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Take me to jail do whatever im not im going to go in there and see whats going on sir. Stay here. Police say a suspected gunman 46yearold craig hicks turned himself in charged with three counts of firstdegree murder. No word yet from police on a motive. The victims identified at 23yearold dia baracut. His 23yearold wife just married in december and her 19yearold sister. These images are on facebook tribute page. We should point out nabzbc news has not been able to verify the images. A dental student, seen here on youcaring. Com and planning to go on a Charity Mission later this year. This summer im embarking on a trip to turkey with ten dentists to help Syrian Refugees in need of urgent dental care. And we just got this statement from the council on American Islamic relation. Based on the brutal nature of this crime the past antireligion statements of the alleged perpetrator the religion attire of two victims in the rising antimuslim rhetoric in American Society we urge state and federal Law Enforcement authorities to quickly address speculation of a possible bias motive in this case. A reporter from the news ar observer, good morning. Good morning. How are you . G. What can you tell us about the suspect and a possible motive in this case . We dont really know for sure what the motive is. We have some suspicions. Possibly they had arguments about parking and noise issues. But turns out the suspects views on race and other issues may have played a part in this. Were just not really sure yet. Police are not talking to us at this point. Tell me a little more about the three young victims in this tragedy. Well, they were really just awesome kids. I think of course the young man and his wife had just gotten married. The sister and the wife were both in college. I believe the wife had actually just graduated from n. C. State in raleigh and the husband pursuing a doctorate in chapel hills for dentistry. As you mentioned, he did all kinds of mission work and was really involved in supporting his folks back home in syria where his parents were from. And tell me about the community there . I mean the University Community and the reaction to this. Well its a little quiet this morning. This is not really a very active place for a crime. There are other parts of chapel hill that are, but this neighborhood is pretty quiet. Dont really hear a lot of violence. Maybe a few breakins. Just really a great place to raise a family and there are a lot of families down in this neighborhood, too. I think theyre a little shocked by all this. Thank you for your reporting. Thanks for being with me this morning. Sure. Youre welcome. Well, of course continue to update you on the developments out of chapel hill North Carolina, on the early today. Another trach. The rundown. 26yearold kayla mueller. Details of her death are unclear were learning more about u. S. Efforts to save her including a special ops raid that just missed her last summer and talks a prisoner swap. None of it worked. My meet reaction is heartbreak. She was an Outstanding Young woman and a great spirit. The thoughts and prayers of the people of her home state of arizona, our country, and the civilianize world are with the mueller family at this terrible hour. Also today, president obama has taken the next step in the battle with isis asking congress for new war authorization, but his request will no doubt set off a new fight here at home. Weve got all the angles covered this morning. Nbcs joe fryi fryer is in Kayla Muellers home and live at the white house. Thank you all for being with me. Joe, start with you. How are people coping with this horrible news . Reporter you know friends and family here in her hometown of prescott arizona, are really trying to focus on her life her humanitarian work, saying her her she accomplished in 26 years more than many accomplish their entire life. Yesterday the family received proof kayla had in fact died and rees leaserelease add letter. She said at the time treated well telling her parents, thought of your pain is the source of my own. Simultaneously the hope of our reunion is the source of my strength. Yesterday a few emotional relatives spoke out and shared some stories about kayla. At a very young age kaihla knew her passion, knew her calling. A lot of people never have the opportunity to say that. Kaylas calling was to help those who were suffering whether in her hometown of prescott or on the other side of the world. She has done more in her incredible 26 years than many people could ever imagine doing in their lifetime. Mueller was taken captive a year and a half ago. Very few people here in pross kaat knew about it. Her family worked very hard to keep it quiet out of concern for her safety. It wasnt until last friday that people here started to learn that someone from their own town had been taken captive by isis. She is remembered as someone who from a very young age worked to serve others. Her passion was helping Syrian Refugees and her friends say the world is a much worse place without her. Jose . Thanks. I want to turn now to nbcs keir simmons, live in amman, jordan. Good morning. What more are we learning about kaylas time in captivity and her death . Reporter were learning there were a lot of efforts to try to rescue her. U. S. Officials spent 18 months attempting to figure how to save her from captivity and a rescue attempt was launched last summer, which they believe may have missed her and a number of other hostages by just a matter of days. And at the same time, you know, we are learning how incredibly she was holding up while she was being held. Those that letter from her to her parents just saying that the hardest thing for her was thinking about her family back home and how they must be suffering. An extraordinary thing for a young woman to be saying while being held in her to circumstances. And even while that was happening, john mccain, who you saw there, was traveling the region trying to see if he could help diplomatically to try to get kayla saved. In the end, of course it wasnt possible. What we dont know is the, still, is the manner of her death, isis did claim she was killed in a bombing, in a jordanian bombing, but theres no way of being sure of that. Thats absolutely unconfirmed and simply many people point out, dont trust what isis have said. Theyre known to have lied about these things before. And back in washington a new authorization for a new war on isis. Less than an hour ago the president sent his proposal authorizings for against isis to capitol hill. Lawmakers say theyre ready to get down to business. Were looking forward to seeing the language that the president feels like he needs, and that will certainly be one of the dominant discussions in the next few weeks. This was the beginning, the opening salvo and theres nothing finalized yet as far as i can determine. Nbcs Kristen Welker joins me from the white house. Good morning kristen. Reporter jose, good morning to you. You heard there both lawmakers underscoring the fact this is going to be a robust debate. Here are the broad outlines of that war authorization request that president obama sent to Congress Earlier today. It includes language that would prohibit the use of enduring offensive ground operations. It also sunsets after three years, and it replaces a 2002 umf for operations in iraq. Of course that occurred under former president george w. Bush. Now, some democrats will see this language. They will express concerns that its not limited enough in scope. Theyre going to want to know what that term enduring offensive ground operations means. Some republican whose have criticized president obamas strategy, said its not defined clearly enough could find fault with some of this language. Expressing concerns it is too limited in scope. They want to make sure that there are no limitations on geography and that timeline that threeyear timeline could be another matter for debate. The white house has consistently said they want this language to be bipartisan. So this is a real attempt to try to get democrats and republicans onboard, but jose like all things here in washington, this is going to be a robust debate. I expect that you wont see this pass until spring. Maybe even the summer. Jose . Let me ask you about the decision to close the u. S. Embassy in yemen. What can you tell us about that kristen . Reporter jose that underscores the fact theres really a deteriorating security situation in yemen. We know that the remaining u. S. Personnel who are at the embassy there have begun evacuations that started several days ago. There are u. S. Military personnel helping with that. And it comes theres been a lot of fighting there in recent weeks after shia Opposition Forces called the houthis overran the government there. Serious kearns about the safety and security of u. S. Personnel. Other concerns jose because the Yemeni Government had been a partner to the United States in terms of fighting aqap in that region. So Big Questions about those efforts moving forward. The administration stressing their number one priority is protecting u. S. Personnel there. Jose . Kristen welker keyor simmons and joe fryer, thank you for being with me. Appreciate it. Turn to capitol hill and fresh warnings from the Homeland Security. Two 1 2 weeks to come to agreement how to keep thing up and running and dont seem to be close. Well hear from Speaker Boehner and the rest of the gop leadership in less than an hour. Luke russert joins me from capitol hill. You spoke with Homeland Security secretary jeh johnson. Whats he say . I did, jose. Homeland security secretary jeh johnson pounding the pavement here on capitol hill talking to republicans and democrats, how necessary it is for the department of Homeland Security toy procure funding both for that february 27th deadline. I asked him what it would actually mean to the personnel who work in the department of Homeland Security and whether it could cause them harm if not paid. Take lachba listen. If youre a working man or woman for the department of Homeland Security and not getting paid for the period of that Government Shutdown id say that does a lot of harm. In these times the American Public should not accept that the department of Homeland Security goes into Government Shutdown because members of congress cannot agree on a budget. Reporter so where is it on capitol hill, jose . Well, Mitch Mcconnell the republican leader said look hes stuck in the senate. Democrats continue to filibuster. The Republican House bill. This because of its language regarding immigration, specifically repealing the president s two executive orders on that issue. He says anything has to start in the house. House republicans saying we did our job, we pass add bill. Its senates democrats fault. They have to show what theyre capable of passing. I then asked Republican Leadership aides on the house side if theyve been communicating with Senate Democrats, they have not been. Right now a standoff between the republicans in the senate the republicans in the house as well as republicans in the house and democrats in the senate. How this is all figured out by february 27th, we do not know. What i were tell you, though is there seems to be an appetite on the republicans side to move forward and miss the deadline. Essentially saying we know theres enough essential personnel in the department of Homeland Security. It will be fine. Just wont get paid. Could you have a scenario the secret Service Agents putting their life on the line for the president , other dignitaries, could be putting their life on the line and not collecting a paycheck. How that looks, cant tell you until it happens, but from here on out, doesnt look good. Its okay. They just wont get paid. Amazing. Indeed that that conversation can be carried out on capitol hill. All over immigration. Remarkable. Luke russert on capitol hill. Thank you for being with me. And developing now no way to wear the Jackie Robinson name. Remember those kids from chicago who caught the nations attention in the Little League world series and celebrated success with the white house visit . You see them. Little League International confirmed the Jackie Robinson west Little League team knowingly violated the organizations rules and regulations by using ineligible players. The problem, residency requirements, and where some of those young superstars actually live. The teams championship title is being revoked. Their teams manager suspend and the local Little League administrator also removed from his position. Just Getting Started on this wednesday edition of the rundown. After the break, the kids are going back to school in boston as residents try to return to normal despite some 78 inches of snow on the ground. Thats more than places like minneapolis and anchorage. Well get a live update next. And also two days after the Supreme Court denied a stay on samesex marriages, theres still a major confusion in alabama. Some counties are issues licenses. Others are refusing. Ill break it all down for you this hour. Gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. And when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens . I think the numbers speak for themselves. Im sold hes a selling machine put it there. And there, and there, and there. La quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so youll be ready for business. The ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com la quinta this is the equivalent of the sugar in one regular soda. And this is one soda a day over an average adult lifetime. But theres a better choice. Drink more brita water. Clean, refreshing, brita. Startupny. Its working for new york state. Already 55 companies are investing over 98 Million Dollars and creating over 2100 jobs. From long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new york. 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Which is perfect for me, because i think everything should just work. Works . Works. Works works . Works. Works. Now to a weth alert. A large part of the eastern u. S. Bracing for whats expected to be the coldest air of the season and boston is feeling the brunt of it with unrelenting snow. Fortunately, Train Service is starting to resume, and kids are going back to school after record snowfall paralyzed the city, but its not over yet. Lets go live to boftston and nbcs dylan dreyer. Where are you . I only see half of you . Reporter im over here. The snow mounds are just there you are. Oh. Wild now. Going higher and higher. No place to put the snow but up at this point and we relentless snow forced now to just build these mazes in the snow just to have a place to walk. And with more snow on the way, crews are now trying to do whatever they can to clear it all away. Eastern the plow drivers have had enough. Whats his winter been like for you . A boon financially but tiring. Reporter while a vehicle known at the snowzilla is clearing the train tracks using an old engine to blast away the snow, still the transit shutdown stretched into a second day. Woe are running an extremely aged system that is getting a pounding every single day. Reporter up on the rooftop, snow snow and more snow. The weight building up for weeks now causing collapses. A piano store in rockland badly damaged. People in boston are following the forecast closer than a red sox pendant rate. So far this season more than 77 inches of snow has fallen leading to more than 230,000 miles plowed and nearly 60,000 tons of salt spread. And can you tell its still snowing . Its just adding insult to injury as this point and the only reason its snowing now is because the ocean to our southeast just ocean effect snow. Its not going to accumulate all that much but still the last thing anybody here wants to see. Good flus. As we go into tomorrow night, First Talking about storm. Now it looks like maybe boston will walkway with about an inch or so but we still have to keep a close eye on sunday. That could be another potential storm. Some models keep it out to sea. Some models bring this area 8012 inches. Well see how that plays out. Dylan dreyer good seeing you. A stunning announcement from jon stewart from the daily show saying he will step down. No specific plans. Idea of ideas, things in my head. Im going to have dinner on a school night with my family. Who i have heard from multiple sources are lovely people. [ laughter ] you know coming up its a shock to fans and media watchers alike. All wondering, whos going to deliver the comic relief during the 2016 president ial campaign . First we zoom through some of todays top stories including verdict watch for the former captain of a the Costa Concordia. [ female announcer ] who are we . We are the thinkers. The job jugglers. The up allnighters. And the ones who turn ideas into action. 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Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. A ray of celebration. U. S. Troops come home and a 100car pileup. Zoom through the top stories. Today iran marking the 36th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution with rallies. Chants of down to the u. S. And death to israel. Addressing a crowd of thousands in tehran pledging to protect his countrys rights during Nuclear Negotiation with world powers. Also denying u. S. Sanctions brought them to the table, rather theyre interested in global peace and security. The captain of the illfated Costa Concordia captain sobbed couldnt finish before they went behind closed doors to deliberate his face. She accused of causing the ship wreck, manslaughter and abandoning ship. 32 People Killed when the luxury liner bran aground in 2012. We could get a verdict sometime today. Later today president obama is expected to announce almost all troops helping fight ebola in west africa will be returning home. Officials say just 100 troops will remain in west africa after the 30th of april. Those troops coming home will be monitored for any ebola symptoms while the white house set the weekly number of cases in west africa dropped from about 1,000 in october to roughly 150. And look at these pictures from south korea. About 100 vehicles involved in a massive pileup on a bridge near the airport there. Two people were killed. More than 60 others hurt. Officials say thick fog and icy conditions contributed to this pileup. Witnesses say they could only see about ten yards ahead. And developing right now we just got word the president is going to speak about the legislation he sent to Congress Today to authorize the use of military force against isis. Thats coming up at 3 30 this afternoon eastern time from the white house. Well be right back. 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And developing right now just got word president obama will speak about the legislation he sent to Congress Today to authorize the use of military force against isis coming up at 3 30 this afternoon eastern time. 12 30 pacific. And, of course msnbc will be covering it for you live. And now to developments this morning in the battle over samesex marriage in alabama. Tomorrow a federal judge will hear arguments in hopes of clearing up whats become confusion. Local officials split. This morning many counties still refusing to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples, and president obama is now weighing in. Theres a core principle here thats at stake which is we have a supremacy clause in our constitution when federal law is in conflict with state law, federal law wins out. Our justice correspondent Pete Williams is in washington. Good morning. Reporter good morning. The federal judge, the same judge who ordered the state to begin to grant same sex marriage lngss last month will hold a hearing tomorrow after a lawsuit was filed against one of the officials in alabama whos refusing issues marriage licenses. In alabama the people who give these out are called probate judges and the probate in Mobile County sued. Roy moore, the chief justice of the state Supreme Court, well come to him in a moment. This county probate judge has been sued for not giving out marriage licenses and the belief for the lawyers of same sex couples say if he is ordered to give them out and ordered to pay court costs perhaps some of these other judges will fall into line. Especially those who have said that theyre not giving out the marriage licenses, because theyre uncertain about which theyre supposed to follow. This order from the state Supreme Court justice, roy moore, whom you were looking at a moment ago, or the ruling from the federal judge. You heard president obama say the federal law is supreme here. People williamste williams, thank you. Coming up well talk to one of the alabama couples applying for a marriage license today after being denied six times. Lets turn now to the road to 1600. The jeb bush camp hitting a bump in that road this week. Late yet bushs right to rise pac accepted the resignation of their Brand New Technology guru ethan czahor afterss surfaced from the form of a twitter post and blog. I hope my recent news wont dissuade future techies from entering politics regardless of afueliations and backgrounds. Meanwhile, bush returned to tallahassee, florida, capital yesterday, to talk education. Politicos mark caputo points out he didnt mention the words common core but did have this moment when focusing on giving the power of education to parents. The social commitment is made to parents on behalf of their children and not so much to protect governmentrun unionized politicized ma none plis nap will light up the twitter the twitty universe. There are heads exploding right now. I can feel it. Like our friend mark caputo is the politico reporter joining us from tallahassee. Your head is on for now. Glad to see that. Good morning mark. Good morning. I wish i could make that sound, but im not qualified. Lets not try that. But jeb tweeted yesterday, glad i was able to catch up with all of my old friends in the Florida Press corps. So is the Florida Governor former Florida Governor a bit nostalgic for his days now where you are . Thats a good question. You know when i covered bush up in tallahassee when he was governor he appreciated the give and take with reporters. Loathed us on one hand but on the other appreciated us. The same way a knife appreciate as wet stone to sharpen on. A perfect way of saying it. You noted he did not mention common dmorpcorps in his remarks, all about education, do you think . A good question. We asked xfrward during that press huddle or press gaggle you featured. Theres one theory that common corps is a bugaboo, its something he wants to pivot away from in rhetoric in actuality, hes not. When you ask him hell hold forth or the need for higher standards. His big thing, dont call it common core. Call it something else. In the end, we need higher standards. Im guess federal intrusion and that a lot conservatives have. Youve covered him so long and know him well. Do you see him focusing more and more on whats coming down the road in 2016 . Something you see an evolution towards . Yeah. I think the evolutions done. Hes adhering at beginning of the press gaggle we said youre a president ial candidate. He said no im not. That a distinction without a difference. The guy is having a fundraiser with about 300 of floridas top lobbyists. In new york theyll have a fundraiser. Admission is 100,000 a head. This is a president ial candidate. Again, in everything but name only. And so were going to call him a likely president ial candidate, but hes basically running. He is running now. Even if he doesnt want to admit it or acknowledge it in part for legal reasons. And what do you think they learned from this new higher end resignation yesterday . Well its a good question. Learn to hit the google or go back to the twitter profile. This young guy, he said pretty inappropriate things. He did say his lesson was hoped it didnt deter future techies. It should deter young people from posting bad jokes. Thats chair itably said. You cant call womens sluts and make other potentially racial remarks and not expect it to haunt you later on. We just lost mark but we did learn that you got to hit the google before you do anything important. Mark caputo. Thanks for being with me from tallahassee. Talk about bumps in the road to 1600 . How not to run for spread a cover story in this weeks national journal. The Author National journals worst correspondent James Oliphant joins us. Talk us through it. Pleasure to see you. Good morning, jose. Hopefully some of the candidates are taking notes. Start with one of your tips. Know why youre running. Some of the past offenders, paul ente, graham clinton, just to name a few. What do you mean by that and who do you see as potential 2016 offenders . Well i think it really comes down to especially in clintons case you have to ward off the sense of inevitability. The simple fact that its time for you to run. And i think thats something you see now. A problem with jeb bush. I think a problem for Rudy Giuliani in 07 and a represented note a tim pawlenty or jon huntsman a favorite of the beltway crowd with no greater support beyond that and no rationale that that candidate could take to the voters and really sell himself. So how do you convey that you know what you are running for and what you are about with voters outside the beltway . If you havent gotten that already kind of out there 5urd . Already . A lot of it is just i think it comes in careful planning and theres no substitute for oldfashioned campaigning, jose. A big mistake a lot of these candidates make especially now is that they confuse their celebrity with a plan. And it still comes down to getting out there, getting to the early states doing the campaigning. Having good ground organizations. And meeting regular people. Theres no substitute for that. Another guys post dont be afraid to go negative. We see paftd offenders, always hear candidates saying they wont go negative. Your reporting says maybe thats not the best approach . No. And you have to remember that this is call rasdise for a reason. Its not a symposium and youre not there to deliver ideas. Saw it with Rudy Giuliani hesitant to attack fellow rivals. Romney and inmccain did not have that hesitation and were seeing it with bush. Jeb bush presenteding himself being above the fray. Would like to act at the frontrunner and consensus candidate and im sure pretty soon well see his rivals not give him in quarter at all. Finally, one more. Dont buy your own hype. Tim pawlenty among victims of this. Also on your livgts 2016 biden, graham, paul where is the hype around them . Tell me that . Its this idea of you have to be careful not to listen to the people who support you. Or the pollster whose have a vested interest in your campaign and dont mistake your own immediate popularity for any sort of a national presence. Youve got to not give in to that temptation where you have people saying hey, yeah you can about great candidate and really try to step back and look at it more soberly. Hit the google as mark caputo says. James oliphant good to see you. Thanks. Check out the rest of her article in national journal. Its great. Worth reading. Now, news this morning about nbc news anchor Brian Williams. He has been suspended for six months without pay. The decision announced in a statement tuesday night from Deborah Turness, the president of nbc news. It follows two weeks of scrutiny and uncertainty in the wake of comments williams made about his experience covering the early days of the iraq war in 2003. Nbcs Peter Alexander has more. Reporter Brian Williams has been suspended without pay for six months as both anchor and managing eder of it nbcs nightly news a role hes held since 2004. Nbc news president Deborah Turness announced the suspension late tuesday saying williams misrepresent eade vents regarding an incident that occurred during his coverage of the iraq war in 2003. She called that wrong and completely inappropriate for someone in brians position. In this report in 2003 williams did not say the helicopter he was in took fire. On the ground we learned the chinook ahead of us was almost blown out of the sky. But in 2013 williams told David Letterman he was on a chopper hit. Two are our four helicopter was hit. By ground fire including the one i was in. No kidding. Rpg and ac 47. A week and a half ago on nightly news williams paid tribute to retired Army Command Sergeant major tim turback who helped him after he landed. Forced down after hit by an rpg reporter soldiers on the helicopters back in 2003 questioned that account. Leading to this onair apology one week ago. I want to apologize. I said i was traveling in an aircraft hit by rpg fire. I was instead in a following aircraft. Reporter in addition to the suspension nbc news says its internal review is ongoing. Turness stating, in addition we have concerns about comments that occurred outside nbc news while brian was talking about his experiences in the field. Its widely reported questions are raised questions williams made describing coverage of katrina including claims he saw a body floats outside his hotel in new Orleans French quarter. Hes an outstanding journalist, a great anchorman and all of those things i have Great Respect but i think this was an instance you cant really find and excuse for it and thats why nbc had to act. Reporter steve burke ceo of nbc University Parent company of nbc news said by his actions brian has jeopardized the trust millions of americans place in nbc news. His actions are inexcusable and the suspension a severe and appropriate. Brians lifes work is delivering the news. I know brian loves his country nbc news and his colleagues. He deserves a Second Chance and we are rooting for him. Brian has shared his deep remorse with me and he is committed to winning bag everyones trust. Nbc news president Deborah Turness also anonsed lester holt will continue to substitute anchor the nbc news nightly news. In our next hour Opening Statements begin in the trial of the man accused of killing u. S. Sniper chris kyle and his friend chad littlefield. But the case is also putting the spotlight on ptsd. While talk werent airaq war vet about the struggle and what he thinks about the accused killers defense next. Also in our next hour well go back to our top story, the murders of a young muslim couple and their sister just off the unc campus. Well talk to someone who knee one knew one of the victims on the rundown. That would be my daughter hi dad. Shes a dietitian. And back when i wasnt eating right, she got me drinking boost. Its got a great taste and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. Helping me stay more like me. [ female announcer ] boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a delicious taste. 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Only always discreet underwear has soft dual leakguard barriers to help stop leaks where they happen most. Plus, always discreet has a discreet fit that hugs your curves. You barely feel it. New always discreet underwear. Now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. Because, hey, pee happens. In just minutes Opening Statements in the american sniper trial will begin in a texas courtroom, and the widow of former navy s. E. A. L. Chris kyle will be among the first to temperature against the man charged with killing her husband. Eddie routh faces life in prison if convicted. Kyle became known as americas deadliest sniper during four tours served in iraq. His life chronicled in the blockbuster film american sniper. The defendant eddie routh is also an iraq war veteran and his attorneys plan to pursue an insanity dwhaens has some vets with ptsd worried it will reignite ptsds social stigma. Joining me Kendal Coffey joining me in my miami studio. Pleasure to see you. Thanks. Lets talk about this ptsd defense. As a defense strategy, is this one you think could be positive for the defense . They dont have much choice. The killings are admitted. There is a diagnosis of posttraumatic stress syndrome. The question is are there examples where it compels a person to actually kill another human being, and will it meet the test of legal insanity . Tragically many of our returning war veterans have ptsd. Very very few instances of any kind of serious violent outbreaks. So what is it that the defense is now going to try to do for their client . Because as you say, going into it hes already confessed to it. Already confessed to it. They have to analyze the current condition, his past incidents of different psychological troubles and i think theyre also going to try to put the system on trial. Say that the support system for american vets including Mental Health care failed eddie routh and because it didnt respond to him, a tragedy resulted. Yeah. And let me kind of stand by with me. On the phone, former army convoy gunner andrew obrien. Thank you for being with me this morning. Oh thank you for having me on. You served in iraq. You were diagnosed with ptsd. Tell me about your experience with ptsd and also how youre concerned that this case here in texas could reignite a debate without a lot of information . Well heres the thing. When people talk about ptsd they always focus on the war. Ptsd can come from all kinds of situations in life. Prior to any kind of military service. You know ive been living with ptsd since i was a child. I wasnt diagnosed with it until after the war, but i had been dealing with it since childhood. And whats going on with this case here in texas is its really its reached a stigmatizing, restigmatizing ptsd making people with ptsd look like theyre insane and were not. Not only that also the discussion that ptsd was, according to the defense, somehow related to his actually desire to kill and we were just talking to kendra coffey. The fact is ptsd those has suffer from it theres no evidence there is any propensity for violence . And there really isnt. You know im a public speaker and travel around the world working with ptsd and speaking of ptsd and ive talked to many people diagnosed with it, who have it, and the big thing of it is suicide. Suicide is a big problem with it, but not homicide. Ive never heard of homicide. There is anger and tempers but nothing to do with homicide. Its usually to hurt themselves not someone else. Andrew obrien, thank you and thank you for your service. Appreciate you being with me and kendal coffee thank you for being with me. Were keeping an eye on stephenville, texas, and will bring you more in a couple minutes. After the break, striking images. Something you dont see every day. Snow inside a mall. Ill talk with the photographer behind these incredible images in moments. At kraft we start with eggs oil, and our own crafted vinegar. All expertly blended to make our mayo. So you can take whatever youre making from good to amazing. Get inspired at kraftrecipes. Com americans drink 48 billion bottles of water every year. Thats enough plastic bottles to stretch around the earth 230 times. Each brita filter can replace 300 of those. Clean. Clear. Brita water. Nothing is better. I want to apologize if youre already sick of winter but if theres any part of you that can still appreciate the beauty of snow and ice, stay with me. Weve seen some amazing pictures from around the u. S. And around the world in the last few weeks. These are just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. There are millions of photos like this floating around social media, but theres one of the most unusual pictures out there, take a look at this. The work of photographer johnny yo who took these shots inside an abandoned mail in ohio. He spoke to me this morning. Good morning. Good morning. You take a lot of pictures of abandoned spots. What led you to this mall. What do you think when you walked in . I do photograph a lot of abandoned places, the mall i photographed maybe a few years ago in the summer and then when the blizzard hit, we decided hey, lets go back to this mall it might look really cool. And i dont know if the ceiling fell out because of vandals or whatever it may have fallen from the glass in the ceiling collapsed and it created this. What inspired me to go into them, i guess like it started when i was, i dont know probably 16 and there was an old farm house, and like little countryside of ohio on the way to my sisters i thought it looked really cool i was always interested in stuff like silent hill and those other horror movies and video games, post apocalyptic dark creepy looking things. Thats what it looked like to me. Then i got more interested in the history and documentation of it as i photograph them and as i got further into photography, too. I have to ask you, do you ever worry about trespassing issues . I mean for the most part we talk to a lot of building owners, make sure what we are doing is you know covered by them or talked to beforehand. The main thing to worry about with some places i guess is just dangers of floors falling in or you know, just the condition of the building there could be asbestos and other things like that that you should learn about and, you know. Good thing to learn about, know what youre walking through, even if given permission by a building owner, theyll have you sign a waiver sometimes, anything like that. Very cool picture. Appreciate you being on with me. Thank you, thank you. As we take the turn on the rundown, we are watching a slate of live events on capitol hill. Speaker boehner, nancy pelosi expected to speak to reporters. A hearing getting under way on islamic extremism. And watching a developing hill out of chapel hill North Carolina where a suspect is due in court, accused of murdering a young muslim couple and her sister. Police say it may have been motivated over a dispute over parking. Going to get more at the top of the hour. And jon stewart leaving his daily show studios after the shocking announcement he is stepping away after 16 years. It is the inspiration for todays five things, coming up next. This is the equivalent of the sugar in one regular soda. And this is one soda a day over an average adult lifetime. But theres a better choice. Drink more brita water. Clean, refreshing, brita. Its happening. Today, more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about longacting levemir® an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. And levemir® helps lower your a1c. Levemir® comes in flextouch® the only prefilled insulin pen with no pushbutton extension. Levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. Thats 50 longer than lantus® which lasts 28 days. Today im asking about levemir® flextouch®. Levemir® is a longacting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion and headache. Severe low blood sugar can be serious and lifethreatening. Ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. Other possible side effects include injection site reactions. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. Check your blood sugar levels. Your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing swelling of your face, tongue or throat sweating, extreme drowsiness dizziness, or confusion. Todays the day to ask your doctor about levemir® flextouch®. Covered by nearly all Health Insurance and medicare plans. Good morning, i am jose diazbalart with another hour of the rundown. We are following developments on the triple murder of three Muslim College students in chapel hill, North Carolina. This man, craig hicks, about to make his first appearance on three counts of murder. Gotd this word from police. Preliminary investigation says it is over an ongoing dispute over parking. Hicks is cooperating and more information may be released at a later time. He is accused of gunning down three near the university of North Carolina campus after 5 00 p. M. Last night. Police said hicks turned himself into police. Our affiliate was there as a frantic father tried to get answers from police. Tell me how my son is . Whats the situation . If he is dead tell me he is dead if hes alive, tell me straight up. His father. Take me to jail. You do whatever. I am going to go in there and see whats going on. The victims are identified are a 23yearold, his wife just married in december. And nusors sister. These images on a facebook tribute page. He was a dental student, planning to go on a Charity Mission to help Syrian Refugees in turkey. We got this statement from a family friend. Deah was an amazing young man who loved his faith, family community, and humanity. This is a tragic murder of him, his wife and sisterinlaw. Joining me holly west city editor with the student newspaper, the daily tar heel. Good morning. Good morning. What do we know about the three young victims. So far we dont know very much. We got confirmation from the university that two of them were students at the school of dentistry, one was second year the other starting the program in the fall. The other student was the sister of one of the victims, and she was at nv State University in raleigh. Whats the mood on campus this morning . We dont know much but we are hearing from social media and friends of the victims that these three were Muslim Students and that they were very involved in their religious community and very involved in Community Service activities recently organized a project to raise money for Syrian Refugees. Holly west thanks for being with me. Joining me a man who knew the victim through two muslim social organizations. I am so sorry for your loss. Tell me what you can about your friend. Thank you for having me on. The best thing that i can say about him is that he always smiled. I mean thats what everybody who knew him loved him, he was one of the people you would be proud to have as a son, a brother, as a friend and the world is dimmer without him. We understand he had plans to help Syrian Refugees this summer, right . Yeah. I mean not just that i mean just his last Facebook Post was actually of him distributing dental supplies to the homeless in raleigh, about 75 of them. It goes to show you he passed away in a time that he was very active in contributing both to fellow americans here at home and around the world, just everybody who is in need. Thank you so much for being with me this morning. Appreciate it. Thank you. Now to developing news out of the white house. President obama will speak at 3 30 eastern time this afternoon to discuss his request for new war authorization sent to Congress Earlier today. Nbcs Kristin Welker joins me from the white house. Reporter good morning. One of the key sticking points to the war authorization request president obama is making to congress is whether or not there should be language that includes prohibition of ground troops. Here is what president obama had to say in his letter. He said quote, my administrations draft umf would not authorize long term large scale ground come pat operations like those our nation conducted in iraq and afghanistan. Local forces rather than u. S. Military forces should be deployed to conduct such operations, but jose the language gets murky when you look at the aumf. It prohibits enduring offensive ground operations. It also sun sets after three years, and replaces a 2002 aumf for operations in iraq. Now, some democrats arguing that the language is too murky, what does this term mean enduring. Theyre going to want to put some meat on the bones of that. They will want that term to be more specific. So thats going to be a key sticking point, once debate commences. And republicans who have been critical of president obamas strategy all along said it is ill defined could look at this and argue that it is too limited in scope. More hawkish republicans like senator john mccain, for example, dont want the president s hands to be tied in any way. This is going to be a robust debate jose expect it to last several months. Means you may not see this actually pass until spring or possibly summer. Jose . Kristin welker at the white house. Good to see you. President obama is delivering a statement on that authorization of force against isis at 3 30 eastern time. You can see it live here on msnbc. We are also keeping our eyes and ears on a house hearing focused on islamic extremism. That hearing is under way. We will bring you any developments as they occur. And as washington focuses on the fight against isis heads of state from france germany, russia, ukraine are meeting in the nation of bell a radios with eyes on the conflict between ukraine and russia. Steve clemens, washington editor at large for the at lan particular. Good morning. Good morning, jose. Your thoughts on the aumf the president making it clear it is limited in scope. But there are questions. One of the interesting things to notice is that it does replace the aumf established in 2002 for iraq. We had a 13 year window open for almost a never ending authorization for military force. The notion that this would expire explicitly in three years in my book is a step forward. The other part of this is that even john mccain said he is not looking for massive troops on the ground he is looking for practical forward base intel, kind of what we are already doing in iraq and give the president a hand to do that. We see obama is the least likely president to sort of run at deploying Ground Forces this is really not about president obama, this is about the next president that comes in two years and whether the next president looks at something where to show military muscle we get back in the ground game in occupying and taking whole strategies in these countries where there are problems when you base u. S. Troops there. Interesting he asked for three years, not two. Good point. Want to take you to ukraine. What are the chances of diplomacy, last weekend you saw president hollande and merkel is there chance of a ceasefire that will hold . There is little chance ceasefire will hold. Cost to Vladimir Putin to fuel instability in east ukraine and potentially move it until he gets what he really wants, i think what he really wants is dialogue at the highest levels in a bilateral strategic social contract with the United States just as we used to do with the soviet union, the United States has been resisting that. Today there was a read out from the president and deep conversation i had with the president of china. Vladimir putin wants that same kind of treatment of divvying up responsibility in the world, and he is pressing us in every way he can to do that. I admire what hollande and merkel are doing. It is important, naive to think what they achieve if they come out with Something Like progress will hold. Vladimir putin has no incentive to hold. I wonder steve, if theres one of the summits, two big powers, what does putin really want. What is it that makes him say all right, i have what i need. He wants something we are not prepared to give which is to play back in history, jump back in history where russia had a zone of influence around its borders, United States largely recognized that and as we enmesh other economies and states in a market economy and promote liberal democracy that we will have essentially exclusion zones, as we discussed before. Russia in a way is reverting to muscle memory of the past and we dont have a strategy to deal with that. We are talking about ukraine. Right now, Vladimir Putin is playing a chess board larger than ukraine. Thats the discussion we need to have. This goes to muldova, latvia, the baltics. What keeps russia from destabilizing these economies as a way to undermine the west. At the same time, the west needs to understand it needs a new equal librium with the conflict. Otherwise this keeps going as long as is in power. Youre right, other places would be in play but the old soviet fear of influence went all the way to czechoslovakia and germany. Thats right. It is not something we should appease or acquiesce, but means at some level we have to begin looking at what is the strategic conclusion or begin to prepare for a very interesting and different kind of escalation than we have been doing. What we have been doing now is small ball. We need to prepare big ball, hard ball if we going to play this game with the russians across the global sphere. Steve thank you so much. Good to see you, my friend. Thanks for being with me. Dont miss andrea mitch ems interview with former secretary of state madeleine albright, talking military force, isis ukraine and more. Today at noon eastern. Developing now in stevenville in a texas courtroom, live look in that courtroom where Opening Statements are set to begin any moment in the american sniper trial. Eddie routh could face life behind bars if convicted for the deaths of chris kyle and chad littlefield two years ago. Incredible story of a navy s. E. A. L. Is told in the film american sniper. Nbcs Charles Hadlock is live outside the courthouse in stevenville, former u. S. Attorney and former prosecutor kevin coffee in studio. Gentlemen, thank you very much. Start with you, charles. Walk us through whats happening in court now. Reporter good morning, jose. The courtroom is beginning to fill with towns peach and journalists, waiting to see the sequel to american sniper, the trial of eddie ray routh, the 27yearold former marine who is accused of killing american sniper chris kyle and his friend chad littlefield two years agate a hunting range in ee rat county texas southwest of fort worth. The prosecution will seek life without parole not seeking Death Penalty in this case. The defense is going to try to introduce insanity as plea of not guilty. They may bring up rouths past military obligations in which he allegedly encountered ptsd. That will be a center stage of the trial as it progresses here. Among the first witnesses on the trial stand today will be chris kyles wife taya and chad littlefields mother. This would have been chad littlefields 38th birthday jose. Thank you. And briefly go through points of defense and the prosecution needing to make today. The defense is trying the case on a theory of insanity legal insanity. Very, very tough to prove. What they have going for them are definitely incidents of psychological and psychiatric problems that the defendant had. Diagnoses of ptsd and significantly perhaps ability to show that he the defendant, was trying to get help his mother tried to get him admitted into a Mental Hospital and the doors were closed. He in a sense theyre going to argue was a victim of the system that turned its back on a wounded veteran. And youre saying it is difficult to prove insanity why . Very difficult, you have to show more than somebody is mentally disturbed or even has Mental Illness, you have to show it is severe and that they couldnt distinguish between right and wrong. It is very rare theres acquit al by reason of insanity. Prosecution is in the drivers seat they have a koch pelling story about the killing of an american hero. At the same time, chip away throughout the trial at the various claims of Mental Illness and perhaps suggest that alcoholism and some drug usage contributed to whatever symptoms the defendant had. The defense can try to unite or blend insanity with ptsd. Thats what the defense is going to try to do. And theres a sub plot to the defense strategy. Even if they cant get acquittal by virtue of insanity perhaps argue for diminished capacity that could if everything goes the way the defense think, perhaps get them reduced conviction on a lesser charge such as manslaughter. That would make all the difference in the world because if theres conviction of capital murder, it is mandatory sentence, the rest of the life of the defendant without possibility of parole. As Charles Hadlock was saying, this is two people murdered, not one. It is two people. We are going to hear about the life of chad littlefield, his mother one of the first witnesses that testifies. Thank you both for being with me this morning. Appreciate it. We are going to continue to monitor Opening Statements bring you the latest from the trial throughout the hour. Coming up authorizing military force expected front and center on capitol hill where the gop conference and House Democrats are speaking live. You see both sides. We are monitoring both for you. As the military funding fight just gets started. Later, major announcement expected from president obama on the fight against the ebola and u. S. Role in west africa. Those stories and a whole lot more in another jam packed hour of the rundown. Push your enterprise and you can move the world. But to get from the old way to the new youll need the right it infrastructure. From a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. Hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. And stay ready for everything that is still to come. Stop the president s unconstitutional actions. It is time for the senate to do their work. In the gift shop out here they have little booklets how a bill becomes a law, right . The house, why dont you ask the Senate Democrats when theyre going to get off their ass and do something other than vote no. The house has done its job. Is it the kind of coordination you envision [ inaudible ] the issue here is not Senate Republicans, the issue is Senate Democrats, seven of whom criticized the president s executive overreach on immigration and yet continue to block consideration of the bill. Mcconnell says it is up to you. I love mitch. He has a tough job to do and so do i. What specifically in president obamas aumf request, you said you want comprehensive military strategy doesnt meet the standard. Luke this is the beginning of the process. I want to be sure the president has all of the tools available in order to win this fight. And so we go through the process, we will have a better understanding of exactly what all of those words mean. Ground troops a problem for you when he says he wants no i am not going to get into any of the specifics, i said this is the beginning of a legislative process, not the end. Last question. You said Senate Democrats need to get off their ass. If they dont, do you plan on throwing Mitch Mcconnell a life line at this point . Where does this appropriation stand to go beyond february 27. The house has done its job. Time for the senate to do theirs. And when they dont . Well well, well. Apparently the speaker believes the house has done its job, it is time for the senate to do theirs. He said it more than once and using all kinds of different expressions to say that it is time for the senate to, i dont know, do something that they havent done so far. Nbcs Kelly Odonnell live on capitol hill. Kelly, what are republicans saying . You got a bit of the color what it means to Cover Congress in that jose. Some interesting sort of spontaneous moments from Speaker Boehner. Theyre talking about the dhs, department of Homeland Security funding frustration among republicans that democrats have not allowed the bill to move forward in the senate. The large story today that we have been covering and you have been talking about is the president s authorization to use military force. His draft of that sent to congress. And big reaction from republicans is really twofold, one, pleased to receive that consider that a positive step forward, concerns about an overall strategy feeling the president and this Administration May not have properly looked at all of the ways that it will be required to go after and defeat and ultimately destroy isis. It is a starting point. What happens next there will be hearings and there will be different areas of congress that have jurisdiction that will be examining this working on it further. Today, Senate Republicans will have a meeting that will be led by bob corker of tennessee and john mccain of arizona who are respective chair men of Foreign Relations and Armed Services talking to fellow republicans about what needs to be included and what goes forward. It is a positive step well received by all members of congress in the sense they believe some change needs to happen in terms of congress having a voice in what military use and how the u. S. Goes forward beyond even the president s own administration, since he has defined a threeyear period, and opening kind of discussion about what that should be. But still concern among republicans about whether there is a strategy from the white house that would be enough to properly defeat isis as the president says he wants to. Kelly, thats a side of the republicans. Lets hear what democrats had to say. Here is nancy pelosi. Members of our caucus have questions as to what does this language actually mean but in the country theres no appetite for any boots on the ground except in limited circumstances, and that scope is the debate. By the way, miss pelosis words were being said the exact same time that Speaker Boehners words were being said different ways of expressing themselves. Kelly, do you think this will be an issue with the democrats on the aumf . Very much so. This is a concern that crosses party lines and not always the predictable ways. For democrats, theyre bringing up issues of the public sort of ability to withstand prolonged campaign, even though the president is not defining this in terms that are more like what we saw during the iraq war or battles in afghanistan with large Ground Forces but the war weariness is something democrats talk about. Also i talked to democrats that are concerned about the cost the phrase you hear them say is we dont want to write another blank check, meaning unlimited Government Funds to prosecute this kind of military operation, so how would it be funded what cuts or off sets or new revenue would come into it. It is complicated, there are many emotions and ideological differences on this. We will be watching the next several months jose. Kelly, pleasure to see you. Good to see you. Msnbc has full coverage of the president s address on the isis proposal at 3 30 eastern time 12 30 pacific. Up next we will zoom through some of todays other top stories, including a california sports anchor shot outside his home. One of the first states to issue drivers licenses to undocumented immigrants could soon repeal that law. Details on that legislative battle in new mexico. Plus did you buy your Powerball Ticket . We will tell you how big the jackpot has risen as lotto fever grows across the nation. Before larry instantly transferred money from his bank of america savings account to his merrill edge retirement account. Before he opened his first hot chocolate stand calling winter an underserved season. And before he quit his friends leafraking business for not offering a 401k. Larry knew the importance of preparing for retirement. Thats why when the time came he counted on merrill edge to streamline his investing and help him plan for the road ahead. Thats the power of streamlined connections. Thats merrill edge and bank of america. Jacks heart attack didnt come with a warning. 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Northrop grumman. Americans drink 48 billion bottles of water every year. Thats enough plastic bottles to stretch around the earth 230 times. Each brita filter can replace 300 of those. Clean. Clear. Brita water. Nothing is better. You just got a big bump in miles. So this is a great opportunity for an upgrade. Sound good . Great. Because youre not you youre a whole airline. And its not a ticket youre upgrading its your entire operations, from domestic to international. Which means you need help from a whole team of advisors. From workforce strategies to Tech Solutions and a thousand other things. So you call pwc. The right people to get the extraordinary done. A sports anchor in trouble, a battle over drivers licenses in new mexico and powerball fever. Lets zoom through some of todays top stories. Police in san diego, california arrested this man, 54yearold mike montana, suspected of shooting a local tv sports director tuesday afternoon. He was shot outside his home as he left for work after 3 00 local time. He suffered a gunshot wound, is recovering in a local hospital. Police havent revealed a motive for the shooting. New mexico legislators moving closer to passing a measure to repeal a 2003 law that made the state one of the first to offer drivers licenses to immigrants regardless of legal status. Republican led house of representatives poised to pass the measure, backed by the Governor Martinez the nations only latina governor pushing to repeal the drivers license law since elected in 2010. Senate democrats in the state vow to fight the measure. Lotto fever pushed the latest Powerball Jackpot to 485 million. Third largest in the games history. Fifth largest Lottery Jackpot in the u. S. History. Powerball tickets sold for 2 each, in 43 states. D. C. , puerto rico, and u. S. Virgin islands. Developing now, the fight against ebola. In about an hour president obama meets with Ebola Response supporters at the white house. This afternoon will outline the administrations action plan going forward. Late yesterday the president announced the pentagon is getting ready to withdraw the 2800 troops sent to west africa the ebola zone to help fight the deadly disease. I am joined now by nbc news Senior Health writer maggie fox. Good morning. Good morning, jose. Whats the situation now in west africa . Well it looks like it might be getting better. The death rates started to go down. Theres only a handful of active ebola cases right now in the three most effected countries. However, the World Health Organization warns that could change at any minute. Of course, the entire epidemic which infected 22,000 People Killed 9,000 of them started with probably a single case so they have to get rid of every single case. That said the u. S. Troops moved in in force, built a lot of ebola treatment units, which then stood empty because some of the other efforts had already started to take effect jose. What theyve done is build facilities there. They built a lot of facilities there. It turned out that wasnt exactly what was needed at that time. What turns out was more necessary was going in and helping people learn to have safe burials. That said having troops there did help there were people that needed treatment, and huge amount of supplies moved in as well. Those were very helpful. Now looks like what is needed more, aid from the u. S. Boots on the ground arent as necessary. Looks like president obama is pulling them out. Seemed like there was a head line every day of ebola scare in the u. S. What have we learned . We learned not to be so frightened as ebola as Many Public Health officials assured us it doesnt spread easily in conditions in first world countries like the United States. The way it spreads is when people have large funerals and handle the body of somebody who recently died of ebola. It spreads when people are packed in together and are sick and throwing up and sweating and close together. It spreads when people are trying to treat or care for a patient, but it doesnt spread casually, doesnt spread through the air. It is not a threat as long as you have hiygienic conditions and people caring for patients. That seems to have worked in west africa and certainly kept us safe here. What about ebola vaccine, any progress on that. Theyre being tested now in west africa. Several trials are going on one already started in liberia with a u. S. Developed vaccine, one about to start in sierra leone. There arent enough fresh new patients to make it easy to see if the vaccine works. Thats not going to stop the trials from going on. Those will last several months and hopefully the developers have a signal to know which one of the vaccines actually protect from ebola. Maggie fox, pleasure to see you. Thanks for being with me. My pleasure. Up next we breakdown the conflict between federal and state law, controversy over samesex marriage in alabama. Talk to one of the couples that finally got a marriage license today after being denied six times. Coming up, jon stewart is going out on top, and what a ride it has been since his arrival at the 1997 white house correspondents dinner, the clinton era throw back. Now we turn to a veteran of the standup comedy circuit and television, jon stewart is considered one of americas top young comedians. He has hosted his own nighttime talk show for mtv, aptally titled the jon stewart show. Theres a lot more about jon stewart than i can tell you, but one of the nicest things is simply this. He showed up when someone else didnt. 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Starting february 21, 2015 if you have a 415 or 628 number youll need to dial. 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. Okay, but what if i have a 415 number, and im calling a 415 number . Youll still need to dial. 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. So when in doubt, dial it out can this decadent, fruit topped pastry. With indulgent streusel crumble, be from. Fiber one. Fiber one streusel. Developing now in a stevenville, texas courtroom, a live look in that courtroom where Opening Statements are under way in the american sniper trial. The prosecutor started moments ago. There you see him. I want to turn back to alabama, take a deeper look into why theres so much confusion over legalization of samesex marriage in that state. For the third day in a row, many local officials are denying marriage license toss same sex couples in defines of a federal court order. Steve kornacki is at the interactive board with more. Good morning. Jose how you doing. Good. This is chaos, a perfect storm of legal confusion. Yeah it is an interesting situation because the story we like to think of or tend to think of when it comes to gay marriage in this country is one where theres dramatic change in the last ten years, theres majority support when you poll it it is legal in so many states now. Thats not the full story, theres a different story that plays out in a state like alabama where theres overwhelming opposition to this. I think thats shaping whats happening there. We thought we would show you where in the country youre going to find opposition to gay marriage, where it is strongest, and why that has created a perfect storm in alabama. If you look nationally, education level is a big indicator of support for gay marriage, College Graduates or postgraduate degrees 6 in 10 support gay marriage. If you havent gone to college, less likely youre going to support gay marriage about 40 . Theres a correlation there. Look in alabama. 44 of people in alabama, voters in alabama, are College Graduates, much lower, significantly lower than you find in other states for instance, massachusetts, a state with gay marriage ten years, that number is around 60 or higher. Another indicator where support comes from. Liberals overwhelmingly support, moderates, they strongly support it look at the drop off. People that call themselves conservatives, 26 , less than three out of ten support gay marriage. Take a look in alabama. In 2012 2012 election exit poll, describe your ideology basically half the state, half people that vote in alabama call themselves conservative. To put it in perspective, this same number in a state like massachusetts with gay marriage is 20 , much higher more than double. Here is another big one. Religion. Jews overwhelmingly in support of gay marriage people that arent affiliated with religion three quarters support it. Catholic slight majority. Protestant, a drop off. You look closer white main line protestants, slight majority support. Black churches white evangelical, born again christians, thats where you find most opposition 19 white he van gel calls. In alabama. 47 of the state, 47 of people that vote in the state of white evangelical. Theres a lot of opposition and groups in the country that have a problem with gay marriage. In alabama, they have bigger numbers than just about anywhere else. Steve, i could watch you do that all day. I love that. You do great at it. Steve kornacki. Catch steve every weekend on up at 8 00 a. M. Eastern on msnbc. I want to go to alabama, bring in vicki miles, melissa angle. You tried at least six times to obtain a marriage license, were denied. Seventh time was a charm this morning. Yes, it was. We got a call yesterday personally from the probate judge saying we could get our license this morning and thats exactly what we did. Well vicki, tell us about monday morning, you wake up thinking it is going to be your wedding day, you walk into the courthouse, and we walk in there at 8 00 we were there when the doors open. Then we go in and say we would like to apply for marriage license, and she tapped this thing on the desk and said according to the ruling by judge rory moore it is not going to happen. Felt like being hit with a sledgehammer just devastating. What do you expect to happen when you go back the second third, fourth fifth time i mean, it is just so frustrating, i imagine. All throughout the day we kept extremely close eye on the news. Any time there was any further development such as governor bentley saying he would not press legal charges against any probate judge that issued licenses, every time we go back in ask again, she would again tell us that she was going by that statement that that was an order and she had to follow it. Vicki, i am wondering, Supreme Court was clear, federal was clear about it do you think theres just confusion in your home state or are people not wanting to do this. I personally believe she didnt want to do it because of her religious beliefs. I think if people would put their religious beliefs aside, realize this is a civil right, maybe all states will come around to this and give people their rights so that you know they dont have to worry about getting tons of paper if theyre raising Children Together if the partner is sick if they want to cover someone on insurance. This is not religious beliefs, this is a civil right. I wish people would realize that. Tell me about your plans now, things are changing. Well we are going to get married february 28th and were ecstatic about it. Our family can be there, her dad can lead her down the aisle, my mom will lead my my dad has passed away. Now our family can participate in something we wanted to do as long as we have been together. I can have legal right over our son now instead of having to carry a stack of papers. We go one time through adoption process and he will be legally mine also. Vicki miles, melissa angle, thank you for being with me. So appreciate your time. Thank you. Up next outrage in mexico as new details emerge about the 43 missing College Students. First, a look back 25 years ago today, antiapartheid leader Nelson Mandela freed from prison in south africa. Four years later he would become south africas first black president. Dont miss the twitter chat with his grandson today at 11 30 eastern time. Sail with Princess Cruises the Number One Cruise Line in alaska. Save up to 500 during our 50th anniversary sale. Call your travel consultant or 1800princess. Princess cruises. Come back new. Alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours, but aleve can last 12 hours. And aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. So why am i still thinking about this . How are you . 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We have some video just into msnbc from a courtroom in North Carolina thats 46yearold craig hicks, accused of murdering three College Students charged with three counts of first degree murder. Police say the murders may have been motivated by an ongoing neighbor dispute over parking. The victims were a 23yearold, his 21yearold wife, just married in december, and her sister. These images are on a facebook tribute page. He was a dental student seen in this video. He was planning to go on a Charity Mission this year to help Syrian Refugees in turkey. Now to some news beyond the border. Protests by a group of teachers continue in mexico city, despite word of possible agreement over back pay that teachers are demanding. Outrage remains over missing students taking to the streets of acapulco tuesday, calling for the government to continue searching for their loved ones. Amnesty International Calls on the government to take into account new findings from teams of forensics experts from argentina that contradict the governments own official findings. Joining me to talk about this and also developments out of venezuela, julio have a kad oh. Good morning. Good morning. Paint the picture, whats going on in mexico city . Teachers have been demanding Better Benefits better salaries for many years, and in many cases protests have been violent. They moved the protest to mexico city and for the last few days were camping they were shutting down traffic. The tensions between teachers and government have been rising since the president established some reforms in education that have been taking power from teacher unions. Now, authorities manage to move them from this place, theyre camping in a new place, they reached mid terms with the government that agreed to pay them what it owes them in the coming days. To give viewers an understanding what it means, this is people setting up houses camps on fifth avenue in new york or rodeo drive, or in paris. But i want to turn to the case of the missing students. How are the parents are going to get answers from the federal government after the federal government already said case closed. Now you see Amnesty International and others saying wait a second maybe thats not the final version. Yeah thats right. It is difficult to think these parents are going to get the answers they want because right now what theyre asking is for the investigation to continue especially now that these Forensic Experts from argentina hired by the parents to work with the authorities, now these experts are saying that authorities dont have Scientific Evidence to prove that actually the 43 students were killed were burned and their ashes thrown into the river. What theyre asking is for investigation to continue thats it. It seems at times the government is trying to calm things down especially in this year that they have elections in mexico so it seems that the government just wants to close the case and thats it. But it is difficult to imagine these parents finding any calm in the middle of so many doubts. And finally i want to talk about the shortages in venezuela, in sharp contrast whistleblower at swees bank says venezuela is among top Swiss Bank Accounts 14. 8 billion. Largest oil reserves in the world, but you see shortages of toilet paper soap milk, even condoms, which is very concerning. What is going on . Venezuela is going through a very difficult time and these leaks raise questions about corruption, especially because one of the names that appears in that list with the secret accounts in switzerland is an official that worked in Treasury Office in venezuela since president hugo chavez was governing that country. This happens when many people in the streets are lacking basic goods. And it also gives ammunition to their position that has been saying for many years now that chavez officials have been filling their pockets with money from the oil. So yeah it is a tough time for venezuela. Always a pleasure to see you. Thanks for being with me. Thank you, jose. Up next surprise retirement announcement from jon stewart inspired five things stewart. Thanks for the ride around norfolk and i just wanted to say geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 years roger that. Captains waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now. Couldve parked a little bit closer. Its gonna be dark by the time i get there. Geico. Proudly serving the military for over 75 years. Americans drink 48 billion bottles of water every year. Thats enough plastic bottles to stretch around the earth 230 times. Each brita filter can replace 300 of those. Clean. Clear. Brita water. Nothing is better. Startupny. Its working for new york state. 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I dont have any specific plans, got a lot of ideas, got a lot of things in my head. Im going to have dinner on a school night with my family who i have heard from multiple sources are lovely people. Jon stewart shocking viewers last night, announcing he is retiring from the daily show this year. Let the long farewell begin with five things jon stewart. Number one. 16 years. This is a young jon stewart in 1999 when he took the reigns from then host of the daily show craig kill born. Number two. The guests. Here you see him with president obama. He turned late night talk shows into more than a place for celebrities, making it a must stop for people from politicians to heads of state. Number three. The feuds. Over the years, he feuded with everyone from cnbcs jim kramer to bill oreilly. Lets not forget my home state of florida. Florida man trying to shop lift a chain saw, stuffing it into his pants. Florida. You dont get to judge others when your state motto is if darwin was right, we wouldnt be here. Number four take a look at these three. Steve carell nominated for oscar, Stephen Colbert about to take the reigns from David Letterman. Number five. Didnt take long for replacement names to be thrown out there. How about these, staying close to home with correspondent Jessica Williams or as mary pair of the daily show correspondent, samantha bee, or looking to nbc family for tina fey, amy poehler. One thing is for sure he is going to be missed. I cant even think of 2016 elections without his perspective and his comments. What do you think . Who do you think should be his substitute . Let us know at msnbc. That wraps up the rundown. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Newsnation with tamron hall is next. See you here tomorrow. Nobody told us to expect it. Intercourse thats painful due to menopausal changes its not likely to go away on its own. So lets do something about it. 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Police say 46yearold Craig Stephen hicks shot a den psychiatry student, his wife and sister in an apartment complex last night. The oldest was 23 the yungest, 19. He turned himself in and was charged with three counts of first degree murder. Police say the killing may have been motivated by a personal dispute. And in a just released statement, Chapel Hill Police say our preliminary investigation indicates that the crime was motivated by an ongoing neighbor dispute over parking. But they go on to say we understand the concerns about the possibility this was a hate motivated crime, and we will exhaust every lead to determine what they need to do in this case. Joining me now, jolisa jones, a correspondent for usa

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