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Thats where hamas and israel have agreed to a temporary pause in violence. A 12hour limited ceasefire now in effect through 1 00 p. M. Eastern this afternoon. People in gaza have been using the hours to collect their belongings. Its not a truce, actually. Secretary of state john kerry has promised that he and other diplomats will keep trying. According to reports, kerry had initially proposed a sevenday ceasefire. But that proposal wasnt accepted. Hes in paris today to continue negotiations for a more permanent end to the violence. He told the Associated Press that a more permanent ceasefire quote can be achieved if we work through some of the issues that are important for the parties. With us this morning to talk about this and Everything Else in the news, we have the Court Reporter for the washington post, robert costa. Lynn sweet is the Washington Bureau chief for the chicago suntimes and my colleague chuck todd hosts the daily rundown for nbc news and the white house chief correspondent. Chuck, well start on the news in gaza with the 12hour ceasefire and john kerry looking for something bigger here. Is there still optimism on the part of the white house that they can achieve something longer than 12 hours. There was skepticism last night. I ran into susan rice at the end of the evening and she was, the 12hour ceasefire. She was like well if they can get that, great. But she was skeptical that they could get the 12 hours. So this is a positive step if they can complete the 12 hours. There was even skepticism that it would last the full time. But the question is, does this turn into a week. And israel at this point it appears wants to finish the military job. They want to finish dealing with the tunnels and they may want to do more. Theres been some hints that they want to completely demilitarize hamas and the gaza strip in some form or another. If they want to do that, youre going to see continuations of dragging on negotiations while they finish their finish their operation. Which has been the m. O. With israel every time theres been these sort of hot flashes. It buys more time. Well keep tuned to that. Turning to the other big story this weekend, the crisis at the border. It doesnt seem to be much hope at the white house. The administration is going to get all of the funds from congress. They say they need to deal with the rush of undocumented immigrants who have come to the u. S. In recent months. The white house has requested 3. 7 billion. In a private meeting yesterday, republicans in congress seem to rally around a framework for a very scaledback plan, to cost less than 1 billion. Basically a quarter of what the president has been looking for. One congressman, Steve Scalese of louisiana, who will become the republican whip next week, proposed changes to the 2008 law. And that law was intended to protect children from sex trafficking. The republicans had their meeting yesterday. House republicans had their meeting. The public signals that are being sent from that are they say theyre confident they can all get on the same page and something south of 1 billion next week. I guess the first question is we always have the question of you know, the far right of the Republican Party, anything that deals with it, is it too much for them. Is there, how confident are republicans that they can get something in the next week . The package just keeps getting smaller and smaller, i was at the capital on wednesday and john boehner comes out with the 1. 5 billion proposal for the border crisis. And what happened an hour before the meeting on wednesday, ted cruz met with house conservatives. He told them to take a hardline approach. A couple of days later on friday, the number from 1. 5 billion goes to under a billion. Now the House Republican package is likely to be under that figure. Is the billiondollar figure significant or is it symbolic . Its symbolic. When you talk to house conservatives, they dont want to spend that much money at all on the border. They think the problem is the president s policies. His executive actions about children coming up from Central America. And so they want to spend as little as possible. And that leaves the white house in a tough position, because theyre at the 3. 7 billion number and theres no room for compromise, conservatives are moving away from it. The other question, lynn, it raises is the republicans are intent to making changes to the 2008 law. And the white house way back when it was starting seemed to be signaling there was openness to having a compromise. The republicans get the changes to the 2008 law and the white house gets the money its looking for. Since then democrats have come out and said absolutely not on the question of changing the 2008 law. It raises the question of even if republicans can all get together on this, and pass something with those changes, could the white house accept that . Well, and this is where the democrats have some trouble on their left flank. Because thats where theyre vulnerable just as the tea party can influence the republicans. This is a tough one, that was going to be a trade. I think when it comes to the money, even republicans have to realize that there are more contracts for more kids to be cared for that have been coming up in the pipeline. Now this has gotten our attention most recently. But an increasing number of kids and increasing costs of their care has been going on for a bit of time. I think that the money as you guys have been talking about, there will be something put on the plate. This 2008 law is very tough. I understand the policy, but the politics now are too complex, especially to sort out by the end of next week before Congress Goes home for the summer. The other, the other elements quickly among the record here, republicans apparently also looking for using the National Guard, sending in the National Guard. There also might be a separate resolution attached to this. Republicans express their displeasure at the Deferred Action Program the president instituted a couple of years ago. Chuck can you see anything coming out here . Well look in some ways, and ive talked to some folks close to the white house who say they did this to themselves. They sort of handed the republicans a wedge, a way to wedge the democrats here. Because the white house does want to change the 2008 law. Theyre still for this. Now they dont want to say it out loud. Do they not know that democrats were all going to be against it . They did not think it was going to be this unanimous. They knew there was going to be a split. They expected this to be okay, they were going to lose about half of the democrats. But that was in fact look at nancy pelosi, watching her on this when it first comes out. She seems to be agreeable to it. She hears from her left flank that its more problematic than she thought. And she ends up, she goes with her conference, too, shes just like boehner, shes very mindful of the base in that respect and all of a sudden she shifts her position. Right now the whole focus of the white house is can they get Dianne Feinstein to agree to an amendment of the 2008 law . Some form of it. Maybe thats how this compromise happens. But at this point, the white house has given up on getting anything before the recess. The house is going to pass something so they cant be accused of not doing anything at this point. The senate now, whats funny, there was a real Senate Compromise coming together. But now a whole bunch of republicans want to back out, they dont want to be left hanging in the wind if house conservatives are able to narrow what theyve done. So i think realistically youre going to see the white house going to get its money, theyre going to get it in the continuing resolution in september. Its going to get buried somewhere in there. Its not happening now. Were in a dangerous period where lawmakers are going home, it seems innocent. When we say they can go home. But theyre not out of trouble. We know from that famous summer of 09 when the Tea Party Movement caught the Democratic Party asleep. That you go home, these lawmakers have town halls. Last thing they want to do is to have to start defending a Spending Program that they cant even know theyve got primaries. Pat roberts, if hes voting for lets say he voted for the supplemental. That could be enough to tip him. And that would be a disaster. They cant mess around with the august recess. The story we seem to have is how does the primary psychology affect the lawmakers. Its a more dangerous time than you think. We have reaction to the number two, well have reaction from the number two democrat in the house, steny hoyer, the democratic whip. Weve have it for you later in the show and well speak to him about our next story, whether republicans in congress are planning to impeach president obama. A move here that might surprise you. Because it is now the white house thats actively promoting the idea of a republicanled impeachment push. The idea being that House Speaker John Boehners plan to sue the president for supposed president overreach will override an effort to remove him from office. Saying the lawsuit has opened the door for some republicans to consider impeachment at some point in the future. Boehner insists theres no no plans to impeach the president. Many House Republicans fear impeachment could hurt them in november. And theyre being accused of playing political games. There was a poll that came out yesterday, we have this that overall, this was a cnn poll, 65 of americans say they dont want impeachment push. But 57 of Republican Voters say they do. Boehner is in such a tough position. When you stake out the meetings he has with House Republicans every week, hes always hearing from conservatives in the house that the president , because of what hes doing on the executive actions, deserves to be impeached. Not from a large majority of the conference, but from a vocal few. It influences what he feels he can do, what he feels his Political Capital is within the house. And so hes trying to assuage them in some ways by suing the president , but its never enough for the conservatives in the house. The question, will it hurt republicans in the philadelphia suburbs or the swing districts, where maybe a lawsuit can become as a white house hopes, connected to impeachment and become a political problem. Lynn, you wrote about this morning, also i think a lot of people were surprised that dan fifer and the white house, they see a politics of impeachment push would work in their favor the way it did for a Clinton White house in the 90s. But i think a lot of people are surprised theyre actively flirting with this. To set the scene, im at a reporters yesterday that the Christian Science monitor sponsors and fifir is talking about this and that and all of a sudden hes invoking sarah palin, who they usually ignore. Well you know she said something, weve got to take action. Shes talking about impeachment, chuck, weve got to take her, weve got it take it seriously. You figure, thats maybe a oneoff, maybe he was just going there, dan fifer is not a rogue here, he watches the rogues. A few hours later at the white house briefing,off earnest kept it going, impeachment procedure cannot just be done by anyone. It can only start in the house. It has to be with the blessings of house leaders. That would be john boehner. John boehner says he doesnt want to do it. I wonder so let me spit this out, its so remarkable at the briefing. In press, who are the republican leaders, hoe want this, meaning to me in the house, elected people, josh earnest says sarah palin. The white house wants to be quoting sarah palin. I wonder, chuck, theres so much talk. What sarah palin is channeling is a spirit of a big chunk of the Republican Base. Is there anything from John Boehners position, knowing how poisonous the prospect of impeachment is to republicans elect electorally. I think this is where the lawsuit was, he thought this lawsuit was going to calm everybody down. That he thought the lawsuit was going to be the replacement for impeachment. For all the impeachment chatter. Because it is, its a small group. But they are very vocal, they want to do this. He thought well maybe this will satisfy everybody. I wonder if it actually has had the reverse effect. It whetted the appetite. It whetted the appetite. The white house has been giddy about this from the very beginning. You can actually see it in the president himself. The president , think has been, you can see that the presidency is weighing on him, he seems down and out. And then the lawsuit happened. He enjoys events again. Hes like wanting this, so sue me. Theyre suing me because they dont want to do their job. House republicans cant get the border deal done. They cant get the veterans deal done, but they can get a lawsuit passed . I mean theyre walking on dangerous ground here this is a weird election cycle. This is not 2010. This is not 1994. I know were going to talk about it later. I think theyve got to be careful. And democrats smell blood. They see an opportunity to totally somehow rally the Democratic Base in a way that they havent been able to do. You have set it up, were going to talk about it in a bit and whether its no immigration, potentially nothing on the border. The state of d. C. Gridlock weve been talking about since 2011. We have Great Washington people here and well try to diagnose it and what could cure the gridlocks and talk about it, when we come back. For my frequent heartburn. Because it gives me. Zero heartburn prilosec otc. The number 1 doctorrecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. You cant beat zero heartburn. Prilosec otc. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. In the nation, the safest feature in your car is you. Add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get 100 off for every year of safe driving. Which for you, shouldnt be a problem. Just another way we put members first, because we dont have shareholders. Join the nation. Nationwide is on your side. vo ours is a world of the redeyes. daughter im really tired. vo the transfers. Well, thats kid number three. vo the copilots. All sitting. Trusting. Waiting. For a safe arrival. Introducing the allnew Subaru Legacy. Designed to help the driver in you. Care for the passenger in them. The Subaru Legacy. Its not just a sedan. Its a subaru. [guy] i know what youre youre thinking beneful. [announcer]beneful has wholesome grains,real beef,even accents of spinach,carrots and peas. [guy] you love it so much. Yes you do. But its good for you, too. [announcer] healthful. Flavorful. Beneful. From purina. Yoplait. It is so good for everyones midnight cravings. Given the current stalemate in washington, d. C. , yesterday something of a minor mikhail took place here. The house passed legislation approved by the senate and president obama says he will sign it. This is something that will make a difference in peoples everyday lives, the cellphone unlocking bill that will allow you to take your mobile advice and use it with another carrier. This example of bipartisan cooperation is the exception. As weve seen with immigration, maybe even the border, weve had divided government since the 2010 midterms, democratic white house, Republican House and almost nothing actually gets done these days. Charlie cook writing in the National Journal says in the new political order, nothing is more important than winning or holding a majority. Rationales of the other party is so wrongheaded, if not evil, if it were to prevail then the immediate future of the republic would be endangered. So anything that prevents the other party from capturing or holding majority is justified, even necessary. Now unexpectedly, the result is gridlock. So what are the sources and solutions for gridlock in our Nations Capital . I bring this up because i think we have three people here who have covered this, lived this sort of day to day. And its been sort of the story of the obama presidency. It was the first two years, democrats had big majorities in the house, big majorities in the senate. Probably the most Productive Congress, whatever you thought of it since the Great Society days. And since 2011, Republican House, democratic white house, really nothing happens. Is it as simple as its divided government and thats the reality or are there other things going on here . House republicans, i think there is a hesitancy in the house gop to engage with the president directly. They have complicated boehners political life by telling him hes not able toe go to the white house and cut deals or negotiate at all. Theyre very much into the idea of regular order, of processing bills through committee. Slowly taking things to the floor and that has thrown a wrench in the political process. Its cut boehner off from talking with the president. And i think thats one of the core problems at least on capitol hill. Is that something that you can go further down the line . Is that a republicproblem with Republican Base, has positioned itself at opposition to the obama ideas. Youre not with the tribe any more . The best example i like to use is tax reform. Its sort of what i think has happened here is the leadership on both, in both parties has too much power over committee chairman. And if so, lets go to 19851986, bob packwood, dan rostenkowski, democratic ways and means, they didnt need the leaderships blessings to do that. Leadership didnt cut them off at the knees. Two years ago max baucus, and republican dan camp, house ways and means, they wanted to do this and leadership cut them both off at the knees. Har ary reid sand no, and john boehner said no. So its not just that House Republicans dont negotiate with the president. You dont have Republican Committee chairman working with Democratic Senate chairman. Where you actually could start the process of legislating. That back and forth. Then it sort of organically gross. We have changed the way leadership works, so Mitch Mcconnell and harry reid, theyre the chairman of every committee now. They act that way. They decide what gets talked about, what doesnt. Thats why i think that is sort of among the theres a lot of causes. Think thats a bigger one that we dont talk about. I wonder if part of that, too, is if you look at the house side in particular. I guess it could apply to mcconnell and the senate, but definitely on the house side. Were talking about the john boehner, the Republican Base doesnt trust him. He was not a tea party guy, hes a life. Theyre waiting for the moment hes going to sell him out. Has that clinched his ability to be a speak anywhere the way that a republican speaker who is trusted more by the base might have more latitude . I went through all the years of covering denny hastert. Who never had to have that kind of worry because he was the leader, he was trusted. And he had a republican president. So that clearly helped most. But not all the time. Whats interesting is that theyre a byproduct of this is for some of the younger, newer members, theyre trying to have a variety of coalitions, the nolabels caucus, the bipartisanness, the bipartisan that. But its hard for them to get anything but a niche issue, like you mentioned the cell phone. Tough find the baby issues where you can strip ideology and have a populist, but not pointed populist cause, like cell phones. And on the scale of concerns. I think thats the point. This is kind of heavy symbolism here. What unites us . Its this thing. Okay . And so if we can take this metaphor, they need more iphone issues where you know, everyone, did doesnt matter your sex, your race, your gender, your religion, you want to use your iphone where you want to use it. So i want to put it this on the table now. They need stuff like this to be able to bypass the gridlock. The problem is these problems are big, theyre important. And they dont have to be solved in the timely way. As much as we think they do. And things can fester and they will pass the election for all this. One thing i want to bring up, i hear one of the criticisms of the white house, you hear it from democrats down here sort of more privately, is a president in a white house that maybe doesnt engage with congress on a more personal level the way other president s have. But they invited him to watch the movie lincoln. Im sorry, thats what irks me. Every time ill bring this up, ill have somebody at the white house, you dont understand, we invite him its not about social events, show me the private lunch schedule youve had with the president over the last three years and tell me youve met with all 300 senators, tell me that every senator has had a oneonone lunch in the last three years, why couldnt you do that in. We have the thing on impeachment, do you think that could break through it . Lets try. My point is has he really they did the dinners. And you know what . It was working for a while. Ill give you an example, wisconsin republican, and dennis mcdonagh, the chief of staff, struck up an interesting bond. Ron johnson was making regular visits to the white house. This is at the time they were trading some budget proposals, he wants to tackle entitlement reform. Dennis mcdonagh was taking a lot of time and frankly you saw ron johnson sort of rhetoric, he sort of it does work. But then they just sort of abruptly stopped. And its not just one dinner this is what all of these Obama White House has not gotten. They think its just optics, because what isnt sometimes in their world. But you dont know what youre missing unless you try. And its not just a matter of playing golf, which is what a lot of people complain about. Its about talking business. Its about having time so you can maybe find stuff it might be smaller, where you could do it. We brought up paul ryan, when we were talking here during the break. What a perfect example, theres no stature gap in the way the president might feel with you know people he might not regard as worthy of his time. Budget committee chairman, ran for Vice President , probably going to be ways and means when his, in the next congress chairman. Serious policy guy. So youre saying an opportunity there bring him up. And right. Because he its interesting to hear ive heard the criticism. You hear it from democrats sometimes privately down here. And they say they wish that the white house was more engaged at that level. I do wonder just in this era, we talk about the polarization if it has obamas name, republicans are against it. They all believe, i think both sides read too much of their twitter feeds. I feel like they actually believe the stereotype about the other. Too much and they dont, they read a twitter feed rather than saying, pick up the phone or you know, have a communication. Theyre reading too much of the twitter feed can apply to journalists sometimes. Ive been guilty myself of that. Thank you, robert costa, lynn sweet. Chuck todd. Still ahead, the midterm wave looking more like a ripple. Breaking news this morning out of libya. Well be back with that after this. Es up here creates Something Else as well es up here jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. Hello three grams daily of betaglucan. A soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. Thank you cshe is the greatest thing ever. One little smile. One little laugh. Honey bunny. laughter we would do anything for her. 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Com and ask your doctor about celebrex. For a body in motion. Breaking news out of libya this hour. U. S. Officials tell nbc news that all 158 people who work at the u. S. Embassy in tripoli have now been evacuated. This because of increased militant violence. Being driven toward the tunisian border, about 100 miles from tripoli. Once they reached an undisclosed location, theyre expected to board commercial airliners. U. S. Officials theres been no direct threat of attack against the embassy, but a rapidresponse u. S. Military team is flying into the region by olympic to respond to any threat that might emerge. Well be back after this. Weird. Seriously . What . Theyre magically delicious and a razor that e who understands my sensitive skin. Venus embrace sensitive. More than a strip. An entire ribbon of gliding gels surround 5 comfortcoated blades for less irritation. Venus embrace sensitive. A Perfect Match for sensitive skin. Say hi rudy. 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Gaining control of both chambers, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and the iraq war. In 2010 republicans struck back, campaigning against the Affordable Care act. So when you consider that the president s party almost always loses seats in midterm elections, you also consider the rocky rollout of the new Health Care Exchange thats been ripe for republican exploitation and president obamas low overall Approval Ratings, when you consider all of that, it might look like 2014 has the makings of another republican wave election. But now just over 100 days until election day, its not quite how things are looking. At least right now. Under the headline goodbye to the republican wave, nate cohen rights in the New York Times this week quote democratic incumbents in red republican state who would be all but doomed in republican wave appear doggedly competitive in place where mitt romney won by as much as 24 points in 2012. The light blue democratic states in purple, president ial battleground states like colorado, iowa, michigan, minnesota and New Hampshire all seem to be heading toward tight races or democratic wins, as one would expect in a fairly neutral year. Cohen makes clear that its still early and a dramatic shift towards the gop could still emerge in the fall. So far does not seem to be there. Joining me at the table now is nate cohen of the New York Times, a new site the upshot still with us, nbc news political director chuck todd. I thought this would be a perfect occasion to just sort of take the big picture of you of the Senate Battleground this year. We know republicans with 45 seats right now. They need to get to 51. Joe biden could break any 5050 tie. They need a net gain of six seats. We split the democratic seats into three different categories, the democraticheld seats and a category of potentially republicanheld seats. We thought we would go through each category and get you to weigh in well start with the in the bag forethe gop for lack of a better term. Three democratic held seats with a democratic incumbents have retired, leaving office and where theres a south dakota, montana, and West Virginia. Now democrats will make a case they could still make West Virginia competitive. South dakota looks like a stretch. Montana, this appointed democratic incumbent, john walsh, got caught in a plagiarism scandal. Well say thats off the map until we see anything else. It looks like three republican pickups there. Now to the heart of this, the endangered democratic incumbents, colorado, arkansas, north carolina, alaska, louisiana, New Hampshire this is the heart of where the battle for the senate is going to be decided. State where they republicans believe they can take out democratic incumbents. Nate, lets start with you, youre looking at these states when youre saying wheres the republican wave and you say youre not seeing it in these states. Not yet, state like louisiana and arkansas where mitt romney won by 20 points, it looks like a still a competitive race, that isnt what you would have seen in 2010. Or in 2006 when Rick Santorum was already down 15 points. Or lincoln chaffy was down 10 points and he had an Approval Rating in the 60s in rhode island. North carolina in the polls may be trending back towards hagan. Its hard to say it with any certainty. Colorado looks like a tight race. Maybe a slight udall lead. And we were talking before we came on before whether New Hampshire goes blue. I think the state looks like its not materializing. Chuck, when you look at the the one that surprised me the most at the start of the cycle republicans thought were going to get republicans thought was arkansas. I thought arkansas got to be a goner. Is that the one that surprised you the most . It would be that i would say to a lesser extent, landrieu. Lets remember, voters dont have am niecenesamnesia they kn voted for change. Theyre angry, but theyre thinking boy, it didnt work. We voted for change, didnt like it. You have that aspect. We saw some turnout data that came out about the primary. Wave elections usually have a higher turnout. We appear to be headed for a lower turnout. You dont get a wave election. Look at arkansas in particular. Think there was a lot of thought that tom cotton was going to be this tremendous candidate. Hes not a bad candidate, hes not as good as some republicans thought he would be at this point in time and mark pryor, really is a terrific retail politician. Cotton, not as strong. I think some of these candidates, i think the republicans overall did a good job recruiting. Theres no great candidates that they have found. They found a lot of good candidates, but the democratic campaigns have been very good in these red states. The irony is that the four red states that weve been talking about, the incumbents for 18 months, carolina, louisiana, arkansas and alaska, the democrats are stronger today than they were six months ago. The irony is that places like colorado and iowa, the democrats are weaker than they were six months ago. An interesting little thing thats changing. Well talk about iowa in a second. Colorado is an interesting one to me. We have the latest poll on this, about a week old udall up a point over cory gardner, the republican congressman challenging him. 4443. Thats been a surprise, republicans doing better than people expected. Whats the reason for that . Thats a state where republicans did nominate a good candidate and where they werent initially expected to. Thats a race where they were thinking ken buck would run a disastrous campaign. Now we have gardner, thats a much more serious candidacy than people anticipated. I think the polling in iowa, in colorado is a little split. Nbc maris showed him up. Theres a state where a long record of the polls underestimating democratic support. So whatever the polls say, my instinct is to have my finger tilted towards the democratic side there. So i think udall probably still has an edge. We have two more categories to get to. Including slip a break in here. The interesting one is all of the vulnerable democratic seats are also two vulnerable republican seats. One of them in the news this week because of a primary runoff, well get do that right after this. Yup. All five of you for 175. Our clients need a lot of attention. Theres unlimited talk and text. Were working deals all day. You get 10 gigabytes of data to share. What about expansion potential . Add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. Low dues. Great terms. Lets close. Introducing at t mobile share value plans. 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Tom harken is retiring, carl levin is retiring, michigan, iowa. It looks like michigan, early signs that republicans would be competitive there. Maybe not so much now. I want to focus on iowa, when the cycle started people were saying republicans are not going to have a good candidate out there. Theyve got joanie ernst, Everybody Knows her from the hog castration ad. And shes running against bruce bailey. Who made a big mistake talking to trial lawyers on a commercials. Hes been a stumbler and bumbler and the fcc has shaken up the campaign team. Organizationally, Iowa Democrats are the dominant force in iowa, so much better on the ground, thats why theyve won so much close elections. Its a very competitive state. Its just that the Iowa Democrats over the last decade have been so good at organizing. They have made it seem like somehow its more like michigan. Because its not. But i think you could make an argument that the single most vulnerable democratic seat now in the competitive landscape, x out the other three, is actually iowa. Would you rather be bruce bailey or mark pryor right now . I would argue mark pryor. Hes been a better candidate. Joanie ernst has had to take a lot of conservative positions. The top of the ticket is going to win in a walk. Ton of outside money and brayley is not as likable. Iowa we talk about the polarization, tom harken and chuck grassley, how about that. They came in in 74 in the house. Both were in watergate babies, i didnt realize this until harken reminded me of this, doing my exit interview series for august. He said hey, grassley is a watergate baby, too. But you know, harkens theory on the whole reason why, he says iowans are fiscally conservative and socially progressive. Theyve decided to always have one senator, one of each. Thats an interesting way to look at it i want to get to the last category here. This is democrats these are sort of the senate safers for democrats, even if things go wrong in a lot of other races, a last category of two seats now with republicanheld seats, kentucky and georgia where democrats actually have a chance. Kentucky, we all know Mitch Mcconnell, you know the endangered 30year republican incumbent. Republican leader. Georgia, republicans had their runoff this week, david purdue is going to be their candidate. Sam nunns daughter, michelle running against him. When you look at those two states do you see one as a stronger pickup opportunity for democrats than the other . If i had to pick and i think theres a fair debate to be had, i would choose georgia. I think it would be unprecedented for Mitch Mcconnell to lose, theres never been a republican incumbent who has lost reelection when a democratic president has been in power. In such a red state. Voted for romney by 23 points. Its never happened. Or it doesnt mean it cant. But you just dont see candidates lose in the situation very often. On the other hand i would wonder whether the old democratic pathway in kentucky, which usually goes through big margins still holds up. I think you see it in the recent president ial elections as well as the Senate Results where Mitch Mcconnell did much better in coal country in 2008 than bill clinton did in 96. In georgia i think its the opposite. Where the demographic changes so massive that a candidate who can even begin to cobble together the Traditional Democratic coalition of white southerners has a shot to win. The demographic change in georgia is bigger than north carolina, bigger than nevada, bigger than texas, bigger than any other state. The nonwhite share of the electorate there has increased all the way to 39 in 2012. It will be nearly as high in 2014. And we can seriously talk about Michelle Nunn winning with you know, 30, 29 of the white vote. Thats a target that would have allowed max cleland to win easily in 2002. Yeah. And you know can she do as well as cleland . So demographically georgia makes a better target. As we go forward than kentucky. The question in kentucky is after 30 years of mcconnell, hes so washingtonized in this rural state. Is this enough mcconnell fatigue to override all this . Heres the thing. I want to see how effective democrats are at making mcconnell own washington. That is going to be, you know, mcconnell is trying to make her own obama. Her game plan is to make him own washington. And do you get that, that there is a swing republican vote, a moderate republican vote, sort of the country club republican, are they sort of turned off enough by mcconnell to actually vote for her . Look, im skeptical, too. My issue with both of these races is i see how both nunn and grimes get to 47 . Maybe 48. I cant figure out how they get over the top. How they, nate brought up the coal issue. There is, so now shes got to win jefferson county, which is louisville and fayette, lexington by margins that weve anyone receiver before. Marge ardo had a 50,000 vote margin or Something Like that in, im talking about the 04 race. The one i like to look at. Theres a gigantic margin out of jefferson. Got to 49 overall. Can she beat him . He has the record for a senate k candidate, a Democratic Senate candidate. Shes got 0 beat him on coal. For nunn, theres a runoff situation in georgia. We could be talking about control of the senate on december 6th. With both georgia and louisiana. I havent decided if thats a good thing or a bad thing for us. Im going with good thing. Do you think its good . Oh my god. Thats the interesting thing, for democrats we talk about the other races, it is very plausible to see republicans getting to the 51. But if you add these two and democrats can pick off georgia or kentucky. Very quickly on the wave issue, it doesnt have to be a wave for republicans to pick up the senate. And that is an important point to get out there. Just because nate and i agree with nate, were not seeing a wave. That doesnt mean republicans cant win the senate in a nonlead state. Were talking about republican states, for democrats thats the nature of the year. I want to thank nate cohen of the New York Times, nbc news and nbc host chuck todd, those are fun segments, more on this mornings breaking news out of libya. Secretary of state john kerry is commenting this hour on the destabilizing situation there. It has prompted the evacuation of all 158 americans at the u. S. Embassy in tripoli. Fighting has intensified in recent days between feuding militias. A few minutes ago secretary of state john kerry described it as quote freewheeling violence. He called on the people of libya to turn to the political process to work out a solution. Well have more on the story as it continues to develop. Right back after this. Of the services your vehicle needs. So prepare your car for any road trip by taking it to an expert ford technician. Because no matter your destination good maintenance helps you save at the pump. Get our multipoint inspection with a Synthetic Blend Oil change, tire rotation, Brake Inspection and more for 29. 95 or less. Get a complete vehicle checkup only at your ford dealer. Looki prefer today. Eeks . Clairol age defy color collection. With our best breakthrough gray coverage. Lustruous, radiant color that looks 10 years younger. Today. Age defy color from clairol. Were changing the way we do business, with startup ny. Weve created tax free zones throughout the state. And startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. Thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. No property tax. No business tax. And no sales tax. 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A autopsy revealed they failed to put the needle administerering the drugs into a vein. Since pharmaceutical companies stopped supplying the drugs most commonly used in lethal injections in 2011 states have been experimenting with new combinations. Procedures are carried out by personnel with no medical training. So the highprofile missteps spark a new National Conversation about the Death Penalty . And how its carried out. In a country whose constitution has a ban on cruel and unusual punishment. Here to discuss the impact of the recent executions is sister helen prejean, author of dead man walking. Its been updated with a 20th anniversary edition. I appreciate you joining us, sister ellen. This is the third time this year that Something Like this has happened. Every time it happens, i think the stories give everybody, whatever they think of the Death Penalty. It gives them pause as they read the stories. At the same time we still see polling out there that shows about 60 of mirrens say they support capital punishment. They support the idea of the Death Penalty. Do you think this is the kind of instance, incident thats going do change those numbers at all . Yesday and the polling that showings 60 of people support the Death Penalty. When theyre given the alternative of life without parole, theres a majority now that favors ending the Death Penalty. In favor of life without parole. And yes, its going to affect people. Because they see theres just really no easy humane way to kill a human being. And the whole reason behind it is, theres no transparency in this process. And i lay that straight in the laps of the Supreme Court of the United States. Who has turned over killing to the states. Does not demand at all that either the drugs be known, where they come from or the expertise of the executioners. Its a blind process. And theyre experimenting with different ways to kill people because of course theres no way to do a test of which drugs you can use to kill human beings. I believe weve been trying to mask death and its been nontransparent from the very beginning. Ive accompanied six people to execution. Its done behind prison walls, people hear about the execution, its usually compared to the crime of the person, said oh look, terrible crime, deserves to die. My whole ministry, my whole campaign has been to help bring the American People close to this thing, and just say, do we as a nation have to take our citizens and let the government decide that some could die, much less to have a hidden, nontransparent process by which the killing takes place . I do wonder, you mention what the other side might say to this. I mean this is an instance where the family of this mans victims, they were there, they were watching it. They have a different interpretation of what happened. They said they didnt think he was suffering. They said they thought it was snoring, thats what they said on the record about this. And they also say that they believe that this was, him being put to death compared to the suffering that their loved one experienced and the pain that they felt for the last 20, 25 years, that they thought this brought some closure to them. Watching this, what do you say to the families of victims who feel that way . I have been with these families, many times. Anybody who has lost a loved one to terrible violence, and offered the chance for the person who killed their loved one to be killed by the state, i can well understand that they say it gives them closure. But the Death Penalty is about us. People do terrible crimes. Yeah, when you compare the two deaths, it was much more terrible what he did to his two victims, not just one. But this is about us. Its about who we are as a nation. And the standards to which we hold ourselves. When you go to do this comparison thing, oh, but look what they did in their crime, people do terrible crimes. They kill each other in terrible ways. But this is about us. Its also Justice Scalia has said, ill take a death by lethal injection as an enviable death next to what they did to their victim. But where does that leave us . Were one of the few nations in the world that still gives our government the option to kill some of our citizens and to decide which crimes were going to do it for. I mean thats where the discussion needs to happen. And were looking at it in a new way in this country. Im in california right now. Where they, they spent 2 billion for 13 executions. And the average waiting time is 20 years. For the execution to happen when you have a broken system and its time to end it. As we said, this is the third time weve been, weve had headlines this year like this and you look at the reality of how these are carried out and the restrictions the states are coming up against. Sadly, this is not the last time i think were going to see a story like this and its a conversation that will continue. My thanks to sister helen prejean. And still ahead, we dive into the investigation surrounding new york governor andrew cuomo. Dont wait for awesome. Totinos pizza rolls. Gets you there in just 60 seconds. At a moment like this, im glad i use new tampax pearl active [ female announcer ] new tampax pearl active is 20 slimmer, totally comfortable and 100 as absorbent as regular pearl [ cheering ] new tampax pearl active. Say hi rudy. [ barks ] [ chuckles ] id do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. Thats why im so excited about these new milkbone brushing chews. Whoa, im not the only one. Its a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth. Clinically proven as effective as brushing. Ok, here you go. Have you ever seen a dog brush his own teeth . The twist and nub design cleans all the way down to the gum line, even reaching the back teeth. They taste like a treat, but they clean like a toothbrush. Nothing says you care like a milkbone brushing chew. [ barks ] nothing quite like waiting until the last minute to get something done. With their august vacation fast approaching, Congressional Republicans say theyre working to address the crisis of tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants from Central America flooding to the u. S. Their plan would include sending National Guard troops to the border. Increasing the number of immigration judges. And changing the law to speed up how long it takes to send Migrant Children back to their native countries. The bill would cost less will than 1 million, less than the 3. 7 billion the president has requested. There are questions about whether or not republicans can get on the same page for this and questions about whether democrats will go for it were hearing from washington, d. C. , yesterday i went to the capital and spoke with steny hoyer, spoke with him about whether there will be any action on the border before Congress Takes its august vacation and asked him about his relationship with john boehner, falls midterm elections and what his biggest regret is from the obama era. Take a look. Do you think the potentially there is room for compromise there by the end of next week . Well first of all, i have heard that compromise talks about. I dont think those funds are sufficient to do with hal rodgers has said they need. The republican chairman of the appropriations committee. What we need to do in my view, however, is meet the immediate challenge of processing these folks who have come across the borders, many of whom are children. Treat them in a humane way. And consistent with law. Secondly, what we need to do is then determine exactly what the status of legislation is, have hearings and consider in a way that will give time to reflect on what ought to be done. Now we could immediately of course come to what is a bipartisan agreement from the senate, and bipartisan agreement frankly in the house on border security. In a comprehensive Immigration Reform bill. Which is exactly what we ought to do. And which we have, the republicans have refused to do. Notwithstanding a majority of the American People. It seems like the conversation is almost in a way deinvolved for the last year, about comprehensive Immigration Reform. Passed the senate, can it pass the house. Now were dealing with the specific crisis on the border and the looming deadline of Congress Going on its august recess and that coming up quickly. How optimistic are you that something will be agreed to before the august recess, specifically to address the border crisis right now. I think if the republicans allow themselves to deal with the immediate challenge, and that is to fund the resources necessary to deal with the challenge, and not get mired in an ideological debate or substantive debate, on which there have been no hearings and no ability to reflect, then i think well do it my understanding is today theyre going to say theres a possibility of doing it. Why . Because as usual the Republican Party is a deeply divided party. I think we could get votes for a response to the immediate challenge that the administration has requested. Now, there may be a difference on the number. Frankly, i think under a billion dollars is clearly insufficient funds to do the job that is required to do. Not ideologically, not by democrats and republicans. Simply by the requirements of the law. The other, item in the news is the administration is considering essentially setting up shop in honduras. The idea of processing potential applicants for Refugee Status. Children in honduras, making the determination there. Are they eligible for Refugee Status in the United States. Saying they would potentially over the next few years, bring in 1750, the estimate who could come to the United States, is that something you could support, that concept . I think it certainly makes a lot of sense. So we dont have people coming across a long stretch of desert, and dangerous area. Subjecting themselves to being abused. Do you think we would be flooded, if we made it that easy, hey, you can go downtown i dont think compared to making the trek across the desert youre talking about. As opposed to having them in our country and processing them in a year, which would take a long time as well. I think its preferable to say at the beginning, after all Vice President biden has been down there, president has made it very clear, mr. Katera has made it clear this morning, a big advocate of Immigration Reform and of the Immigration Community dont come. Because you wont necessarily be able to stay. Have they do you understand what im saying . Its better to say no there than to say no here. Its more efficient, more effective and it will preclude additional danger to young people. Well i take that point and it gets to one of the criticisms i think republicans have leveled at the administration on this. Which is to say obviously theyve been critics of the deferred action for two years, the president implemented that. One of the criticisms or one of the suggestions has been that whatever side youre on, whether you think it was a good thing or bad thing, did it have the effect, the unintended effect of telling people, telling minors in the Central American countries, that you know, sort of a mixed message. If you come to the United States, its okay to turn yourself over to the border agent because youre going to be given a home here. Did that message get sent because of deferred action, even unintentionally . The answer is i dont think so. What deferred action said if you were here before 2007 that would apply. If you came as a child and you didnt i knows thats what it said in the text. Did it have the effect, like a game of telephone, right . It almost gets i could argue one of the effects was when the republicans said no were not going to do Immigration Reform, yes we think the system is broken. People thinking the system is broking, would be no avenue, have chosen this avenue, which is not the right avenue to go, to show up and come across and be processed and many sent back. Most sent back in my view. So i think the right thing to do would be to adopt an Immigration Reform system that has a system that is working and that would encourage people to participate in a system that was working, not, not to avoid a system that was broken. A new poll out that finds Overall Survey of americans on this question of impeachment, overwhelmingly theyre against it, its not a mainstream issue. If you vair republicans, 57 of republicans say they would like obama to be impeached. I find that in light of the lawsuit that speaker bain certificate pursuing against the president. I wonder, do you think this is heading to a point where republicans are going to feel a pressure from their base to impeach this president . If they do, they will lose, the American Public will think its a totally political bad policy to pursue and further reflection of the radical nature of the Republican Party. And of the Republican Party that is focused solely on politics. Not on the, on the welfare of the country at large. They, they impeached president clinton. That seems to be a modu modus operandi, at some point in time to move forward on an impeachment process on a democratic president. The American People didnt think it was a good idea then, they dont think its a good idea now. A suit against the president , which is now going to be on the calendar, in just the few short days that we have left, theyre going to take up time about suing the president. Which their own witnesses say is problematic at very best. Theyre wasting time on politics and confrontation. And while 57 of the republicans may think thats a good idea, 70 to 80 of the American People think its a lousy idea. Weve been in this building for a while. John boehner has been in the building for a while. Youve seen him before there was a tea party, before there was a president obama. You know him better than most people do theres a perception of him that the real john boehner is somebody the public hasnt seen. That hes scared of his conference, scared of the republican conference revolting against him. But the real john boehner would like to do other things legislatively. Is that your read on him . I dont know about the real john boehner. John and i have had the opportunity to, the speaker and i have had an opportunity to Work Together in times past. After all, this john boehner, was the one who when george bush proposed no child left behind, worked with john miller from california and ted kennedy of massachusetts, senator kennedy. Dont say that too loud around here, the tea party might revolt against him, right . It was a time when we got things done. When we did Work Together. John boehner was the chairman of the committee. Republicans were in charge. But they had frankly, in large number of republicans who were focused on Productive Work in the congress of the United States. As opposed to opposition for oppositions sake. As opposed to those who simply believe government is bad, and therefore, anything we allow it to do will be negative in its effect. The American Public dont believe that. They understand that government has to be a positive effect. Not that government is perfect. Not that they like everything it does. They know, they need to have a government that is working well, if their country is going to succeed. Weve seen such a difference between since president obama came to office, those first two years in a flurry of legislative activity thats happening here, health care reform, stimulus. And the basically the minute the republicans took over and we had a split government, everything sort of stopped. When you look back at first two years, the big majority you guys had in the house and the senate, all the momentum what is the one thing you would back look and look at what do you wish you had happened in the last four years. I think the Affordable Care act, which i think is going to prove to be a landmark piece of legislation, which is going to facilitate millions and millions of americans accessing Affordable Quality Health care. The most Productive Congress in a Great Society. Is there something you look at now, wow knowing the gridlock we faced after that, i wish we had made a priority . One of the things i wish we had done, you asked me to reflect back, i wish in the recovery act, and reinvestment act, that we had taken a very large sum of money and not spent it frankly in some of the ways we did. Mainly tax cuts that nobody really knew they got. And invested that in infrastructure. Because what i think that would have done, it would have helped build the economy, created jobs, and would still be a force for job creation today. That would, if you ask me, one thing that i would have done differently. That would have been one of them. But i will till you this, on so many different fronts, we turned around an economic that could have gone into a depression. It didnt go into a depression. And we, we did that after a Republicanled Congress rejected president bushs proposal to staunch the economic decline that was occurring. So that i think we did some tough things. We did some things that were not understood very well. And i think that frankly, our republican colleagues failed to work with us in any way. Unlike stark difference than the Democratic Congress responding to a republican president who said that the country is in crisis, we need to respond, twothirds of the democrats responded. Supporting george bushs policy. And in my opinion, kept us out of a depression. And got us started back up to recovery. Well that gets me to one other thing i wanted to ask you about, the longterm political reward potentially for democrats, whether its from health care or the economy. Continues to rebound and people feel that more. People look at the 2014 elections and they look at, they look at history and the White House Party gaining in the midterm. Its tough no matter what to gain the number you need almost seems prohibitive. I wonder do you look at this as sort of a longer game. That 2014 is about surviving, doing better than expected . And 2016 may be the climate is different, maybe Hillary Clinton is leading the ticket is that the target for the democrats getting the house back . Were going to survive and i think were going to do better as you point out than expected. And i think we can take back the house. In 2014 . In 2014. Two reasons. One, we have some extraordinarily good candidates around the country. More than two reasons. Secondly, were outraising the republicans. So even though were the minority party, were outraising in terms of dollars received than our republican counterparts and the Republican Campaign committee. By a pretty good amount. We have almost 9 million more on hand than the republicans have. Now thats in the scheme of the independent expenditures that may not seem like a lot, but thats real money that can be spent on hard accomplishments in terms of tv and ground game. Thats going to be important. Good candidates, raising money. And thirdly, very frankly, my experience over the last three or four years is that republicans have a penchant for selfdestruction. They have a per chant for doing things the American Public say why are they doing that . They shut down the government. Now it wasnt a mistake, it was a policy of shutting down the government. The American Public thought that was dumb. Furthermore, if you go issue by issue, comprehensive Immigration Reform, minimum wage, jobs legislation, violence against women, just go through a litany of issues, 65 to 70 of the American People agree with the democratic position. So you put good candidates, good message, and resources together, i think we have an excellent opportunity. You say historically, which i think youre correct on that. Historically if you look at the stretch of history, the sixth year of a president is not a great year for the incumbent party. But you know frankly in 1998, we picked up seats. Five. You need 17. You got five and you were rejoicing, right . Well, if we picked up five and i think were going to pick up significantly more than five, i think that would be doing better than many people expect. Which is what your high poth his was. Were going to do better than people expect. I got one more question and im going to demand an answer on this one. I could have avoided answering the other questions . I missed an opportunity. There was a report today that it looks like democrats in the 2016 Convention May be close to narrowing this to brooklyn or philadelphia. Also in the running, phoenix, birmingham, columbus, ohio. Five city there is, your party with the next national convention, where do you want to go in two years . You may demand an answer, im not going to give you one. I would love to go to a nice, quiet place. But youre saying no brooklyn, then . No, brooklyn, i was born in new york city, so im a fan of the city. Brooklyn is a vibrant, growing place, its not your grandfathers brooklyn as they would say. So it would be a vibrant place to have a convention. The other cities as well each send a message. But i think that the dnc will make that determination. What is important is not so much where we are, as what we say. Not so much where we are, but who we nominate. Not so much where we are, but the vision that we present to the American People. Im going to put you down for philadelphia. Well so much for getting an answer on that last one, anyway. Coming up the latest from this mornings breaking news out of libya, the scandal brewing on the new york side of the George Washington bridge. One to land. Uhhuh theres good more. Honey, look at all these smart rewards points verizon just gave me. Ooh, you got a buddy. Im like a statue. I just signed up and, boom, all these points. And theres notsogood more. Youre a big guy. Oh no. 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We are hearing more from the pentagon this hour, about the evacuation of the u. S. Embassy in libya. Due to increased militia violence in recent days, all 158 americans have been relocated. Including the marine who is provide security. Defense Department Says the marines secured the evacuation and the convoy trip to tunisia. The u. S. Military response provided air cover during the drive. Secretary of state john kerry told reporters in paris a little while ago that turkey removed 700 of its personnel from libbia well bring you more on it as soon as we get it. For now we want to turn to a developing political scandal in the northeast. It involves a governor who appears larger than life, governor who wants to brag about a lopsided reelection victory and has clear white house aspirations. His future is now clouded by federal investigators and no, im not talking about chris christie. Im talking about new yorks democratic governor, andrew cuomo. In a new investigation by the New York Times that looks at last years highly public sized attempt by cuomo to clean up corruption in state government. The times report may have been thwarted by the governors office, if not by the governor himself. Trust is everything to me, thats why for all weve accomplished to fix state government, our job is not done until weve cleaned up the legislative corruption in albany. So i am appointing a new independent commission. Led by top Law Enforcement officials from all across this great state. To investigate and prosecute wrongdoing. The politicians in albany wont like it, but i work for the people and i wont stop fighting until we all have a government that we can trust. Cuomo dpirkted the commission depicted the commission as farreaching and untouchable. With a mandate to look into anyone in state government, anyone including cuomo, the government himself. But the investigation ended abruptly. And now an article published by the New York Times this week claims that the Governments Office deeply compromised the panels work. In numerous instances, if there was even the slightest connection to the governor, the commissions was squashed. Unknowingly looked into a group tied to cuomo, his aides put a stop to it. Basically cuomo formed a commission promising you can even look at me. And then when they looked at him, he said are you looking at me . Barbara bartoletti, a special commissioner alleged to the times quote we created with all this fanfare and the governor was going do clean up albany. It became a vehicle for the governor to get legislation, another notch for his reelection campaign. That was it. For the governors part, his office told the times that the commission was created by and reported to the governor and therefore, he could not be accused of interfering with it. On wednesday night, the u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of northern said his office will attempt to pick up one. Commissions investigations left off. We understood that the commission was being shut down and other interest above all other interests is make sure that the job is getting done. We asked for and received, voluntarily were offered all the documents that have been collected by the commission so that the work could continue. Because if other people werent going to do it then we would do it. Thats our main mission. So youre doing it. Were doing it. Governor States Commission in creating this commission was to root out corruption. Instead, his office is now focus of charges that it corrupted that commission into nonexistence. Joining me now to help piece all this together is blake seth, a politics editor at salon. Com and a former strategist for the new York State Attorney general and a spokesman for Hillary Clintons president ial campaign and Peter Henning is in detroit, a professor at Wayne State Law School and a former federal prosecutor in the justice departments fraud division. Blake, youve been all over this. Youve had great reporting on this and i think start by helping us understand so the commission is set up, the supposedly independent commission. Cuomo has said to everybody who will listen. They can investigate anybody, they can investigate me, we just want to root out corruption and puts ads on the air paid for by his reelection campaign. Touting this incredible independent investigation. And they start getting a little close to him and this, this report certificate basically showing how he got the thing killed. What was it specifically that the commission was looking at that was making him so uncomfortable . Thats exactly right, steve. There have been three different characterizations of this commission by cuomo and his team since it was initiated. At first he said it was a totally independent commission, they can look at me, they can look at anybody, thats how he sold it to the public. Then when there started to be questions a couple of months ago about possible interference by his team into subpoenas and things like that, he said whoa, i cant interfere with it its impossible for me to interfere with this, its my commission, i can do whatever i want with it after the New York Times story hit this week, there was a shuttle shift to a third characterization by team cuomo. Which was not only, is it impossible for him to interfere with the commission because its his own commission. Now hes saying it actually would have been totally impossible for them to have investigated the executive branch, meaning himself. Because it wouldnt have passed the last test. It would have been a conflict of interest, he claims. Well the problem with that is his own father, mario cuomo in 1987 impanelled a very similar type of commission, a Moreland Commission that looked into governor particular yoe cuomos dealings. That puts a hole in the current cuomos defense. As to what they were uncomfortable with the panel looking at, subpoenas into a couple of allies and associates of the governor. The media firm for which he placed ads, there was subpoenas placed to that company. There was another Organization Called the Real Estate Firm better new york, organization. This was a very, very big donor to the governors reelection campaign. So there were a couple of associates like this. There was something called a committee to save new york. This was a essentially kind of like a thirdparty group that was, that existed to support the governors policies. When there was talk of getting them a subpoena, allegedly the governors associates intervened as well. So theres a lot here to unpack. Well peter, and the question hanging over all this is what makes this such an interesting story on top of everything, blake just talked about is the u. S. Attorney, for the Southern District of new york has all the records from the commission. The commission thats been disbanded. And the question is everybody is asking from the standpoint of a federal prosecutor who might be looking into this, who might be concerned with how all of this went down, is there potentially anything here that the federal prosecutor might be able to find that he could prosecute . Well what you have going on here, and this is a rather strange situation, you have the United States attorney announcing an investigation. Normally, prosecutors try to keep everything on the down low and not let anything be known. But preet bahara steps in and says my office is going to look at this account prosecution build a case . The answer is yes, you have some very powerful federal laws, the mail and wire fraud statutes. If there were any kickbacks, any type of skimming, or diversion of funds, then federal prosecutors can bring a case. And of course, in this current environment, theyre going to look everywhere. So can there be a federal case . The answer to that is absolutely. Weve seen any number of them, including here in detroit. We had a former mayor sent away to 28 years, led by the u. S. Department of justice. So something will develop here. Now whether actual prosecutions come about, thats going to be a different question. And blake, tell us a little bit for a National Audience here, we know Andrew Cuomos name obviously governor of a big state, the son of mario cuomo, a legend in democratic politics. This is somebody with clear national aspirations. If you look at the polls right now, hes running for reelection, hes well on his way to winning a lopsided reelection victory this year. But clearly youve written hes had some Public Events that have been canceled the last few days, a governor who has exerted a lot of control over his message, over his public availability. How much has this rattled him and people around him . These revelations . Its clear that they feel the fire here. Because source in the Office Actually revealed to us that he was supposed to attend a bronx county democratic dinner on wednesday night. Mysteriously at the last minute, did not show up. There were a series of events on thursday hes with going to do before the public schedule went out. They never ended up on the public schedule, he didnt do that el. There was some speculation he might speak to the socalled scandal friday, yesterday, in order to get comments in the weekend papers, that didnt happen. Clearly theyre laying low. You dont do that if you feel very confident about the way the story is unfolding. That said, its important to say what you just said, which is, theres no one who is suggesting that he is about to lose reelection. Hes got a democratic primary opponent who cuomo is in the process of trying to kick off the ballot due to a residency requirement. And then his republican opponent in the general election is someone of very little funds and chris christie, who heads the republican governors association, which is supposed to support republican gubernatorial candidates, said hes not going to support this guy, because its quoteunquote a lost cause. A big uphill battle for both of cuomos democratic primary challenger and the republican challenger as well. Would the federal prosecutor involved and looking around it almost becomes immaterial if he survives by what margin this fall. Because of the question whats going to happen legally. Whether its a damning or scathing report or if its something to be followed. Well keep a close eye on. Thanks to blake zeff of salon. Com and Peter Henning of wayne state university. Hes been called the most intriguing republican to watch for in 2016 by a top adviser to president obama. Another prominent democrat says dont be fooled. A complete chep of the services your vehicle needs. So prepare your car for any road trip by taking it to an expert ford technician. Because no matter your destination good maintenance helps you save at the pump. Get our multipoint inspection with a Synthetic Blend Oil change, tire rotation, Brake Inspection and more for 29. 95 or less. Get a complete vehicle checkup only at your ford dealer. In the nation, the safest feature in your car is you. Add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get 100 off for every year of safe driving. Which for you, shouldnt be a problem. Just another way we put members first, because we dont have shareholders. Join the nation. Nationwide is on your side. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. 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Light 4 it blends in doesnt build up for a flawless nude look find your trublend at easy breezy beautiful covergirl rand paul has been aggressively taking his case to constituencies that do not traditionally vote for republicans. How many of you if i would have said who do you think the founders of the naacp are, do you think they were republicans or democrats, would anybody here know they were all republicans . All right, all right, you know more than i know. I dont mean that to be insulting. I dont know what you know. Im trying to find out what the connection is. That visit to Howard University didnt go so well for senator paul. But since then, hes honed his pitch. In march he travelled to the liberal bastion that is the uc berkeley campus. You may be a republican. Or a democrat or a libertarian. Im not here to tell you what to be. I am here to tell you, though, that your rights, especially your right to privacy, is under assault. Yesterday, rand paul took his message directly to africanamerican voters with a visit to the National Urban leagues conference in cincinnati. It wasnt a large crowd, the room was less than half full. It didnt appear to be an enthusiastic audience, either. But the crowd did respond well when senator paul offered policy initiatives like this one. Today im announcing legislation that will be introduced today, that eliminates any disparity between crack and powdered cocaine. Can rand paul find some daylight between democrats and black voters . Or is this just a familiar story with a new title character . Joining me to discuss we have Baltimore Mayor stephanie rolands blake who serves as a secretary of the Democratic National committee and wrote an oped yesterday saying paul has a lot of work to do to earn black voters trust and here in the studio is nbc news political reporter casey hunt who interviewed senator paul yesterday after his speech. You had a very skeptical take on the outreach that you published. I do note mitt romney wouldnt go to the National Urban league when he was running for president in 2012. Rand paul has showed up there and showed up at other events like this. We played the clip on the sort of sentencing disparities, hes made it a major point of emphasis. He talked yesterday about maybe a new federal Voting Rights act in response to the Supreme Court last year. He does seem to be separating himself in some ways from parts of the republican platform that africanamerican voters have had trouble with. Do you give him credit for that at least . I certainly applaud his presence. I think theres something to be said just for showing up. Weve seen in the past, the Republican Party refuse to even acknowledge that africanamerican voters exist. I give him credit for that. The challenge is when you show up and try to shine a light on policies that you think would appeal to africanamerican voters, while basically ignoring the fact that so many of the things that you stand for are against our interests. So now, we have casey hunt here. Casey, you interviewed rand paul. We talk about rand paul and africanamerican voters, i think the start of that relationship, everybody looks back to an interview that rand paul did on this network in 2010, where he seemed to be saying he had issues with parts of the civil rights act. Lets play it and talk to you about it. You noted in your speech thaw support the civil rights act. But specifically, do you think that private businesses should be allowed to discriminate based on race . No. So youve changed from when you said before you were concerned about that. I never said before. Now casey, that was a more direct and emphatic answer, i remember that exchange with rachel maddow. He seems to have changed his approach on this one. Part of what youre seeing in the overall broad outreach, hes trying to walk back some of the things that he has said in the past. And a lot of that comes out of sort of the roots of libertarianism. Hes basically saying, we shouldnt infringe on private businesss rights, thats what he was saying in 2010, when he first made these initial comments. Its pretty clear that now he feels he has to be very aggressive in pushing back. But it sort of highlights his challenge here, right . To have to go up to an audience like this and say, i support the civil rights act. Is not necessarily something that even most republicans would have to do. You know, that said, hes taking quite a few risks in doing the series of speeches, whether its Howard University, berkeley, the urban league and to some extent, you have to applaud him for that especially at this stage of the potential. Is it because he comes into this with so much credibility on the right . That he is, the way like the face of the tea party, the tea party was so excited about ron paul, rand paul. Does it give him more Maneuvering Room here . Is that what were seeing . I think if anything, its that he realizes he might not be the same type of, he doesnt necessarily fit the same mold as many of the other republican candidates. If hes going to have a path in 2016, it is because he brings unconventional voters to his side. Thats part of what youre seeing, especially with students. Young people, people whose, where his privacy message in particular resonates. And he brought that up at the urban league in fact. He talks about how dr. Martin luther king jr. Was tracked by the fbi. And how that parallels what were seeing now with the nsas collection of data. So hes trying to bring his particularly message on that to a wider audience. In some ways it does resonate. I talked to some people who brought that up. Mayor, you give him credit for the outreach. It is, i think its a sustained thing at this point. You can say whatever you think of the message, the outreach does seem to be real. I wonder if you had a chance to talk to him right now and say, these are the issues i want to be, i want on your radar, if youre serious about this, these are the issues you should be serious about, what would you tell him . I would say of course we have concerns about privacy as americans, but we also have concerns about minimum wage, and families, particularly female head of households being able to provide for their familiar list. The facts of the matter is he doesnt support minimum wage increase. Hes soft on income wage equality. He wants to roll back obama care. Which is providing Quality Health care for africanamerican families. He has to acknowledge the breadth of his stances and not just pick and choose the ones that he thinks are going to play in certain audiences. He cant run away from his track record. Well so, and casey, you did, the context for all of this is rand paul running in 2016. You did ask him. An interesting answer, you asked him about 2016. Lets play the clip. Are you the 2016 frontrunner right now . Dont know. But its better than being last place at this point. And i wonder if, who could you really call a frontrunner at this point in the republican side. When you look at rand paul, is there a sense where this is going . The mayor just outlined some issues, minimum wage is one that comes to mind. I cant imagine rand paul or almost any republican, i guess mitt romney has touched that rand paul doesnt seem interested in touching that. Where is it going with rand paul . Is there a bigger game plan in terms of where the outreach is heading . I was struck by it. He sort of went farther than many people do in acknowledging the sort of dance that everyone plays in years before the 2016 contest comes up and sort of openly acknowledged yes, this is kind of what im doing. But i think he is ahead of some of these other republicans in his sort of outreach on the ground in the early states. He has a little bit of a network left over from when his father ran. Hes making a significant effort there, grassroots type of organizing. So you know, that said, i think the big question hovering over rands potential candidacy or excuse me, senator pauls potential candidacy is simply the fact. How long is it going to take before the republican establishment sort of rising up and unites behind somebody else and decides its time this not go forward. Theres a lot of anxiety among you know, republican establishments figures about what, what a paul candidacy would mean. Whether its on issues like israel, theres still a lot of sort of skepticism there or whether its you know, if hes capable of winning a general election. And if they nominate somebody like senator paul. Whether they would be able to beat somebody like Hillary Clinton. I think they could get away with calling him rand. Hillary clinton they call her hillary. My thanks to Baltimore Mayor stephanie rawlandsblake and casey hunt. And still ahead the biggest news story of the week. During the cadillac summers best event, lease this all new 2014 cts for around 459 a month or purchase with 0 apr and make this the summer of style. Could help your business didavoid hours of delaynd test caused by slow internet from the phone company . Thats enough time to record a memo. Idea for sales giveaway. Return a call. Sign a contract. Pick a tie. Take a break with mr. Duck. Practice up for the business trip. Fly to florida. Win an award. Close a deal. Hire an intern. And still have time to spare. Check your speed. See how fast your internet can be. Switch now and add voice and tv for 34. 90. Comcast business. Built for business. [ female announcer ] f provokes lust. It elicits pride. Incites envy. And unleashes wrath. Temptation comes in many heartpounding forms. 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[ barks ] nothing says you care like a milkbone brushing chew. That its given me time toabout reflect on some of lifeseen biggest questions. Like, if you could save hundreds on Car Insurance by making one simple call, why wouldnt you make that call . See, the only thing i can think of is that you cant get any. Bars. Ah, thats better. Its a beautiful view. I wonder if i can see mt. Rushmore from here. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Bad weather is being is cited this morning as the most likely cause for the crash of the air algerie flight in mali this week that killed all 118 people on board. It does not appear that an attacker brought down the plane unlike the tragedy in eastern ukraine. 10 people survived the crash of a transasian jetliner in taiwan. These tragedies for a certain segment of people serve to reawake an very primal fear and im one of those people. I have a fear of flying. Plan my vacations based on how far amtrak will take me. I once drove 1100 miles from louisville, kentucky, to denver in about 20 hours. I did get on plane for work about two years ago at the height of the 2012 president ial election. But it wasnt a pleasant experience for me. And i dont plan on repeating it any time soon. If ever. For me, for many other people like me, the statistics simply dont matter. I dont care that im more likely to die driving on i am o plane. I dont care that there is only one accident for every 2. 4 million flights. I do care that in just one week there were three major airplane disasters. Makes me and other people want to guarantee that we will never be on any plane. Joining me now is captain ron, a retired u. S. Air force pilot. He has turned his career towards curing people like me of our fear of replying. I was telling you during the break, honestly the way i look at this is i have flown 13 times in my life, and i am 13 for 13. As i say in baseball, if you go 13 for 13, its not a the chances are youre going to go 13 for 14. In flying you go 13 for 14, thats the one that kills you. Why mess with success, right . Im still here. You know, youve captured everything about fear of flying, steve. It is a state of mind. Its a habit of thinking. You just got stuck with what some people get stuck with, and that is the part of our brain that keeps us alive under threatening situations has just hijacked the rationale part of, it and it doesnt what are you the things that i always hear they always tell me, well, look at the odds. Youre more safe in a car. You know, ive been in two Car Accidents in my life, and i walked away from them. There was a huge dent in the drivers side door, and i walked away. If im in one airplane crash, im not walking away. Its not about the odds. Rationale thinking never gets anybody through an irrationale problem. What you have to do is you have to literally change the way you think about it. Now, it does help to learn some of the facts to dispel myths that there are about flying. I see people as catastrophic thinkers and feelers. The pilots, are they rested, drinking, whatever it is . The other part, and thats one way that the brain operates. The other way is we could have something go wrong automatically. The brain senses danger. It might notice that my palms are getting sweaty, my heart is starting to race. It says, hey, we dont know what the heck is going on down there, but year going to jump in the fray, and were going to get you ready in case you have to fight or flee. Its just a lack of control. When im driving a car, i got the wheel. I got the brake. I can speed up or slow down. I know things can happen. Horrible things happen in the car. In the plane youre sitting there, and everything is going fine, and then one second like the snap of a finger totally no control over it, everything goes wrong. I just i imagine my last thought being i could have stayed home. Control is an illusion, and the biggest control freaks at the airplane are sitting nup the two front seats in the cockpit. Thats why a lot of pilots got to be pilots. Theyre control freaks. Some catastrophic thing could happen in the building. Not very likely, obviously, but you got me looking around. I try to tell the truth, you know . There will be other accidents in the future. There will be other fatal did you know that 95 of all airplane passengers that were involved in accidents in history survived. Those are statistics. We only got three minutes. I cant say im cured yet, but is it a good dialogue. You really have to want to. I have talked to enough, and the responsibilities i got there are a lot of people that feel my way. Captain ron nielsen, fearless flight. Com. Latest from libya, thats straight ahead. In the nation, the safest feature in your car is you. Add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get 100 off for every year of safe driving. 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This morning my question is two hours of torture enough to ignite change . Plus, the president ial playbook of elizabeth warren. And canada. Bringing us more than just hockey players. But, first, here we are again telling children do not cross that line. Good morning. Im melissa harrisperry. Yesterday president obama met at the white house with the president s of the three countries that are home to the vast majority of the nearly 58,000 children whop have arrived at the southern border of the

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