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Is it just about helping others or is it about 2016 . Hi, everyone. Its noon in the east and 9 00 in the west. Breaking news at this hour. The San Francisco area is bracing for potential aftershocks following the largest earthquake there in 25 years. The 6. 0 kweak struck at 3 20 this morning. Its affected thousands of homes and businesses. Joining me on the phone is brad aagaar dchl. Thank you for being with us today. Good morning. Give us a sense of how big this wake was compared to others in the past. This is comparable in size to the earthquake we had in 2004. Its considerably smaller than the loma prieta earthquake that happened in 1989. Its also significantly smaller than the north ridge earthquake and similar in size to the whit teaier earthquake happening in Southern California in 1987. Was there any kind of warning . No, at this point we dont have any information about shocks occurring before this earthquake and weve had the over 40 aftershocks following the earthquake. This did occur in a region where we have faults and so thats an indication that the earthquakes have occurred here in the past and they will happen in the future. You are about 60 miles from the epicenter. Is that right . Roughly 60 miles, yes. Did you feel anything . I did not feel it . How many reports are you getting of people waking up out of bed . We have reports at usgs. Gov feeling it as far east as the reno area. Din stant south, san jose which is about another 15 miles of here and then it was felt towards napa. You just mentioned nap apartment i want to show a live picture of napa valley where there is a damage to the roads. What have you heard about specific damage of any kind to fran structure . I cant report on damage specifically but our instruments reported very strong shaking, nearly 40 g in the or zon tal direction and very fast movement. 2 feet per second in how fast the ground moved. Those values are consistent with this size earth kweak and generally consistent with damage to unreinforced masonry structure as well as pipes and so forth and thats many of the observations that have been shown on television. Are there any kind of indicators when it comes to aftershocks . So the aftershocks typically the numbers decrease over time. So we do expect there to be a 50 and magnitude 1 is usually not felt by people, especially if they are outside. Magnitude 2, if you are very close in, are capable of being felt. You know, were looking at all of these pictures and i know that you said that this wasnt the biggest earth kweak in history or anything but its still huge for a lot of people and what does this say about how San Francisco is built to work through Something Like this. Its our older structures that were not built to code, where weve known for decades that they are vulnerable to ear earthquakes. This highlights the problem that we have. Some of our buildings are approaching 50 or more years old and they are not built to the same standards that our most modern structures are built. However, one thing important to highlight is that most of our wood frame household structures with either a Slap Foundation or even built up do perform very well in earthquakes and that helps certainly minimize the amount of damage that we see in these earthquakes. And so our infrastructure, gas, sewer, water lines tend to be vulnerable in these types of earthquakes. Where we get strong shaking but yet our structures are able to withstand them. Does this in any way indicate that there may be another, bigger earthquake on the way . This specific earthquake does not give us indication that something is larger but for any earthquake on average, theres a 5 to 10 of a larger event. At this time, theres no additional indications that a larger event is more likely. Brad aagaard, thank you very much. Youre welcome. Also breaking, new information in the terrorists who beheaded american journalist james foley. British intelligence agents have identified the man on the video. Here is the British Ambassador on meet the press today. I think we are close. Ive been in touch, obviously, the last day or two with my colleagues at home. Were not in position to say who this is but there is very sophisticated Voice Technology which should allow us to be very clear about who this person is before very long. Joining me from london is kelly. What do you know about the search for the suspect at this point . Well, milissa, james foleys killer has been identified and some papers naming names but nothing has been made public so far and one source says theres a lot of wild speculation out there. A lot of british citizens who have gone to syria are making no effort to disguise themselves. One, a former rapper from west london. And in one video he was holding a head. And there are people giving people tips on how to get into syria and encouraging them to fight for isis. In terms of a suspect, all we know is that the list has been narrowed. Kelly, what kind of tools are the Intelligence Community what kind of tools are they using . What do they have at their disposal . And also, they are tracking these people down in places like syria. What do they plan to do with that intelligence . Well, first, to the issue of technology and tools, they will be monitoring social media, of course, because there is so much out there and, again, as i said before, people who are recognizable, they will be comparing voices of known british jihadists. Among them, for example, is a doctor from east london. He was actually accused of kidnapping western journalists in syria. The trial collapsed because of a lack of evidence and hes always said that hes innocent and went to syria simply to treat the injured. Hes out there. Hes someone to talk to. And others have returned as well, been investigated and prosecuted. You can bet the Security Services are talking to them, milissa. Kelly cobiella, thank you. Lets go to Napa City Fire Department where they are holding a press Conference Regarding this mornings earthquake. Thats about all i have. Well go from there. I know it was a pediatric and i do not know the age. Im the operations chief, napa fire department. There were two criticals that im aware of and two other criticals and i dont know the exact nature of them. Im going to assume this is all traumarelated injuries from falling trees. We have no reports of anybody missing at this time. Do you feel there is a danger as far as gas leaks and power lines down . Do you feel like that danger has passed . Tho. We are still getting calls of that nature pg e is working closely with us to try to identify any known leaks. But as people come home, they get up, get moving, thats when were starting to get more calls of this. Additionally, we havent really seen any aftershocks of significance. Weve had some. I understand two of them in the 3 point something range but they are anticipating up in the range of 5 plus for aftershocks. And i havent felt them yet. Is there rubble downtown, any word about the danger of getting too close . Yes. Please stay away. Weve done our best and were working on isolating those areas and taping them off. Weve done our best to close downtown and those build thags a buildings that are obviously damaged a well have a team that will go out and evaluate those items. But, you know, its the commonsense side. Please stay away from the buildings that look like they are leaning at this point. What is your recommendation as far as where people could go . Theres a shelter in place at Napa High School for now. Maybe call a friend, go to a friends place. Generally if you dont smell gas, youre probably safe. So can you give us any estimate of when power will be restored so that pg e can get a sense of just how long this will take . I do not have an idea of that. What would it mean the building officials would have a better idea of how the overall structures again, were in the middle of an assessment. Im going to let the public works representative discuss that. A total of six buildings completely destroyed, two others damaged. Thats on one incident. And another incident, a mobile home was destroyed as well. Separate mobile home park. With that, ill let jack come up and answer it further. Hello. Jack larochelle, public works director. I do want to say that the reports on the gas leaks that weve gotten, theres been a lot of reports that pg e is chasing those down. We dont know the actual number. My understanding is that they have crews working on that as diligently as possible. The big thing were looking at from a public works infrastructure standpoint is the water main system, our whole water system. Theres been a report of about 30 water main leaks or breaks. A lot of them in the brownsville area west of town and thats to be expected. Thats a geological area that is more susceptible to damage. We have our crews assessing those locations. Were trying to isolate those leaks, shut off the water to those areas as quickly as possible. Now, to provide water flow and volume, weve opened up are our water plant at hennessee. Our water plants were fine. They were not damaged. Thats the good news, the upside. We are feeding water. The tank levels did start going down right after the earthquake. So those have been stabilized. The water is safe to drink. I have to say that. And what were doing afterwards, after we do that part of the work is then we have to set out a set of assessment teams and go out and assess the damage. My understanding so far is there is some road buckling issues but nothing as far as any catastrophic failure of any bridges which is good news, at least in the napa area. From a structure standpoint, we have a team of folks who are going to go out, our inspectors. Well get structural experts to go through and assess property. Were doing that right now. We dont know how many there are. We dont know what the extent of the damage is. But when we find something that is problematic, we will either red tag it and have folks not to be around the building for safety purposes and then well go from there. We just dont know yet. As soon as we get that information and its confirmed, well make it available. It seems more likely that youre going to have 100 or 200 structures damaged rather than dozens. Can you give me a feel of how many have been red tagged . I cant tell you that. And you know what, thats speculation. I have no idea. You can see some of the damage downtown to some of the older buildings. But we just dont know yet. Can you talk about the fires out here and whether they were retrofitted and still failed . I know its early but anything along those lines . I cant tell you. Rick, if you want to talk about that, rick . Rick tooker is our in charge of planning. Right. Its tooker. We dont have numbers to give you at this point in time. As to the numbers that weve redtagged, what were trying to do is make certain that we have people identifying these buildings and were starting from the center outward where some of our older structures are. With regard to the reinforcement, our urm program, most of our buildings in the downtown older buildings have been reinforced. We have just a small handful that have not. Whether or not those are connected to work that has been done or not, were not able to say at this point in time. We need to be able to collect the information and get it out to you rather than make assumptions. Same manager or okay. Representative from the police. Peter . Of the urms that weve had, there have been improvements made t made to these buildings over time. Some have been completed as recent as the last 18 months and some several years ago. It really varies. Is it a requirement . It is a requirement. Thats correct. What is the deadline . It has come and gone. As a result, very few have not completed their reinforcement. Weve been actively pursing that. I dont want to draw a conclusion to any of those structures relative to any damage out there now. We just dont have enough data to tell you that. Im the kmup Tea Development director. Im the operations captain there and i would like to say that our 911 system and all Law Enforcement public systems are operating as normal but enhanced as of this community because a lot had to deal with the overwhelming response that we had from our 911 staff, our Police Officers, our firefighters who live here in town who came in without having to be called in. So with that said, we are working and there is a high Police Presence to respond to the citizens of the town as well as business owners. Right now we have some street closures downtown to jefferson street and from third street to main. A lot of that is due to the broken glass thats downtown, the damage of the buildings and the potential for further damage to take place. The Napa Sheriffs Department is taking care of security at the courthouses as well as the county administrative buildings and at the department of corrections. We are very thankful for the community. Weve already received a lot of donations as far as lumber to board up windows. So that makes our job easier. Weve been responding to a lot of alarm calls. When those buildings are secured, it makes it ceasier for easier for us to provide assistance. How many 911 calls did you receive . I have no idea. The system was maxed out for a while. Several years ago we had an earthquake at 5. 2 and we went through that. It wakes people up. What was the chief emergency . They reported some emergencies, there was gas leak issues, there were fires. A whole host of things that people were calling about that were brought on by this natural disaster. Any concern about the downtown and a lot of windows and doors had fallen off, a lot of officers down there and concerned about going in and stealing things, that kind of thing . Not at this point. Weve had relative calm for this magnitude of earthquake and those donations that we received are already starting to board up the windows. We are trying to have them come in and assess and secure them as quickly as possible. But we have not had reports of looting or anything like that. Chief, what would you say about those planning to come in today . Come on up and have a good time. I would check on your reservations or at any restaurants and wineries but a lot of the area will remain businesses as normal and its not to take anything away from the residents and businesses that have suffered but a lot of it will be business as normal. We just ask that they stay out of the dangerous areas where theres broken glass, brick and mortar on the ground where they might get hurt. No other questions . Ill turn it over to the city manager mike. Just a point of clarification before we close, when we say that there have been 100 gas leaks, those are calls weve received from people worried about gas. That doesnt necessarily mean that weve verified that the pipelines are leaking or that theres a hazard. Any time we receive that kind of a call, we check it out. But i wanted to make it clear that those are calls that we received, not verified leaks. We know that the conditions are ee evolve vehicle quickly. Well come back around noon and well have more information to verify, give you a little more detail in terms of the numbers and what is happening out there. In the meantime and for people to receive more information, they can anybody can take a look at our web page at cityofnapa. Org. The whole front page is providing details and data about what is happening or the city Public Information officer berry martin can be contacted at 2588704, extension 7817. Thats 2587804. Thats exception lets see. What did i say . 7804. 258 someone is writing this in high heilogriphics here. An earthquake hit at 3 20 local team. Theres a group of city officials including the public works director saying that they are not entirely sure how much damage there is yet but it doesnt look terribly bad. There are about 30 main breaks or leaks. The water is safe to drink, which is key. They are telling people to check on their businesses. There are concerns of road buckling issues. There are some street closures but no indication of major infrastructure problems. The 911 system is working well and is enhanced because people are coming in on their own time to make sure things go smoothly. Once again, a 6. 0 earthquake struck this morning. They are going to have an update in a couple of hours and well bring that to you as well. But moving on, other breaking stories today, there is new reaction from key lawmakers to the isis threat back to iraq. One of the problems is its gone unabated for two years and that draws people from britain to across europe, even the United States to go and join the fight. They see that as a winning ideology, a winning strategy, and they want to be a part of it and thats what makes it so dangerous. They are one plane ticket away from u. S. Shores. Well, i do think they present the greatest threat weve seen since 9 11. This has been festering for the last year and its culminating with the beheading of an american journalist which i think is a turning point. They are not only intent of establishing a caliphate in syria and iraq but external operations in europe and they would love nothing else than to hit the United States of america. Im joining by the Deputy Spokesman for the secretary of state. Thank you for being with us. Thank you. A little earlier we heard the British Ambassador saying that the uk is close to identifying the militant who killed james foley. Has the u. S. Seen or heard any of this evidence . We are working very closely with our british counterparts to view the video and i wholeheartedly agree with the ambassador. We have a lot of tools at our disposal. Our Intelligence Community is looking to see if we can determine who was in that video. Because, as weve all said, since this horrific act, we in the United States will go to every effort, at all lengths to hold people accountable when we kill our citizens. Were very focused on that right now. Im curious about that because so much is being said right now and right fully so that here in the u. S. And in places like europe that apparently some people are moving relatively freely, going back and forth to places like syria and turkey and committing atrocities on one level or another. So one thing is tracking them and finding out who they are. But if they stay there, what are we even to do . Well, we are very concerned because a huge number of isil fighters are from the west, including britain and some, unfortunately, are from the United States. Were working very closely with our partners in the region whose country they may transit through to try to cut off the flow of fighters and cut off isil. Its a threat were very focused on. We have a number of ways to monitor the situation and track people and were very concerned about the threat that one of these westerners or, god forbid, an american, would try to go back to europe or to the United States and commit an act of violence. Its something were very, very focused on right now. Were potentially putting boots on the ground in iraq and syria. Are they actually going directly after certain people that they have intelligence on to get them there before they come here . Well, were doing a couple of things. Youve seen us take direct military action against isil targets inside iraq. Weve freed the people they are holding hostage on sinjar mountain and weve helped the iraqis take back the mosul dam. Were going after them very directly. The president has been clear we will not put troops in iraq, but we are looking at how, in the long term, we can degrade isil leadership and cut off their funding. Theres a number of tools and a lot of it will be building our partners on the ground, building the iraqis, building the moderate operation in syria to take the fight directly to isil as weve done at other places like yemen. Is isis a greater threat to the u. S. Homeland than al qaeda . Well, i think its important when we talk about the threat to be very precise about what we know and what information we actually have. We are concerned about the prospect of westerners, particularly americans, who have american passports going and training with isil and coming to the United States. We have seen them talk openly about a 9 11 attack. We havent seen them have that kind of activity but were constantly vigilant and monitoring and were very concerned about the fact that they might be looking externally to see what else they could possibly target. But they are very focused right now on iraq, on syria, and thats where our attention has been focused on taking the fight to them. One of the demands has been a prisoner swap and however a prisoner swap was made in the situation of Sergeant Bowe bergdahl. One of the people up there is demanding to be released and she is in prison in texas. In the past weve said we wont do prisoner swaps and in fact we did, what kind of message is that sending out there . These are two completely different situations. With bowe bergdahl, theres a long time in history where our servicemen are held overseas. Theres a long history of some of the steps weve taken in the past during other wars. That was fully consistent with bring pows home. We do not make concessions to terrorists, period. We dont pay ransom or make concessions to them because we dont want to feed this vicious cycle of kidnapping for ransom. We dont want to give them more funds to commit more acts of terrorism. Thats been our long standing policy. We dont want to put more american citizens at risk for kidnapping and thats why we dont make those kinds of concessions. You mentioned the humanitarian situation on mt. Sinjar where we had to go in and rescue all of those people and i think anybody would have a hard time with that. The question i want to ask you is how does a humanitarian situation in iraq different from the humanitarian situation in syria . And what i mean by that is if we send people in to syria that would, in effect, possibly aid the Assad Government and their effort, how is the state department weighing that versus the confrontation with isis . Its a good question. In terms of the humanitarian situation, the humanitarian situation in syria right now is incredibly dire. When we were operating around mt. Sinjar, there was a discrete location where the u. S. Military was invited in by the Iraqi Government and we had the capability to act. In syria, we are the worlds leading donor to the syrian people. We have worked very hard to get it in, particularly to areas that are held by the regime. So we are trying to help with the humanitarian situation. Assad has allowed them to grow and hes allowed them to flourish. The other countries whose citizens might be funding to really deprive isis of the oxygen that it needs to focus on and thats what we are looking at. Thank you very much. Thank you. More now on the breaking story we have been bringing to you, a 6. 1 earthquake in Northern California happened early this morning. Thousands in the napa valley are without power and buildings and roadways have been damaged somewhat. Almost 90 90 people have been injured. Joining me now on the phone is documentary filmmaker alexandra pelosi. She felt the earthquake. Where were you . Napa california. I was at home and felt as though someone picked up the house and started shaking it and just dumped it. How long have you lived in california . Yeah, and i was in the 1989 earthquake. And i have to say this felt violent. Its remarkable the amount of damage that we are not seeing. I mean, compared to 1989. Im in napa. Im standing in front of an Olive Oil Company where you can see all of the bottles on the floor. To think thats the worst case scenario, buildings being destroyed. There are some bad buildings destroyed but i was sure that there was going to be so much more damage because it was so violent and it was so it was a very strong earthquake and its really something that weve never felt before. You have been out and about. Have you been talking to other people and talking to them about their experiences . I have. And i just bumped into congressman Mike Thompson on the street who is saying the same thing. Its just remarkable how little damage there is because it felt so violent and it was so shocking and to see going through businesses and seeing all of the books ive seen destroyed wine collections. But to say that a wine collection was destroyed, thats very minimal considering the timing. If this had happened during the dayti daytime, it would have had a much different thats a really good point because so many people would be out and about and thats an incredible blessing. The water is safe to drink and people, like you are yourself, are out and about. Weve heard some reports of possible buckling of the roads. Weve seen a picture that looks like that. What advice do you have to a person moving about for people who other people who might get in their car and drive somewhere where you are today . Reporter . Of course, stay home. People are coming around and taking pictures with their iphones there. Are buildings downtown napa that have real damage and people want to take pictures and its just a whole selfie culture where people are out clogging streets and making it difficult for these authorities to come around and assess what damage there really is. Its still fresh, though. Of course they would say, just stay home. Senator nancy pelosi, thank you for joining us. Thank you. Now to ferguson, missouri, on the eve of their sons funeral, the parents of Michael Brown will lead a peace rally there and they will be joined by parents of trayvon martin. Meanwhile, Department Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement marlin marshal is also a st. Louis native. Also tomorrow, ferguson students will head back to class for their first day of the new school year. Students were supposed to start back last woke. Classes were postponed after those nightly clashes with police, as you can see right here. Msnbcs richard lui is live for us. It was another calm night. What are officials saying at this point. Milissa, we are talking about a different phase, a Movement Towards that. Overnight, captain ron johnson saying that there are six arrests but otherwise a calm night. Teachers are preparing and getting ready for that first day of school next week. They got a training on thursday to understand crisis management. To be able to see that in their kid. They are preparing. Just early this morning i was speaking with some of those out here on west florissant. Many are saying now we need to look towards a solution a. White black solution. There were two runners, despite the heat index between 102, they were running up and down the street a couple of times hands up, dont shoot. The two runners, one was white and one was black and thats what the grandfather of Michael Browns grandfather wants. He still has some struggles. I need somebody to help me understand. I need some closure. But all of the support that hes receiving around the world. Everybody is going to know but its just a wrong way. I love him to death. Reporter we were there at that site where Michael Brown died. It was the tenth time he told me that he had been there. Part of what may work, Police Officers were out passing along with residents and other organizations 1,000 bags of food at the apartment complex where mike brown lived. His grandfather did appreciate that. Now, youve mentioned the peace fest. I have the flyer here that they are passing out and the theme is back to the basics. It says, faith, family, and neighborhood. Thats what they are looking forward today. The funeral tomorrow, 485 family members will be there, including the grandfather. Milissa . Richard lui, thank you very much. New accusations of missed opportunities in the quest to take down isis coming up. Y. Say hi rudy. [ barks ] [ chuckles ] id do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. Thats why im so excited about these new milkbone brushing chews. Whoa, im not the only one. Its a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth. Clinically proven as effective as brushing. Ok, here you go. Have you ever seen a dog brush his own teeth . The twist and nub design cleans all the way down to the gum line, even reaching the back teeth. They taste like a treat, but they clean like a toothbrush. Nothing says you care like a milkbone brushing chew. 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Behold [ birds chirping ] [ shaking ] i love being outdoors. I love bark. [ male announcer ] shake the outdoors indoors with new bounce bursts. As a result in ferguson, congress is calling for excessive and deadly force by police. In a letter that points to be continuing force of deadly force by police against unarmed africanamericans in cities across our country. Joining me now is one of the congressman calling for the hearing representative steve cohen who is joining us in the studio. Thank you for being with us, first of all. Thank you. What do you believe is behind this pattern and what are you hoping comes out of this hearing . I think for years and years and years police have not taken into consideration part of the Deadly Force Law and theyve taken action quicker than they should. Police have done a tough job. They protect us but they should resort to deadly force and with africanamerican citizens, too many times they have taken the use of deadly force without taking a life. Its a misjustice and its gone on for years. Much of what we see i passed a resolution in congress in 2008 to apologize for slavery. We should have had a discussion on race at that time. We still need to have discussion on race in america. President obama talked about it early on in a great speech but nothing has been to follow it up and the problems we have with poverty, with disease and lack of health care in the city even though we have an Affordable Care act the problem with jobs and unemployment in the inner city, crime in the inner city and people being warehoused in prison which all come from the drug war, all of these comes together and the conditions that permeate america that need to be dealt with and Congress Needs to deal with both republican and democrat if not to avoid dealing with those issues as republicans or democrats. I want to go back to a point that you were just making. Police shooting deaths in the u. S. Are compared to other industrialized countries. In 2012 there were zero in japan and britain. There were a total of eight in germany. In the u. S. There was 409. Does that surprise you . Well, unfortunately, it doesnt. I just got back from a week in ireland. Our states are more military states equipped with government and militarytype equipment to have them act as if they are at war and people are more likely to be shot. We need to have entirely new perspectives on the use of that equipment or the giving of that equipment to police departments. They dont need that to use against their own citizens. And that is publicly being addressed and to be continued, obviously. I want to ask you, how much of a problem is it the fact that we have so many guns in our culture . Thats a big problem. In all fairness, just being devils advocate here, i think its fair to understand that in the United States of america, chances are pretty good that somebody might have a gun. Well, it is. And the fact is, people have guns and the court has ruled theres a Second Amendment right. Its a militia argument and the court ruled in memphis it was a death yesterday of a woman, bullet shot in the house, a 30yearold woman is dead. Police officer killed last week. They broke in to serve a warrant and people shot her. There are Guns Everywhere and theres a problem. But the Republican Party and some others as well are tied to the nra like the buttons on your blouse and they are just inaccei inseparable and they are not going to change. And they are not all legal guns. People may or may not have bought a gun legally, it may or may not have been registered. Well, thats a problem. So if youre an officer or anybody, quite frankly, that is obviously a huge problem to have to confront. Officers have got problems, too. In the case with mr. Brown, they did not have a weapon present. With the man in st. Louis a week later, whether its a knife or not is an issue but i saw that video. Theres ways to end the conflict and not have the officers life be in jeopardy other than killing the individual and the idea of killing the individual seems to come first. Youre supposed to resort to deadly force. They need to be careful about using weapons and taking lives. Congressman steve cohen, thank you very much. Nice to be with you, milissa. The killing of american journalist james foley is ringing terror bells around the world. The pressure is on president obama to authorize more military action, including air strikes to fight isis. Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee mike r rodgers says its time to act. That disruptive activity is critically important. We have missed dozens and dozens of opportunities to take really bad people off the battlefield in the recent last two years. Joining me now is former u. S. Ambassador and coordinator benjamin and director of International Understanding at dartmouth college. Thank you for having me. Is that true, that the u. S. Has missed opportunities to take down isil over the past two years . No, i dont think its true. Because of the demands of the Iraqi Government, the United States left iraq in 2011 and, frankly, iraqs own ability to pursue a Counterterrorism Mission and prosecute a Counter Insurgency has declined over time because of poor governance in baghdad. Things have just gone south. Were at a new junction and the question really is whether the new government in baghdad will include the kind of inclusiveness that we need because its the sectarian policies under Nuri Al Maliki that have driven this conflict and created the space in which isis can grow and become such a dangerous threat. From the u. S. And a european point of view, with so many people coming to join this fight, what is it going to take to fight it . Its a capable set of partners on the ground that will depend on much more collection intelligence and we have partners that are committed to counterterrorism and committing to this insurgency and are prepared to take the fight. We only have a little bit more time but i want to get a question in because you just made a point thats very, very interesting. Its been a long time. What you mention is we need a capable partner on the ground. It has been a long time since we have been engaged over there. What is it going to take and who is this going to be . Well, in the first instance we hope its going to be iraq to go after the terrorists and we can support them with air strikes and intelligence and logistics and as they have not been in the past and that is absolutely the first requirement. This is a threat in the middle. Country. They may become a terrorist threat but they are not yet because they dont have the ability to carry outcome plex, difficult operations over to strike at the United States. Unfortunately, we need to leave it there. Daniel benjamin, thank you very much. When we come back, the largest earthquake to hit San Francisco in over 25 years. Theres a reason its called an all you can eat buffet. And not a have just a little buffet. Because what we all really want is more. Thats why verizon is giving you even more. Now, for a limited time, get more data 1 gb of bonus data every month with every new smartphone or upgrade. Our best ever pricing with the more everything plan and 50 off all new smartphones. Like the htc one m8 for windows or android. Built to inspire envy. Come get your more with verizon. Well start looking for an suv. Fire by firenze sir . Start your Search Online with over 35,000 carmax quality certified used cars. Carmax. Start here. [guyi know what youre excited. 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It almost threw me out of bed it was so violent and i tried to make my way towards the wall or something that was more stable and it was pretty violent shaking and pictures shaking and im staying with some friends up on the hill and the pictures falling over and off the walls and pots, theres no lights or no power anywhere. So then this morning i came in to get my beloved english muffin and this is what i found. Reporter thank you very much, scott. You can also see a gaping hole at the Justice Building at the Old City Hall in downtown napa. I talked to a number of lawyers who have cases here tomorrow. It doesnt seem like there are going to be a lot of cases here today. The emergency ems Emergency Services have an Office Behind my photographer here and they moved that office to a different location. So people coming to the downtown area at third and brown and people are just trying to wrap their heads around this earthquake in the napa area. Im milissa rehberger. 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