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Vice president elect Kamala Harris met virtually with their newly formed coronavirus advisory board. After the briefing biden offered a message. Calling for unity and acknowledging science. The selection is over. Its time to put aside the partisan ship and the rhetoric that designed to demonize one another. I wont be president until january 20. My message is to everyone. Is this. It doesnt matter who you voted for. Whether you stood before election day. It doesnt matter your party or point of view. We can safe tens of thousands of lives if everyone would wear a mask for the next few months. Not democrat or republican lives. American lives. Donald trump is kicking off what already promises to be a chaotic and lame duck presidency. With the first act of pettiness. Fires defense secretary on twitter. Giving a hint of what we could be in for. Over the next 72 days. Buckle up. Biden was doing actual work trump was rage tweeting and spreading misinformation about votes that defeated him in pennsylvania and nevada. The ones that delivered a one, two punch saturday. Propelling biden past 270. And widening his electoral margin. They havent called the winners of battleground arizona and georgia. With biden leading in both. Georgia already has big implications for a biden presidency. Senate races head to a january run off. That determine control of the United States senate and how much of bidens plans can be reality. The transition is already working behind the scenes to hit the ground running. Biden Transition Team worked for months to have a team in place to help implement his agenda starting day one. Among the prior ties the pandemic. Economic recovery. Calls for Racial Equity and climate change. Im joined my congressman clyburn of South Carolina. The man is credited by many people with having given joe biden the boost that really got him the white house. That really got him the nomination. Great to talk with you. Leader clyburn. Thank you. Lets talk about this. You know joe biden very well. You heard him there talking about well let the science lead and wants to bring the country together marly around this pandemic. The question is how do you do that . The house is still controlled by democrats. Of course house whip majority whip. You have the senate on the other side it doesnt sound like mcconnell will be in a mood to cooperate. Give us reasonable expectations about what president elect biden can accomplish. Thanks for having me. Mitch mcconnell i know very well. He gives great speeches. Hes a real shrewd political person. Hes also an american. And i would hope that his patriotism will show through. The fact is very clear. Covid19 must be dealt with. And as you said, we must do it with the science. It looks as if there maybe a vaccine on the horizon. And hopefully that would prove to be the case. Where do we go from here . We have to heal the country. Racial inequity are beginning to over take the country. We have been on the pursuit for a long time. What we call a more perfect union. I call it the pursuit. In pursuit of a perfect union. More perfect union. We got derailed with that. The last several years have seen us take backwards steps in that pursuit. This administration wants to deal with it. A lot of people said just go ahead and deal with the no. Covid19 has revealed about what inequity is all about. Healthcare delivery. Education. All this has been exacerbated because of the covid19. If joe biden gets his arms wrapped around this pandemic it will start us towards a much better place in our society. Im all for him doing covid19 first. It has implications for everything. Look at broad band. Heres the challenge. The senator that was just reelected from your state and the South Carolina Lindsey Graham. Is sounding more like the old time southern senators who talk about interposition than like somebody who cares about broadly about the country. Hes talking about basically saying that donald trump should not substantial doubt down. And should fight all the way to the end. Run for reelection. He sound like thurman than somebody able to work with. Mcconnell did the same act. None of the people sound like they have interest in doing anything other than accumulate more power. To be honest. I dont think anyone believes these people will put the country first. Biden planning executive orders. Back on the Paris Climate Accord. Reverse the withdrawal from the World Health Organization. Repeal the ban on travel from muslim countries. Reinstate dreamers program. He has to do a lot by executive order. Absolutely. And i want him to. The fact of the matter is extend the olive branch. Let them know what the programs are. Ask to join. If they dont, lets go with the executive order. I sthad to president obama all the time. Im saying that here. Remember joy, the emancipation proclamation that was an executive order. This country never passed legislation to out law slavery. We got the 13th amendment. Adopted. 1868. From 1863 down to 1869 it was the emancipation proclamation. The Armed Services integrated by trueman that was an executive order. They can do a lot of things. If it can free a whole people from slavery. It can do great things today. We had president elect biden say to africanamericans you have had my back and i will have yours. One of the people he was talking to was you. Congressman clyburn, thank you very much. Thank you for having me. Joining me now former Deputy National security for president obama. Ben, sitting on my desk here are a couple of thick things we have seen happen. William barr already going on and saying hell authorize the department of justice to probe substantial allegations of voefting irregularity. Despite no evidence of that. He cant reverse a 20,000 margin with a silly invest. Hes playing games. Personnel director of the white house saying anyone looking for a job. They admit reality and the Trump Administration will end should be fired. This is not setting up to be a good and decent end. Am i wrong about that . No. I dont think any of us should be surprised. If im joe biden i do what hes doing. Hes getting ready to be president of the United States. He rolled out a highly capable team of people to deal with covid. And roll out cabinet appointees. He has team in place. They want to get into agencies and figure out whats goipg on. And other decisions. Drafting executive orders for day one. The question is how much will joe biden be hindered from hitting the ground running on january 20. Because of what trump is doing. The reality is on january 20, donald trump is gone. All the people who work for him are gone. The u. S. Government has to get on with it. The machinery will take over and prepare for transition. And this is just side show from trump. This is entirely designed to make him somehow feel better about fact he lost. Reality is he did lose. Everybody knows it. You have people around him who are playing to his need to have something to cling to. The danger is theyre communicating to supporters joe biden is an illegitimate president. Thats the danger. The lasting stain theyll try to leave on the election this totally without merit. Its not going to stop the wheels of time and government. They cant stop that. The General Service administration playing games and doesnt stop anything. Youre right the challenge then is if covid is job one, and President Biden comes in and you have a substantial share of the trump base that says hes illegitimate. Theres no way for him to communicate a message of we have to get together and work on this virus. What theyre doing and what fox news and others are doing theres a real danger that could make it harder for us to get out of the pandemic. Theres a short term danger and long term. I was on the transition in 2008. Worked in the building. What would normally happen is the agency of the u. S. Government would be instructed by gsa to work with the team. In 2008 it was a financial crisis. Our team was able to get into the Treasury Department and sit down and look at the books and the depth of the problem. And obama said had never realized quite what the depth of the crisises was. Until he got the briefings. That enabled him to put together a stimulus package. Passed as he was becoming president. He was able to hit the ground in stride. To deal with the financial crisis. Because we had the cooperation of the bush administration. And setting up the idea biden is ill lel jit matt. Mcconnell never acted like president was legitimate. Even though he won twice. Its a dangerous dynamic. Joe biden a will the of what hell call for on covid19 requires action by citizens and state and low cat governments controlled by republicans. From federal experts. They are making it difficult for joe biden to hit the ground running on january 20. And opposition to his presidency that could endure well into it. You have a trump lawyer saying the election is happening. It isnt. Last question. The absence of a secretary of defense that feels like it places the United States in danger in the sense that the whole world knows we are absent this very senior official. Are you concerned about donald trump having fired him . Yeah. Im concerned about it. Im concerned first of all there could be crisis. We never know what might happen in the world in a few months. After president obama was elected and before he was inaugurated we had a war. We had ha mass terrorist attack. The u. S. Government had to respond. This chaos and turn over leaves us less prepared to deal with crisis that may emerge in the window. Transitions adversaries sometimes test the United States. They maybe hallowing out agencies. There have been purges in the Intelligence Community against the deep state the Career Civil Service people. They may do more to break the agent sis on the way out. Over 73 days. Thats a worrying thing. Its a trump consistently put personal interest over the interest of the United States even our National Security. Frankly the shame is on the republican elected officials who are going along with it. Its time to stand up and recognize reality. Instead of the reality show. It doesnt seem like theyll do much of that. Up next. The Trump Presidency is ending as everyone knew it would. No smooth transition. No calls for unity. Just chaos. What began in the halls of troump came to laughable end outside four seasons total landscaping. Were about to enter covid hell. Biden is working on the problem. More than you can say for trump. Vice president elect Kamala Harris makes history and the fight ahead. While i maybe the first woman in this office, i will not be the last. Because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities. Oh, oh, oh, ozempic® announcer onceweekly ozempic® is helping many people with type 2 diabetes like emily lower their blood sugar. A majority of adults who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. Heres your a1c. Oh my a1c is under 7 announcer and you may lose weight. Adults who took ozempic® lost on average up to 12 pounds. I lost almost 12 pounds oh announcer for those also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. It lowers the risk. Oh and i only have to take it once a week. Oh oh, oh, oh, ozempic® announcer ozempic® is not for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not share needles or pens. Dont reuse needles. 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But not anymore an alternative to pills voltaren is the first full prescription strength nonsteroidal antiinflammatory gel to target pain directly at the source for powerful arthritis pain relief. Voltaren. The joy of movement. The mad king refuses to concede. Choosing to golf and tweet. And deny the reality that doesnt serve him. Yet nothing quite illustrates trumps delusion and collapse more than what the Maga Campaign was doing the moment joe biden was declared winner over trump. Which was holding a press conference at the four seasons. Not the hotel. The parking lot of four seasons total landscaping. What started on a gold escalator ended in a drab strip mall. In philadelphia. A city crucial to booting trump out of 1,600 black lives matter plaza. For the purpose of Rudy Giuliani fresh from the embarrassing appearance peddling voter fraud laws. Standing alongside a gop poll watcher who reports say is a convicted sex offender. Im sorry, hollywood. You cant script this any better. Heres a tip for rudy or the next time you book a fancy sounding hotel chain. The ritz is a cracker. Just saying. Joining me now professor of journalism. My goal in life is make rick wilson laugh. Absurdity. Heres a funny. Fox news is even starting to jump off the ship. The absurdity of the recount that rudy was going to get from next door to the fantasy island. Here fox being like no. We want an honest and accurate, lawful count. We want maximum sunlight and transparency. We want every legal vote to be counted and we want every illegal vote to be. We have to be clear. Shes charging the other side of welcoming fraud and welcoming illegal voting. Unless she has more detail to back that up. I cant in good confidence continue showing this. When fox news is the voice of reason. Your thoughts. When you have lost fox news for the trump cheer leading section. You have lost it all. His expression was priceless. I want to frame that. He knows hes going get in trouble. Hell get yelled at. He had to do it. Even the baseline journalistic integrity of any you have to pull that off the air. Its so ludicrous. You have to give her credit. She does it with a straight face for long periods of time. No one can jason. No one can endure that. She gives me harvard shame. Kelly lefler and per due are like, these leaders in georgia are terrible. They dont know what theyre doing. Those are republicans. They should resign. They messed everything up. Why do i have to run off. Those are your friends. Were at that point. The whole thing seems to feel like collapse. Its not only the whole thing collapsed but its like everybody is realizing who is not going to respond to texts anymore. Everybody in the Trump White House is like wait a minute you left me on read . I thought we were friends. If fox news is moving off the trump train and local officials are moving off the train, people are realizing trumpism doesnt work anymore. Eventually trump will realize this. American people said you dont have to go home you cant stay here. He has to leave the white house. It will take a couple weeks to sink in. These folks dont have as many friends as they thought they did. Trumpism does work. In the sense people have a distaste for him personally. They still want his policies. We saw in all of the elections you played in the elections the lincoln project. There was well keep susan collins. We dont like trump. Let me play Lindsey Graham. I have said it before. Hes auditions for the role of in a movie. Here he is today. And mcconnell. President trump is 100 within his rights to look into allegations of irregularity. And weigh legal options. Im going to tell Mitch Mcconnell today if we keep the senate. We need to do a joint committee in the senate. To analyze mail in balloting. And how it worked in 2020. How far are we from a 24 day filibuster of the john lewis Voting Rights act . This is where a lot of the senators have fallen. Trumpism works for them. It doesnt scale all the time. It did end up when gardener and mcsally this year. Were waiting on the count in alaska. It is going to be something that in georgia i think will be a big story. These people are all trying to pretend the reality of the election doesnt exist. They want to retro actively undo it. They want to pretend theres nothing there. Its absurd. And the diminishing returns of supporting trump will become apparent in the coming days and weeks. And youll see more of the guys creep into the tall grass. You know georgia better than most. What are we looking at Going Forward . The argument will be made by Lindsey Graham and people like Mitch Mcconnell. You have to let us keep the senate. Otherwise aoc will take over and shes not in the senate. Thats what theyre going to do. Fortunately South Carolina is a different than georgia. The people decided they want to reelect senator game of thrones. But i think georgia is different. The idea of getting into the circular firing squad and attack the secretary of state and brian kemp. You hear people talk about dems in disarray. This is the gop. They are shooting at each other and arguing. Youll have war knock and os off and organizations on the ground. Stacey abrams getting it together. The more time they fight each other the more time democrats can get people registered and prepared. With the entire country focussed on georgia, for the next 60 days it will be more difficult to pull off the kind of Voter Suppression in the past and acting like a trump supporter in this will make it worse. Give me your treheory of the case from the republican side advising democrats in georgia right now. It seems like the argument should be if you dont give us the senate, youll lose your healthcare. You wont be able to get a check for relief. Mcconnell aint going to do it. Thats the obvious play. What do you think the argument ought to be in ferm terms of getting senators . The argument is this. You can make a choice between giving mcconnell two more years of trumpism. And the mishandling of covid19. Hell train wreck joe biden for the first two. Possibly four. He will stop aid to families that have been struck hard by covid and struck hard now by the second wave. He will block the appointment of people who would be running administrative divisions of the government. Of cabinet seats. We may not get somebody at cdc or hhs. Or treasury. Because mcconnell will stop them. The republicans have already suddenly rediscovered their love of fiscal discipline after spending like drunking socialist sailors with trump. We cant do anymore relief. My goodness. The red ink is rising. Its all an act. Its all a con. The question for georgia voters is simple. Do you want four more years at the minimum of donald trump being the hand maiden of trump mcconnell carrying out trump agenda and policy. And blocking everyone joe biden will try to do to over come covid and restore the economy. Or do you want to give joe biden and Vice President harris their shot. I think theres a great chance in georgia for both of the seats. Are these two seats winnable . Both of the seats stacey abrams. I would never bet against her. Amen. Both of the seats are winnable. And i think its going to be a pair. Both democrats or republicans. Its not a split ticket. I agree. Love having you on. Still ahead. Encouraging news on a covid vaccine. Clearly not in time to combat the ongoing surge in many states. President elect biden is working on the crisis. With this seal, this restaurant is committing to higher levels of cleanliness. The expertise that helps keep hospitals clean, is helping keep businesses clean too. Look for the ecolab science certified seal. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. [grunting noise] ill take that. Woohoo 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. 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Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum the calming scent of lavender by downy infusions calm. Laundry isnt done until its done with downy. The lack of control whenover my business kai, made me a little intense. But now quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. And now im back on top. With koala kai. Save over 30 hours a month with intuit quickbooks. My hygienist cleans with a round head, so does my oralb. My hygienist personalizes my cleaning, so does my oralb. My hygienist uses just the right pressure, and so does my oralb. Oralb combines a dentistinspired brush head with the gentle energy of microvibrations for the wow of a professional clean feel every day. My mouth says wow and so does my oralb. Long long ago trump abandoned any covid strategy. Before today his Vice President the guy in charge of the task force hadnt hosted a meeting in months. Today he held one. Shortly after news broke he would jet off to florida for rest and relaxing. America isnt so lucky. The pandemic enters the worst phase. The number of confirmed cases has risen by 65 . More than 10 million americans have been infected with 239,000 deaths. Several states hospitals are maxing out bed capacity with the new patients. Utah governor announced a state of emergency and a face mask mandate. Hospitals pushed to the brink. Trump continues a temper tantrum. Joe biden held the first meeting of his 12 Member Task Force today. A member of the board said that we are about to enter covid hell. Biden echoed some of the concerns. Theres a need for bold action. To fight this pandemic. Were facing a very dark winter. This time to end the politicization of Public Health steps like mask wearing and social distancing. Come together to heal the soul of the country and effectively address the crisis. As one country. Shortly after pfizer announced early results from the vaccine suggest it might be 90 effective at preventing covid19. Joining me now. Former Obama White House Health Policy director. Let me go in order. Covid hell terrifying me. Ben carson a neurosurgeon test positive. A trump adviser leading post election legal fight has coronavirus. 38 people have had it. Its thought the party they had on Election Night might have spread it. I worry that the covid hell is going to be more intense because trump is angry and lost. And will do less. Are you worried about that . Absolutely. Were already seeing ripples of that. Not only he publicly fired secretaries. But hes already been making motions behind the scenes to put blame on this kind of coronavirus news about the vaccine and etc. Anywhere he can hes continuing to do all the destructive behaviors and spreading misinformation. And perhaps the most obvious thing is hes ignoring the fact the numbers 240,000 deaths and counting. Calling it a hell were going into. And many experts warn we will see another 150,000 deaths by end of the year. My cousin sent out a tweet the text today about thanksgiving is virtual this year. I dont know how many people will do that. I worry people will drift into church and thanksgiving and it will be awful. Lets talk about the vaccine. This is the thing that makes me nervous. You have this vaccine. They had a lot of misinformation and trying to take credit and the trump kids. And saying it was a plot to have it come out after the election. What are your thoughts about this vaccine and whether or not you feel as hopeful as dr. Fauci does about it . And also how long might it take if it is good, how long might it take to get it out . I woke up today hopeful for so many reasons. One of which is not necessarily were all get a Pfizer Vaccine in our arm any time soon. We have to look for the success and the fact that this is never been done before. Im talking this kind of vaccine for this type of virus has never been done before. We lat least have the first signs of proof. Were so far from shouting victory from the tree top. Ill take a light at the end of the tunnel. And all we know that it has in the patients that have received the vaccine not the placebo. Its 90 effective in not allowing you to have the symptoms or disease of covid19. I will take that for a top line. I will tell you were a long way i have been asked several times when will americans see a vaccine. Im hopeful we can see something in the summer of 2021. Or later. Thats a long way away. If you take the months that means we could see still millions more people with covid19 and hundreds of thousands more death. We have to focus on looking at the rest of the year. Mitigation. Doing what we have been talking about. We have to think about 2021 a vaccine not going to erase the virus. Its going to do what the flu shot does. Decreasing the cases and it doesnt necessarily get rid of it. I really hope that this administration the incoming focuses on the communities abandoned. And im worried a vaccine just like coronavirus testing could be left out of black and persons of color would receive this vaccine unless we address head on the distrust that has been created by the current administration. I think thats true. Play for you what joe biden said about that very thing. Were going to address the health and economic disparity that mean the virus is hitting the black, latino and Asian American and native American Communities harder than white. Focus on the communities is one of the priorities. Not an after thought. The bottom line, i will spare no effort to turn this pandemic around. Once were sworn in january 20. I assume that these communities will have more trust in biden than trump. Im worried about trumps people. They wont want to take the vaccine and continue to infect other people because they refuse to believe covid is real. You have all the data to support your police chief belie. People dont believe its a real virus. You are absolutely right. We have been talking about for months let science lead. Let the Health Professionals lead. What ill add is that is true. We have to understand how to really just deal with people at a human level and understand their behavior and understand their attitude. And not dismiss it. When i have a patient who says i dont believe in this because President Trump says its not real. I cant dismiss that. We have to do that one on one. And people like yourself being a clear voice. Thank goodness well finally have now instead of you talking about this alone. Well have a National Strategy hopefully in the next year. To support all that. We have to make it through 72 days. Thank you. Appreciate you. Up next the rapturous celebrations. Dont lose sight of how close we came to losing democracy. Im susan and im 52 and i live in san francisco, california. I have been a sales and Sales Management professional my whole career. 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And unlike standard robots that bounce around it cleans row by row. If its not a shark, its just a robot. phone ringing a phones offers big button,ecialized phones. And volumeenhanced phones. , get details on this state program. Call or visit i got it all from you im always pushing through i know well make it to the finish line i know youre waiting on the other side im like you ondemand glucose monitoring. Because theyre always on. Another lifechanging technology from abbott. So you dont wait for life. You live it. And accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. Like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. phone ringing get details on this state program call or visit that election happened. Five days of patient and not so patient waiting yielded joe biden and Kamala Harris as the president elect and Vice President elect of the United States. The celebrations you have seen around the country from outside the white house to brooklyn to harlem and times square to atlanta and philly. Incredible video memes. Likening the epic finish to the avengers end game. Or the demise of the wicked witch. Or the oh happy day moment in sister act. All spoke to the profound belief of tens of millions of americans who understand just how close. The are leaf they have. They understand how close we came to losing democracy. Those who reference the jubilation at fall of berlin wall or street celebration when a dictator is over thrown. Were backed up by historians. And journalists. That is how close we came. Just over 70 days the trump era will end. Whether or not trump concedes, at noon on january 20, the constitution will do it for him. And he will leave the white house. Willingly or not. He will go. With him will exit some of the greatest villains in american political history. William barr. Worst attorney general since well his predecessor. Jefferson sessions. The worst since Richard Nixons criminal ag. And steven miller. Only one of multiple white nationalists who trump brought entroo the administration to tragic results from muslim and migrant families. They will all go. Taking the lying press secretary and National Security and health and state department apoen tees with them. America can breathe again. Finally someone in government will try to reunite the hundreds of Migrant Children with parents. Executive order banning federal funding to institutions that tell the truth about americas racial history which could have slashed funding to Public Schools and black colleges, that will be gone. More than 700,000 Daca Recipients have to fear deportation. Rejoin the Paris Climate Accord and World Health Organization and global search for a Coronavirus Vaccine and exit the access of autocracy. We can repair relationships with allies. Who dont think were a nation gone mad. And police reform. And instead of millions dying in a bizarre herd immunity experiment. Well have a plan. To defeat the coronavirus. With a strategy based on science. Not miracle cures and quacks and pillow sales men. 74 million voters and counting saved the lives of millions of americans by firing donald trump. Thats why we call you voting mvps. People are dancing. We owe tremendous thanks to the voters particularly black voters who held it down. And the activists who got it done. Stacey abrams registered 700,000 georgiaens. And black girls vote and black lives matter activists and the wine moms. The latino voters who showed up in arizona. And of course to the steady as she shows bide p campaign. Thank you. He will be the second catholic american president. Parents can finally once again tell kid the president of the United States is a good and decent man. Kamala harris will be the first black first woman first Asian American and first hbcu graduate and member of the black sorority to be Vice President. Little girls will see themselves when they see american power. Theres been talk about what biden voters owe the 70 Million People who voted for trump. Honestly, im old enough to remember what they felt they owed clinton voters in 2016. F your feelings . Its not our job to make them feel better. Im not ready to have people in my life okay with racism and mass death and child snatching at the border. But go off. The good news that doesnt matter. Its not my job to manage maga emotions. I talk on tv. Joe biden is the president. He made it clear he intends to be actively the president for everyone. And thats a good thing. Its necessary. We have a vicious virus to fight. Every one of us. We can get back to normal life and out of our basements. And the right can go back to hating us because we have hollywood and beyonce. 1864 lincoln offered a broken country the warning and a hope. The warning, the 600,000 dead in the still unfinished civil war were judgment of god. For slavery. He pleaded with america to end the war with mag towards none. Charity for all. Let us strive onto finish the work were in and bound up the nations wounds. And for his widow and his orphan. To do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves. And with our all nations. Heres rooting for your president elect joe biden. Youll need it. Good luck. We cant always keep our distance. But we can still help protect each other this flu season by getting vaccinated. If youre 65 or older, get the superior flu protection of fluzone highdose quadrivalent. Its the only 65 flu vaccine with four times the standard dose. And its free with Medicare Part b. 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Now during buick friday, pay no interest for 84 months on most 2020 buick suv models. Pay no interest for 84 months while i may be the first woman in this office, i will not be the last. Because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities. A Glass Ceiling was broken this weekend. 72 days from now the title of Vice President will be held by a black woman, the daughter of jamaican and indian parents, Kamala Harris. Its been a long time coming. 48 years since the caribbean american congresswoman, new yorks Shirley Chism became the first black woman to run for president. Something president elect biden says he wont forget particularly as he forms his administration. When the campaign was at its lowest depth, the Africanamerican Community stood up again for me. Youve always had my back and ill have yours. Joining me now is dr. Glen da glover, the president of Tennessee State university and the International President of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority and tiffany cross, author of say it louder. Your reaction as the president of akas two, one of your own, one of your sorors becoming Vice President . It was a moment of tremendous pride to see Vice President elect Kamala Harris today. So much pride and so thankful. The first thing we did is said a prayer of thanksgiving, thank god for what he had done for us as black women to bring us this far as the number two in this country of Vice President elect. Have you had a chance to speak with her . I did. She gave me a call saturday afternoon before she went on stage. It was so special to say thank you all that you have done, what it means for america and it was a very, very special moment. Yes. Tiffany, you know, you write about the sort of white narrative that black bodies live in. This is a different thing. This is reversing that. Thats right. How do you expect this to change the way we think about politics and the way we talk about politics over the next four years . Yeah, let me first say, i know its awkward when people give you compliments when youre on air, but i have to do that again tonight because your voice and your representation was so necessary throughout this coverage of this campaign. So when we think about how we talk about this, i said earlier that we have voices from some of these political anachronisms. Get this completely wrong. The last segment when you were talking about the role of black voters and how that quickly shifted to lets wait and understand the other side, i dont know how to meet a bigot in the middle nor am i interested in meeting a bigot in the middle. It matters when we have just elected the first black asianamerican woman in this country as Vice President. So it also matters whos leading these conversations. And we have to make sure that not only are we censoring the rising majority of this country, the new american electorate who will decide races, but also holding this Administration Accountable because we saw a Record Number of black voters. We saw an increased turnout among latino voters. We have to make sure were not making the few latino voters in florida the entire narrative. There were indigenous voters. Asianamerican voters, Pacific Islander voters. The Fastest Growing demographic in this country. When you have some of these antiquated voices who continue to center, you know, people on the right or trump voters, its like, where was that empathy during the First Bush Administration or during the second or during the crack epidemic or after rodney king. You have been a delight to watch and listen and learn from and help america walk us through. I is certainly plan on being a chorus of voices to celebrate the history of this moment and hold this Administration Accountable and make sure we continue to center the people who helped elevate them and get them here. I thank you for that. You were one of the voices who pushed hard to make sure there was a black woman on that ticket. I remember that op ed in the washington post. Dr. Glover, lets talk about the next step. Theres an atlanta not just atlanta, the whole state of georgia. Theres a big election coming up. How hard are the divine nine going to ride for making sure that Kamala Harris doesnt just have position but also has power, meaning that the Biden Harris Administration has the senate . Part two, thats where we are now. Meeting later this week to develop the strategy for georgia. Im going to help turn that vote out. When theyve done, the country is finding out the caliber hbc can produce so they want to get out and like they did before, push their vote out. Voter mobilization. So important. Absolutely. Tiffany, i know youre an atlanta native. I am. You are quite excited about this im sure. I asked jason earlier, these races are easily winnable demographically. Whenever i say i have to do better than my nemesis. Races are absolutely winnable. What does it say about the country that is incumbent on taking out Mitch Mcconnell. Voting is the best revenge. Dr. Glen da glover, tiffany cross, my friends, that is tonights reidout. You are allowed to safer this historic moment in history. All in with chris hayes starts now. Tonight on all in, joe biden and Kamala Harris have won. A defeated president pouts and americans flood the streets. Tonight how the white house was won with David Plouffe and tom perez. New warnings from the fired secretary of defense and the doj pushes the false narrative of election fraud. Plus, the high stakes georgia runoff is democratic candidate john osoff and the news of a vaccine break through when

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