to tweet about, get on live twitter when it's on. they watch it with their friends. it is just fun. >> we have ten seconds. cameos anthony weiner michele bachmann ann coulter to name a few. i think you need to be in the next one. >> funny that you say that. the director promised me i will be in "sharknado 4." and there will be a "4." >> have a good one, everyone. a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? 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also the iran nuclear deal. >> i believe it poses a great deal to america and the world. >> we have all sides of the debate covered with british prime minister david cameron, secretary of state john kerry and a key republican critic, arkansas senator tom cotton. and the trump factor. republicans pile on after trump says this about john mccain. >> he's not a war hero. >> he is a war hero. >> he's a war hero becau

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