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Nbc projecting Vice President biden as the apparent winner in maine. Senator sanders is projected to be the winner by nbc news in three states yesterday, his home state of vermont, also colorado, also utah, and per nbc news, senator sanders appears on track in the biggest prize of the entire primary season, california. Nbc news has not made a formal call in california with just 54 of precincts reporting, nbc says its too early to call, but Bernie Sanders is in the lead in california. The associated press, i should mention, has projected a win for senator sanders there. Its kind of a good news, bad news situation for senator sanders at this crucial and super interesting point in the campai campaign. On the one hand on the senators own campaign metrics, they fell short of what they said they wanted to do yesterday, and the turnout numbers in aggregate and in key sanders supporting demographics continue to fall short of what the Sanders Campaign is aiming for and what they say they need to set themselves up to win in the general election with senator Bernie Sanders as the nominee. That said, next weeks contests are some of the states in which senator sanders is very much likely to do his best, and it cant hurt that the field has narrowed dramatically and suddenly. Mike bloomberg dropped out of the race today. He endorsed joe biden. Senator Elizabeth Warren made no public appearances today and has repo report reportedly considering her options for the future of her campaign. The Washington Post reporting tonight that there has been contact between senator warrens campaign and senator Sanders Campaign in part about their shared Progressive Agenda and views. We shall see. The Sanders Campaign announced today just since midnight yesterday, so less than 48 hours, they have raised 5. 5 million from more than 220,000 donors. So if you are vermont senator Bernie Sanders today and you are looking at this universe of information staring down the next few months until the democratic convention, how are you feeling about where you are and what is to come . I have the man to ask. Joining us here live in my friend stoeves house is vermon senator Bernie Sanders. Great to see you. Great to see you. How are you . Im feeling good. I really am. I think weve got a real path toward victory. I think if you and i chatted a year ago when we began the campaign and we said in an unprecedented way taking on all of corporate america, wall street, the Insurance Companies, the Drug Companies, the fossil fuel industry, taking on the entire political establishment, that today a year later we would be within a few i dont know when they finish counting up california, we may actually have a few more delegates than biden does. Im not quite sure that many people would have thought that we would be where we are today. So im pretty proud of the unprecedented kind of coalition were putting together and the movement that were developing. Now, your Campaign Manager spoke with msnbc yesterday before the last before the first poll closed. What does he say now . He was cautiously optimistic i would say. What he said was we are we walk in with a delegate lead. We want to walk out with a bigger delegate lead. It doesnt look like thats going to be what happens. You did come in with a lead. Senator biden i mean Vice President biden just had a huge night. Regardless of the sort of absolute value terms of how you did, if you came in shorter than what your campaign was expecting, have you done a sort of assessment today . Have you done sort of an internal look at what went wrong and why you didnt finish where you let me just say, im not sure that at the end of the count in california we have won and will win a whole lot of delegates. I think at the end of the day, we may be a little bit ahead of biden. You might have exp, a little. A little bit. Because there are several hundred delegates not yet accounted for in california. Look from day one we knew this would be a tough race. When you take on the political establishment, that means Amy Klobuchar got out. Pete buttigieg got out. Bloomberg got out, and now were dealing with one candidate, and you know what . I feel good about that. Because the differences in joe bidens record and joe is a friend of mine and his record and my record, his vision and my vision are very, very different, and i think were going to have the opportunity when there may be just two of us there to differentiate the differences. Then there is more than one candidate still in the race, Elizabeth Warrens still in the race and there is that intriguing reporting from the Washington Post that your campaign and her campaign have been in touch over the course of the day. I spoke with elizabeth today. Can you tell us about that conversation . Its a private conversation, but i think senator warren has worked really hard over the last year. She has run in many ways an excellent campaign, bringing out a whole lot of ideas which i think have expanded political consciousness in this country. Shes now assessing where she wants to go, and she deserves the time and the space to make that decision. I feel like there is a theres a pretty big distance between the way that you have talked about senator warren and the sort of collegiality that the two of you have expressed mutually, mutual respect, mutual sort of in it together kind of sense. Theres a distance between that and the way that you are supporters particularly online have treated senator warren. Your supporters have called her a snake. They used the snake emoji to represent her. Theyve called her a traitor. Theres been some organizing online among sanders supporters to primary her so she will lose her senate seat in massachusetts. I know you have distanced yourself from some of what your supporters have done in your name, but in this case i wonder if that sort of vitreal toward her has hurt the prospects of you two working together from here on out . I talked to her. It was a very cordial. I am aghast and disgusted from the vitreal online. If you think that doesnt come into our im talking about outgoing. What we want our supporters to be doing is talking about the issues. Have a vigorous debate on the issues. We dont need ugly personal attacks against senator warren or anybody else for that matter, but in terms of senator warren, what i will tell you is that on major issue after major issue we may have nuances of differences, but she is an advocate of medicare for all, which obviously i strongly support. She wants to raise that minimum wage to a living wage of 15 bucks an hour. She wants to cancel student debt. We have a nuance of difference in that, but essentially she has run her campaign the way we have. Taking on powerful corporate interests and represent working families in this country, something that is long overdue. Would you consider asking senator warren to be your running mate . Its too early to talk about that. Certainly i have a lot of respect for senator warren and would love to sit down and talk to her about what kind of role she can play in our administration. Today we did the math on Michael Bloombergs candidacy and discovered you spent a whole lot of money. Is that what literally, the majority of money spent in the democratic campaign, not only by all the candidates who are still in but by all the candidates who have ever been in this campaign, the majority of it was spent by him, and he won American Samoa last night, and thats it, and hes now out. I know you said you dont want his help if you are the nominee, but i wanted to ask you about what that really means. Would you does that mean that you would tell him to not run ads against President Trump . Let me just say this about mayor bloomberg. He has every right in the world, had every right in the world to run for president , but i think what i and many, many other people found very disturbing is his very open and blatant desire to buy the election. Thats all. Nothing less than that. And that smacks to me of ole garky, not democracy, and i think maybe the people of this country saw through that. But in terms of a corrupt political system, which we have right now, if you wanted to go out and start a super pac, you can do anything you want. Thats called a corrupt political system. I want to overturn citizens unit ed. I want to move to public funding of elections. Bloomberg can do what he wants to do, but what im saying right now is we have raised i cant remember, 5, 6 million just in the last few days. We are raising money in an unprecedented way. We have more Campaign Contributions from more americans than any candidate in the history of the United States. A little bit different than the way bloomberg approached it. Very different from the way biden is approaching it. I dont know if you saw it today, the wall street journal, wall street starts opening up its wallet for joe biden. He has more than 60 billionaires contributing to his campaign. So im proud of the way we are raising money. In terms of bloomberg, you know, he is supporting now joe biden and well see what role let me say one other thing which really bothers me. There hasnt been a lot of attention to it. Theres a group called the big tent. It is a super pac funded by corporate interests, i suspect the Drug Companies, Insurance Companies, the fossil fuel industry, theyre pouring millions of dollars into ugly negative ads against me, our campaign. That is the kind of political corruption that has got to end. We need to end super pacs. We need to move to one person, one vote. We need to restore democracy in this country. If youre the nominee that will be a shade of what youre up against in the general. Thats right. Let me press you on the bloomberg factor. I understand the principle youre articulating, but when it comes to the actual spending of money in the election, obviously hes not going to give you the money. Hes not going to coordinate with you if youre the nominee. What hes talking about doing is running ads against donald trump, running democratic Voter Registration efforts, running get out the vote efforts on election day. Are you going to say he should not do that . Its his money. He has a right to do that. All that im saying, rachel, is the American People understand that the current political system is literally corrupt, that billionaires whether its Michael Bloomberg or right wing republicans who are spending hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars to support right wing candidates, that is a corrupt political system, and weve got to change it. Let me talk to you about sort of how you see yourself fitting into Democratic Party politics at this point. Interesting news today about Steve Bullock. He was in and out in a hot minute in the president ial race, and democrats are ecstatic today about the reports that he is going to jump into that senate race in montana because hes perceived to be the best shot at winning back that seat for the democrats which would go a long way towards getting Mitch Mcconnell out of control of the u. S. Senate. When he was running for president , part of the reason he arct articulated for why he was r running for president is he worried the Signature Health care policy was going to be alienating to too many potential democratic voters. So in a universe in which youre one of the two leading candidates for the nomination, you may be the nominee, Steve Bullock is a very important Democratic Senate nominee potentially in montana, can you help him get elected . Or do you have to keep your distance . No, i mean, he will make his own decisions. But of course i think we can help him. I mean, ive heard this argument a whole lot of times. I believe that in the general election the way you beat trump is to have the largest voter turnout in the history of this country. Do not underestimate donald trump. Hell have endless amounts of money because he doesnt believe in the rule of law. He will combine federal agencies with his own campaign. He has a loyal group of supporters, so its not going to be so easy to beat him, but i believe that it will be very hard to beat him when youre running a Old Fashioned type of campaign, when youre running, you know, the same old same old. You need energy. You need excitement. We need to bring working class people into the campaign, some of whom may have voted for trump. We need to bring young people into the campaign, maybe who never voted for, and you talk about medicare for all. Medicare for all is wildly popular with working class and lower income people who understand that we have a dysfunctional health care system. We are spending twice as much. I would love to debate joe biden on this issue, give us an hour on msnbc where we can talk about how anybody can defend the system in which were spending twice as much per capita on health care as people in any other country, and 87 million are uninsured, 30,000 died, half a Million People go bankrupt every year because of medically related debt, and we spend far and away the highest prices for prescription drugs. You want to defend that system . Lets do it. I think that that is an issue that wins, that speaks to the needs of working families. People that test the greed and the corruption of the pharmaceutical industry. As president of the United States you know im going to take them on. You know im going to ask you the following question about turnout. As long as ive been talking to you about american politics, you have made this case, and i have i believe it that turnout is the difference, and that when it comes to progressive politics in particular, increased turnout gets you an increased shot of not only changing the Democratic Party but changing the country. And the turnout is not there for you. The turnout does not look good thus far in the democratic primary. We can talk about that in detail, but i know youre aware of it. In terms of young people, one of the issues that should be talked about to his credit and i wish we could cobetter joe biden is doing well with people 65 and older. Were doing phenomenally well with 30 and under. Which group of people is there more potential to grow the base and bring people . Clearly, young people historically have not voted in the kinds of numbers that one would like them to vote. Its going up, but it is nowhere near as high as it is with older people. Its not going up. With your campaign firing on all cylinders and all the benefit you have from all the amazing organizing you did in 2016, no states last night saw an increase in young voters as a percentage of the electorate compared with 2016. In North Carolina, in tennessee, in virginia, even here in vermont, young voters made up a smaller proportion of the electorate than in 2016. Why are fewer young people turning out in 2020 with you on the ballot . What i will tell you is that in iowa we tripled we increase bed by 33 the number f young people. Im not familiar with knethese statisti statistics. We have the lowest voter turnout than any major country in earth. Poor people in america by very big numbers do not vote. How do we bring them into the political process . Why do they not vote . Why are young people not voting . This is tough stuff. Youre right, we are trying to do that. I understand its easier to bring older people who have been voting for their whole lives, but we are working really hard to try to bring people out, and i think in the general election we will be successful. I want to go back to that in terms of the general election how it might be different. On this question of working class voters, in virginia, virginia was the one state yesterday where we actually did see a bit of a surge in voters without a Fouryear College degree. In virginia, it was up in terms of raw numbers and in proportion from 2016, but joe biden carried those voters two to one, and we didnt see a surge in working class voters in other states, and because its the because its so central to your idea of what your brand of politics is and why people should get involved in the electoral process, what i dont understand is why youre not this year i havent seen these numbers. What i have seen is that in the previous states, in fact, we did very well with working class people. This is the first that im hearing about that. But at the end of the day, i have not the slightest doubt in the world that our campaign is the campaign that speaks to working class people who have long been ignored where the establishment has turned their backs on them. If you look at the numbers, medicare for all is extremely popular with working class people who cannot afford to pay in some cases 12, 15,000 a year for their health care that they currently have. So i have zero doubt that our agenda, which calls for raising the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour, demanding that the wealthy and the powerful start paying their fair share of taxes, dealing with Climate Change through a Green New Deal and creating up to 20 million jobs, that is the agenda that will win the election and defeat trump. And the argument is that the agenda will drive the turnout overall. Youve talked about needing the biggest voter turnout that america has ever seen, and that you need it in those specific swaths of the electorate that are underrepresented that dont feel like politics works for them. If the agenda isnt working despite turnout in those groups, i will tell you the data says its not right now in 2020. Data in the state, the early three states that you won, the turnout was it was either flat or it was statistically insignificant in terms of its no, nevada had a 20 increase in voter turnout, New Hampshire had the largest voter turnout in history. Iowa was flat. Iowa was flat. New hampshire when you compare it with 2008. 2008 was when obama ran his brilliant campaign. Yes. Obama ran an exceptional campaign, but in nevada turnout was 20 higher, the largest voter turnout in its history. Iowa was flat. Do you think that you should be able to match 2008 voter turnout numbers . I would hope so and i hope well do that in the general election. I think the fact heres the point about the general election. Number one, i believe i know that every democratic candidate will support the winner, all right . Those who have left the race, i will support biden. Biden will support me. We will bring together 99 of all democratic voters, all right . Thats not the question. Theyre going to come in because trump was the most dangerous president in modern history. Doesnt understand the constitution. Doesnt care for the rule of law. Hes a racist and a sexist, et cetera. We will get them, so the challenge is how do you expand the base and if anybody thinks you can do it through the same old, same old type of politics, i would respectfully disagree. Youre going to need energy. Youre going to need excitement, and i think that is the campaign we have. And by the way, i do not accept that medicare for all polled very well yesterday among democratic voters. Demanding that the wealthy and powerful start paying their fair share of taxes is extremely popular. The concept of a wealth tax that Elizabeth Warren and i have talked about is a very popular concept. So i believe that not only are the ideas that i am talking about ideas that are long overdue, ideas that exist in many cases in every other country on earth, youre talking about medicare for all. You know where you are right now, 50 miles from the canadian border, go up to canada, everybody there has health care as a human right. The quality is good. Theyre spending less, theyre spending 50 of what were spending. Why is that . And it speaks to the power of the Drug Companies and the Insurance Companies who dominate what goes on in health care. They make 100 billion in profit. 87 Million People are are uninsured or underinsured. I dont think its a radical idea. I dont think making public colleges and universities is a radical idea. It exists in germany, countries in scandinavia, all over the world, and then you get the Climate Change. Is it radical to say that we should try to save the planet and tell the fossil fuel industry they cant destroy the planet. I dont think thats a radical your idea. One of the problems we have people saby, bernie is an extremist. It is what the American People want. I have a lot more to ask you about including new news about coronavirus. A very Surprising New proposal from the Trump Administration related to coronavirus that has a little touch of the medicare for all. I heard about that. Lets talk about that when we come back. Were with senator Bernie Sanders of vermont here in burlington. Well be right back. Burlington well be right back. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. I love you only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Tmobiles new offer on iphone 11 is even better on our newest most powerful signal. Switch to tmobile now, and get 2 lines of unlimited for only 90 and 2 iphone 11s on us. Only at tmobile. Oh. Oh, darn wha let me help. Here we go. Lift and push and push there. Its up there. Oh, boy. Hey joshie. Wrinkles send the wrong message. Help prevent them before they start with downy wrinkleguard. Hey bud. Hey, pop pop so you wont get caught with wrinkles again. [woman laughs] senator sanders, thanks again for doing this. I want to talk to you a little bit about the coronavirus crisis. Today we started to get the first pictures, first announcements about in italy, which has been so hard hit theyre going to hold large sporting events now in empty stadiums. A very stark shot. We had the tokyo marathon run this past week with only empty streets and elite runners allowed. Japan has shut all their schools. France has banned all large gatherings. United airlines cut 10 of domestic flights because the impact on aviation is important here just in the United States as well. When we think about the scale of this and what kind of disruptions may be ahead for the american public, i think its sort of almost feels bigger than politics, but were having a president ial election at the same time. Have you ever dealt with anything in your career thats at all analogous to this kind of Crisis Management . A Major National infectious or International Infectious disease, of course i have not. Something that calls on the same kind of skills from a leader . Well, i am i dont think very many people have, but i have some real thoughts about what we have got to do, and you were leading into before the break that the Trump Administration has figured out that maybe its not a great idea to have people who might have the virus Walking Around the streets going to work and they cant afford to go to health care and get a checkup from a doctor, so i think even the Trump Administration has figured out that its a good idea to make sure those people who feel sick or may have some of the symptoms actually go into a doctors office. Theyre proposing using federal disaster funding to pay for medical treatment for people who are uninsured. Imagine that. Which looks a little bit like medicare for all. Its a little like socialized medicine but just for the coronavirus. Its not of their concern that maybe 40 or 50,000 people die each year because they dont get to a doctor on time and the people get much sicker than they should because they dont get to a doctor on time, but im glad at least they recognize that its totally insane and dangerous to our society that if youre Walking Around with this disease ask nd infecting other people and youre not going to a doctor when you should because you dont have any insurance, ha is counterproductive for the whole society. Im glad that they recognize that. But the bottom line is this is a global crisis. You should not be having somebody like a Vice President pence leading the task or somebody who i think was you know, to say to be gentle to him, be kind, is not a great advocate for science in general. You need scientists to be running it. We need to increase new funding for dealing with the crisis, not stealing money from other health care sources. We need to make sure that hospitals all over this country have the capacity, icu units, in order to deal with the new patients that might be coming in. They need to have the test kits, which they dont have right now. So bottom line and we need to be working, obviously, with World Health Organization and the International Community because this is clearly a global crisis. And the hardest hit city in south korea today, i saw that theres a waiting list of about 2,300 people to get into a hospital bed. Yes. In king county, washington, the public the local authorities have just bought a motel and are buying modular housing to house people in isolation, specifically so they can preserve Hospital Capacity because theyre anticipating the need for so many hospital beds and icu bed s. If were going to have a crunch in terms of literally hospital bed capacity, and you know, icu beds and ventilators, do you trust that the Trump Administration can manage that . Do you think that theres anything that needs to change in terms of the way congress is overseeing this response to make sure that lives are saved that would other side be lost . New york cio, i have very li confidence in the Trump Administration to do anything that is right or decent or certainly based on science. Remember, these are the guys that think Climate Change is a hoax. And trump was, what, last month telling us that the crisis would be over by april, that it somehow magically ends in april. Cases would go to zero. This is our brilliant, you know, president of the United States whos obviously studied this issue intensely, so congress is going to have to play a much more aggressive role. The difficulty is he has contempt for congress, and congress has literally passed legislation which he will not necessarily implement. Weve got a global crisis. Congress is going to have to play its role, and we have to do everything that we can to protect the American People. It is a frightening situation for a lot of people. It poses a special challenge for somebody whos running for president. Youre literally kris crossing the country, major events, big crowds every day. Have you thought at all about the prospect that your campaign may need to change the way you engage with voters, the big rallies youve done . Weve talked about it. We were out, we did some really large rallies in l. A. , in san jose last week, and we called up the Public Health people there, and they said go ahead and do it, so we will be in contact with the Public Health people, obviously, will not do anything to endanger the health of anyone. Theres even talk, reports today that the Democrats Convention committee is begun to entertain contingency plans. You know, theyve got Mass Gatherings already canceled, outlawed essentially in places like japan and italy and france. If that is happening in this country, by necessity, by Public Health necessity come july, whats the alternative that democrats should pursue if they cant have a traditional convention . Well, lets not speculate there right now. I dont know the answer to that. Thats something well have to look at depending, hopefully god willing we dont reach that stage. I have other convention things to ask you, too. All right, go right ahead. Senator sanders my guest here in burlington vermont. Well be right back. In burlington vermont. Well be right back. I worked to keep our country safe. Im amy mcgrath. Now im running for senate in kentucky against Mitch Mcconnell. I can win, but i need your help. With your contribution, we can finally remove Mitch Mcconnell from office and start repairing the damage hes done to our country. I approved this message. Because this is gonna take all of us. Skip to the good part with alkaseltzer plus. Now with 25 more concentrated power. 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Yup, thats how i know it is the puresttasting water. I need to find the receipt for that. Oh yeah, you do. Were back now in vermont with vermont senator Bernie Sanders. Candidate for president in the democratic primary. Thank you again for doing this. I know this is an incredibly busy time. You are off to what i know is going to be a big string of events and heavy duty campaigning over the next week. The states next week look good for you. I think mississippi is going to be a reach, but the other states that are in competition next week, places like missouri and michigan, you fought basically to a tie or michigan. Won by a little bit in michigan, very close in missouri, you did great in idaho and washington, places like that. How do you feel about whats ahead and momentum, and how strong your opponent, Vice President biden is right now . Look, joe biden is a very strong opponent. He will have all of the corporate world behind him, the political world behind him. This is what were going to do, rachel, and ive got to tell you, i hope very much this doesnt come into some kind of ugly personal attacks because i like joe biden. Hes a very decent guy, but what is important for us is to contrast our record, our vision for the future with joes. And thats what were going to do. Joe biden voted for the war in iraq. I led the opposition against that disastrous war. Thats a difference. Joe biden voted for a bankruptcy bill on behalf of the Credit Card Companies and that bill has done a lot of harm to working families all over this country. I voted against that. Were going to the midwest, michigan, michigan was decimated by terrible, terrible trade deals, nafta, pnt with china, which cost our country 4 million good paying jobs. I walked the picket lines against nafta. Joe voted for those terrible agreements. I have spent my life fighting against cuts for social security, medicare, and medicaid. Check it out. Joe was on the floor of the senate talking about the need to cut social security, medicare, veterans needs. Joe voted for the wall street bailout. I was disgusted by that bailout. So the differences are enormous, and our vision for the future are enormous, and i hope very much well have a straight up debate over our records, what weve tried to accomplish, and where we want this country to go. You mentioned the midwest and how important the midwest has been. I also want to ask you about the south. I mean, in 2016 you ran basically equal with Hillary Clinton everywhere in the country except the south where she really ran the table against you. That seems to be happening again. You didnt reach even 20 of the africanamerican vote anywhere in the south. In North Carolina you actually did worse. You did 19 with african voters in 2016. That dropped two points last nightme night. What is going wrong with your campaign when it comes to competing in the south, and competing specifically for black voters . Let me give you the other side of the story, in california if my memory is correct, we received 39 of the votes of people of color, which were latinos, Asian Americans and africanamericans. If i am not mistaken, i havent studied these results. We probably won the young people, young people africanamerican vote probably in all of those states. But in california youre being well out paced by joe biden among black voters. We are winning among people of color to. It has been a consistent problem. You knew it was a problem in 2016, it might have cost you the nomination then. It hasnt gotten better. We are running against somebody who has touted his relationship with barack obama for eight years. Barack obama is very popular in this country in general in the africanamerican community. Running against Hillary Clinton, bill clinton was popular. If you look at some of the national polls, there have been some polls recently that we were running ahead of biden in the africanamerican community. Its not that im not popular. You know, biden is running, you know, with his with his ties to obama, and thats working well. Let me be specific. I mean, in 2016 you knew that was a problem. In 2016 we were running against Hillary Clinton. I was virtually unknown. Now were running against Barack Obamas Vice President , who was very, very popular. But what im saying to you, rachel, is if you look at the polling out there, i am not unpopular in the africanamerican community. Are you satisfied with your numbers among africanamerican voters . Of course not. We want to do better. Were doing well with the latino community, we have to do better. We have a great group of surrogates who are out there working hard on this thing. I think we will do better. I think the vote in the north will be different than the vote in the south, but you know, we are were running against some tough competition there. Senator, jim clyburn, who is the revered figure in South Carolina politics who endorsed joe biden just before the South Carolina primary by all accounts to very great effect in terms of his ultimate performance in South Carolina. He told the daily beast today that you did not try to get his endorsement, you didnt ask for it. He said he was asked if you had courted if you had courted his support before the South Carolina primary. He said, quote, no, not really. Is that true . And if so, why didnt you . I know jim clyburn very well, and actually, jim and i worked together working with obama to put 11 billion into Community Health centers, which is one of the very important parts of the obamacare, the Affordable Care act. So i know jim. I work with him. Look, it is no secret. Jim is a very nice guy. I like him and respect him. His politics are not my politics. Theres no way in gods earth he was going to be endorsing me. Senator, i feel like this isnt anything that ive prepared to talk to you about. Just talking with you here something is becoming clear know, which is that i feel like your argument for your electability is flawless. And at least is something that resonates with me deeply. Im a lifelong liberal, and i have always wanted politics both around me locally and in my country broadly to get more to the left. Ive always felt that way, and i believe that you are right when you talk about expanding the electorate and when you talk about trying to reach a diverse coalition, particularly people who think that politics dont work for them, but its not happening in your campaign, and its not happening more so in your campaign now than it did in 2016. Rachel, right now and i want to know if you have any analysis of why thats not improving. Lets take a step backwards, okay . If a year ago you had or anybody else had thought that somebody is running an unprecedented grass roots campaign, which has raised more money from more people than any other candidate in the history of this country, were taking on wall street. Today the stock market went way up. The Health Care Industry and the Drug Companies did very well today. You know why . Biden had a good day yesterday. All right, youre talking to a candidate uniquely who has taken on the entire corporate establishment. Youre talking to a candidate who is taking on the political establishment. Mr. Bloomberg comes on board biden, other candidates, and he will solidify his support with the political leadership. Were taking that on. Were running a grass roots campaign. This has never been done in the modern history of this country. You did it in 2016. No, we didnt. We lost in 2016. Were trying to build. Right now we have far more support than we had in 2016, so were trying to do something that is were trying to transform this country, not win an election. No the just beat trump. Were trying to break up large banks. Were trying to substantially lower the cost of prescription drugs. Were trying to do what every other major country on earth does, provide health care to all people as a human right. We have introduced most sweeping and comprehensive Climate Change proposal ever introduced by a federal candidate, which is why we have the support of the Sunrise Movement and many other environmental organizations. This is tough stuff, so if i came to you and said, hey, you know, i just went to wall street. I had a fundraiser down the block. Man, were raising a lot of money. Ive hired my consultants, thats what candidates often do. Were doing it differently, and i would be the first to admit that its hard. The real question is how do we come this far taking on the corporate establishment, taking on the political, and taking on the Corporate Media if i might say so as well . So im pretty proud of what we have accomplished. Im proud that in the last number of months we have had thousands of people knocking on millions of doors in this country. This is what needs to happen. I will be the first person to tell you it is hard. Okay . Im not running a conventional campaign. We call our movement us not me. Im not saying vote for Bernie Sanders, were going to solve the problems. We are in this together because the only way real change, rachel and i know youre a student of history, whether its the civil rights movement, the labor movement, the womens movement, the gay rights movement, the environmental movement, how does change happen . When millions of people stand up and demand it. That is what this campaign is all about. Its a different type of campaign, and were doing quite well. Right now as of today, we may or may not be appointed a delegate or two ahead of biden or a delegate or two behind him, i think thats pretty good, and i think that given the agenda that we are bringing forth, that we have a shot to win the democratic nomination and a shot to defeat donald trump. I think thats pretty good. Youve also said that youre running not only against the political establishment, but against the Democratic Party establishments. Democratic establishment, yeah. You have a new ad featuring president obama praising you in the past. Is president obama part of the democratic establishment that you say youre running against . No, and i want to Say Something about barack obama, im not going to tell you hes my best friend, but i talk to him every now and then, and i have a lot of respect for him. Do we have disagreements . Of course we had, but i will tell you something which impresses me very much about barack obama. I talk to him many, many months ago. We talk about the campaign, and i had called him up and i think all of the candidates basically had, and i dropped in to see him. He said you know what, bernie, im not going to get involved. And he kept his word. You may have seen him just the other day. He said i think biden had reached out to him and wanted his support. And he said no, i think i will be more effective in supporting the eventual winner and not getting involved early on. I know that theres an enormous pressure on him to support biden, and the fact that hes not doing that makes me respect him even more. If at the end of the day it turns out that Vice President biden is going to have more delegates than you do heading into the convention, will you drop out . He will win. Well run through i suspect we will run through the process letting people have a right to vote, but if biden walks into the convention or at the end of the process has more votes that be me, hes the winner. And thats true whether or not he has a majority or just a plurality . Absolutely. Thats what ive said. Heres the story, and theres some confusion about this. Last time around in 2016 you talked about 2016, you remember before the very first vote was cast in iowa, Hillary Clinton had 507 delegates set aside. 500 super delegates. I thought that that was totally outrageous and absurd and undemocratic. We fought very hard in the democratic rules process to get rid of all super delegates. That is my preference. I think it should be the decision of the people, not washington insiders. We lost, but what we did get is not getting rid of all super delegates at Convention Voting but on the first ballot there will be no super delegates. We go into the first ballot, it is delegates who are represented by the people, and i think that thats right. What i have said is i think it would be a real, real disaster for the Democratic Party if, you know, im running against you and you have more votes than me and i say, well, wait a second, i dont want rachel. I want somebody else who didnt get as many votes as she did, lets count the super delegates vote on the second ballot, you know what that would do to the democratic electorate . People would say the person who got the most votes didnt get selected. Most delegates. Most delegates, im sorry, most delegates. I have one more thing i need to ask you about before i free you from my clutches. Senator sanders my guest right here in burlington, vermont, back right after this. Vermont, back right after this. howling wind you should be mad at tech that makes things worse. But youre not, because you have e trade whose tech makes life easier by automatically adding technical patterns on charts and helping you understand what they mean. Dont get mad, get e trade. 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Oh, what a relief it is so fast were back now with vermont senator Bernie Sanders, candidate for president in the democraticfo primary. Senator, the democrats started this president ial primary with a gigantic, historically diverse field, tons of women, a bunch of people of color, a viable gay candidate for the first time ever. And now the primary process has all white men and he lelizab. What do you say to people that find it the Democratic Party is going to pick likely one two of straight white guys in their 70s to run against the straightns white guy in his 70s . I think, rachael, we have to continue the fight for diversity. The democrats have to be proud. R they started off with a very, very Diverse Group of people, candidates compared to the republicans in general. And second of all, i kind of think that when we k look at a candidate, you have to look at the totality of the candidate. Yeah, i think we need more women in politics. I think we need more gay people in politics. I think we need more africanamericans in politics. But tend at the end of the day, have to looknd at what a candide stands for. We cant ignore that. Yeah, i know, im 78. I know im an old white guy. But ask viewers to checks out my record. For the last 30 years im standing up for the working families. I was wayin out there on glbt issues brit was popular, 100 voting record for womens issues. And i am prepared to do what i think has to be done right now and thatht is we are moving in many ways toward an oligarch society and imch trying to cree a diverse democracy in this country. I hope people take a look at my record. Contrast it to the Vice President s and look forward to their support. If it is if we have gotten fromf that giant field of overl down to you and Vice President biden with senator warren, again, considering her options at this sipoint, is it 100 impossible to imagine a unity ticket despite your differences between you and senatorpi biden . You and Vice President biden . You mean two old white guys on theol ticket . Youre the last two guys standing. Probably not. I think the American People dontth want one old white g is probably too many for some. I thinkis we need more diversit than. That great to see you, sir. I know this is the middle of thl whirlwind for you so thank you foryo making time. Thanks for coming to vermont. R of course, any excuse. Especially in march. We are also trying and doing our damnest to get an interswru joe biden, the otherwr front runnern this f campaign who i have not t talked to over the course of this campaign and would really love. To stay with us. Well be right back. Love to stay with us. Well be right back. Im your 70lb st. Bernard puppy, and my lack of impulse control, is about to become your problem. Ahh no, come on. I saw you eating poop earlier. Hey my focus is on the road, and thats saving me cash with drivewise. Whos the dummy now . Whoof whoof so get allstate where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. Sorry hes a baby if that was the last time ti was going to do that thing. Coming to Cancer Treatment centers of america, they treat the whole person. Everything is here. Imaging, infusion. I dont have to go anywhere else. They cared about me as a person beyond just being a cancer patient. Theyre my second family. Get care like no other. Call us at Cancer Treatment centers of america. That is just going to be about it for us tonight. Before i go, final reminder that super tuesday still isnt over, far from it. Returns are continuing to come in from california including since we have been on the air tonight talking with senator sanders here in vermont. As of right now, nbc newss characterization of the california primary is still too early to call which is funny because it was yesterday. 56 of precincts reporting that Bernie Sanders leading by 270,000 votes statewide. Nbc is so far allocated 161 to sanders, 100 to biden. That means that a whole bunch of them are yet to be doled out at all. Some of the delegates i mentioned were awarded tonight there. Reminder that this contest remains a very live race every hour. Another reminder that this is a very live race, heres my on air plea to the Vice President joe biden campaign. It was great to have this sitdown here with senator sanders. I came all the way to vermont to meet with him to do this extended interview. I will happily do the same for you. Havent talked to you at all si

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