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Kind of facial hair. This is first look on msnbc. Stay tuned, way too early starts right now. Joe said first nobody agrees with me, then three or four people agree with me. The fact of the matter is i said paul krugman versus the world. I meant it as a compliment. I did mean it as a compliment. I sat there and thought, wow, he doesnt think we need to address that . I didnt say that. What did you say . We have a problem in 2025, we dont have a problem this year or next year. Its being called the ali frazier of economic debates, scarborough versus krugman. Good morning, im mark halperin, this is way too early. Thanks for being up with us on this tuesday, march 5th. Its not just tv hype when i say we have a lot of new sy news to tell you about. We have Chris Christies magical sound still ahead. And some cabinet nominations by president obama will change the face of his administration. Before we get to those headlines, our top story here, Vice President joe biden is helping set the tone when it comes to the u. S. Position on Irans Nuclear program. The Vice President in washington told apac yesterday that the window for tehran. We have a shared strategic commitment. Let me make clear what that commitment is. It is to prevent iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, period. Period. And of discussion. Period. Prevent. Not contain. Prevent. Big nations cant bluff. President s of the United States cannot and do not bluff. And president barack obama is not bluffing. He is not bluffing. Just moments after the Vice President , Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the crowd expressing solidarity with the u. S. Government saying sanctions must be accompanied with a clear and credible military threat. John mccain used his remarks to address the u. S. israeli marks and taking a swipe at the new secretary of defense, chuck hagel. Governor Chris Christie is slamming leaders in washington for failing to find Better Solutions to last weeks across the board spending cuts. The new Jersey Republican called out president obama and the congress. The worst thing about sequester in my view is theyre not spending time talking about e entitlement spending which is where we need to focus on over the long haul to make a difference in terms of our longterm Fiscal Health as a country. Im disappointed in that. You know, if you stacked up all the things that disappointment about washington, d. C. , it would be pretty tall. If anybody in this room thinks they understand washington, d. C. , please come on up, stand behind the podium and you give the answers. Because i dont have the first damn idea of what theyre doing down there. I dont understand it. I dont understand why they havent fixed it already. Seems to me it should be easy to fix. Real leadership would get this fixed. Get everybody in the room and you fix it. You dont let them leave until you fix it. Thats what real leadership is, not calling a meeting two hours before things hit to have a photoop in the driveway of the white house. Thats not real leadership. Fix it. Education secretary arnie duncan says he misspoke last week when he suggested the sequester was already costing teachers their jobs. In fact, it will be several more months before School Districts feel the effects of the cuts. A new cbs news poll shows 38 of americans blame Congressional Republicans for failing to reach an agreement to avert those cuts. 33 hold the president accountable along with democrats. 19 say pocks on both parties home. A majority believe sequester cuts will effect them directly. The markets ignoring this. The dow gained another 38 points yesterday, closing at its highest level of the year. Its 37 points away from an alltime high. Today both chambers of congress will discuss proposals to avoid a Government Shutdown at the end of the month. Senate democrats will meet to address their plan, while the rules committee in the house will take up a new 982 billion bill introduced by republicans yesterday to keep washington running through the end of the fiscal year. The bill would also soften the blow of last weeks cuts to several federal agencies. The new proposal would shift 10 billions to the pentagon operations, and it would prohibit cuts to Holding Facilities to Illegal Immigrants provide 2 billion funding for Embassy Security and extend the salary freeze for federal employees and members of congress. That gop bill slated to hit the house floor this thursday. Last night, morning joe anchor Joe Scarborough went head to head with economist paul krugman for anhour. The two debated the u. S. Economy. They hit everything from entitlement reform to the urgency of paying down the debt, they address the cutting Government Spending and whether or not congress can focus on more than one thing at a time. As bob rubin said, you never know when a bond crisis will come. Its not like well get a warning. Youll wake up one day and suddenly theres a crisis. When is that going to happen . I dont know. All kinds of things can happen. What do you mean all kinds of things . Paul, again, youve been predicting this for 20 years. Thats such a tired argument, to search for quotes i said in stuff once upon a time. Once upon a time . You said this for 15 years, then woke up one day and said i was wrong. You said we needed to create a housing bubble to replace a nasdaq bubble. You know i was joking when i said that. You were joking . This is so disa poinppoindis . Im quoting back what you are saying. I dont think we need a serious discussion here. What is the attack . What is it in the next ten years that will force us to do something . We dont know. As richard hass said youre right until the day youre wrong, the day youre wrong its a very bad day indeed. Well have much more of that, of course, coming up on morning joe. President obama may have silenced some of his critics who say his administration lacks diversity by nominating two women. Sylilvia Matthews Burwell is th pick to head the management of office and budget, and Gina Mccarthy is the choice to helm the Environmental Protection agency. Also yesterday, earnest moniz was nominated as energy secretary. Those nominati. A bipartisan plan to curb gun trafficking is being introduced into the senate. The legislation would make it a federal crime to purchase a weapon for someone who does not legally own one. The stores that sell the guns could face legislation as well. Tom coburn is key on any senate deal on expanding background checks but remains skeptical of requiring private sellers to keep records. Coburns blessing could carry with it widespread republican support in the senate, without it some democrats may defect as well. Theres a new 60 minutes vanity fair poll that reveals 80 of people think gun violence in video games, movies and pop culture have some or a lot of impact on society. The Obama Administration fighting back against charges that access to the president is being sold to high bidders by new advocacy organizations. The New York Times reported that people who donate at least 500,000s to the nonapproval Organization Organizing for action, a direct off spring of president obamas campaign team, would be granted quarterly meetings with the president. Yesterday jay carney disputed the allegations. Any notion theres a set price for a meeting with the president of the United States is wrong. Organizing for action was set up to promote the president s policy agenda, so as anyone would expect the president would meet with representatives to discuss his agenda. This is a separate organization, the existence of which is appropriate, the white house will engage with it consistent with the way we engage with other outside constituenconstit as always, let us know why you are awake. You can email us or tweet us. Still ahead here on way too early, a fight breaks out on the court during last nights heat game. With said pushing and shoving. And miamis 14game winning streak, well see about that when we come back. And mila kunis helps out an interviewer. Im petrified. So far youre doing good job. Really . No. That and a check of the weather when way too early comes back. Belushi died in a bungalow in hollywood. The Beverly Hills Fire Department was called to the hotel and said belushi was unconscious and choking. Later police said he appeared to have died of natural causes. [ female announcer ] switch to swiffer 360 dusters extender, and youll dump your old duster. But dont worry, hell find someone else. Whos that lady . Whos that lady . 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Axiron, the only underarm treatment for low t, can restore testosterone levels back to normal in most men. Axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18. Axiron can transfer to others through direct contact. Women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. Report these signs and symptoms to your doctor if they occur. Tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. Do not use if you have prostate or breast cancer. Serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet, or body swelling; enlarged or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. Common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. See your doctor, and for a 30day free trial, go to axiron. Com. By the armful . By the barrelful . The carful . How about. By the bowlful . Campbells soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. Campbells. Its amazing what soup can do. Youre looking live at americas beautiful capitol in washington, d. C. Now its time on way too early to get a check of the weather with nbc meteorologist bill karins. Bill, whats up with weather . D. C. Is such a tough forecast. Theyll get rain over to snow. The question is when will the transition occur and how much snow will they get around the d. C. Area . That snow is in the midwest. Its from minneapolis down to the quad cities of iowa, madison and wisconsin t will snow here shortly. Thats where the center of the storm is. It will take three days to get off the east coast. This is how it looks during the Daylight Hours today. The green being where its primarily green. The pink shows you the wintry mix, maybe sleet, snow and rain mixed in. The allwhite is the snow. This is a fullblown snowstorm today. One of those days you wont want to be traveling in northern illinois, up near chicago, northern indiana. This morning especially southern wisconsin into the quad cities. Later this afternoon it spreads into areas around ohio. How much snow are we talking . This will be, if it goes as im predicting, the biggest snowfall of the year in chicago. They have not had a lot of big snowstorms. About 4 to 8 inches in chicago. Primarily falling from 10 00 a. M. This morning to 6 00 p. M. A Daylight Hours high impact on travel snowstorm for you. Thats why all the flights have been canceled out of ohare and m midway. Indianapolis 2 to 4, milwaukee, most of the heavy snow is south of you, thats why youre at 12. Then the storm will redevelop as it comes through virginia and off the coast. It will become like an ocean storm, maybe a noreaster. Some of that snow will go up to new england, primarily a rain event for i95 to the coast, turning to snow wednesday night. Heaviest snow totals will be the further west you are up to the mountains of West Virginia and virginia. D. C. Is a tough forecast, i could make an argument of 3 to 6 inches. East of d. C. Barely anything. As far as were concerned, Higher Elevations may be getting more snow. Are there carob chips in the snow . A bit of everything. The heat laying it on the line, their 14game winning streak on the line. Things getting physical in the fourth quarter. J. J. Barea gets pushed by ray allen down to the floor. He levels allen on his way to the hoop. Theres some pushing, shoving. The heat do their best to get between allen and barea. He stands all of 57. Watch the little push back. Barea is charged with a flagrant foul. Ejected from the game. The heat would win their 15th straight victory. 9781. They have not lost a game since february 1st. Nba, the knicks taking on the cavs, Carmelo Anthony goes down hard there as he tries to pull in a pass. Comes up limping. He leaves the game. Soreness in the right knee. He says his knee has been hurting him for a couple weeks. He had an mri on it a couple days ago. The knicks, after anthony left, went on to win the game 10297. Some Womens College basketball now. Topranked baylor is taking on kansas state. Britney griner, huge game, its senior night. Second half here, she throws down the onehanded dunk. Her 14th dunk of her college career. Boom. Very nice. 50 points, thats her career high. Her last home game with the bears. Baylor goes on to win 9068. All right. Nfl news now. Joe flacco will enjoy the spoils of his big super bowl win for years to come. The ravens made flacco the highest paid player in the league yesterday. They inked the super bowl mvp to a sixyear deal worth more than 120 million, a 20 million signing bonus, 50 million guaranteed. Apparently this has not changed joe flaccos taste in fine dining. He was spotted at a drivethru window in aberdeen, maryland, hours after signing the biggest contract in the nfl. He did order extra sauce for the nuggets. Coming up on morning joe, well break down last nights big facedown between Joe Scarborough and paul krugman of the New York Times. And when we come back here, well huddle around the water cooler. Americas favorite anchorman, ron burgundy is getting some company at the anchor test. Well see which Hollywood Star has signed on the dotted line for the sequel. Is that what youre looking for, like a hidden fee in your giant mom bag . Maybe i have them. Oh thats right i dont because i rolled my account over to etrade where. Woah. Okay. They dont have hidden fees. Hey fern. The junk drawer . Why would they. Is that my gerbil . You said he moved to a tiny farm. Thats it, im running away. No, no you cant come [ male announcer ] etrade. Less for us. More for you. Many cereals say theyre good for your heart, but did you know theres a cereal thats recommended by doctors . Its post shredded wheat. Recommended by nine out of ten doctors to help reduce the risk of heart disease. Post shredded wheat is made with only one ingredient one hundred percent whole grain wheat, with no added sugar or salt. Try adding fruit for more Health Benefits and more taste in your bowl. Its the ideal way to start your heart healthy day. Try post shredded wheat. This has been medifacts for post shredded wheat. We are so done with real news for a moment. So well gather around the water cooler with this young man, americas sweetheart, lewis. I like that title, americas sweetheart. What do you have . You interview a lot of people, right . Constantly. Its tough. You get in front of big names, its nerveracking. Sometimes something can go haywire. It can. Now, you know, this one bbc radio reporter was interviewing mila kunis, got side tracked, and the actress who is about to star in the new oz film played along. But watch what happens to him. Did you enjoy being ugly for once . Because generally, like, you know, youre hot. Why, thanks. So being a witch, is it different . Am i doing all right so far . Youre doing fantastic. This is frightening, right . Im talking to you, theres cameras, lots of people. Theyre all smiling. Its a bit of an unnatural environment. Im used to being down at the pub with the boys. I cant wait to tell them about it. Do you get a free drink out of it . I hope so. I hope so, too. Youre doing a fantastic job what do you like, whiskey . Yagjaeger bombs. It sounds like the worst drink ever. You could come join us. Where is your pub . I should get back to this. Why . This is such a better conversation. I like blue moon. Do you got that . No. What . What . Listen, im going to come. Youre going to show me football, ill show you blue moon. How quickly can you get a point . I used to be a bartender. I dont know if im doing the right thing at all. This is the best interview i had all day. Forget oz that turned from an interview to a date. Ashton kutcher better watch out. This is the best segment ive done with you today. I agree. Probably the best segment all day. Well continue on. San diegos Favorite News Team has a new addition, Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Harrison Ford signed on to anchorman to the sequel to join steve farrell, will play a grumpy anchorman on a morning show. Lets say, for example, were doing a story about a midterm election. We wont. Because the morning shows dont do news. Pompous, thats interesting. Thats a different color for you. Thats okay. You two sohould sort of banter back and forth. Banter, to jibber like a moron. Talk about the headlines. Thats what i mean. Im not going to sit here and rehearse like im in summer school. Ive been on the air for 40 years. I think i know how to ad lib. I like that film. I like that film. You think hell get work after he does anchorman 2. I think he will. What is this brokaw picture here . Fords role is modeled after the legendary nbc newscaster, tom brokaw. What do you think about that . I dont see it. You dont see it . I think ford could play brokaw. Whats the release date on this thing . Im not sure. How many more times can we talk about it before it comes out . I cannot wait for it to come out. I hope its not like caddy shack 2. You feel theres a dropoff between caddyshack acaddysha caddyshack 2. Mitt romney did an interview nearly four months after he lost the election. Matt and craig live near an openspace area. They like kicking balls, hitting baseballs, we do the things that grandparents are expected to do with grand kids. Do you see now why you lost . You dont, do you . Im not suggesting for once you dont have a warm and wonderful relationship with your family and grandchildren in these openspace areas. But you need to understand that we humans we call them parks. You cant describe them as openspace areas and expect to win elections. Because humans tend to vote for other humans. Is that a low blow or what . No, but i had the same reaction when he said open spaces. Give him a break. Hes playing with his grand kids. Cute video. You stay classy in new york. Thank you very much for stopping by. Still ahead on way too early, why are you awake . Your tweets, texts, emails are next, and morning joe is moments away. [ male announcer ] the lexus command performance sales event has begun. Featuring the exhilarating is. Engineered to take on the most thrilling curves no matter where they are. The lexus is performance line. Real performance demands real precision. Get great values on your favorite lexus models during the command performance sales event. 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