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own investigation into exactly how this tragedy occurred. however, many many people here in baltimore don't trust the police to investigate themselves. and so now we've seen day after day of protest, last night a very big protest, indeed, with nearly a thousand people marching from west baltimore, from the spot where freddie gray was arrested to the local police station. it was a peaceful protest many families were there holding their children's hands. many parents said they simply don't want this to happen to their child and they're demanding answers. they want to know exactly how it is that freddie gray suffered this fatal spinal cord injury while in police custody. they want accountability and they want officers held responsible. last night, late last nights, the police commissioner said he understands those concerns. >> they're sharing their thoughts they're sharing their concerns and i hear them and i understand. and if i was a parent and that was my child that i lost i would be concerned and want to know and react. but our job is also o the to have balance and not to rush to a conclusion and that's what the direction is right now is get the evidence and make sure it's right because we're only going to have one chance at this. >> reporter: the police commissioner and the mayor are promising a transparent investigation. six officers have been placed on administrative leave, paid administrative leave, they include a lieutenant and a sergeant and three bicycle officers. the city investigation expected to wrap up on or about may the 1. meanwhile, the doj investigation continues and the police will give their findings to prosecutors to determine whether they will file charges home. say, back to you. >> tom costello, thank you. later in "the rundown," we'll be talking to the baltimore "sun" reporter like who's been investigating spinal cord injuries like the one freddie gray suffered. . court is getting back in session after an emotional and dramatic first day of testimony at the penalty phase of the boston marathon bombing trial. we should warn you some of the images you're about to see are disturbing. [ screaming ] for the first time, jurors heard the chaotic and horrific sounds captured by a video recorder in the moments after the 2013 bombing attack. the prosecution wrapped up its opening statements by showing a picture of dzhokhar tsarnaev sticking up his middle finger at a jail cell camera three months after the attack. the prosecutor told jurors the photo showed he was "unconcerned, unrepentant uncaring and untouched by the grief and loss he caused." some of the most emotional testimony came from the father of 29-year-old krystle campbell. as his wife sobbed in the courtroom, he said he fainted in the hospital when he learned a woman in surgery was not his daughter. doctors told him krystle was dead. when he asked rp what he missed the most about his daughter he said "i miss my hug everyday. she never left the house without giving me a hug." ron mott is in boston. ron, good morning. >> reporter: this is just a small fraction of the families affected by that disastrous week two years ago in boston. we had four people who died, three at the marathon, the fourth was m.i.t. officer sean collier. but you had more than 260 people injured in that blast, many of them severely. 17 of them who lost lims. one of those who lost limbs was celeste corcoran. she talked about the pain being so awful for her she felt like she wanted to die and like a light switch went on that she suddenly wanted to live and fight through that. she had very dramatic testimony yesterday. so the guidance we're getting today, jose, is that we're expecting to hear from the family of officer sean collier, who was executed in his patrol car near the campus of m.i.t. in cambridge. we're expecting that to dominate most of the testimony we hear today. we also think we're going to hear from family members and friends, perhaps, of lindsay liu, who was also killed at the marathon itself. sol this will be a dramatic second day of testimony. the prosecution though making quick work we think of this phase of their presentation. they may be done as early as tomorrow, we're understanding. they are set to go through friday because the judge yesterday says that the defense will get their turn to essentially present the mitigating factors such as they are for dzhokhar tsarnaev starting next week and the judge in instructing the jury about when they go to deliberate this particular phase of the trial he's trying to get them to understand that while you're going to hear emotion from victims and their families, that you want to take that all into account but keep the emotion in the courtroom and you're going to decide his fate, whether it's life in prison without parole or death penalty based on the law and your own personal convictions about hiss responsibility here with this terror attack two years ago, jose. >> ron mott, thank you. we'll go back to boston next hour for an update for the penalty phase. now a major shakeup in washington. in the wake of mounting pressure, the head of the drug enforcement agency is stepping down. this goes back to her handling of a sex party scandal involving dea agents. kristen welker is following the story at the white house. kristen, good morning. >> reporter: michele leonhart has led the dea since 2007 and has been with the agency for 35 years. she's resigning a midst a cloud of controversy. she was a rising star in federal law enforcement but now michelle leonhart is stepping dun down avenue revelations ten dea agents had sex parties in colombia involving prostitute, some hired by drug cartels. >> this is national security issues when criminal cartels can get that close to agents. >> reporter: the attorney generaling the announced leonhart's resolution tuesday calling her a trailblazer for being the first woman that was named special agent in charge. this comes after an inspector general report last month which detailed those parties allegedly occurring between 2005 and 2008. >> law enforcement is not above the law and you -- this sexual misconduct cannot be accepted. >> reporter: last week, leonhart was grilled by lawmakers who demanded to know why the agents were suspended not fired. >> can you revoke their security clearance? >> i can't revoke their security clearance. >> honestly? what power do you have? >> what i can do is build on and improve mechanisms. >> reporter: all this as the secret service has been reeling from a string of scandals, one of them dating back to 2012 when more than a dozen agents were linked to prostitutes in colombia during an unrelated trip. >> so what we're trying to do is get rid of that culture of complacency and that culture that has allowed these types of activities to happen. >> reporter: leonhart is expected to leave in mid-may. we tried to reach her but got no response. lawmakers say one of their biggest concerns is that sensitive information may have the been compromised as a result of those sex parties. their investigation into the misconduct continues. jose? >> kristen welker at the white house. thank you. now to developing news out of tulsa and a head-scratching decision by the tulsa county sheriff's office hours after reserve deputy robert bates was arraigned in the shooting death of eric harris. late last night, the tulsa county sheriff's office released a series of videos that investigators say show harris selling drugs on multiple occasions during the week leading up to his death. the sheriff says the tapes were marked 2008 because the deputies failed to update the recording device. harris was killed when bates says he accidentally pulled his gun instead of his taser as harris fled an undercover firearms sting operation on the second of this month. the attorney for eric harris responded to the video released by saying "they don't have the death penalty for drug dealing in america." to developing news out of paris a city on edge after the terror attacks earlier this year, now french police say they have arrested a man they believe was planning an imminent attack on one or more churches. we're expecting a press conference from the french prosecutor less than an hour from now. officials say the 24-year-old algerian if man was heavily arm bud he was discovered because he accidentally shot himself leading police to his car where the stash of weapons was found. the man is suspected in the death of a young woman found just before his arrest on sunday. the french interior minister says the suspect has been flagged as a risk last year and again this year but no specific investigation was under way. we're just getting started on this wednesday edition of "the rundown." up next, president obama's conversation with hard ball's chris matthew. a major trade deal causing friction within his own party including with hillary clinton. how much will clinton try to distance herself from the obama white house during her campaign? that's ahead. plus 22 million people are at risk for severe werth. it's the same area that got hit last week. texas, oklahoma, and arkansas. we'll have the details on "the rundown." ♪ building aircraft, the likes of which the world has never seen. this is what we do. ♪ that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. hey buddy, you're squashing me! liquid wart remover? could take weeks to treat. embarrassing wart? dr. scholl's freeze away wipes 'em out fast with as few as one treatment. freeze away! dr. scholl's. the #1 selling freeze brand. new york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at i'm the protector of my patio. killing weeds where they grow. a barrier forms so weeds can't appear - serious weed prevention up to a year. [chorus singing:] ♪ roundup max control 365 ♪ with no more weeds it's your year. this morning, president obama is trying to rally skeptical democrats behind a transpacific trade deal. some members of the president's own party say they're worried the deal could threaten american workers. one prominent democrat still uneasy over the proposal, hillary clinton, the presidential candidate, distanced herself from the deal while wrapping up a campaign trip to new hampshire. >> any trade deal has to produce jobs and raise wages and increase prosperity and protect our security and we have to do our part in making sure we have the capabilities and the skills to be competitive. >> msnbc's alex seitz-swald in away is in washington. >> in general, jose, i don't think we'll see much rhetoric from this. the president remains very popular among democrats and he was, of course he was her boss in the secretary of state. the clinton's campaign thinks it wouldn't pass the smell test if she tried to distance herself too much from him. that said, on trade specifically, this is a rare issue where the president is very out of step with a lot of the democratic base. she's in a tough spot. she wants to stay close to the president but she wants to appease this liberal base that's wary about her candidacy so she's trying to leave room and figure out how things go. she's leaving herself an opening on the -- i would still think unlikely chance that she ultimately comes out against this trade deal. but slepts to play a little bit tough and show she's speaking to the concerns that progressives are raising around this. >> alex, now there's this new narrative by the clinton camp to paint her as the original elizabeth warren. tell me about that. >> that's right. they point to going back to the '90s in the clinton white house when her husband ran as a very centrist democrat moderate on fiscalish shusz, ishsues was a big hawk on the deficit. in the administration, people were uneasy about hillary clinton. they thought she was too far to the left. they called her and her advisors the bolsheviks inside the clinton administration. so the clinton people are trying to revive that legacy. it's something she pushed aside and didn't want to emphasize when she got into the senate. she made a big effort to work across the aisle with republicans and present herself as sort of a compromising moderate centrist and that's how she ran in 2008 but now with this revived progressive activist left she's pointing to that legacy and saying she was for universal health care before barack obama, she was for universal child care, all of this before elizabeth warren and a lot of people in the party. >> alex seitz-wald thanks. next hour we'll break down what we know and don't know about hillary clinton's position. but now, chris matthew's conversation with president obama. a big part of the sit down, the proposed transpacific partnership we just talked about. i want's an expansive trade deal with a dozen countries the president says would be a good thing for american businesses. as chris matthews pointed out, the deal is not without its critics, including massachusetts senator elizabeth warren. take a listen. >> they're throwing the kitchen sink at this trade agreement which will involve 11 nations and ours sourselves on the pacific rim. why are they saying these things? >> i guess they don't want it to happen. i love elizabeth, we're allies on a host of issues, but she's wrong on this. we decided to start trying to craft a new kind of trade deal in the largest market in the world because 95% of the customers for u.s. businesses will be outside of the united states and if we want to compete and create jobs in the united states, we have to be there. and the fastest-growing, most populous region in the world is in the asia-pacific region. so we've pulled together 11 countries to come up with a high standard p enforceable trade provision that has unprecedented labor standards, unprecedented environmental standards, fixes a lot of the problems that you had in things like nafta and ultimately i would not be putting this forward if i didn't -- was not absolutely certain that this was going to be good for american workers. now, understandably, folks in labor and some progressives are suspicious generally because of the experiences they saw in the. but my point is, don't fight the last war, wait and see what we actually have in this deal before you make those judgments because what i know is that if we are going to succeed as an economy, we're already about 11 million of the high-paying jobs in the united states are directly related to exports overseas and it's not just big businesses, it's small businesses like are represented around this table then we've got to be able to craft the kinds of trade deals that i'm talking about. >> i think the narrative that all trade is bad, all trade agreements have failed just isn't true. you know we have a trade surplus with 11 of the 14 trade agreements we have in place. not a deficit, a surplus. it's not a secret agreement. it doesn't favor the wealthy and leave everyone behind. >> so elizabeth warren is wrong? >> i think she's absolutely wrong. joining me now is democratic congressman from virginia gerry connolly who was on that round table with the president. if the good to see you. >> governor romney. >> so you agree with the president, elizabeth warren is wrong on this? why? >> elizabeth warren is a very important figure in our party and i think she speaks on behalf of a lot of people who feel left out, who have been left behind or feel they've been left behind. and this is a perspective. but on trade frl i happen to disagree with her respectfully and i'm a progressive democrat. i'm not a blue dog, i'm not a conservative. but thinkable free trade agreement has the promise to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. it has the promise to actually open up access to foreign markets, those countries have access here, we need much better access there. the very concerns progressives care about, environmental protection, labor standards human rights, are for the first time codified in the text of the agreement. so i think this is going to be good for the american economy, good for american workers land do the very opposite of what my friend elizabeth warren is asserting. >> so how troubling is it to you that when it comes to your party's only official 2016 candidate, hillary clinton she's not backing the deal and neither has another potential candidate, martin o'malley, a former governor from your neck of the woods. as a matter of fact, tweeting yesterday "join me in opposing tpp and fast track. american leaders need to know where we stand." if you can't get presidential contenders in your party to back it, why should you back it? >> i think hillary clinton is a very shrewd politician and she parsed her words very carefully. she set out broad standards that had to be met for her to support the agreement. i don't disagree with those standards and i believe upon examination people are going to be pleasantly surprised this agreement does precisely that. and i would also say that we have to divide these two issues and those who oppose it sight unseen want to kill the fast track authority because they know by doing that you won't get an agreement. and i think that's disingenuous. this president deserves the same fast track authority every president has had since gerald ford. every democratic president has been given by democratic and republican congresses. if you don't like the treaty, vote against it. but to deny this president the ability to negotiate request the same authority as his predecessors, i don't understand why democrats would want to do that. >> congressman, did you support nafta? did you support the free trade agreement with colombia and panama? >> i wasn't here for nafta but i was here for clom yarksolombia, panama and korea and i voted for all three. after the break, we'll zoom through other top stories, including a weather alert. check this video out of hail blanketing the windy city of chicago. all eyes are on parts of texas and oklahoma. storms later lead to. plus at 93-year-old man goes on trial for crimes he allegedly committed 70 years ago. we'll explain next on t rounddown. 73% of americans try... cook healthy meals. yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... ...add one a day 50+. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it supports physical energy with b vitamins. one a day 50+ your kids get used to sweaty odors in their room. they think it smells fine, but you smell this... eliminate all the odors you've gone noseblind to with febreze fabric refresher. mmmm... so you and your guests can breathe happy. a weather alert, a former ss guard on trial and a scare in tokyo. 22 million people are at risk today for severe weather in the afternoon and evening. we're talking about heavy rain, winds, and possibly tornados in oklahoma texas and arkansas. the mid-atlantic region could see strong storms later today. in germany, a 93-year-old grard auschwitz has asked for forgiveness and admitted moral guilt in connection with the mass killings of jews. it's day two of oskar groening's trial. he charged with 300,000 counts of accessory to murder. he described his role as accountant, taking the money of the jews who arrived a president camp although he said he witness it had killings, he denied taking part in them. a scare at the japanese prime minister's office in tokyo when a small drone landed on the roof. the prime minister was in indonesia at the time. the drone was about two feet in diameter, it was carrying a small cam rand a decorated with a symbol that looks like a radioactive warning. police are investigating. and just a few hours ago, the vatican confirmed that pope francis will visit cuba ahead of his visit to the united states in september. the visit will be followed by stops in washington, d.c., new york, and philadelphia. the pope played a major role in the reopening of diplomatic relations between cuba and the united states. a trip to the island will mark only the third one by a pontiff. "the rundown" will be right back after this. good. very good. you see something moving off the shelves and your first thought is to investigate the company. you are type e*. yes, investment opportunities can be anywhere... or not. but you know the difference. e*trade's bar code scanner. shorten the distance between intuition and action. e*trade opportunity is everywhere. entrepreneurs from the u.s. and latin america will create solutions to improve our world. you can experience the latest developments in technology. three, people will learn cutting edge programming skills. it's turning south florida into the tech hub of the americas and, five, you can join me for a live broadcast. hello! this little beauty here is top-of-the-line. see, you just pull like this to go left. and like so to go right. where are the brakes? uh, just grab ahold of both and pull straight back. and the "whoa!" is optional. you wouldn't buy a motorcycle without handlebars. no thanks. and you shouldn't ride a motorcycle without geico insurance. roadside assistance, 24 hour service, great rates. geico motorcycle. see how much you could save. developing news out of yemen where righting now there's relative calm for the first time in nearly a month. last night, saudi arabia said the air assault that had been focused on iranian-backed rebels is finished and a new more targeted phase is about to begin. the u.s. is calling for the immediate return to negotiations to find a political solution to the crisis. michael singh is managing director at the washington institute and a former director for middle east affairs at the national security council. thank you for being with me. >> good morning, jose. >> the saudis went in with a goal of restoring the former government and pushing back the rebels. that i say the mission is a success. how do you see it? >> well, jose, i think when you look at what happened there obviously the arabs restricted themselves to an air campaign and what it looks like what they were trying to do is they saw this advance of the so-called houthi iranian-backed force that looked like it was poised to take over large swaths of the country and i think they wanted to halt that advance. but i think actually rolling it back and sort of ousting the houthis would have required a much more intensive effort. i don't think we'll necessarily see that effort. what we'll see is an effort to get the parties to the negotiating table to work out a compromise. >> what are the chance there is could be a compromise? a political compromise to this that has caused so much death and grief? >> well, i wouldn't rule it out jose, this is a country that has experienced civil strife on and off since the 1960s and generally periods of fighting have been followed by these sorts of periods of compromise. remember, this is a country where the authority of the central government doesn't actually extendcapital. so you have local authorities, tribes so forth, any kind of political collusion or resolution requires you to balance those different forces. >> so a political solution would include giving parts of the country to the groups that control that part of the country but then asking them not to expand their control, right? >> i think you'll see power sharing in the ideal solution between the different groups balancing of the interests in the country. i think what the regional states don't want to see and what this military campaign was aimed against with the united states' support was awe strong iranian-backed government in sana'a that really swamps the other interests, other parties in the country and threatens the region. >> michael singh, thank you so much. good to see you this morning, appreciate. >> it thank you, jose. we're watching french president francois hollande who addressed the paris terror arrest moments ago during a press conference with the ukrainian president. hollande says his country is con frokted by acts that can strike the heart of french society. in a half hour, the french prosecutor will give us more details about that arrest. we'll bring that to you live when it begins. also new this morning, italy says the european union needs to act quickly to solve the massive surge of migrants attempting to reach the continent from africa just days after many as eight or 900 people died. the after the ship they were on capsized in the mediterranean sea. italian prime minister mateo renzi is suggesting the establishment of refugee camps in african countries with the help from the united nations. the goal is to stem the flow of migrant ace tempting the journey across the mediterranean. for the first time, president obama is commenting on the issue speaking to ing toing ing toing to hardball's krischris matthews. >> when it comes to the refugee problem from libya, that comes from the fact that you have tribal conflicts and in some cases factions or religious differences inside of libya that are creating chaos but libya actually has a lot of oil has a lot of gas, a relatively small population, they could be a successful country. so what we're seeing in these areas is failures of governance. governments that have no civil society, they're not creating the kinds of economic policies that work for people and our solutions are going to be ones that we have to shape with the world community, with the region, and some of it is going to take time. >> european leaders have scheduled a summit to discuss and implement new measures to try to deal with this crisis. now to the issue of same-sex marriage. the supreme court could soon set it will debate once and for all with the justices preparing to hear oral arguments in the challenges to several state same-sex marriage bans on tuesday. more on what to expect, let me bring in nbc news supreme court analyst tom goldstein. good morning, tom. >> good morning, jose. >> so there are four separate cases before the court. one freech ohio, tennessee, michigan, and kentucky. what specifically are these cases all about? >> well two years ago the supreme court 5-4 struck down a federal law that refused to recognize state same-sex marriages. and that ruling launched a series of challenges to state same-sex marriage bans across the country. . now most federal courts of appeals read the tea leaves and struck those state laws down. but the court of appeals that has jurisdiction over these four states upheld the bans and those plaintiffs have gone on to the supreme court. so the justices have limited the issues before them to just two questions. what are they? >> well, the first is the most fundamental and that is does the constitution require a state to allow same-sex couples to marry? it will second is kind of a backup argument, and that is for couples that live in a state in which same-sex marriage is legal to -- say the voters have voted to permit it -- do other states have to recognize those same-sex marriages if the couples move or if a couple from the state that doesn't recognize them goes outside the state to get married. >> and how much time will both sides are to argue their case? what will this look like? >> supreme court arguments are know notoriously short. the justices have had a little time here. there's 90 minutes for the argument that the states have to recognize same-sex marriages and 60 minutes for the notion that while a state at least has to recognize a lawful same-sex marriage from another state there will be basically one lawyer for each side except for the fact that the obama administration, their solicitor general, don verrilli, will argue in favor of the basic fundamental constitutional right for same-sex couples to get married. >> what are the potential rulings we could see and when? >> well, come back to multiple sclerosis -- msnbc and that's when i'll get the ruling. the most likely outcome to be candid is another 5-4 ruling in favor of a right to same-sex marriage. after that, if the justices are unwilling to recognize that right then they are at least likely to say that if you have a valid same-sex marriage from one state, another state has to recognize it. but the states may well win. we shouldn't forget the fact that for the overwhelming majority of the country throughout the nation's history, same-sex marriage has not been permitted and thps ais is a very conservative supreme court. >> tom goldstein, welcomel thank you and welcome to the nbc family. the senate appears set to confirm loretta lynch as attorney general after five months in limbo. president obama nominated her to replace eric holder in november. the long-awaited vote coming after senators reached a bipartisan deal on a human trafficking bill. let's get right to nbc's luke russert on capitol hill. luke good morning. >> good morning, jose, how are you doing? >> good. finally it looks like something will be done on this? the time line is looking good for her, right? >> it looks like loretta lynch will become the first african-american female attorney general of the united states. there's still a little bit of holdup about the human trafficking bill you mentioned and in the crazy world that is capitol hill, abortion language in the human trafficking bill has led to the delay of loretta lynch moving forward. that being said, there will be an amendment vote today on that human trafficking bill. it should proceed smoothly. there is the possibility but few hiccups if someone wants to put a poison pill amendment that could derail the overall deal. it seems mcconnell and reed want to get this past them and move on to other things. if that is the case, loretta lynch should become attorney general by the end of thursday. >> all right i'm hearing on the house side that there's movement on a possible legislation on same-sex marriage. do you know anything about that luke? >> this sorts of just came in. steve king the conservative firebrand member from iowa is having a press conference today to announce legislation called restrain the judges. it's short on details right now as what that means in regards to same-sex marriage but that's what it is about. we don't know the concrete details of it. i presume it has something to do with the supreme court or judges around the country. i can tell you, jose, that republicans, especially those presidential candidate, will probably be a little uncomfortable with this. the jeb bushes of the world and people trying to move away from this issue because they view it to be problem makt in a general election. if you have steve king beating the drum about same-sex marriage in a way that's sort of trying to restrain judges i'll be interested to see how the overall gop reacts to that. >> and boehner is holding his weekly news conference at the top of the hour. what are you planning to ask him? >> i can't give you my play book jose! >> give me a hint! >> there's a lot we can ask him about iran and where the gop health care bill is that we've been hearing so much about it and the highway trust fund on the horizon. a few things i have up my sleeve jose. >> nbc's luke russert on capitol hill. we'll be looking for that sleeve later today. good to see you, buddy. >> you as well. >> thanks. still ahead on the rundown. we'll talk about the money race in 2016 and which gop candidates could be backed by the bank of koch. but first, it's earth day 2015. the president heading to the everglades to talk climate change. is this sped up video? i hope so. maybe it's not. maybe this is realtime. we'll talk about a trip he'll be taking to the everglades in minutes but also here on msnbc. we're focusing on food waste with the documentary "just eat it" tonight. >> famed chef and correspondent tom colicchio on "morning joe" talks about how americans have devalued their food. >> if you go back to grandparents and parents, two generations away, during the great depression where they valued food and then you go after world war ii you started -- fast food became popular, food became cheap and we stopped valuing food. what i found really amazing is that you have 40% waste in the system so it's all this inefficiency but the free market hasn't come in to fix this. >> tom will be taking part in a twitter chat today at 1:00 p.m. eastern time talking about "just eat it" and the no food wasted campaign. just tweet tom with your questions using the hashtag "no food wasted." we'll be right back on "the rundown." we're talking everglades today too, by the way. 73% of americans try... cook healthy meals. yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... ...add one a day 50+. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it supports physical energy with b vitamins. one a day 50+ all these networks keep making different claims. it gets confusing. fastest, the strongest the most in-your-face-est. it sounds like some weird multiple choice test. yea, but do i pick a, b, or c. for me it's all of the above. i pick, like the best of everything. verizon. i didn't. i picked a. maybe c. and how'd that work out for you? 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with me is nbc political reporter lee ann wald well and nick from the "new york times." how possible is it money from the koch brothers could take second-tier candidate like paul or cruz and make them viable? >> well, it's important to say what they didn't say in this interview. what charles koch said was that they have five candidates who they like and that they might get involved with and frankly, i think, jose, it would be very unlikely to see the koch organization intervene in the primary in a big way. there are too many other donors involved. there are too many activists they've organized on the ground. i'm not sure they want to involve the whole organization in the primary battle. on the other hand, it's possible they will make personal contributions to one or more of these candle dates and that could be a big deal. >> but if we're talking hundreds of millions of dollars, that will have an impact. >> i don't believe they're going to dump $100 million into the primary. if they did, it would be a huge upset and a very big deal. >> lee ann, someone not on this list is new jersey governor chris christie. how tough is this for him? >> it's very tough i think nick is right. i talked to some people in the koch organization yesterday who wouldn't commit to playing big in the primaries but if they do decide to give some money to these candidates, especially the five they mentioned this is just another in a series of blows for chris christie who can't seem to get his campaign rolling. his natural donor base is moving toward jeb bush and that leaves chris christie with a huge void and he doesn't have a lot of time to make up here. >> lee ann, on monday david koch said he's ready to back governor scott wachner the general election, someone you've been following closely. why do big money donors like him so much? >> they like him because he's sufficiently conservative. hi has an aggressive agenda in wisconsin that's been anti-union, anti-tax small government. and think they he's someone that can get something done. but some donors do have a little bit of concern about scott walker. i wrote about this yesterday saying that he is his own best advisor. he doesn't really take counsel from anyone other than himself. as he embarks on the national campaign, they say the responsibilities and duties are too great for one to handle and they're worried that he's able to do it. and some of his recent flubs have been because he has not listened to his staff. >> nick there are reports that hillary clinton is aiming to raise $100 million for the primary. what kind of numbers can we expect to see from republicans? >> well, it's going to shock you, jose, but $100 million is not that much money -- >> for a primary? >> yeah. hillary clinton will probably raise over a billion dollars for the whole campaign so a hundred million is really between now and the convention. it actually a s a pretty low ball number when you think about it. for the heat of the primary on the republican side i think we'll see similar figures for the top tier of candidates if you add in the super pacs. remember, the game changer in this cycle is that you're not just raising hard money at a couple of thousands dollars a pop but going to a few rich people and raising money at a million dollars a pop. you can get to these upper figures more quickly than in the past. i think by july we'll see several candidates who, between their campaigns and their super pacs have $30 million to $50 million or more. >> nick and lee ann, thank you both for being with me this morning. >> thank you. coming up on "the rundown," the president is heading to south florida today. he'll arrive in miami around 1:00 p.m. this afternoon and he'll those the everglades on this earth day. details on what he's expected to discuss as we show you a live shot of south florida, miami to be specific. we're also keeping a close eye on speaker boehner and his briefing at the top of the hour. loretta lynch, the trade deal iran, all issues he may touch on today. yesterday was a kiss for former speaker nancy pelosi in a bipartisan moment at the white house. of course this is not the first besitos between speakers. who can forget this reluctant kiss when boehner won his third term as speaker. boehner proving he's very happy kissing, apparently. 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>> i don't know if he'll specifically sort of call them out on climate change or anything but i think that he will talk about how much it's affecting florida, and you have this really politically complex swing state, where even a lot of republicans are starting to think there's a real problem with rising seas, so the political dynamic is interesting and by going there, president obama puts them in the hot seat. >> what do you think we're going to hear from the president today we haven't already heard on the subject of climate change, something so important? >> i think he's going to localize it a lot more. i think really what this speech seems to be about is showing people how climate change can affect specific places that they care about a lot and this seems to be a new message that's coming out of the administration. it's a little bit different, and that's why the everglades is getting all this focus. >> you wrote picking the everglades may not be the obvious climate symbol for the president, so why do you think the white house decided to do it? as you say, it is different. >> well, you have the situation in florida where a lot, a lot of people are going to be affected by rising seas, so i think that that's really the reason for the choice. florida is sort of this place where already rising sea level is making people quite worried. there's been some intrusion of salt water into drinking water supplies, there's rising seas there's beach erosion, all these factors that are already hurting people, so he goes into a sort of fertile place to make this point. >> you know you're right a lot about sea levels. and here in florida, as you know sea levels rise the nine inches the last century. this is important stuff. you're absolutely right, floridians are going to have to deal with this possibly before a lot of other folks around the country do. >> oh, certainly. that's why the everglades becomes this important symbol, because it both has this incredible ecological significance unique place perched at this zone between fresh water coming down from lake okeechobee and salt water from the gulf, but at the same time it's actually really relevant, not just to nature, but the people because the fresh water goes into the aquifer that south florida relies on for drinking water so it's got this major major political significance. >> chris moonny, good to see you, thanks for being with me. >> good to talk to you. we're going to go live to the everglades in the next hour beautiful place, big alligators and mosquitos the size of baseballs. coming up, house speaker john boehner will talk he could talk about anything from loretta lynch to the trade deal and we'll have it for you live. also expecting to hear from french prosecutors ab the foiled terror attack in paris. a man they say was ready to attack one or more churches. we're going to bring that for you also on "the rundown". i love making sunday dinners. but when my back hurt, cooking all day... forget about it. tylenol was ok, but it was 6 pills a day. but aleve is just 2 pills all day. and now, i'm back! aleve. >>who... is this?! >>hi, i am heinz new mustard. hi na na na na >>she's just jealous because you have better taste. whatever. >>hey. keep your chin up. for years, heinz ketchup has been with the wrong mustard. well, not anymore. introducing heinz new better tasting yellow mustard. mmm! ♪ building aircraft, the likes of which the world has never seen. this is what we do. ♪ that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. people ship all kinds of things. but what if that thing is a few hundred thousand doses of flu vaccine. that need to be kept at 41 degrees. while being shipped to a country where it's 90 degrees. in the shade. sound hard? yeah. does that mean people in laos shouldn't get their vaccine? we didn't think so. from figuring it out to getting it done, we're here to help. welcome back to "the rundown." i want to show you these live, ps out of paris, where any minute now we're expecting new details from the french prosecutor on the arrest of the 24 year old that appears to have been on the verge of launching a terrorist attack when he was arrested. french president hollande addressed it just moments ago. >> translator: a terrorist attempt played out earlier today in france. this wasn't the first. there have been others in the last few weeks. this one was being put into motion based upon the information that we have. and there could be other consequence consequences. because it looks like the target was a church. so there would have been even more serious human consequences had the attack not been -- >> washington editor at large for the atlantic and msnbc contributor. sid, good morning. >> good morning, jose. >> do you have anymore details about the suspect? you know troubling once again we're talking about this happening -- or about to happen, in paris. >> we know that one of the prosecutors said that after the case with this 24 year old had called for medical assistance after accidently shooting himself in the leg that they found weapons of war in his car. and then they went back to his apartment and found much more evidence, but at least three, perhaps four ak-47s, but all sorts of other weapon stashes, so he was on the edge of potentially going to do something. we also saw a report where over the weekend a young woman off to a pilates class was killed left in her car found there later, and they found dna that connects him to that incident. we don't know why he killed her or what the link is but that's another dimension to this. i think one of the most interesting things that needs to be discussed, this is a 24-year-old i.t. student with an enormous number of weapons and you know france very well, you know, on one hand you can see and mikey k. and others have talked about how weapons can be smuggled into europe through greece and other places but to think about the sheer number the volume of the arsenal that he had apparently, is something that is really disconcerting. >> yeah he had not only those ak-47s, he had the bullets, and then, you know, bullet-proof vest et cetera. you know i don't know if you caught that but president hollande said this was not the first thing that we dealt with this week. that's also troubling you know? >> well, there is a lot going on in the sense that what we don't see is that ever since the hebdo attacks and the pick up of the terrorists in brussels, outside of brussels, and the terrorist alert throughout europe we're seeing much more activism with electronic intelligence and watching those people that had wanted to go to syria, sign up with isis and monitoring. that said, they didn't catch this guy. we have to presume -- we have to think about what kind of show we would be doing right now if he hadn't shot himself, if he had gone in and murdered a great number of people. >> this is a case where this guy essentially turned himself in you know? by shooting himself, he had to call authorities to help him, but as you say, had he not shot himself, who knows what the story would be today. >> security by luck. and it's not very comforting. >> right, steve this suspect as you say, was flagged as a security risk. looked at several times over the years s years, but he was still able to collect enough weapons to do something like he was planning to do. >> i think one of the things we need to be thinking about, and it's complicated in france, i've gone to paris a few weeks ago, went to some of these communities, largely immigrant communities, good people, hard working people but there's a distance out there you can really feel how they see their connection to french society and the rest of france and that has to be overcome. that doesn't mean this person would have been preempted, but what they are going to unravel is people will have known this guy. they will have supplied him with weapons. there must have been a network. a 24-year-old i.t. student from algeria isn't able to set himself up this way alone and i think that's what's shaking french society and making it concerned about its security. >> steve clemens, good to see you, we'll be keeping close watch of what happens there in the prosecutors office in paris. i want to take you back now to development from boston. jurors are hearing from the family of sean collier at the penalty phase of the boston marathon bombing trial. let's go to the courthouse in boston. ron mott is there. ron, good morning. >> reporter: jose, good morning. they are talking the first two witnesses up are members of sean collier's family. right now on the stand is his step dad talking about the sudden loss of his 26-year-old son and he sort of ended his testimony by saying that easter, because it occurred around the easter holiday, is now not such a pleasant holiday for this family because of how he was lost and how much they still miss him. earlier sean collier's brother andy was on the stand talking about growing up with his brother, he was his moral compass, sean collier saw life in black and white terms, which is what drew him into law enforcement and said his brother loved that job so much was looking forward to a very long career. he said he got a lot of calls, missed calls that night it happened, a thursday after the bombing happened when sean collier was killed in his car. take a look how he ended his testimony here. this is two years, obviously, after losing his brother. it is still a huge loss, something that will affect my family for the rest of our lives and it's that pain we're expecting to hear, and throughout the rest of this week as prosecutors bring up victim after victim to account the horrors of that week. next week is when it gets really dramatic for the defense because a lot of people are going to wonder how they are going to try to mitigate all the things that the government laid out for this jury the aggravating factors of that terror attack two years ago. we expect this process to go through another two or three maybe four weeks even before the jury gets to deliberate again. at this time they are trying to decide whether to send him to death or life in prison. jose? >> ron mott, thank you. now to baltimore, another day of demonstrations after a death of a man in police custody. about 1,000 people demanding answers on how 25-year-old freddie gray died of a severe spinal injury after his arrest. the justice department is now conducting its own investigation, along with police. the police commissioner says he understands the growing outrage. >> if i was a parent and that was my child that i lost, i would be concerned and i'd want to know and react but our job is also to have balance and not to rush to a conclusion. >> i'm joined now by baltimore sun science reporter scott vance. scott, good morning. >> good morning. >> you've been closely following this. are we any closer to getting more details about that autopsy report? >> it's hard to say. the mayor, stephanie rawlings-blake, said yesterday that she you know, wants more details, that the police have said they want more details. the mayor called on the governor to basically force the medical examiner's office to release the results, but basically we don't have anything super concrete at this point. >> from your reporting, what could have possibly caused such a deadly injury? >> i mean, doctors who i spoke with said it definitely would take, you know very forceful impact. they compared it to an auto accident or like a slip and fall in the bathtub possibly, but that would be more common with someone much older. one doctor i spoke with raised this example of a 57-year-old man who is in alabama in february visiting from india, basically was taken into police custody and while in handcuffs, basically knocked on his face and that gave him a severe neck injury that left him paralyzed. so, you know there are a lot of possibilities, you know, without a lot of facts, all we can do is really speculate at this point but, you know it's certainly was not something that would happen without some significant force. >> scott, thank you, good to see you. let me bring in contributor, host of "the docket," good morning. >> good morning. >> let's continue in baltimore. what's the delay in releasing these autopsy results in. >> jose, i actually worked in the medical examiner's office for a while here and it's completely typical. as a defense attorney sometimes you wait for the autopsy results because, jose they perform the autopsies, the doctors and not only do they submit certain parts of the organs but they also have to submit certain bodily fluids for further testing, so usually the delay is because the medical examiners are waiting for the results on those initial tests, which could go directly to the injury of the dead -- of the deceased. >> what do you mean by that? they take out certain -- explain that a little bit. >> sure, sure sure. when you conduct an autopsy, they have to remove the organs, and sometimes depending on the complaint, the doctor will actually take parts of an organ a heart a lung, et cetera. in addition, they take bodily fluids like, for instance in this case they could have examined the bile, the blood, if there's semen and get further testing, and jose why it's so important, there may be something in those fluids or those pieces those samples of organs, that could give more indication of what the injuries were. and jose we also have to keep in mind that this person may have had pre-existing injuries, so pre-existing injuries also go directly to whose fault it was that the deceased lost his life. >> and then those pre-existing injuries could have been brought -- >> there's a lot of question marks, and that's why the medical examiner's office deserves to take their time and it's a separate agency. they are not part of the police department, they are not part of law enforcement, they are not going to be rushed. >> what's the impact of the justice department now conducting its own investigation? >> i think after ferguson, it's pretty par for the course that the justice department now as in years ago they don't get involved until later into a state prosecutor's investigation. now they are starting early because it's been practice which i think is a great idea right? this is what we want. we want transparency, we want the federal government to help the states when they can and hopefully prevent these things from happening because jose they are happening every day, right? >> yep almost it seems right? thanks so much good to see you. >> good to see you. >> don't forget catch her show, "the docket" every tuesday 11:00 a.m. eastern on msnbc shift. coming up, we're waiting to hear from john boehner, loretta lynch, trade deal from iran just some of the issues we're expecting him to address today. and on the earth day, president obama makes his way to the everglades right here in south florida. we're going to talk live about climate change and how it could impact the global economy. we're going to be live in the everglades next. this is an allen family production. and here's why we love chex. one, choices like chocolate, vanilla and honey nut. two, no artificial colors or flavors.'s gluten free. chex. full of what you love. free of what you don't. there's nothing more romantic than a spontaneous moment. so why pause to take a pill? 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[♪] and developing right now here in south florida, president obama will land at miami airport in just a couple of hours and then make his way to the florida everglades, where he'll tour the nation's largest sub tropical wilderness and deliver a message on climate change on this earth day. mark potter is in the everglades ahead of the president's visit. mark, good to see you. >> reporter: nice to see you, jose. this is the area where the president will be speaking that podium, and out here is the famed river of grass as the everglades is often known. the president has chosen this area because it helps make his point about climate change. the everglades is a low-lying, extremely sensitive ecosystem that's long been under threat from the north because of development and agriculture and canal building but now there's another threat linked to arguments of climate change and that has to do with rising sea levels. scientists say if that continues, the beaches that surround the national park will disappear, the freshwater environments will be changed and will be overrun by saltwater. this is an area that brings millions from around the world and will have an economicesque, the argument goes. there's also a concern broadly around this area in south florida, in this area specifically from palm beach ft. lauderdale, miami, down to the keys rising sea levels have already caused flooding and there's concerns homes could be lost, roads, the economic engine of south florida would be deeply affected by this. so the president is coming here to make points about climate change affecting the economy national security, the global economy and all of that. but it's also not lost on political observers he's coming to florida, where the president governor, to say the least has not exactly embraced the theories of climate change and two of the republican hopefuls jeb bush and marco rubio are from here. it's an educational tour, but also throwing down the gauntlet for the 2016 presidential campaign jose. >> mark, is it rain? really would hate it if you get pelted by the rain. been raining pretty consistently. >> reporter: yeah, that's the big concern here. you know it rains every afternoon in the everglades and we have a system sitting on top of us so we'll see. the president is going to tour the everglades the degree to which he does that, we're being told, is weather permitting. so we'll see what happens. >> mark potter good to see you, buddy, thanks. the everglades is our inspiration for five things today, but i want to take you right now this is the french prosecutor's office in paris talking about some of the details of the arrest of the system who was planning an attack on a church. >> translator: we found two traces of blood. one on the brake, hand brake, and one on the latch of that. so we're investigating all of these different elements and, therefore, our department was able to link her assassination with a terrorist attempt. so we know that this man possessed multiple weapons, so he was thinking of getting rid of them by throwing them in the river, in the seine, but he hurt himself, we think, so wasn't able to. he actually shot a gun, a bullet, into his leg. >> that you were hearing was the voice of the translator of the french prosecutor's office in paris this morning talking about -- as a matter of fact, still going on right now, about this suspect arrested after shooting himself in the leg. apparently he was involved in the killing of a woman before this incident and had at least three ak-47s in his possession. let's go to london, joining me from there with the very latest. kelly, good morning. >> good morning, jose. this man is a 24-year-old i.t. student, computer sciences student, algerian national living in paris. his alleged targets were two churches sunday morning during sunday services. officials say he had a large stockpile of weapons. you heard the french prosecutor detailing some of that in that press conference which is still ongoing. camera, computer hard drive the interior minister in france talking about some of those items earlier, weapons of war he described them as bullet proof vests, ammunition, handguns, and detailed documents, according to the french interior minister showing this man planned to attack two churches on sunday morning. he was known to french authorities, he had expressed an interest in traveling to syria, and police had been checking up on him, however didn't have any reason to arrest him up until now, jose and, of course the arrest happening after he mistakenly shot himself in the leg. these attacks could have gone through were it not for that mistake on his part. >> yeah, kelly in london, thanks for the very latest. coming up, actor william shatner thinks he has a fix for the california drought. he says it's only going to cost about $30 billion. details on that. plus, what we know and don't know about hillary clinton's policy positions. we're going to lay it all out for you right here on "the rundown". the promise of the cloud is that every organization has unlimited access to information, no matter where they are. the microsoft cloud gives our team the power to instantly deliver critical information to people, whenever they need it. here at accuweather we get up to 10 billion data requests every day. the cloud allows us to scale up so we can handle that volume. we can help keep people safe and to us that feels really good. my constipation and belly pain feel like a raging storm. i've tried laxatives but my symptoms keep returning. my constipation feels like a heavy weight that keeps coming back. vo: linzess can help. once-daily linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. linzess is thought to help calm pain-sensing nerves and accelerate bowel movements. linzess helps you proactively manage your symptoms. do not give linzess to children under 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. it may harm them. don't take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include, gas, stomach-area pain and swelling. bottom line, ask your doctor about linzess today. 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>> i think it will be around issues among income inequality and the middle class social security right now where you've seen chris christie has a plan where he wants to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64, versus a lot of liberals want to see social security benefits increase, where more people get them and the benefits are much higher. so far, that will be interesting to see where senator clinton will lay down on that issue, increased benefits, retirement age, in the middle. that's the issue where it will be interesting to see where she goes. >> patrick, campaign says clinton wants input from americans before rolling out specific policies. she's had some time to think about this. do you expect we're going to be hearing about that in the future? >> in the future, but i don't think necessarily any time soon jose. look, this is the no worries campaign with hillary clinton. this is the slow ramp up and the reality is she is going at exactly the pace that she wants to go. unlike eight years ago where she felt sort of rushed into a competitive dynamic where her campaign was constantly reacting to subtle and overt jabs from president obama, to john edwards, we are seeing the advantage of having no real competitor for hillary clinton. she can go at her own pace she can roll out these policies at her own pace. she can talk about her four fights and keep it broad but she's not getting into, you know, the face of americans with these big events or these big policy details or lecturing america about how it needs to live and run itself by sort of taking this ghost level perch. at some point yes she's going to have to come out with specifics. trade will probably be one of the first big ones, you know, cpp comes up. and she'll really need to deal with how the left sees trade, but right now, her own pace. >> yeah, and perry contrast to that with what republicans have been saying or not saying. >> they've been laying out a fair amount of detail on a lot of issues, mainly to say they are opposed with whatever obama is doing obamacare, the iran deal, everything right now positioning themselves around president obama. they also have not laid out a lot of details. the big key for republicans will be tax policy, because that's where they really want to change the country is reducing taxes on the wealthy, on corporations. they are going to come out with plans that will be focused on reducing tax rates and with the idea being it will help boom the economy, kind of sympathy that economic and see democrats accuse them of therefore cutting taxes on the wealthy too much and doing too much redistribution, but that's an issue i'm working on, that will be the most interesting in the next few months, i suspect. >> quickly, i want your thoughts on this attempt to portray hillary clinton as the original elizabeth warren. >> yeah, it's interesting. she goes back to the '70s and '80s when she was knocking on doors, you know, in arkansas asking if kids were in school, if kids were getting enough to eat. she saw a very big role for government, you know in the lives of helping the poor in terms of lifting up the middle class, lifting up the working poor, so that is part of her message. you know the reality now is that the clintons have become you know, wealthy people she hasn't been sort of doing those sort of like populous activities in quite a while. she gives very you know high priced speeches so i think there is that history that they can build up, but when people think of hillary clinton right now at least they don't think of, you know, that sort of fire brand, you know, fight like elizabeth warren. >> patrick healy of the new york times and perry bacon of msnbc thanks for being with me. up next, crucial vote on capitol hill that could pave the way for attorney general nominee loretta lynch. and get this, cast your ballot and win a shot at $25,000. it's an effort to boost voter turnout in los angeles, but not everybody's onboard. i have the details of this next on "the rundown". introducing the new can-am spyder f3. with a cruising riding position and the most advanced vehicle stability system in the industry...'ll ride with a feeling of complete freedom and confidence. visit your can-am dealer and test drive the spyder f3 today. i came up with so many reasons to put off losing weight... but then i joined weight watchers, got the starter kit and i was like, hey, i can do this. now there's nothing holding me back, i can feel it. once you get started nothing can stop you. join for free at, and get a free starter kit when you sign up before april 27th. introducing the citi® double cash card. it's a cash back win-win. with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. with two ways to earn on puchases, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. ♪ ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ ♪ she can print amazing things right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ ♪ consent and development news right now on capitol hill. you're looking at live pictures of the senate floor. just minutes away from the first vote on a human trafficking bill, which should pave the way for a vote on attorney general nominee loretta lynch. as early as tomorrow. >> as soon as we finish the trafficking bill as i've indicated for some time now, we'll move to the president's nominee for attorney general. >> let's get rid of this quickly. let's get loretta lynch confirmed quickly and move on to other matters. >> bob casey joins me this morning. good to see you, senator. >> jose, good to be with you, thank you. >> now that she's finally apparently going to get a vote, you think she's going to have any trouble getting confirmed? >> seems like she's going to have the votes but we should remind ourselves this is the 165th day that she has not been confirmed, so we have to make sure this gets done tomorrow for sure. i'm not sure we've ever had anyone more qualified to be the attorney general yet she was held up purely for political reasons. >> and it was november when the president brought her name, november of last year. >> yeah, and the time period between her being moved out of the judiciary committee and today, that's an awful long time. hired by a long shot than the previous seven attorney generals, so we need to get this done, get her confirmed and begin her service as attorney general. >> senator i want to change topics to iran. president obama talked about strategy with our own chris matthews. here's part of what he said about what iran is doing right now. listen to this, sir. >> right now, their ships are in international waters. there's a reason why we keep some of our ships in the persian gulf region and that is to make sure we maintain freedom of navigation, and what we've said to them is is that if there are weapons delivered to factions within yemen that could threaten navigation, that's a problem. and we're not sending an obscure messages we're sending direct messages about it. we indicate thad need to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. >> senator, what do you make of this president's strategy here? >> well, i think what the president reminded us about is the fact that even as we're in this negotiation with iran with regard to their nuclear weapons program, there's still the leading -- he didn't say this, but i'm saying it -- they are still the leading state sponsor of terrorism and still undertake efforts every day to support groups around the region and around the world that can bring us harm or bring others harm. so we have to be very firm and direct with them that when they are doing something that's against our interest or create further instability in the region, that we take a concerted action against that, whatever it is, and i think the president's doing the right thing to be very firm with iran when it comes to issues that are beyond the negotiation. >> senator iran's actions in yemen are intentionally undermining nuclear negotiation? >> i don't know that to be true, but i do know that they have not, to my knowledge slowed down in these efforts to support groups around the world. they support hezbollah, which has killed more than americans than any other group even more than al qaeda and they support groups all the time that threaten israel threaten us so we have to be very tough minded, even as we pursue a negotiation which is still in process. >> and senator i'm just wondering about the ships you know, being off the coast of yemen, the americans and the iranians, there are other coalition ships as well egypt, et cetera, but what happens if these iranian ships are hell bent on bringing in whatever they are bent on bringing in to the hussis in yemen what happens? >> i'm not sure i have the intelligence exposure to be able to predict what will happen. i'd be very surprised if there's a direct military engagement, but it's very important we show not just strength but determination to stop them when they are doing things in the region or beyond that are against our interest as well as against the interest of folks in the region that we have as allies. >> senator bob casey, always a pleasure to see you. thanks for being with me. >> thanks jose. i want to turn to a story in the west that caught our eye on "the rundown." if you cast a vote, you could win $25,000. a nonprofit group in l.a. is planning a voteria to boost voter turnout. here's how it works. anyone who casts a ballot in the district on the 19th of may will also be entered to win a $25,000 cash prize. not everybody's thrilled about this. the l.a. times editorial board writes, "the gimmick perverts the motivation to vote. it demeans the value of voting and is the most superficial pseudo solution to the problem in los angeles." joining me is a spokesperson behind the voteria with the southwest voter registration education. mario, good to see you. >> good morning, thank you for having me, jose. >> you say this is actually not a lottery but a contest. how did your organization come up with this idea? >> actually, the idea initially surfaced last year a doctor from the center for the study of los angeles actually surfaced the idea out of his frustration, all of our frustration, that voter participation in los angeles and throughout the country in local elections is at an all-time low. and he came up with the idea, the city council looked at it for a while, decided not to pursue it. education project has stepped up and decided to try this historic project. >> so, in fact anybody who votes on that election could end up winning $25,000? >> that's right. all the names will be automatically entered into the drawing. once the election is certified, there will be a drawing and somebody will win $25,000. >> mario i mention this l.a. times editorial board slamming voteria. only underscores the cynical view the people don't care about their local government anymore and the only way to get them to vote is to bribe them. is that what you're doing? >> no, we're not bribing them. this is not a bribe. this is a contest. by the way let me say i'm really glad the los angeles times is paying attention to this local election. throughout the last year, they've only actually written four articles about the los angeles school board election, so at least we've got their interest at this point. it's good to see them onboard. there's, like a 650,000 kids that are under the los angeles unified school district and they are having an election on may 19th. it's an important election for the future, not only for kids in los angeles, but throughout the country because of the economic impact that los angeles has. right now, less than 11% of people usually participate in this election this may bring it up. >> mario here's the question. what happens if only voters from one demographic group come out for the incentive and ends up affecting the results? are you giving this to the latino community only or mostly? >> right now we put it out there, anybody that votes, everybody's equally incentivized. anybody that votes in this particular election, may 19th l.a. usd district 5 will be eligible to win. it's up to other people to get the word out. we've posted the prize, we're doing general market media. you know appearances right, and that's it. it's up to people to get the word out amongst their voters the people they are trying to get out to vote about the prize. that's basically the way -- i know that the l.a. times is concerned. it seems their editorial seems to be more concerned that it might work than anything else. and i also want to say something, jose. >> go ahead. >> 57% of the registered voters in this district are latino, so any successful voter outreach program for this particular district would obviously skew latino. >> and mario where is this money coming from? >> this is from the general fund of the southwest voter registration education project. >> all right. listen, this is a very interesting thing. mario, i thank you very much for being with me i really appreciate your attention to this. mario, thanks. what do you guys think? is this something maybe you find controversial, do you support it? let us know on our different social media pages, because i'd like your thoughts on this. it's certainly something that's causing the l.a. times to focus more on these elections. what do you think? i want to talk about other stories, because we have severe weather. also history made in ferguson. and william shatner's kick starter. 22 million people are at risk of severe storms today stretching across oklahoma, texas and arkansas. rain, high winds and tornados are threatening the region. a few strong storms in the midatlantic could produce wind damage. storms will continue in texas and louisiana on thursday, threat returns to north texas on friday. just hours after tulsa county reserve deputy robert bates was arraigned, the sheriff's office released video investigators say they show harris selling drugs on multiple occasions during the week leading up to his death. harris was killed when bates says he accidently pulled his gun instead of his taser as harris fled an undercover firearms operation on the 2nd of april. the attorney for eric harris responded to the video saying, quote, they d have the death penalty for drug dealing in america. a first for the racially divided city of ferguson, missouri. tuesday night three new city council members were sworn in, including two americans, for the first time in the city's history, half the seats are occupied by african-american. the three say their top priority is to bring healing to the community. other goals include more town hall meetings hiring new police officers, and a municipal judge for the city. finally, william shatner is trying to fight the drought through crowd funding. the actor told yahoo! he's launching a kick starter campaign to raise $30 billion to build a water pipeline. ordered a 25% reduction in statewide water use earlier this month. up next, what would you do if your toddler daughter insisted on living life as a boy? nbc's kate snow has the story, lots of questions how we view gender identity. first, a quick reminder, don't miss tonight's special "just eat it," a food waste story at 10:00 p.m. eastern. and today at 1:00 p.m., you can weigh in and talk about these issues with our dear tom. you can talk to him, join the conversation using using #nofoodwasted. we'll be right back. 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nbc 's kate snow has the story of one family dealing with this very emotional issue. >> reporter: when the family went to disney world last year they let their 4-year-old dress up as prince charming. >> he would be stopped everywhere, how handsome, your son, he's so cute. he just glowed. he was really happy in that moment. he was being perceived as he wanted to. >> reporter: and what he wanted was to be a little boy. jacob is transgender. >> you know what transgender means? >> yeah. >> what does it mean? >> you're a girl and want to be a boy or you're a boy and you want to be a girl. >> reporter: like jacob, at birth they named jacob mia. >> ready to blow out the candles? >> reporter: but by age two the middle child was saying i'm a boy. >> he was talking about hating his body. he was saying, why did god make me this way? is god stupid? >> reporter: he rejected the matching dresses she dressed her three girls in, and it wasn't just the clothes. >> when people would give him things or speak to him, what a good girl you are you could just see him flinch. you could see him withdraw. and that never wavered. >> reporter: when someone brought up the term transgender they were frankly terrified worried about their child's future. >> i remember crying, like, i imagined her being in the playground and nobody playing with her. imagine her going through high school not having a date, because that's what she was at the time to me. now it seems very odd to say her. >> reporter: while driving home one day with the kids, she nearly had a terrible car accident. >> i said to myself if this was the moment where i lost her, what would i have wanted to have done? would i have wanted to force her to be mia for that one last day? and i think at that point my mind was made up. >> reporter: last june they showed jacob a video about another transgender little boy. >> what did you think when you saw that? >> i think being transgender wasn't so bad after all. >> reporter: after watching the video over and over again they gave their 4 year old a choice. >> i explained to him that we can bring you to a new school and everyone will know you as a boy from the beginning. >> reporter: what did you say to your mom and dad? >> i want to be a boy. >> reporter: he was only 4 when you made the transition. some people are going to say that's really young, how can he be sure? >> he'd already spent half of his life telling us that he was a boy. >> reporter: he hasn't had any medical procedures, not on hormones, right? >> not yet. >> way too soon for that. >> the big place for gender is our brain, our heart, and our soul. identity, who we are. which isn't parts. >> reporter: pediatricians who specialize in transgender kids are seeing more and more patients at a young age. how does a parent know that it's not a phase? >> all kids experiment with gender roles and maleness and femaleness, but gender nonconformity is different. it's persistence, con sis tint and insistence. i hear it all the time parents do need to be in charge, but when a kid is told i don't see you, i don't hear you i don't love you just the way you are that's a pretty powerful message. >> reporter: they say when they listened to their son they realized there was no question about his gender. >> really handsome, are you ready today? ready for school? >> yeah. >> okay. >> ultimately, jacob has made that choice in his mind and his heart. it's whether or not we accept it or not. >> accept it, that's right. i want him to know how proud i am of him how brave i believe he is and how no matter what, i am in his corner. and i love him. and i always will because he's my son. >> the family won't have to think about medical intervention until he's approaching puberty and that depends on the child's age. doctors we spoke with say children who transition young rarely change their minds and they say they know not everyone is going to be supportive, but they wanted to share their story to help other families who might be faced with the same kind of questions. jose? >> kate snow thanks. the story has a lot of people talking. we want to know what you think. you can join the conversation on our facebook page or by tweeting us @jdbmsnbc. and jacob's parents, by the way, will be live with thomas roberts at 2:00 p.m. eastern, 11:30 a.m. pacific time. coming up, the president visits the everglades in a couple of hours our backyard in miami. just a warning for the president, look out for these things. i came face to face with this guy earlier this year. as i wrote, here's looking at you, everglades. by the way, our five things everglades is coming up next. 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(vo) the twenty-fifteen subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. jack's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen. you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. as we were reporting this morning, in just a couple of hours, the president will touch down in miami then head to the everglades, let's show him the way. number one, presidential visits president obama not the first to take a trip on the river of grass from president harry truman dedicating the everglades national park to george h.w. bush reeling in a cat fish on vacation. if you ever use them definitely seen them driving around the message, don't try driving your car in the swamp. i think that's good for all tourists. even vice president biden hopped on an airboat in 2012 backwards cap and all. wonder what he's gesturing, maybe get me off this thing already. number three, alligator alley named for all the alligators roaming around the swamps. personally, i call florida alligator alley. the entire state. number four, she's an incredible lady journalist and environmentalist who spent most of her life defining what she famously called i had a privilege of meeting her. here's president clinton giving douglas a presidential medal of freedom in 1993. she passed away in 1998 at 108 years of age. number five phish at the everglades big seminal reservation. take a look at the crowd, if you look close enough, might have seen this guy. we think it may be our executive producer. i know he wears those groan sunglasses all the time. the hair has changed, but he lost a lot of hair from then to now, but haven't we all? we welcome the president to south florida to the everglades. what a great place. if you're ever down here visit the everglades, but do bring mosquito protectant. not kidding, they are like this. one bite sucks 30% of your blood. victor has fruit fly problems, they attack his cats. there wraps up "the rundown" on msnbc, thank you for the privilege of your time. "news nation" with tamron hall is up next. i'll see you here tomorrow. all these networks keep making different claims. it gets confusing. fastest, the strongest the most in-your-face-est. it sounds like some weird multiple choice test. yea, but do i pick a, b, or c. for me it's all of the above. i pick, like the best of everything. verizon. i didn't. i picked a. maybe c. and how'd that work out for you? not so well. can i get a do-over? why settle for less when you can have, well, everything. and get 2 lines for $100. verizon. looking for one of these? yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family. nobody told us to expect it... intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes it's not likely to go away on its own. so let's do something about it. premarin vaginal cream can help it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual bleeding breast or uterine cancer blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache pelvic pain, breast pain vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogen should not be used to prevent heart disease heart attack, stroke or dementia. ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, we've always been at the forefront of advanced electronics. providing technology to get more detail... ♪ ♪ detect hidden threats... ♪ ♪ see the whole picture... ♪ ♪ process critical information and put it in the hands of our defenders. reaching constantly evolving threats before they reach us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. good morning, everyone, i'm tamron hall. this is "news nation." we begin with the threat of more protests in baltimore today as the demand grows for justice and accountability after the death of 25-year-old freddie gray. the justice department announced it's launched a civil rights investigation. at the same time, the baltimore police department is still conducting an internal investigation into how gray's spine was severed while in police custody. as hundreds of protesters marched peacefully from the site of gray's arrest last night, many are outraged the officers involved have been suspended with pay and not charged, and others are questioning whether the police department's investigation will be fair. >> i have a son, and i would never want this to happen to my son, and i could empathize with freddie's mother. >> it's unfortunate you know in 2015 we're telling our children stories about black bodies and not being safe in their own communities. >> nbc's tom costello has more on the investigation and the fallout. >> reporter: yeah, hi, tamron good day from baltimore. as you know, this justice department investigation is going to run as the city conducts its own investigation. however, many people here in baltimore don't trust the police to investigate themselves and so last night we saw yet another big rally here, a protest march in baltimore from west baltimore, specifically from the neighborhood where this arrest occurred, down to the local police station. about 1,000 people or so many families were

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